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Student Empire Checklist

Your Objective: To build a group of people into

a civilization, and then conquer all other
civilizations and make them part of your
EMPIRE. You want to gain as many points
throughout each level of the Empire game.
These points do matter. At the very end, in the
championship the team with the most points at
the end of this day will have a serious

Student Empire Checklist

Level 1: Your Civilization: Checklist

Create a Name for your Civilization
Create a poster with:
Motto translated into Spanish
Our Poster Looks Awesome!
Determine a unifying element for your group
Unlock supplies
Each person makes their individual unifying element
Each person is wearing their unifying element
Took picture of Civilization
This is the scoring rubric that the Administrator in your room will
assess your group with. The rubric calls for completion, but some
administrators may withhold points for lack of aesthetics (ugly,
ridiculous, or rushed posters).


Students created a
Civilization Name

Students created a poster

for their civilizations

Students created a
unifying element to
wear or hold etc.

Students posed and took

a Team Picture

0 points (not

3 points (partial

5 points

Student Empire Checklist

Total Points


Student Empire Checklist

Level 2: Selecting a Government Checklist

Vote (pick a stick)
#1 = Leader

Has final say on all decisions and leads the civilization

#2 = Assistant Leader

Is a second in command--if something happens to the leader

#3 = Resource Manager

Carries any important resources, gets all supplies necessary for challenges, and
Trades when the time comes

#4-#6= Upper Class

#7-9 = Middle Class
# 10-12 = Lower Class

Identified form of government found on card.

Checked your handout to understand how your government system works. (Your civilization
must follow the assigned government.)
Organized your own government correctly
Create a list of roles and responsibilities for each class in your government.

Assign the following social roles your civilization will follow:

Your civilization can add roles to this list.
1. Who completes the challenges?
2. Who leads the line in the hallways?
3. Who handles the conflicts?
4. Who takes care of the attendance?
5. Who delegates the jobs?

Student Empire Checklist

6. Who leads the chants?
7. Who carries the flag/name poster?
8. Who gets the supplies?
9. Who is in charge of researching and finding information?
10. Who will eat first at lunch?
11. Who will wash the lunch tables?

Create values that you want to describe and define your civilization. Perhaps list the
attributes you want your civilization to be known for or the characteristics that will help you

We are encouraging to everyone.

We take a humble approach when dealing with other civilizations.

Here are some examples of Core Values:

serious, sense of humor, maturity, love, loyalty, self-awareness, open-minded,
strength, patience, passion, success, energy, peace, perseverance, trust,
power, positivity, wealth, wisdom, realistic, creativity, courage, hard work,
goodness, generosity, fun, friendship, confidence, flexibility, cleverness.

This is the scoring rubric that the Administrator in your room will assess your group
with. The rubric calls for completion, but some administrators may withhold points
for poor choices (ridiculous or offensive values or roles or boorish behavior).


Drew Leadership Sticks

0 points (not

3 points (partial

5 points

Student Empire Checklist

Created social roles for


Created three values for


Total Points


Student Empire Checklist

Level 3: Customs and Values Checklist

Create a SYMBOL that represents your civilization. (refer to the What is a
Symbol handout if needed)
Leaders, delegate groups to complete the following three tasks:

Create a flag representing their civilizations symbol and colors.

Create a poem that conveys their civilizations values, natural resources,
geographical location, and activities.
Create an anthem (song or tune) to accompany the lyrics from their poem.
Feel free to use instruments or materials that are prominent in your
civilization to help create the anthem. For example, in some areas of
intense poverty, children make instruments out of trash. Or in Australia the
indigenous created the didgeridoo, a musical instrument out of a wooden

This is the scoring rubric that the Administrator in your room will
assess your group with. The rubric calls for completion, but some
administrators may withhold points for poor choices (ridiculous or
offensive work, poor aesthetics (looks ugly), cacophonous behavior, or
boorish behavior).


