Wellspring Prep Observations

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Reference # fravaode status [complete ‘Teacher Observation Protocol (TOP) ‘Schoo! [Wetspring Prep Odeorver Name sessica Knot Observer Email [kremn@wotspringprep com Principal Emat [iwodward@welspengprep.com Teacher Email curen@welepengprep.com Ettecive Entry [Opportunity Met ‘The teacher has routines for anorderty stat tthe beginning ofthe dass. Routines are established fora) Orderly and quiet entry) Starting the “Do Now" immediately) Having necessary materials out and reedy in preparation for commencing instucton; and d) Instuetion commences. Comments: [Teacher greeted students atts door by name. The "Hook (Going to the Bank) was a fun activity tog] Effective Routines [opportunity Met Ettectve general classroom routines (@ 9. using restroom, passing in papers, distuting material, laptop usage, sharpening pencils, et.) are followed by students without reminders ‘tom te teacher nd donot interrupt the learning environment. ‘Comments: [Studer undorsiand the classroom expectations of laptop we; stodenls dd ot gol out of ther seats ] ‘Transions [Oppertuniy Met Transitions (@.9: entering class, moving from one activity to another, exng class, 2.) take ro mote than 2 minutes. Comments: Transitions were quick, 30-45 seconds 1 100% [Opportunity Met “Teacher waits uri 100% ofthe students have compiled wit adrecton before conning. ‘comments can [Opportunity Met ‘The"l Can” statenents) sar: 8) A statement of knowledge or shi students wi demonstrate (notan explanation ofthe atv): and b) Writen in studen-ienaly language (not overly techrizalcompex: clear, simple, and tothe pol ‘Comments: [Posted and reviewed with studens. Suggestion: have a student explain the cart satement Agenda Teacher poss car expectations foreach classfoom actly in a early visible place where students can refeto them, Comments: [Posted and teacher reviewed with studeris, Teacher also explained important components ofthe day Moral Focus [Sppenuniy Met Teacher uiizes student behavior mati o remind students of expectations and reinforce or adjust behavior. Matrix and Moral Focus topic are clearly vise inthe classroom. Teacher Infused Moral Focus veeatulary andlor content into instuction, Comments Teacher addressed a student behavior and reminded student about casstoom expectalions. Last Update 2014-05-06 08:05:21 ‘Start Time 2014-05-06 0747.16 om Fedsh Time [2074-05-06 080827 Ec ERE-ECeCE oP eee PEE ErSo-EE ® (50192, 10389 Satan os. Mae Retenor itp:s8.formsie.com/PrepNetorn index ii z ioe (ou peso wen eure pu won ws , go pun pm ap co Hn ened x ‘ont oe gdane pee nou oy pom suowoensp ov oysien sepouun ope naz we seu 0 oy ee oan fqeopat non poo, peeseoh ‘moun cu dase wes uy Baap gana eee, fi pn amy Tiga sag op purses way napa non opi ap Tho syund Busia dose sve Daw rhode) uta uno eel ona i ‘seo oa oe ‘pews lgsoeuues vse “p meu pod owsa, eames ‘iw poe p08 conus psu oon taps at pu tupues ms ann supess int x S300N ebope TaRNDSL TO RETIG PINTO dnimasae\peens. __sNooiaiavonmUNSgD JMDeeL vendors D SSIOEST:AWL EIEIO pHeMpeoH ON oNEHIO van wD IPEEL yrnyeyy pea ‘vous pue Aron (s9p 5 Joyre0) 29U WO: Lda Busnp suonsenb Auew pasryy ~ sO10N 1210 2398 carts snc2590 $89¢9 $$ carrer sien ‘nnaaya sem anbyupoy/sonevon pue popuodsos s2y>e0 25 paiuasaudpasn 9 0} anbwupor/roreyg 1 Ayunvoddo ay «T+ 1 w2qH0>,0/Pue MeIngeDon sO sow sasnyusoypeay -woorssep ayy u agin eo a7 S00 S905 eeow pue mney someyoq 94h afpe 10 aos} pe 0 suopnis pow 03 anew so¥eyaq Wapms 2 yey suonezyn) sreuaveny jewawoyddns Lad OopIA