SAP Press - Reporting For SAP - Asset Accounting 2007

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‘Thomas Michael Reporting for SAP Asset Accounting > Gain an understanding of how reporting for asset accounting works for your business > Learn about powerful though under-utilized reports and tools for asset accounting > Manage and supervise fixed assets with the FI-AA component Up-to-date for SAP ERP 6.0 Em” PRESS Reporting for SAP Asset Accounting ‘Tomas Mice! Contents Preface s 1. Basic Asset Accounting Reporting Features ° Lgl! Ouabase ADA ° The lportance a he Log08 in Asset Accounting - ° Other Uses of te Log 8 Accessing the LgdB ADA ° 12 The Base Selection Sreen . 10 Short (Abbrevted) and Ful Vesion of the Busi Selection Seeen 10 Bale Selcton Screen Elents ” 13. OymameSele008 nnn Tracking Property Tax Information Using DypamieSelections enn ‘The Usell Ute eld . 5 (Other Fees Tat Are Not cluded 15 1A The Advanced List Weer (ALN) socnnsonnns YS (resting Cuton Report Layouts 5 AW and Hierachia Reports 16 WB Sort Ver 7 ‘Sort Version Congutin Seren ” 116 icoso Excel Doomload » Mult-ine to Shgle-ine Conversion 20 U7 Chapter Summary 20 2 Ascot Balance Reports » 2 Asset Balances REGO nnn m ‘aia Report Purpose and Recents us 22 Report Output : 2 22 Aset Porflio (Curent Book vase) 2 ‘Main Report Pupte and Recents 22 Curent Book vue 2 Difernces Between the Ase etic and the Aart Balancer Reports Reconliton wth the Canal Ledger 23 Tal Depreciation Report ‘ain Report Purpose and Recipes “he Selection Sean ‘set Fede ‘Adding Fede othe Total Depreciation Exeacting ASE fOIMON nn 24 Posted Depreciation Reports Posted Depreciation by Ase and Posting Parad Report ‘Main Report Purpose and Recents The Selection Scraen Report Output sted Depredation Related to Cost, Centos Report ala Report Purpose end recipes Report Output 25 Deprection Forecast Report (erection Sauition) ‘ain Report Purpose and Recipes ‘Actual Year-End Depreciation Amounts The Selection Seren Report Output 2.6 Chapter Summary 3. Transaction Reports 3A The lerarchical Nature of Wansscson Reports 32 Asset Acqustons Report - -Main Report Purpose and Recipients lsc Asset Disp 2 2% 26 26 6 2 2 2 2 ” » 3 as 38 a ‘he Selection Seren Tamaction ype ‘efaing an Asset Acgusiton ret Reliements Report, ‘an Report Purpose ana Recents Tha Slaton Seren apart Output Statistical Subsequent Cost or Revenue Dostngs ‘Asset Transiers Report Nn Repart Purpose and Repients The Seleton Seen Report Output - Specting Trnsacton Typex ‘Asset Transactions Report "an Report Parone and Repent. Crating 2 Custom Report Varant LUstof Origin by Aset Debits Report stn Report Purpose ane Recplents Faport Output ses sof Origins hy Cast Element Report ‘ain Report Furgore and Recents The Selection Seeen Report Ouput chapar summary ‘Asset History Sheet Report Asset History sheet Report nn ‘Nain Report Purpose and Recilents The Seton eh a Report Output econling the Asset History Sheet Fert contgration ‘Taman pes ‘signing Ase History sheet Groups caper Summary Specialty Reports Asset rcode Report : "Nain Report Furpore and Reiplents The Slecion Screen at es te A ph seed 26 8 38 8 “0 2 Report Output Capturing Ast Information with Thre-Fary Toots 52 Phyl iventary Ut Report - in Report Purpose and Recents = “he Selection Screen apart Output Speofng Asstt Include 153 Aust Maser Data Changes Report ‘ain Report Purpose and Recents The Selection Scteen — mst the Report to SpedleF@ Report Output 54 Ast History Report ‘Main Report Purpose and Recpients Customiing the Report Report Output ~ - 535 Res xtate ana Simian Rights Report ‘Main Report Purpose ard Recipients The Seeson Seren Report Output 56 Transportation Eauipment Report ‘Main Repor Purpose and Recplnts Report Output 57 Leming Report ve ain Report Purpose and Recipients The Selection Seen Report Output 58 Insurance Values Report Main Report Purpose ard Recents The Selection Seen Report Output 159. Chapter Summary 6 US Tax Reports (81, Mid-Quarer Alert Report, ce he Selection cten When to Include and ude Capt! Uovestent Mestree Report Outpt Including Prior Yer Tansactons os 55 56 46 7 3 8 8 60 60 6 52 Teal Deprection Report for Form 4562 ‘Main Repor Purpose and Recipies 164 Unprecton CampansonKeport ‘ain Report Purpose and Recipients The Selection Screen Report ouput a 64 Analysis of Reteeren Revenue Report ‘main Report Pupose and Recents ‘The Sleaion Serean Report Output {65 Net Worth valuatien (Property Tas Repo ‘Nain Repor Purpose and Recents The Selection Seen Report Output {66 Chapter Summary - 7 Reporting Too! 73. Simulation Versions ‘When 1 Use Sulton Versons Simulation ein Contigurtion Detale 72: cureney Tarsason Methods Using Currency Transition methods ‘curony Tanstion methods Contiguation Tarslton On a 15 73 Recleulig Values ” ‘Making Changes othe Cleulton nr) Reclelsting Valier fs Saver! or 24 Chapter Summary ” 8 Asset Explorer e 183, The Ane Explorer Seen a Depreciation Areas a elated Objects 2 ASSECWARSALORS nnn ‘Asatte 2 8.2 Asset Explorer Simulations 2 ‘Simulating Changes to Depreciation Parameters, a Simulating Ase Transactions ee 84 DepredationCalelton 5 Chapter Surmary 85 86 Guide Summary cevensnnnennnen OB A. Glossary o B Resources 90 Index oo” wasp sscon 3 Preface SAPs Asset Accounting module, which i: 4 subs ledger to the General Ledger ad is used forthe man agement and accountng af aed assets, seed by over 18,000 compaies worcwie. Alf these cmpanles use Into wack, manage, deprcate and othewtise acount or ‘heir ued eet. The indamertal purpose of the mod tutes to produce various repos for fired sets to sup er general edger secant balances, management dec sons, lng, ane psa property tacking ‘4 an SAP consult sie 195, | have helped over {0 companies worldwide implement the Asst Aecount- ngrodule. Ours te, thaveseen my cents sg le with diferent functionalities ofthe Arca Accounting systam, Indi ltelient global designs, wordwide rollouts, or simple user procedures. Al of my clots, howove, sage with one commen ise: rebabe and rmesningll reporting ‘my cents typlealy complain that Ast Accounting reporing is eventhing om cumbersome to slow, and ‘rom naccute to inacesibe, Once! nga about the etal however Llmestinaably nd thatitisnot aly ‘the Asset Accounting report that casing the problem, but eather 2 eck of pra insvuctions. Useful doc entation spate st best and mort sts ive naver received any formal Act Accounting reporting tag ven the standard SAP traning ess only seratcha he surface ofthe roporng ‘atures. ts therefore my hope ‘that this gue wil fi the reporting knowledge gp. ‘here aresomany Avs Accountngreporsand report ng queen the SAP tem that woud be oponibe to cover hemallinjustone guide. Many ofthese ropes ‘nly poly to cern counties statutory requirements others are older outotdte reports and yet othe ae Ietemal SAP conection ad aay repets. Fortunately, you probably ony needs hand of reper to provide curate cll, and acassble ase information, Ths ude wil cover these most common Asst Acountng reports and their eatures end funcioalties ‘Assumptions ‘White researching and witing ts guide, | have nade some assumptions about you, the reader |am gueang that you work with Aett Aacountng on a mote er st aly boss, be as en set accountant of state man- ge dong dy-to-day azset management work, «sper ee o's oled in suppting the Ase Aecounting ‘module, a representative fom the tx department pll- Ing together supporting evidence for I ings, or can sultant, whose Job iis to design, congue, and inple- ‘mont the Aeset Management str, Whichever the case maybe, your inters iskeyin ezring about he bale repoting apabies or Asset Accounting Furthermore, lsuspet that you ses have base SAP owatige that covers goer navigation procedures and standidfestres sucha lection seren eter: fn tion, you probably have basi accounting Inowiedge and undestandthe er aed in the Ae Mangement business. Pease note tht this ude based on SAP Enterprise Resor Planing (SAP £2) Release 6.0. Mos reports and reporing fests, however, ae salable n prey useless a we How This Guide Is Organized This guide consis of eight chante, each of which is ded ito sever sections. ll cover reporting base fist an thon explore the detals of seve specie Asset Accounting repods. Ls new reve the chapters of this guide so that you can get an idea of what you wl lean in euch chapter. Knowing how the guide I org rite can bap you cide how you would bes lhe 0 se the gue for example whether to proceed chapter by capt orn a mare modular fashion, Preface Inti preace,exlin the need forth repoting gue and provi you wih an erentaton forthe remaning chapters. an ovaries of ach chapter alo nuded ‘Chapter tase Aes Accounting Reporting Festus {Chapter explain the bas of set opoting,ncleing por selection sean, and how to wer with dynamic ‘elections srt veins and Micro Exe? dowload. Undestarsngthe asc eperog festuresungue 9 Asset Accounting reports wil be intumetal in your wade standing the mata in the remainder fe pie, ‘chaptr 2: Asset Balance Report In Chapte 2, we wll explore the deta or the most Imporantblance-based asset report for Aset Account Ing indus the Ase ance port the Ase Porto repor, he Tet Dopection report, the Posted Depre- ‘ton reportand the Deprecition Frecs repo. Each report dercpton includes dete information about the port's features. main purpose and function aswell semen pth nd aneetion code Chapter 3:Aset Transaction Reports Chapter 3 plans the mort inportan ranacton-bsd reports foraset Accounting, ncudig the Ase Acquis tion report the Asst Retirement report the Ast Tans fer report, the Asset Tasaction report, and the Ust of Onis by Asset Debits report. Ont deniptons Ieclude manu pth transaction coe, and main purpose snd fenton or exch report. Chapter 4 Asset History Sheet Report tn Chapter 4, you wal eam about the require congu= raion and detailed reporting and layout features fr the ‘eset Hity Sheet opor the mors portant ad pow: ffl report alle or ed asst. You wl lar why this report so important and how fo congue itt meet you spect reporting requirements. 15 cae Pt sey A ghee Chapter 5: Asst Spec Reports “Casper 5 wl nroduce you to eatin spec reports, whlch ae delvered nthe standard azet reporting te, suchas he Barcode report, the Phys Invertory Lst vert. the Asst Master Dat Changes report, the ‘Asset sory report, the Rel Estate and Sia gh report the Tarsportaton Equpment repr. the Leasing report andthe lnsuance Vues repr. These epet are notte he ype zeae reports explined in Chap- ters 2 and 3. Instead, thee repos provide infoation shout phi pacer of equlpment, pecly set, and ‘the changes tat have Been mage to them, ‘chapter 6: US Tox Reports In Chapter 6 youl explore the standard report spelt aly delivered for US Tax reporting purposes, intesing ‘the hi. Quater le cepa, the Deprecion Compas: on report cl the Net Worth Vlustion eport You leur how these report can help you to come the nec ‘ema st information and values when these or ne ‘ng comes around ‘chapter: Reporting Tools Chapter 7 wl intoduce you to addtional resenting tools salble fr Aset Accounting, incucing Sims tion Veo and Currency Tnsatlon Methods. These tals lp you go beyond he bate reporting options for ua ass. You eam how you can use them 2 pr ie sevanced epotsn any crency and how tanswer wnat scenarios. ‘chapter Asset Explorer ‘Chapter 8 introduces youto the Ast Explorer Tool es you pecorm comprehensve reporting and anal fora single set, nding deprecation freatng, cur eey transitions and transaction smelition, Resources art reporing Infrmstion onthe internet. There ie 2 ‘wath of nfrmatonsvallale online and! have come pile i of the mos etl links fr yout lean more about Asset Accounting eporing. (Outside of the Scope of This Book In alton to the stantard fed asa reports provided within the SAP ter, many lens us Buses nos ration Warehouse (BV) appleon for set reporting a5 well BW Isa great porn applcaton. bu i goes bejond the scope of hs Book Farn-deph BW cover ag, suggest that you se ook tthe SAP PRESS book SAP BW Reporting and Analy ‘Where to Go from Here Reporting for Asset Azcounting i an inprtnt topic eanout , yesrend cose aces, tx retire et tracking, and management decisions would be negatively Impacted In Chapter 1, we wllexpore the basic reporting fez ‘ures uigue to Ase Axcountng teats. impartant to understand these festures a5 they serve asa founda- tion for producing accurate asset reports. Acknowledgements ‘Weng thie gide ha aly bon eam effort and thus. 1th to thank te folowing people: Joh Jordan for convincing me t write this gigs my editor Ivars Saldulsh and uta VanStsn forking the bookownt- ng proces as easy at posible on me; my end Kart etinnorh for hi comined peofssonal sles: an ‘most importantly, the ene Aset Accounting develope rent tsa a SAP Wir ('m natraming ary names you know who you ae for ll your hla, ace an ‘edehip oer then 12 years ~wthou you wouldn't be were am now. Ad aly my wie Michal for put ting up with th ang hour and week-end 1 Basic Asset Accounting Reporting Features ‘Asan introcietoysteptolsring about he mos com only sed ase accounting reports inthe chapters that follow, chapter 1 wl explain in eta some ofthe base reporting feats for foed atts, Understanding and te ing these features she bai for comprehen 2nd fice sing any repating soliton. ‘4 Logical Database ADA Before we get nto the tas of Asset Accouting repo Ing let's tak about fete in SAP products cle ag al Databases. A ogi! Database (Log) sa group of comple ABAP prograns dened to perfor efcent ita eteval frm vaso dalbate tables. Put spl, ‘the Log08 reed slat information, ncang master ua, values, and tanictons, and it does 30 fa very tfficent manner Heving worked as a constant fora number af eas | have met many people, most from tecnica teams, ‘that consider Legel Databases tobe the oot of al el Nothing. however, coud be farther fom the rath since ‘the Logeal Database pis a etal part in asset repos. Infact, mos otal standard et Accounting pots se the Logie Databsse ADA (which sthe asset spetic Legb8) for data selecion, mount eseletons, and ‘poring output. ‘Mest meds in SAP products have thei ov LagD; for eample, te Lopes! Database for the Investment ‘Management module SAA, and fr the Poet Stem The importance ofthe LogDB in Asset Accounting When using the Asset Accounting reports, LagDB b the tol of hole forall standard sat reports, Why? Because you use It for set infomation selection and, ‘more important, t cleats al ase values (Le, net ook vale athe begining ofthe cl yea ffl a deprecation amour, e) for you autora. Cther User ofthe Log08 You might be surprised to ler that the mest commonly ured ast values, uch a the acqution cot othe nat book value en stored inthe asst database tables, but recast at runtime, The ogi esponsle fora ofthese caleltons Should you ever conider creating crs ABAP report oan ABAP gunn, you must ensure that you use the Lag08 asthe bass oral selections and amount tulators, ths way, you can ensure thatthe amounts Calated ia your custom report match the eorespend- Ingamounsinthe ands reports,beaure you're wing the same formula ord inthe Log08. Accessing the LogDB ADA I you wat to learn mace shout the LagOB for fed sents, do the fdowing: 4 Go to Tanscion SE36 and enter ADA" 2 Chek Display tose the structure othe LogD8. Figure 1 show you whittle ae Included othe LogO# and thelestonship to each the Note ‘You can find more information about Log08 on SA" ‘lp west at http » mySAP ERP « ‘SAP ERP Cenzal Component «English of by follow tng thi ink ‘etp:/ en s/7 eo4480114389f0000008 Seaham 1 Bsc et cunt apogee ‘Display Logical Database ADA (ABS CG Seon [snes [mie Oona] ee eee eel E eS eee Bi ~~ Ta ~ Sines iceman 42. The Basic Selection Screen ‘As was enatoned in Section 13, the LagO® i uted in almostall set reports, In action to master data selec- {ion apd ancunt calculators, the LogDB bo provides the bate lection errs seen eal eport The ston scans used forthe vous standard Fund Ase reports ae very sel; my of them te Faure 1.2 shows the baie election eee init shock ‘veron. The abbrevates version include alin ange of slecton fds. For ample, i this ease, only the ‘set lars ls is avaliable selection een the ‘Selections section. tually dental n fact, the Log08 ADA for Asset fummarm =p »o Bf ecountng cues just han of varieone of the ssa | basi selection screen a eC vay apart tarts witha base selection sree that | allows uses to nt ther epots to cern scletion cr | teria auch as ates, set dates, dite range, ee. In {hes sector, we'l ake a close lok atthe base election seit adit feature In Chapter 2 and 3, wel go oer the det for each set apr and Lent any specif sleton seen Aeatres tare diferent om the base xzeen. Short Abbreviated) and FullVersion of the Basle Siem) emanate Buse a ston (Se —————e aoe wou team amr > afl vasion > ‘shore abbreviate) version 10 ats Pras np AP here ‘You ean sertch easly tom a short selection seeen to ts {ul version by ekg the buton labeled Al Selections. Figure 13 thowa the base selection sreen for most Asset Accounting reper insu vrsion, which uses {Ul asc slction ld. You wl notice tht the Selec tions ston now ines several atonal fice sich asthe Business aren, Cost center, Plat aera tase Selection Sreen Elements Thebasiceletonseren hes ceverl alements, nce unique iene and the Selections and Settings see tins at’ ook at them elemensin more deta niga eters Because ary fed assets uniquely ented by he com bination of Company ode, Asset number, and Sub- number, almost every report includes these the elds atthe wey hegining a aati ern Th atest ‘a5 0 limita rpor tout conan assets. For example, muy compare ua dre umber anges for ceiain {ses (Asset under Construction (AuC) could Ben ‘than asset number ef, wile bulge might sta vith 227 ee) Selections Nex the bus sleion screen inde section beled Sections, which contains the most commonly sed enter, Plant te. Al of there fle refer tothe infor ratio stored in thessat master ecard (a ope 2 the ase’ value). The buttons tothe right ofthe c= tion els allow fo multi selections, such 2 complex Inclusions and excsins by range or inva vales, sattings ‘he Settings section ines very important reper: psrreters such asthe Report dts, Depreciation ara, {2 Sort version, Furthermore, contin the Transl. ‘lon method parameter. Let ook a ach parameter in sore deta > Report date The Report date parameter determines tha the aset values ar tobe cleslted and played a of hat hte, Depending onthe epet yeu use, you can't ster just ay date hare, You have to corier tree ferent Scere for entaring this dats, which wa For the purpose of impifeston, | am slag afc year equal t the calendar yor (0101-12731) i all ofthe example inthe ie. Reporte inthe caren cal yest You en enter any dat hat falls on the est dy of | period For exsmpl,ssuing x andar elon ary, you cul enter 1/31, 228, and 331. for ‘eames report dates, becae they al fil on he last day of perio (or month) you ware to enter mid-month dite such 24 3715 or 4/10, the sytem would sue an err message (Message AU? — Repo te inva. These ae not vai eport dates Silty, entering theft dy of «ped Gor 77 ete) would eel nthe ame ero mesgs being sad ‘There one exception to tile, When yu eter the ist day of the scl yar asthe report date, the se Att Acontng epi Fees system asthe last ay ofthe pie fiscal year to an the ape In other words, if you entered 1/1/2008 asa rept date, the stem would we 12/31/2007 Insen.This eae ha he vals veportad at he bejnirg of year would equel the vues atthe end ofthe pewous fc year Report ate for prior fiscal years Inti scenario, you have to feentiate between ‘we sepa ass Por cl yeas are aad dosed in Ave scctng "te ee year you're tng tora the report or eacy cos, the system allows only the lst ay ofthe fea yeaa the prt dle, Aptian. Astana calendar yer, you wuld ony be abe te we 12/31 asthe reporting date Al other dates (end amonth ana middle or begin of ont) would esuRin an aor meage (eage ‘AUTIB- Report Date vali for cose fea ye). The reson why Asst Accountng won't st you Un report roe dosed cal yeas, with report ato ether than the ast dy ofthe cl ya that wold cae the LogkalOsabase to essa ase aes forthe tne pid spaced he. you ete 9/30 25 he report date, the Log0B would raclate teatet values fom 1/29/30). Now, ifthe cepreation tems foran asst have changed since hat tmetame, the system woul celeste ew ase valves inthe reper. which wouldn't -mat the original amount clelated in he pri fecal yar, Conversely when you use the last dy ofthe 6s calyenra the report dt, the LogD8 does’ have te receulat ny values since the endo he-eat amounts have aay been sored in th database tables, ble ANLC~ Ase Summary Ve abl. > Por sal years ares open n Ase Accounting he prior al yaar epan in the Accourting modules, you can enor any and-of- the-pitiod date the repotng dae (eg. 331 oF 6130 ee). Using any oer epertdat wt rest In an wor messge esage AUTI?