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Exploring with Sink and Float

Recently we included a new activity in our Montessori practical life shelf, which is to experiment
with sink and float. The children showing keen interest doing these experiments. This particular
activity includes a tray with four containers in it. One big bowl for the water, another has a few
objects to be experimented. Two other containers has labeled with the word Sink and Float. When
Afifah came in to the classroom, the first activity she chose was the activity to experiment sink and
float. She took the tray and sat at the table. Afifah took the big bowl to the sink to get some water,
back to her seat and started to work. Afifah picked up an object and looked at me, I asked her,
Guess is it going to sink or float? She said, Sink. I asked, Do you want to try? She said Yes.
She does have some idea: she knows that if it goes under the water that means sink and if it stays
over the water that means float. She was fascinated about this experiments. Afifah showed me one
object and said, Look teacher Rosy, this one float and sink? So I looked and was amazed to see
that she was correct. It was a cotton ball, it floated at the beginning as it was dry, when it became
wet and heavy it sank. Afifah was having so much fun with this that she repeated the activity a few
times, absorbed in experimenting. Then she had to finish it because another child was waiting for
her turn. When Afifah finished she tipped the water in the sink and put the tray back on the shelf,
ready for the next person.

Throughout this activity we can see that Afifah is

becoming an active learner, developing research
skills, increasing awareness of scientific reasons and
relationships between science and nature. She was
also capable to choosing her own activities and tidy
up and put the work back which means she is very
considerate for other children.
Whats next?
We will ensure that Afifah gets enough opportunities
to experiment things such as making volcanoes ,
simple colour mixing or find out what happens if we
mix oil and water.
Written by Teacher Rosy, 12 May, 2015.

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