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SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT (TO BE COMPLETED AT END OF PLACEMENT) DOMAIN 1: PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE This section provides a place to document evidence and cite examples of the pre-service teachers’ achievements and development of knowledge and skills based around the first domain of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, ‘Professional Knowledge’. This domain includes the following standards and focus areas (Descriptors for each focus area are available within the Appendices in the EDFX 311 Unit Outline): Please tick the specific focus areas related to each standard you are addressing in the report below. Please circle ‘an overall Standard rating and provide relevant evaluative comments. It is understood that pre-service teachers may not have the opportunity to demonstrate capability in every element of every standard in every professional ‘experience placement. ‘Standard 4! Know stidents and how trey eam= > 5 : [1:1 Physical, social and intelectval development and characteristics of stucents 7.2. Understand how students learn 7.3. Students wih diverse ingvistc, cultural religious and socioeconomic backgrounds 7.4, Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students _ 75. Diferenate teaching to meet the speci leaming needs of students across the fl range of abies 7.6. Strategies to suppor fll participation of students wth sabilty [2:1, Content and tesching stetegies ofthe eacing area (22 Content Selection and organization ~ |Z. Curfcuum, assessment and reporting 2.4. Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to promote reconcllation between Indigenous ‘and non-indigenous Australians [[25. Lteracy and numeracy strategies [Ze information and Communication Technology (ICT) { DOMAIN 1: PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE EVIDENCE OF DEVELOPMENT AND ACHIEVEMENT: ey te Warchint Lae ead seabed survey We woo alste do whiner 4 oasern ond proved ee ee > ead gad win FOCUS FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT: Make qunthens of oll iutonts orlvnlebe owkeones nuke “Gael ond Aioning Hon borlaaels for orp a Wils -

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