Crew Foia 2014-006851-0001054

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Mccarthy, Gina[]; Beauvais, Joel[]; Ganesan,


Beverly Strayhall
Thur 1/16/2014 5:07:43 PM
Subject: Support Strong Biodiesal Renewable Standard

Dear Administrator McCarthy:

My name is Beverly Strayhall and I live in the Quad Cities in eastern Iowa. I am writing to
you today regarding your agency's proposed rules on the Renewable Fuel Standard. I
believe, as I know you do, that investments in renewable energy are essential to lowering
carbon emissions and protecting the environment today and in the coming decades.
Biodiesel is a critical part of that picture.
In fact, your agency has determined that biodiesel reduces lifecycle greenhouse gas
emissions by at least 57% compared to petroleum diesel. With more than five billion
gallons of gas used between 2005 and 2012, biodiesel has reduced overall emissions by
85.6 billion pounds or the equivalent of removing more than six million passenger vehicles
from the nation's roadways. The EPA's development of the RFS has led to strong growth in
the biodiesel industry and today it is a leading producer of EPA designated Advanced
Biofuel and the first to break one billion gallons of annual production.
However, the recently proposed RFS requirements could undermine this progress entirely.
By keeping RFS biodiesel requirements at 1.28 billion gallons, despite record production of
1. 7 billion gallons this year, would have the effect of substantially reducing biodiesel
production in 2014. The result will be more greenhouse gas emissions and all the adverse
environmental effects that go with it.
In my own state, Democrats like Tom Harkin and Bruce Braley and Republicans such as
Charles Grassley and Terry Branstad have come together on this issue requesting the EPA
reconsider its proposed rules. More than 30 U.S. Senators have done the same. The strong,
bipartisan support demonstrates how important this issue is to farmers, consumers, the
economy, and the environment. Please reconsider the 2014 RFS requirements for biodiesel
and take action on this important issue.
Thank you for your continued service.
Beverly Strayhall

CREW FOIA 2014-006851-0001054

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