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Men and Boys

Men and Boys Cont..

The products above are advertised toward men even though
they do not need to be advertised toward a gender period.
This is due to our enforced gender roles and how certain
items are feminine even though they are not. Companies
then create a more male friendly product by adding macho
masculine terms or phrasing. All of this is unnecessary. Men
in our society are pressured into not feeling feminine.
However these companies still greatly profit from these new
named products that do not or slightly differ from the
females product.

Woman and Girls

Women and Girls Cont..

Again items are gendered but to women.
They are for the most part changed to pink
and then add women or girls to the
packaging. This is also assuming the
stereotype that girls only like pink and all girls
like pink and are feminine. These
stereotypes are extreme, but yet again the
majority falls prey to this.

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