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Mineral is a compund containing a metal,nonmetal,radical or a phosphate that is needed for a

proper body function and maintenance of health.The needed substance is usually ingested as a
part of a such compound,such as table salt (sodium chloride),instead of as a free element,and the
compound is usully refered to by the name of the needed substance.
Mineral is an inorganic element sucj as calcium,iron,potassium,magnesium or sodium that is
essential to the nutrition of humans,animals and plants.

Minerals serve three roles:
They provide structure in forming bones and teeth
They help maintain normal heart rhythm, muscle contractility, neural conductivity, and acid-base
They help regulate cellular metabolism by becoming part of enzymes and hormones that
modulate cellular activity

Daily Requirements:
Minerals cannot be made in the body and must be obtained in our diet. The daily requirements of
minerals required by the body can be obtained from a well balanced diet but, like vitamins,
excess minerals can produce toxic effects.
The recommended daily requirements of minerals for men, women are shown in the table below







milk, cheese and other dairy foods green leafy

vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage and okra,
but not spinach, soya beans, tofu, soya drinks
with added calcium, nuts, bread and anything
made with fortified flour, fish where you eat
the bones, such as sardines and pilchards




sea fish and shellfish, cereals, grains




liver, meat, beans, nuts, dried fruit, such as

dried apricots, wholegrains, such as brown rice,

fortified breakfast cereals, soybean flour, most
dark-green leafy vegetables, such as watercress
and curly kale



yellow and green (leafy) vegetables, such as

spinach, carrots and red peppers, yellow fruit
such as mango, melon and apricots




green vegetables, fruit, nuts




meat, wholegrains, such as wholemeal bread

and whole oats, lentils, spices


0.0015mg 0.0015mg

fish, nuts, green leafy vegetables, such as

broccoli and spinach, cereals, such as oats




nuts, shellfish, offal




nuts, spinach, bread, fish, meat, dairy foods




tea, bread, nuts, cereals, green vegetables such

as peas and runner beans




red meat, dairy foods, fish, poultry, bread, rice,





fruit such as bananas, vegetables, pulses, nuts

and seeds, milk, fish, shellfish, beef, chicken,
turkey, bread




brazil nuts, bread, fish, meat, eggs

ready meals, meat products, such as bacon,
some breakfast cereals, cheese, some tinned
vegetables, some bread, savoury snacks







meat, shellfish, milk, dairy foods, such as

cheese, bread, cereal products, such as wheat


Vitamin and mineral interactions:

Many vitamins and minerals interact, working alongside each other in groups e.g. a good balance
of vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, fluoride, chloride, manganese, copper and
sulphur is required for healthy bones.
Many of them can enhance or impair another vitamin or mineral's absorption and functioning
e.g. an excessive amount of iron can cause a deficiency in zinc.

Mineral supplements:Efficacy
About 99 percent of the calcium in the body is stored in the skeletal system, while the remaining
one percent is present in other cells, such as muscle cells. Although this muscle cell calcium is
involved in a variety of physiologic processes associated with energy metabolism and muscle
contraction, calcium supplementation is not considered to possess ergogenic potential because, if
necessary, the muscle cells may draw on the vast reserves stored in the bone tissue. However, as
noted above, young women involved in weight-control sports, such as figure skating and
distance running, may have inadequate dietary intake of calcium. Additionally, exercise may
increase calcium losses. For example, Dressendorfer and others examined the effects of 10-week
intense endurance training, including volume, interval and tapering phases, on serum and urinary
minerals levels. They found that urinary calcium increased and serum calcium decreased below
the clinical norm following the high-intensity interval phase, but these changes were reversed
following the tapering phase. Thus, it appears that calcium excretion may be increased with highintensity training.
Inadequate calcium intake and increased calcium losses may predispose one to osteoporosis. This
may be especially so in women who develop the female athlete triad (disordered eating,
amenorrhea, osteoporosis). For example, Gremion and others recently noted that long-distance
runners with oligo-amenorrhea had greater decreases in bone mineral density in the spine than in
the femur, even though they had similar energy, calcium and protein intakes compared to
eumenorrheic runners. The National Institutes of Health consensus panel on osteoporosis
indicated that supplementation with calcium, along with vitamin D, may be necessary in persons

not achieving the recommended dietary intake such as these female athletes . Additionally,
athletes with amenorrhea should consult with their physician regarding the need for drug or
hormonal therapy to help prevent osteoporosis.

