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Geoffrey Steiner

Colleen Dunning - 6

Honey Industry Facts

"Honey Industry Facts." Honey Board Press Honey Industry Facts. Web. 20 Apr. 2015.

that wrote this.


This is about the facts from 2-4 years ago.

On things such as:
Consumption of honey,
Production of honey,
Distribution of honey.
I find it a trustable source because of the name of the company

One of the big parts of this was seeing how much we the U.S. consume. I mean 410
million pounds worth of honey, busy bees. Also being able to see who produces the most
honey in the country. At least in 2013 North Dakota led with 33,120,000 pounds of honey which
produced $67,565,000 worth of revenue. One of the things I really noticed was that most all of
beekeepers are just hobbyists, meaning they have under 25 hives. When I saw this I thought
maybe I should just make a hobbyists version of a collector. One that you can build from things
around your house.
1. Total U.S. consumption reached 410 million pounds in 2010
according to USDAs Economic Research Service.
2. #1 Producer in 2013:



North Dakota



3. According to a Cornell University study, , the increased

production of 2010 agricultural crops as a result of honey bee pollination is
valued at more than $19 billion.
4. More than 80 percent of the worlds almonds are produced in
California. To pollinate Californias approximately 790,000 bearing acres of
almonds requires more than a million colonies of honey bees.

Geoffrey Steiner
Colleen Dunning - 6

Beehive Construction
Corner, J. Beehive Construction. Ottawa: Dept. of Agriculture, 1976. Web. 21 Apr. 2015.

This shows me what I am looking at for a harvester.

Gives me size information of beehive.
Shows how to build your very own beehive.

This was mostly for learning what size of a blade I should use for the harvester. Right
now my idea is to have a heated blade on a trolleywhere you lock the comb in and take the
knife in hand and slowly push it down so that it cuts the wax off in a clean cut. So that the
honey is easy to collect after that. So its more like a hobbyist collector not industrial. Made to
be easy on the pockets.

2. Supers are the wooden boxes that hold the frames of comb
(Figure 1). For the standard super, the outside length is 50.7 cm (20 in.) and the
width is 41.8 cm (16 in.).
Supers come in three common depths:
a. Standard 24.0 cm (9 in.)
b. Dadant 16.8 cm (6 5/8 in.)
c. Shallow 14.7 cm (5 13/16 in.)
3. Space provided for movement of bees within the hive, and
particularly between combs, is called the bee space and should be exactly 8
mm (5/16 in). Present-day hive equipment is designed on this principle.

Geoffrey Steiner
Colleen Dunning - 6

Honey Extraction
"Honey Extraction." Project Gutenberg Self-Publishing Press. N.p., 9 Mar. 2015. Web. 23
Apr. 2015.

Comes with important info on the extraction of honey from a hive.

Honey Extractor
Top Bar Hive
Framed Hive
Also show some honey bee types and characteristics
Plenty of links to other pages with more information.

This was a very nice source and helped me a lot. Mostly with understanding how most
beekeepers extract honey. Starting with simply cutting off the wax caps with a bit of a heated
knife then placing it in a honey extractor so that it can be easily collected from the bars. As of
right now I still like my current idea of a wax cutter that will ease the cutting of the wax off of the
bar so that you have a better collection in the extractor.
the knife is often heated to facilitate cutting action. The removed
bits of wax, called uncappings, are rich in honey which can be slowly drained off
with the help of some heating.
The uncapped frames are then placed in a honey extractor, which
spins them so that most of the honey is removed by centrifugal force.
Top bar hives come in horizontal (trough) and vertical (of which
the Warr hive is an example). Trough hives allow for continuous harvest through
the season, while Warr hives (per Abb Warr) are intended to be harvested
only at the end of the season.
Bee Castes

Queen bee | Worker bee | Laying worker bee | Drone


Beehive | Honey bee life cycle | Brood | Bee learning and communication |

Western honey bee

subspecies and breeds

Buckfast bee | Carniolan honey bee | European dark bee | Italian bee |
Maltese honey bee | Africanized bee | Apis mellifera scutellata | Honey bee


Beekeeping | Apiology | Apiary | Beehive | Langstroth hive | Top-bar hive |

Beeswax | Honey | Honey extraction | Honey extractor


Topics in beekeeping | Diseases of the honey bee

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