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By: Jean Philippe Murray

Class: 2R45


William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon,

England. His birthdate is unknown but is traditionally observed on
the 23rd of April, 1564. He was baptized that same year on the
26th April. William was raised in Stratford-upon-Avon.

Williams birth place and where he was raised

Young William was raised by his mother, Mary Arden and by

his very supportive father John Shakespeare. John Shakespeare
was born in 1531. John worked as a farmer with his father but in
1551 he moved to Stratford to set up business trading in wool,
malt and corn. His businesses tied in well with his father with his
father producing the goods and John trading in the retail side.
John was skilled in both leatherworking and the curing and
processing of fine leather to make ladies gloves and purses for
the nobility and traded as a Glover and Whittawer. He also started
in the dubious business of money lending. He obviously started to

do very well with all of his various interests as he then purchased

on house in Greenhill Street, Stratford in 1552, five years before
he married Mary Arden.

Mary Ardens home

John Shakespeares

Mary Arden was born in 1540 Mary was the favourite of

eight daughters of the widowed Robert Arden.

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