- Report Date inal, 1 oer sen A gh eo > Report cate in future sca years “The les for rung reports or fata fel yeas are arto hose for lose fal yen. The tem allows yout enter only the ast dy ofthe Fs al yer the eport dite I yur wing a tans ‘lend yes you an enter ay fare eel yar or your report. Howeve yout wing any other Ae Cal yer vesions (244-5 oryar-dapendent al yea, you an onl se the fui scl yeas that Fave been maitaned in your seal aera. For ‘example, you Fiscal calender is matecaned al the ‘ay tough 2009, you can un sie reports up that yer Ifyou ted to run arportfor any ofthe folowing ye, the stem wort be abe to ee ‘ods asa values and therefore would inv an or message Depreciation area ‘The Depreciation ares fel inthe Setings section Isanother very inpstant report parameter. An ast can have up 109 diferent deprecation was end each depreciation area's for vacing diferent et of asset values. For example, depreciation area 0% cud be wed to track the set ales scoring to US GAAP (Generally Accapted courting Princes) \aluaton and accounting princes, wie deprecie- ‘on ae 10 cou be wd to trace the same aes Us ede tx values, Depreition area 30 could be used to wack he ase’ consoled group vals bsed on another statutory accountng pine ase consoldation i done according to Geman Gna? accounting ris "Rs therefore cal tht you chacte the coect Aeprecation aes when rine 3 epor. You must abs ask youself Who ithe tended repent of this report? For eample if your'e runing por for your tax department, you shoud be using ata specie depreciation azea such a8 deprecation aes you're running a report use for recon tion purptesbetwewn th Caner Ledger and Asset Accounting subldgar, you should be using deprecation ere. Won the other hand, your epert Isfor supporting consltion values, you sould use deprecation tes 30 031 (assuming he sanders Char of pret stp) > Sort version ‘other ingortntprameter nth Setting ection ste Sort version since it conto the sort and sub- toms ote report cutout. ln ct the Sot veion| parameter aso impartant for he overall quley of “ny ase repo that waren gong over the deals of using sr versions snd haw to st thar up cn furan later on inthis chapter i Section > Tanlation method “he Transation mettod canbe ured to depiy ‘the asset vals inary crane required (lft ‘lank he report wil how the ate value inthe efutcurency as species inthe configuration (or the Depreciation aes). Sting up various cir- roncytrasaton melhode sa power way to an ssc reports in any arency using aide varity of change tes. You mlm mere about curency transitions in Chapter > other options Last the Settings ton lets you spe the deta level tbe report wing te folowing oper > Ut ccete Sect this pont spec that you want to se Indiv ae numbers you wat to an ‘the report fora lined numberof set only, you shoul select :his option, Noe tht this st nce eset mas numbers nd subnumbers, > norman numbers only This option works tke the ist assets option, however ony shows te main number b= rurners ar atl up and alld int the sin rurber > sr group totals oly ‘This option lows yout ae group total at ined by the Sor-vesion you have selected. you havea sgnifent number of at recor, you should elec ns option, ote The tem goup cota retest the Set and subtotal setingr inthe sor werion ured. For example et say that ou entered aor veslon tha sorts and sub totals by company cose and seat cast (inthe Standard SAP sso his sort weston 0007). When you run the report wBh the ..oF group tots only option, you would get one subtotal foreach set class and one over ttl foreach company code ‘that you iced inthe report. you un the same report with 2 diferent Sort venion (ue, set vento ‘0014 ~ sot and subtotal by cost centr, you would get one sub-total Ine foreach east center include In the report. The two reports would add up to the same overall ttal amount, but would look com- Petey diferent due tothe diferent sort veins Now well look at he Second pt ofthe base econ seen ie Figure 14), Cerone Potrero 9 ocr edi ures Sectn Semen Dy Opts ipay Options The Display options secon allows you to turn the ‘vanced Ust Viewer (ALN) asl option ono ff an us a specie Display variant you may have ales ce= ated, el lok athe ALV splay option in move deta Teter this ese, Fort Slecone Nest, the base selection seean ince the Further sections section, which contains the folowing other «commonly ued selection fs Balance sheet account the asset cost ecount Capitalization date » Acquistion value Accumulated deprecation Book value ‘The va lds inthis scion refer to the ase aes {opposed tothe fldsin the Selection section, which ‘eer othe formation tore nthe ast mace rcoe ‘You shoud alo note that ll these aver would be ae lated as ofthe eprtng date you enter. 1 as oe ccunting Reporting Fests 43. Dynamle Selections In addon to the fs elepayd on the basi selection s20en las expaned in the previous section, all tandard ‘Aust Accaunting tapos afer whet are eed Oynumie ‘elections Dynamic zeectone prowde aden fel {ec elation on te reporting seen, ‘There felds include adeltonsl asset mater record field and eentan administrative Information (eg, the name ofthe ter who crested thease maser record, ‘he datetine of creation, who fst change the asset record ee) You can ell the dyna selection by eke lng the corerponding ion ae sown in Figure 15. Tackng Property Tax Information The Met Worth Tx tab ued to tack certain property taxlnformation for asset master records (Net Wert Tax isan awkward wanslaton for Property Ted). Generally oshing, he fils on th tsb are no valle on the ble selection sen of eet report, ‘These fle te, however, valable a dynam see: tions in est reports, a hown in Fgue 1.7 inthe ac- tion Net worth valuation, xngmn act beste — Fie 15 Dyan Secs an ‘once you invoke the dyamic selections, 2 secondary indo diplys on top ofthe selection sree, which fers 3 it of sdetionalslecton fede. Thee fee Inctude mortal lds of the asst mastercard, how= vers fewimporant feldssr not avalable. wi ela the eason forth sort ‘Oymamic selections sre organized according to the serean layout ofthe standard asset master record. For fvample the ast master record cantsns a Net Worth Tox tab fo the Ist of Fels avalable on ts ta (ce Figure 2.8) (Ba) Change Renae waster ae Bree cory ba Fmt 4, 2s Pe 209A ar en Fre? Sym eens Net Wet eaten Using Oya Stectons “To ue any ofthe feds Irted under the Oymamic selec tion shown in Figure, perfor the fowing step: 1 Select he ft, 2 Clicethe Copy con (is she an with height ‘acing back trangearow, to the et of thecon swt the teh can smb, The fel wl then appear a5 an edo! selecton ce terion For eample, sec the Bld Property indlestor 2 shown In gure 18 a6 chek the Copy con, Ast Accounting wil how the Property indict na sept- rate boxto the ight sadam select ction. Inadation tothe most commanly use els that re ans ase havea section elle Administitive Da, os shonin inFigue 19. This section inudes Repl elds seh a the ame ofthe user who crstd the ae, as ll 9 the crenton date, geet pari sec Popeye Als suinble te he Change by ant Changed on fel, 25 well 5 deletion ana lock indicators. These files can bbe uf whem anang who hat changed an att o hen an asset was changed. See Figue 19 forthe st of Administrative Dat eke, Reset Balances 2B conser 1B centr B cnn ‘oeeruen B Gonntesete, gee ag Omani Sein haribe Daa “The Use Life Fie ern that sald eae alos al feld ar avalable ss dynam slectone? Wil, one Feld that suspiciously rssing fom the ist of avalabe dynamic selections isthe sell ie Feld. Unforanately, SAP dd ot inch in the dynam selections 3nd, consequent, sone of the standard SAP Fed Ast reports allow you to vse the ‘Since Use Ite Ie gute an important Selé inact reporting, special fo tx reporting purposes, 1g ett tat you cesta stom query or ABAP report that Includes the Uff fld In ho selection sre, ‘ther Fels That Ace Not Included (ter fel that ae not included inthe dam se ions are the Depreiaon Key ths fd ts valle on thebuteslecion screen othe Toll Depreciation report however ~ ase Chapter 3), Doprecton Star De (oat avalabi on any repr, and varus other deprecation falds Again, scantom query or ABAP capo would be 8 pose workaround fort (or te use of 0. ‘4 The Advanced List Viewer (ALV) [As of SAP ERP 6.0, most andar Aste Aacountng repos a6 Advanced Ust Viewer (AlU-ensbled. ALY provides a user interac, whch enabler dynamic ou putefrepors. Without ALY, thestandaet Ase Account Ing eeprt outputs are tt ns, meaning that fer the report hasbeen rn, user can ro longer madi the ou ut Figure 110 shows an example of the Ase Blancas report without the ALY funtion Notice that the cipay columns ae feed (8, ou amet ad, dete, or mod the ening clue), 0 dstoral sort or subtotals we possible, and you can't ‘ul any alto the report. Moreover, advanced down losd fonctions (ach a Excel or Word downlod) are ‘leo not aval, Compare that report output to the Alvenabled ‘report shown in Figure 111. 1 the eect ame rep {bit the ALY option ftumed on. Notice that you can ‘ie al clus, a el a aor delete cola Hf yo want. You en le sor and rbot hs repor us ny column. Furthermore, you can download tis report ditty Int other oficeapplatons (suchas Meet Eel of ‘Missoft Word), eral thi epor,o° erst a graphic ‘har nd ade fils ot by using ne icansinthe sophie ton bar The ALY makes l thse functions possible ‘Torun an ALV-enabied repo, ensue that you have selected the option Use ALV grid onthe bai lection tena nf the report chown igs 132 ‘creating Custom Repor Layosts ‘nother great feature of ALV reports hat they let are cea custom report layout For example, the fst 0 clurnns ofthe report show the asset main number and vm seecom 15 1 Sac oat canting parting Fests ‘eset aianeas fee ere ee) ave ft ac opti AY py On Fire Hr at Bs apr tb ALN Dp Open -ubnumber etry you ant toadd clu inthe fest, postion show the Company code. To do this, ck the Change Layout button (this button lok ike spread ‘els and eck the Copy btn, Te save tis custom ay- ‘out clethe Save layout buton (eh baton Laks tke 4 spreadsteet with soppy dk leon. You could then ‘lect te Diphyvaiantn the Display options section show in gue 112 16. as rope seve = [ss — Fem eM Dopo LV and Mierarhial Reports [ALY does have one downside, however. it sn’ wot for hearchiel reports uch a the Asst Tans in repo the Asset Acqubstons report, and the Ast esarneguaRoRS ee ey Cer] i= Sis grup at un Rape oa nah apo Retirement or Ase Taser epers). Hlachial ports show an ase master record and beneath umber of 1 good example Is the Asset Acquisitions report shown in Figure 113. Notice that the atet 2987 shows four Acquistion posts. Ths reports considered to be hierarchical Because the posting wantactions 376 on ‘ower evel han the master eore Unfrtunat, ALY esr suppert such reports and the sytem wl sto rmatially sth tothe cass yout 45. Sort Versions ‘Almost every Asset Accounting report allows you sp: ya sort verson on the asc selection secen. AS was recy mentioned zr veron ae very important 0 ‘act they ae etal to your report output, because they determine what your rear wil ook ke snd aha fel (oF columns you can ad to your report aftr you have erceuted it They so determine whether the repo il Spay asetsubmumbes or ust an asst main number total, and whit ort lve! wl show up wth subtotal Yee, many wees spy seep the dealer varon and never get to uneck he power of the standard Asset Accounting reports Sort Veron Configuration Seren To understand how sor vera wot, let's look at the aniguraton sen for az version Figure 116 howe the confguation sven ofthe standard Asset Account- Ing Sort version 0007, which sorts and subtotle seat reports by company code and aie ls, (Ghaige iw "Son Versions or Asse RaparingTOm fc = ——— Fey The Cangton Sen So on ‘oacces the contguation or sort versions, gto Tans section OAV, oF use the menu path IMG + France ‘Accounting + Asset Accounting Information Sytem + Define Sort Versions for Asset Reports, ‘AS you can sae, this sor version uses the te fel ‘Company Code and Asset Clas sot lvls. They re spctod with tar terra names (Company Cae = [ANLAV-BURGRS acest Clas = ANLAV-AMKD, Furthermore, srtlevel contol the ede of he port ‘output. In thi case, al asets il be sorted by company ‘ode, ad thon by ast cass. Additonal, the ort ver Son wil produit & toa tne for each ort lvl a nd ated by the selected Total checibox. Th parti sor oman pesscon 97 1 Bc set counting Ripon Fetes version wll output a sbsotal foreach azote and ‘other evel total forthe compay code, paying Aaaon) eles Thefact tht the sort versions the twoflds Company Code and asst class wi make thereto elds avable in ay ast report as acional lds that can be ci Played as column. For nai, the basic Asset lances tear doesnot Include aol hat shows the sset cl for ech set see Figure 115. Reset Balances ed, the Column Set section ould show the cost center ia eld avalable to a6 othe report 2. Slat the appropiate eld in the Column Set see ‘onan clk the lof sro eo, This athe fel {othe Displayed Columns section of the window. 13. Chek the Tenser ican green checker t lize the change. WCE Displayed Coterns gr 5 set Bares apo But because this report uos standard sort version 0007 hich ices the asst cs Feld, we can now dd {his eld tthe repos. To do so, perform the foowing steve 1. Gick the Change Layout (CTRL + icon This pans the Change layout clog box shown i lure 116, which sts onthe right side under Column Set ll ofthe valle ds you can add tothe report ‘hi cae the Ase Clas eld), Rorembir thelist of felt inte Clam Set section Ie contol bythe srt version you use for ea le ort sero OO14 Gor by cox cate) had bean = ce a was Figure 96 Chg Beso A te st Cs eo 8 nee ‘The result, shown in Figuce 17, the same report as before, but with the asset cles information avalable in en adtioal clu, named Class ‘As you ean $80, choosing the correct srt vein is ctl to producing meaningful eprtsn AsotAcount- ing “Therefor, make sue tht your sort vasoninldes the fds thet you want to diy. in adetion to the standard felés on any asset report. nother words, the feet version contol which adina fas you can d= Playin an asset report. ae 6 = Sea 0naed ge 7 he lacs ep wih he Ca Colma Doped 18 ocaltohan a7 Ape ne. te 9 Nanas Sommnara | ae — Soe — ae | oo See ae Limitations There a, ofcourse eta iain inherent to this funcionlty, You ean ory ineude Blin the sor ver fon that ate aunble ane sort werson eomnguratin Transition OAV ote you want to include adios! fade that are not valbl in Transaction OAV, you have to do 2 Ite ding You ca read CSS note 335065 or moc nor ration 16. Mlerosoft Excel Download ‘Most standard ALV-enbled repos include 3 direct ova link to Maso’ Excel appltion. This lows you to manipult eset data eal for farther reporting, oF to upload eset information ito another software application (eg. te sttae, propery tax Interfsce,conaiation systems te), In fact, most asset eports not oly intertace with cor xe, but seowith other stand fc apa cations such as Mlerrof Word, crest Aces” and ‘ail appeaton. Figure 118 shows the standard Asset Blanes repre sing ser vesion OO13 arte nd u-totaled by com pry code and th he Let get option elcid, Sih Ply cick the kon labeled Spreadsheet dowmload this ‘porto Excel atomaaly ‘When youclc the on, Excel stats ina rew window, ‘Asset Accounting vill then automatically download al ser data it the Excl spreadsheet soe Figure 19. Notice that Aset Accounting dd act downland ay subtotals or overall ate Ge, the grand total by ‘company code fs sown on the reper in the Ast Aceauatng site, bt cot ncaded inthe Mo soft Exel spreadehet), aso, Assot Accounting vt rot dnl any fier cts or esom sorting to Miroof Exel Th maka ear to work ith the aan rest Excel since the preadsetconabs only ase dats, ‘Asset Balances Figure set ans ep cs Dwele ok Huiioon teat Worbion eam ‘@) o G® Pow Fowt es Goe ne tie 6 hed BNF Bw awe FL 1B EN OM 2 aa S 1s he iss = |0 7 ules sal ae. z, F. oT Thi Ocerone coer vt ‘ “Siva! _seasr anid fie 2 Adnan Bang tos Aapees 0 : ‘os 020| Ecfior § Sacecme aan ‘agreed roam) esto] 081600 Ue0| Shine 8 _ExenlrLoneg Romp Sogn DUNNER toon seen) to e009 Ud Pre 9 Mow ance por Orvncded Dey a omssp pecan 19 1 base vet coning Rooting str a WoT [ee ot ee det te oe iowa tore gre on ioe 1@ E- HN am eee TET = Roe ruieesiien - = ———— Bonen rll eerie Fie) Ege Dowd ta Mi Bel Fgesz0 Ot utr ofr A Hy es ‘ulti to ingle-Line Conversion ‘Another hp etre of the new Mise Excel dawn oad funatbralty in ERP Release 6.0 the fact hat the donload wil now conver multhine reports In Asset Accounting to singe-lin reports in Microsoft cal. For trample igure 120 shows the ol Ase Hoy Sheet ‘reper (ae referred to athe Ace Roi-Fore epert since shots the begining blancs a he star of the your al seat acy for the year, and the ending bal= nce ofthe end ofthe yeu, ‘As you cen see, the report displays the information for ait 105 in four lines In ear Aest Accounting relates, the Wirosf Exe! downlod faction would hve tarred the dita n four rows to Exe, which renders lost wes fr futher manipulation or ana In ERP falease 5.0, the stem now uses 2 Srgavow foci for thi report and alto downloade the dla to Microsoft el in siglo frat, wih kes r= ‘her data aniplation ae reporting a breeze See Fie= are 124, here ll values for ase 1108 aro now shown In aengierow 47 Chapter Summary Inthe chapter, which lays down the foundation or the remainder ofthe book, you lesmed about the most important reporting festres of the Asset Acountng 20, Oates 207A ps en, ‘module, Hopefly, you now hive abetter understanaing taf Asat Accounting The important points to remeber from this chapter are: The Log08 ADA Ss used in mos al standard Asset, Accounting reports and ic eesporsibe fr alta selection and vale caleltons. ‘Addon, the Log onto the basi slecion sere for ach repo, > Most asset reports use the sme or avery sar base selector even, > The Report Oste, Deprecation Aes, and Sort Vesion se the mot important tings foray report > oymumieSlecsons are avalable nal standard Asset ecounting repos and provide action eld for selection, > The Advanced Ut Viewer (lV) ensbles eyrarie report outputs tit cn be changed by vrs, even aera eporthas ben an > AW proviesa dct downlod funciona 0 Mirosof Bxcel and ther Meret Ote appa + Sortwarione nt ony prouide te sot and rabies Inve fors report, bts contra the it of - dle fds tha canbe added toa poe. tn chapter 2,yu't ls about the most commonly ves bulaneebated asset reports 2 Asset Balance Reports The standacd reports a SAP Aset Accounting can be grouped int thee male ator: Balance-based reports “These reports show ne ast blences uch a equ sibon ost, accumu depreciation, net book ale ete) a of spr date the eperting date Tranraction based porte ‘hese reports show poste wancacins fr ast or specie time period (opposed toa spec point In ume as with balane-based repr) The time peed url i yeato-date, but can ao be mide yer (Le, second quar, lly December, et). Other eports These epets inde hybnid reports he the Asset istry Sheet aport which both blanc: and trasacson-basea)ormaster dat repo (uch 3 the ‘Asset Change repo) In this chapter, wel seus the mot portant balance based reports er ed ets, For each repr, ou'l nd the menu path to exer the report andthe tansacton code ua to startin adeton, youl nd the techni report name ists. Note If you're anything tha me, you probably ces going ‘through a ong manu path to fd the right report. ‘Over the years, have managed to memorize te tech- ‘eal apart names ard they havent charged ince ‘the early days in Asset Accounticg). and now use the following shortcut for anyunere Inthe SAP sytem to tr any report: System Service Reporting From there you cn nthe techn report name the Progam eld a Showa In Figure 2, and ik the Execute eon Geen checks ian, without te) sty also execute asset reports det a Tans tion SE3B. you dont ve the proper authorization to run Tasaction SES8,atenatvey, you can use Tatton $A28. RSA: Program Bicaion Geesas Seema [nen pecs ———p great Cat et apr Dy Taon 98 sch report desertion sli includes the main purpose of lor reciplont fo the ropert and a deraled explanation of, ‘the report fetus ad factions 24. Asset Balances Report The fist caper well ook a isthe Ast Balas reper This vapor is probably the most widely used report in ‘Asset Accounting, because of ts simple and easy to understand layout. The report shows the acquision cost accumulated depreciation, and resulting net book ale for an ast sof the reporting dat. In addin, ‘he eport includes the asst man aumber and subaum bay, eaptalzaton dat, and desertion by det The information equrd to acess the Asset Balances > en Path ‘Accounting Financ Accounting Fed Aset+ Infomation Systm «Reports on Asset Accounting Asset Balances Balance Lists - Ase lances 2 hoe ace pot > ‘ransaton Code SALRB7O1I963 RABEST_ALvOT in Rept Purpose and Recipients The Asset Balances report provides a simple asst Ist ng that ireludes the company code, asst rain urn ber and susnumber, eptazaton eat, and descriton The report alu incades the acquisition cst, Metodate Aepreciin, an net boc valve. The main repent of hs reportare genera Asset Accounting departments. Report Output See Figure 2.2 for the deft Asset Balances report ou Putt isimportantto notice that al vals inthis report areas of the reporting date, which means tat the aes multe diprecation shown Is ona eo bass Ths rect dot not show deprecstion forthe cunent year epartly rom prior year amounts nor can it show the diferent deprecation (pas Separately (2, onde nary depen vi, unplanned deprecation vs. speci depreatin ete) ‘Ato by au, the amounts down ae planned depre- dation ameuts forthe yarand dont take nto account ‘whether ny deprectin hs already been posted in the ‘system. For a report that shows posted values, so Sec- ‘The Ast Balances report isa simple yet handy report thanks tot selerplnatoy play. very uel to {eta quick snaps of your asset base sof the report ing date 22 Asset Portfolio (Current Book Value) Asyoul se, the Ase ajo reports seeiglyMen- tat the asset Balances report Le, thasthe same tech ‘il nar; Homever, tbs diletent wanacon cose and manu pith. explain thin mere detalinamomet The repr tel works jst tke the Ase Blanes port andthe ouput or both epotsis as ident ‘The infrnation equred to aces the Ase Posto por i flows: Accounting» Financial Accounting Feed Aceate+ Information Stan «Reports on Asset Azount- Ings Preparation for closing» international» ‘Asset Prtlio (Cuvent Book Vales) > Tansacton Code Sata s7012081 > Technical Report ame ABEST_AWot ‘Main Report Purpose and Recipients The Ast Portlo repr isthe seme report asthe Ast Balances report simple aset sing with acqustion cst fe-to-date deprecation, and nat Book value) but ‘ith ported (as opposed to planned) vas, W's usd ‘ny fr reconcaton purpoces with the Canc Lede ig. Th main recipient fe th ert ithe general att ed nncil accounting department current Book vue The option Curent Hook value in the Further st- tings Seton i an important reporting feature because saan BOSD Dae een {ony Preset Pt —— a = Fares hae Banas apo Dt par oak 22 Call es 207 Ah re Ie controls what type of deprecation values are shown on the report: planned or posted amounts. By deat. moet set counting pots show the panned depre= any deprecation posting rus