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Bismarck and the

Unification of the
German States

Bismarck and the

unification of the German
The role of liberalism and nationalism
in creating a sense of German unity
Bismarckian foreign policy
Wars of national unification against Austria
and France
The immediate consequences of German

This Lesson:
Learning Intention

Understand the role of nationalism in creating a

sense of German unity

Success Criteria

I can explain the concept of nationalism

I can discuss the ways in which nationalism helped

shape a sense of German unity


sense of a national identity developed

from belonging to a group sharing
common cultural, linguistic and historical
ties, and the desire to work with others to
achieve common goals related to these, at
times regardless of how this might affect
other countries.
an extreme form of patriotism marked by a
feeling of superiority over other countries.
(Anderson, Low & Keese, 2008, p. 6)

A developing sense of
nationalism in the German
Revolution in eighteenth-century Europe
was characterised by dreams of liberty and
equality. After revolution came military

- Anderson, M., Low, A. & Keese, I. (2008). Retrospective: Year 11 Modern

History. Jacaranda Plus. p. 4.

German States 1789

German States 1815

The Congress of Vienna


The Congress of Vienna (1815)

With Napoleons defeat, the conservative
politicians hoped to restore the ruling families of
Europe to their positions of power. At a meeting
known as the Congress of Vienna in 1815, these
European monarchs joined forces in an effort to
repress liberal thinking and the political change
unleashed by the French Revolution.
- Anderson, M., Low, A. & Keese, I. (2008). Retrospective: Year 11
Modern History. Jacaranda Plus. p. 4.

Todays Activities
Read the definition nationalism located at the top righthand corner of page 6 of your
text book as well as the detailed description of nationalism on the same page. You are
then to read page 4 of your textbook to answer the following questions:

What role do you think the Napoleonic Wars played in developing a sense of
nationalism within the German states? (In other words, why did nationalism

What role do you think the Napoleonic Wars played in developing a sense of
liberalism within the German states? (In other words, why did liberalism develop?)

What was the Congress of Vienna and what was its purpose?

Read German Unity on page 7 of your textbook.

In your own words describe the Carlsbad Decrees- what measures were taken by
German Princes and Prince Metternich to suppress nationalism and liberalism?

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