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ee en alle Loi noi dau Ts giao tiép hang ngay, chung ta can dén ngén ngit, vay ngén ngtf dé déng mat vai tra hét ste quan trong trong déi séng va viéc st dung ng6én ng nhu thé nao dé cam hoa tong ngudi, dé dat dudc muc dich lai la mot vén dé quan treng hon. Ngoai giao tiép bang Idi thi viée viét thu, qua dién thoai cling khéng kém phan quan trong. Chung tdi bién dich cuén “Thue hanh viét thu tiéng Anh’ xoay quanh nhting mau thu thuong mai, cam on, dat phdng 6 khach san, hen gap, hoan lai va hily bd cuéc hen,...Nnam gilp cdc ban cé trong tay mét cuén sach mau qui gid dé tham khao va ty tin hon khiviét mat la thu trong céng viéc . Sau mdi phan déu co phan tu vung va nhting cau chun dé cdc ban tham khao. Trong qua trinh bién dich di da rat ¢6 gang nhung chac han sdch khéng tranh duge nhiing sq sot, ban bién dich chung tdi rat mong dén nhan duge nhiing ¥ kién déng gdp chan thanh ctla qui ban doc dé lan tai ban sau, sach dude hoan thién hon. Ban bién dich . 7 M6t vai Il6i khuyén bao gém hai bude khac nhau: “gidi A dugc m6t bite thu cua mét ngudi nuéc ngoai (ngudi Anh) géi va “ma héa” khi ta bién soan mét la thu tiéng Anh. Nhiéu ngudi nghi ring doc mét 14 thu tiéng nuée ngoai thi dé hen 1A viét mét 14 thu bang tiéng nude 46, tat nhién trong viée trao déi thu tit hang ngay, c6 thé cdc J4 thu nhan duve khéng duge dich rd rang, mét céch don gidn va dé hiéu. Tuy vay, 46 chinh 1a cam bay: do doc qué nhanh, mét sé 101 déi khi cé thé gay ra nhiing hau qué nghiém trong. Tu d6 chung tai sin c6 mét vai ldi khuyén nay: - Ding vi tra tit dién dé dich van ban theo ting hang, truge hét hay doc toan bé 14 thu réi ndm y. Y:: chuyén tif mot ngoai ngit nay sang ngoai ngit khac - Doc lai van ban can than hon bang cach xen c6 lién hé voi c&c doan khae khong. - Khi nghia téng quat duge thiét lap, thi dua ra cdc tit hodc cdc cum ti dat van dé: * cti phdp sit dung (trudng hop sd biu. thé bi déng, thé tiép dién ...); * cdc thanh ngif thuée ngén nev ming khong c6 tudng ducng véi ting chit; * cdc cum tir (word clusters) cang ngay cang duge sit dung trong cach hanh van hien dai, cdéc cum tit nay cé tinh cé dong va don gian, nhung déi khi cing cé thé gay ra su nham lan déi vé' tiéug nuéc ngoai. - Néu cé su nghi‘ngé vé nghia cda mét sé tif thi cin xem ti dién. hoac ngit phap, hoae tét hon 14 nén héi r6 mot ngusi Anh. Can vé viée sti dung tv dién: truée hét cdn nhn biét chu 8 nang ng phap cia tif ta khéng biét (co phai 14 mét danh ti, mét tinh tir hay mét dong tit khong?) va sau dé lua chon giita cdc phan nghia khac nhau, lay ra nghia nao thich hop v6i ng canh cia cdu. Ph&n bién soan mét 14 thu tiéng Anh dat ra nhiéu vain dé hoan toan khac nhau: dé Ja kich hoat nhitng kién thite - Ngay nay ngudi trao déi thu ti khong may quan tam dén c4c 16i van, chi can thong diép rd rang. ~Vi thé hay bé cde thu ma ta dinh viét cdc thanh ngit thude ngén nei riéng thugng khé dién ta, hay thay thé ching bang c4c léi van binh thuéng hon sao cho ngudi nude ngoai trao déi thu tit voi ta hiéu dé dang hon. ~ Tranh cac cau qua dai: vi sé cé nhiéu 16i va thong diép réc réi. . - Ngoai tri cde thu duge gdi dén cho nhiing ngudi than thudc, thi cdc cau héi true tiép dudng nhu qué thang thiing va cin tranh. Ngudi ta sé thich mét edu héi theo Iéi gian tiép hon. Vi du: Would you let me know when we may expect - your visit? - Trong cum ti, cdc qui tdc khong dung hda véi sy té nhi, nhu thé phdi gif vi tri cia mét sé tir c6 thé lam thay a6i am diéu cia mét 14 thu. Vi du: Please would you send us your catalogue? mang mét sdc th4i kém lich sy hon céu Would you please send us your catalogue? vi giong diéu cia né qua nhan manh cé thé lam ngudi doc bue minh. Dau cham (full, stop, period) két thic céu. Dau chém duge sit dung dé ghi cdc tit vidt tat, dé ghi cic so thap phan (11.3 = eleven point three). 9 Dau phay (comma) ghi nhan viéc tam ngung ngAn gon trong ‘au va duge ding dé: - chia mét tir hodc cum ti din nh4p, Vi du: Unfortunately, I am obliged to delay my visit. - phan mét loat tu. Vi du: Please complete, sign, and return this document. - tach mét tu trong cu. Vi dy: Mr Astor, our next-door neighbour, will be glad to hand you the keys when you arrive. - phan chia cdc thuat ngit trong mét danh sdch hoac cac ménh dé trong c4u; - ghi nh4n sy gidi thich. Dau phay 1a dau phai duge sti dung can than, vi tri clia nd trong céu cé thé thay déi tay theo nghia. Vi du: The Unilux Hotel says they official guide is unreliable. Kh4ch san Unilux néi ring nguéi huéng dan vién chinh khéng dang tin edy. The Unilux Hotel, says the official guide, is unreliable. Theo ngudi hugng d4n vién chinh thue, thi khdch san Unilux khéng dang tin c4y. Dau chim phay (semi-colon) ghi nhan viéc tam ngung trong cau va chia cdc ménh dé déc lap cd sy lién hé hgp ly gitta cdc ménh dé nay. Dau cham phdy cang ngay cdng duce thay thé bing déu cham, khuynh huéng nay di theo mét 1éi van hién dai ngan gon hen. Dau hai chém (colon): dau nay dua vao mét danh sach thudt ngi, gidi thich, lién truée cau trich din trong dau ngoac 10 kép ho&c phan chia hai cau khang dinh duge néi hgp ly. ién mét cdch Dau gach ngang (dash) thuéng duge sit dung trong tiéng Anh, né thudng thay thé cac Idi ndi thém; né duge stt dung dé: - thém vao mét y 6 cudi edu; - dua ra mét hiéu qua bing céch ghi nhan viée ng&t ¥ tudng. Dau ngoac don (brackets) dua vao m6t thong tin phy khong can thiét trong nghia cla cdu. Dau chém héi (question mark) duge dat ¢ cuéi cau héi tryc tiép. Dau cam than (exclamation mark) chi su ngac nhién, niém vui. Déu chém hing (dots, omission marks) duge sit dung lic dau dé chi cAu trich din da bi bé bét, gin day, d&u cham hing duge si dung theo cach ding mdi: - ghi viée ngat y¥ tuéng; - nhan manh phan tiép theo cua cau. Trong cd hai truéng hop trén 06 thé duge thay thé bing dau gach ngang. Dau ngoae kép (quotation marks, quotes, inverted com- mas, single’ hay double”) luén luén duge ding bang c4c dau déi chi: - cdch hanh van truce tiép; - tén cua mét cuén sich, mét vd kich ma ta dé cép; + mét tl hoc m6t cau duge ding trong nghia dac biat TRINH BAY MOT Lt THU TIENG ANE Gidy va bao thu: mét sé cé khuynh huéng viét trén gidy cé tiu dé (vdi tén, dia chi, va sé dién thoai cua. ngudi géi duge in 6 trén cao cia trang), nhung mét 1d thu duge viét trén mét gidy 11 con nguyén luén luén due ua thich. Cha ¥ dinh dang v4 mau sdc ciia gidy: dinh dang Ién (A4) néu dé la mét buic thu duge géi dén mét co quan ho&e dé 1a mdt 14 thu giao dich; nén st dung mau trang hoc kem; dinh dang nhé hon khi ta viét cho nhdng ngudi ban ho&c cha me, mau sac va su trang tri trong trudng hop nay c6 thé dép ting theo sé thich cé nhan cia ngwdi gdi. Tat nhién bao thu phai c6 chat lugng tét fing nhu gidy va kha rong dé c6 thé chia duge 14 thu duge gp lam bén hodc nhiéu hon, hoae lam hai. Viét tay hay danh may? Tat cd cdc thu giao dich thuéng duge danh may, mét ld thu viét tay c6 thé lam ngu@i doc néi gian, nhat la n@u chit viét khé doc. CAng ngAy ngudi ta cAng chap nh4n 1a thu mang tinh chat cA nhan duge danh may (nhat 1A 6 MY), nhung déi véi cdc théng diép chia buén hode chic miing thi cdn phai duge viét tay dé chuyén dén nhitng tinh cam ca nhan cua minh. Trinh bay 14 thu: - Trén mét gidy cdn nguyén dia chi day du cia ngudi géi - ding quén mA sé buu dién va sé dién thoai - duge dat 6 trén cao va bén phai - 6 phdn duéi ghi ngay, ngay ¢6 thé duge ghi theo nhiéu cach: 2nd May 1984 - 2 May, 1984 - May 2nd 1984 - May 2nd 1984 - May 2 1984. Trdnh nhitng con s6 ¢6 thé dua dén sy hiéu lam: 2-5-1984 = ngay 2 thang 5 trong tiéng Anh, nhung trong tiéng My la ngay 5 thang 2. Cac tir viet tat (Oct., Jan., Nov, ...). Chiing c6 thé duge si dung nhung trong tiéng Anh cdc tén thang cing nhu cdc tén ngay trong tudn bat buéc viét hoa chit cdi dau. Di véi cde thu giao dich. Tén va dia chi cha ngudi nhan duge viét 6 trén cao va bén trai. Déi khi cing can ghi rd muc dich ctia 14 thu. Khicé mét sy 12 tham chiéu, thi phan tham chiéu nay duoc dat é bén trai cing hang voi ngay, tham chiéu nay 1a cdc chit van dau ciia ngudi ky lé thu va van dau ciia ngudi thu ky. Hinh thie chao héi. Dear Sir, / Dear Madam, 1a hinh thie théng dung d6i voi mét 14 thu mang tinh chat hanh chinh (giao dich, hanh chinh), ho&c khi ta géi cho mét ngudi ndo dé ma ta khong biét ro Sir, hoic Madam, tif nay khong cdn duge ding nia. Khi ta khng biét gidi tinh cua ngudi nhan, Dear Sir 1a van phong thich hop. Dear Madam dude géi dén mét ngu’si phu ni da lap gia dinh, cing cé thé 1&8 mét cé géi tré (Dear Miss khong duge st dung). Khi ta biét ngudi nao dé, chi la rat it thi ta duge phép ding ho gia dinh: Dear Mr Jones, Dear Mrs Smith. Nguge lai, Dear Jones va Dear Frank phdi duge su dung c4n than. Mot 14 thu duge géi‘cho mot ngudi ban sé bat ddu la Dear John; My Dear John c6 vé than ai hon. Tuy vay, 6 Mj My Dear Mrs Stark trang trong hon Dear Mrs Stark. Van phong lich sv. Van phong két thuc thutng don gidn hon trong tiéng Phap. M6t Ja thu dugc bat dau bing Dear Sir / Dear Madam sé duge két thic bing Yours faithfully; mét 14 thu duge bat dau bing Dear Mr Jones sé dugc két thic bing Yours sincerely. Your truly déi khi thay thé cho Your faithfully. Khi nhing ngudi trao déi thu tu biét ro nhau, thi l4 thu giao dich c6 thé duge két thie bing With best wishes, hoc With kind regards, phan két thuc cé thé duyc si dung 1a Yours very sincerely trong cdc thu dugc gdi dén cho cdc ban. Yours, Ever your, hoac Yours ever c6 thé két thc mét 14 thy gitta cdc ngudi ban than trong khi With love from, hodc Love, sé két thdc mét 14 thu duge géi dén cho cdc ban than hoac cha me. 13 Trong tiéng Anh ctia ngudi My, Yours faithfully thusng duge thay thé bing Sincerely yours, hodc Sincerely. Very truly yours cing thuéng duge ding. Cha ky. Trong cdc 14 thu giao dich, chit ky dugc dat 6 phia trén tén cla ngudi ky dude d4nh may. Tén 6 thé duge lién trude hodc chife vi ho’ec Mr, Mrs, Miss hoAc Ms (khéng phan biét gidi tinh da l4p gia dinh hay chua) hodc kém theo chife vi. Dia chi trén bao thu. Chu vu (Sir, Dr, Professor) sé xudt hién trén phan dia chi. Néu ngu@i nhan JA nam khong cé chic vu thi ta 06 thé ghi Mr C. Brown, hoac Cyril Brown Esq. (viét t&t cla Esquire: écuyer). Doi voi nhiing phu ni da l4p gia dinh thi cé thé thém vao van dau cia ten ngudi chéng: Mrs C. Brown. Con déi véi ede phu ni tré thi ta sé dat lian truée ho gia dinh bing tén: Miss Catherine Brown. Gidt THEW NHONG LA THd CO MAU Sar GRATELY & NORMAN LTD., TOUR OPERATORS, 31, RENNISTON ROAD, DORTON DR3 INN. Our Ref.: TT/GH 14 May, 19. M. Jules Leinge, 14, rue des Sages, 80800 AMIENS. FRANCE Dear Sir, | Intend to visit Picardy in June in ordes to examine the possibilities for organising coach tours of the Somme with overnight stays in recommende hotels. | wondered whether the project might interest you and whether you would be willing to find time te meet me some time in early June to discuss the matter. | am sure you will find my plans interesting. Yours faithfully, G. Harmotte, Maketlng Manager, Céng ty trach nhiém hitu han GRATELY & NORMAN BAN DIEU HANH DU LICH 31 duéng RENNISTON DORTON DR3 INN. Tham chiéu: TT/GH Ngay 14 thang 05 nam 19... M. Jules Lelage, 14, rue des Sages, 80800 AMIENS. PHAP Thua ng, Téi cé y dinh dén tham Picardy vio thang 06 dé xem xét nhiing khd ndng t6 chitc nhitng chuyén du lich bang xe buyt ctia Somme 6 lai vai dém 6 nhang khach san dé duoc gidi thiéu. Toi tu héi du dn nay e6 thé lam ong quan tam khong vd Ong cé sé sén sang stip xép thei gian dé gdp toi lic néo d6 vao ddu thang 06 dé thdo ludn van dé nay hay khong. Toi chdc rang éng sé nhdn théy nhiing ké hoach cua téi la thi vi. Trén trong, G. Harmatte, Quan ly tiép thi. 15 WHONG BUC THU CO HINH THUC CHAT CHE P.R. Ge.rmain, 11, rue du Pore, 21000 DIJON PRANCE Ms Eliane. Sleeman, dune 21, 19.. Director. Cultural Exchange Division State of Washington, Concord, Washington 98503 Dear Ms Sleeman: We would very much like to send our 15-year old son to one of your study camps for foreign students of English. Please let us have your brochure STUDY ENGLISH IN WASHINGTON STATE. Sincerely yours. P.R. Germain, I, rue du Porc, 21000 DIJON Phap Ba Eliane Sleeman, Ngay 21 thang 06 nam 19... Giém déc, B6 phan phu trach giao liu van hod, Tiéu bang Washington, Concord, Washington 98503 Thua ba Sleeman : Ching t6i rdt mudn gtti dita con 15 tuéi etia ching t6i dén mét trong nhang truéng hoe ciia ba danh cho sinh vién nudc ngodi hoc tiéng Anh. Vui long cho chung téi tép sdch vé ehuong trinh hoc tiéng Anh & tiéu bang Washington. Tran trong, 16 Yéu cau cung cap tai liéu NHUNG LA THU YEU CAU 2, Pine Walk, Dorton, Sussex, DO 2 4PP England 4th Aprit 19.. Dear Sir, Please let us hare a copy of your brochure on holiday accommodation in the Jura. Yours faithfully. P.R. Thomson (Mrs) 2, Pine Walk, Dorton, Sussex, DO 2 4PP Anh 04 thang 04 nam 19.. Thua 6ng, Hay cho ching t6i méi bdn sao tép sdch nhé cia Ong vé noi an & trong hy nghi & Jura. Trén trong, P.R. Thomson (Ba) Apartment 226, 323, First Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98109, USA, March 6 1983 Dear Sir My wife and | plan to tour your country this Summer. Please send us your list of 4-star caravan sites. | enclose a self-addressed envelope and an Intemational Reply Coupon. Sincerely, Peter A. Schulz Nha 36 226, 323, dai 16 sd 1, Seattle, Washington 98109, Hoa Kj, 06 thing 03 néim 1983 Thua dng : Vo ctia téi vd ti c6 ké hoach di du lich dén dat nude cia éng vao mita he nay. Xin éng vui long gtti cho t6i danh sich nhing chd dat nha luu déng hang 04 sao cda Ong. Téi giti kem theo mét phong bi ghi sdn dia chi va mot phiéu trd loi quoc té. Chan thanh, Peter A. Schulz 3, The Hollows, Kilmarnock, Aventures, Ayreshire 14 bis, rue des Pierres, AY6 SWW, 75005 Paris. Scotland France 42th April 19.. Dear Sir, We noted your recent advertisement for economy tours of the chateaux and vineyards of the Loire during the months of September and October. We would be inter- ested to receive further details of these holidays as soon as possible. Yours faithfully, 3, The Hollows, Kilmarnock, Aventures, Ayreshire, 14 bis, rue des Pierres, AY6 5WW, 75005 Paris, Scotland, Phap 12 thang 04 ném 19... Thua éng, Ching toi dé ¥ qudng edo gén déy cilia éng vé nhitng chuyén du lich gidm gid véChateaux vd Vineyards cua Loire trong suét thang 09 va thang 10. Ching tdi muén nhdn duoc nhiéu chi tiét hon vé nhitng ky nghi nay cang sé™ cang t6ét. Chan thanh, 19 Pe wpe en Let us have : dé cho ching tdi cd. Brochure : tap sach méng Yours faithfully : chan thanh, tran trong Plan to : lén ké hoach dé Touring holiday : k} nghi di du lich 4 - star caravan sites : nhiing ché d4t nha luu dong hang 4 sao Self-addressed envelope: Bi thu ghi sdn dia chi Sincerely: Chan thanh Would be interesled: Quan tam dén. MOT VAI CAU MAU TRONG CACH VIET THU: PArRons N Please send us a copy of... | have seen your advertisement for... We would be interested to receive particulars of..: We are particularly interested in... We Intend to... If you want further details return this coupon to us with your name and address. ( look forward to receiving your literature. We wish to... We would be grateful if you could let us have any docu- mentation on holidays in... . Could you let us have any literature on these tours? We are Informed by the Tourist Board that you publish a list of recommended hotels in the area. We should be obliged if you would forward further details of your holidays in... together with their cost to us at the above address. PoP oe en 10, 1. 12. 