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Jacobs 1

Caleb Jacobs
Ms. Thompson
AP Lang, Block 2, Skinny A
October 17th, 2014
Drip Drip
A bottle falls over, but no water pours out. The bottle is righted once more, only to
have its cap removed. Some water is poured out. A bottle falls over, but this time water
does pour out, the bottles contents lost for good. Water streams off the edge of the
table, only to land in a puddle below with nowhere else to go. The water spreads to form
a thin layer, but it never separates into discrete pools, instead choosing safety in
numbers of a sort. On top of the table, the bottle lies empty, except for a small droplet of
water clinging desperately to the lip. Drip drip, and the last drop joins the mass, leaving
the bottle in solitude.
I couldnt say which part represents me more, but both halves hold some truth.
Like the empty plastic bottle, I try to be transparent and make my intentions clear. Like
the puddle, I try to stay in contact with the crowds around me. On the flip side, negatives
from both rear their ugly head from time to time. Like the puddle, I spread too thin, and
like the bottle, a stiff breeze can set me off course.
As far as what I want from class goes, I want to branch out and try different
writing styles, as well as learn to read literature with a more critical eye. Ive spent the
majority of the writing classes Ive taken learning to only write in the style I do best, and
thats a very difficult shell to break. In the same vein, Ive learned to either read
literature, or to critique it, but never to do both at the same time.

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