Crew Foia 2014-006851-0002021

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Mackay, Cheryl[Mackay.]
Distefano, Nichole[]
Vaught, Laura
Thur 11/7/2013 9:55:51 PM
FW: IL Corn is concerned about rumored EPA announcement on RFS

From: Megaw, Stuart []

Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2013 2:23 PM
To: Vaught, Laura
Subject: FW: IL Corn is concerned about rumored EPA announcement on RFS

CREW FOIA 2014-006851-0002021

From: Lindsay Mitchell ~=~====~-"',

Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2013 12:24 PM
To: Megaw, Stuart
Subject: IL Corn is concerned about rumored EPA announcement on RFS

Dear Stu:

Please see the attached letter to Congressman Enyart. Illinois Corn is concerned about
the rumors of an EPA announcement lowering the Renewable Volume Obligations
(RVOs) for corn-based ethanol in the Renewable Fuel Standard.

Yesterday, I sent you a note about corn prices hovering just below break-even prices. If
the EPA lowers our demand and cancels out a large market for corn, we can expect our
prices to plummet, quickly sending farmers into crisis mode.

There is a ton of great information and data in this letter, but one important summary
point would be - if the corn and ethanol industries can keep up with a 13.8 billion gallon
demand in a drought year when yields were significantly lower than average, why would
we lower the requirement to 13 billion gallons in a year when we expect historically high
yields and corn production? This doesn't make sense.

If Cong Enyart could contact the EPA and question this decision, it would drastically
benefit not only farmers, but consumers who are benefitting from lower prices at the
pump and a booming ag economy.

Thanks for your time and definitely let me know if you have questions about this issue or

CREW FOIA 2014-006851-0002022

any others.

Lindsay Mitchell

Illinois Corn
PO Box 1623
Bloomington, IL 61702-1623

309-557-3257 (work)
309-846-6622 (cell)

CREW FOIA 2014-006851-0002023

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