Magnesium is a component of over 300 enzymes, some involved in the regulation of muscle
contraction, oxygen delivery, and protein synthesis. Several studies have investigated the effect
of magnesium supplementation on performance. Lukaski noted that some earlier studies have
shown that magnesium supplementation improved strength and cardiorespiratory function in
healthy persons and athletes, but also noted it is unclear as to whether these observations related
to improvement of an impaired nutritional status or a pharmacologic effect [14,15]. Lukaski also
noted that the study designs limit conclusions about dietary recommendations needed to optimize
performance. Newhouse and Finstad [16] also noted that interpretation of the available studies
was confounded by differences in research design. Nevertheless, in their meta-analysis of human
supplementation studies, they concluded that the strength of the evidence favors those studies
finding no effect of magnesium supplementation on any form of exercise performance, including
aerobic, anaerobic-lactic acid, and strength activities.

Iron is one of the most critical minerals with implications for sports performance. Iron is a
component of hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochromes, and various enzymes in the muscle cells,
all of which are involved in the transport and metabolism of oxygen for aerobic energy
production during endurance exercise. The benefits of iron supplementation may depend on the
iron status of the athlete.

What is iron deficiency and why is it a concern?

Iron deficiency is a condition resulting from too little iron in the body. Iron deficiency is the most
common nutritional deficiency and the leading cause of anemia in the United States.1
The terms anemia, iron deficiency, and iron deficiency anemia often are used interchangeably but
equivalent. Iron deficiency ranges from depleted iron stores without functional or health
impairment to iron deficiency with anemia, which affects the functioning of several organ

Iron deficiency is a concern because:

Iron deficiency can delay normal infant motor function (normal activity and movement) or
mental function (normal thinking and processing skills).3,4,5,6

Mineral Supplements: Safety, Legality and Ethicality

Most mineral supplements are safe in recommended dosages. A Tolerable Upper Intake Level
(UL) has been established for 14 minerals. The UL is the maximal level of daily nutrient intake
that is likely to pose no risk of adverse effects. With use of fortified foods and mineral dietary
supplements, it may be relatively easy for athletes to exceed the UL for several minerals. Most
minerals possess significant health risks if consumed in excess. For example, excess dietary iron
may lead to hemochromatosis and eventual deterioration of liver function, while excess zinc may
decrease HDL-cholesterol levels and increase cardiovascular disease risk. The International
Olympic Committee (IOC) does not prohibit use of mineral supplements, so their use is both
legal and ethical.

Mineral Supplements and Sport/Exercise Performance: Summary

A mineral deficiency may impair performance. In particular, correcting an iron-deficiency
anemia will improve aerobic endurance performance. As female athletes are more prone to iron
deficiency, the USOC recommends female athletes undergo blood testing periodically to
determine hemoglobin status. Optimal calcium nutrition for bone health is also important for
female athletes, particularly those in weight-control sports.
In general, supplementation with calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, and selenium does not
enhance sport performance in well-nourished athletes. Chromium, boron and vanadium have
been studied as potential anabolics by potentiating the effects of insulin or testosterone, but
studies have reported no beneficial effects of supplementation on body composition or muscular
strength and endurance. Significant improvements in maximal oxygen uptake and/or aerobic
endurance performance following phosphate salt supplementation have been reported in four
well-controlled studies, but more controlled research has been recommended.