have been performed yet Selecting the option Caren book vale, 3¢ shown in Figure 23 on the other han, wl take posted depecae ton amounts into acount. coo Fire24 The Caan skal Opto Diferences Between the Asset Portfolio ane the Asset ances Reports Toexplain how the Ast Poole vepert ifr om the ‘Asset lances report consider the folowing example. An ssc s capitalized atthe begining of the yet. The sys tem has caleted $12,000 planed deprecation forthe ee cal yea ($1,003 per orth. Ruin the Aset Balances report forthe sset at of 12797 sould chow $12.00 ln he deprectioncohur (becase hs the Planned amour fo the entire yea). The Asst Potolio report, however, woulé show 2or0 I the depredation ‘alr tbeeause no depreciation has ben posted et ‘or the fst deprelaton posting atthe end of anuay, the Ase Prtiobo rept would show $1000 of poste opreciaion as of 13, Roconeistion with the Goneal edger ‘he main reason for wing ths reper Is fo consi ‘ion purposes with the Ganeal Ledger (GP, For eam= ie, run the Asset Porte epor wit srt version that Includes the assets Gi cost acount Ge, tant sor \verson 0003) and sale th option Group totals only, 25 Toa Drotectonepet and youshoul getaeportthat ols he the ane shown In Figure 24 [As you can ze, the report sows a subtotal foreach {un account or example, Gt acount 21000 (OMe Equipment) shows an acquiion cost of $25,000, To reconcle this amount othe Genel Ledger, you coulé simply go to Transaion FSION (Display GI. Account Balances) and compare the acrount tlance to the reported amount the Asset Prliorepert 123, Total Depreciation Report The Total Deprecton reports much more power than the Asset Slenees report, because neues nore ‘detalles information about each ast mtr rand 3 ‘wall as the ast value, isa signa report due to tsedensive ser record el it and cotrespandng ‘set values, induding begening and ening balances, ‘arent year depreiton, and asset activity summary amounts. In adtion, the report provides ages bas The information equeed to access the Total Depredi on ports flows > eu Path ‘Accounting Financial Accounting Fed Asset = Information Systems Repertson Asset Account- ing Explanations fr Pa Internation «Depr= ction Total Depreition > Tantation Cade SALA 87012008 Techical Report Name AHAFA.ALVON| ‘Asset Balances GSGs! Gas wi Sie ghee Pat mo joo — grea Ae ines ed a ody nae 2 Are Banc Rept ‘Main Repert Purpese and Reipents The Total Ceprecition report provides an extensive ast listing wth begining and eding balances ad detaled information fr accumolsted depreciation vers curent year depreciation, Alo, the report cin show diferent epreatin types (ordieaty depecton, unplannes, ‘peck, ee) and ft neides 3 Jong It of ast mater recor lt ‘This complex reper provides s very complete seat repocingpcure because ofthe breakout of caret year General Ase Inforation > Company Code Asset Main Numer and Submumber © Captalaation Date Description Quantity and Unite Measure > TiesDapenant ett information > Pant YES (Work reakdown structure lent > vendor yz. Curent yoar acuity includes all asetposongs that Tass ceud during the yr (eg, eset acuistions, te “Goudnep | Pomes oaiay peau woman Re rents, anf, etc). Figure 23 sows the columns or rote pe these transcinal value. asp | Pent arpenan moun or esate pees ESSE TSE pice | preed pron dation eo ere — ta ‘esr ed forme pny aan th ering red) “igre ped cs et ey Sealine ome spent ipa pec and ce ot er ce ‘tonne Tsar | Samo wry episo ow ral rcmata | sumo nina dito as rat Entbot ve | eg ook a a amputee ommssrprescom 25 2 Ame bance epers > DeprectionTems Depmtiston Key > se Ute epilation Start Date (ornaydepreciion sta ate and pei deprecation sar de) Adding Fide to the Total Depreciation Report Fguee 210 shows the Total Depreciation report in its left you, sored and sub-tatled by company code (andar so vesion 0013). As you ean tl rary elds are hidden but could be added tothe report ouput by cing he Change Layout ion (Ct + FB) Te ice adn elds inthis ep, you should re the appropiate sort versons. For eample, #348 ‘the asset Cass ld to ths report simply use a sc ver- hon tht elude he aset Claes ld 3 soraubtotal evel (Le, sanded Asset Accounting Sor veson 007) Figure 277 shows how the report changes when {sng Sor version 007. The report now shows the asset ‘las ld and added subtler each ata If you're uncear about how ths weeks (ie, egarng the mpactnce of chosing the eoeet som version, read section 35 ‘trating Asst Information ecause ths report incdes so many asset master record fel and srt value, Ws a great choice as an set centract tcl. for example, you need to exact asset Inloratie for further procesing ae, for np into a ‘hies-pany property tax syste, or an inventory manage- rant systam tc) consider using the Taal Depreciation report. You can download ites into Exe na snge- line tema jus by esig the Lael File eo (9). 2.4, Posted Depreciation Reports ‘The standard Ase Accounting infeematin jt offers two ferent ports fr posted depreciation The fist repaints posted deprecition amounts by set number ‘nd porting period, while te second report is porte depreciation by cost antes Posted Dapredtion by Asst and Posting Pelod Report “The Posted Depreciation by Asset and Posting Peed report. shows the etal posted depciston ab opposed to Planned deprecation amounts) foreach indingual asset record and by posting ped. ‘he information rquted to acer the Ported Dep chon by Asst and Posting Petid report a follows: > mens Path ‘Accounting «Financial Accounting Fined Aste + Information System + Reports on Ast Account Ing» Coat Accounting Depreciation Posted « Posto depreciation by asset and posting period epee Ckl 3 ESS DREESH SSEE Us ee gue i0 “tl Orn apr -Daast Layout (i as i ee sale iter Sia ams — ele eens Fiera oa Onto pa, er Si! by Ae Ot > Taneation Code 5.P99_41000192 > Tecnica! Report Mame Query = 28 ‘main Report Purpose aid Recipents “This report st the sci deprecation that was posted to te incl ast master rcor fo each deprac- atlon period. The reat ss the difetentdepredaton ‘yper(ordnan pec unplanned, et) in apart col umn. The maa feapiens ofthe report ae the general finch and see accoertng departments ‘he Seletion Seren Figure 212 shows tate selection sree forth report ‘very flrenc rom the basi sleeon sen. The only val lecon enter the Company Code, Ast Number, Substlumber, Cost Center, and deprecation potting yaar ard period. None of the tancad elec: ‘on options, indudig the dynamic slecions, we ava le, Fusthermore, you cannot enter a or vero on ‘he selection sren, Th mis the ub of eport sigan Report Output Figure 213 shows the deta report output. As you can se, the report ess out the deprcition amounts by Aeprection yp ora unplanned, spe et) and 2.4 Pot Daprctn Reports (Posted Depreciation by Asset and Posting Period] Faris fone estan gn Sltn Sen shows the posted amounts for etch paiod, No otter information is incaed inthis oper Furthermore, you cannot add any feles tothis por as you could withthe ‘Asset Glances report or the Total Depreciation report. The report does not let uses specify a sor version on the selecton seen; however, becaise this report it Aevanced Unt Viewer (ALY) orsled, you ean sil sot tnd subtotal afer eas been exected Fr example Fgure 2.14 shows the exact ame reper, exept forthe fac tat is sorted and steals bythe posing pao (Pee fe ‘Although this raport Seems ted ns funcbonaly nd seope, ie sl very wien purpose the reconlation of ovr psted deprecation amounts or 1 specie peting period, between thease su-legger nd he General Ledger, Posted Bepreciaton by Asset and Posing Period Posted Depreciation by Asset and Posting Period [SSeS S| TTA] [saree |e fn aoe oo a — ee geass Pot Deion epee ep inet wmsanesscon 27 2 Ase lance Report Posted Depreciation by Asset and Posting Period ee ae ee ee sal sae | garetts Rpt Sart Posted Depreciation Related to Cost Centers Report Just te the Posted Depreciation by Aset and Posting Period ropa, the Prt Depot Rested to Cort Centr epr lst the posted deprecation frokan out by depteiton ype) fr each individual ase nd por Ing period n fac, he to report share the rane slec- tion szreer In ation, ths report shows which cost ‘contr te seprecation was posted to. ‘The fomation requed to access the Posted Depre- ‘ton Reed to Cor Centr report 3 fellow > Mona Path ‘Accoutting Fianda Accounting Fed Assets» Information Sytem «Reports on Asset Account Ing Cost Accounting» Depreciation Posted» Posted deprecation, elated to cast enters > Transaction Code » Tech Report Name uesy-a0na7 Thi rape its te actual ceprecnton that was ported to the cost center ofthe Indvalaeat mater record foreach desvecation prod. The reports the diferent oprecition types (ordinary, pec, unplanned, et) In parte curr, The main repens of tis rept ae 28. cnr a Alege ‘the general financial and ast accounting department, and cos center and department managers. Report Output Figure 215 shows the default report output ti impo: tant to ste thatthe cos center shown nth reports the cost enter where dpeeiaton was posted to and not neceanly the curen cot center ofan ast, For example n gue 2, Asset umber 1105 ised on the report under Cart center 1000, Th wae the cost center that he asset was assigned on anuny of 2006 (reporting dats), but could be aged to 3 aferent cost center tay ‘The main reson for ung thi repos terefore 19 suppor cost center managers or department beads wath ‘monthly franca information, 2.5, Depreciation Forecast Report (Depreciation Simulation) The Dopecation Forecast report (also known 36 the Deprecton Smustion repr canbe ued t produce very scurate deprecation forecasfor exiting i, as wolas planed and exstng cepa investments uch 1 sppropiton requests, investment management pro= ‘am postions, intemal erders, and Work Breakzown Structures (WES) eee 25 Depecon Fara Rape Dupe ination) Posed depreciation, ead coat eanies SEIT 19a eR AHOOSRIT EMENE Posted deprecation, rested to com centers ipat fof dean oa aes The lformation requied to acess the Dspreition Forest report as flows > Mena Pat Accounting» Fania Accounting Fined Assets+ Information Sytrt-Reports on Asset Account Ing» Deprecation Forecast Depreciation on Capitalized Assets Depreciation Simulation) Transaction Code S.ALt 97012936 > Technical Report Name ASIMUC2 ‘Main Report Purpose an Recipients This sa very complex report used to forecast dpreca- ‘on amount for ent asses, a wel a eating and anned cpt investment measures. Forecast an befor ‘multiple eportng periods an yeas. the main ehients for ths report re the general sett accourtng dep rant, tx department, cost center, and depatment and ther budget manager. ‘tual YearEnd Deprecation Amounts Fis let's ety what determines the actual depre: ‘on amounts at the ne of ny given fea year Acti ‘epraiavon ir the rest of four component and he system can forecast depuciton for most of thee com ponents vey acutely > Depreciton for enstng ed sets Depreciation relted to exsting capital inestent measures rteral orders and WS eemens) Depreciton expected for planned eaptal ves ‘ments appropition requests) Deprecaton adjustments or ase acy such at retement and tants Lets ook teach ofthese components in mre deta Depreciation for exiting id net For ening fod ese, the system can cleulite dere: ition amounts to the penny becaue it has al the raquled information for such a cleulition Ge, ace ston cost, netbook value, deprecation method, uel te, depreciation star ato, tc). Depreciation lated ooxisting capa inestment Deprecton for ening vestment measures (uch as Internal orders oF WBS elements) can be elated fatty Iisnaned lathe raster cords of the intern ones and WBS elements. Figure 2.6 show the del ofthe Depreciation sirultion data section ofan inter xger, Notice at you an spel asst clases (ram wich the system can Gerve depreciation methods ard ust es) and t= 2 Ae Bc apes mated inservice dates (or captaition dts). Wh this Fofoeatis, the ster can now cleulte an estimated Aeprecinn amount based onthe planed or budgeted "umount ofthe vet measure, Depecan muon da fers Forecasting tis tnd of eset actnty ict, and tortor ary depreciation freast cannot be 100, erent accra, Nevertheless, the asset maser record ‘Conties planned aioe dat (Ind etroment on) fel tat, when fied ou, wil be considered during the eprnition forcast ee Figure 219), ‘Aeseleaes i aver 7207) Depreciation expected for planned capital investments The same loge apps to planned investments, which se usualy represented by Appropriation Requests (AR) n a2. The AU master record has a depreciation simulation sere, toe, and you can ener the same deprecation simulation ata asbefor(e Figure 217. ge pn etn Bio iin Another important fatare of thi report ists aby to forecast deprectaon fr esti captal avestnant mea- sures Ont orders or WOS elements) ether based on Planned anounts or budgeted amounts. Seo Figure 218 {or the corespondng sting on te repos selection sec0en. 8y deta, all dopreciton forecast amounts for ‘capital investment enenues re based on the planed Planvereion TY {Diber. simul tase on budget rn Depreciaten adjustment for ase actiity ‘The ony component that the system eannot posy foracat deprecton forthe om going stv rough- cut the yet, sch at ae vtiements or atet tans 30 ©Calo Pes 2007 es eee Capitation Ose Figue36 epetonSmuaton Oeaaten itera ner | Pl. seni SS ee ‘grin Panne eto: atc st ater Recs For sample you entered 6/30/2008 athe planned retherent dt for an ase, the Deprecition Silt report would forecast deprecation oaly upto this date, {slong as the Sim. nly o planned rent, option nthe Further stings section is checked (ee Figure 2.20, Tamer ange {isin cayte planes emt —H gr 338 Scan Gly nl Pana ane [Al things considered, deprecition forecasts in Ast ‘Accounting can be very accurate, aston asthe apprope- ste depactonsmulton data and paanad retement dates in the covasponding master recods we man- ‘aie ‘The Selection Steen ‘he standard Depreciation Simulation oportussamee- ‘ted election screen as shown Figure 2.21 allows tet 10 lnlude or exude wich deprecliton-roduc- Ing group of objets (eg, exiting ass, Internal rer, BS elements, and apropriton request) “oud the wt atten te depreciation fore cast ak sre to select the Select ast option, To Indude existing and pared captalvesnent mea ‘ure, sect the eomespanding option inthe seen 22 tion eld Planned cap investments. “To produce & depreciation forecast for multiple eas, simpy enter a report dat in the fue. For eamplo, iF you wanted to producea five-year forcast (starting with ‘he centyes Le, 2007), you would enter 1231/2001 asthe epert dle (suming hat your el year a a= hr anc yea, | _co38 Fire 221 Onpncatn aston fat Seton Semen ‘aluation Prod ‘Addiionaly, the secon sereen contains 2 section Isbeled Evaluation pei, which tls the report to out Depreciation Simulation 25 Depacaten Fret Rept Oepcition Sinton) bt annul, quater, semiannus, or monthly values (Gee Figure 222). This mast possible wo use hs report formomthly deprecation forecasts for the caren year, quarter torecat forth st wo yeas fee al forecast for the ret fey ([Eammoreecer”) ‘Overn Cowart Owarear Griecayeer Report Output ‘When you putt all ogether 2 good example of thee: year anual depreciation forest or smution looks te ‘he one shown in Figure 2.23, nike the Depreciation Forecast report in oer SAP releases (ror to 4.7), this report produces a horzontal ‘orecst (as oppsed tothe former reports’ verti fore ast eutpu This pay mks much eslr fo war ‘wth the information. Moreover, the new Depieciaon Forecast parts Alv-ensbleg and downiade easly o> lero Exel ey a] Fe Gixcm) C)) toy e's ite teat at eer os "Sie Sa J cen a ‘gre223 Aan Deron Smuts ree Yeo vesipseescon 31 2 Ace alc Reports The only te complains Ihave regarding the Dope dition Forecast report are that the selection serean esr low yeu to enter a Sor veson, and the ravi freee range i only 12 yeas 26. Chaster Summary Int caper, you eared about the mestimportentba- sncebazed ast repats. Aer ang this hapa, you should hav a good understanding of he main repr ied to how ast balances. The septs to remember ‘rom thi hpter ae: > Asee lances ‘iets ample yet wey well asset ting hich nudes the asset cost te-o-ate depreciation nd et bode value a of he reporting dat. Al values re plannec amounts a opposed to posted amounts. > Reset Patio ‘he report ithe sie athe Asc Ealancesrepet xcept the fe tht shows posted amounts Ineteadof planned amounts. The makes tan ea rconeaon repr. > Total Depreciation This avery power report tat shows beginning and acing balnens a wll a prio yet vers current year deprecation aroun by deprecation ‘ype ordinary, unplanned, specal depreciation, Yu should use his porta one of your main sot reports > Posted Depreclation “wo reports re aalbe to show he posted depre- ‘laton amount (pote deprecstion by paod or posted depreciation by cost cence) Both reports te etl when reconeing monthly posting values or cost conte postings. > Depreciation Simultion “Thi repor isa very complex and power forecast Ingrepor, which an acurtely preci depreciation expense for exsing ed ses 25 wel as planned nd existing capital investments (athe use of epee ‘lan sulation dit for appropration quest WS elements, end intemal order There ae, of course, many move talance-based aset reports, especially versions tote to sede counties Ths ist, however, gues you the dtl forthe mostcom- monly ed rept for eptng asset balances ooking ahead, n Chapter 3, you wl een al sbout the most important tasacton-based ase epors 3. Transaction Reports ‘any difeertwansactons can vec ding a9 aes lif, Suck ranactinsindude equsiton postings. etie- ‘ments, transfers, and vious ether adjustment, Th chapter deta the most commonly used asetransac- on reports and discuss ther estes, intended use, nd ecient 131, The Hierarchical Nature of Transaction Reports “Transaction reports ae hierarchical innate. Tis mens ‘that each report has the allowing > main level (usaly te aso ee) > A subhieatchy below (sual the actual tansse. tions) For example, Figure 3.1 shows a srenshot of en asiet teaaacton report Notice set number 2187.0 and the corresponding four ransactionsIsted below AS you can se, the report summarize a taresetont for this seret onthe art lvl af and shows the individu transaction amounts below te ast ‘You should ao not the duble-tiangl con In font ‘ofthe word Assetin the uopr left portion ofthe report ‘Giking on thi eon allows you to ofan a close the ‘ranaction deta fortis asset other words, talons YoU to ew the eportin a detaied version iting nd ‘dua ans deal the Flgve 3.1 oo & soma 0d vesion (summary ofall ranectiont on the ase lev) 3 showin Fig 3.2 She oe Gea an aeeiran eo ty ob we ha att, SPE) wmapreccom 33 2 TaneatonRepate The Dowie of Hierarchical Reports hte asng th level of dtaln hierhil repr «gest feature, i unfortunately comes with a dons, Ine Avance Let Vewer (AN) does net 1 SUPER ‘erie repos. Consequontly, cataln layout fe tures thataceaalae for balncesbased reports are not fered for wansaction- based repos Specify, the dec Integration with Merosat Excel oF Neroroft Word sat avasble Gut the down load funcon sil axatbl) The ABC Analysts and 'SAP Grapes option ar lo naval. For example I you tit to ru a hierar Ui report uch ae ‘Asst Taescton repr) with the st assets etn, the stm sues ror message ABOGS- Use of ALY grid not supported for hierarchical its “ne iory here hat the Dlpay option Use ALV gid Is sll avalabie on the sletion screen of tsacton reports. Bit, a order to Ur you have to ue the oF sup totals ony sting, Ago, tying to run a ansac- tion report with ast detail and ALY wil reat in exon esage #8082, 3.2. Assat Acquisitions Report The Asset Acqustonsrpor ss al sequslon transac- tions for he spectied posting date tne petod. Tiss ule an teresting estar becuz tlle you to ron this ep: for md-year time Intervals (2 tun for all acqustoes that woe ported in the second heal quar: te. Many othe Aza Accounting reports ae ited 2 ayrarte-sae time pid instead ‘he into required to access the Aset Aco. tins repr a fos > ren Path Accounting «Financial Accounting» Feed Matte Information Systm» Ropers on Asset Aecount- ing» Day-to-Day Actin Internationa «Aeet Acquisitions > Transaction Code S.ALR 87012050 > Techical Report Name RAZUGA.ALVOI Main Report Purpose and ecient “hi vepor fats al aqulton transactions forthe spec fed posting period, Amounts shown include sequston cost and couesponding deprecation amounts as wel 3s {etal ieformtion for exch nd tanec ech 2 posting at, document number, etc). The main ec lots for he porta general saat acauntng dopa rents and le tax departments. ccoution ‘You' hae to consider diferent accounting standards shen comes to az acqustons! Diferenteoun= ties have diferent defions for ase aqultons = mors infrmstont lion lrachicl Asst Display Bocause an asst an have rll acquit vansac- ‘Soin the posing ate ime period that peed or ‘the report he reportcretes 3 Nearchcal splay by Ist Jngthe main ase eco inormation (th summary val: ss ofl ansction onthe mln vel and al incu Yraneicton dea on the s-love,Fgue 3:3 shows the “andar report layout for he Aue Acquitios repr. Notice tat eset number 2249-0 shows a tot secu ire 33 set tos pert - Dad ron 3 Scale Pe ser Alighereened, ‘on cost of $66,100.00, which was posted in two scab on transactions shown just blow the aso val ‘The Selection Screen ‘The sletonsren forthe repre vie sigh rs the hale seleion sen, Minis the atonal election fold Traneacion type and Posting date in the Further selection secton ae Figure 34), “Transaction Types Fist, t's mpocat for you to now that a fed asa ‘ranectons must be poed witha transaction type, Tes Isa fatty unique featur ofthe Asset Aecountng rede {de (only the conzaldaton appt uss transactions ‘ypes. toe, abet difcont ones. Over modules he ‘Accounts Payable, Acoints Receivable, ofthe Genera) Lager don' othe ansacon types ‘he vansctiontypele ste dig cose that groupe fn asset ansacton by category, such as acqstons (Gofal tasacion ype range 100-55), reverent. (200-29), transfer: (00-395), and 50 on for ver ‘us other categories. Furthermore, the tasaction Spe