Created a

Created a Flag

0 points (not

3 points (partial

5 points

Student Empire Checklist

Wrote a poem

Created an

Total Points


Student Empire Checklist

Level 4: Establish Industry

Reestablish Government
#1 = Leader

Has final say on all decisions and leads the civilization

#2 = Assistant Leader

Is a second in command--if something happens to the leader

#3 = Resource Manager

Carries any important resources, gets all supplies necessary for

challenges, and Trades when the time comes

#4-#6= Upper Class

#7-9 = Middle Class
# 10-12 = Lower Class
Identified export for trade
Open the sealed letter from the United Civilizations Meeting of Supplies and
read it.
Got problem from class administrator and solved it
o If supplies run short, the Leader must go to the market and solve
another problem to keep a steady flow of supplies.
Resource director keeps track of inventory.
Assistant Leader delegates tasks to the Upper, Middle, and Lower classes.
Upper, Middle, and Lower classes create export item from available supplies.

Student Empire Checklist


0 points (not


Reestablish Government

Solve Problem

Create the amount of

resources listed

Total Points


3 points (partial

5 points

Student Empire Checklist

Level 5:The PIT

Attended United Civilizations Meeting

PIT Trading Rules:

a. Your civilization must get the specified items in their amount
b. The items must be traded:
Example: You cannot give a free bottle of water to a good looking girl/boy
from a different civilization for free.
c. There are no set values: If you can get a bottle of water for 1 bundle of
wood or 10 bundles of wood: That is part of trading.
d. Every member in your civilization must trade for at least 1 item.
e. The leader or assistant leader must accompany each member to ensure
proper trading.

The Resource manager keeps track of items gained and how much it
cost. (How much of your export you had to trade to get it)

g. If at the end of the PIT time you do not have all of the specified items, it
will cost you 10 points for each item from your accrued points. Debt is
detrimental to your civilizations future.
h. You may buy more of an item than the card specifies: if you want 5 cattle
and can get them, that is your prerogative.

During trading, the rest of the group can observe trades, help keep track of
inventory, or make more export for future use. They cannot go into the PIT
unless they are the one trading.
Everybody in the civilization traded
Have an accurate inventory

Student Empire Checklist


0 points (not


Attended the Meeting

Traded for and obtained all

items on the list

Everybody in the group traded

and followed the rules

Inventory sheet is accurate

and up-to-date

Total Points


3 points (partial

5 points

Student Empire Checklist

Level 6: Resolve a Challenge

Students open up the challenge card.
Figured out what you needed and how much of what you needed to
overcome your challenge.
o In order to overcome your challenge you must get 50 points in a game
of Double Duel. These points are not counted towards your civilization
Obtained 50 points in the game Double Duel
a. YES! We got 50 points! The Administrator will fill out your Challenge
Conqueror slip. Keep this for Level 7!
b. AAAgh! We did not get 50 points! You did not overcome the challenge,
and you do not get the Challenge Conqueror slip.


0 points (not


Group accurately identified the

resource they need and the amount
to solve the challenge.

Civilization participates appropriately

in the competition

Total Points


3 points (partial

5 points

Student Empire Checklist

Student Empire Checklist

7th Period: Exchange

Leader and Resource manager take all of their items, their challenge
conqueror card, and their Exchange Worksheet to the room administrator.
The Resource manager takes all of the supplies to the library.
The leader takes the worksheet back to the group.
The group picks a card.
o The number on the card will be the multiplier for their worksheet.
Filled out form completely
Showed completed form to the room administrator.


Group accurately
finished the worksheet

0 points (not

5 points
(Worksheet was
partially completed)

The Points on the

(Worksheet was

Student Empire Checklist

8th Period: Civilizations Become Empires

Went to assigned room swiftly

War Rules
1. Every person gets a card
2. Each student lines up across from a person from the rival civilization (lineup according to society: leader vs leader, 2 vs 2, 7 vs 7, etc)
3. The leaders go first. On the count of 3 each shows their card. The higher
card wins.
a. In the Event of a Tie: The players who tied pick 1 new card and show.
4. The civilization with the most winners, officially wins this war.
War winner absorbs the other civilization and gets all of their points.
Pick Leadership for Day 2:
o Leader Roles

Will remain the leader all day long.

Will make decisions about who completes what tasks, split the
Empire into teams, and delegate jobs to members.

Represent the Empire in major challenges.

o Assistant Leader Roles

Help split members into teams

Keep track that members are following Leader rulings

o Resource Manager

Student Empire Checklist

Carry any necessary paperwork

Keep track of points

Head to the gym at 2:45

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