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Ganesan, Arvin[]
POLITICO Pro Whiteboard
Thur 5/8/2014 4:53:41 PM
Pro-ethanol groups urge W.H. to raise RFS to combat climate change

5/8/14 12:52 PM EDT

The National Com Growers Association, along with the biotechnology industry and ethanol
groups, is calling on President Barack Obama to reverse the EPA's plans to relax the com
ethanol mandate in the 2014 Renewable Fuel Standard, saying the move goes against the
administration's recent calls to combat climate change.
The proposed 2014 standard for the first time called for reducing the amount of com ethanol
required to be blended into gasoline. Although the EPA is expected to raise the requirement in
that proposal when it issues the final version next month, pro-ethanol groups are concerned that
the final standard could still
the development of the industry.
to the president today, the groups argued, "Carrying the EPA's proposed approach
forward in future years would trigger even larger increases in climate-altering emissions; by
2022, the cumulative emissions of greenhouse gases would be nearly 1 billion metric tons higher
than would occur if EPA continued to set the Renewable Fuel Standard at statutory levels."
"The EPA' s proposal will not only undermine your administration's efforts to address climate
change, it will also undercut the administration's efforts to support commercial scale production
of cellulosic ethanol and other advanced biofuels - precisely at the time this new industry is
taking root."
- Jenny Hopkinson

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