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FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT, BCN3727 CONSTRUCTION SITEWORK & EQUIPMENT ; [COMMON SIEVE TYPES AND MESH OPENINGS Deetin Uk Sonderd yg Stondod ‘Bh Sundord | coipeton lor” ilies nce aes tc iret 7 wow 4% os A | Gor Bie oss 232 ook sr fio Goss 148 oss hast Ose 1678 yo cas One 08s ee fo com ca = fo coms 635 oor ons a0 0781 fi Gos? Gey Ome OL ONO fm coos om game ocr 0089 Ome fo Gomi, Gos ona: 00s feo Sons wear ons ame usaraTonY NOs 214719 pare, LL/L/08 ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE EXCLUSIVE PAORERTY GF OUR CUENTS. [AUTHOmIZATIGN FOR PUBLCATION Of EXTRACTIONS FROM: UR REPORTS AAERESERYED PENDING OUR AMPROTAL erao0 oF 1 ay 5G ae | TENT LocAtioH oF Tait, -+_— Se a eager of paras sa | 2.6 a $ 5 aiving aren Hab fe -[os Sve Tears pEreEseNT Teg ncrunce Denar A TERT LooATION Z : Teer ourTu ng: 40) yore, Tee TeeTs sHOULD NOT BE USED AS in JAF BOC DEWisITY EELOW TEST DEPTH, To REAR ‘744 ike) oy, Gave Fu saateseo0 PHONE: Fa sale barre: scenszaere ‘Wn SEETLCOM wsowroRY NO: -ite720 woana: N/A eae * 1/1/08 [ASTHORUATION NO: A ‘ REPORT-OF. © MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP OF SOIL ‘por taborinals, 1h * = DENSITY AELAMIGNSIP CURVE “ANEMBER OF THE ‘RouraeasTenn exci November 1, 2004 BCE! FILE NO: 040% REPORT OF BEARING CAPACITY OPINION ‘tr, John Heller, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL CITY OF FORT LAUDERDALE BLDG DEPT 300 NW 1 Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 za RENOVATIONS FortLauderdale,FL Dear Sir: ‘This is to confi that technicians from Southeastem Engineering & Testing Laboratories, Ine. have conducted a standard penetration test (SPT) geotechnical subsoil investigation in accordance with ‘ASTM D-1886, and sail density tests pursuant fo ASTM D-2922 and D-1557, at the above referenced project, reports of which were submitted to you under separate cover. in-place soil density tests conducted according fo ASTM D-2922 on the final fit of-the compacted building pad were found to eet the recommended 95% of maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM D-1557. Bosed on tho results ofthe subsoil investigation and the density test, it Is our opinion that these soils appear substantially adequate to support the proposed construction on a shallow “dation of pouretan-place reinforced concrela spread and continuous footings designed _litiay an allowable bearing capacity of 2500 PSF In order to limit total settlement fo one (1”) inch ot fess, in accordance with Meyerhof Theory. Dive to the fact, however, that soils are generally naturally deposited materials, formed under variable Conditions, it must be realized that major subsurface discontinuities may ocour within very short ietances, While we fee! that our test recults represent general project site conditions with respect to both type and density of soils, our office does not warrant or imply that soll test data collected are indicate of subsurface conditions except at the test location. Only a limited geotechnical evaluation of this site has been requested and performed and represents an accurate appraisal of site conditions, based upen careful interpretation of physical data, to the a possible. SOUTHEASTERN ENGINEERING “) & TESTING LABORATORY, ING. arsiswsssr. pave r.ssstesta “AMENOER OF THE ‘PHONE: 9545844322 FAX: 964/501-4298 SOUTHEASTERN ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. (AYTONA BEAGH: 2067252 6578 WAW.SEETLCOM y REPORTDATE: u2to4 CET FILE NO: 04A04 SERVICE DATE ViG/04 0B NO: 2008-04 INVOIGE NO! 25340 TECH: MC. Krouskroup REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION UTILIZING PENETRATION TESTS & SPLIT-BARREL ‘SAMPLING OF SOILS, ASTM D 1686 CLIENT: (avenue Davie, FL 39330 PROPOSED NEW QE RESIDENCE. FLORIDA FRUIT LANDS COMPANY SUBDIVISION No. 4 TRACTS! Davie, FL. ee