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NDHA Board Meeting

Bunten Road Park Activities Building

May 19, 2015 7:00 to 8:30 PM
Approve April Meeting Minutes
Treasurers Report
Old Business:
Security Fence signs purchased. Pound em in?
Erosion, Tennis Court, Pool Status? Visit from Engineer?
Other (Committee reports if significant progress or
impediment exists)
Committee Chairpeople Need someone to fill vacant
Tennis Chair, possibly someone more involved for
Landscaping Chair.
New Business:
Erosion Review Engineers plan and make actions. All
actions need a Done By date.
High water bill at Kenwood Entrance
4th of July planning
Open floor for member comments:
Schedule next Board Meeting June 15 suggested

Pool report
Much sweat equity has gone into the pool in an attempt to reserve budgeted
funds for significant repairs. Due to the heavy rain in April, the regular flow of
pool prep was shortened, and one of our contractors was unable to do his share.
Result Volunteer work has saved a great deal of money.
Pool Floodlights are now in place. Too soon to start showing electrical cost
savings. Old lights 300 watts X 12 fixtures = 3600 watts. New lights 18 watts
X 12 fixtures = 216 watts.
Signs at front and back entrance now clearly state No One In Pool During
Closing Hours. I talked with police and they will swing by the pool after hours
and will always take a call. 770-476-4151
Replacement of broken lounge stalled, but families have agreed to replace one
unit. Rob needs to make sure we dont just let this go.
Still plan to stain cement deck during off times but may not get a chance to do
Fence at bottom of old steps still needs repair.
2015 lifeguard is in college and in army. Appears to be a no nonsense kid.
Combine with camera and I think well have a safe season.
Looking for a volunteer to water pool plants.
Plans for end of 2015 season:
Fuse Panel does not meet todays code and a few breakers can be pulled out of
the box. Hire an electrician to move location of box and get us up to code.
Cement deck has several hollow spots. After swim season is over but before
pool is buttoned up, Deck will be broken apart and repaired/replaced.

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