20 Vui long git cho ching téi mét ban sao cia... Chung t6i di xem quang edo ctia Sng va... Ching téi muén nhAn duge nhiing chi tiét vé.. Ching tdi d&c biét quan tam dén.. Ching t6i du dinh Néu éng muén nhiéu chi tiét hon hay giti phiéu nay vé cho ching téi cing véi tén va dia chi. Téi mong ché nhaén dug tai liéu cua dng. Téi mong ude Tai sé biét on néu Sng cé thé cho chung tdi tai li@u huéng dan vé nhitng ky nghi nay 6... Ong e6 thé dé cho ching tdi cé nhing tai liéu vé nhimg chuyén du lich nay khéng? Chung tai duge théng bdo bdi ban du lich ma 6ng da céng bd mét danh sdch vé nhiing khach san duge giéi thiéu trong ving nay. Ching téi biét on néu dng sé gui nhiéu chi tiét hon vé nhiing ky nghi cua éng &..clmg véi gid ca cho chung téi 6 dia chi trén. . TRA LOI YEU cAU Syndicat d'lnitiative de Déle, 1, Place de la Victoire, 39000 Déle. Mr J. Downing, 3, Pebble Mill Road, Chester, CH3 4TT, Cheshire, England Our ref. TY/PJ 15 April 19. Dear Sir, In response to your latter of the ... we are pleased to enclose our literature. This will give you all the necessary information on tourist accommodation as well as the ex- cursions and leisure facilities availabie in our region. We regret however that we are unable to arrange book- ings. Please contact the proprietor of the hotel or gite rural directly to arrange reservattons. Yours faithfully, The Director. Dear Sir, In reply to your inquiry we are pleased to enclose the brochure on our new tours. We have a speciai offer of a day guided tour of all the chateaux of the region accompa- nied by a bilingual guide. The price includes tavel and full board. We are sure you will find it attractive. But our bro- chure contains holidays to suit everyone. Do not hesitate to contact us for further details. We will be pleased to provide any extra Information you may re- quire. Yours fithfully, Syndicat dinitiative de Déle, 1, Place de la Victoire, 39000 Déle. Ong J. Downing, Sé 3, duong Pebble Mill , Chester, CH3 4TT, Cheshire, Anh Tham ehiéu. TY/PJ 15 thang 04 ndm 19... Thua Ong, Dé dap lai la thu ea éng vé..chiing toi vui long giti hem theo tai liéu cia ching toi. Tai ligu nay sé cho ong tat cd. nhitng thong tin cdn thiét vé su tien nghi du tich cling nhu nhitng cudc du ngogn va nhttng phuong tien c6 sén 6 vang chung toi. Tuy nhién ching toi biét rang ching tdi khéng cé kha nang dé sdp xép dat ché trude. Vui long lién lee vdi éng chit cia khdch san hode nha nghi & mién qué tric tiép dé dat ché truée. Chan thanh, Gidm déc Kinh giti 6ng, Dé ddp lai yéu cdu cia éng ching téi vui lon gui kem theo tap sdch méng vé nhiing chuyén du lich moi eta ching ti. Chung tdi ed gidm gid ddc bigt vé mét chuyén du lich cd nguoi huéng dan trong 5 ngay doi véi tét cd nhiing ldu dai cia ving nay duge trg gitip béi mét ngudi hudng dan vién du lich biét-ndi hai thit tiéng. Gid cd Ré cd di du lich va tién com. Ching t6i ehde ehdn rang ede éng sé nhdn thay n6 hép dn. Nhung tdp séch méng cia ching té6i cé nhiing ky nghi thich hop vdi tat ced moi ngudi. Bing do du dé lién lac voi ching t6i dé c6 them nhing chi tiét. Ching toi vui long dé cung cdp bat ky thang tin nado ma 6ng yéu cau. Trén trong, 23 1. This will : day sé 2.. Bookings : su d&t trude 5. To enclose : gui kém theo 6. New tours : nhiing chuyén du lich méi 7. §&- day tour ; chuyén du lich trong 5 ngay, 8. Tour: chuyén du lich 9. Special offer : gidm gid dic biét 11. Treval : di du lich 12. Full board : tién com tro day du 13. Information : théng tin 14. May : cé thé TU VUNG: i. Noi and 2. Dén dia chi 1. accommodation 3. Quing cdo 2. to address 4, Gia tron goi 3. advertisement (viét tat: ad). 5. Dit chd trude 4. all-in price. 6. D5t chd trude, sip xép dé dat 5. to book. truée 6. to arrange reservations. to ar- 7. Lidn tye véi ngubi mao d6 range bookings. 8. Tap sich ming 7. to contact someone. 9. Bin sao 8. brochure. io. Tai lig 9. a copy. » 10. literature 11. Du tich ha gid 11. economy tour. 12. Giti kém theo 12. to enclose. 13. Tién an & diy di 13. ful board. 14. Nhidu chi tiét hun, nhigu thing 14. further details, further particu- tin cy thé han. lars 24 35, Chaya da lick cé nui heing din 15, 16. KG nah 16. 17. Cong cip thing tin 17. 18. Nat make thing tin 18. 19. Phila tei Ii quie 18 19. 20. Cheyée di 20. 21. Thai giee rink 24. 22. Vit 22. 23. Chi tist, ohiteg chi tidt en the = 23. 24. Lin ké beach 24, 25. Yeu cia 25. 26. Tre Wai 26. 27. Teh lai mot phiéu 27. oni rap A. DICH SANG TIENG ANH 14, rue des Saules, 75015 Paris Negay 12 thang 04 nam 19... Kinh gift dng, ching tdi cé ké hoach trdi qua nhiing ky nghi caa ching t6i 6 ving cia éng trong mia hé nay. Xin vui long gui cho ching téi mét danh sach vé nhiing khach san 2 sao d thanh phd eda dng. Chan thanh, Ba 1. Tai (ching ti) gift kém mét bi thu cé6 s&n dia chi. 2. Chung t6i muén nhan tap sdéch méng mdi ciia 6ng vé nhiing ky nghi {du lich) 6 Hoa Ky. 3. Nhitng sy dat trude duge sdp xép truc tiép béi Ong chi khéch san c6 phai khong? 4, Vui long giti cho chung t6i nhiéu théng tin chi tiét hon vé chuyén du lich nay. 5. Gid Quided tour. holiday(s) to give information a piece of information. international reply Journey. Jeisure. site. details. particulars. to plan. to réquire. reply to return a coupon. tron géi cé tinh gid di du lich va gid 4n ¢ khong? 25 Thaie mac wé gia ea khach san yéu cAu Dear sir, We wish to holiday in Lianfern this year. We would be grateful if you could let us have your rates for a double room with twin beds and bath. Yours faithfully. REPLY Dear Sir, thank you for your inquiry of ... Our rates for a room with twin beds and bath are & .... per night. This Includes English breakfast. All our rooms are equipped with colour television and adirect dialling telephone. Yours faithfully, Kinh gut éng, Chiing t6i mong toc di nghi 6 Lianfern trong nam 26 nay. Chung toi sé biét on néu éng c6 thé cho ching téi cé nhitng gid cd vé phong déi vdi giudng d6i va phong tdm. Chan thanh, TRA LOI Thua 6ng, Cam on nhitng yéu cdu ciia éng vé... Gié cd etia chiing t6i cho mét phong ¢é giudng déi va phéng tém la..dé la méi dem. Gid. nay ké cd bita dn sdng theo kiéu Anh. Tét cé phong cia ching t6i dugc trang bi vdi ti vi mau vd dign thoai goi trite tiép. Chén thanh, DE NGHI Dear Mrs McPherson, My wife and I, together with our two children, would like to stay in Glenloch for a few days and wondered if you could let us know your charges for the Summer season. My wife and | would prefer a double bed. The children could share a room. Please let us know what facilities you pro- vide. Yours sincerely. ; REPLY Dear Mr Pantann, Thank you for your Inquiry about my terms for the 19.... season. The daily charge for two rooms would be & ..,, linen included. | can offer a reduction for stays longer than one week, nage pen There is hot and cold running water in all bedrooms. i regret that | cannot accept children under 6 years of age. Yours sincerely, Gui bé. McPherson, Vo ctia t6i vd tdi cing vdi hai dita con etia ehiing tdi, muén é lai & Glenloch trong vai ngay va dé tu héi néw ba c6 thé cho ching t6i biét gid cd ctla ba vé mia he, ve 161 vd t6i mudn mét gittong déi. Nhitng dita con ciing chung mét phdng. Vui lang cho ching téi biét nhiing phuong tién gi ma ba cung cdp. Chan thank. TRA LOI Ong Pantana than mén, Cém on yeu cdu cia éng vé nhitng gid cd ctia toi trong mia nam ... ném 19... Gid od hang ngdy déi voi nhitng phéng hai ngubi dsb la.. dé la ké cd khén ban vir ra trai giuing. Toi co thé gidm gid néu 6 lau hon mét tudn. Cé nuée néng va nuée lanh & tdt cd ede phong ngu. Téi tiéc réng tdi khong thé chap nhan nhitng dita tré duéi 06 tudi. Tran trong To holiday : Di nghi Per night : mdi dm English breakfast or cooked breafast : Bita An sing Anh Dear Mrs McPherson : thua ba McPherson Wondered if you could : Tdi tu héi néu ba cé thé To provide : cung cdp . Facilities : nhéng phuong tién 28 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, Yours sincerely : tran trong Terms : gid ca Daily : hang ngay Would be : sé 1a Linen : ra va khan trai ban A stay : 6 laf . Under 6 years of age : nhiing dia tré du6i 6 tudi MOT VAI MAU GAU TRONG CACH VIET THU: 1. 10, 41. | would also be grateful if you would let us know whether you have any vacancies for this period. As our holidays are flexible, we would wish to arrive before the high season. We would be interested to receive particulars of your charges. | wish to spend a week in... Could you let us know what leisure facilities the hotel pro- vides? Our weekly terms are advantageous. We have received your for... The rates for the family package will remain effective until ... and include VAT. Unfortunately, we are obliged to add an extra charge of 5 % for payments by credit card. We are forwarding a copy of out guide to .... under separate cover. We a flow a discount of 10% forgroupbookings. Tai cing sé biét on néu ng cho chting toi biét ong cd nhiing phuong tién nao trong giai doan nay hay khong. x 29 Vi nhiing ky nghi cia ching tdi 1a linh déng, chung toi mong muén dén truéc gita mia nay. 8. Chung toi muén nhan nhing thong tin cu thé vé gia ca cla ong. 4. Téi mong ude trai qua mét tudn 3... 5. Ongeé thé dé cho ching t6i bi&t nhiing phuong tién trong gid ranh nao ma kh&ch san cung c&p? 6. Nhiing gid cd hang tudn thi thuan tién. 7. Ching toi da nhan duge dé nghi ciia ong vé.. Gidé tron géi cho gia dinh sé duy tri cé hiéu qué cho dén W@ ké ca thud gié tri gia tang. Khéng may ching t6i buéc phai thém gia 5% déi véi nhimg ngudi tra bing thé tin dung. 10. Ching téi dang gtti mét ban sao hudéng dan cua ching tdi dén....duéi su hé tr¢ riéng biét. 11. Chuang t6i cho phép gidm gid 10% d6i véi nhoém dat truée. yéu cAu Dear Sir, Your address has been given to me by thea ... Tourist Board. | would be grateful if you could give me some infor- mation about your accommodation. We are a family of five with 3 children aged 4,10 and 12 years. Our young son could share our room while the 2 girls could share a room with twin beds. We would like one of the bedrooms to have a bathroom and toilet. | would also like to know your rates for full board for the month of June. Yours faithfully, REPLY TO AN INQUIRY Dear Mrs Thank you far letter of ....We can offer rooms with or without bathroom facilities. All ‘our rooms have twin beds. Children under 5 are allowed to share the parents room. A spare bed is supplied at no extra cost. if you intend to stay in our hotel at the beginning of June you will be able to take advantage of our off-season rates. These are guaranteed until the 15th of June. We enclose a copy of our tariff. Thank you for your interest in our establishment. Yours sincerely, Dia chi ciia éng dé duge dua dén t0i béi..ban du lich. Téi sé biét on néu anh c6 thé cho t6i vai thong tin vé noi an & cilia éng. Ching toi 1a m6it gia dink cd 05 nguéi ba tré 04, 10 va 12 tuéi. Con trai tré nhdt cia chiing toi cd thé dung chung phong chung t6i trong khi dé hoi dita con gdi cd thé ding chung m6t phong déi. Chiing toi muén mot trong nhing phong ngd cé phong tdm uv: nha vé sinh. Ching toi ciing mudn biét nhitng gid cd cia éng cho toan bé chi phi trong thang 06. . Trén trong, TRA LOI YEU CAU Thua ba cdm on la thi ciia ba ve... Ching téi c6 thé gidm gid nhiing phong khéng cé nhitng phuong tién phong tdm, tdt cd phong ctta ching t6i cé giuéng doi. Nhing dita tré du6i 05 tudi dugc cho phép dung chung phong vdi bé me. Mét giuong tréng dugc eung cép ma khong phdi trd them tién néu ban cb du dinh 6 lai khach san cia chiing idi vdo dau thang 06 ban sé cé khd nang dugc wu dai gidm gid trong mua van khdach cilia chung toi. Diéu nay dugc bdo dam cho dén ngay 15 thang 05. Ching toi giti kem mét ban photo vé bdng gid cia chiing tdi. Cém on sui quan tém cia ba vé t6 chite cila chiing t6i. Tran trong, yeu cAU Dear Sir, | wish to spend a few days in your resort. Please send me details of the charge. of the different camp sites and the facilities they can offer. Yours faithfully, Toi mong mu6n trdi qua mét vai ngay 3 khu nghi met cua ong. Vui long gui cho t6i nhiing.théng tin chi tiét vé gid cd va nhitng vj tri trai khae nhat vd nhiing phuong tién ma ho e6 thé cung cap. Tran trong has been given to me: Da dua cho tdi accommodation: Noi an ¢ rates: Gia cd full board: Téng chi phi parents’ room: Phong cia cha me spare bed: Giudng trong at no extra cost: Khéng tinh thém tién off season: Mia van khéch guaranteed: Duve bao dim tariff: Bang gid peonrnranp wpe ” ° 32 11. establishment: Té chic 12. resort: Khu nghi mat 13. » camp site: Vi tri trai TU VUNG: 1. GiG thudn tidn 1. advantageous price. 2. Duge cho phép 2. albwed. 3, Tam (phing) 3. bath(room). 4. Gia eb 4, charge(s). 5. Bia diém tam nhe 5. continental breakfast. &. Hang ngay 6. daily. 7. Din thosi true tiép 7. direct dialling telephone. 8. Gidm gid 8. discount, 9. Phang dai 9. double room. 10. Bae an sing Anh 10. English breakfast. 11. Gia thm 11 extra cost, extra charge. 12. Gui vé phia 12. to forward. 13. Nhém dit trude 13. group booking. 14. Gitta mile 14. high season. 15. Ke 0d 15. included. 16. Phuong tiga trong gif rah 16. leisure facilities. 17, Khan vi ca tedi glutng 17. linen. (U.S.) linens. 18. Mila véng khach 18. low season. 19, Moi dém 19. per night. 20. San choi 20. pitch. 21. Cung cap 21. to provide 22. Ty 18, hang 22. rates. 23. Khu nghi mat 23. resort 24. Chi phi dich wy 24. service charge. 33 25. Phong don 25. single room. 26. Trdi que mat kp nghi hé {aking -26. to spend a holiday (holidays). ky nghi} 27. Su é lai 27. a stay. 28. Tin dung 28. to take advantage of. 29. Ban gid 29. tariff. 30. Gia ed 30. terms. 31. Giving déi 31. twin beds. ear rae A. DICH SANG TIENG ANH L Chung téi khéng 6 nhiing nha luu dong trong thdi gian nay. 2. Nhirig phuong tién trong gid rdnh nado ma khach san cung cap? 3. Chung 16i cho phép gidm gid 10%( m6t su gidm gie 10%). 4, Téi sé biét on néu dng dé cho toi bist... Thua ong, Vui long cho ching téi nhitng thong tin chi tiét vé nhang phuong tién duge dé nghi béi té chic cha ng. c. 1. Téi. 2. Trai qua. 3. Néu . 4. Cé thé (sé). 5. S8 . 6. Dai. 7. Chan thanh. Il Dat truée noi in & Viée xde nhan wa thay déi sw dat ché trude SU DAT CH6 TRUGC Dear Sir, Will you please reserve a room with single bed and shower for me for the period from 7th to 14th October. Kindly contirm the booking by return. CONFIRMATION Dear Sir. Thank you for your letter of ... We have reserved the accommodation you require, namely a room with single bed and shower for the period 7th to 14th October inclusive. We look forward to your arrival. Ong co vui ling dat truée mét phong cé giuéng don va phong tdm eé voi hoa sen cho téi trong théi gian tu ngay 07 dén ngdy 14 thang 10. Xin vui lang phic dap xac nhdn viée ddt phong truée cia téi. sU XAC NHAN Thua 6ng, Cam on lé thu ctia ong vé.. chung téi dé dat noi an & ma éng yeu cdu, la. mot phong cé giudong don va phong tdm 6 vdi hoa sen trong thoi gian ti ngay 07 dén ngay 14 thang 10. Ching téi mong ché éng dén sU DAT TRUGC Dear Sir, We are organising a coach tour of the West coast for a party of 44 plus driver for the first two weeks of August. We would like to make a reservation for 20 double rooms and 5 single rooms, all with bath. We trust our booking will qualify for your group reductions. Please inform us as to the de- posit you require. CONFIRMATION OF PROVISIONAL BOOKING Dear Sir, Thank you for your letter of .... concerning a provisional group booking. We are pleased to confirm that we have booked 20 double rooms with bath. Unfortunately all our single rooms with bath are taken for the period you require. We have provisionally booked 5 single rooms with shower and hope these will be satisfactory. We do not usually give discount for group bookings in August but we are willing to provide the driver's room free of charge. ar anak ob Thua éng, Ching t6i dang té chtic m6t chuyén du lich bang xe buyt vé bo bién phia Tay cho mét budi tiéc 44 ngudi cong vdi tai xé trong 2 tudn ddu cia thang 08. Ching t6i muén dat trude 20 giuéng déi va O5 giuong don, tét cd déu cé phong tdm. Chung t0i tin viéc dat trude cia chung tdi sé lam cho cdc 6g gidm gid cho chung téi. Vui long théng bdo cho ching t6i dé dat coc theo yéu cdu cia cde 6ng. SU XAC NHAN VIEC DAT TRUGC TAM THOI Thua 6ng, Cém on ld thu ctia éng vé.. viée dat trude tam thoi cho nhém. Chung toi vui long xtc nhdn réng ching toi da dat truéc 20 phong doi cé phong tém. Khéng may tdt cd cde phong don ciia chiing toi cé phong tdm dé cé khéch trong thoi diém éng dé nghi. Chung t6i tam thoi dat truéc 05 phong don eé voi tim hoa sen vd hy vong chung s@ lam cde Ong vita ¥. Chiing ti khéng thuong xuyén gidm gid cho nhitng nhém dat tréac trong thang 08 nhung ching ti sé sdn sang cung cdp phong tai xé mién phi. will you please reserve: Ong co vui long dat truéc from 7 to 14 October: Ti ngay 07 dén ngay 14 thang 10 kindly: Tét bung by return: Tra 1di accomodation: Noi an ¢ to require: Yéu cdu namely: Ay la, la inclusive: Bao gim 37 9. 