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Formal Monitoring Visit Report: Activity Name

Note: This template captures the minimum information expected from a formal monitoring visit. It may
be necessary to capture additional information to support decision-making and learning.

Key conclusions and
follow-up actions

Summarise key conclusions from the visit and what follow-up actions are
required, e.g. how will conclusions be discussed with implementing
partners and MFAT Staff?

Purpose of visit

What was the purpose of the visit, e.g. to help deal with problems, issues
and questions)?

Key areas of focus

What were the key areas or dimensions that received focus?


Who participated in monitoring visit (e.g. activity manager, post staff,

consultants, implementing partner staff)?

Environment / Context

Was there evidence of a changing environment or context that may impact

on the effectiveness of the Activity (either positively or negatively)?

Implementation and
delivering development

Was Activity implementation progressing as planned and what evidence

of outputs and progress towards intended outcomes?

Partners, beneficiaries
and other stakeholders

Which stakeholders were available for discussion? What were their

perceptions regarding the Activity? What evidence of relationships
between key stakeholders? Are governance and management
arrangements appropriate and working as planned?

Monitoring systems

What evidence was there regarding the quality and functionality of

monitoring systems? Did evidence on the ground support the most
recent monitoring information provided prior to the visit?


Are risks adequately monitored and managed? Are controls and

mitigations working as intended to reduce likelihood and consequences?

Formal Monitoring Visit Report

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