INTRODUCTION Pursuant to yeur request ard authorization, we have performed an evaluation of standard penetration tects and splt-barrel sampling of sails conducted on Janvary 18, 2004, atthe above feferenced proect, for the purpose of performing a limited subsoll exploration of the site in ‘enneoton withthe propesed construction, in order to assist in the formulation of foundation recommendations, and we are herewith submiting our rprtin this regard ‘TEST PROCEDURE ‘The tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM D 1586 utilizing a SIMCO 2400 SK drill rig by dtving @ standard 2° 0.0,, 1-2/8" |.D. splitberel penetration spoon into undisturbed scl using a 140-paund drop hammer faling a Neight of thiry [S07] inches. The penetration resistance was logged in blows per six (6° inches of penetration and appears onthe baring logs faecompanying tis report. The numberof blows required to drive the sampler one [1] foc ater seating six [6" inches is designated as the Penetration Resistance or; *N’ Value, cf the scl This value provides an estimate of in-situ soll_strength and density at a given depth. eZ SOUTHEASTERN ENGINEERING & TESTING LABORATORY, INC. A781 SW51 ST. DAVIE, FL 33314-6509 AMENBER OF THE PHONE: 254-£644522 FAX. 964-564-4398 SOUTHEASTERN ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. DAYTONA BEACH. 86:2620878 WANW/SEETL.COM Be a 1124104 ‘TEST PROCEDURE (con't) Sol samples, which were recovered, aro used for visual subsol identifeation per ASTM D 2488, Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Menual Procedure). ‘The detailed subsurface conditions encountered at the fest locations are described on the poring fogs. The limits of separation between stata represent approximate boundaries and the ‘changes between materials may be gradual. ‘This limited subsurface investigation was conducted by performing four (4) Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings at locations determined by the Client. The boring locations are poled on the atached boring logs. The laboratory engineering tezm determined the depth of the exploratory borings. = ‘The test borings, which were situated in proximity to the proposed building area, were advanced to.a maximum proposed tast depth of fifeen (15) feet below land surface (BLS), which i, in our pinion, vithin the-sol bearing load zone of infuence of structures of the proposed configuration. SITE DESCRIPTION Tho project site is comprised of a vacant 28.8 Acre tract of and cated at AA Steet, ih tho AVNET area of the Town of Davie, Florida. The property is relatively fat and contans a cover of weeds and orange trees inthe areas where the exploratory borings were conducted. The elevation of the proposed buling pad area appears to be approximately nree (3) feet below desired construction grade. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ‘The proposed constuction will consist primarly of @ two-story conventional, reinforced concrete (PIPRC), concrete masonry unit (MU) structure, which is to be utlized as @ now single-family residence. SiTE GEOLOGY The geoiogis formations occuring within the southwestern Broward County area in which the projects located range in age fom Pleistocene through early Mlocene anc include (youngest fo fides!) the Mam) oolte (Miami Limestone), the Anastasia formation, the Fort Thompson ~ formation, and the Tamiami formation. 