10. il. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. to look forward to: Mong dgi coach: Xe buyt for: Cho, trong khoang to make a reservation: Dat truéc all; Tat ca as to: Vé deposite: Dat coc provisional: Tam thoi . these will be satisfactory, Ching sé vita y are willing to: Sin sang dé free of charge: Mién phi MOT VAI MAU GAU TRONG CACH VIET THU: 1. @ 40. lam writing to confirm our telephone booking of 17 April. We shall be grateful if you could reserve the Executive suite in the name of Michelot. We wondered whether you have any rooms vacant for the 1st week of April. Mr Depontwill require a suite with 2 bedrooms anda single bedroom on the same floor for his secretary. { have reserved the accommodation as requested. Mr. ... would greatly appreciate it if you could let him have his usual room. (shall be glad to have an early reply so that | can complete Mr Greene's fravel arrangements. An additional charge is payable for ... We regret any inconvenience this might have caused you. Kindly forward a receipt for the deposit. You may be sure that everything possible will be done to make your stay agreeable. 38 10. Téi dang viét dé xe nhan viée dat truée qua dién thoai cia ching téi ngay 17 thang 04. Ching téi sé biét on néu éng danh phong cho theo tén ngudi dat phdng Michelot. Ching téi ty héi éng cé nhiing phdng tréng trong tuan dau tién cua thang 04 hay khéng. Ong Depont sé dé nghi mét day phdng véi 02 phong nga va mét phong ngi don trén cing tang cho ¢é thu ky cia éng ta. Toi da danh noi an d nhu da duge dé nghi. Ong .. sé rit cdm kich néu éng dé cho ong dy c6 mét phong binh thugng. Tdi s6 rat vui long dé c6 c4u trad ldi sém dé tdi cé thé hoan tat nhiing s{p xép vé chuyén du lich cilia 6ng Greene. Mét chi phi thém cé thé dyoc tra cho ... Ching téi lay lam tiée bat ky bat tign nao né 6 thé gay ra cho ng. Vui lang gifi bién lai dat coc. Ong c6 thé chde chan ring t&t c& moi thit c6 thé dude thuc hién 48 lam cho su 6 lai cha éng via §. HUY B86 86 SU DAT TRUGC Dear Sir, Two weeks ago | asked you to book me a room for the week 3 to 10 July. Unfortunately my wife has suddeny fallen ill and it will be impossible for us to travel to .... as planned.We would be obliged if you would cancel the reservation and retund the deposit. With apologies, Yours faithfully. HOTEL FULL Dear Sir, Following your letter of .... relating to the reservation of 2 double rooms | regret to inform you that we have no rooms vacant for that date. However | have passed your fetter on to a hotel of similar quality which is on the same road. They may be able to accommodate you. We are sorry that we are unable to accept your booking. Yours faithfutly. Hai tudn tric t6i cé héi éng dé dat truéc cho toi mbt phéng trong tudn tit ngay 03 dén ngiy 10 thang 07. Khéng may, vo cia téi dét nhign bi bénh va diéu dé sé lam cho ching toi khong thé di du lich dén_. nhu dé du dinh. Chung t6i sé biét on néu 6ng hity bd su dat tritec va hodn ira tién dat coc. Véi nhimg lai xin li, Tran trong KHACH SAN HET CHO Thua 6ng, Khach san dé hét ché thua 6ng, theo ld thu cia 6ng vé..lién quan dén vige dat trude 02 phong déi. Toi ldy lam tiée dé théng bdo cho 6ng rang ching t6i khéng con phong tréng trong ngay hém dé. Tuy nhién toi da chuyén thu cia 6ng qua mét khach san c6 chét lugng tong tu ném trén cing dubng. Ho c6 thé c6 ché cho éng. Chiing téi xin 16i ching toi khéng thé chép nhan vige dat truée etia bng. Chan thanh 40 SU XAC NHAN DAT TRUGC Your terms for 2 raoms overlooking the sea, namely £ .. daily per person are perfectly acceptable. | would be grateful if you: would reserve the rooms for the 24-31 Au- gust. We expect to arrive at about 6 o'clock on Saturday after- noon. { enclose an International Money Order for .... F to cover the deposit. in reply to your letter we confirm the reservation of a single room for 3 nights from the 13 October. We would be grateful if you would forward a deposit of .... F to confirm the booking. Gid ed ctia 6ng cho hai phong nhin ra bién, la ..d6 la méi ngay cho méi ngudi 1a 6 thé chdp nhan duoc. Toi sé biét on néu éng danh cho nhing phodng nay tt ngay 24 dén 31 thang 08. Toi hy vong dén vao khodng 6 gid chiéu thit 7. Téi giti kem mot phiéu chuyén tién quéc té tri gid... franc dé ddt coc. Dé tré loi thu cia. 6ng t6i xdc nhadn su dat trude mét phong dém cho 03 dém ti 13 thing 10. Ching toi biét on néu 6ng gui tién dat coc tri gid. franc dé xde nhan viée ddt coc. SU DAT TRUGC QUA TELEX PLS BOOK 1 SINGLE ROOM 3 NIGHTS 13 TO 15 OCT. MR. LUXES SALES MANAGER CONFIRM SOONEST HOLDING 1 SINGLE ROOM 13 TO 16 OCT. DEPOSIT CONFIRMS WiTH THANKS. Vui long dat truéc mét phong don tir 13 dén 15 thang 10. Ong. LUKES quan ly ban hang xéc nhan sém nhat. Gid mot phdng don ti ngay 13 dén ngay 15 thang 10 xc nhan dat coc, cam an. 1. 2 weeks : 2 tudn 2. Ask: héi / 8. My wife having suddenly fallen ill : vg cia t6i bi bénh dot xudt 4. Planned : da lén ké hoach 5. Refund the deposit : tra lai tién dat coc 6. Apologies : nhiing Jai xin 16i 7. Hotel was full : khach san da day chd 8. No room vacant : khang cin phdng tréng 9. To expect : mong muén 10. International money order : phiéu déi tién quic té 11. PLS: viét tdt cla cha Please: lam on 12. Soonest : sém nhat 18. Deposit confirms : su xdc nhén dat cge TU VUNG: 1. C6 ché cho 1. to accommodate 2.” Ghi phi them 2. additional charge. 3. Xin Iai 3. to apologize. 4. Sip xép 4. to arrange, to make arrange- ments. 5. Nhu da dé nghi 5. as requested. 6. C6 sin 6. available (chambre) vacant. 7. Chi phi dit truge 7. booking charge. 8. Ted lai, tra Lai 8. by return (of pest). 9. 10, WW. 12, B. 28, 29. 30. 3t 32, Xo bb Du lich bing xe bujt Tién dat ege DE, tra tidn dit eoe Hoin tra tin dt ege . Hy vong Tang ahi Mién phi Oa duve dat truée . Bar tian . Tam thai . Mat cach tam thai . Ning che Ay, Whin xudng . Tai 98 bit on nu Sng . Bust tie > Chuyén qua . Vide dit true tem thai Chuyén tién Voi tim hoa sen Dat true qua dige thoai i kh’ ning Bién lai 42 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 10. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 31. 32. to cancel. coach tour. deposit. to leave (to make, to pay) a deposit. to refund a deposit. to expect. floor. free of charge. full booked, booked up. Inconvenience. provisional. provisionally. to lock forward to. namely. to overlook | would be grateful if you would. party. to pass on. provisional beoking. to transfer money. shower. telephone booking. to qualify for. receipt 43 ear tae A. DICH SANG TIENG ANH 1. Vui long dat trudée nhtmg phong déi theo tén ngu¥i dat coc Prot. 2. Khéng may ching t0i khéng con phdng tréng trong tudn nay ti ngay 24 — 28 thang 7. 3. Vui long xdc nhan su dat truéc bing céch tra 1¢i qua buu dién. 4, Ching tdi lay lam tiée dé théng bdo ché ong ring ching téi khong cé kha nang dé dén dé.nhu duge mong mu6n. 5. Chung t6i sé biét on néu 6ng hiy bé su dat true nay. 1. Chiing t6i cé ké hoach ¢ tai khéch san cua Ong trong vai ngay. 2. C4ch ‘day 02 nam t6i da trai qua mt tudn r&t thd vi 6 ché tro va nhiing bia an sing ma éng da phyc vu. 8. Tdi da viét cho éng cAch day 02 tudn. 4. Téi muén trai qua mét tudn 6 chd ‘tro va nhiing buéi 4n sng do éng phuc vy trong suét k7 nghi hé nay. 44 Thué mét can nha hoade mét cin hé Tim KIEM NGI AN G TRONG KY NGHi LP. Richard & P.Swaine, Estate Agents, Hanley House, Renton on Sea., RE2 o6w. Dear Sir, intend to spend a fortnight in with my family next Summer and am seeking furnished accommodation in the area. { would be grateful if you could recommend a property which would suit a family of four. We should prefer a 3- bedroomed bungalow near the sea but would no exclude a suitable flat or other self-catering accommodation. Yours faithfully. LP. Richard & P.Swaine, 08 thang 05 ném 19... Nhan vién bdt déng sdn, Hanley House, Renton on Sea, RE2 OSW. Thua dng, T6i du dinh trdi qua 03 tudn 6..v6i gia dink etia t6i vao mita he tdi va téi dang tim kiém mét noi an 6 cé sdn dé dac & trong viing nay. TOi sé biét on néu dng cd thé gidi thigu cho téi mét noi mé né thich hop cho gia dinh ciia toi gém cd 04 nguoi. Ching toi thich mét nha gé mét tdng ed 03 giuing ngu gan bién hon nhung khéng ngoai tr mot cdn hé thich hep hode mét noi dn d dn udng tu tie khac. Chan thanh. LIEN LAC VGI CHO NHA Dear Madame Richard, We learned from...that you let fully furnished accommo- dation at Falaizes. We would be Interested in renting “ Les Bouleaux’” for the last two weeks in August. Please let us have details of the property and advise us whether it has been let for this period. Yours sincerely. Thua Ba Richard, Ching toi dé nghe ... rang ba dé m6t noi dn 6 cd ddy dt dé dae tai Falaizes. . Chiing t6i muén thué Les Bouleaux” trong 02 tuén vdo cudi thang 08. Vui long cho chung t6i nhing théng tin chi tiét vé noi nay va cho ching tdi bidt né c6 trong thoi gian. nay hay khong. Tran trong, TRA LOI TU CHU NHA Further to your inquiry about the pessibility of renting “Les Bouleaux” for two weeks in August, we are pleased in inform you that the bungalow is still available for this pe- riod. My terms are ... Francs per week. An advance payment of 25 % is payable on reserving, the balance to be paid on arrival. Terms do not Include electricity and gas but linen, cooking, crockery, cutlery and cleaning facilities are sup- plied. The property is cleaned between lettings. | will be happy to supply further particulars as required. Them vao yéu cdu cia éng vé khd nang co thé thué mét “Les Bouleaux” trong hai tudn vao thang 08, ching t6i vui -nitng théng bdo cho éng rang nha gd mét tang nay vdn cé sdi Gid ctia téi la .frane méi tudn. Tré truée 25 % khi dat tritoc, phan con Iqi duge tré vdo khi dén. Gié nay khéng bao dién va gas nhung bao khan trdi giuong va khan ban, viée ndu nudng, chén bat, ly tach, dao nia va nhiing phuong tién lau chi ciing duoc eung cap. Nha nay duoc lua chii gitta nhiing ldn cho thué. Ching téi sé sdn sang cung cdp nhiéu théng tin cu thé han khi duge dé nghi. CON HHS wm ee ee NP key s 18. Estate Agent: Nhan vién bat déng san 47 Property: Tai san Suit: Thich hgp, via Should: Nén Bungalow: Nha gé mét téng 3-bedroomed: Phong ngu 3 ngudi Flat: Can hé Self-catering: An udng ty tac Yours: Cua anh, chi To let: Hay dé To advise: Hay khuyén Further to: Thém vao Renting: Viéc thué Still available: Van cé sin Advance payment: Sy tra trué¢ On-reserving: Phan cdn lai, phan du To be paid: Buge tra As required: Khi duge yéu edu MOT VAI MAU CAU TRONG CACH VIET THU: 1. We are writing to you now to inquire whether you know of any property for rent in the area. M. and Mme Trenez spent an agreable holiday in your cot- tage last year. lam looking for a flat if possible with lock-up garage. A furnished house near the Industrial estate would be most suitable. Could you let us have details of your terms and conditions? 48 The deposit is non-returnable but is deducted from the 1st week's rent. A deposit of $ ... is required for the use of the Hi-Fi equip- ment. We regret that breakages must be paid for. We offer long or short lets. Bay gid ching tdi dang viét cho ong dé héi xem Ong biét noi nao cho thué, trong vong nay hay khong M. va Mme Trenez da trai qua mét ky nghi é lang qué cla éng ndm ngodi. Tai dang tim kiém mét cin h6 néu cé thé c6 garage... MOét can nha day di dé dac gan khu dat céng nghiép 14 thich hop nhat, tét nhat. Ong cé thé cho ching téi biét ning chi tiét v8 gid e& va didu kién? Tian dat coc khéng duge tra lai nhung dugc khéu tri tiv tudn thué thi nhat. Tién dat coc... d6 la duge a2 nghj cho sit dung thiét bi Hi — Fi. Ching tdi 1&y lam tiée ring nhitng dé bj va phai tra tién Ching téi dé nghi nhiing su cho thué dai hodc ngan ngay. . 49 TIM KIEM MOT CAN HO CO DAY DU 16 DAC | will shortly becoming to work in .... for about 10 months. 1 would be grateful if you would let me know of any fur- nished flats for rent as near as possible to the town centre. { would prefer all modern conveniences (bathroom, fully equipped kitchen) with at least two bedrooms and at not more than £ .... per month. Hoping for an early reply, | remain, Yours .... REPLY FROM A REALTOR (US) Thank you for your letter of .... Informing us of your de- sire to rent a furnished apartment. We are happy to be able to offer an apartment on the third floor of a building near the station. The apartment is in condition and includes liv- ing room, dining room, and 2 bedrooms. It has all modern conveniences (there is a dishwasher in the kitchen). The monthly rent is $ .... services not included, and is payable on the 1st of each month. 2 months rent is paid as a deposit on signature of the rent agreement. The inventory will be made on the day the tenant moves into the property. The tenant must give one month’s notice of vacation by registered letter. if you find these conditions acceptable it will be possible to view the apartment by ap- pointment. | would be obliged if you could let us have your decision as soon as possible. Yours.... ACCEPTANCE lam pleased to inform you that the flat that you offered in your letter of... is perfectly suitable Mr MarLy has viewed the property at my request and found it in accordance with the description and thought the rent fair. { would therefore be grateful if you would let me have a tenancy agreement which | will return duly completed as quickly as possible. Téi sé sém dén lam viée 6..trong khodng 10 thang. Téi sé biét on néu éng dé cho toi biét bat ky nhitng can h6 c6 déy dii dé dae nao cdng gan trung tam thanh phé nay cang tét. Téi thich nhing tien nghi hién dai hon (phong tdém, nha bép dugc trang bi déy dit) vdi it nhdt 02 phong ng va khéng qué... dé la méi thang. Hy vong c6 su tra lai sém, t6i vdn vay, Chan thanh... HOI AM TU MOT DAI LY BAT DONG SAN (HOA KY) Cam on ld thu eda éng vé ..théng bdo ctla éng vé nhing mong ude cia éng dé thué mot can h6 day di dé dagc. Chung ti hanh phiie dé cé thé dé nghi m6t can h6 trén tdng thit 3 cua mot ngéi nha gdn nha ga nay. Can AG nay la mét didu kien tuyét vdi va ké cd phong khdch, Phong dn ud phong ngu. No cé tdt cd nhitng tien nghi hién dai (cé mét mdy rita chén bdt d nha bép). Tién thué hang thang la.. dé la, khéng ké nhiing dich vu, va dugc tré vao ngay ddu tién etia thang. Phai dat coc 02 thang tién thué khi ky hop déng thué. Bang kiém ké sé duge lam véo ngay ngubi thue dén 6. Nguéi thué phdi dua ra bang théng bdo vé ky nghi eda thang qua ld thu bdo dém. Néu éng nhén thdy nhang diéu kién nay cd thé chép nhan duge thi né cd thé duge kiém tra qua mgt budi hen. Téi sé biét on néu éng dé cho ching t6i biét quyét dinh cita éng cang sém cang tot. Chan thanh... Sonora p eye re en eee Panga pe bye oO SU CHAP NHAN Téi vui long dé théng bdo cho 6ng rang cin h6 ma éng da dé nghi trong thu... la thich hop nhat. Ong Marly da kiém tra tai sdn nay theo loi yéu cdu cia t6i va nhan thdy no dung vdi su m6 td va nghi rang tién thué thi thich hep. Béi vay t6i sé biét on néu bng dé cho ching tdi ed mét bang hop déng thué nha ma téi sé tré lai dung luc hodn tdt cang nhanh cang tét. having to: Dang phai will be coming: Sé@ dén shortly: Sém, ng&n, ngay khi period: Khoang théi gian any flats: Vai can hé all modern conveniences: Tat cd nhing tién nghi hién dai I remain: Téi van thé informing us: Viée théng bdo cho ching téi we are happy to: Chting téi hanh phuc dé 1st floor: Tang thit nhat building: Toa nha excellent: Xuat sic services: Nhung dich vu 2 months’ rent: Thué nha 02 thang rent agreement: Bang hop déng thué vacation: Ky nghi perfectly suitable: Thich hgp nhat property: Tai san , quickly: Nhanh chéng 52 TU VUNG: Senn bal a. 22, 23. 24, 25. Su tr’ truée Khuyén Tat c& nhitng tign nghi hién dai (Anh) ean ha (Mj) can ho. Phan edn lai Phing vita dé’ tgp khéch via dé ngd 6 bi ve Nha gd mit tang Nha bigt lap . Hyp ding cho thué . May rife chén bat - Ding lic . Nhie vidn bat ding sin . C6 dé des . Diing vai . Hay ae - Thad . Garage 06 khod Dua ra bang thing bao . Bang hyp ding thud Tim kigmm Nguti thé ha Kigin tra Khu dat céng nghidp Thu bio dam fens aan 10. a. