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DOMAIN 2: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE This section provides a place to document evidence and cite examples of the pre-service teachers’ achievements and development of knowledge and skills based around the first domain of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, ‘Professional Practice’. This domain includes the following standards and focus areas (Descriptors for each focus area are available within the Appendices in the EDFX31 1 Unit Outline): Please tick the specific focus areas related to each standard you are addressing in the report below. Please circle {an overall Standard rating and provide relevant evaluative comments. It is understood that pre-service teachers may not have the opportunity to demonstrate capability in overy element of every standard In every professional experience placement. 3.Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning 3:1.Establish challenging learing goals ‘3.2.Plan, structure and sequence leaming programs '3.3.Use teaching strategies _ ‘4 Select and use resources 3.5 Use effective classroom communication ‘26 Evaluate and improve teaching programs [Greate and maintain supportive and Safe learning environments [41 Suppor student parsapation “42.Manage classroom activities “4:3. Manage challenging behaviour “4.4 Maintain student safety “45 Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically 5. Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning | 5.1. Assess student leaming 5.2 Provide feedback to students on their own learning 3 3 Make consstent and compartle judgments 5.4 Interpret student data '5.5.Repor on student achievement 6 Demonstrated aaa [ q "DOMAIN: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE EvIDI Canes F DEVELOPMENT AND ACHIEVEMENT pent See and d- eS eet ee ger don i \Whourowr uh yond 5 Whirled yaad 0 vaio of wadeo do aMono emu he & wolie wash (rAforenta bo ance ees FOCUS FOR a le DEVELOPMENT: , oy Bano sin vase, pie i" feSine ; se cy em

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