determiner whether 2 ransstion Is 3 debtor crea, whether deprecation shouldbe clelted,o¢ whether the ast shoud be capaied or deactivate, a5 wel 2s any more settings “The Tansetontypelimitstion allows yo to narrow down he raport to utara types ofacquetons eg, scqusttors fom afiled companies only oF goods receipts ony. Using the Posting date iitation, you ean eeste an scqustions report for ary ime prod during he current Seal year Gn, month of Marc, or second Ge quar Defining an Asset Req tion isis agood time ropes acaiton ahead cited er ler inthis secon, name, the impetanee of conden 22 et Aeguton epee Ing ferent accountng standards when comes to aset scqustons. You might tin hat an set acquton lays anasetacquston. But, that snot he casei ferent counties have dfn dfeons for ane cq sibone Crader the flowing seni, Say youusenternal ones or Work Breakdown Structure (85 elements fr your eet captaization proces, The process sal sas when someonein your organization requests money to be spent fora expt item (eg, he purchase and intalition ofa new serve). The equets pproved and an internal order of WES elements ce= sted to cepture al cost eaisted with hi apa ph ‘Then ets say that in December of 2007 you rectve the sear and an inice for $10,000. Ths amount ic posted to the intel rte You canna pte server Sere just yet, because youre wating forthe requred rackmount therefore, athe end of Dezember the inte ral order is kept open and te pending is sete to an Asset ander Corstuction (hu). By dea, the sytem ses transaction pe 114~ 116 expending on your con figuration stings forthe default vanacton types Ured In Asset Accounting) to debit the AuC for $1,000. In January f 2008, you recave the rack mount and comresponding invoice for $2,000, which i ported to the itera orer. This tem completes the projet and the sas ofthe exer is changed to tachiely com plete TECO) or csed (CLSD). At the end ofthe month, the orders seed to the nal eset master record he inal sere, what's Hepeoing Behind the Scones Wie you may not rae the sytem actly pro- ‘ese ths final settlement in tree tops 1. The stem sts he $2,000 of caren year spend- Ing tothe AUC sing transaction fyper 114-116 ‘the nal set using vansciontyper 398 (eed to the AUC) and 331 (bit to the ral asst, 3 Last the sytem tans $2,000 from the AUC to the nal asset using transaction types 339 (ced to ‘he AUC) and 336 (obit oth al asst, emsnoprancon 3 2 ranmetion ape ‘You woud naw assume tat youve paced in service an set wor 12000 fac year 2008, corer? A east ‘thats wha: the IRS would expect you to shew on your auision report. However, whan you run the Ast Acqistiors report for this ssn, the report would show an asqulstion for $2,000 en The $10.00 tat ‘war oral spent in 2007 is onsdered to be a waste and would therefore only show upon a Ase Transfers separ. In ater words, the standard SAP aoquistion report foes not consider tunsaction type 331 an acqistion ‘wantin instead, this transaction type is considered to be teufer fom a prior yer AUC to ara ase in the current yea. This reporting logis 2 vad sccouting principe in Germany and because SAP & & German company. It Should come as no surprise thatthe standard acquison ‘epnrt adherst ths acountng pine Entering Sec Tasaction Types what doethis mean for your Asset Acqubtons pod? Does it rene ituslss? Hrcly What comes downto Is your asetacquistion process and what you conser te be an cequition inthe various counts n which you might wore For mest European counties, the t= dard SAP lp should be stsfictony but forthe US, this Thesolutonsqutesimple becaesethereportindes another ileresting fest. f you leave the Tansaclon ‘ype secon citer eld (Gee Figure 3.4) blank, the report ues the standard SAP lg as dscbed how ver, you enter specie transition types tha you eon sider be acquitons, wil show these transactions lowes repress of what they at caution Ifyou inuderenty enter & Reterents tansction type ie, transaction ype 20 thereportwoulshow ths. tooo. ensiethat yours atetion tothe tans aesion type limitations. genera, transaction types (179 are grouped into the flowing basi categories “Try 10099: Ae Acquations TTY 200299; AretRetiterents 17 300.295: Ase Tanfee 36 Ocal Ps 207 AN tee ‘Ty 400.399: Fost Capliztons ‘TTY 5001599: Depreclaton Postings ‘Try 600-699: Manual Depreciation “7 700.799: wate Postings ‘Try 800.999: Realuatone “Tr 900.999: Data Takeover Vanstone Yu should gue out exactly what ansction are con= sidered tobe ase aqustons nthe cout you wok In and then ine the Aree Acquons report jst these tansictont. Men, ve the por a8 vara 2 that you don hve to enter the imitations 3 you want torn the report. in when 33. Asset Retirements Report The AsetRetrements report & comprehensive report forall asset retvements, ncudeg asset sale ererents with reveru and asst scrap (tremens without ev enue. The pod Shans the cost nouns beng reseed, crresponsng deprecation smounts, esung ginvioet mounts, and ay sales proceds incase of set ales. “Te information requted to seats the Ast Rete. mont repos follows > ena Path Accounting» Financial Accounting Fhed Assets + Information Sytem «Reports on Astt Account Ing Day-te-Day Acts «International Asset Retirements > eansation Code 5.AUR 67012052 » Techoial Report Name ABCA ALVOT Main Report Purpose and Recipients The eeport Isa comprehensive report whch inclodes ‘ponding gain ad os amounts, Ao included ar les proceds in hte ofan ast sle (as oppoced to asst era) and satis! subeequet costo revenue. The rain repens of ths report are general sat accounting eparrins an tax departments ‘he Selection Screen sss srap to pee of machinery in on of your plants The selecson screen forthe Asset Ratioments report The postings done nthe month of March, Two mnths 1s most ional to he soection sczen ofthe Asset later, you rcave a lavaie frm one of your vendors ‘Aeqiitons report. The only sitference, tht the fed wh har de-nsles the machine and it now chang Deactivation date is zn avalale selection cra 1s ng you for cost ssocated wth dsmanting t's asset Shown in Figure 35. Thllows youth epor to Geuze the sel was ses rete in a prec, now specie pec, dig which teases were dea closed month, youcan no lrge post ths vole tthe twated (whicn may beafetent fom the actual posting ase. Instead, you let Accounts Payable handle the ase date of he retirement eon just 2 would ll other invoice Neverheles, you woud lie to show ts wansac ‘lon on the Aart Retirements report beens you con slger the dsanting cost pat of the ast scrap, which, in tun, har an impact on the sunt floss shown on the epor. Therefore, SAP's Ase Accounting as you 1 post subequant cot to he aca sng tanacion ‘ype 295 (or ransiction type 286 for subsequent rev enue posting. Report Output The porting ius satical porting however, mean (onthe nial wensacton love he Asset Retkements ingthatits posted the sub edger ony and not posted repo shows dlaed posing nformatin, such asthe tothe General edger. Te Ast Retrerent report il poring date, asacten type, and document number show ths Ratt! amount in a separate clunn ee (Gee Figure 3.8, gure 3.7, ‘Asyoucan sen Fgure 37, the oport ines eld ‘Statist Subsequent Cost or Revenue Postings for subsequent costs (Ret costs) anda eld fr subse. The Aare Retkementsrepor leo can show atstial quent revenue (Ret avenue). The example fr subse Subsequent cost orevewe postings. To expan thi let's quent revenue woud be ha you rece sles process 9 through an eample Assume that you posta simple foran seat ht you had capped eal Fiqwe35,Deacaton Desig ter Secs Fase 37 Ae Rtn Ropu ih Satta Retna Con sonasppnincen 37 3.4 Asset Tansfers Report eset tafe ae & nomad busines event and cin incudeintn company tances ranser:bebveen ats within the same company code) and iteecompany transfer (antes batween two copy cod). The ‘uae Tanger reper include nta-company tansert onl and stows the cost amour transfered andthe cot- responding deprecitionadurtmen Te lnfomaton requred to acas the Ast Tanstets report ea follwe > pen Path Decountng- Financial Accounting Fed Aste = Information system «Reports on Asset Account ing Dato Day Action Itaratonsl «Irae company Asset Tanstrs > Tanaseton Code SLALRS7012054 Teche Report Name RAUMBU_ALvOt Main Reprt Purpose and Recipients This apo shows aset tances (rns fom one asset to smother ase) Iter the amount of com {4 daprection tare, The man repens forthe repor are general sat accounting department “The Selection Seren ‘The selecton screen forthe Ast Tater reper aga, is dencslto the other tansction-bated pot Report Output Just the th ether transaction reports, the Asset Trans fers report includes deta infoemanon foreach tans fer ch at document number, posing dts, ranacton ‘ype, ee, forte default Ae Taare cutout, see Figure 3.8, speatying Tansacion Types ‘ne thing ts remember tht SAP considers elements ftom an AuC to afal oad aseta taster. atansor sromoneazet to ancter eee) The deta ane son typ involed are 23% and 3, ‘As was akeady mentored, you may vast wo epert these types oF taf af aequtons in the Ast Acguistions reper. Afterall nthe US, we would coae scr these settlement eanctons the i-envce paces ent forthe fn azt. The Aacet Transfers report works jut like the other transition reports. Ifyou leave the Transaction type selection fd bln, the rect wil use SAP's dfalt lope to determine whether 3 tanection ca be cone- red transfer. f however, you enter specie transton ‘yper inthe selection sren, the report wil ow only ‘these wansactons on the report ouput other wows, lees tareaon type over esr). (One drawback of the At Tansee report tat t does net show wheve an att ws vane to oF from, fesemsike 3 vr bse reporting requcement of ay tanser pont, butfor one eason or another thisnfoomaton notin inched Therefore, usually advise my cents to cesta cus tom transfer report using tools such 26 SQM SAP (uick Mowe) gue 39 sions asimgle example of an such an enhanced Asset Transfers report. Notice ‘hat includes a soparate column showing the tans- {ac Toso Asset To me, having visity ofthe com plete water Crluding tarsfrtrom and sane {o aset numbers Is etal t a mearngfl tanser report Cheting such an enhanced Asst Tastes apo is 8 simple ts I took me just afew minutes to crate the earple shown in Fig 3.9 ung stancard Sat ‘uneionaliy, gsr 9 Os Ana ant op aa 3 Ocal Me sep Arp reed Isla vaso nse aw Biecon gon aure39. heed at er ep 35 Asset Transactions Report ‘The reprts we've looked at 0 far. the Asset Acqusl- ons, Ast Retirements and Asset Trans resatspehy internal fiter eterno determine what coniered to bean acqustion posing etrement, or transfer. This fiver user satngs fom the wansction ‘ype group %0 determine wnat aransston shoud be cased a. THE ‘might werk wel in ot intances but, a enptned ear lar when discussing the acquistion reports, the reports ray nt aluays adhere tothe secounting angle you ‘would tke to apply, Therefore, he standard acqustion report with he default mansion type Mer might not bea good report or yout ue, depencing on your set cspitaltion proses. ‘The good esta the slain this problem ute smpe. All you have to dos lit the report toa space cange of tarsal on pes that youconier oe acqustons, according fo your accounting res. Follow Ing this epaoach males the Asset Transactions report, ‘very powerful, because you could wef to report any et potng in any sy you want to, mpl bylitg the report rect trarscion ype. ‘he normation requ ted t acces the AsetVansac- tions epee follow > Menu Path “Accounting «Final! Accounting Fed Assets= Information System» Reports on Asset Account- ings Day o-Day Avis Internationa «Acet sraneactione » Transaction Code S-ALR 97012068 > Technical Report Name RABEWG.ALVOE ‘ain Report Purpose an Recpents ‘Thi ca powerfl report that can he sed to report ny asset tansaton (bee acqusibons,eererens, tans fers, ec) aezoding to your spectctons. Mala ved ent ofthis port ave general sestacountng depart rents nd tax departments resting a Custom Report Vartant For emample, = common seri the ue of chant, ble donators. From an accountng pespecthe, 2 char- lable donation ofan ast is nathing but a act retie- rent without revenue (ako known as an asset scrap) For tax purposes, however, you must be ale to repoet ‘these donation transactions sapartaly fom the noc retcament wansctions ll you would have to do sn this Asc Tansacbons report and tit tothe sansac- tion types you use fr the chartable donations Ths wll show ony there donsions and not any of the neem (Once you eeste a cstom report you cold ave ¢ 1352 variants that you dont have to enter he selection aria evecy tm you wnt to run this report. gure 2.20 shone the Asst Tansctone report fora chartable orationssenano. As you can Se, It Shon the ans an a aa Rita rer aad ea Se a “| Fg gon_ A acon port edo pete Famaton Tre sesspgnatcom 39 ‘lon type 220 which was set upasa Chatable Donations ‘You could no cc the Save leon on the selection screen anc sve ts report asa variant To make ths eu, youn entera Meaning fr hs variant Ge Chace table Donations Report 2s shown in Figure 3.1. Variant aiibutes (Psersmectonreen) [sams Cowtebeinatsin Brant ‘Bewrcoy [ayer Ye a3 Sve apr at ‘he next te you star the Ase Transaction repre. you ‘can snp click the Get Variants ican an then Sele the ‘Chatable Donations Report variant ce Figure 312.1 wal then etomaticalyfilin the conesponding seein sercen ls, icusing the transaction type lmiton. a [AGF on capes roe Pa [Seer etae [-boRITCIL Sn Oran ES] sing cieren vans for this Asst Tansctions report allows you to eet a re-uabe Hray of ast ports ‘hatanyone can use wthouthaving to reenter he trans con fp Iitatons 36 List of Origins by Asset Debits Report The i of ign hy Ast eter 4 poset reportyouranuseto analyte orgnofanaset value In ther words, shows where the acqtion amounts (Geb cane from. The report shows thease’ acqi- ston cost nd the Inforaton related tothe source of these amounts, the document numer ttl amount s-settled umount east element, ee) 4 Ocal Pe 207 Al heen “The information requted to access the Us of Orgs by ‘Asset Debits epot is flows: Accounting» Final Accounting Fined Astle + Infomation systom «Reports on Asset Acount- Ing» Day-to-Day Activites «nerations «Lit of origins by Asset Debits Transaction Code ALR 97012058, Techn! Report Name RAWERIOA Main Report Purpose and Racipiants “This report i intended to hop yeu ane where the oss oranasset came om (2, he project or WS le rent ember, vendor number, os element et). The man repens ofthis pore ganeral ase ecounting nd nani secouning departs “The Selection Seren ‘Tho List of Origns by Asst Debits report ues 2 mae fed veson ofthe base election screen. Under Futer stings, ou wil find two option, a shown In Fre Display reversal tansctons ‘when youseact ths option, the report wil nce reversal varsctions (wich ultinataly dont fet the sets cos, becaue the eterent amu wentin and outof the ase acount Display og tn its ‘This options useful fr stdements om invest ment measures or AUCS When selected, he ropot ‘wl ichde dete information regurdig the pot Ings ade othe individual asset, the olga mounts versus the sels amounts, indi doce rent aumbens, et) Furiar sig LDisoiy reversal vansactons Bospiayong ere ems ear 39 ip ard Tce ‘tp One hae Report Output When the option Display ge itmsis not select the report ouput indudes he asset's ost and the docurant rumba that makeup te cos, 5 showin Figure 318 Noten gure 3. tht ase 900011386 has aco of 5252685, Thi araunt ws posted on 04/30/2007 th document number 400000420. The report even Incudes the W95element number fom where this post Ing ornate, ‘ow Jets look atthe same ase, But th time we'll select the option Display origin ms on the sle- {on sceen.Fgue 3:18 shows how the report ouput has changed ‘You anus the Display ong ine ms option only for epreciaion wen 0% ‘As you can see In Fgue 3.5, the report now displays two tonal line es for act 900011386. shows the orignal cies tht were posted to the WS ele- 2.7 Ustotognsby Cos amet Raprt ‘ent in 2008 (document numbers 110001855 and 1100013822), Aso, shows the total nvolee amount (51619052 and $1619040 especiveh) nd how ‘ch of these amounts wr actualy settled this pa euler asso ($4413.43 and 8141342). To tho night of ‘hsinfrmation, he report shows the vendor number of the vendor who submited the Ivole and he cet ele= ‘meni used o pos the inves, Ths eport provides avery power reporting featur, becausertcan show youall voles pd Mansons tat wer edt port an sees sequin cont, 37. Ust of Origins by Cost Element Report ‘me ustof Ong by Cot Element eport vy sto the Ust of Orns by Arete report ut tend of shonog the odd ie Res used topos an ase’: cqulstion cos, this report shows the Individual cost ‘lments ud to post to he set. nother word, th report shows the amet sequiton cost separated by cont elmer cin A" fosters fy astnnste Tet orci smog gue 3u (ite Ogawa Leta Dey ‘ges Ute Ong rah alia tom Oy 2 anecon pets ‘The informoncauied to acs the Ustof Origins by Cost Element report ias flows > pon ath ‘Accouttng-irancil Accounting Fite Assets + Infermtion Sytem «Reports on Aset Account: Ing» Diyto-Day ctvitis« Intemational «List of (Origa by Cost Element > Transation Coe S.ALR 87012060 > Teche Repert Name aHeRdo2 _main Report Purpose and Recplents ‘This report i intended to help you ane how the cost for an aset hasbeen posted by separate cst ele ‘mente, mater vesus bor vesusovethend charges, te). The main reciente ofthe report ae genera seat ‘courting and fancalaccourting deparoverts. “The Section Screen ‘The ts of Orgs by Cost Element report wes ern ofthe Bstsection screen, but there are te notewor- ‘hy changes ist, the selection sereen doesn’t have & report date ld ora depreition area felt doesn’t read thee selection feds bacause all ues shown are from dipreition ares 01,3 ofthe cent date Secondly, te selacsonsceen ines an option caled Display infrmation on origin, s shown in Figure 3.16. When youssleet his option, the report includes informa tion forthe original postings mde to hi set seh at cost center plant or materi ge a36 Cinnamon Oren pon egort Output Fipue 317 shows the dts report cute, which lecudes the asset's austin cost and asta cost ele- rents used to post this acquston amount Further- mora, ths Ist cues the fal year when the costs were ine, 6 wel a ifornation onthe investment measure, 85 elemento intemal order numb) which the ote were pote, Notice In Figure 3:17 that ase 800010774 hasa cost of $25,075.44. Tas amount was posted withthe four fost elements shown rt below the asa, Fr example, the repo shows that $2373.58 in professional sree fees wat inladed in the ase ot, Other cs elemints ‘omanly used for tacking ase cost Include mater charges, labor Gishouse or contac, overhes charge, ‘This eport proves a seul reporting feature to show the acqustion cost for an ast by cost elements, pro wed talent cost elements have been used when ‘the onal charges were ecrded 3.8 Chapter Summary ‘This chpterinteduce you to the mest commonly ued! ‘ransacton-based rpors In Asset Accounting. Aer ending this chute, you shoudhavea good understand Ing ofthe maln reports used to show asset transactions. ‘he repos to remember rom this duper Asset Acquisitions ‘Ths reports al asset aequstlonvansactons, ‘nung deta information seh a dacarent number posting dat, and tansacson spe. Make sure toinluderexlude the oettaniteton types hatareconsidared asst acqusons according to your spect seeounting rls, Figwe a7 Utero by Cat tenee | Sater sop A gh rene, > AasetRatiements “his report shows last reteements (th and without revens) an include informstion nich "Se esutung gan anc ss amount. Sales proceets, nds! sbsegsen cot and even. Asset Transfers (inti-company) Tht ep incideswte-compary trates only Cinter company trans are reported is the sea Son and Retvement react) in other ds, Incudes the transfer cost and epreciaon amounts botunfrtunately, ots aot include the tnsfer ta sect rumber, > Ascet Taneactions “This report canbe Used oraport any set tana tion in any ay you want by senpy entering the specibe wansaction pes onthe selatonsren, ‘Once you lit the At Tanactions report the esied transaction ype, you can ave tas aint and create library of custom ase reports that can be rasa tay tne vthout having to ce-erter the 28 Chapter Simaey > ust of ongins by Asset Debits ‘This repoc shou the india debte one tars sed 0 post an asset's acaustion costa Includes Inrnmation such athe ong document num ber, vendor acount, tent amounts. Tis ‘epor eat uf when te oten Ody or line ian i seer, > st of ngins by Cos elements ‘The report very ilar to the List of Ongins by Asset Debits report, however, stead of showing the set's cot by individ ine iter, thi report show ‘he cost by tern cost laments In Chapter 4, youl ean abot the mos important aeet report of tem all the ave Mistry Shes apr. Tht 1 by fr the mont enportant report to know i Asset Accoumaing, because It combines the best of balance bated ted transcion based reports and ean be cong: Ure to meet your spectc reporting requirements. No other report ales this for Ast Aezountng onsen 43 4 Asset History Sheet Report Now that you know shout several important balnee- based and wansaction-usad report in Asst Accounting, yeu lan about the mast nportant and mest power report=the Ast Hitay Set report. ra wey unique report, because combines alnce-basea reporting wth tranectional epoting is oe report. The basi Asset soy Shet report features ara-or ward yout saring wit the begining ast lances, followed by ase activity rasactions, and ten the e- Ing balances, ll sous! columns and the entre report, Tryout can be customized tof your specie reporting equirerents, nether wots, the report can show any ‘ransaction nay way you doar core For ample jst becuse SAP consid wansaction an acquisition, you dont hae t show tis tarscton 5 an acquistion (ou might consis Ita special type of equton (a merger ection, for example) and here: fore, want to dst separately fom the regula acqul- son postings on thi report Unlce mos ofthe ether ass repors that reread t0 sein the stand SAP ys, te ASet Histo Sheet reper request confguaton