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22, 23, 24, 25 advance payment to advise all madem conveniences (GB) ‘lat, (US) apartment balance bed-sitter breakage bungalow detached house {ease dishwasher duly estate agent, (US) realtor fully furnished in accordance with fo let to rent lock-up garage to give notice rent agreement, tenancy agree- ment to seek tenant to view industrial estate registered letter 53 26. Bing cufe hen 27. Trong ving nay 28. Thich hop 29. Thué 26. 27. 28. 29. by appointment. in the area. suitable. rent. 54 Thue mot chiée xe DaAt true ché trong nha hat yeu CAu vE vic THUE MOT PHUONG TIEN DI LAI Gentlemen: We want to tour some of your National Parks in July. + Please give us a quotation for renting a 5-berth trailer complete with linens and crockery. We would also be interested to have your charges fora comparable 5-berth motorhome. Sincerely yours, REPLY TO AN INQUIRY ABOUT VEHICLE HIRE Dear Sir: In response to your letter of ... we have pleasure in quot- ing you as follows: 5-berth trailer complete with crockery and linens .. weekly (daily rent not available). 5-berth de-luxe motorhome with roof rack, gas stove, toilet and shower ... $ ... daily. Weekly rates are negotiable and depend on length of rent. Allour motonhomes are fitted with cruise control (60 mph) and run on high-test gasoline. All our vehicles have current year registration. Rent of a suitable towing vehicle can be arranged by calling us on 800.742.02.42 (toll free) or write us at... We attach a copy of our conditions of rent. Thua quy éng: Ching téi muén di du lich mét vai e6ng vién quée gia cla quy é6ng vao thang 07. Vui long cho ching téi mét doan trich ddn vé viée thué mét nha luu déng cé 05 giving ngti e6 ra va khan trdi ban va chén dia. Ching t6i cling quan tam dén gid cd cla m6E xe buyt lam nha 6 ¢6 05 giudng ngii tuong duong. Chan thanh, TRA LOI MOT YEU CAU VE VIC THUE MOT 'PHUONG TIEN BI LAI Thua Ong : Dé tré loi 1d thu cia 6ng vé ching toi vui miing dé trich dén cho éng nhu sau : : Mét nha luu'déng cé 08 giuang ngi voi déy du ly chén khan trdi giuéng va khan ban.. dola.tudn (gid thué hang ngdy khong cé sin). Mét xe bust lam nha & hang sang ed 05 giving ng vdi thing xép trén mui, bép gas, nha ve sinh va vdi tdm hoa sen..dola..ngay gid hang tudn cd thé thuong luong va phu thube vao thoi gian thué. Tét cd cdc xe buyt lam nha é thich hop cho nhing chuyén di du ngoan (50 dim méi gid) dé chay vdi logi xdng qua kiém ira chdt lugng cao. Tat cd nhiing phuong tién di lai ctia ching toi dang duge dang ky hang ném. Thué m6t phuong tién di lei chuyén ché thich hop cé thé duoc sdp xép qua cuée goi dién thoai cho ching téi sé 800-742.02.42 (chi phi goi mién phi) hode viét cho ching toi vé... Chiing t6i gdn m6t ban sao vé nhitng diéu kién thué cua ching téi. GUI DAI LY BAN VE Dear Sir, We will be spending a short holiday in London from 6 to 10 December. Please book us 2 stalls seats for The Topcats Variety Spectacular now showing at the Adelio Theatre. Any night would be suitable. | will forward payment on receipt of your confirmation of this booking. Your faithfully. Thua 6ng, Ching t6i sé trdi qua mét ki nghi ngdn ngay ¢ Luan Dén tit ngdy 06 dén 10 thang 12. Vui long dat truée cho ching téi 02 vé xem vé kich Topcats Variety Spectecular dang trinh chiéu 6 nha hat Adelio. Béit ky dém nao thich hop. Téi sé giti tién trd bing bién lai cho su xdc nhén ddt truéc nay ctia ong. Tran trong 57 San aaeeyr Peep e peNrs 15. National parks: Nhiing céng vién quéc gia quotation: Doan trich din trailer: Nha luu dong linens: Ra va khan trai giuéng not available: Khéng cé sfn negotiable: C6 thé thuong long duge 50 mph: §0 dam mii git high-test; Duge kiém tra chat lugng cao gasoline: Xang registration: Sy dang ky towing vehicle: Phuong tién di lai chuyén ché toll free: Mién phi write us: Viét cho chung tdi stalls seat: Ché ngéi showing: Trinh chiéu MOT VAI MAU CAU TRONG CACH VIET THU: 1. 2. The driver should not have been convicted of a serious motoring offence. The driving licence must be produced at the commen ce- ment of rental. Please supply a quotation for the rental of a 4-berth mobile home for 3 weeks in July. Vehicles are available from 3 pm and must be returned by gam. We regret that we cannot accept payment by credit card for camping cars. Deposits are refundable in full if written notice of cancellation is received 7 days in advance. Our rates do not include fuel. There is no cancellation charge. 58 10. 11. @ 10. 11. Vehicles may be picked up/collected at any of our airport parking lots, Tickets may be collected until ... Valid travel documents and current driving licence must be produced when picking up vehicle. Khéng nén két tdi tai xé vé mét tai nan mété nghiém trong. Gidy phép l4i xe phai due dua ra lic b&t dau thué xe. Vui long cung c&p doan irich dfn vé thué nha di déng cé 04 giusng ngu trong 03 tudn vao thang 07. Phuong tién di lai cé san tit 03 git chiéu va phai duge tra lai vao 09 gid sang. Chung téi lay 1am tiée rang ching t6i khong thé chap nhan tra bang thé tin dyng cho nhiing xe ca cdm trai. Tién d&t coc duge tra lai day du néu da théng bdo hiy bé viée nhan truée 07 ngay. Gid cd cla chung ti khéng bao nhién liéu. Khong cé chi phi huy bo. Nhiing phuong tién di lai cé thé don 6 tat c& nhing bai dau xe 6 phi trudng nao cia ching toi. Vé 06 thé duge lay cho dén.. Nhiing van kién du lich hgp é va gidy phép li xe hién hanh phai duoc dua ra khi nh4n xe. Dear Sir, Thank you for the information on the hire of caravans and camping care We would like to hire a 5-berth camping car from 15 to 29 July. We therefore enclose the completed reservation Cam on vé thong tin thué nha luu dong va xe cim trai. Chung tdi mudn thué mét xe cdm trai c6 05 giuong ngu tu ngay 15 dén ngay 29 thang 07. Vi vdy chung t6i gui hem theo la don dat trude duge ghi ddy du. PAID METHOD OF PAYMENT HIRE TIME tu déng DO béng tay a THOI GIAN THUE TW ees. DEN. a” THUE BAT DAU .... THOI GIAN UGC DINH DEN SAN BAY Chuyén bay sé Duong bay HAI CANG Tén tau Duéng tau NHA GA. dénh ddu tick vdo 6 thich hop. Dear Mrs... Further to your reservation by letter of the ... enclosed two tickets for the evening concert on the ... are heid until 8-30 pm. Doors close at 9 pm. Dear Sir, *Nhitng uét phu ... radio O ghé tré em Oaid Nhiing dung cy dae diet (truot tuyét) .. 0 *Tuy y Phi bdo hiém b& sung D Béo hiém tai nan ca nhén tai xé vd hank khéch O 86 TAI X#, TEN, TUOI VA KINH NGHIEM LAI XE CUA TAT TONG SO TIEN DAT COC DUOC TRA te . HINH THC THANH TOAN. KET THUC VAO LUC.. THOT GIAN. please find Seats Every Easter we organise a trip for our club “The Silver Lining”. We would be obliged if you would let us have a quotation for the hire of a coach and driver for the weekend of the 2nd April. Thua bi... N6i thém vé su dat trudéc cla ba qua ld thu... vui long tim hai tém vé duge giti kem cho buéi hoa nhac toi hém nay..nhitng ghé dive git cho dén 08 gid 30 ti. Cua déng itic 9 gid t6i. Thua ong, Méi dip. 1é phuc sinh ching t6i t6 che m6t chuyén du lich cho céu lac bé cua ching toi (niém hy vong). Ching t6i s@ bidi on néu éng dé cho chung 161 cd mot doan trich dén vé thué xe buyt va tai xé cho dip cuéi tudn vao ngay 02 thang 04. The hire of (GB), rent of (US); Thué camping-car: Xe cm trai we therefore enclose: Vi vay ti gtfi kem completed; Duge dién day da ETA: Thdi gian duge use tinh dén lines Dudng tau premium: Chi phi bdo hiém covering :Gém cé to tick :Danh dau 8.80 pm 108 gid 30 téi Silver lining; Niém hy vong womans wn Ree NES 62 TU VUNG: Giving agi Dién vio mét te den om 06 Giay phép lai xe Thai gian ude vung dén Chuyén bay Thus Hap déng béo hiém Cing vién quoc gia 10. Hanh khach tt. Chi phi bao higin 12. Din, lay 13, Doan trich dan 44. Trich dan 15, Sy ding ky 16. Thing dyng hank If trén mui 17. Dinh dau 18. Kéa, ehd 49. Nhién figu . Hyp 1 21. Lay . Duta ra 23, Su huj bé . Che dau xe . C6 the duge tri lai . Bap ges 27. 09 gid sing - Gas . Nhe lua ding . LE phye sinh PRN anaewer berth. to.fill in a form, fo cover. driving licence. estimated time of arrival (ETA). flight. hire, rental. insurance poliBBcy. national park. passenger. . insurance premium. to pickup, to collect. -quotation. . to quote. . registration. roof rack. to tick. . to tow. fuel. vatid, . to collect. . tO produce. . cancetiation. . parking lot. . refundable. . gas stove. . Gam. (GB) petrot; (US) gas. . (GB) caravan; (US) trailer. Easter. VI Loi than phién MOT THU Gi D6 RO! LAI G KHACH SAN Dear Sir, During my holiday in your country | spent a week in .... and stayed in your hotel from 5 to 11 June. On returning home | discovered that | had lost a silver ring which belonged to my grandfather. | believe | may have left it in my room, The ring has very little intrinsic worth butis of great sen- timental value to me: if your staff have come across it | would be very grateful if you could send it on to me at the above address. | will ot course meet any expenses incurred. REPLY FROM A HOTEL MANAGER Dear Sir, | refer to your letter of.... on the subject of a lost silver ting. | am happy to inform you that the ring was handed in by a cleaner shortly after you left. On receipt of your letter | arranged for it to be despatched to your address. | would be obliged if you would let us have a check for §... to cover postage and packing. Assuring you of our best intentions. Thua éng, Trong suét ky nghi eta t6i trén dat nuée cita ng, t6i dé trdi qua mét tudn 6 ... va & trong khdch san ctia 6ng nit ngay O5 dén ngay 11 thang 06. Khi tré vé nha téi da khém pha rang toi dé danh mat mét chiée nhdn bang bac né-la cilia éng t6i. Téi tin téi co thé danh roi né trong phéng ciia toi. Chiéc nhdn nay c6 gid tri dich thue rét nhé nhung gid tri tinh thén ddéi vdi toi thi rdt lon. Néu nhén vién etia 6ng tinh ed gdp thdy no t6i sé biét on’ néu éng cé thé giti nd cho t6i vé dia chi 6 trén. Di nhién t6i sé thanh todn bt ky chi phi tén thdt nao. TRA LOI TU MOT NGUOI QUAN LY KHACH SAN Thua 6ng, T6i tham khdo ld thu cia éng ... vé mue dich mét chiée nhdn bi mat. Tdi that su hanh phic dé théng bdo cho éng rdng chiéc nhdn nay dé duge tim thdy béi mét ngudi quét don mét théi gian ngan sau khi éng réi khdi day. Dé nhan duge thu etla éng t6i dé sdp x€p dé chiée nhGn duge giti dén dia chi ctia éng. Téi sé biét on néu éng 86 dé cho ching t6i mét hod don..ddla dé trang trai buu phi vd bao bi. Béo ddm véi 6ng vé nhiing muc dich tét nhdt cia chung téi. 65 viéc DAT TRUGC NHAM LAN Dear Sir, Ten days ago | booked 2 single rooms in your hotel for the weekend of the 14th May. On receiving the letter of conflrmation | was surprised to see that we have been booked for 2 double rooms. | should be grateful if you woukl amend the reservation and confirm the amendment by re- turn, REPLY Dear Sir, Thank you for pointing out our booking error. We have amended the booking to 2 single rooms and must apologize for the misunderstanding. We look forward to receiving your visit. Thua 6ng, 7 Mubi ngay truée day téi da dat trudc hai phong don 6 khach san cila éng cho dip cudi tudn vao ngay 14 thang 05. Khi nhG@n duge ld thu vé su xde nhé@n téi da ngac nhién thdy rang t6i da dat truéc cho 02 phong déi. Téi biét on néu Ong sé thay déi sy d&t truée od trd lai xde nhan su thay déi nay. TRA LOT Thua 6ng, Cém on vé viée chi ra viéc dat truéc nhdm cia ching toi. Ching t6i da thay déi viéc dat nay thanh hai phong don va phdi xin 16i vé su hiéu nhdm nay. Chung tdi mong cha nhan duge chuyén viéng tham cta éng. bee eran Pe od p a. 1. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. spent: Trai qua on returning: Tré vé had lost: Da mat I believe. Tai tin may have left; Co thé da dé lai worth: Gid tri value: Gis tri staff: Nhan vién to come across: Gap tinh ci to send ont Chl vé meet: Thanh toan hand in, Nhat én, dufa cho on receipt of; Da nhén duge for it ot be depatched: Dé né duge gui di best intention: Nhing muc dich wt nhat we have been booked: Chung tdi duge dat true MOT VAI MAU CAU TRONG CACH WieT THU: 1. 2. > We regret that we have to complain about the quality of... Unless we receive a satisfactory reply to our complaint, we shall be obliged to take legal action. You have charged for/sent .... instead of ... Bill me for the cost of returning the .... to me (US). The house has a 4-star classification in your list but we felt many of the facilities were not up to standard. Upon inquiry we tound that there must have been some misunderstanding on your side. We must ask you to accept our apologies for any trouble caused by the error. We can assure you that this will not happen again. 67 9. We are sorry to learn that you were disatisfied with ... 10. We have looked into the matter of your compiaint... Ching t6i lay lam tiéc riing chung toi phai than phién vé chat lugng cia... Tro phi ching t6i nhan duge thu tra loi via y¥ déi véi 1di than phién cia ching t6i, chung t6i bude phai kién ra toa. Ong da tinh gia/giti.thay vi. Tinh hod den chi phi tra lai ..cho téi. Ngéi nha nay 1a loai 4 sao trong danh s&ch cha éng nhung chung t0i cdm thay qué nhiéu phuong tién khong dat tiéu chuan. Theo yéu c4u ching t6i nhan thay rang phai co mét su higu lam nao dé vé phia dng. Chung téi phdi xin éng chap nh4n Idi xin 146i cia ching toi vé bat k} phién phic nao do su hiéu nhdm gay ra. Ching tdi c6 thé bao dam véi éng rang diéu nay sé khong tdi dién. Ching téi lay lam tiée khi biét ring éng khéng hai long vé... Chung toi da diéu tra van dé ma 6ng than phién... 68 THU THAN PHIEN- CHO THUE NHA In response to our inquiry your agency recommended a chalet at Carlis to us for a holiday let. | am Writing to you now to complain most strongly. On arriving at the chalet we were surprised to discover that the property did not in any way conform to the descrip- tion you gave of it. The small rooms had only rudimentary furnishings. The plumbing in the kitchen and bathroom was very old and worked badly. | therefore feel that the rent of £ .... for the 3 weeks we spent in the chalet was completely unjustified | must ask you to contact the owner in order that. this unsatisfactory state of affairs may be remedied. We acknowledge receipt of your letter of .... expressing your dissatisfaction with your stay in the chalet at Carlis. We have contacted the owner and examined the condi- tion of the property. It appears that the chalet had been damaged during the preceding long let. We have therefore asked the owner to carry out the necessary improvements as soon as possible and must ask you to accept our apolo- gies for this unfortunate experience. We are prepared to offer a 20 % reduction on the rent for the-3 weeks or on a future booking as compensation for your inconvenience. | do hope that this offer will meet with your approval. COMPLAINT - MAIL ORDER PURCHASE | am writing to inform you that | am not completely satis- fied with the two Shetiand pullovers that you sent following my order of 29 March. I had specified russet for the color of the two articles. | received two beige pullovers. It would appear that there has been an error on your part and i would be obliged if you would supply replacements as soon as possible. lam returning the pullovers and would be obliged if you would reimburse the cost of postage. Dap lai lai yéu edu cia chiing ti dai ly cia éng d& gidi thigu mét ngdi nha & Carlis cho ching toi thué trong ky nghi. Bay ching t6i dang viét cho 6ng t6i thdy rang chung toi rét khéng hai long. Khi dén ngéi nha nay ching toi rdt'ngae nhién kham pha réng tai sdn nay khong ding vdi su mé tad ma dng dua ra. Nhitng can phong nhé co tién nghi ndi thdt so sdi, hé théng dng nude é nha bép va nha tam qué cit va khéng hoat déng tét. Vi vdy toi cdm thdy rang gid, thué.dola cho 03 tudn chung toi dé irdi qua & Aigbi nha nay ld hoan toan khong hop ly. Téi phdi yeu cdu 6ng lién lac v6i Ong chi dé tinh trang khong chdp nhan cia nhitng vdn dé nay 06 thé duoc béi hodn. Chiing t6i céng nhdn sv nhén duoc la thu cua 6éng vé..bay té su khéng hai long clia org vé su @ lai cia - éng trong ngéi nha & Carlis. Ching t6i dé tiép xtic véi ong chit va xem xét diéu kién cia tai sdn nay. N6 trong 06 vé rang ngéi nha nay da bi hu héng trong sudt ldn cho thué Idu dai truéc day. Vi vay ching toi yeu cdu 6ng chit dé thuc hién nhitng su cdi tién cdn thiét cang sdém cang tt va phdi xin éng chdp nhén nhitng loi xin ii vé su trdi qua déng tiée nay. Ching téi sdn sang dua ra suf gidm gid. 20% vé tién thué trong ba tudn va déi véi vide dat truée trong tuong lai nhu id su béi thubng cho nhitng bdt tién ciia 6ng. Téi hy vong rang loi dé nghi nay sé lam éng hai lbng. SU THAN PHIEN - MUA HANG QUA THU Téi dang viét dé théng bdo cho éng ring t6i hoan toan khéng hai lang vdi hai chiée do nit len Shetland ma éng da giti theo yéu cdu ciia t6i vao ngay 29 thang 03. Téi dé dinh rd mau sde ctia hai mén hang nay. Téi dé nhan hai chiée do nit len mau beige. N6é c6 vé nhit dé cé mét su nhdm ldn trong b6 phan ctia 6ng va t6i sé biét on néu Ong dap ting nhitng su thay déi cang sém cang tét. Téi dang trd lai hai chiée éo nit len nay va sé bist on néu 6ng sé phdi hodn lai phi buu dién. 1. our inquiry; Yéu cdu cia ching tdi 2. lam writing: Toi dang viét 3. most strongly: M6t cach manh mé nhat 4. suprised; Ngac nhién 5. conform: Phi hgp 6. small; Nhé 7. worked badly: Hoat dng téi té 8. unjustified ;Khéng hai long 9. it appears: N6 cé vé nhu 10. I do hope :That sy 11. experience :Sy trai qua 12. we are prepare to: Ching téi sin sang 13. I do hope: Téi hy vong 14. I regret: Tdi lay lam tiée 15. but I received; Nhung téi da nhan TU VUNG: Toi xac nhan sv nhan duge Thay déi Thude va Tinh hod don Nauti quét dor Than phién Ce 7 Hu hai 8. Tht vong 9. Khong vise lang 10. Sy edi tién 11. Hanh déng hep phip 12. Yéu edu 13. Yéu edu qua the 44. Bao bi, ding géi 45. Phi buu dign 16. Sy mua hing 17. Su nhin dave 18. Nhin vién 19. Nhitng khé khan 20. Khi nhdn duge la thy eda ong 21. Nha lan, eu hiéu nha 22, Kién ta tod 23. Ong chi 24, Su bai thing 25. Chiée aban 26. Dia chi dé phia trén 27. NG khong ding gid 7 QAP wn > 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17: 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. to acknowledge receipt. to amend. to belong. to bill. cleaner. to complain, to make a com- plaint. damaged. disappointed. dissatisfied. improvement. legal action. order. mail order. packing. postage; forwarding expenses. “purchase. receipt. the staff. trouble(s). on receipt of your letter. error, misunderstanding. to take legal action. owner. compensation. fing, the above, address. It is not worth it. 28. Thee yin cio 28. upon inquiry. 