oy 1024 ue>swwapms 2194m 3De napeap 0 Dea sro4 9005 ~ pea 30} Suen 3dx9 189) SSTT-OETE su, EL/E/ZT'9I0_pHEMPOOM aa!0¥:vBRII90 UL WO) HONDEDL pavsog & Taig or Tayar ve SEPM SYM SET RTARN Mpeape puate LuvAamnpe woossep ypea io suoneDadea ean sod J9\pe—) sep ay s0n0 wom s9peo1pue parsog & epusty {aod a4 1 pue ays ea xan /eouypon au} AWEpMSUIUAREN “@ x9 ue ou) ayensuouep 10 afpemouyjowuawoIesy annoatgo sAep aur pue wownreis a 3/51 (suauayes ue, aM Ue, ayy Jone won aypeat aye pasog ‘et TamnaneoTaapeq woe vorannsut “p \orpnnsu1 Bupvawuo> 0 uonesedaid samnuuw€ ug veBoq uorannsuy Urfpeaspue no sieuaxew AessaoauSuineH “o Aymepeuu mona, a Bue “¢ -yarerpow ‘tuo nb pueAY2pI0 ‘mow 09 vo Buysom ueBaq siu9pnis 20} poysygeaso ave sunnoy “sep aa Jo Auyuuidag ax ves Apops0.e oj sane 304 042003 A ‘uoqusey Aapio ue ur seep pavawa usps i ‘A 2293 ‘S830N ee [tr senbjuypel/ssomeyeG PaNTaSGO dn wers 1824 [00495 0201014 uoNeALaSqO 194229) yonderg 9 area ‘aumyeusis 199590, 210 ameusis soype0) ‘24p20) 2 se yuouido}9K9p Au 40} Yo.u0% @} anuuED ‘1 peeu | sjosor01e pur sBarens wryinos se peqpe) yum aus BuyInond ‘mojaq pads] aIeP 24) UO BW Ulm pareys sem UOHIERLaSQO SIAL junuoddo ay =0 annpayja sem anbiuypay/soineyaq pue papuodso, 1oypea su paiuasoud pasn 9901 anblUYoaY/so}neag Jo} Aunoddo a4, = T+ ‘opDTAsUT | pened smog eon arsod epuase pareiza Wa oy aysT ues HUDpRT aT a aN AVES E spe woosssep ypea 404 suonenadxe Jap sis0d 9400), epuaay 1,02 payUI) Aueap AANDe MOU OG pleoq1U04) xp wo parsog (aujod ays 03 pu ajduns 489 x0}dw09/reownypen ‘Ayano 0u) a3endue| Apua|yauapms uluanuM “a (Vaian2e au jo uoneuejdxa ue ou) ayensuowap suapms si9s0 a8papmouy jowawaresy “e ‘aue/t(suaworers,Ue> |, 4 9 ‘mon 0g a uo paredoiued su9pms IY TaUAUSS soja UOTRATPe ‘gm pasos aney swapms aya jo x00T 1hun sem 942004, ‘woot spuo>2s ¢ uoneasasd 01 Mon og TRUW ZU BOW UTA PIS TAD HUE TAOUE 01 Aye au0 wos Bumnow ‘ssep Buyoqua a) suoneuedL suonisueiL TariueBo3uderH WaT SK ‘sep 8uunp sdoxde] uo uapms on’ ‘anyon saypea1 pue ouasaid yea is9unn poo ‘Buje svat yo owssasse pue wuawonowsiUapnis jo UWoreedsoous ayn yi ANAND MON 00 129 auawuoriue ‘Buyurea} ayn wdeusaqul you op pues2y2e91 axp wos ssepuias "youu suapmis Aq pamooy 18 (219 “uwoonses Buss °9'2)sounnes woosssep fs0U98 aniD04s3 sounnoy ann204i3 ‘hateypawt ‘mon 09 Uo Bupyom ueBaq swuapmas ‘auapmis Sunaar8 soop apsino poois1aypea, yew aynuturz ay Aq sa2uawWer vonanasuy “Pp ‘vononssu) Supusunuo> so} uoneedaid Ur Apes. pue ano sjeuarew AressanouBuineH “2 ‘Aave;powu on oa, axa Bumers -q ‘Kua ainb pue Ayapi0“e 304 paysigeasa ae saunnoy sep aun jo wooissep para uyur80q og ves Apo veo sousnes sey JoNpe9} BL ssuopms0joq pais sem dn-usenh aw 9nnD9413 $830N aon ‘onbWUyDOL/STOINEHSa PaNTESGO yondoig 9 Slaeh, dn uers sea, jours, 1Jo202014 uonensasqo s9y9ea, veg 7 —— asmeutis ans2s90 — raumeuais saypeo, vatoeaie se wauidoranap Aus J0} uo 0m 1 anunues .p99u| sjono.oud pue saidarens yoy 04 se peqpaay yiym ow Buipnosd ‘mojag pars] a1ep at UO 9 Rim Pa1eYs SEM UOREnsasGO SIU re puodsas ou pipsayper Yo ‘ant22y910u sem anbjuypor/s01neyaq pue papuodsas s242ea1 Jas paU9said pasn aa. anbIUURaY/oINew=a 20} oe ‘Vortens25q0 Jo pouad ays Suunp ssi 1Uassud 104 pip pash ag 01 anbwuyPay/soiNeyaq 10} 20 antpayjo sem anbjuypar/so1neyag pu papuodsas1aypeay sjsu paiuasaid pasn aq cd andiuypat/soine4aq 10) Aunvoddo aul = T+ ‘onBTASUT ‘qu! arv0>s0/pue Aeinqesonsra04 js0M S95nJU J94>eOL ‘woousse 24) u 291s Aueap ave 1601 3904 fI0)N PU mney soyne4aq tau snipe so apu0juas pue suoneroadxa jo ‘tuapms punas 0) xueu! 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