of a spectc Actt Hi tory Sheet version and ous othe satng. We'll de ‘is the caged consguton in det in Section 4.2, buts, la’ look at theraport move esl 44 Asset History Sheet Report The Ase History Sheet report by far the most power report at your upon et Ris ao the noe commonly Uundruttaed report. The razon fr tis maybe hat the report is comple that might Seem averoelring a times “The infomation equted to aces the Asset History Sheet eprt isa follows: > Menu Path Decounting Fnac Accounting» Fed Assets» Information Syste Reports on Asset Accounts Ing Notes o Financia Statoment ntems- tional Asset History Sheet > Transaction Code S-ALRa7011990 > Teche! Report Name AGI ALvOR Main Report Purpose and Recpents ‘This reportithe most comprebensve asst eport in cl forward layout Gepaning balances, ast acty, end lng bance) The report canbe completly esti to moet your report requlements and should be the bai forall ar reporting an econliation The main ‘econ of this report are gene accounting and at departments “The Sleton Steen Sefore we look athe actual oper: output, e's exanine the sletion sree ofthe report. The selection seren Ie very sila othe one ured for he Total Depron repott One additonal an etic eence, however, isthe eld forthe Hictory sheet version shown in Fig [rserancieun (BR) Toenac Crowe Speciving the History sheet version is requed to ran ‘herepor. econ the ene eport layout because mesnoomcom 45 4 ase stony Sheet pat a aa “ia 8 ¢ Suteki [aD ao Pivisuseceadst wz) ses — ism fig 42 fc At to Sheet ep aa specs haw many columns ard ows the eport wl is sy Alto and even more important tdetermines whst tranacions a Ineided Ins report and how these transactions re beng reported, In other Wows, the hie ‘try sheet veron ace slot ie your vey own report rte Youcan customize every dealof hs reportinthe “corresponding confguation transaction ang that's what makes thsrepr so power Report Output esta s looks igure 42, which shows asamp ut puto the oper The epee vary wide andcan include Up to eight value colar (lus asset mn number and subnunbor description, captzation dat, et); thee {ore welook at only te fist ew clus hee, How ‘ver weloo atl of the olunr t ome point nthe ote The Base Aset History Sheet report features a base roforuzrd layout ~ in other words the amounts hon rel forward, 2 del up as you go om eto right. Alo note thit the report shown in Figuce 4.2 ses history shet version coor. Beglaning nd Ending Baleces ‘You can svin igus 4.3 thatthe eportshowr the begin ing balances acqustion cost, accumulated deprec- tion and net book value foreach asst, That ales we Avaya ofthe beginning ofthe reporting yar, or sai cen rraeip soar es0:#800) 6102400) — 7ea4600 Giposson00| —7sHas51 09 | zeaTs Intra and Intercompary Transfers In and Out Vf yourcompary posts asset transfers ele witha the se company code or been company ended you might be teeta in dlsplyng the ‘eansiowin separately rom the transonrout, and ‘ceiting these column lone yu tod jo that, > Otter Adjustments Most my cllens woud agree with he flowing statement Ia ranattion iat an sequston, ‘etemet, or transfer, itm bean other aust ment. These transactions ype indude rarely Domed eanactons such a Impatient, reais ‘os, ostastulztions tx aud austmant, nd he i, Ie woulde' make much sens to ce se saarta clu foreach of thes tansac- tons. Abetter de, think, wouldbe to group togettralof these transactions in acolume crled Other Adjustments Now, yu have spec reporting requirement sd wc het show the imps na sp ‘ate cour simply create one or even create & ew separate Ase History Set version, You can Coates many vesons as necesay Le, you may have aspect! von for book purposes and 3 ‘parte one for purpose) Figure 4 shows whats rl estom syut snl to {hs one can lok ke in Ase Accounting. The Sal layout pends on your parca buses needs Le, {do you even poe intercompany tne, es), te sed this version for one of my lens whe ddr have any spol quirements fr intercompany transfers (ie, they ony have one company code; therefore, I didot conte separate cok fr thee lids of transere Most importantly, notice the report header in Figure 48, The desrpton Asset History Shest/ Rol for- ward Report (complete indicates that ths ia eus- tom Are Hier Shetveron ane that the report Is complete. Thase are two very important indeators that you should awayr pay attention touhen werkng i he Asset History Sheet report Reconling the Asset story Sheet Report [At the er af the year, t's & good leat recone the [set History Set aport wth al ofthe indi! Ast ‘arson pets and the Asse Balances report or Total Depreciation report. This validate al begnning lances, ssset actly teoughout th yeu, and ending balances sng. various reports Gndependent from each othe ‘Once you have reconcled the ast values within the ‘Aust Accounting mole, you shoul hen recon the ‘nding blances tothe nics G/L account batances (Ge, vs Tans FSION ~ Account Elance displ ‘when all mumbers reconcile, you can happy forward these ports to the autos! te ee grea Eales Ctr Ane iy Set enon 4B eat re any Ab ghee 42 Configuration ‘fest glance, the confguation eequied forthe Asset ‘tory Sheet report yer overelingy comple, but dont despair Wel: break ito manageable tess nd youll see Hs i comes down to ssgning one ‘objet to another objet Transaction pet Fes, remember that al fed asettarsatons must be posted with a anes type, In Ast Accoung, the tranaction type I assed to an Asset History sheet 70up See the Aas histshest gp fel inthe Other fs tures ection shown n igure 49. we [io] (Giantess | Feige) auctor [© teen (© ceattaneson cman st Bi aceon aa Orontratnncconeey ——_Ootowes Scortceamamionies rua) [CI coat etme cata seasons (F easetae Ta naann Fure49)Tareon pe onan ‘The Asset History Sheet group Is nothing roe than & numerical kay and a description. ony purpose f 10 grup together amie tansaton type, Foren, he SAP system delves several retiement transition ‘yper ie, tansction pe 200 seit sap, transition ‘ype 201 azretretrement dust ore ajay, ane ton type 210 ~ ast sae), Al ofthese transaction ‘ypes ae sma in natu, because they ultimately post svetvament vasacton oan set, Therefore, you ould sign althese sina vasacton types tothe same Asset History Sheet group 2 contaraton “sAP-Dalvered Act itary Sheet Croup In the standard sytem, SAP aay delves appro ately 25 Aset Hitry sheet groups Gee Figure 410 foes a. a —] fe Pesan [2 deameatance worn ft Retmttosertelrr soa fem tuo fs sammatanste spr sease fut I Win ero ctr 72 nap stein [5 vnoup tec gees [in AcontonesascrrYsit_ ota ee ge 30 Seed HP Han Se Cups Gating Cato Ase Hitay Sheet Grape ‘Of couse, yur eet ret up your own Asst Hitony ‘Sheet groups according to your own requleents using configuration Transaction OAV, SAP seo makes deft ssgnmens of mest ransaction types to Ase History Sheet groups. For example, transaction type 200 and 201 are both srged to Ate History Shest group 20 Gatremens). in mos cases, the SAP assignment should be in aecndancet0 your reporting requienens, but ‘we now that hee ae spect cumstances where you would went to show a tanection der than SAPs Remember the sue we dcunedin Section 32th the acquton posting? Tanscton type 231i ued to ost priory spending from an fC to 8 fr sett the curent yea By def, SAP consid is tansac- tion 2 transfer and aot an seqution. Whe thi complance wit European secounting rls et wha womapsesscon 49 “Aaa say Sheet ep we wantin the US. Tis tanstton ype Is by default ‘signed Asst Hstovy sheet group 38 CAcquing ‘ranser pony acquis) as shown a Fgure 41. a 7 Gia = B sonore |B toroseemos ate forthe Ase Hitory Shoe, namely, alin Ast He tory Shee groupe tothe Aart Hitary Sheet version ‘Assigning haze History Sheet Groups to Asse Mistry Shest Version Posione (Once you have asigned all tansacon types tothe ‘esr Aset Hetory Shes groups, you need o sn ‘these groups tote Asset History Shet version, o, more specie, 10 + position within the version. The ve ‘Son defines the ayeut of th ene Ase History Sheet report See igure 412, which shows a sample vein via Transaction O47. ‘cones ean ee [Sameer Onsome [Bese acoman Genta Fig 4a arson pe 397 Coteatin Depending on you stustin, you may want to conser signing thistransacton type ta dierent group, such ran aequtions group, beter suit your needs. Resse Considerations ‘You must, ounver, lays conaider the impact hat 3 ‘ressignmant could have on other business in your y= ter, which se the seve key. For expe, f you have «German sompany code anda US company code the fame SAP yer ana both are wing thesume varsaton ‘ype, eusigrment would care problems forth Ger man company because they would sil ast to show this ‘wanton a transfer So, wha the answer? Can only one reporting recut mente se? The answer of ure. SAP's et ate mull reporting eequrerrnts a the came te. “The anowe tothe aforementioned problem eto cea ultpe set Histor Shet venient ane eustom Asset History Sheet groups to adetess tha inva reporting requrements. Thisate sto tenet configuration task 150 Ocal Fe sop Ahr Faure 4 Sule tony Set ut otis, for expe the el (6 poston bees Aequl- sion. hen you double-clkths potion, you get ito the detailed zien shown in Fgure 413. On the lt, you real Ase Histor sheet groups and o the ih {ou see seer columns. The elms corespad tothe posting amount forthe asset cost and deprecation (ep raed by deprecation type: onan, sed, unplaane, te). Each cllin these columns contains eter an ¥ ar Pio (9, ort’ bank fama grea itor Se Conan ‘Aa Xn a clu means that you want te show the pat Aiur value fom that clu and Aut History Sheet roupn the postion ti you ae creat in. pod ‘means tet this calms ates en assed fore: ete eee inthe faze Hatory Sheet version, wails & bank space means that ths call has aot been asiged yet Confused? Lat wale though an example together, Note Make sre te double-check al arsignments arse ll calls. You can aig cle tice without rcevng ey warning message from the SAP sytem, and cone: query run the rk ofacldentaly doubting values a yourreport ‘A Asinent Bape Lats tke simple est retrement tansacton ~ tans scton tye 200, The confguraton sreen (esac 'AO74) shows you that the wasacion type signed to Asset History Shest goup 20 (Retirement) ~ ste ‘Asst hs shoot ep Feld inthe Other features section in gue 6 Fa ae eerie Beto [Ei Reewetaras IE recs Mesanatoc sentences 42 coniguation the wo els ao called poston Retement rd Dep rete The fist elds supposed to show the rated cost mount fran ase, whe the second fel supposed to sow me asocsted deprecation amounttorthe ame reteement posting: Double-click the poston Retirement and you sould ee the screen shawn Figure 495, ay ae gagmesnne aia te ge 45 ates tin Notice that Aset History sheet group 20 (Retement) ‘as an Inthe valve col labeled Tm (for Tans onal Amount. Ths makes he rattement amount from ‘te asset posting show up in this parca poston out |ust he rire cost ameunt. nt the deprecation. Now go to the previous sereen and double-click the postion labled Dep.etic The screan show in Figure ‘s16 appa, [ores eewna ee 2 Sono Fire Tanai e208 Carsuean Now les look at sugle Aet History Sheet vron In caniguration Cransacton OAS), using version C001 (ee Figure 412 agi). Her, the hr column contains ‘Shaiuccren Onan Fe 4s6 Once fr Raven Foon For Asset History Shet group 20, you now 0 tet the Ten column contaesu period () Thi inats tht this lowing four clurns contain an X. These ealum cor respond to te deprection amounts ofthe revement posting (spared by deprecation type: onary, spe- hl, unpaved, and 68 depreciation), Ove to this ‘ment the depreciation ajustant amounts ofthe retire ‘ent posting wl ston up in th poston, msap econ 5 4 pee aay Sheet ep 68 depeeation refers to 2 speci German type of Aeprecison alo known ae Taraer of Reserves. Fully, youl notice tht the fast tree colrns ae lft blink andare so assigned. They represent warsactionl ‘values ane deprecation amounts fr Revaluation trans stor nich ae no apbeable to ts rtremeont ss- A Summary ofthe example Let's sure this eample. Retirement transaction ‘ype 200 assign to Aset History Shee group 20, (Geter The AsatHitory Stet version ha’ the layout ory specie Aset History heat eport contains ‘so postion to show thease sretement ost amount snd the esodatd depredation adjustment. £3¢h pos: ‘lon hs 5 om corn postion is the configuration ‘raracton OA79. The seat cost amount represented bythe coun lbeed Tn (lor transitional anu, ‘ile the depreition amounts ae repesente by the coluras beled Ord owinay deprecation) Spe (pe cl deprecation, Upl unplanned deprecation), and 6B (ester of ses). “The aegnmont from tarsacton tpt istry sheet upto story shes verson ta postion within the Inston sheet and fray to 9 column within the pos tien allovs you to crate the mast powerfl custom sect report imaginable, beeaueyou get to decide where ‘rd how a ase value wl be depayed an your history sheet vero, ‘Asset Hitory Sheet Version Configuntin Advice you feo that the configttion ofthe Asset Hix tory Sheet Version is ite oveneling, yr not alone My a8 ftosiply tart the confgutation of your own Asset History Sheet Version 2 then pre ors peat transactions one at tine. For exam ple, confgure the retement colons in your curt verion srl then post one single teterent posting {0 See whether shows up correctly in your report “Then epet ths proces forall athe postions in your ropet. ‘52 OCatlo Fes 207 At sre 43 Chapter Summary nis capt you learod tha the Asset History Sheet reports by fr the mostimportant report your dspss! Inaest Aecounting, The fct hat you have complete con: trol over the lok, you, and logic this report mast veryunigue and worth, earls of whether sme ‘configuaon wotksrequted. The important pols to ‘emembe om thi haps asset Mistry Sheat “Theis by farthe most important and power eport valle in Aset Accounting because combines the bet etures of belancebuced and Wansacton- based eporing > Custom Ase History Shes versions You shoud crest your oum cutom At Hatny Sheet versions to meet your companys spc reporting requcemerts. You can cess mary er sions as you need. > Configuration The conigurition or the Acet Hatory Sheet ver: sion may ser complex the beginning. Aperoach ‘the conigursion by esting eval ivi pice of your ves fe, configure the Retirement ld ist nd the tt by poring retementanection Breaking tis proces into small manageable pleces tn Chapter 5, youl learn about some ofthe specialty repos that ar aatablen the standard Asset Account ing system, Theve port te nether blance-bsed or ‘wansction- based epots:they simply prove action tse reporing futons that you may fn use 5 Specialty Reports Inti chapter, you'leam about several specaly eports that you might find sel in your deyrtondsy oper tions, ineudng the Barcode report eres 90 or prt Ing bur codes frase aging td trackng), the Phys cal lovertary Lit report (which help wt the physi Inventory of fad asa he Asset Master Data Changes pert ancher get report ta lp you analyze whe bas changed what and when) ad the Asset Histor report, (Got tobe confused withthe Ase Wty Shost port scussed in Chapter 4. nado, tschapter nudes the folowing reps forspecty sels Real ate nd Smalar ght cepos, Teaspoon Egupment repo, Leasing report and insuance Value report. 54 Asset Barcode Report ‘The Aset Barcode reports a useful tol t produce bar code labels for certain fed assets tight out of the standard SAP stem. Tging ed assets ith a barcode abel lows for accuatetrackng ef equipment and can reduce lot ars and verpayment of property oes for tems that you no lorgeroum ‘The information requted to acces the Ane Dtcode reports ows: > Mena Path “Accounting Financal Accounting Fed Assets + Information Sytem Reports on Azzat Account Ing» Asset Balances Inventory Lists» Bar Codes > Tiantaction Cade S-ALR 7010137 Techni! Report ame RaBARCOE ‘Main Report Purpose and Recipients The At Barcode report fa splat Hist which Includes the asset mala camber and subaumbet eeaton Ante, uey, and deeripton. The report dos not ince any setae tise forsee Yackng pupae. The rain reapers ofthis report sre general ace ecounting departs “he Selaction Seren gure 51 shows the selection sren or the Ast Bar ode report It sa very simple vein ofthe Bale Selection screen wih wich you are akeady ‘amir ‘oul nie tht thi repre dose include a reporting <éate or depreciation wea fl. These Fels aren" neces: sary because th eportdotn'ncude any asst values, ssaam E> & gens Sten en tr at ace apr onasppecom 53 2 special Repos ‘one iene fom the send selection sereenis that In the Father eslctione ares, elds forthe Date ce sted and Date of intial acqustion are nuded. This mata it sy o run the report on a pevidic Basis and ‘ont Include assets that bave Been acquved in te lst uate, for exemple The slction seen alt includes fed forthe Form name for printing batcode. This fel ets to a SAP- erp fom, which ental the ata yout ofthe are fede label andthe information tat inde on the Inbel. SAP deere standard frm FIAA_C003 ae good ‘ample for a barcode label, but you're free to eeete your oun sb, You can aze the Fom Panter (rane ‘lon E71) t9 modify the eitng form or even crete a ew for. Report Output Fg 5.2 rons the stancar report output ofthe set Bucode report Asyou can see, tsa very base asc st ‘The only ference ths epet compared to the standard «asset epo output the button abled Pint barcodes (Ones you have selected the acts you want 8 fag with barcode abl, simply lick Paint barcodes and the ‘reper wil prt the aeual Barcode bel ezoding to the design of the SAPserpt form you entered on the eptaring Asset Information with Thtd-Party Tools (Ones yourhavetgged your at vith codes, you cn se ay ofthe ie party software tools avalible to cap- ture the ase iformation during regular inventories srl teaser the formation back nto the SAP yt, aide ston provers "have comple thi short st oF barcode sluton pro wider 8 teerence for you Fo move informatio, Please rad O55 note 472251. ata Systems intentions > Freudenberg IF TG eration » sage Osta 15.2 Physica Inventory List Report Boceus we jst dscused the Asset Barcode repo, make one to rowinroduceyouto the Physical inven tory Ustrepor. Aer ou have tagged assets wth bar codes, you would have a perfoem regu physi irwen- tore to upd he ast locators In SAP and remove any ecords that can a0 longer be found ee ray have eon disposed of Bar codes ietineoiee sevsttcor Oa case crition tes seisa0or isn mire [ste epos_oretea Oy cf tw orpeing tn Sainstation S19 54 casas 20) At ghee ‘The efomation equa to acess the Physi ventory st eport sas elws “Accounting «andl Accounting ised Asst © Information System «Reperts on Asset Acct Ings Asst Balances Inventory ist » Physi Inventory ist > Transaction Code ‘ALR 87011979 thu S_ALR_67011962 > Tecnica Report Kame Query Aso ‘main Report Purpose and Recipents The Physzl Inventory Uist report sa simple asset Int Ing which includes company code, pan, cost center and thease’ ventory number for dentheation purposes, uring physical inventories. The coport alo includes the ‘set descrpton, acqusiton yar, ad acquisition vale, sees tet quant. The man recpantof thie eport ae gonerl asset acourtingdapatment ‘he Selection Screen ‘The Physi Inventory Uist report uses a simple sede ‘ion screen with basi lection enter. One nate ‘ty anal selection option Last inventory dat, i shown in Figure 53. This option allows you to un ths ‘por for assets het hive been inched in pio phys al inventories. Altea you tt the Last inven: tory date ld ts atl valve of 07CEYEOOD, you can ru th repr foe se that hve never en Invent ‘ed before This makes producing st oroling pysal Inverts a much simple ask 52 Pcl try Ut pet ivenory ist eects lemgeroe Sn a — | “Coq Fame 53 Secn Sonn oP vent Ut pot Report Outpt “he actual inventory Ist sa simple aset Ith by company code pln, and cos cere. An intersting fs ‘ure of ths reports that show the asset Inventory umber by deat (fno inventory number i stored in he asset master record, the repr shows thease in umber and subrumber instead). Fgue 5.4 shows the eft eport yout. Speaiying Assets to Include does male sense to ine ever asset nan nver- toy lst: fer example, land and buldings would’ eaby have to be inventoried ses they can get lst o move locations That's why you have to tl Ase Accounting ‘pecially which aszete you want to inde ina phy cal iventon ‘You do thi aging ech nial ane ply you would se this aga deta value forthe appropi- thease sss you want a ineude nan vento Thventory fist ee Inventory list fear oa Soreoe Gockel tear te tom | ‘et tran ——Cormystrama| stemmed |-—1 [oa foie 30000 Came atone ros [1 sd ae o Fie Pps ety Repo msrp 55 2 Spc apts Figure 5.5 shows the les speciealy ued for this pu. pose, under the Inventory section on tha est screen of the set aster record Fg 3, enon-peoi ison et eee “he option Include asset in inventory Uist must be selected for an ast to show up on the reper. Ade ‘onal yo1/may add the Last iventory on date and an Inventory nat othe asset master record ae the ast, hasbeen updeted. 