29. Sy thes obi trong by nghi 29. holiday let. 30. Cing sive cing 151 30. assoonapoeulble. au 6 31. to stay. 32. Thanh tein chi phi 32. to meet the expenses. earTap A. DICH SANG TIENG ANH 1. Téi phai hét site than phién ring téi di khéng nhan duge su dit hang eda toi vao ngay 12 thing 04. 2. Tai rét ngac nhién dé théng bdéo mot I4i trén hod don. 3. Chung téi rat lay lam tiéc biét ring ong khong hai long véi nhiing mat hang cia ching téi. 4. T6i phdi xin 6ng ch4p nhan nhiing Idi xin 16i cha ching tdi vé su nhdm lin that d4ng tiée nay. 5. Vi vay tai yéu c4u hoan lai nhing phi ma sy hiéu lim nay gay ra. B. Thus dog, Cach day 02 tudn téi da viét cho ng dé dat truéc mot phong d6i 6 khach san ola éng. Téi ngac nhién chua nh4n duve su xAc nhén vé su dat trudéc nay néu khach san cia dng da hét ché vui Tong dé cho tai biét cang sém cang tot. Vil Cudec hen Trad 161 nlaiing can héi ve enudéc hen CAU HOI CHUNG VE MOT CUOGC HEN Dear Mr Schaeke: 1 should very much like to discuss a number of impor- tant questions concerning your company with you. | shall be in El Paso from the 17 through 21 August and won- * dered if you would be free some time during that period ? My timetable is fairly flexible, if you would like to propose a time and date | am sure they will be suitable. Sincerely yours, REPLY FROM A SECRETARY Dear Sir, Mr Bchaeke thanks you for your letter of .... and has asked me to suggest an appointment on the 19th at 11 am. Please let me know whether this is acceptable. Yours faithfully, Secretary to Mr Bchaeke. Kinh gtti 6ng Schaeke : T6i rdt thich thdo ludn m6t s6 vdn dé quan trong lién quan dén cong ty ca 6ng vdi éng. Téi sé 6 El Paso tu ngay 17 dén ngdy 21 thang 08 va tu héi néu éng cd ranh trong mét théi gian nado dé trong suét thoi gian nay khéng? Théi gian cila t6i thi kha linh déng, néu éng muén dé nghi m6t théi gian va ngay nao dé téi chde rang ching sé thich hop véi téi. Chan thanh, TRA LOI TU MOT NGUOI THU KY Thua ong, Ong Schaeke cam. on lé thu cia dng vé da yeu edu t6i dé nghi mbt cude hen vao luc 11 git sang ngty 19. Vui long cho ching t6i biét thoi gian nay cé dugc khong. Trén trong, Thu ky ctia éng Schaeke SU TRIEN VONG Dear Sir: (am carrying outa survey of North Carolina and shall be visiting .... during the week of 12 through 19 February. | would be very happy if we could meet while | am there. Your advice and experience would be invaluable in helping me to complete my survey. Yours faithfully, REPLY Dear Mr... Thank you for your letter of ... | would be most happy to meet you while you are in the area. so oe wh pe Unfortunately, my timetable is very full during the period you mention. The only time I can offer is 5 pm on Tuesday 18 February. | wonder whether this would suit? Yours sincerely, Thua éng: Téi dang thuc hién mét euse tham dé ving North Caroline va sé viéng tham... trong suét tudn nay tit ngdy 12 dén ngay 19 thang 02. Téi sé rét hanh phie néu chiing t6i gdp nhaw trong khi t6i 6 dé. Loi khuyén va kinh nghiém cila éng sé rét qui gid trong viée giip da t6i dé hodn tét cuge tham dé cia téi. Traén trong, TRA LOI Kinh gui 6ng... Cam on lé thu ctia éng vé..t6i rét hanh phite dé gap 6ng trong khi éng 6 déy. Mét céch khéng may mdn thoi gian biéu cia t6i da déy trong suét giai doan ma éng dé nghi. Chi cé thoi gian toi cé thé la 05 gid chiéu vao thi Ba ngay 18 thang 02. Téi tu hdi khong biét nd cé thich hop khéng? Tran trong, Dear Mr Schaeke: Thua dng Schaeke to discuss, Thao luan through: Xuyén suét, xuyén qua wondered if you would be free: Ty héi éng cé6 ranh khéng fairly ; Kha Sincerely yours: Chan thanh acceptable: Cé thé chaép nhan duge 10. 11. 7 Theo nhing dé nghi cia éng vé nhimg san phém va nhting dich vu cia chung t6i... ‘Toi hy vong dén ving cua ong tit..dén .. va s8 dién thoai dé sAp xép mdt cudc hen. Tdi nghi mét cudc hop sé rat hitu ich cho chung ta. Mat lic nao dé vao sang ngay 14 sé rat thudn tién nhung t0i ciing hy vong ranh réi vao ngay 15. Téi hanh phuc dé xdc nhan ngay va gid ma ong dé nghi cho cudc hop. Téi rét mong ché buéi hop cia ching ta. Téi ty hdéi khéng biét tdi c6 thé gap 6ng vao ngay 14 hoac ngay 15 thang 11 duge hay khéng? 'Téi hoan nghénh cé co héi thdo lun nhiing van dé riéng tu vdi 6ng. Néu 6ng dé nghi mét thai gian nao do téi rét vui dé sdp xép thi gian. Téi rat mudn thdo luan mét van dé ma toi nghI né sé lam éng quan tam. NGUGI BAN HANG TIEP XUC V61 MOT KHACH HANG mol Dear Sir, Thank you for your request for information on the BK707 which-we brought out this year. | will be coming to your country from 14 to 30 September and would be very happy to give you a demonstration of our new model and show you its advantages. Please let me know a date and time when f could come to your office. REPLY (positive) Dear Sir, Thank you for your letter of 30 August asking for an appoint- ment. | could meet you on Tuesday 14 September at 3pm. Looking forward to your visit. REPLY (negative) Following your letter of 30 August we are sorry to inform you that we will be unable to meet you. However, we are still interested in your proposition and will not fail to contact you later to arrange a new appointment. Cam on nhitng dé nghi ciia 6ng vé théng tin vé BK707 ma. ching t6i cho ra dai ndém nay. Téi sé dén ddt nudc cia Ong tit ngdy 14 dén ngdy 30 thang 09 va sé rdt hanh pluiic dé trinh bay mé hinh méi cia chung ti va cho éng biét nhing tinh uu viét cia no. Vui long cho chiing tdi biét ngay gid khi tdi cd thé dén van phong cla éng. TRA LOI (tich eye) Cam on id thit cia éng vé ngdy 30 thang 08 dé nghi mot buéi hen. Toi c6 thé gap éng vao luc 03 gid chiéu thit Ba ngay 14 thang 09. Nong long cho chuyén viéng thdm cia 6ng. Tra loi (tiéu eye} Theo lé thu cia éng ngay 30 thang 08 chung tét ldy lam tiéc cho éng réng ching téi khong thé gdp ong. Tuy nhién chung toi vdn quan tam dén loi dé nghi clia éng va sé tigp xiic vdi 6ng sau dé sip xép mét cude hen méi. 79 DE NGHI MOT CUOC HEN When we corresponded several months ago you sug- gested that | drop in to see you next time | came to ... | find that | will be in your area from Monday next, if you can spare me a few minutes next week I'll be glad to make my plans accordingly. - Sincerely yours, Khi chung toi da viét thu cho éng nhiéu thang truéc day ong da dé nghi rang toi ghé thdm éng thoi gian tdi khi t6i dén_t0i sé & ché cha éng ti thit hai dén, néu éng cé thé danh cho t6i mét it phit t6i sé rét vui dé sdp xép ké hoach mét cach phi: hop. Tran trong, DE NGHI MOT CUu6c HOP V6I MOT QUAN LY NGAN HANG Dear Sir, We are examining the possibility of setting up a factory in your region, | would like to discuss some of the financial aspects of the project with you. Would Tuesday the 18th May at 11 am be convenient 7? Thua 6ng, Ching toi dang xem xét nhitng kha ndng cé thé dé thanh lap mot nha mdy 6 ving cia 6ng, tdi muén théo ludn mét sé khia canh vé tai chanh du an ndy vdi éng. Vao lic 11 gid sing thit Ba ngay 18 thang 06.cé thuén tién khéng? 80 customer: Khach hang information: Théng tin BK707: May BK707 brought out: Dua ra, tao ra a date and time: Ngay, gid ot I could come to your office: Tai 6 thé dén vin phong cia ong looking foward to your visit: Dang mong ch chuyén viéng tham cia éng 8. later: Sau nay 9. to arrange: SAp xép 10. to drop in: Ghé tham 11. I find that: Téi nhan thay rang 12. Tl be glad: Tdi sé rat vui 13. possibility: Kha nang cd thé 14. setting up: Thanh lap 15. convenient: Thuan tién TU VUNG: 1. Cade hen 1. appointment. 2. Lai khuyén 2. advice. 3, Ghé thim ai 3. to call on somebody. 4, Hoan tat 4. to complete. 5. Thain tin, thich hop 5. convenient, suitable. 6. Linh ding 6. flexible. 7. Pham vi, linh vue 7. range. 8. Thal gian bigu 8. timetable. 9. Su nghién edu, sw Khao sit 9. study, survey. - 10. Thyc kign mot sy khde sat 10. to carry out a survey. 11. M6t each khéng may man 41. unfortunately. 12, Hoan tat mot sy khdo sit 12. to complete a survey. 81 1B. 14. 5. 16. 7. 18. 19, 20. ai. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26, 27. BE nghi Tai lay fam tide théng bio che Ging BE nghi mit eude hen Phang van Ong c& thé’ dan cho t6i i phat khang? Hay d@ che tai biét hay Khong. Thai gian nay e@ thugn tidn cho Ging khing? DE nghi Gong ty Thanh top Xi nghigp, nha may Quan tim dén vin dé gi Vio mit ngiy nae dé cau nay Di thio lan mot vin dé, 13. 14. 45. 16. 7. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, 24. 25. 26. 27. inquiry. | am sorry to informyou. request for an appointment. interview, meeting. could you spare me 2 few min- utes? Please tet me know whether _. Is the time convenient to you? to suggest. company. to set up. factory. to be interested in something. at a later date. | would welcome the chance/ the opportunity of ... to discuss a matter, to talk a matter over. VIII Thu sidi thicu va tra 16% SU DUNG TEN CUA MOT NGUGINAO DO DE DAT DUC MOT CuGc PHONG VAN Dear Mr Fritting, Monsieur Doblieck, whom | believe you know, has suggested that you might be willing to help me investi- gate the possibilities of commercial development in your region. | expect to be in ... from 12 to 14 March and would be grateful if | could meet you while | am there. Yours sincerely, REPLY | was interested to receive your letter concerning future developments in our region. | note that you will be free on Tuesday and Wednesday. Might I suggest that we meet on the morning of the 13th? Please convey my best wishes to Mr Deblieck. Kinh giti ong Fritting, Monsieur Deblieck, nguxi ma téi tin la dng biét, d& dé nghi rang éng cé thé sén sang dé gitip dé tdi khdo sdt nhting khd nang co thé vé sit phat trién thuong mai dé vung cia Ong. Toi hy vong 6..ta ngay 12 dén ngay 14 thang 03 vad sé biét on néu éng cd thé gtp tdi trong khi t6i 6 dé. Trdn trong, TRA LOI Rét vui khi nhén ld thu eda 6ng lién quan dén nhitng su phat trién trong tuong lai d ving cua tdi. Tdi chit ¥ rang éng sé rdnh vao thit Ba vd tht Tu. T6i cd thé dé nghi rang chung ta gdp nhau véo sang ngay 13 duge khong? Vui long chuyén nhitng loi chitc t6t dep nhat cua tdi dén dng Deblieck. DUNG QUYEN CUA MOT NGUGI NAO D6 DE GIGP D6 MOT NGUGI BAN. Dear Mr Gort, A friend of mine, Michel Machto, would very much like to meet you while he is travelling through Central Scotland. He is at present looking at the possibility of writing a book on luxury goods and wishes to gain knowledge of local con- ditions, | think you would bé Interested to meet Michel and know you could give him a lot of help and advice. | would appreciate it if you could find time to see him although | know you have a very busy schedule. Yours very sincerely. REPLY Dear Peter, | will do what f can to help Michel Machto, as you say, his project sounds interesting. Have him ring me when he lands. | hope you are well. Francis Gort. Kinh giti éng Gort, M6t ngudi ban ciia téi, Michel Machto, rdt muén gdp éng trong khi anh ta di du lich trung tém Scotland hién nay anh ta dang xem xét nhitng khd nang cé thé vlét mdt cudn sdch vé xa xi phdm va mong ude dat dugc nhing kién thie vé nhitng diéu kign dia phuong. Téi nghi éng sé thu vi dé gdp Michel va biét éng cd thé cho ong ta nhiéu su gitip dé va loi khuyén. Toi sé cdm kich néu dng co thé. QP xép thoi gian dé ‘8p anh ta mde du t6i bit dng co mbt lich lam viée rdt ban rén. Tran trong. TRA LOI Ong Peter, Téi sé lam nhitng gi ma toi cé thé giip dao cho Michel Machto nhu dng ndi, dé dn cia éng ta nghe thi vi. Mei anh ta goi dién thoai khi anh ta dén. Toi vdn hy vong 6ng khoé. Francis Gort. Senaarsonr a id be willing (to help); S4n sang (gitip dé) might; Cé thé I expect: Téi hy vong if I could meet you: Néu tdi cé thé gap ong . Might I suggest:C6 thé toi dé nghi meet: Gap go convey: Chuyén, gui looking at: Xem xét, nhin vao gain knowledge: Dat duce kign thite to would be interested to meet M., Ong sé tha vi dé gap M. schedule (US): time table (GB), Thai gian biéu 12. I would appreciate it: T6i cdm kich 13. 14, 1b. 16. 85 Your very sincerely: Tran trong sounds; Nghe, duong nhu have him ring me! M@i anh ta goi dién thoai cho téi to land; Dén MOT VAt MAU CAU TRONG CACH VIET THU: 1. 2. On the recommendation of Mr.... | am writing to ask whether you would ... { enclose a letter of introduction which Mr .... very kindly gave me for you. We would be only too pleased to perform a similar service for you should the opportunity arise. Mrs George has asked me to write a letter of recom- mendation. This | am very glad to do. | would greatly appreciate the opportunity of meeting you. | would be very grateful if you would let me use you name in order to get an interview. | should be most grateful if you could give .... any help or advice he may need. The bearer of this letter, Jean Somoulet, is a friend of mine who is visiting your city on business. Anything you can do to help him would be greatly appreciated by your former colleague Jean Rivet. Trong viée gidi thiéu éng.toi viét dé héi ong sé. hay khong ... Toi gti kem mot 14 thu gidi thiéu ma 6ng..rat tot bung da dua cho téi vé ong. Téi rat han hanh duge phuc vu 6ng lan nifa néu c6 co hGi. Ba George da yéu cdu téi vist mét 14 thy 4 8 thiéu. Tdi rat vui dé lam diéu nay. Toi rdt lay 1am cdm kich c6 co héi gap ong. 86 6. Toi rat biét on néu ong dé cho tdi sit dung tén cia ong dé dat duge mét cudc phong van. 7. Toi rat biét on néu éng dé cho..bat ky su giup ad hodc lei khuyén nao ma anh ay cin 8. Ngudi mang ld thu nay Jean Semolet la mét ngudi ban cia t6i,éng ta dang céng tac viéng tham thanh phé cia ong. Bat ky diéu gi ong cé thé lam dé gidp éng ta sé duge ngudi ban déng nghiép ci cua éng Jean Rivet r&t cam kich. THU GIGI THIEU DEN NGUG! BAN DONG NGHIEP cO Dear Bill, This is to introduce Jean Dutout who worked with me on a number of difficult negotiations and showed great talent. He is now working on a study of the distribution networks in your region. 