Poster 12

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What is Bullying?

noun; To treat one in an intimidating or

harmful manner. To harrass, and be cruel
and overbearing, especially to those that
appear "weaker" than itself.

Whats at stake?
- Your future, most
colleges look at social
media accounts of future
students. Many have lost
the right to even attend
the school because of
the things they post.
- Friends, depending on
what you post, you
could lose some very
important people.
People don't want to be
friends with someone
who cyber bullies
- Trust, you never know
who can see you account

- Even if you delete it, other people saw it

- What you post is always there

Woul d you ri sk i t?

25% of t eens have not got t en int o a school or

a job because t hey part ake in cyber bul l ying

- Suicide is the third leading cause of

death in the US
- This causes about 4,400 deaths per
- Mainly in teens 12-18
- Today girls ages 10-14 are more at
risk for suicide due to bullying
- To avoid this: Understand that every
individual is different. Watch what
you say, because you never know who
is listening

w o r d s h u r t , w at ch w h at y o u p u t o n l i n e

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