153. Asset Master Data Changes Report In general the SAP system does very good job of tracking changes rade to any master records (@, GPL account master records, customers, vendors, fed assets, te). These changes se stored in indvdual change doc: uments ané can be reve oxy from the inal raster rece Sometires, however, you" not intrested In the changes fr oly one see asset master, but Ia the changes mide to a range ofasats, or changes made dung &ssctc tne fame, or made by a specie ae, ‘That's why SAP dlrs the Ase Master Data Changer repod, ors some people refer to the Ast Change ‘adit repo. Isa very comprehensive sting fl set mst dat changes that an bo un fora at range by er 1D, al even i iia o peste elds that have been changed. The Information requled to aces the ‘Asse aster Data Changes report is flo > Menu Path ‘Accourting «Financial Accounting» ied Asst + Informtion System «Reports on Asset Account- ing: Pparaion for closing -atemaionl« ‘changes to Asset Master Records > aneation Code S.ALR 87012037 > Techni Report Name RaAENDOS 158 can Pre a Argh een Main Report Purpase and Reiplents The Ast Master Data Changes report isa comprehensive thang report that late ll maser dts changes, nla infomation to provide an audit ell or all set mas- ter and value changes. The man reopens of this epor- are general eset accounting. tax, and internal canto departments “he Selection eran Figure 56 shows the sclecton sre for ths por. Note the Further selections section, where you ca it the report by Date of change, Changed by (name) nd Field changes Figure At Maer Dat Chang ert Secon Sees ‘One interesting fest of is report the option Die Pay new assets ls? When an asset maser seete, the system wets ange document even though no aus change ha taken place. You can cache these prevo- ‘changes by clearing the Olsphy new asses ao 7 opto, Uniting the Report toa Spec Feld When you want oli the report t a specie eld hat was changed, you have to onterthe echnical fel name inthe opin Feld change. ample 1n igure 57, entered the technical eld name AFASL (whi the Deprecition kay onthe seat masor record 20 get tof al ass where ths Bld vas change. | also entered my own vse 10 to lik his ‘report toasts that | ve changed Ss | = sa aes? Sony ene Fat Mae Report Output Figure 4.8 shows the basic report output. The report show the inforstion regarding the chang, inceing the fotowng > Date/time ofthe charge > Urerwn perormestne change > assetrumber (hae: 1113-0) Object thet war change (olan AttDerer:Oapre- dton ey) 1 efor and after values inthe elo Old Value and New Value ‘Also shown the calunn EnhO8|Val (Enhanced Object Yalu) Ths column shows adatonl metadata fr the acta! object that war changed. In the sample, the epeedaton kay was changed. The question now is what deprecation ara tua changed in, You'll Sad the answer nthe Enharced Object Value column ah ‘Obj = depeecition wes 10 war change. Possible Uses In my caer ats constant, | hve fourths eport tobe very uel whenanalyng eset value probes. Fer example, cents would cll me sying that thei ‘eprecition valves hid changed Inexplably. Aer runing 25 report, a able to qui ently ey ‘epreiton values had changed, 25 wall as be able to ‘ete who changed thers, ige Documents Ast tnBaport 5.4. Asset History Report sualy, when people want t2 pint aset infomation be amet rar record Information orate values ay resor to taking sccenshoss and inserting them Into Mirosolt Word document, There & mach mare sega way todo ths however Ths s where the Aset son teport comes in Asis are ingles it proides& compet picture ofan ast hor incudng al ree terrecadnfoation 4s wl a eset vue caution 1p nat confuse this report with the Asset toy Shect pot! “The information requred to access the Asset History reports as flows: > Men Path ‘Accounting «Finan Accounting Fined Assets= Information System = Reports on Asset Account Ing History + Asset History > Trantseton Code S.ALR 87012075, > Tecnica! Report Heme aniston ‘main Report Purpose an Recipients The Ase History report ies comprenensve repr hat Inches al aset mater record elds and values The rain reiplnts ofthis epot ae general asset sccount- Ing department “The Selection Screen Fue 59 shows the slecton seen fortis report ‘As you can ze, iran abbreited version ofthe baie {election sren, Sama eel ues Change Dearth ean New Vise onesies com 57 5 Spec Rape Costomiig the Report “he neat thing about ths report I hat the output riven by a SAPs fr (it the Barcode report we dscusd n Section 52), which means ht you can Ctemize the port output yoesl simply by mest Ing the SAPsript form, You can decd what Information tind a exlue rom the report and how to spay the information, _Asignng te SAPaip® Farm to Each Ase Chez (Once you have st up the SAPscrp form, you have to gn teach asset asin conguration Cancion (OAAY) a5 sown In Fgure 5:10. You ako could decide {hat you nied multiple diferent asset hatry forme fr dient scat css since the Information cided In cach weulévaryby ast lass, you mightinude the fd cons Pate Number frat cs Auto & Tracks while ot inlaing inthe Buldegs assets) 102 patese mers dete ee 100” Auta pine ep Fimrose Fire 0 Jor aout St ach Aa cs 15 Oca Ps 207 Ath se The Standard SaPscript ‘SAP delivers stanardSAParpt for FIAA FO" forthe ‘Asst try report, which you can use as template to velop your own verson. Report Output gute 57 shows the seean output of the Ast Hi tory repor. The standard SAPscrpt yu inlues Just shout alaset maser record an vai fle, mlng thie report several pages long fr Just one single ase. You ray decide to avon don yout aout to include jt cen rage of Fld, which are actualy being sed in your stem stad Tis wl ake the reper fr mare manageable fr you, Fore fot ny apn Oat ‘Wplely, you would ran ths repart fra single aeset cra anal ange of atts ony, inorder to prove the ‘report ecplent wrth adetaladoverdew and story for anasst te, an autor may wk fora complete ast pc- tre) Tis report provides 2 very nice atemative to ake Ing screenshots. 5.5 Real Estate and Similar Rights Report SAP spectcaly designed the Rea! Estate and Sitar gn report te use with cel property ails eh at ‘tts holdingrand lan, beau there aster ect to property tx payment tothe oct sesso ofa, You can sore thecoresponcngifortion nthe ind hovel ase’ maser eed and ceive feby wing ths report “he Information reguted to aces he RealEstate and Simi Rights repr is ellos > ren Path ‘Accounting «Finan Accounting» Fined Asst + Information System «Reports on Asset Account- ing Atset Balances» Rel Eetate and Sie Rights > Tranescton Code SAR a7010127 Techical Report Name ‘Queyyamo2 sin Report Purpe ad Resipents "Ths epost show rel propery sets, ther sssocsted value, ard lated infomation fom the tat assessor's ofice. Thermal repens ofthisreportareger- a aset accounting and ac ecounting deperiments “he Sletion Seen ‘The Real Estate and Srifar Rights report fs an ABAP ‘quer eepert and theetoe it uses avesion of the base selection een that stared by al querybased reports Because this report can be used fr local munipalty reporting for property purpose, thi repr includes ‘ovo selon elds forche Local tx fice 20a Muni pally, a Shown in Figue 512. This makes ey to ce ate reports forthe Individual local tax assessor's office. 5:5 Real eae nd Sar Rg apart Report Output gure 513 shows the default report out, which Indudes the asset's acqustion yea, the municipal iy belongs to, te een covered he, apa ot land for example, the poste acqriton value, and the assessed valu determined bythe tx aseso'ofce “ype, thence val i the bls fr propery tax payments. Fa oa iri urea maleate rape ‘he information shown in hie report canbe entered on ‘the Invi! aes master record, gure 5.4 shows the Net Worth Tx ab withthe el eae als of an set ined 1 Tue departments are responible for comet tx pay mens, incuding property tes, and they have an Interest in keeping x pyrent to anit, Dowmloaing the Real Etate and Similar Rights ceport to Mlrosof Excel and adding clunn that Caeser the eerence bonween au seou= ton cost and aeeieg value can help you to en iy sets ith Inge cepances between these ‘numbers, These aseete can thn be analyeed for 8 pose reduction in asesed values, thereby pro ‘widng an opperunty for lowering tx payments 5 Spc Rpts 556 Transportation Equipment Report SAP spastally dened the Tarpon Supment ‘eper Tor vansportaton equipment assets Such as to- ‘mobile tc, and other vehicle. abil pei info mation, suc 35 the conse pte number, can be stored Inthe eit master ecord andi shown on thi er. The information required to aces the Tasporation Equipmentrepor ss follows enw Path ‘Accounting ance Accounting Fad Astle + Information System «Reports on Asset Account Ing» Ave Balances «Transportation Equipment > Transition Code S.ALRB7010129 > Techie Report Mame ueryantos Main Rept Purpose and Reipants ‘This ports intended to show vehi nd the aso sted value and alata informstion The man eclents ofthis repr ae general ase accounting nd eet man- agement departments, ‘The Slaton Seen The Transporation Equipment ror isan ABAP query report, Theor, I uses a vesion of the base sec: tion screen, which i shared by all quen-based reports. Because czmpary-owned vebils can be esigned to specie employees, the slction seen includes 2 fl {or the Penne! Number. Futhermore, vis ae ‘ype managed bya cartel et management depart- mont and teefore, the selection screen includes afd forthe Cas enter (or department, Figure 515 shows both ofthe selection fl Report Output Figute 516 shows the delet report output, which Includes thease aeqlstion yer, Lcense plate num 60 cin Pre amy Abe ene, ‘bee, Vendor numberof the vendo fam whom the vei- cle was purchaced, aswell athe Aeglston value (on) snd cuen Bok value, Fie So ie ep De et ‘ou can ener Both the License plate number and Per: sonnel Number vied by this report on the indvua asset's master racrd. Figure 5:17 sho these els a= they appear onthe Time-dependent Osta 2 Genes pss aumber fT OOS Peron! erbee [oad 5:7 Leasing Report SAP spell designed the Lesng report fo ested asst. Leasing infooation suchas the lease star dat ard length, the lesing company and agreement rumba: wells leasing payment information, can be stored inthe ‘eet rater record and is then dpi on this report, The infomation equied to aces the Leasing report easfotowe > Aten Path ‘Accounting « Final Accounting Fined Assets = Information sytem «Reports on Asset Acount- Ing» Asset Balances Leted Att «Leasing » Teaneaton Code SAR 87010189 Techni Report Name uenyamos ‘Main Report Purpose and Recipients Ths ters tended to show information reed to lead asses. The main ecient ofthis repo are gan: aes accounting and et management, of Informs tin Tecnology 7 departments or eased vehicles or leased computer equipment The Section Seeen The Leating repr Is a ABAP query report. Therefore, asa vason of the ba elactionseeen tht shared by ai quany-ase repos, In report neues two esng- specie slecton folds: Leasing company and tease stat dat. Figure 5:18 shows both ofthese secon fl Pasa soe == Report Output Figure 19 shows the dtu epor output that nce, ‘the leasing agreement ruber, lesng company, leasing star at, ese length, and payment. The spec easy ‘sfocration shown in hs report can be entered 2 the India seats mate record Figure 5.20 show the Leasng tab wth hese ees. Fee Leunginenton ie Ae Nae aa 158 Insurance Values Report ‘Companies typical ine tel fied asats age os, ‘thet, damage, or other pets, They may seins for ‘these rks or purchase Insurance polices from th purty insurance provides. nth ater ease, companies would typical store certain isuance-lated informa tin inthe asst enter eecord ad ue the lsuence ‘aluer report to produce a report that can then be se to-aclateinewrance premiums ‘The information require to access the Insurance Val ues opot sas follows: > enw Path ‘Accounting = Financial Accounting» Fed Assets + Information System + Reports on Aset Account: Ing» Spel Valuations «Internationa «neu sce Values > Transition Code S.ALR 97012030 > Techical Report Name Ravens. ALvor -Muin Report Purpose and Recipients ‘hie eportir intended to sow insurance information for {sss Themaln repens ofthis report are genera asset sccounting deparments, ak management groupe, nd ‘he Selection Sesen ‘The Insurance Values report ses & version ofthe base selection sree wth tome minor addon, Fie 5:21 Shows thatthe Further selections secon dudes the folowing irae spect fell > insurance ype The insurance type defines control etures forthe Insurance stg in the Asset Accounting conga: tin and ean be used o diferente between ditfer. ent insurance types uch as fre Insurance utome- be irsurance, ete) > Insurance company ‘he surance company eles tothe compecy Bat provides the nsranee coverage “he index series is usually publahed by insurance ompanies and sued to calli the replacement vale or an ase > tnurble value ‘You en manual spel an insmble efor an aso instead of having the system cxeulte one IF msppesscom 61 1 Speci por you manually spec an insrble vale, you can ae 1s fel for report selection, > Base erable vale Calealaton ype the base nurable vate an either be thease’ acqisiton cost with or without or yer pies nee Fest neces Scion Fits Report ouput Figure 5.2shous the default report output that nudes the surance sat date ad areerentauibey, a wel {she inavance valu, The ineuranceinfomstin wd ty this report canbe entered on the inca! esses master ecrd Figure 523 shows the Insurance section tn thee fle, Ne TTD Eee al Fes ciooa aia co eh Toe san TPO Teer sat mc fama ———— al [itz] ert pemm [B50] teenanmens eceserg mace levees 5] eur ve (Fierce) en Be gee sy hare nero on a At Nae crs Sete snp Ah toe 5.9 Chapter Summary ‘This chpterinuoduced yout some ofthe laser cin ‘or specnnyreparesisbem Arne Accounting, when te sunmaied her: > Asset Barcode Report This report can pint barcode label forthe ses you Incude. The actual bocode hbe an be configured acotting to your requirements using he SAPS funciona, Physical Inventory tt Report (Once assets have ben tagged (a barcode o other rein) you thou in pero phys! invento- os. This eportelpsyou wth his sk by Istng al ses that you want Wo eude in such ap vento (jou include ass by setting the coespondng fag Jn the asset master resora, > Asset Mastor ata Changes Report ‘Thists an alt report fo ed assets that shows all changes made toasts. The report canbe iid to cera date anges, sr I, or pectic asset fds ‘tt wore changed, and it inuses the old snd ne values, > Asset Mistry Report This tenon rept provides an elegant way for yout print the eae istry for an assets ter rocord, nang the asst masta record lds and ase ales, The uel output he port can 5.9 Chapa Sumeary be cunomized to meet your speci equrements alg the SAPs uncon, De not conte this port withthe Ast Hitry Sheet report dacured carer in crapter 4 Real Estate and Sir Rights Report Use this reper torapor specie nformation elated ‘rel propery assets suchas buildings, and, and other rea ete hogs Transportation Equipment Report Use this report to show vile values nein unique information such as heen pte aumbar And peionnel auber ofthe emplayeeesigned the hice. > Leasing Report Ths report was designed for eased asts and Include notation about the inva sing rangement, specie the lease grement rams bo, start dete ar nell ae eee length nd lee payment > Insurance Values Report “he insurance Valu epot is sed to sew isurance replacement values or india assets, and inl 2deoral insurance spate nfrmation such es Insurance agreement umber and isrance poi stan das Locking ahead, in Chapter 6, well dscus reports desgned specie or US. ax reprting przoss se peco0 6 6 US Tax Reports ‘Whe SAP scarnly notin the business of providing local tax expertise around the wordt does dbver «ange of reports spect designed to ade US Tax reporting requirements Thee reper wl not pit the actual US Tax forms, but they wil powde the informs: ton necessary to complet and fe thes ta forms In his chapter, youtller about the specie US Tax repos avalable. Keep ind that SAP ever several other ts-lated reportsfor counts other than the US. ‘Wplaly, 2 parsular report isle, egal reqie- rent SAP dlvera report toads the sue This chapor doesnot pode any legal tx eso recommendtins. For tha information, you should see your tx profession 61 Mid-Quarter Alert Report sual ll patsonal property starts to depreciate atthe rial of the cal year for tax purposes (0 called half year convention) however, company purchaed 20% fall carrent year accubtonsin the last cal quarter the ric-quater convention ue comes nto ply I reguies ‘thatthe depreciation start dle fer each ast be changed ‘rom the mide ofthe sal yearto the mide of he f= al quarter tate asst ws aequved in For sample, if you aired an aset on 3/51 ofthe {otwing the haltyatconvenson. Kyou no have to such toa mi-quater convention, the start ate must be changed to 2716, bese tht i the mide of the fist fiscal quae 1 ‘Many people make the mistake of tng the star Gate tothe 15th ofthe month. This, however, not cert, because the 16 ithe fist eay ofthe soe fond hal of the month “he Mia-cuarter Alert report Ase Accounting helps ypu with this ine by determining what te prentage ‘of acqustions so each fsa quarter and whether you {al over or under the 4086 ue, Once you ae over the ‘ul, you mus apply the deprecation tart date changes nd coresponding depreciation vale reculatons. The information eequred to access the ING- Quarter ‘Aer reports flows: > mona Path Accounting «Finaneil Accounting» Fed Assets» Information System Reports on Ase Aecount= Ing Preparations fr Closing» Country Specie USA. Asst Acqultions(Mid-Quater-Conven- tion) » Transaction Code SAR a7or2047 > Technical Report Name Rausmaro ‘ain Report Purpose and Recipients he Md: Quscter Alert report shows aque by fs col quater to calculate the acgiton parentage 32 required the mid-quarter convertion The man ei fonts for this report are tax deparimerts. “The Sleton Seroon gue 61 shows the selection sren for hi report. As you can se, ts sila tothe selection seen for the sesso 65 6 Us exept Depracaton Simulation report we desaed in Ch tee 2 The Mud Quarter Alert report can forecast ss scqueton by tlingint zrount exiting capa ves snwestman programs and postions, and even approprae on requests. The forecasted acqustions are based on the depeiton simulation dat you have aterd in the mater records ofthe ivetent mesures. For the report basis forecast on pared or budgstod values, ‘elect the ehekbox Dep. simul. ased on budget nthe sation Panne cap. investments eeen a | ————— aa rr arunacone When to ncude and Exclude Cepital Investment Ifyou run the id-Quarter Alt reper forthe ent yerte feast whether yourcompany wil bein or ose to 8 mideuntr alert stustion, be sure to include the alting cpt ovetnent messios (intemal ore, gram poston) in Wis eport. This wl produce the most accurate Mid-Quater Alert report posible, asuming that you hive maintained the deprecation smulton HE however, you run this report for a pir, already coved foc year, you normaly woul include the Investment mescues because all actual cetlments ‘hve aendy taken place. in this ca, you dont want to Include pinned aptalinvertmerts because he yearhas ready been dosed Repor output “The report output shown in Figure 6.2 shows all ast sequetons by the sore lavl of the sacted ort ver Sion and divided ito each fal queer. Note tht this ‘ramp nes For version 007 (ated and sobtoaled by ase dass, ‘so notice that the report isued an eror mesage Lunda the Message column heart nds tat the ‘i. quate ser eanventon ral (lest 03 of acgu- "Stone nthe fourth quran ha lady been exconded foc ths parteutar elas. ‘Avoiding the Quarter Convention ‘he column abled Max. amt, ae, 0 QC Uasinem amount accowdng 1 mid-quarr eonvertion) shows the Safe aut you can scape in he fourth quar wthout tgering the mi-quatr ale. Tis 6 «very fl number Yo knw whan yu plan your fal yer ‘5d eftlemente and want to aod the mi. quartrcon- vention, Smplymake sure that yourcaptalatns inthe fourtn quar tay under the amount shown, Including Fir Yes Tansations Its important to rele tht the eequstons showa in thi eport ave bated on SAP sanded determination ‘of asset acqustions, which exclude curent yar st rant om pir year investment measuee. For exam le. 5a you statod an internal order last yar ad spent Fig 2 Mh tert ep Go| 65 Sco ee soy pereenes ‘0,000 for capa ers. At the end of the year the project wasn't completed yet and therefore, the oder was sted tothe conesponding Asset under Constuc- {San (AUC) or Consrton in Progress account. Inthe turret year, you spent another $5,000 for additonal ‘tal tems and then perfoed ful eaten of 2 order tothe fina and at, The fina asset wll tow en sequistion amount of $95,000, but ee amount war posted using two cee ent trantacion types (one lndeating that the spending ceaureinaprviour yest, and the ether indeatng cur rent year spending). The Mid-Quarter Ale reper wil Inaude ony the eure yes pending, becaie i on= sider the prior yer amount transfor bats ase nd not an sequen, Note ‘To chang the loge of ie repot tind such pie year transactions, you have 1 Implement the ening changes described in O55 note 770263, 62. Total Depreciation Report for Form 4562 [hough we've akossy Scusad the Tota! Depreition report Chapter 2. there's abe revi here because of the elevance f thi repe tot reporting “Te information requ to acces the Total Depreca: Han report ols (63 Depacaton Compan Rap ron Path ‘Accounting Final Accounting Fed Assets+ Information Systm» Reports on Asset Account Ing Explanation for PAL Internationa = Depre- sion Total Depreciation » anraction code S.aur 87012008, Technical Report Heme RAKAFA,ALvOH ‘ain Report Purpose and Recipients “The To Deprcition report ea comprahanive ait isn which canbe una the mln tx repr for RS form 4562 when used wth proper sertvenion The main cpa ofthis eport are te atcouning depermants. (One ofthe ain RS ae forms i 862, which essntaly Shows the depreaton amounts for srets groped by sell lf ee Figure 6.2 for tat prof the ata fem. The standard SAP system doe not ncude a srt version ly usell if, stimportant fr yout eat one = ing configuration. Chapter *cucussed the deta for se ting up estom sr versione In order tomate fila eu he 1 for 4562 exty as posible, you need subtotal by uel, Figure 6.4 shows the Teal Dprektion report sorted and sbto- ‘ald by Asset Class and Useal fe This merit oy a Ha Sa Dag Tek Voor ig Ca SEIN BE i cummamne rou] Rages [Secmceatn| Rar [Women| wre [tpoenemn once rer 3 Se pay = Fyne oj fe ET 5: os = rer Bee | a = or he st Stan a al Da Ta Uy A mE Paar = at 2 ear 3 Figure 695 Fars $562 Dopo tse Souci go wep. 67 6 Ustectepte Depreciation Racer Bae Gsom a ‘aaa smears —samaones 8 Steet —— sonra yarrow] Sinton ae ipa gr ao epractn ear Staab Uo ie for ures a copy the depreciation amounts ety nto form 4562. Without an eppropate sort version, users ‘would have oad up the depreciation amounts manu- Ally ina eros Eco sheet. 