1 would very much appreciate sit if you could spare the time to see him as | am sure your experience would be most valuable, Best regards. REPLY Dear Sir, John Lee, whom | worked with for a long time, has men- tioned that you would like to meet me. | would be happy to make available any documents and information necessary for your project. if you will get in touch with my secretary, she will arrange a meeting. | look forward to meeting you. Thua éng Bill, Déy la ld thu gidi thiéu Jean Dutout nguci dé lam viée vdi t6i trong mét 86 cudéc thuong luong khé khan 87 va cho thay nang luc tuyét vai. Hién nay 6ng ta dang thic hién mot su nghién eitu vé mang phan phéi & vung cla éng. Téi rat cém kich néu 6ng danh chit thai gian dé gdp ong ta vi t6i chde rdng kinh nghi@m cia ong sé la quy gid nhdt. Gui dén éng nhitng loi hdi tham t6t dep nhét. TRA LOI Thua 6ng, John Lee ngusi ma té6i dé lam viéc vdi 6ng ta trong mét thoi gian dai va da dé cap rang éng muén gé&p toi. Téi rat vui dé cung cdp bat ky tai ligu va théng tin nado edn thiét cho dy dn ctia éng. Néu 6ng lién hé vdi thu ky cia ti, c6 ta 88 sdp xép gdp ong. Téi mong cho duge gdp 6ng DE NGHI MOT LA THU GidI THIEU Dear Mr Bimes, | believe you mentioned once that Mr Carter, Manager of (Chairman of) Fixtool pic was one of your friends. I know | it is very difficult to meet Mr Carter. | would be extremely grateful if you could help me by recommending me to him. Thank you in advance, Ong Simes, T6i tin 6ng da dé cép mét ian rang é6ng Carter, giém d6c cng ty cé phan hitu han Fixtool la mot trong nhang nguoi ban cua toi. T6i biét that khé dé gdp éng Carter. T6i sé vd cing biét on néu éng gitip téi bang vide gidi thiéu t6i dén vdi éng dy. Cam on iruée 88 wr err vw 15. 16. worked: Ba lam viéc showed great talen: Da cho thay nang luc tuyét vai most: Hau hét, rat best ragard: Nhing lai tham hdi tot dep nhat whom I worked with for a fong time: Nguéi ma téi-da lam viée v6i trong mat thdi gian dai John Lee. me: John Lee... téi to make available: Cung cdp will: Se arange a meeting: Sdp xép mét cudc hop meeting: Mét cudc gap mat ple, Public Limited Company: Cong ty cé phdn hau han VUNG: Phit sioh 1. to arise. Neuti mang vic 2. bearer. Chayéa, gif 3. to convey. Net hie 4. exports. Ci, trate iy 5. former. Lide 66 wei ai 6. to get in touch with someone. Thask tra, kidm set 7. to investigate. Cede phing van 8. interview. Git thide 9. to introduce. Sa giti thids 10. introduction. . Kida thee . 11. knowledge Gidi thiga 12. to land. Dis phaiag 13. local. Cha f 14. to note. Mat nqati ban cis téi- 15. a friend of mine. Bast on 16. grateful. 89 17. Téi gii kom mot [a thu gigi thiga 17. | enclose a letter of introduction. 18. Xa xf phata 18. luxury goods. 19. Gung cp 19. to make available ; to supply. 20. Mang li 20. network. 21. NhGing (ai thim b3i 21. regards. 22. Thai gien bide 22. schedule. 23. Sdp xép thai gian dieu 23. to schedule. 24, Mong mubn, 20 u6e 24. to wish. 25. Sip xép gip mat; sip xép mit 25. to arrange a meeting; to ar- euge phéng vin range an interview. 26, Gip mit nquti nie dé dé diye 26. to meet someone, to be intro- gidi thidu mot nguBi nae dé. duced to someone. 27, Lin quan dén, néi ve 27. to concern. 28. Tei biét ang rt ban rén 28. | know you are very busy. 29. Ging ta dang ving thim thank phd 29. he is visiting your city on busi- cia dng trong chuyén céng tie. ness. ani Tap A. DIGH SANG TIENG ANH 1. Téi tu hdi 6ng cé thé danh théi gian dé gap dng ta hay khéng. 2. Toi cé thé dé nghi chang ta g4p nhau ngay mai hay khéng?. 3. Tdi v6 cing biét om néu ong c6 thé gidp tdi. 4. Toi rat cim kich néu t6i cé thé doc dy dn cua ong ta. 5. T6i rat vui néu ong 6 thé gap téi trong khi tai 6 dé. B. 1. tai vé cing cdm kich néu 6ng goi dién thoai cho téi. 2. Toi rat biét on néu dng c6 thé gidi thidu tdi dén vdi éng ta. 8. Vé viée gidi thiéu ban déng nghiép ci cba éng Tilly tdi giti kém dy An cua téi. 90 IX Théng bao dén Thay déi nliing sul sap xép cho mét ehuyén di Tra 161 THONG BAO DG! DEN Dear Sir, Thank you for your letter agreeing to a meeting while | am in .... | expect to arrive on the evening of the 15th, and will telephone you on arrival to confirm the time for the meeting. Yours faithfully, Cam on ld thu cia 6ng déng ¥ cé mét cuéec hen trong khi 6ng dang 6...t6i hy vong dén vae dém ngéy 15, va sé goi dién thoai dén dé xde nhén thoi gian gdp mai. Trén trong, 91 VIEC THAY D6! NHONG SU SAP xEP CHO BUGI GAP Dear Mr Deplessis, In my letter of ... 1 confirmed the suggested meeting on the 21st October. Unfortunately | am now obliged to delay my departure and do not expect to be in... until the 26th. | wonder whether you will still be free then, and would greatly appreciate it if you could agree to modify our ar- rangements so that we could meet at this later date. Yours sincerely. REPLIES Dear Sir, | was sorry to learn that you have had to delay your trip. i will be free on the 28th October and hope that this new date will suit. Yours faithfully, Dear Mr Harton: Thank you for your letter of ... informing me of the change in your plans, Unfortunately | expect to be out of the coun- try on the new date you mention. | hope we shall be able to meet at some future date. Sincerely, Thua éng Deplessis, Trong la thu etla téi vé ... toi dé xde nhén nhitng budi gdp dé dugc dé nghi ngay 21 thdng 10. Nhung khong may béy gia toi bude phdi hodn lai chuyén khdi hanh cia téi va cé thé khong c6 mat 6 .. cho dén ngay 26. Téi tu héi dén khi d6 dng c6 rdnh khéng va toi rat cdm kich néu ong cé thé déng y.dé thay doi nhiing su Reyer SAH sdp xép ctia ching ta dé ching ta cé thé gdp vao ngay sau dé. Trén trong, TRA LOI Thua 6ng, T6i ldy lam tiée biét rang 6ng dé phdi tri hodn chuyén di cia éng. Téi sé rdénh vao ngay 28 thang 10 va hy vong rdng ngay moi nay sé thich hop. Tran trong, Thua 6ng Harton : Cém on Id thu cia éng vé..théng bdo cho toi vé su thay déi trong nhing du dinh cia éng. Khéng may toi sé xudt ngogi vao ngay mdi ma éng dé cdp. Téi hy vong ching ta s8 cé thé gdp nhau vao mét ngay nao dé. Tran trong, expect: Hy vong time for; Thdi gian cho do not expect to be: Téi hy vong la I wonder whether ... and would greatly appreciate; Ti tw héi du¢e khé rdt cAm kich then; Luc 46 you have had to delay: Ong da phai hon lai to be out of the country: Xuat ngoai to be able to; Cé kha nang dé 93 MOT VAI MAU CAU TRONG CACH VIET THU: moo > SZePPNONRH =e Aaron PAPA ew | am writing to confirm the arrangements for my trip to ... | am happy to confirm that my plans for the trip to... are now finalized. | am now in a position to confirm the details of my visit to ... Here are the arrangements for the tour of ... I shalt be in ... from ... | should expect to be in from ... | should arrive at... on My flight/boat is scheduled toarrive at | shall be flying to ... on flight No AF449 arriving at ... While | am there my address will be.. | will be staying at the ... Hotel and ‘wonder if you could have/leave a message for me there. You will be able to contact me at... Messages should be addressed to... My phone number will be Please cal me/give me a ring on arrival. | will ring/contact you as soon as | arrive. Toi dang viét dé xac dinh nhifng su s&p xép cho chuyén di cua tdi dén.. Tai rat vui dé xdc nhan ring nhiing dy dinh cda toi vé chuyén di dén.. Bay gid toi xdec dinh chi.tiét vé chuyén di cla 10i dén... Day 1a nhiing sy s&p x&p cho chuyén du lich vé.. Toi sé dt... Téi hy vong La Téi nén dén.. vao.. Chuyén bay/tau cfa téi duge lén lich 4é dén... 94 9. Toi sé bay dén..trén chuyén bay sé AF449 dén tai. 10. Trong khi tai 6 dé dia chi cha tdi sé 14. 11. Téi sé & tai khdch tu héi dng 6 thé dé lai loi nhan cho téi ¢ dé khéng. 12. Ong sé 6 kha nang dé lién lac véi téi tai... 18. Nhitng 1léi nhén nén duge dién dia chi dén.. 14. Sé dién thoai cua téi sé 1a... 15. Vui long goi cho t6i lie dén. 16. Téi sé goi/lién lac véi éng ngay khi téi dén. XOA BO MOT CUOC HEN VGI NHONG LOI XIN LOI Dear Sir, When | last spoke to you on the telephone we agreed to meet at New York Airport on my America. Unfor- tunately serious family problems prevented me from leav- ing as expected, and they will detain me in Paris for some time, | hope that you recaived my telegramme before you left for New York, and hope you will understand that the non-arrival was due to circumstances beyond my control. | will be able to leave France from Tuesday 12 September, and le2ve the choice of the date and place of our next meet- ing to you. Once again, my sincere apologies. Khi t0i néi chuyén vdi éng ldn sau cing trén dién thoai chung ta da déng 9 dé gdp nhau tai phi truong NewYork khi toi dén M§. That khéng may nhing vdn dé nghiém trong dé ngin cdn tdi dén dé nhu d& mong doi, va ho sé git t6i 6 lai Pari trong mét thoi gian. Tdi hy vong réng éng dé nhdn dugc bic dién tin eda toi truéc khi téi dén New York, va hy vong éng sé hiéu rang khéng dén duoc lé do nhitng hoan cénh nam ngodi 3 muén cita téi. Cé khd ndng téi sé roi Phap tu thit Ba ngay 12 thang 09 vd xin dng chon ngéy va dia diém cho lan gdp ti cia ching ta. Mot idn nita thank that xin léi éng. TRI HOAN MOT BU6I GAP Dear Sir, A month ago we all agreed to meet on the 25 May to take a final decision on XY Ltd. An unforeseen develop- ment obliges me to leave for Australia immediately, and { would be grateful if you would contact your colleagues in order to postpone the meeting, if possible untit sometime between 14 and 21 June. Thank you for your understanding. Mét thang truée déy tdt cd ching ta da déng y dé gdp nhau vac ngky 25 thang 05 dé c6 trach nhi¢m cudi eung vé cong ty trach nhigm hitu han XY. Mét sv phat irién khéng duge du kién irude dé bude i6i dén Uc ngay lap tue, va t6i 86 biét on néu éng lién lac vdi nhitng ban déng nghiép cila t6i dé tri hodin buéi gdp mat, néu cd thé t6i s8 dén vao khodng giita ngay 14 vé 21 thang 06. Cam on vé su thong cdm cua éng. 96 SU DEN B} HOAN LAI Dear Sir, We confirm the arrival of the group Amitours on the 15 may. However, we have had to modify our itinerary at the last minute: instead of arriving at .... in the late afternoon as expected, we will not arrive until the early evening, at about 8pm. REPLY Dear Sir, Thank you for your letter of 30 April informing us ot the change in your itinerary and the time of arrival. We are happy to confirm that exceptionally, we will hold the reservations until 9pm. Ching téi xdc nhén su dén cia nhém Amitours vao ngay 15 thang 05.-Tuy nhién ching toi phdi thay déi ld trink cua ching t6i vao philt chét : thay vi dén vao..chiéu ii nhu dé mong doi, ching ti sé dén vaéo buéi téi khodng 08 gid. TRA LOI Thua 6ng Cam on la thu cla éng vdo ngay 30 thang 04 thong bdo cho ching t6i vé su thay d6i trong lé trinh ea 6ng va thoi gian dén. Chung ti rdt vui dé xde nhan rang, mé6t cach ddc biét ching ti sé git su dat trudc cho dén 09 gia t6i. 97 1. when I last spoke to you: Khi téi néi véi éng lan cudi 2. on the telephone; Qua dién thoai 3. prevented me from leaving: Ngan can téi rdi khéi 4. telegramme; Bic dién tin 5. before you left: Truée khi téi rdi khdi 6 you will understand:-Ong sé hiéu 7. that the non-arrival: Chuyén khéng dén 8. from Tuesday: Tit thir Ba 9. leave the choice of ,.: to you: Hay chon ..cho éng 10. unforeseen; Khéng dy kién truéc 11. I would be grateful: Tdi sé biét on 12. between 14 and 21 June: Gita ngay 14 va ngay 21 thang 06 13. on 15 May; Vao ngay 15 thang 05 14. We will not arrive untik Ching t6i sé khéng dén cho dén khi 15. to confirm that: Dé x4e nhén rang TU VUNG: 1 Bing y 5 1. to agree. 2. Khéng edtnka 2. to be out. 3. 6 trong vi tri dé 3. to be in a position to. 4. Sy thay det 4. change. 5, Uva chon 5. to choose. 6. Tri hein 6. to delay. 7, ChaySn kkél hah 7. departure. 8. Cam gitt 8. to detain. 9. Hoin tat 9. to finalize. 10. Bay 10. to fly. MW. Goi dién thosi 11. to telephone, te phone. to ring give a ring. 98 12. Choyén bay 42. 13. Tri hoe 13. 14. Gla su dat trie che dén... 14. 15. Su bat tié 15. 16. Ue trink 16. 17. Lam quen vai mét nguéi no dé 17. 18. Bit buéc 18. 19. Tri hedn 19. 20. Ngin cin 20. 21. Sim, ching boo tau 21 22. Chuyén cing tie 22. 23. Khing dy kién trate 23. 24. Tri hedin mot chuyée kbdi high cia 24. ai cach Khing may ean 25, 26. Xuat ngeai 26. 77. Vie mot ngiy nie di 27. 28. Tiép xic nglti nie dé, lid hé 99, agit nie dé 29. Rei khdi 29. 30. Tai ds phdi thay déi nhing dy dink 30, cds tii, en Tae A. DICH SANG TIENG ANH flight. delay. to hold (the) reservations un- tL. inconvenience. itinerary; route. to make someone’s acquain- tance. to oblige, to compel. . fo postpone. . to prevent from. . Shortly. a business trip. . unforeseen. . to delay One’s departure. unfortunately. to be abroad, to be out of the country. at some future date, at a later date. jo contact someone, to get in touch with someone. 10 jeave. | have had {I had) to change my plans, to alter my plans. 1. Tdi sé s6m.é va sé goi dién thoai dé sp xép mét cudc gap mat khi téi dén. 2. Mong ché cuéc gap mat cia ching ta. 3. Toi 99 long chap nhan nhang Idi xin 1éi vé nhimg bat tian 4a gay ra. 5. Toi hy vong né sé ¢6 thé cho dén khi chung ta gap nhau. 6. Téi hy vong nhiing su phat trién nay khong ngan can yéu cdu ching tdi. 7. Téi giti kém t&t cd nhitng théng tin hién nay. 8. Téi sé rat biét on néu dng cé thé thita nhan cudc phéng van cda cé ta. 100 Huy bo mot cndc hen @ e oe Nhiiag 16% xin 161 Tra 161 viéc HUY BO MOT CUOC HEN Dear Mr Desage, A short time ago | wrote to you arranging the date for our meeting. However, owing to a sudden illness, | will be un- able to travel for several weexs. | very much regret that it will not be possible for me to meet you as planned and hope that the sudden change of plan will not inconvenience you. | will write to you as soon as | am fit again in order to arrange a new date. Yours sincerely, 101 REPLY Dear Mr. ... i was very sorry to learn that you are ill. | quite under- stand that you will be unable to keep our appointment. Let me wish you a speedy recovery. Yours sincerely, Peter Desage. Thua éng Desage, Mot thai gian ngdn trusc déy toi dé viet cho éng dé sdip xép ngay cho buéi géip mat cia ching ta. Tuy nhién vi bi benh dét xuét, t0i 38 khong thé dén trong véd tudin. Toi rét ldy lam tiée rang t0i khong thé gdp ong nhu dé du dink va hy vong ring su thay déi dét xudit cia du dinh nay sé khong bit tien cho ong. T6i sé viét cho éng ngay khi toi lank benh dé sp xtp mot ngay moi. Trén trong - TRA LOI Thua ong... Ti rat tiéc khi biét rang éng bi benh. Toi rat hiéu réng Ong sé khong thé gitt duoc buéi hen cia ching ta. T6i mong ude 6ng sém binh phuc. Trén trong, Peter Desage. 102 SU VANG MAT (khéng dén budi hop) Dear Mr Grint, | am writing to apologize for my failure to keep our ap- pointment at .... on ... This was due to an accident which prevented me from completing the journey. : | attempted to reach you through the airport and through your secretary without success. | do hope we will be able to meet next time - Thua éng Grint, Toi viét thu nay dé xin Idi vé vie khong git budi hen cia ching ta liic ... tai..Diéu ndy la do tai nen lam t6i khong thé hoan tdt chuyéndi. T6i da cé gang dé goi dién thoai cho 6ng qua phi trubng va. “qua cé thit ky ctia éng nhung khéng thanh cong. Téi hy vong chiing ta cd thé gdp nhau trong thoi gian tdi. MOT LA THU GUI JOHN Dear John, I really don't know how to break this to you but | have decided that we should stop seeing each other. Please understand that this is a decision | have not tak@n lightly. Since | am convinced that sooner or later our relationship will have to come to an.end, it would probably be less pain- ful for both of us if we broke off now. | will always remem- ber the wonderful times we had together and hope you will treasure these memories as [ do. Love, Susan 103 Téi thuc su khéng biét lam thé nao dé cdt duit mdi quan hé ndy vdi ank nhung téi dé quyét dinh réng chung ta nén ngitng gdp nhau. Xin hiéu ring day la mét quyét dink ma khong phdi téi dua ra mot céch hoi hot. Vi t6i tin rdng méi quan hé cia chiing ta sé di vdo duong cing, nd sé cé thé it dau khé hon cho cé hai ching ta néu ching ta chm dit ngay bay gid. T6i sé luén luén nhé khodng thoi gian tuyét vdi ma ching ta dé c6 vad hy vong anh sé tran trong nhitng k} nigm nay nhit toi. Yéu thuong, Susan short time: Thdi gian ngan However: Tuy nhién it will not be possible for me to meet you: Téi sé khang thé gap ong will not inconvenience you: Sé khong bat tién cho éng as soon as I am fit: Ngay khi téi lanh bénh appointment: Cuée hen This was due: Diéu nay 1A do ... do hope: Hy vong next time you are passing through: Thii gian tai dng sé ghé qua to break (the news) to sombody: Cat dit lién hé (tin tie) véi ai relationship: Méi quan hé - to treasure: Tran trong MOT VAI MAU CAU TRONG CACH VIET THU: 4. (am writing to cancel our appointment on the ... 