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Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela

Secretaria de Educacion
Unidad Educativa Antonio Guzman Blanco
Area Complementaria: Ingls
Docente: Ibis Farias
Docente practicante: ela Ramrez
4to grado
Fecha: 22/10/ 201426/

Prueba Diagnostica
My name is: _________________

Seccin: _____

Part I: Vocabulary
Look at the following images and match them with their correct written form.
a. Triangle
b. Hand



c. Sixteen

d. Leg

e. Circle

f. brown


Part II: Grammar
Answer the following questions:
1) What is your name? _________________________________________
Part III: Listening
Listen carefully to the teacher and mark with a tick the picture that corresponds to
the word given by the teacher.

Part IV: Reading

Read the following text and answer the following question if they are true or false .
My name is Emily. I am 11 years old. I live in India, with my father, mother, two brothers
and three sisters. My grandparents also live with us. In India, family is very important. I
really love my family.


0. She is Emily

X )

1. Emily is 12 years old.

2. She lives in India

3. She has three sisters

4. In India family is not important

Part V: Writing
Read and complete the following paragraph.
My name is ____________. I am _______ years old. I live in __________. My favorite
color is________. My mothers name is______________.

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