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Ganesan, Arvin[]
POLITICO Pro Whiteboard
Wed 5/7/2014 6:19:06 PM
Lawmakers make push for RFS reform

5/7/14 2:18 PM EDT

House lawmakers pushing to end the ethanol mandate in EPA's Renewable Fuel Standard are
to overhaul the program
calling for greater support and passage of their legislation
before the expected release of revised 2014 ethanol levels next month.
"I think the debate is over, the RFS as we know it is not sustainable,'' California Democrat Jim
Costa told the more than 20 people gathered at a press conference this afternoon on Capitol Hill.
"Putting food into our fuel tanks is hurting consumers, hurting businesses and hurting
agricultural interests."
Costa, who was joined by GOP Reps. Bob Goodlatte and Steve Womack, argued that the EPA's
original proposal to lower the ethanol mandate for 2014 was appropriate, but Congress needs to
The bill calls for limiting the
fix the problem in light of the pressure on EPA to
amount of com ethanol that can be blended into gasoline and changing the rules for cellulosic
ethanol to mirror production levels.
Keeping the ethanol mandate in place is unnecessarily driving up the cost of com, resulting in
higher animal feed prices and raising prices at the grocery store, the lawmakers argued.
"We ought to use all the tools in our energy tool box,'' Costa said, noting that 40 percent of com
produced last year was used to make ethanol, up from 12.5 percent before the passage of the
RFS. "But using feedstock in fuel is not good public policy and it is price distorting,'' ultimately
causing more harm than good, he said.
Goodlatte added: "Congress created this artificial market and Congress must provide relief"
- Jenny Hopkinson

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