2 2 10. PoeNr 10. i. 104 {am very sorry that | was unable to attend the meeting. | was very sorry to be unable to be present at ... } apologize most sincerely for my absence.from the impor- tant meeting on the ... | now feel that this may not be the ideal moment for a meet- ing and would prefer to cancel the arrangements. Ithink you will agree that, given the circumstances, it would be inappropriate for us to meet. This was due to strikes which affected ... A sudden bad attack of ‘lu prevented me from traveling. A sudden bereavement prevents me from leaving. Owing to circumstances beyond my control | shall not now be in ,... as planned. | do hope you will see my point of view. Toi viét thu nay dé hity bé cudc hen cia chung ta vao.. Toi rat tiée ring dng khéng thé dén dy budi hop duge. Toi rét tiée khong thé c6 m&t 6... Toi thanh that xin 16i vé sy ving mat cda t6i d buéi hop quan trong vao.. Bay gid toi cam thay ring day khéng phai 1a théi gian ly tuéng cho buéi hop va muén bé nhiing sy sip xép nay. Tai nghi ong sé déng ¥ rang nhing hoan cdnh duoc dua ra sé khéng thich hgp cho chung ta gap nhau. Digu nay 1a do nhing cuge dinh cng ma né anh hudng dén ... Mét con cam ciim nang da ngin chan tdi di Mét su mat mat dot xudt da ngin can téi roi khdi. Do nhiing tinh huéng ngoai ¥ mu6n, bay gid t6i sé khong é..nhu da dy dinh Tai hy vong éng sé thay quan diém eda téi. 105 LA THU XIN LOI [véng mat é mét_buéi hop Dear Freddie, We were looking forward to spending an evening with you last Saturday. Unfortunately, just as we were leaving, we received a telephone call informing us that my mother was seriously ill and we had to go to her at once Please forgive us for our absence and for not having been able to let you know betorehand. With every best wish, Freddie than mén, Ching toi dé mong cho trdi qua mét budi toi thit bay vai ban vita réi. Nhung khong may khi chung toi via di, chiing toi da nha@n dién thoqi thong bdo rdng me cia t6i dé bj bénh nang va chiing t6i phdi di d&n ché ba ta ngay lap tue, Xin tha 1éi cho ching t6i vé su vdng mat cia chiing toi ma khéng thé cho ban biét truéc. véi ban bé) G61 DEN BAN NHONG LOI CHUC TOT DEP NHAT, SU VANG MAT 6 NHUNG BUGI HOP QUAN TRONG. | was supposed to beat the meeting of ... at where we ‘were going to discuss new commercial prospects in the region. | was very keen to be at the meeting and am very sorry that | was unable to attend. An unfortunate break- down delayed me considerably and | missed my flight by a few minutes. Please make my apologies to my colleagues for me. | enclose the dossier that i intended to present. REPLY (cold) I have just received your letter apologizing for having been unable to be present at our AGM. | understand that the attack of influenza obliged you to remain in bed, how- ever, your absence was unfortunate as you were supposed to present your financial report. | would be obliged if you 106 would let me have it as soon as possible. | wish you a speedy recovery. -REPLY (understanding) DearMr.. Your letter informing us of your wife's illness arrived this morning. | quite understand the reasons for your absence. | hope her condition will improve soon and took forward to arranging a new meeting with you. Téi cén phdi cd mat & buéi hop vé ... tai..noi ma chitng ta dé thdo ludn vé trién vong thuong mai mdi trong link vutc nay. Téi rét mudn cé mat tai budi hop va rat ldy lam tiée rdng toi khéng thé dén du. Mét su 6 vé xe ding tiée da lam chém tré téi dang ké va ti da tré chuyén bay vdi phut. Vui long xin 16i nhitng ban déng nghiép ciia téi gidm téi. Téi gti ktm nhitng hé so ma. cé ¥ dinh trinh bay, TRA LOI (lank lung) Téi vita méi nhdn dugc thu xin (di cia 6ng vé viéc éng khéng thé c6 mat tai hoi nghi téng két hang nam cla, ching ta. T6i hiéu rdng con bénh ciim buée 6ng phdi nam lai tran giuéng. Tuy nhién khong may la 6ng vdng mdt vi 6ng edn phdi trinh bay bdo edo tai chinh cla 6ng. Téi sé biét on néu dng cho chiing t6i biét cang sém cang tét. TOi chic éng sém binh phuc. TRA LOI (Thong edm) Thua éng... Ld thu cia éng thing bdo cho ching t6i la vg 6ng bi bénh sdng hém nay. T6i rét hiéu nhitng nguyén nhan 107 cho su vdng mat cia éng. Toi hy vong tinh trang bé ta sé sém binh phuc va trong mong sdp xép mét budi hop mdi udi éng. 1. beside: Ché bén canh giutng bénh 2. forgive us: Tha 16i cho ching tdi 3. for not having been able to: Khéng cé kha nang dé 4, I was supposed to: Toi d& cdn phai 5. we were going to discuss: Ching t6i sé phai thao luan 6. break down (of my car):Sy héng méy (xe cia téi) 7. dossier: Hé so 8. intended to present: Da dy dinh trinh bay 9. AGM, Annual General Meeting: H6i nghi téng két hing nim 10. influenza: Bénh cim TU VUNG: 1. 06 ging 1. to try, to attempt. 2. Tham du bul hop 2. to attend a meeting. 3. C0 site khod tet 3. to be in good health, to be fit. 4. San sing lam diéa gi 4. to be keen to do something 5. Da sin sing truge 5. beforehand. 6. Sy mat mat 6. bereavement. 7, Sit hy héng 7. breakdown. 8. Hoan tat 8. to complete. 9. He so 9. file; dossier. 10. That bai 10. to fail. 11. Tai ed thay ring 14. | feel that. 12. Tha thi 12. to forgive. 13. Bénh 13. ill. : 14. Su that bai 14, failure. 108 15. G8 tién 15, 16. Gay phidn todi, quay ray 16. 17. Bénh cém com 17. 18, Cube dinh cing 18. 19. Do, vi 19. 20. Nhitng trig vong 20. 21. Anh ay 06 thé duge goi é dau? = 21. 22. Binh phue 22. 23. Nhanh chong 23. 24, Tinh hudng ngoai sy Kid sndt cla 24. thing toi. 25, Git dit thing tin 25. 26. Dau kho’ 26. 27. Mot each nhe nhing 27. 28. Cham dit 23, 29, Hida, thing cim 29, 30. Vui ling giti ede lai xin lai cde © 30. t6i dan cde ding nghiép. par Tap A. DICH SANG TIENG ANH to improve. to inconvenience. influenza, flu. strike. owing to. prospects. where can he be reached? to recover. speedy. circumstances beyond our con- trot. to break the news. painful. lightly. to break off. understanding, sympathetic Please make my-apolagies to my colleagues. 1. Toi da cdn phai gap éng tai nha ga Victoria. Nhung khéng may m@t cude dinh céng nhan vién duéng sat dA khién téi khong thé dén dé ding gid da dinh. 2. Vi mét su mat mat, toi khong thé dén New York tudn tdi. 3. Toi hy vong tinh trang cia t6i sém binh phuc. 109 Paul Dutour, 45, rue des Sorbiers, Paris XV. lan Fields, 8, St John's Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, Dear Sir, We agreed to meet on Wednesday 25 November in Lon- don. Uniortunately, | shall be unable to.keep our appoint- ment owing to a bad attack of ‘flu which will oblige me to remain in bed for a few days. Please excuse me for my absence. | hope to be able to arrange a new date for a meeting soon. Yours faithfully. Paul Dutour 45, rue des Sorbiers, Paris XV. lan fields, 8, St John’s Road, Cheltenham, Gloucesershire, Thua 6ng, Ching ta dé déng y dé gdp nhau vao thit tu ngdy 25 thang 11 6 Luaén Don. Nhung khéng may t6i khéng thé git cuéc hen cia ching ta vi bj bénh ctimndng bude t6i phdi ndm iai trén giuéng trong vai ngay. Xin Idi vé suf vdng mat ctia téi. Téi hy vong cé thé sép xép mét ngay moi dé gdp nhau sdm. Chan thanh, XI Nhiing 16i moi LdI M61 TRANG TRONG Mr Cyrus appletree, Manager, and the sales team of mittour & bates request the pleasure of the company of M. Jean lefong at a dinner to be given in the .... Lounge of the Hilbro Hotel on Saturday 14 November at 8pm. formal dress" RSVP (address) Ong Cyrus APPLETREE, giam déc, va nhém ban hang cia MILTOUR & BATES. Han hanh mdi éng Jean LELONG Dén du budi téi tai..phong khach cia khach san Hilbro vao thu 7 ngay 14 thang 11 lie 08 gid téi. Khi di dn mae chinh té Xin vui long phuec dap (dia chi) 111 LGI MGI KHONG TRANG TRONG LAM (di an tdi ban viée lam an) Dear Mr . | would very much like to discuss a few points concern- ing our new contract with you while | am in Durban. Might! suggest that we meet informally for dinner at the Calypso Restaurant on Monday 21 December at 8pm. T6i rat mudn thdo ludn mét vai diém lien quan dén ban hop déng mdi cila ching ta vdi 6ng trong khi toi dang 6 Durban. T6i cé thé dé nghi ring chung ta gdp nhau binh thudng dé dang bia téi tai nha hang Ca- lypso vdo thit hai ngay 21 thang 12 lic 8 gid tdi. LOI MGI (di dn tdi véi mst nguéi ban than) Dear Jane, How about coming round for dinner while you are in Paris next, it'll be pot luck but it would be nice to get together again. Best wishes, Jane than mén, . Moi ban di an t6i trong khi t6i dén Paris, viée dn uéng khéng quan trong nhung quan trong la ching ta gap igi nhau. , Nhang loi chic t6t dep nhdt. 112 Mi DI CHG! CU6I TUAN Dear..., Thank you for your letter telling us of your plans to visit We will not be In .... when you come but Frangoise and | would be delighted if you would come and stay at our country house in Filthorpe for that weekend. It would be very nice to have a more relaxed talk about your proposition. The address is: Honeysuckle Cottage, Filthorpe Manor, Kent. Here are the directions: follow the main road to Penmartin, turn off right at Caltree, on leaving Hickling take the road for Filthorpe... Cam on Id thu cia ban bdo cho chiing téi vé nhitng du dinh cia ban viéng tham..ching tdi sé khéng 6khi ban dén nhung Francoise vé t6i sé vui suéng néu ban dén va & lai nha nghi mat 6 mién qué cia ching tai 6 Filthorpe trong cuédi tun dé. Sé rdt vui dé cé mét dip néi chuyén phiém vé céng viée ca ban. Dia chi la: Honeysuckle Cottage, Filthorpe Manor, Kent. Sau day la nhitng lai huang dan : Hay theo dudng chinh dén Penmartin, ré phdi 6 Caltree, Khi roi Hickling, theo con duang nay dén Filthorpe... RODE 113 dinner: Budi an téi formal dress: An mac chinh té RSVP: Xin vui long phic dap coming round for dinner: Mi dn ding bia tdi MOT VAI MAU CAU TRONG CACH VIET THU: Perhaps we could have drinks together at my hotel? How about discussing the contract over drinks at the ... 7 (informal) It would be very nice if we could meet informally over lunch. We would be delighted if you could come to dinner with us next Friday. Come over fora drink when you arrive, we'll be glad to see you. request the pleasure of the compagny of.... fora fancy dress party on May 11 (theme: the 20’s). We do hope you will be able to come. Will you come and stay with us for a few days? Mr... would be pleased if you would attend a smail party to be given to celebrate his retirement on.... Chung ta cé thé uéng nude véi nhau tai khéch san cia t6i khéng? Mii di uéng nude dé thdo lun ban hop ding tai.? Sé rdt la vui néu chung ta 6 thé gdp nhau dé an trua than mat. John va Mary Schort han hanh méi ... dén ding bita ti vao ngay 22 thang 10 lac 07 gid tdi. 414 Ching t6i rat sung sudéng néu ban c6 thé dén ding baa téi voi ching t6i vao thir 6 tdi. Hay d€n udng nuéc khi ng dén day, ching tai rat vui dé Bap ong han hanh méi.dén di buéi tiée 4n mac chinh té vao ngay 11 thang 05. Chung téi hy vong éng sé dén duge. Ong sé dén va & véi ching téi vai ngay chi? Ong ... 88 rat vui néu éng sé dy mot budi tiée nhé dé ky nién ngay vé huu cia 6ng ta... Ld! MGI TU NHUNG NGUGI BAN NUGC NGOAI Dear Paul and Jane, You will have heard from our twinning committee that we are preparing to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the twinning of our two towns from the 20th to the 23rd August. We haven't seen one another for a long time and this would be the occasion to spend some time together. The children have gone on holiday with some friends and we could easily put you up for a weekend. What do you think? Looking forward to your reply, Your good friends, Gaétan and Marie. Paul va Jane than mén, Cée ban sé nhén duge tit uy ban két nghia cia ching ta réng ching ta sdép lam 1é ky nigm lén thit 10 vé su Rét nghio ctla hai thank phé ching ta tt ngdy 20 dén ngay 23 thang 08. 115 Ching ta dé khéng gdp nhau trong mét théi gian dai va déy sé la co héi dé cting nhau trdi qua mét thoi gian. Dam tré dé di nghi vdi mét 86 ban be va ching t6i cd thé dé dang cung cdp cho cde ban ché vao cubi tudn. Cac ban nghi gi? Dang nong long che tin cde ban, Nhang ngudi ban tét ciia ede ban, Gaetan vé Marie. MOT LOGI MGI KHAC Dear Michael, Suzanne and | expect to spend 5 days in an Francisco in October as part of a two-week trip combining business with pleasure. I can’t give you the name and address of our hotel yet as the reservations haven't been confirmed but I'll call you when we artive to fix dinner together at our hotel. Sincerely yours, Michael than mén, Suzanne vd t6i mu6n trai qua 05 ngay & San Fran- ciseo udo thang 10 trong chuyén di hai tudn két hop gitta di choi va céng tac. Téi chita thé cho ban tén va dia chi khdch san cia chiing toi vi vibe dat ché truée dé& chua duge xde dinh nhung t6i sé goi dién cho ben Rhi tdi dén dé sdp dat mét bita dn iéi cing nhau tai khach san cua ching tai. Chan thanh, 116 Ldi MGI MOT NGUGI BAN NUGC NGOAL Dear Keith, We've been writing to each other for more than a year now. I'm sure that, like me, you find it interesting to ex- change views on our two countries. The Summer holidays are drawing near and | would like to invite you in July to show you our of France. Would you be interested in spend- ing a week in a French family? Keith than mén, Ching ta da viet thu cho nhau hon mot nérn nay. Toi chic ring, giéng nhit tei, ban nhén thay thi vi dé trao déi nhimg tin tite vé hai dat nube cia chimg ta. Mita nghi he dang dén gin va i mubn mai ban vio thang 07 nixy dé cho ban thity mot phén nuée Phép cia ching toi. Ban cé thich tréi qua mét tudn trong mét gia dinh ngubi Phap khéng? Chén thanh, Ldi MGI MOT BAN DONG NGHIEP Dear Mr...., We wouid be very happy if you and your wife could come to dinner on Friday 27 April. We are also inviting Mr and Mrs Potard who would be delighted to make your acquaintance. Yours sincerely, Thua dng.., Chung t6i rdt hanh phic néu 6ng vd vo ong cé thé dén dung budi téi vdo thit 6 ngay 27 thang 04. Ching toi cling moi 6ng vé ba Potard - nguéi sé rdt vui dé lam quen vdi 6ng. . Trén trong W7 1. you will have heard: 6ng sé nhan duge 2. to spend some time together: Trai qua mét thi gian cing nhau 3. expect: Mong muén 4. atwo-week trip: Mét chuyén di 02 tudn 5. call: Goi dién thoai 6. we’ve: Chung tdi da 7. have been writing: Da dang viét 8. each other: Cung nhau 9. the Summer ... and I would ... : Maa hé nay ... va t6i sé... 10. invite: Mdi 11. part: Phan, khu vue TU VUNG: 1, Gn miing 1. to celebrate, 2, Than thier 2. close. 3, Binh thudng, thudng (an mie) 3. casual (dress). 4. Kit hop 4. to combine. 5. Nhiing lai hung din 5. directions. 6. Dén gan 6. to draw near, 7. Thite ubng 7. drink. 8. Budi tide an mic chinh +8 8. fancy dress party. 9. Vai swing 9. delighted. 10. Uf ban 10. committee. (1. Budl tide chia tay 14. farewell party. 12. Dé ngd, dé mie binh tfing 12. evening dress, formal dress. 13. Di nght 13. to go on holiday. 14. Mai dén... 14. How about coming... 15. Phing khach 15. tounge. 16, Budi tige 6 gi an nay 18. pot luck. 118 17. Sy vé hut 18. Su kat nghta 19. 88 nghi 21, LE phuc 22, Mat chuyén di 3 tain 23. Tai d@ nghi ching ta gip &... 24. Trinh bay 26. Bust tige. 17. 18. 19. 20. Cung ep thde an vi chd ngi cho 20. ai 21. 22. 23. 24, 25, Ong 06 mun tdi qua mot thing... 25. 