Researchpaper 1

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Sanchez 1

Daniela Sanchez
Ms. Gardner
English 10, 0 Period
10 May 2015
Our Health is Becoming Dire
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, a government
program,Average temperatures have risen across the contiguous 48 states since 1901, with an
increased rate of warming over the past 30 years. Seven of the top 10 warmest years on record
have occurred since 1998. Environmental health is all the physical, chemical, and biological
factors that can affect our health. Toxic chemicals like BPA are examples of substances that can
affect and transform our potential to conceive a disease or illness. Many environmental health
organizations aim for preventing disease and establishing healthy and secure environments. We
are always attempting to find cures for illnesses, but why not eliminate the factors that
profoundly change our people? We should observe prudently, daily, and perspicuously about how
our environment is affecting us because soon it will extinguish our lives rapidly if we continue
on this same route. Although some may say that we have no control over Earth and that there is
no palpable or evident manner that our environment harms us significantly; conversely, our
environmental conditions are immensely affecting our health and it is wise to start immediately
with our actions since our lungs are becoming injured, once beneficial and valuable medicines
are now endangering lives, and our food has evolutionized into man-made nutrients and grains.
Initially, many would argue that our environment certainly does not affect us, but that its
simply through our diets and lifestyles that impact our health. For example, some scientists elicit
that BPA could have affect someone, but that doesnt define it as toxic so, overall, it is not

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harmful (Freinkel). Janet Nulgman, a policy director at a Breast Cancer fund, claims that the
judges for products do not take sense about the substance but if its low and then pack safe food
into harmful packaging (Freinkel). To summarize, although these substances and medications
may not be toxic or not have severe effects for some, we should still research what it will do to
our bodies and how it is related to the environment. Prudently, meticulously, and constantly there
is research occurring, but we never execute profound actions in reference to the research done or
we are indifferent and eventually wait until it fervently affects us. Indeed, many may believe that
we are the causes of our own health- related problems and our nature; however, our environment
is constantly changing and so are we, so why not connect the two and research?
Admittedly, our choices do profoundly affect our circumstances and health. Nevertheless,
our choices to the environment is what allows diversity and different health circumstances, for
example pollution. For instance,
As air quality improved, the number of children with abnormally low lung function -less than 80% of the lung capacity expected for their age -- dropped by more than 4 percentage
points, from 7.9% in the mid-1990s to 3.6% in 2011. The children's four-year lung growth
improved by more than 10% over the same period (Barboza).
That quote elicits how immense, controversial, and hazardous our air quality is and that
through the changes in our environment, ultimately, we evolve consistently with its flow.
Likewise, The association was seen in boys and girls, across racial backgrounds and in children
with asthma and without it, which suggests that all children have the potential to benefit from
improvements in air quality, the study said. ( quoted in Barboza). Based on this research, our
air quality can severely improve or deprive us of efficient lung function. Although we cannot
remove all the factors of air pollution, we can recognize the difference that it makes. In

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summation, if there is factual and concrete evidence of the environments position in our lives,
why do we become indifferent and ignorant of the fact that its not only affecting our lungs, but
our minds?
Furthermore, the once beneficial and aiding medicines and methods are revolutionizing
due to the environment and now we can distinguish the prominent calamities and hazards they
have imposed in the lives of many. To illustrate, Silver has long been known for its ability to
kill some of the nasty microbes that can make people sick... even to wipe out dangerous
"superbugs" that have grown resistant to traditional antibiotics. At first our environment
provided us healthy and robust lives; conversely, we did not provide our environment safety and
health like it did to us.Consequently, silver may lose its power to fight infections if bacteria
become more resistant, a phenomenon already seen with other antibiotic drugs and with
triclosan, an ingredient [in] commercial goods(Deardorff). Nanosilver also could upset the
equilibrium of bacteria inside the digestive tract and the soil bacteria (Deardorff). Evidently, our
natural resources are transforming into morbid and dire future events for our health. The fact that
we use silver and many other materials for our commercial goods when we know not the impact
they have is dangerous and somber. As a result, we, ultimately cannot completely trust the
environment that we have transformed and live in today because there are so many other
possibilities about how they can radically impact our health.
Ultimately, our green, safe, and earthly products are becoming lies and burdens of their
own and being hazardous for our health and the environment. Grossman, a writer for Earth
Island Journal, claims We don't know... if eliminating certain chemicals from a product really
ensures that it's safe.we can't tell for sure that they won't cause environmental or human health
hazards. Specifically, chemicals are not natural and how could that generate a natural and safe

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item if the chemical could have unknown effects? Its also found that these chemicals can have
adverse health impacts that intervene with the natural body, specifically the endocrine hormones:
These hormones help regulate many vital body systems, including development, metabolism,
and reproduction (Grossman). When the Toxics Substances Control Act was enacted in 1976,
the law allowed some 60,000 chemicals that were already on the market to continue being used
without additional safety testing (Grossman). Why do we use these products if they have
anomalies in them, they are unsafe, mysterious, and hazardous? These chemicals that we have
introduced into products and society are specifically changing our endocrine hormones and our
bodies that do not need these unsafe hazards. Therefore, its not what the environment has done
to us, but what we have done to the environment and our products that has changed our health.
In conclusion, our health is in our hands, but not directly since it is our environment and
we have introduced, the pollution, the resources that have indistinguishable effects, and products
that are unknown to the entirety. There is palpable evidence encompassing us every day that our
environment it changing; why not notice what is changing? If we continue with the indifference
of the environment affecting us, how will we improve our environment from deteriorating and
the effects of our environment could become profoundly dire. Although we cannot change the
past of our lives nor the environments we can change its future and ours. Would you want to
receive morbid damage each day, hour, and precious second? Would you want your health to be
at an augmenting risk each day?
Works Cited
Barboza, Tony. "Better Air Is Aiding L.A.'s Young." Los Angeles Times. 05 Mar. 2015: B.1.

SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 10 Apr. 2015.

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Deardorff, Julie. "As Silver's Anti-Germ Use Grows, So Do Fears." Chicago Tribune. 16 Feb.
2014: p. 1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 10 Apr. 2015.
"EPA Report Shows Impact of Changing Climate on Americans' Health..." U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency. 28 May 2014: n.p. SIRS Government Reporter. Web. 10 Apr. 2015.
Freinkel, Susan. "If Food Is in Plastic, What's in the Food?." Washington Post. 17 Apr. 2012:
E.1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 14 Apr. 2015.
Grossman, Elizabeth. "Green It Seems." Earth Island Journal. Winter 2014: p. 23. SIRS Issues
Researcher. Web. 20 Apr. 2015.
Williams, Timothy. "Garbage Incinerators Make Comeback, Kindling Both Garbage and
Debate." New York Times. 11 Jan. 2015: A.14. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 20 Apr.

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