63. Depreciation Comparison Report ‘another sehl ceport for the tox depanent i the Depreciation Comparison repo. It ks wsers compare up to thre ceprecaton areas snuaneous. The eeport il show the values n each nd depreciation wea nd then eleulate the diferences between them ute natal, The neation required aceass te Doprecktion {compara report as fellows: > mona Path “Accounting nani! Accounting Fed Assets + Information Sytem = Reports on Asset Account Ing Explanation for PA Internationa» Depre= distin Comparison > Transition Code S.A 7012013 > Techneal Report Name aging ALvot ‘ain Report Purpose and Recipients ‘The Depreciton Comparson report enables yout com pare up thee depreltion ares simulaneosly. The Iain recente of thi report ar tae eecounteg depart (58 can Pt 207 A he ed ‘he Selction Seeen Fewe 5 shows the sleton screen forthe Depec tlon Comparson report ti 8verson of he Be slee- ton sreen vit two noteworthy adtors. here you ‘sly se oly ore il fr the Depeiatin ae, the reports you enter upto thee areas youcan enter ‘only bose wel. Furthermore, youcan ircludeallasetsin this eportor lit he report ontyasts where dflerenes between the deprection wea et 3 shown in igure 6's important to noe tha these diferences refer to der ‘ces in epeecition smount and nat ocifeences in sequlston costs (Bapradiaion Comparieon rosie ST SoBe Gearon Tmomeosid ET ewe 65 Ospezon Compton Sear secon exen 64 Anat ofRetronent Reve Rape Toe 6.4 Analysis of Retirement Revenue Report Berea ana “ox departments mus report ordinary versus capt guns tosis a the end ofthe year fom atetretrente oma “Theterm onary fest all set rerements where the On wthateanee (©-snsonte een (On rsepboee ge ade A Ao At it tc Report output gute 67 shows the ba report output when compar Ing two deprecation ss. This report can be used by {ux departments to pelorm depreciation comparisons between book and tar deprecsion, and depreciation comparisons beeen Federal Tax and Alenaive Min: mum Tax(ANT) boos, Notice thatthe roprt shows all value columes with the sve desfption. for example, the report shows ‘oe columns lec Accu. va This ean unfortunate oversight fama deveepment perspective. Tharetore, itis impotantto understand that the value columns corepond tothe over ofthe Saprecton areata ‘hey were entered a re selection seen. Unortunatey, thi infamaton ios when someone Pits or saves the repel. Should you choot to save the report, | would recommend that you incade the deprecition areinfornatonin the deseiption of the filename. Depreciation Comparaan set wat hal ee than oe yea. fan sce at held for more than one yee a then as reed, the ransction would rea nepal gas loses. These guns and lozer must be eeparated by real property vs. personal property eal propery refers to asst such and or Buldngs, whe pesonl prop: erty ante defined as any asst that an be moved. SAP's ‘eset Accounting provides the Anahi ofRerement Rev. ove repr fr thi purpre The information required to acces the Anas of Retirement Revenue pert lou > pena Path ‘Aecounting «Financial Accounting Fed Aste Information System Repos on Aset Account Ing Texas» County Specifer-USA Ansys of Retirement Revenue “ansaction Cade S.AUR 87012065 Technical Report Name RAUSAG_ALVOS ‘Main Report Purpose an Recipients The Anais of Ratement Revenue report is deed secitally for ax purposes to alate cap gas and loses for rel ver pina property ates The main reapents ofthis eport re tnt scouting depaiment SES Gee Caen Boe iat Sanger —— gaa Sona heewiamana oun — Sone! ebiane ——e ogg) NE ass aaa aR RN RO =| ur 69. Orpcaton Caputo nig vomsaprescon 69 The Selection Steen The sleton screen fr the Anas of ReterentRewe- rue reportisavesio of tebuse selection see There Irony one noteworthy difference shown In Figure 6, ely, te Sed Ass las real 0p (8) ‘Greate Set Values Since he repot is suppose to separate capital gan and loses rom adnary gains and loses by asset type eal ‘ve perioral aet) need o know ust ae eer these ra ets extn You can ue the Asset las eal prop et fd to ener sat name Note hat et lmple grouping ofan SAP objet, which nthe ase tha at eae ‘You ea crest tt using Taneston GSO, 0 Fane eon G£02 to eat an extn at. Figur 6.9 shows A sample base | crate. Incuded are set dasos 1000 wich represents Land assets) and 1400 Gvhich reprsens Buildings i St FIAA-001 to correspond ‘to my rel property assets, Wha | get ready to run this repo, | simaly enter the set name “FIAAODT* inthe Ast cas el prop (50 Feld shown in Fg- wes, Tp The Ase clas ceal prop. (et) feld does not have any input help Gr the fam of dop-doum conor F& Input ely) ke a oer elon SAP In other words, you mus know the mame of the conaipending st before you can run tis repoct. Faure 69. Cnt efor el Popeye Cans Report Output gure 610 shows te deat eepor output ofthis eper. Notice tha includes separate colors for the exp {ns orlowses a wl athe ora aie and ore, che ase carl property att as defined by he set ‘ad inthe rope, 3 etl gor i conve Yo an ‘otdnaygavios 16.5 Net Worth Valuation (Property Tex) Report Proper tates nthe US are pata the lel ne authori ‘lesan are ple based onthe net aun ofthe aets tin the sing suthoie’ tory. Under cern ce cumstances, alata authority may decide o ee prop- ny tr abatements to encourage Businesses 1a expand ‘ot reocate to ts conmunity In ich cae, the property ‘xl be based ena vlue other than the neva The Net Werth luton report canbe zed for these property tax equiremens, because ican tackan assets true net valve ar wll ars property tx specie valve that le net bated onthe acta cost or depreition of ‘Analysis of Retirement Revenue ume “ir iar 6 sop of Rene ene Rapa aya 7 Ocala Pe 27 Al erd ‘The information requires to aces the Net Worth Valua~ ton repo flows: ‘Accounting + Financ Accounting Fed Astts + Information system «Reports on Asset Account= Ing» Specie Valuons International «Net ‘Worth Valition > Tanstction Code S.Avk.97012026, > Technical Report Name RAVER ALVOT ‘main Report Purpose and Recipents The Net Worth Valuation repr i used for property tax purposes. The report includes asset sequsion cost and book value, at well ta peoperty te value. The rin recplents ofthis epertare tax accountng department. ‘The Selection Screen ‘he Net Worth Valuaton report uses &sghtly mod fd version ofthe bac seeton sreen with note worthy changes. Fist, athough the report indudes asset ‘kn, there eno ofr the deprecation area onthe Selecton seen. Figure 5:31 shows the Settings section vere you would normally expect o see the deprecia~ tion ae Sl, mn fan) a | gra Na Cercaar rail nh Secon Sn ‘The reason for this seerngy ising funcional that the report il nly ue the depreciation area tht was spectcallycassied asthe propery tax ea in configu ‘ion Taneaion ADDI. Figure 62 shows the ang rent between company code a propery tx depce So, before you an ue the Net Worth Valuation pet, be sure to elgnte a depreciation area the property taxa (typically you would use x deprecation area and not he book depeezation wea forth). 165 Net wath ation Property Rept gues Decne Serco eas peru ek Another dference fom the standard selection serene thatthe Further selections section fides fie that re specially rated tothe net worth x els on the Aste mater record, a shown Figure 613. ome ES PES Siem : soon mea —s 59. oprty Te pce Seon re Example gure 614 shows the Net Worth Tax ab of an aset raste cord. Tis exarce caries a bully ix Seatle with propery tx-rlate infomation entered sn the asset record. Specialy, | have clasifed the ase 5 Real Popety (hat the IRS cal Seton 1280 rope) sg the Property indctor fel and added 3 propery tae abatement code athe Manta Val Reason (Manual Vauation Reason). Ao, I elected the checkbox labeled Man not worth tax va, an- 1 et woth tax valuation to date hat property ‘uses for thi ase should not be pid on the et net teal ofthe at, but ted on th aut entered inthe fl Man. Met W.Va (Menu Net ‘Worth Value). n xher words, ths fold cts asa man- al over foe thease actual values a (ese Se eancon_ are 64, Nt Wr Ts fasion a et ater ers et Worth Valuaion ESS Cae ASSESR GSE Gi) Pee resp te wor auton ep ayant Report Output Figure 615 shows the Net Worth Vluton report y= cut inches thee val columns the acquit cost, ‘he booe vale, nd the manual ne worth vale ‘Notice the vals shown for asset number 1105-0, Secause the property tx value was marly enters In the asset master recor, the @p0r 90m shows ths mount (510,000) under the Net worth vl, column Insets of aes true net book value. Furterore, the report shows the Reason fr manuel valuation in & sparta column, Tp Because eoperty tases ae pald to local tx autho: tis, you sould create art vrtion tht lakes ita 2ccountthe phys location ofthe asst. Companies track the phys loelion of axes in nny cent ways, but the mest commen solutions would derive the assets location om the lant east enter, ot Jursdetion code found on the asset master record. ‘Your tax dpartment can ue this report atthe ba for ‘hee property taxing, provided that he Net Worth Tax tabon the set master record is maintained acutely 6.6 Chapter Summary “he chapter dns the tape eps In tho standard Asset Acountng reporting syste. The ports to amar fom this chapter ae 72 an rs 207 Argh sen > Mids quarter Alert Report The report anaes tet anultionsby fal quar ter to determine whether more than 40% of ll acqustons fl ino the fourth quarter. This would Leger the ned for degceiaton star date charges ad deprecation amaunt ecaleutions > Total Depreciation Report fr IRS Form 4562 Ths comprehensive report can be ued asthe bass forthe ain RS tax form 4562, When sed tgather with e proper seat versione, ne that sos and bots to ase by ws fe), sors can simply copy values fom the repotint the corresponding fre of the 85 Form, > Depreciation Compurson Report ‘This report an compar up o thee depression ‘yeas and caeuite the depreciation diferences beteen ther The tix department ean use his report to compare Fada Tox deprection amounts with nancial book depreciation or Feder! Tae mounts wth Atemabve Minimum depreciation, > Analysis of Retiement Revenue Report “Thi ror anayesretement postings to determing orinry versus capital gis or losses fr peso andrea property sets > Net Wort Valuation (Property Ta Report “This report the bass for al property tax reporting In SAP itinclades a manual verge functional to othe neat precy te rpeting In Chapter 7, youl lee shout two adatlons reporting tools that et your asset reports in anycureneyand to run what scenarios feet changes, 7 Reporting Tools In this chapter, well escuss two addtional reporting tools that ate ule a9 many standard set reper, but ahvaye zoom tobe ovrookes by wert. The it tl | Simulatien Vesons, which alles you to simulate the ctfects of cetain changer to ast values. The recone tool i Curency Waster Methods, which allows you te ran asset repr arenes ferent fom the one {signed toa particular deprecation ares Both reporting tools aes to setup in congurain snd at to ure ‘on the standard eport selection screen, In adaton, wel expe another fsture of the Asset ‘Accounting mode calles Rectal Vaves. Tis 1 not rept, but rather a vey important Fenton to ers ‘that you can produce elsble and uptodate port, 78 Simulation Versions ‘Smultion Versions enable you to project ase value in Aawhatf scenario without having to rake ary angesto he exiting set master ecrds a se velit. Sima on Versions are simpletest up ad you can we them ‘with many stander ase reports Induing the Asset aance report the Tl Deprecton report, and the Depreciation Sulton report fr example. ‘When to Use Simulation Versions Lets lok at «Scena where you would ute Sina: lation Version. Les say that you're conseringchang- Ingall ase inthe machinery and equpment cl fom 2 five-year usefl fe toa four-year ust fe, and you want to know te mpac this change ill have on annua Aepreciation expense before commiting t0 it. To fd ou, you can use a Sulton Version for this eens thou having to make any changes to uel ve nt ‘then rin 3 report that wl show you the new depres ‘on expense amounts, ‘Areabiteoxample ‘ror good elite example the implementation ‘of the 50% bonus deprecation ia recent yun the US, In which the government alowed 3 508 bonus ‘deprecation on corain qualified efor species cal yous, Consequenth, many of my consulting clk ‘nts wanted to know the effect of auch changes to tal ument and future depeeiaon expense belo making any changes to the ening asses. 3y using {Simulation Version withthe Deprcation Forecast report ws able to qully anal the impact of ‘these changes without having to commit tothe, and oul therefore provide my cents with the answers ‘hey need ‘To configure a Simoltion Version, us Tanstction OAV? gue 71 shows the det screen for a sample Sina. tion verso, ‘Change View "Simulation Rules" Overview a SEER ha — FEE [oem eevee (| eb ose — a Fare Sinton Vestn Cotton somsprecom 73 7 eaprting ole cen ara [rua fe Con arora Reome Sao e-PRO a oa Saar Scere ae carina” [Sia] eel ina ies ua Fig 72 al ipncten Repent Srmuton elon ‘Simulator Version Configuration Detals Le’ examine the details ofthe Sinultion Vein con- faguration, stating withthe fit row, shown in Figure 71, Te sinalatin vil apply to deprecation aes 1 and asset ass 2000 ony Furthermore i wil apply nly to ‘sits wih the deprecation ky LINB. The Vato ard Vai rom dates rife to th set captaliation date In ts example, the simulason Version wl aply only to sets ith capiaizaton dat between 01/01/1957 find 12/912007. Han eset fis al here etl the simulation wl change the depreciation key to UNA and relented the cure ute ofthe as by 120% In other weeds, ithe useful fe were 10 yeas owt ‘would extend it to 12 yer Novy look atthe cond row in Figure 24, ie alost Ident tthe ft ou, but utr mating heme for the ase dhs eld. For example, let say youhave toe sont dass » 2000 -ofee Bulangs > 2010- Wrehouses > 2020~ storage Bulings IF you want to make the Simulation Version valid for ‘these thee ase classes, you could enter thee ows, 08 foreach att css. Amore elegant soton however 1 use the wildeard character + (pls sigm 8 shown in ‘the stcondcow This ow species tht the mulation apply to el fou-aigt asst classes that tart wth 2. gue 7.2 shows the Total Depreciation report forthe ‘siete without Slaton Veron. Notice tha the cue rent daprecition ky for thee aes is ING, the al es 1 yeas, andthe panned deprecation $7,930.00 forthe year Now let's use & Simson Veson for these three assets. que 73 shows he election sree ecton (Fu ther settings) where you can enter he Simulation vee [Coser speci cop spscaay ge 73 Soto Ven done Repu kon omen gure 74 shows the sae rope forthe same assets but with he Simulation Veson. Noi tha he depedaton ey has boen charged to LINA, the wef Ie shown 512 years, and the plnned deprecation changed to $7586.00 forthe year. ‘As you an Set, 5 to setup what cena fo ase using Simustion Versions. The brie contgurtion ‘even ats you crete snultion re based on epee ‘lon ses, ssa las, depreciation lay ana expitalation die, you need ad6tonal ear for more complex simulaons, you can use «Substation (lo known a & sar ent) to ad your own loge tots fontonalty Wa AAP code Sa I 77 se0md | 2300 ons emery Ya3n00 + 750505] e741 Depron apo th Sulton enon 74 cio Pes 207A es sen 72 Currency Translation Methods curren Yanslation Method provi a power report ing tol to deply ase value nay cumency ws ny exchange rate oF loge. You can use these vanslaons rmatbads with many sundad SAP cepa inching the ‘Asset dances report Total Depreition report an the Depreciation Simuztion repr. Using currency Tansaion Methods To make ase to flo along, we'l use a prev ‘uy created asset as an example fortis secon. The ‘sea plce of machinery hat exptaztion date of (0101/2008 a5 shown Figue 75, = oo ame ——— ‘Soveearcewenc_ St Currency Tansltion Methods Coniguation To configue Currency Tarsltion Mathods, you use Teansacton OAWS. Inthe example, we wil be workng rth tanlton method EU, whch the Coren Tans lation Method you use to convert an ase’ US. Dal ‘ale into fur valves, a show nFgue 77, Ut lok st sero the els shown in Figure 7.7 in dati > cuneney This the currency ky forthe wanton nour example 5 set to Euros EUR), > Each Rate Type Ths ithe exchange at type you wart to use with ‘hi pater Cuteney Tandlaton Method, You can setup as many enchange rate types a andl ‘courting ae needed, > rans on Tis iniestr convo the el exchange rt lie Inthe most important ating for the cen ane lation valubeoptlon ae elena in Seton 1.2 > Dayittonth ‘hese to Hels can only be used when Free Date is selected from the Tana. dopo it You can ‘hen spect the actual calendar date : — Sb | Se cee [Exica mw cumme Screenname ees cam he o Fae. fhe nt en Sing an Doe Running simple Ase Slanees report sl show the asset's aequston cost $8,500.00, shown i igure 76. The report show: the vals in US. dar (USD) because tes isthe cuncy assigned to ths parla depreciation aes. sel Balonces 01 Bok gene. Fire 76 Ase ar US Oar gare 77 Deal Carany lon Meo Translation On The Transl on (arson On) sating ts the system what date (and, corespondingy, what exchange re) to use for the curency translation. Avalable options Captatation dae > Ownteaniation > Acquistion date » Corrente ‘Well looks ach option in etal in thi ection. ommspgrascom 75 Captalatea Date ‘As mentioned ester, our example acct mater record shows a ptalzation dite of 1/1/2003. Now let's heck the creney exchange rae table o ee what the ‘exchange nit or USD to EUR was 0n 1/1/2008, A you aa ee iniqure 79, the exchange ate on 1/1/2003 was ‘03610 Us0 to 1 EUR Note ‘You ean a Tansction 0808 to check the cumency exchange ate able n SAP Fnac Account ‘Now, lt’ uy the next option for curency wanltins, Free date, The Fre date option lows you to enter aspect date ofthe reporting year, When using the Fee date opto, you nave t pecfy the Day andthe Manth of the cor Feng) tarsaton, fr ecample, any 1. 25shown a Fig- fromeiae at, tas 2) tan Fewey8 Coren canes fatee Nowlet ssartasimple Asa lances report and use the ‘urrncy anton Method EU a shown Figure 79. ere csp econ one wh coeoy When you execute the eport, youl see the output shown in Figure 710 Notice the report header: nd cates the curency anslation to EUR. Alo, the last cok ura now shws the een Key EUR. fem o]_ ean leamey ——[R] Eoecbas erent [sek ipo [RG] eavrepstn ns eatage oe Franson (rw os hy a Fig 7h Fn a ven 7 uote ‘The Fre Dat opton only allows youto spect date ned mont, but not a year Thereore, the ciency trasaton always refers to the rpartng sea year centered onthe selection screen ofthe port When you cw ereete the report with & spring ate of 1231/2007, the curoney exchange wil use the exchange ite tat was vakd on 1/1 of th eprting year 2007. A quick check ofthe exchange rate 11/2007 in Figure 78 shows the rate as 1.31970. Consequently, the snot acqustion cost is now shows a 41675 Earos niga 732 (Asset Balances - 01 Book depres ‘Asset Balances -01 Book depres. ‘towne nat eso? [eeeeeoeeoeeaay [iinet ee Eo s ysaee| Bes eee EBL pantera) ona aera nme Babar aE fet) As expected, the cvrency trasation converted the ste costof $5,500.00 US. Dales to 5,308.37 Eves, because the exchange rate atthe te ofthe captaliae 76 cas Press 20 Ais eee ge 7a Aa arn ure of 0207 ‘Acgusition Date “he Acquisition date option rlers tothe Fst Regu sion On date onthe asset master record (le the Capitation dete option, whieh of couse eles ta the (Capitation date on the asst maser ror), Under normal creunstances, oth des would nays he the ste There ae, however, intances where it maker snce to hive ferences between the two des, ‘ari, ros Captalzatns(unete mie Lap. Uste grt be in 2005 but the Fit Aca, Date i in 2007), Other than that, this tansatan method works jut he the Capitatztion date opton explained above Curent Oat The Curent date optic refers othe physical date on which you are turning the apart, other words, today. “This option wl cae the report ose the mos curent xchange ate ean fd inthe caer exchange ate table and stsuming hs you update thi abe on per ‘de bas, il produce the most up-to-ceterepetng ‘ade i een cures. Athi pont, you might have noticed that we slipped ‘ves ene tanlation math, namely, Own tartan, We're cscusing his ton st, beau involves your being able o creat you owe tarlaton method if the cothermthods we've ales looked a dont ty your crency tansaton ecuements. So les look at this pon nom. vn Fanltion If none ofthe above sandard options are meeting your trasation requirement, you en st the Taal. on fl ‘03 (Own translation) as shown In Figure 713, t0 per form your own eurteney tanto. This option wos wth wer et ere you an prouide your own rane tion loge nthe form of custom ABAP code To cea this were, go t Traction €MOD and ‘coat a project that us enhancement project ACS (00%, Mate sur tat your custom ABAP code I placed Into the Include program 2x8ADU03 Fiseaim | —Exaveriao a [Bex tam Toe [EUR] ewasequien ec rere ne Figure Carers Taneon eo th Ove tn 73 facing Vases ‘An example or using your aun tranon would be i ‘you wanted to want sata ofan ptt date in the pst, « merger dete, specie asset revaution ‘at, or any other parocur oven thas sgnncence forthe set values 7 summarize, Currency Tension Methods allow you to run any asset ceport In any cueney wing ry {easation you want. Now le’ take ¢ lok a another ‘very portant eporag fexture — recalculating vals. 73. Recalculating Values Whenever you fst cent and post to an ast master recor, th Asset Accounting modula automataly ele ulate the planned depreciation amounts fr the fal yea, ased onthe doprection paarates speced ia ‘the aset mister record and the posting iformtion of the tansacton| Fer example, say you create asset master record tha stigtline deprecation key (Lethe standard SAP depreciation key LNA) and a 10yeu ust e. ‘han, 3t the Begining ofthe fe! ya, you post an scaustiontaneation of 12,000 set Accounting wal now automate eaelae depreciation amaurt .F $1,200 forthe yar ($12,000 acqusion cast vided by 10 yeas ust te, ‘Tan, you make changes to tho asa master recon, Asset Accounting so automatially updates the planned Aeprecistion amounts. Fr example, you change the ef feof the ast we due om 10 yeas to ve years, the tem ilautomasaly recast the dre lation amount forte fiscal yearn is case woul ineease te planned deprecation mount for $1,200 to £2400 ($12,000 