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Hejaz Railway

Perf :(33 45mm)


Ottoman Military
Coat of Arms and Tughra Sultan
Abdul Hamid-II

Above the Crescent

Situated between Palm Tree and Map
of Railway,
In triangular Panel
below the crescent
is Hamidiya

And Green


Hejaz Railway

Perf :- 11 1/2
(40 70mm)

Ottoman Military
Coat of Arms and Tughra Sultan
Abdul Hamid-II


Used on Hedaz Railwat Docement

In the Circles at

Upper Corners (Bir Kurustyr One Piaster)

Centre Panel Hamidiya Hijaz Dewiryolu iane ilmuhabesidie Contribution

receiptfor the Hamidic Hijaz Railway)

Bottom Penal Kimeti bir Kurustur (Value on Piaster)

Hamidiya Hijaz Deuriryolu (Hamidie Hejaz Railway)

1912-Perforation 12

20.5 31.5mm


Tughra of Mohammad V Reschad between a star and crescent

Oval Panel bir kurustur (One Pisater)
Hijaz dermiryolu menfaati mahsus (receipt for the benefit of the Hejaz railway)

1913-Peroration 111/2 26 36.5mm


1914-Same as previpus design

With hand stamp overprint muayene-li (examined) For Internal Audit

muayene-li (examined)

1914 Perforation 11

20 32.5mm


Camel rider and train with Prophets Tomb in Medina in background, overprinted with
five diagonal red bands.
At top bis kurustur (one piaster)
In the diagonal bands, Hijaz demiryolu menhaati mahsus ilmuhaber (receipt
for the benefit of the Hejaz railway)

Part 1, 9

1 Pi

1918 Perforation 11

Part 1, 31

Green and carmine

20.7 33mm



Brown-red and blue

1918 Same as previous design

New surcharges in black kymeti (value) above Arabic numeral.

Cat. No
Part 1, 33
Part 1, 34
Part 1, 35
Part 1, 36
Part 1, 37



20pa on 1Pi
1Pi on 1Pi
2Pi on 1Pi
5Pi on 1Pi
10Pi on Pi

Brown-red and blue

Brown-red and blue
Brown-red and blue
Brown-red and blue
Brown-red and blue

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