7 The Miami ootte Is generally a white to yellowish ooiitc limestone containing large amounts of sands and shells, This latfar formation is either very thin or entirely absent In much of the ‘aree, vich is primarily mantled by the Pamlico sand deposit. ¢ on BE 21104 SITE GEOLOGY (con't) Tho Tamiami ard Anastasia formations are quite similar in composition, and it is very difficult to detect or distinguish differences between them, These formations are composed chiefly of alternating beds or lonses of sandy limestone or caleareous sandstone, sand, shells, and sand clay oF matt “The Biscayne aquifer (source ofall fresh ground water in Broward County) Is @ generalized term of reference and includes all of the stratigraphle units discussed above. It extends from near ‘ground surface to more than two hundred [200' feet below mean sea level (includes the upper fortion ofthe Teriam formation), This aquifer is unconfined, and the level of ground water in the area represents ts upper extent or boundary. The lower boundary of the aquifer is at the ‘base of the upper more permeable strata of the Tariar formation. soll DE: ee erat neboriag fogs attached hereto reveals © subsurtace soll profle in the area of the A oo Hck wnen fs somedral consistent Groughout the ste ane primary consists on Free cer surfial dopoat of up to nine (f°) Inches in thickness of black eandy muck Seer ore sero wery loose, fine gran sand to approximately seven to twelve (7-12) ae Lecing Inlersedsed. staia_of medium dense to dense calcareous sand, (ee. tod calerjeous sand and limerock tothe termination ofthe explored depths CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon the results of this limited subsoil exploration, as discussed above and described in {he attached bering logs Ris our opinion thatthe eols encourtered dung SPT implementation, ‘xcept forthe surficlal deposits of eandy muck, consist of cohesionlees granular solis sacet fot Mclently consolidated, with the application of a soli modification prograrn stripging, excavation, bacifiling and surficial vibro: ion, to ‘adequately support the proposed new ‘construction on a shallow foundation designed in ‘accordance with Section 1819 of the Florida Building Code (FBC) utilizing an allowable bearing ‘capacity of 2500 PSF, to limit total settiement to not more than the one (17) inch or less,-in scvordance vith Meyerhof Theory. Consequent, in order to prepare the building pad forthe proposed structure, we recommend the following site preparation procedure: —4- stip the proposed buliing-area-to-within-at-least five. (6)-feet beyond. the_ proposed ‘constuction perimeter. Completely remove the cover of vegetative growth and the ‘surficial deposits of black sandy muck observed in the SPT borings, a8 discussed above, down to the clean sand. Ee sati04 CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS (con't) 2. Duting the clearing progess to remove the unsuitable soils, discard the organic solls anc, possible, steckple the clean, granuiar soll for reuse as backfl, Examine the enti stipped tnd cleared building area to be sure that no pockets of topsoil, organic sand, muck, silt, peat, Toots, vegetation, trash of other deleterious material, if encountered, remain in the construction area. If the above-described condition Is found, the limits of the deleterious materials must be excavated to their perimeters and depth until all these ‘materials aro removed. Grade the pad to a level condition. +. After the proposed construction aes has been cleared, excavated end craded, saturate the ‘entire pad area, and-use a heavy, seltpropelied vibratory roler (DYNAPAG CA251, or equivalent) to surace vibro- 1/4" Dia Medium Stemmed 41/8" to 1/4" Dia Thin Stemmed < 18" Dia Te eR 121104 We thankyou for the opportunity o be of service to you on this project. Please cai if wa may be of further assistance, or if you have any questions concerning the contents of this report. Respectilly submitted, LOS.OF BONING. SOUTHEASTERN ENGINEERING =. °77}S Davie Gong A & TESTING LABORATORY aun ep oem Date Started 1/13/04 Ww as PROJECT: PROPOSED 2-STORY RESIDENC?: TM O4VEE, FL LOCATION: STAKED 28 PIELD BY CLIENT4SEE PLAN “ATTACHED ate Competes 1/13/¢ Dillan M. Krowalatcg f | ube | See [de]! Descriptor re: Ber ee) als solltyps calor texture, consistency | #3] 8: | 22 | 3g8 | gee BEE Notes on eng eonaltans F