Crew Foia 2014-006851-0001873

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Mccarthy, Gina[]
McCabe, Janet[]; Grundler,
Christopher[]; Argyropoulos, Paul[]; Simon,
Karl[]; Bunker, Byron[]; Manners,
Mary[]; Anne Cannon MacMillan
([]; Krysta Harden
([];[]; Utech, Dan

Larry Schafer
Mon 12/2/2013 6:02:56 PM
Letter from NBB to the Administrator of EPA relating to decisions about biodiesel from
Argentina qualifying for the RFS under Section 80.1454(h)

Dear Administrator McCarthy:

Attached is a letter from NBB to EPA relating to decisions about biodiesel from Argentina qualifying for
the RFS under 40 CFR Section 80.1454(h).
We understand a number of companies in Argentina, working through their trade association "CARBIO",
are requesting the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to approve an "Alternative Renewable
Biomass Tracking Requirement" under 40 C.F.R. 80.1454(h), which, generally, would serve to replace
the stringent feedstock record keeping requirements of the RFS2 regulations.
The attached letter explains why we think it would be premature to approve any plan at this time.
Additionally, if EPA chooses to move forward, then EPA should do so under notice and comment first.
Ultimately, if the application is approved, then as much as 900 million gallons of biodiesel from
Argentina could fill the U.S. Biomass-based diesel program, leaving very little if any, for producers from
the United States.
While we believe that public notice and comment is required on any proposed survey plan, we would
like to meet with you to determine whether EPA is in fact considering a proposal similar to the one
described herein - and provide you with additional information on the detrimental impacts it is likely to
have on our industry.
To arrange a meeting, please call Kirsten Skala at 202.737.8801 or by email to===~====
We look forward to hearing from you on this important issue.

Thank you.

Larry Schafer
National Biodiesel Board
0: 202.737.8801

CREW FOIA 2014-006851-0001873

M: 202.997.8072

1331 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Suite 505
Washington DC 20004

CREW FOIA 2014-006851-0001874

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