Deficiente frecvente in viata sportivilor:

Deficientele vitaminice apar in cazul intensificarii efortului fizic (asa cum este cazul sportivilor),
intrucat vitaminele sunt necesare atat unei bune desfasurari a activitatii fizice, cat si recuperarii
mai rapide a capacitatii de efort. Pentru a preintampina aceste deficiente se creste aportul
alimentar al produselor bogate in vitaminele carentate. Daca totusi astfel nu se reuseste
acoperirea necesarului/ deficitului existent, se apeleaza la aportul compensator de suplimente
Sportivii cu diete restrictive, reduse caloric si neadaptate gradului de efort depus, sunt expusi
riscului acestor carente.
Vitaminele din grupul B (B1, B2, B6, B12) au rol de cofactori in oxidarea nutrientilor si
producerea energiei. Astfel, sportivii cu deficienta acestor vitamine prezinta o capacitate mai

mica de efort fizic de intensitate crescuta, de a dezvolta masa musculara, de refacere dupa efort,
ceea ce duce la scaderea performantei.
Deficienta vitaminei B1 determina oboseala, iritabilitate, instabilitate emotionala, slabiciune,
crampe si dureri musculare. Preventia se poate face prin consumul alimentelor cu continut
crescut in aceasta vitamina: drojdia de bere, cereale, linte, mazare, viscere, carne de porc, dar si
alimente fortificate cu aceasta.
Carenta vitaminei B2 determina hipotonie musculara, tremor, vertij, emotivitate crescuta. O
gasim in drojdia de bere, lapte, oua, branza, viscere, carne.
Aportul proteic crescut la sportivi creste necesarul de vitamina B6, carenta ducand la slabiciune
musculara, tulburari de mers, parestezii ale membrelor, nervozitate, etc. Carnea de vita, pasare,
peste, galbenusul, cartofii, dar si vegetalele sunt bogate in aceasta.
Alte deficiente intalnite sunt ale vitaminelor D si E. Avand rol in mineralizarea osoasa,
suplimentarea vitaminei D poate ajuta la prevenirea demineralizarii osoase la sportivii predispusi
la osteoporoza.
Vitamina E reduce stresul oxidativ din timpul efortului fizic, imbunatatind oxigenarea muschilor.
Anumite minerale au fost identificate ca fiind deficiente la sportivi, in corelatie cu efortul fizic
intens si prelungit, precum: sodiul, potasiul, calciul, fierul si zincul. Suplimentarea dietetica a
mineralelor la sportivii cu deficiente s-a dovedit a imbunatatii capacitatea de efort.
Cel mai important rol in pierderile de sodiu si potasiu la sportivi il au transpiratiile profuze. Atat
sodiul, cat si potasiul ajuta la reglarea balantei hidrice, transmiterea nervoasa si echilibrul acidobazic. Pierderea de potasiu duce la crampe musculare. Sursele alimentare sunt cerealele
integrale, carne, peste, rosii, banane.
Piederile de sodiu predispun sportivii la crampe musculare si hiponatremie, manifestata prin
greata, dezorientare, confuzie, convulsii in cazuri severe. Foarte important in prevenirea acestora
este ca hidratarea sa nu se faca doar cu apa simpla, ci cu bauturi de rehidratare/apa minerala,
administrate in timpul efortului, sau consumul de alimente sarate si hidratare.
Carenta de calciu duce la scaderea densitatii osoase cu risc de fracturi (mai alea la atleti), ceea ce
necesita o dieta bogata in lactate, branzeturi sau suplimente cand este cazul.
Deficienta de zinc produce incetinirea dezvoltarii scheletului si maselor musculare. Carenta de
fier este frecventa la sportive ducand la anemie cu fatigabilitate. Pentru a fi prevenita trebuie
crescut aportul de alimente bogate in fier: carne rosie, viscere, galbenus, nuci, etc.
In concluzie, mentinerea unei balante energetice, unei diete complete nutritional, unei spatieri
corespunzatoare a meselor si a unui orar de odihna adecvat, sunt elementele cheie in cresterea
performantei si adaptarii la efort a sportivilor.









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