lox | | weede & orange execs ei ora | aaace eandy muck 4 Se mae OS ee + 2 2 3 PRI ai tees oe es 4 5 6 B 788) gE Gay ae WENey ineeaad, eee cemented 6. Tidesass ia 8 ey TSS a coarse Tinea sorlar we | apap Hae Sai TOREEE RENEE Tae ave i Tg gray Hise teas, eee aie an sy Woo Dae TT ‘es ve Mnsea a> PLL ON OD AMBLER HEE, 5 4.09 oF Bs SOUTHEASTERN ENGINEERING - “TTI Davie BORNE: FE & TESTING LABORATORY het vaeel gn litee wae/at Per cad ed 1/13/08 7 TT PROJECT! PROPOSED 2-STORY RESIO=N CT: OMSL AVE, FL LOCATION: STAKED 18 FIELD BY CLIANT!SEE FLAN ATTACHED ae Deseraion i sal typo, elon texture, consistency. ape Notes on ering seatlons sendy mc Stage sant BEE 7 ray PTY ae = Lata pray arTey TSTCREy TETELO Ceaated TBGTATE 7 Re z fA ber ox esses 7 a Ld" apareci al comma Tinea Tighe gray Hine Gy Solin praia wand, sone Eegenced Linesand if an stage Tighe gray Hise tant, eee HIE ar ARTE, Fane Far ear es Tees Heiss e we | | as aD Mae Oe 18 OUR e.. SOUTHEASTERN ENGINEERING —°FICE even BORING: 3 4OB# 2006-04 ° heat 2 ot _L_ & TESTING LABORATORY cloner an oo Ot MEE onto states 1/13/08 uecematind.1/12/9 pROUECT: PROPCSED 2-STORY“RESID:NCE A 84775, 7 LOCATION: STAKED IN PIELD BY CLIENT)SEE PLAN ATTACHED o Mi, Rrousiersup TE 32 | obs | Ses Lael? Deecriston Hig u a eit Q 5 soll type colon tenure, consistency. 32 | 82 | 2 | Sge | 305 | REE Notes.on driling conditions, i weeds 4 F, Grey Zane and bt ag [ra ceeereer Tiara = Bae Hine to Sea Grae sand EF ae Mv ine THERE gee], guneg,uinevand, Lieele Frapente OF ; TSR Esau E 4 rate Jaret see om ay ine baad TEES 4 6 bys i 2 fr 4s io) Daan ere eine san =a rk EES Ee candy iicele rocky Hivle oA SE ee ae naa Take grey Hine ead Tittle stir Fo 4 Fie qect ee bi, 12 is 5 \4 E x ast Ee HAD OF BORING @ 15" 16 a ii REreetH Sree, "Ws Wo ANAC FL ONE OD BAAR SOUTHEASTERN ENGINEERING FC Bevis SORNG: 64 & TESTING LABORATORY client JO5 ¥ 3/k ome: 1/15/06 Bos nies 1/19/04 out comping, 1/13/¢ nies We Hasuskscup no PROJECT: PROPOSED 2-STORY 2E510ENC3: ATTN DAVEE, 7 LOCATION: STAKED I FIELD BY CLIENT:SEB FLAW "ATTACHED Ae Description: Soll type, color, texture, consistency. Notes on ariling'eonsitions. Weeds £ orange trees Coa Bleck sandy euck ae 5 at fererd fun none errr orey Fine wind, Waeee le 208 23", a} a" Tie ane, rey Tint wend, Witele rock, Wiecle silt - i Urey Tike sane, Little etic, erace of rock 1 ean Sar aq Fay SITS wane aad Cemented Timesand and rock 3 E ray Tne wee, IS SOE 14 | E18 aS wane Ta 18 Tn WI PANHEA =" ALL ONTO. CRUPER SOUTHEASTERN ENGINEERING & TESTING LABORATORY LOG OF BORING Cv TT PROJECT: PROPOSED LOCATION: STAKED IK FIELD BY CLIENTYSEE PLAN ATTACHED ‘OFFICE: 40B# 2004-04 cuews J08 61/7 TORY RESIDENCE: EL DAVIE, FL serie Devie "BORING: #2 ‘heat ot L ta 2/15/06 cue stared 1/13/04 ate Comsietes 1/13/0 rite: M. Krouskeroup ceuanoyates onary coq couereney 2 ee | Byg | 32||" Description: ALU SEG TE) sumtin conte an) He | | sgh | Be EE Notes on ciling eondtons, jo Heed: he o Black muck 1 ey / cE + Tight grey fine sand C2? oh 3 al is" | en | i ot P Taght-Brev Eine EEE To bey "END OF BORING € 6' rd fa a 4 0 1 fie Fey tf i 5 Fed Jno a 7 + 4 ° 0 al LOG OF BORING mie SOUTHEASTERN ENGINEERING — TSE verse BORNE #2 eer 00teot "abet 1_et 1 & TESTING LABORATORY CLIENT JOB # N/A Date 1/15/04 TT Dae stated 1/13/08 ‘PROJECT: FROPCSED 2-STORY RESIDENCE: GMM DATE, FL Date completes 1/13/0 LOCATION: STAKED IN FIELD BY CLIENT:SEE PLAN ATTACHED ” ‘Me Rrouskrdup @ | ea fee eel" Description a HL ul nt He sell ye, colar, texture, consieteney. 2 | 82 | 35 gos 48 7 Notea on eriling candit ons | wees a aeT ah He aE Eee OS aa eo ane £2 44 Tan conented Tinesand, Tittle grey Hine sand 34 stat E ‘ Se ax a FE s Tray Hine wiiy wand, ae Poa rods 4 i Eee FS OF PONT TT 7 7 8 ° ° Et Lt: : 3 4 | ‘ | 8 } bt-7 : ie ee fe 9 | rt? regis, seaman arcane. uo Bia. © EREN Oe ‘ is

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