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TEST I. Identification
1. The amount of change in carrier frequency produced by the modulating signal.
2. It is the main advantage or benefit of FM over AM.
3. It is the greatest disadvantage of FM over AM.
4. A circuit that varies carrier frequency in accordance with the modulating signal.
5. A circuit use to recover original modulating signal from an FM transmission.
6. A type of receiver radio receiver that converts all incoming signals known as
lower frequency(IF) at which a single set of amplifiers are used to provide a fixed
level of sensitivity and selectivity.
7. A circuit in communication receivers that is used to keep the receiver turned off
until an RF signal appears at the receiver input.
8. It is considered as a critical link in any communication system.
9. It is the other term for radio signal in which it was based from its components
namely magnetic and electric field.
10. A device that acts as the interface between a transmitter or receiver and free
11. A type of Antenna that is most widely used and usually called as Hertz antenna
or doublet.
12. A term referred to as the bending a wave due to physical make-up of the
medium though which the waves passes.
13. A type of modulation wherein the information signal varies the amplitude of the
carries sine wave.
14. A resultant signal and a form of AM wherein the carrier is suppressed in order to
eliminate on sideband.
15. A common type of transmission lines that uses Registry Jack 45 connectors.
TEST II. Enumerative Essay. Identify and briefly describe the term/concept
in each item.


common types of transmission lines

types of communication or radio receivers
requirements or parameters in considering any communication receiver.
common types of antenna
common types of cable connectors.

Test III. Compare and contrast

1. Amplitude Modulation vs Frequency Modulation
2. Balanced lines vs Unbalanced lines
3. modulator vs demodulator
Test IV.
Given the following figures a and b, explain the nature and how an antenna works?

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