acqustion cast ded by the ew fveyear set ie In other words, Asst counting does ages job of eepag depecieon amounts cent Every tne you ‘change thease master record, the syste perfor & metus of dapat alae (ne Hy hang things that have no impact on depreition a al Le ‘changing the assets description). However godas this sutomatcrecalclston works won asset master record changes we made it doc’ ‘oc this way ulin you make changer In confguration sap grsscon 77 2 poring as ‘hat imps the deprecation elealation loge Lats look this in more cata Mating Cnsnges tne Caleuition Lage Conguation aera our example, we mentioned the standard SA? depredation key LNA, whichis congue to use | strlghclno coprecition elton. If you were 10 hang this calculation loge nthe coniguatontransae- tons, the sytem wouldnt perfor an automatic rea ‘eulion of tease’ deprecation amounts Inorderto update the cacuatea depreciation amounts for aeit h thers stustions, Ast Accourting provide the fanetion led Reeslelte valuss. You can un ths ‘rogram for mary atts concer, o or usin fesse, TS recalelate values fora singe ast, Sethe ‘Asset Change transaction Cansaction ASO2), enter the ‘set umber, and lc Eat» Reclulate vals, at shown in Fg 74 menu Path ‘Accounting «Financial Accounting Fed Assets + nvronment + Recaleulte Vales > Transaction Code Aran » Techncl Report Name gue 716 shows the slecton screen for thie pro- {gam You an limit the rcaleltlon rogram by Com any code, Malo asot number, Depreciation wea nd FROM fecal year. Thi ete you eels the tx epee lation fora specif cl year oly for example, without ‘racing ether depreciation aes. Recalculate Dapredaifon Fire Beast er fon Tanaton AD Figure 715shows the menage you'll efter the system sucess rocaleulats the asses values. (GZirmessooi2Ta 016 anges | Fires. Heoage Shown Aran Ae Recon te ty dont want to como any ast va eel uation jst, you can sulate the recalculation for single set nthe Asset Explorer tansacton To do 50, goto Transaction AWOIN, enter an asset number, fd lik the cn abled Recaeulate dep the ean Tooks ikea cleultor), Ths wil exeete a simulated 78 Cat Pn sop aarp re, ‘You can also Uist assets (an option you can selec to se each Indl szzt onthe report output: otherwise, ‘he report aut wl be on & summary lve. And, as ith jut about ll ote functions in Are Accurtng Sot before making ary atualdstsbateupestes A test ‘on alls yu fo revew any potent changes wthout Atul updating the att dalaise, Once you run the ‘rogram, the ouput wl ook sila that shown in gure 717 (a Va aoa a RIOR Tp _—[> oes Wes —o (oto [stress Oraconcatn| 35) Ts] —¥00| fae 1280 Asary in| ores | —cve36| C7939] — 100] 74 Chup Seomy | [oh eroreyie ce onann| 1080] — Ton 19} | wo See aioe s—iet = 2a ae Einoe a ter ae gr celts i opt Notice that the st shows the eu values foreach set ‘fis assets vas Select onthe acon cen, ste the old and the new deprecation amounts, and even a cates the diference in depreciation Note Ie Important to wndentand thatthe Recalclte Vales program nethe changes any posted amounts oe erates ay postigs. I merely ensures thatthe planed depreciation ameunts ave based on the cur rent configuration tings. ‘To ensue that your depreciation foc any given years cor: rect elated, you shuld wun the Recalculate Vales rogram at lest once yeu, ust pir tothe yearend osing procedures for Asset Accounting, |, how ‘vor recamand running this progam more een (Le, rmonthy 3s put ofthe monthend cong preci) tomy cons 74 Chapter Summary In this chapter, you famed tht Simulation Vesions and Cucroney Tarstion Maths in Aset counting reporting canbe set up ely and provide a enble way to enhance the standare epets. You ao leamed hat ‘he eaeulaton of azet vals ensures that the planned epreciction amounts propedy eet the current consg- ation settings, Key pins to remember fem ths ehap- terincude Siulition enon an show te impact of sine ‘ated deprecation te changes, nda depreia> ton ey and usa fe change, tout having to make any changes to the nsting asst data, >» cureney Tarlton Methods erable yout dply ssc report in any cureny tang any ranation Tog. Standard currency arsaton options neide curren tention ar of the eaptalton de, the acquston date today's ate, or spectied date these options ae nnfelet for space ur requlement, you can reat 2 user et and pevie your own eureney alton log > Tocrsure tat deprecation icrrec tal ues, Is important to au the Realise Vals progr stleat once a year before the yearend closing, Pe Sonal sgges running tis program on monthly In Chapter 8, the fil chapter, youl be Inroduced to the Ase Explorer, whichis a power tool or anaying single ise vale. 8 Asset Explorer ‘The main Aset Accounting reports a6 the bast way 10 port ast information and values for 3 lrge number of asses, Sometimes, owever, you may want to ane yz ony a sing asst. 1s those creumstaees, the tet Explores the ptt of choker 81. The Asset Explorer Screen To acess the Asset Export, use Tanacion AWOAH, gure 81 shows the bac Aret Explorer sre fran set, Well nov lookat he diferent secon of he fy busy Aset Explorer sven in more deal, staring th esmaecsse Ba) En stecenie rn etetee (EELS) eg Beae | ransactions ee |e je ina [sora sa aa [ind] EL]. compaarcaatan SEE fea ie Pane vaes Bok depen [Seon ‘he top pa of the screen shown in Figue 8.2. Her, you can enter the Company Code, Asst iin number and submumber forthe asst you want to anal, and ‘the specie Fiscal year for which you wan edly the value. Depreciation Aree ‘Net let look atthe uope eft section ofthe Asat Expoter sree. lt dapays al avalable Depreciation ‘reas fr thisasst, as shown I detain Figure 83, Sn- Py clidca depreciation re to sch the set vale die ay rom one deprecation are to anther, Figures At bp a en womsappescon (eas Far psa cece Fe 63 ine unter ear ‘an double-dek any asset tarsaton to depay more etl sbouk the posing and if avaiable, even display ‘the document nthe franc azoanting aye ee oe Premera cee WatsSaane (sere certngareiton etn arte Fess ea erccstion ta st ttn Erect cous bone etl a eee raise et ges seat tne rte Pele set values Disc to the right ofthe Deprecation Area section I the econ thi contains main ste value information a8 shown in detalin Figure 86 pre eprecaton wes t. The secon that shows the company code and aset urbe a the top of ths serene actualy auton Ct and you wl be sen to Transaction A803 (i Pisy Ase Master record Related Objects Dect blow the Depreciation Aras section is 2 box for raises objects. Figure 8.4 shows that his asset sina tan Equipment mater record Company Car (Cyan the Pat Maltenance (PM) module) that ‘the asset ves bought from Vendor C8. New York ha IRbelngsto Cost Center Sales Eas; and the it posts its ‘ales t GL Recount Ofer equipment. Yu can dou Desk ech f these related objects to access the cor- responding mane it pay transitions, FOP eee PO gtrme Oise ——) eset tarsus Directly fe the right ofthe elated objects Secbon 1 the “vansactlons ares shown in etal in lgue 85. Ts ae howl ote asset transection or the fiscal yew. You {ct sn A hs en TESS AEE Fs Gr Pa Planned valies Book epreciation fig 6 so i Dp ‘This secion shows all avlable set values in tre cl > Fiscal year stat ‘Th column sho the lus a of the beganing of ‘he scl year aplaye, > change “Ths colun shows the summary of al transactions of the cl yes ‘Te column shows the resulting values sof the end ofthe fa year ‘you can #00 In gure 86, this pela set bad no values at the Bepning ofthe fal year and there- fore, war squled during the Bz year splayed. Aso 22 ast poe Smuts notice the various tbr on ths screen, shown In gure» Parameters 87, which well at» mere det This 2b shows the deprecation cleiton para tes for ths asset; spel, includes the depre- ‘ation hey (Dep. Ky) sc fe (Uefa if) and eprecition start date (rdep tart date, as shen in Fagur 8.10, » panned values Tra how te planed deat vaes for thease oposdi the pete wale) sted vues ow “sta show th av posted dprectn aS ote nat Forno re 8 sows | Sa ‘Semon depmcon posse Figue 8:0. Degen Pree [eer pseares SEL] asset txt Sinuaton ‘other goat feature ofthe Ase Explorer tht you ca use isle te following > Changs to deprecation parameters Simulating Chenges to Depreciation Parametart Snulting deprecation parameter changes an tothe Simuliton Versions i easy i the Aue Explore. ick > comparisons ‘the Such on Simulation con 8) shown in Figure 8:11 Thistaballows you to compare multiple deprecation tum on the smultion made, ess or sever fea yeas Figure 8.9 shows the conpstion or depeieionasot enor te [a yee 2008 though 2008. ae — ro ot Slr Made kon a ET ‘You know that you art Insulation made when the eznaosoae escrption of he tansaeon changes o sot Explore ‘Simulation, shown in igure 812, Asset Explorer Simulation ‘Now you can esl change the degrecaonpurtce fon the Parameters a gure 8.3 shows te pater falds avalable forint woesprecon 83 1 foe etre lesion Method of your choice, This wi dip al ve tes in the Asset Splrern aderent currency using the vachange rte you want. Simulating Asset Tansuctlons In ation to changing the deprecation parameters in Sinulaon mode, you can a0 simulate aeet wansse- tions, When you ae onthe Planned values 2h, clk the “rns. Simulation con in the lower right portion f the seven ites tke an abaces to enter asimuated tans- ‘ion forthe set, For example, Figure 814 shows & es ena fs FE Es cnn Note Silat set tranescons iss powerful feature that ie only elable athe ase Explorer 83. Curtency Translations ates youcan ute Coren Tapelation Methods asset reports ya ean aso use them in the Asset Explore To fet mutes, click the lon Tana curengy amounts ‘Shown in Figure 815 and than slat he Currency Tan 84 cabo Ps 207 hs rd Figure cig the Caren anon Matin at oe 84 Depreciation Calculation (One ofthe mort important features ofthe Aset Ener Is that allows you to dspay the log or depreciation alelation. In other words, whenever you find your- self asin why or how the system cleulted 2 partic ‘ar deprecation emount you can use ths function £0 nays the parameters the stem ved in selon rouse To se this ete, solec the Planned values tab and clk the Dipiy dep, cleaton eon shown in gure 516, Fe 646 Diy dp Cuesston en ‘he nase screen that splays, shown in Figure 827, ‘cues the deta fr al deprecetincaleuationpra- ters from rounding ules to the order of deprecation Calculation Parmeter have been configured fo the deprecation kay that’s red onthe set master record > Depreciation Terms Th btton splays the depreciation tens om the sett master ecard, such athe drreition ky eed, deprecition art date, ete Fasteners Tuan] fast aca rt Fa cou Tom ames ae > Patod Information Tis button esas te numberof penods forthe Aepreition elation, including the urflMeand ped saul if forte se. te The Diplay Depreciation Caleltion function say ors fr open fiscal erst 85 Chapter Summary “The Asset Explorer ia powerfl ool you cn veto de Play ancl analyze a ingle ase's values. ofr va ‘ey af functions tht cambine the ber of many Inés al asset reports. For example the Asset Explorer sos planned and posted valer, supports eurency wane tions ang smuiton visions, and even enables you to Simulate st transitions ach aretrements, tne, ), Furthermore the Ast Explorer can forecast depre- ‘ton for future fuel ee. ‘One of the most Important fetuns ofthe Asset Explorer, however, Ie Hs aly to splay the depres. tion aleuation lagi, whieh helps you to andentand ‘ny and how the tem has calelted a cota dee ‘ton mount. 86 Guide Summary ‘This compltescur discussion of Asset Accounting repent Ing. Hope, fer eading ths guide, you hve leareg ‘et about the ba Asset Accounting reporting syste, You now know how to ue the diferent report fanctiont to produce accurate and meaningful asset repos. 35 Wel as hon tous the assorted reporting tools to enhance the andar set pots Wit this knowledge, you should be able to los all podingreqtermens for Sad eet ihout ‘ving to crate custom repots or queries. you ever find youself in postion where no standard are coport ‘meets your requirements, you shoud consider 2 Business iarehouee report or custom SQV! query a8 your next bes aerate msppeecon 85 A. Glossary ‘ABAP Query An ABAP reporting too! tat enables a User to cate hls com eeport without having to know ny programming. The BAP Query tool user graphical Intrace nd bul the BAP code sede forthe report sutomataln the baclgroune, ‘Acquistion and Production Cost (APC) Commeniy referesto athe set scot ‘Advanced Business Agplaton Programming (ABAP) “hiss the SAP programming nguage Asset Accounting Subsidy ledger to the Genel Ledger (Ci) ase to nage fed aac Alo own a Fed Asets and the Ase dnagemert modu ‘Asset Balance Reports These types afrepos show the ‘se’ vals as of «afc date Ghe reporting dt) Seo alo fret Tanaction Reports ‘Aesat Clas Actera 0 casas by Spe acco Ingto legal or business equemants.Typialaset clases, Ince Machinery and Equipment, Foturer 3nd Fur ‘Asset Exporer_A tol wed to perform compreensie rly epoting, and simulation for fed szete. The ‘Asset Explorer connect the asset master recor, asset Values, asset tanscins nd additional relted object= Couch ae cost canter, pint, G/L arnt inane nee Asset History Sheet A report tht shows the progress ofan are’ tansctiors! history ffm the bepnnng of ‘the fal yar throug the reporting date. Thi report ca be configu in secordance with the wen! spec ‘Aot Number number thit cons of the rin rumbar andthe subnumber Tageber wth the company code, these two numbers uniquely identify an set mas tar cen the SAP ate Asset Tansaction Reports These types of repors show ‘he wansatons poste to an ase dung the reporting petiod (sully beginning ofthe yoar to reporting date See lo Aue alice Reports, ‘Asset Under Consoucion (AUC) Ae asst that inthe proces of being completed aes ot in serie yet Typ- Iealy, AuCs ae shown on a separate account in the bale ince Sheet and teefre ae atid to a spec aset ‘ase Value Date-The date of an aoe tresction for the ase Accountng point of ew This date can be dt ferent than the poring dts and document dt nd an ‘van be In accounting paods that ve aendy ben ose. Hower, all dates must be within the sae fs calyoae Barcode A physical em uted to tag, enti and tak ‘ied ses. Ussly applied a sicker label drety to the phyla plce of equipment. See as Ratio Fre ary Manton Tg ID) Book Value The set's net value as ofa specie de [Neo refered to a8 Net Book Valve of Net Tot Ve, opending onthe depreciation ses wed to ees the mount oomsapqrscon 87 BW. Susness Warehouse. A separate SAP epplction sed to exact Information or the SAP system fr fue ther ane ad reporting. epitaaaton Oxte ach set mister record ean have ‘oniya single capitation date it represents the de on which the set was laced ito service ‘change Document A document in SAP that records changes mide to muster recor or wansactions The doc- ment incas information on the change isl before td ater vue), daterimestamps, and user torn sin Cost Center An oxgaiztona unt within the cone toling arcs that eposons a lection were eos are incur ard wacked (eg, asset depreciation ypialy posted to cost canter). Currency Tanslation Methods reporting oo! wadin est Accounting for tandting ast values to another turronoy ung various exchange rates, Cureney Ta laton Methods can be vse en the secon seen of ‘Asse costing repos Depreciation Area An are hat racks the values for an set fora pete purpose eg. fort, nancial lance shee, or ensldaon purpose) An ae can have up 12.99 daprcation sea, each wth ts ov set of set Deprecati, Depletion, and Amortization KODA) Cemmonly rete to as the asset's depreie Depredaton Key A key to calelte deprocton amounts fr an ase’ deprecition area. The depreci- ‘on ay ox the alelstion of deprecation intr, se ep ans, he eign tt dopcatin ‘rin a a ocr Depreciation Start Date Each depreitonaen fran sssat ha 1b wn deprecation star te. Tho tart dato | when the depreciation eleulaton for ths asset and 88 cote sco Agha depreciation sarod. The date sul denves rom the capalztion date (but the dates dont have tobe the se du to diferent depreciation cleuation require ‘ments inthe aaron asprecation srs, Dynamic Selections User-defined selections to acess the Loglal Osabase. Oynanie selectins allow users to uher deine selection citer for effcint data retnea. Investment Measure An Intra Order, Work Breske down Stature (W85) element, or Appropdation Request used Ina capa project th the goal of producing or capalang a faed ase. Logical Oatabase A cllcton of SAP progams designed to retiewe data tiie for verousappes- Yon aes. The opel Ditabsse ADA Ie ed extensely th al set Accouoting eps, Radio Frequency Idetificetion Tag (RFID) —& sal opt cpu tg, ently, and trae fed ea, Soe ale Barcode Reporting Dato Mort Aset Accounting reports equi ‘a repontng date thts the date fom which se values ae bol aelte. SAPscrpt A too used to manage, design ard edt at foums that can ten be painted fom vous SAP vars Section Seren Gvery Aset Accounting report sats with a Selection screen tht enables ur to en spe tie parameters fr the report and ether Sinton in onder to produce « meaning report. Selection sre usually ome in a shod abbreviated version wt ited selection crt, as wells 2 full esion that nudes ll Simulation Version porting tool in Asse Acount- Ing used to ane depreciation parameter changes and ‘thetr impact on deprecation calvin witout having to make seal changes tothe set maser ecrc, Sort Versions A tol weed to crt and subtotal asst report Can be congue enya ea ctl compe ren for roduc meaning asa report Transaction Type A key wre in set Accouting for vary ase posting. It asiies each ansactio nto var= lous categories (le, acqulton,rtement, and tran {ep and can then be ued in reporting to produce come: sponding warsction repos eg. an seqution eer, retirement report, et) Useful Life The expected time period ovr which an siesta ued and dereite. The ut ievarer byasset type ane deprecation aaa. Work Sreakdoun Structure (WBS) Elament A hire= chica cutie of 2 projet and deseption of tual tasks within projet denon, womsipgrsscon 89 B Resources [Additonal informtionalble onthe Internet ats to SAP Ast Accounting >» Michael Management Corporation wncvhaloaagementcom Ths the authors companys website. Michel ‘Management Corporation ‘san SAP cnsutg, Aevelopmert, and traning tem tat species in Asset Arountng, Projet Sytem, and Investment Aanagerent uous. Ths webste offers etic, re sentation, and online taining courses for SAP Asset Account, tet ‘he online ap documentation forthe ante SAP stem i valabe at this website. SAP Deeper Network ascsnsap.c0m | SAP's Developer Network (SDN) ge anne communiy for SAP developers usr, ara, nd const, Membership fe. 9 Gane Pes 267A ese {intemal Revenue Service (RS) it gov/ormsputfindr epee? [A cforms ited In this gulce were downioaded fem this ink, nancial Acourting Standards Board (FASB) ne feshor/ Ths website offers hundreds of le, regulon, rd anicles around acountng standards. “Area's SAP User’ Group (ASUG) ve asug con’ “The word's gest SAP usr group's wet offers ‘went of information and nrtwereng opportunities ‘Membership is ecuted ‘alles Information Servicer ornstpubscon/ap/ ily Ifortin Sences OWI) a ndopen- dent prover of ifort to professional who ply, manage, suppor configure, and cntomize SAP solitons. This web ofers alge vary of ‘AP nevalettr and expert magne. Index. ry ‘uey 3 Aegon cont 46 pegiton ee 76 equine 12 etl deren 29 Pesan Var 19,15 Cam ape Inout 15 Downloat MlcorR cl 5 Neca repots 16 nave oF Reem enue reper 68 pr smensy 72 poppin requests 28 Report sen 42 epee 628 ep say 32 ‘ape 53 apo sotmay 6 pomeannais et tle 25 “Faw Dependent At orion 25 Rept 6.57 Repo summany 8 rous 9,51 Peon win anion 5 epee 6,48 ape Suey 52 Raton st 45 et nar a change apo 36 epee acy 62 at Porto ‘apr 6.22 ‘opr saey 22 ep 6.36 apr Suay 42 Repo 6.39 reper Samay 42 cet ato apo 6 36.28 ‘Asset under Conon AUC) 1.35, 35.67 Begining 25.96 balance nsec 13 ‘ipa ots 13 Serigs 11 Stange Depa es 12 Seting, Reporte 11 Stings, Sort ein 13 Satins, atonal 18 sagning Sent 25,46, ona decation 73 c Coat evrtent ears 6 Cottman date 5,76 Change doarmets 56 hartbledoations 39: vsaston 12 Consus epee 48 Coaching amounts 46 caney 75 ‘irene Tnlton ethos 672.75 stom repr aot 95 D Dw fil aeguliton 54 ‘rey 26 Panne 25 Unpaned 26 Deprecton wee 12,68 eprecitn Compton apo 6.68 ep smmary 72 epor 628 Deprecitorey 15,26 Report smmary 32 Depector at dte 15 Depecto pe 24 Dil opts 13 Diplarvrnt 13 Dynamic sein 6,14 ese 8 E Enhanced eject ae 97 Evahaton poe 3 change Ras Type 78 F Form nr fy pining barcode 54 G rp tt 12 4 toy Sa van 45 yon mpocs 21 ‘apo 661 feprtsrnmany 62 Invern Invern it 36 2 canes 207A eh see atone 36 Invecmest mansgeent 8 L Lastinertany date 55 tase ep 6 0 Liston by Ae Os evr 30 ep Suny #3 toni Cnt Element por epee Sumy 42 legoe 8 Investment Naagenen NA © Pret pam, 79 ogdB Ave 3 gia! Dabur gd} 9 {ogi Database D8 9 M port 6 cosa xl donload 6,19 nud Guster le Repo 6 65 ‘et Worth vation reper To) pr 6,78 Report nena 72 ° Pe Pra ientony Rept 54 epot summry 62 Planet depocton 25 epert 6 ep By Ast ard Posing aod ep ete Concent 28 ep wry 32 Posting date 34,35 Pret oyna 3 Proper 1 Prop tan 1452, 70 Q eatery rent 39 R eal tad sn gts por 69 or sary 62 ea erepery 71 Sects 78 epee “has Reema everue 69 Dat egiltone 34 setts 57 Ds Histo Shot 45 atom tout 1S Depeciton Camperion 62 see! 16 ‘yon 20 esing 60| Uso igs by Ast Dabs 40 stot Orgy Cat ean 44 Mi-ouete Ae 65 Net Wort vlan pert Ta) 70 Poe Deprection By et and Posing Ped 25 ot Dept Cau Cot el tat and Siar igh $8 Spedaly 53 ‘al Dapecaton 23 Transport Egupen 6D report date 14 Aeporing took 73 Ratan iout 38 46 s sabe 38,58 Siration ven 624,79 Ser venonconfgaion 17 Spel deprectn 26,52 Spec ports 53 sev 28 asnce-bsd 24 Tamctan sued 21 Subsequent eveme 37 Station 78 T us “Tei eld ane 95 Tot Dprecaton| apo 6 22 Rept sararary 32,72 “antion-bd apo 23,33 ration pe 35, 36.38, 49 arsporation upmost Tort 6 60 u niu inten 19 Unpansesdepetion 26,52 stanton 65 star eporing 6 v w Wort Sear (WBS) 26,35 Y ‘essen deprecton acute 28, msn grsscon 93

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