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SEES — as 10 eo ar iether D- 86 om Ene Hee NG owen yp cree EOI CONTRACT SPECIALIST Position Summary The Contracts Specialist is responsible for ensuring that effective contracts and purchase orders are properly doveloped, executed and managed to suppor Kebabangan Petroleum Operating Company (KPOG).deing acivties. Alter contracts are paced, the main functions include 1) Direct support to line. management In ‘overseeing the administration ofthe KPOC contracts: 2) Ensure thatthe Contractors comply wih their obligations ‘and responsibitis set out in the contracts during the execution ofthe Work: 3) Ensure thal contractual activtis {are propery carried out and documented to meet the overall cost, schedule, and qually objectives set out in the Contract, and in complance with all eslabished KPOC policies and procedures; and 4) Provide contactual ‘Suppor fo the Well Enginooring Team during Planning, Execution and Closaout phases of the project to ensure Contractor compliance wih the contacts ‘Requirements ‘+ Dogree in Engineering, Businoss Administration or other relevant dsciplines 1 Min: years expecence in establshing and administering dillng and related services contracts, including ‘+ attshoe ding rig, dling services (logging, casing, cementing, logistics, wetheads, completion equipment and ol country tubular goods (OCTS). CConversant wth PETRONAS procurementicontracting procedures. Strong witten and oral communication sls Abliy to perform word processing and spreadsheet preparation using Microsoft packages (MS Word, MS Excel & PowerPoint). Preterably with experience in Joint Venture / Joint Operating Company envtenment ‘Avaliable to rave as required to represent KPOG in company and contractor meetings and negotiations, Proven experience in high value negotiations. Understanding of business crivers rom bath lent & Contractor perspectives. Abliy to work in adverse cultural envionment ag

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