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Ganesan, Arvin[]
POLITICO Pro Whiteboard
Tue 4/22/2014 10:35:23 PM
APl's stance on biofuels mandate marked by 'absurdity,' ethanol group says

4/22/14 6:34 PM EDT

The American Petroleum Institute's statements attacking the Renewable Fuels Standard are all
over the map, Advanced Ethanol Council Executive Director Brooke Coleman says.
"The absurdity of the American Petroleum Institute's positioning on the Renewable Fuel
Standard is starting to come to light,'' Coleman said in response to a statement API
the 2013 cellulosic biofuel volume mandate.
after EPA decided to
API said the agency's move shows that the RFS isn't working, and that "it's time for Congress to
stop the insanity" and repeal it.
Coleman said the oil industry group needs to make up its mind.
"One day API claims that the RFS is an inflexible standard that requires them to do things they
cannot do,'' Coleman said. "When EPA waives the oil industry's obligations for 2013, with the
administrative flexibility API says doesn't exist, API then says that flexibility is the problem and
its existence is evidence that the RFS is unworkable."
"The RFS is not insane, as they claim, but it appears to be driving API insane,'' Coleman added.
- Erica Martinson

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