Introduction FHP

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Yaacoobi 1

Heela Yaacoobi
Mr. Harris
US History
My family has lived in three different countries, have been exposed to three
different cultures and languages, yet they have been able to perfectly assimilate in each
and every country. My family is unique in the way that they share bits and pieces of the
different cultures that they have encountered. My immediate family consists of my
mother, Sophia, my father, Abdullah, and my fourteen year old brother, Amir. I spend
most of my time with my immediate family, and try to dedicate the majority of my
weekends to spend time with them. Even if we are simply staying at home for the day, I
still would rather spend it with my family than with my friends. As a family, we enjoy
travelling and going on road trips. Our favorite places to go include Half Moon Bay,
Hawaii, and San Francisco. My whole family, including my extended family, follows the
faith of Islam. Islam contributes greatly to our family morals and rules. I look to my
religion for comfort and guidance. My family can be described as silly, active, and
spontaneous. I am very close to my extended family as well, and I consider most of my
cousins as my siblings. My cousins range from ages 18-25 and they are all older than
me. I have one aunt and two uncles on both sides of my family. As I mentioned, my
family has lived in three countries together as refugees. I enjoy hearing their stories of
their experiences in Afghanistan, Germany, and America. I am very proud of what they
have managed to accomplish with the little privilege they had. My family has one
prominent catchphrase that I hold dear to me and shape my life around,family first!

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