Service - Sil Assessment / Ipfclassification: Markets Services Case Studies

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Service - SIL Assessment / IPFClassification

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Case Studies

SIL Assessm ent

The assessment of a safety function s Safety Integrity Level or SIL, (also
know n as Instrument Protective Function (IPF) Classification) provides a
measure of the consequences of its failure on the system or equipment s
safety, implications for the surrounding environment and also the potential
financial implications on the operating company (loss of production,
replacement of equipment etc). A SIL is one of 4 levels, each corresponding
to a range of target likelihood of failures of a safety function, w ith SIL 1
corresponding to the highest Probability of Failure on Demand (PFD), and SIL
4 the low est PFD. Functional safety requirements for safety instrumented
systems are defined in the standards IEC 61508 (Functional Safety of
Electrical / Electronic / Programmable Safety Related Systems) or IEC 61511
(Functional Safety of Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry

The ARC approach to SIL Assessm ent

ARC can help you w ith both qualitative and quantitative SIL assessments of
safety instrumented systems and has a w ide range of industry experience.
Our consultants have developed the SIL assessment tool ARCSIL, w hich
makes use of risk graphs, to classify safety functions and identify potential
problem areas. In cases w here system and equipment design must meet
safety integrity levels defined by regulatory or company specifications,
ARCSIL w ill assist identifying areas w here redesign or modification is
necessary to achieve these.
ARC consultants are also experienced in the use of fault and event tree
analysis to provide design solutions to achieve SIL ratings and achieve
acceptable equipment and system reliabilities.
Our experience includes the follow ing projects:
SIL assessment of an offshore gas processing complex as part of an
ongoing revamp and redevelopment project.
SIL assessment and reliability analysis of a w ellhead platform ESD
A comparison of the assigned SILs of a new helicopter communications
system under IEC 61508 and MoD Defence Standard Def Stan 0056.
SIL assessments of all control and protection systems for a nuclear
w aste storage facility.

Abbott Risk Consulting 2007


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