26. retirement. twinning. to request. to put someone up. morning dress. a three-week trip. | suggest we mest at... to show. Would you be interested in spending a month... party. XII Thu phie dap PHUC DAP THAN MAT Dear... Thank you for your suggestion that we dine at ... !t would certainly be nice to have a less formal get to- gether. | iook forward to seeing you at the restaurant. Yours sincerely, a than mén Cdm on loi dé nghi ching ta dung bia tai... Tat nhién ching ta sé vui dé cé mét bia dn than mat cing nhau. Téi trong cho gdp ban tai nha hang. Chan thanh, CHAP NHAN LOI MGI MOT CACH TRANG TRONG Mr Jean Lelong has much pleasure in accepting the kind invitation of ... for Saturday 14 November at 8 pm. Ong Jean Lelong rdt vui chdp nhén li moi chén thanh eta ..vdo thi 7 ngay 14 thang 11 lic 8 gid téi. 120 SU TU CHOI TRANG TRONG Mr Jean Lelong thanks...... for their kind invitation for Saturday 14 November but regrets that he is unable to at- tend owing to a previous engagement. Ong Jean Lelong cém on... vé loi moi than mat cia ho vao thit 7 ngay 14 thang 11 nhung Idy lam tiéc rang éng ta khéng dén du do mét cuéc hen truéc. Viéc TU CHOI MOT LOI MGI TU MOT KHACH HANG HOAC BAN DONG NGHIEP Mr A. Gramont, Export Manager, inter Corp, AshLord WA 98304, Dear Mr Gramont: it really was very kind of you to suggest we talk over the project at your country house in Greenville. It would have been most agreeable to discuss things in a more relaxed setting and get to know each other better. Unfortunately, an urgent problem at our subsidiary in Nyoto obliges me to leave Seattle at once and may occupy ail my attention for some weeks. Let me say once again how much | regret being unable to accept your kind invita- tion. | will contact you about the project shortly. Yours sincerely. Ong A. Gramont, Gidm déc xudt khdu, Téng cong ty quéc té, Ashford WA 98304, Thua 6ng Gramont : Ong that tit té dé nghi ching ta ndi chuyon vé du dn Sr Aor SS 121 6 ngéi nha nghi mat 6 mién qué tai Greenville, thdo ludn su viée trong b6i cdnh thodi mdi va hiéu biét nhau hon. Thét khong may la c6 mét vdn dé khdn cdp 6 cong ty con cilia chiing t6i tai Nyoto buéc t6i phdi rdi Seatle ngay lap tite va cé thé mdt vai tudn. Mét ldn nifa tdi rét ldy lam tiée khéng thé chdp nhan loi mai tu té cia éng. Téi sé sém lién lage véi éng vé dy an nay. Trén trong. dine: An‘com get-together: Sy hop mat It really was very kind of you: Ban rat ti té talk over: Thuyét phuc it wuold have been: Diéu dé da 1a agreeable: Dé chiu get to know each other; Cé dip biét nhau may occupy: C6 thé chiém (thdi gian): van dé khan c&ép being unable to accept: Khéng thé chap nhan. MOT VAI MAU CAU TRONG CACH VIET THU: 1. Mr and Mrs Duplit thank the British Consul for his kind invi- tation which they have much pleasure in accepting. Mr John Masters is pleased to accept Mr ...’s invitation. | am sorry that | cannot accept your very kind invitation for the 4th, Mr Peter Shaw regrets being unable to accept Mr Perth's invitation to dinner as ... lam happy to agree that we meet for a working lunch at ... Thank you for your very kind invitation, | shall be delighted 122 to attend. | would love to come to your cocktail party next Saturday. | would dearly like to be able to accept your kind invitation, unfortunately ... {tll be for another time. Ong va ba Duplit cdm on lanh sy Anh vi lai mai tit té ma ho hét stfc hai léng khi chap nhan. Ong John Masters that hai lang dé chap nhan lai mdi cua ong... Toi lay lam tiéc la khong thé nhan Idi mdi ti té cha ong vao ngay 04. Ong Peter Shaw lay lam tiée khong thé nh4n 1di mdi cia éng Perth vé viéc ding com chiéu nhu.. Toi vui ming déng y¥ ring ching ta gap nhau ding com trua dé ban chuyén tai. Cam on vé 1éi mdi te té cha ban. Tdi sé vui mimg téi du. Téi sin long tdi dy bia tiée vao thit Bay tiép theo. Toi rat thich nhan 1di méi ti té cla ban, nhung khéng may la... Sé dgi mét dip khac. 123 CHAP NHAN (mét Iai méi di nghi) Dear Francis, It was very kind of you to Invite me during your holidays. 1am happy to be able to accept your kind invi- tation and could arrive in the late afternoon on the 4th July if that suits you. Don’t hesitate to let me know if anything prevent you from going ahead with the idea. | would be sorry 10 put you out, Looking forward to seeing you again, Georges Thua c6 Francis, C6 rat nt te dé moi toi trong sudt ky nghi cia c6. Toi vui milng nhan loi moi tit té cia c6 va c6 thé dén vao buéi chiéu ngay 04 thang 07 néu diéu dé thich hop cho 6. Ding do du cho toi biét néu mot diéu gi dé ngén edn khéng cho c6 néu ra mot § kién, T6i lay lam tiée la da lam phién c6. Nong long gép lai 6. Geoges NHAN (V6 Idi moi dang com chiéu vdi ban bd) What a great idea I’ve been thinking for a while it was time we saw each other again. But you know my job and my commitments, | always put off inviting you. Next Friday at 8pm then. See you soon, ¥ kién hay lam sao ! T6i luén luén nghi vé mot thoi gian ma chung ta gdp lai nhau. Nhung ban biét rang 124 trong céng viéc vd su rang bude cia téi, t6i ludn luén hodn viée mdi cla ben. Thé thi thit 6 t6i vaéo lic 08 gid téi. Hen gdp lai ban som TU CHGI LOI MGI (Di nghi cudi tudn} Dear Friends, lam really sorry to:‘be unable to accept your kind invita- tion. Unfortunately | have to go down South unexpectedly and won’t have the pleasure of spending a few days with you. | do hope you will forgive me With every best wish, Cdc ban than mén, Téi thét su ldy lam tiéc khi khong thé nhén loi mdi cia cde ban. That khéng may téi thinh linh phdi di xuéng mién Nam va khéng duge han hank di choi vai ngay voi ede ban. T6i that su hy veng cdc ban sé thong cdm cho téi Voi loi chic tot dep nhdt NHAN (Duge viét trong thiép) My wife and! have great pleasure in accepting your kind invitation and look forward to meeting your friends. Yours sincerely, Nha toi vd toi rat thich nhén loi moi ti té cla 6ng va noéng long gdp nhitng ngudi ban ctia éng. Thanh that : 125 1. it was very kind of you to invite me: Ban rat tu té mdi téi, rat vinh du dé nhén 103i mdi cia ban 2. during your holidays, to go on holiday with you: Suét trong nhitng ngay nghi cua ban. Di nghi véi ban 8. happy: Hanh phie, duge hai long 4. suits; Thich hgp 5. if anything should prevent you: Néu cé diéu gi ng&n can ong 6. going ahead with the idea: Khéng do dy néu ¥ kién 7. put you out; Lam phién éng 8. Once again: Mét lan nia 9. it was time we saw; Dé 1a lie ching ta gap nhau 10. put off inviting you: Hodin lai vigée méi ong, 11. forgive me: Tha thu, thong cam TU VUNG: 1. Sy chip ahan 1. acceptance. 2. Tién hanh ngay mot dy én 2. to go ahead with a project. 3. Thao luin, ban bac. 3. to discuss, to talk something over. 4. Ban ti #8, 4, kind of you. 5. Hoan lai. 5. _ to put off; to postpone. 6, Trude dé 6. previous. 7. Ta hoi 7. refusal. 8. Khung canh 8. setting. 9. Phu, bo’ sung 9. subsidiary. 10. Thich hap 10. to suit. 11, Bat nga 41. unexpectedly. 12. Sy rang bude 12. commitment; engagement. $3. Sut hop mat 13. get-together. 14, C6 dip biét nhau ro hon 14. to get to knew each other better. 15. Kbéng thé tham ay bud! hop, mit tinh 15. to be unable to attend a meeting. 126 A. NHUNG LA THU MAU 1. Dear Mr Stuart, It was very kind of you to invite me for a weekend at Broadstair. It will certainly be more agreeable (pleasant) to work together in your country house than in Paris. I could ar- rive on Friday if that suits you. Yours, 2. Dear Penny, Tt was very kind of your invitation to dinner for next Satur- day. Unfortunately an urgent problem obliges Francois to spend about a fortnight in New York. Iv’ll be for another time. I'll send you a note as soon as he arrives back (returns). 3. M. Paul Marand thanks Mr and Mrs Lee for their kind invitation with he has great pleasure in accepting (and has plea- sure in accepting it). 1. Thua éng Stuart, Ong rat td té mdi téi vo cuéi tudn tai Broadstairs di nhién rat hai ing dé lam viée véi nhau tai nha eda éng 6 mién qué hon la é Pari. Téi 6 thé dén vao thtt 6 néu thich hgp cho 6ng. Ch4n thanh, 2. Penny than mén, Cam on vé ldi mai efa ban di An com t6i vao thd 7 toi. That khéng may van dé khan cp budc Francoi phai di New York khoang hai tudn. Trén chiéu véi nhau sé dgi mét dip khac. Téi sé gui thu cho ban ngay khi anh ay tré vé. 3. Ong M. Paul Marand cam on éng va ba Lee vé 1di mdi cia ho ma éng rat vinh dy khi nhan (Va rat vinh du khi nhan loi mi). XIlll Thw chia buén va chie mung LOAN BAO SINH CON Dear Paul, Jam delighted to tell you that Paulette had a son on Friday 4th June. Mother and child are doing well and we are looking forward to seeing you again. REPLY Dear Christian, | was very pleased to hear your good news. Please give my best wishes and congratulations to Paulette. | look for- ward to seeing the new addition to your family next time you come over. Ong Paul yéu quy, Chau vui mitng cho éng biét rang Pauletie dé sinh con trai vdo thi 6 ngay 4 thang 6. Me va con dang khoé manh va ching chdu nong long gdp lai éng. 128 HOT AM Christian yéu quy, Ong rat hai long nghe tin tét dep etia chau. Vui lang cho 6ng giti loi chic tét dep nhdt va loi chite mitng tei Paulette. Ong dang néng long nhin thdy mét thanh vién méi vao ldn t6i khi cde chau dén thdm. THU VIET VE SU QUA DGI CUA DONG NGHIEP HOAC vo CUA THAN CHU: Dear Patrick, | realize that words can do little to ease your sorrow at this difficult time but | want you to know that you have al! my sympathy. If there is anything | can do to help, do not hesitate to let me know. Patrick than mén, Téi biét réng thu nay cd thé it lam voi di ndi buén cua ban vdo thoi diém khé khan nay nhung toi mudn ban biét rang ti chia buédn cing ban. Néu cd bat ky diéu gi toi cé thé gitip dugc, dung do du cho téi biét. THU BAO DAM CUGI VA MGI BAN BE. Dear Mr and Mrs Grajoux, | am writing to let you know that Maryse and | are en- gaged to be married. The wedding has been fixed for 11 am on Saturday 6th of July at St Giles’ RC Church in Pennywell. After the service, there will be a reception and dance at the Stag’s Head Hotel. | do hope you will come. Yours sincerely, Ong ba Grajoux quy mén, Téi viét thu loan bdo cho éng ba biét rang Maryse va t6i du dink té chite dam cudi. Dam cusi duge té chite vao 11 gid vao thit 7 ngay 6 thang 7 tai thanh duong Giles RC 6 Pennywell. Sau khi lam lé (trong nha thé), sé té chite m6t budi tige va khiéu vii tai khach san Stag’s Head. Téi that su hy vong éng ba sé toi du. Thanh that, THIEP MGI DAM CUGI M. et Mme Michel FLORENT Mr et Mrs Peter STOTT request the pleasure of your company at the wedding of their daughter MARYSE to M. Alex FLORENT at St Giles’ RC Church Pennyweil on Saturday 6 July at 11 am and atterwards at the Stag's Head Hotel. RSVP (address) Ong ba Michel FLORENT Ong ba Peter STOTT. Hén hanh moi ban dén du dam cusi giila MARYSE va M. Alex FLORENT tai thanh duong Giles RC Penywell vao thi 7 ngay 6 thang 7 lic 11 gid trua va sau dé téi khdch san Stag’s Head. Vui long phiic dap (dia chi) 130 PN OMAR ON are doing well; Dang khoé manh, news: Tin tific, new addition: Thanh vién mai netx time you come over: Lan téi cdc ban dén T relize ... little. Toi nh4n ra ... wedding: Dam cudi has been fixed: Ba duge chon (ngay) reception: Chiéu dai MOT VAi MAU CAU TRONG CACH VIET THU: Our son Joél is to be married on the 22 May at We would all be very happy if you could come to the wed- ding. {am writing on behaif of Tom and myself to say how de- lighted we were to hear the news of your marriage / en- gagement / baby. Mr and Mrs Mitchell have much pleasure in accepting the kind invitation of Mr and Mrs Pelot to the wedding of their daughter Clare on 40th July. Philip joins me in sending our warmest congratulations and good wishes. Ht was with great sadness that | learned the tragic news of setae 's death. We worked together for some years and I always appreci- ated his friendliness and hard work, Please accept our sincere condolences on this unhappy event. | very much appreciated your kindness in writing to me on the occasion of my husband’s death. 131 1. Con trai cua ching t0i 14 Joel sé t6 chifc 16 cudi vao ngay 22 thang 5 tai... 2. Ching tdi hét ste vui ming néu ban téi du 1é cuéi. 3. Thay mat Tom, tdi viét thu bdo ring ching toi vui miing lam sao khi nghe tin vé dim cudi / htta hén / sanh con cia ban. 4. Ong ba Mitchell rat vinh dy nhan loi méi ti té eda dng ba Pelot téi du d4m cuéi con gai cua ho la Clare vao ngay 10 thang 7. 5. Philip cang 160i gui 10i mimg tét dep nhat va nhitng lei chic 46t nhat. 6. That hét strc dau buén khi tai biét duge tin bi tham vé cai chét ciia.. 7. Ching téi da lam viée vdi nhau trong vai nam va ti luén luén cam kich sy than thién vA lam viée can cil cua anh ta, 8. Xin nhan di chia buén chan thanh eda ching tai vé sv kién dau buén nay. 9. Téirdt cdm kich sy tit té cua ban khi viét thu cho téi khi chéng tdi qua dai. THU GUI CHO DONG NGHIEP VUA BI TAI NAN Dear Nial, | heard this morning that the weekend finished badly for you. it really was unlucky to break your hip by falling from a stepladder. | hope the operation was successful and that you are now recovering without too much pain. | imagine you will have to stay in hospital for another week at least and that you will probably be obliged to rest for some time Everyone here joins with me in sending all our sympa- thy and best wishes for a prompt recovery. - Yours truly, 132 Nial than mén, Téi duge biét sing nay rdng cuéi tudn da géy tdi té cho ban. Bi thuong 6 héng do té khdi thang la diéu that su bhéng may. Téi hy vong vige gidi phdu thanh eng va rdng ban dang phuc héi ma khéng chiu dau dén nhiéu. Tdi nghi ban sé ndm 6 bénh vién thém mét tudn nia va ban c6 thé bi bude phdi nghi mét thoi gian. Moi ngusi & ddy cing t6i gui lai chia buén va chic ban phuc héi nhanh chong. Thanh that, LOAN BAO VIEC SINH CON (bang buu thiép) Olivier and Sylvie LOMBARD are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Sandrine 8 March 19.. (address) Olivier vd Sylvie LOMBARD vui ming loan béo uige chao ddi cia con gdi ho la Sandrine 8 thang 3 ném 19... (dia chi) NHONG LOI'CHUC CHO DAM CUOI. Dear Irene,, { was overjoyed to learn of your forthcoming marriage. You have known Brian for several years and | am sure he will be an ideal partner. | would have so much liked to be with you all on the great day to share the marvellous montent! 133 Unfortunately, the date of your wedding falls badly. When you solemnly say ‘! will” | shall probably be discussing fi- nancial problems with a client in Lagos. Despite the physi- cal distance | shall be with you in spirit and wish you both a long and happy life together. Your friend, P.S. Don’t forget to let me know what present you'd like. Trene than mén, Toi vui ming khi biét vé dam cudi ciia ban ‘sdip tai. Ban dé tim hiéu Brian nhiéu ném vé téi tin chde anh ta sé la ngusi ban doi ly tubng. Téi rét thich tham du tiée eudi ctia hai ben dé chia sé nhitng gidy phut tuyét vei. Nhung that khéng may ngdy cudi cia ban tring véo ngay tdi bdn. Lite ban nghiém trang noi “téi hita” thi luc cé lé ti dang thdo ludn nhing vdn dé tai chinh voi khdch hang 6 Lagos. Méc di khong cach xa x6i nhung t6i luén luén hudng vé ban va chic hai ban séng hanh phic. Ban cua ban, Tai bit: Ditng quén cho toi biét mén qua ban thich. DIEN VAN CHUC MUNG WIGH YOU IN SPIRIT-ALL OUR BEST WISHES TO THE HAPPY COUPLE PIERRE AND JEANNE Thanh that giti loi chic t6t dep nhdt tdi doi ban PIERRE va JEANNE hanh phiic. 134 1. finished badly: Da két thiic toi té 2 it really was ... ladder: Diéu d6 that sy 14 khong may té thang va bi thuong 6 hong 3 was sucessful: Da thanh céng 4. you will have to stay in hospital; Ban sé phai nim 6 bénh vién. 5. inform: Théng bao. 6. forthcoming: Sap téi 7. have known: Da biét ( da tim hiéu) 8. the great day: Ngay tuyét vidi 9. fails badly: Xay ra vao thai diém khé khan cho téi. 10. I will: T6i hifa ... 11. When you say ... I shall probably be discussing; Lic ban néi 6 18 téi sé dang thao ludén 12. don’t forget: Dung quén. 13. present: Mén qua. 14. happy couple, newly weds: Déi ban hanh phic. TU VUNG: 1. Sanh 1. birth 2. Loan bio 2.” announcement. 3. Lai chia budn 3. condolences. 4. Lai chiie ming 4. congratulations. 5. Qua doi 5. death. 6. Dang khoé 6. to be doing well. 7. Lam dé chiu 7. to ease. 8. Hita hon 8. engaged. 9. Su kign 9. event. 10. Sap t6i 10. forthcoming. 11. Sy thie thign 11. friendliness (2. Su tit 12. kindness, 135 13. Thay mat cho +3. on behalf of. 14, Vui miing khén xiét 14. overjoyed 15. Dau 15. pain. 16. Ban dai 16. partner. 17. Sy buée be 17. sadness. 48. Sy dew budn 18. sorrow. 19. Dam cugi 19. marriage; wedding. 20. Danh sich dim cuéi 20. wedding list. 21, Nghi nga 21. to rest. 22. Nha thi 22. church. 23. Trong tham tam 23. in spirit. 24. Qui 24. present. 25. Su hita hon 25. engagement. 26. Noudi méi cudi 26. newlyweds. 27. Chia sé 27. to share. BAI TAP A. DICH SANG TIENG ANH 1. Ching téi vui mimg loan bdo suf chao ddi eta con gai chung téi. 2. Dam cudi cia ching téi sé duge sip xép vao ngay 4 thang 7. . 3. Dam cudi cla con chéng t6i da hodn lai vi cdi chét cia me toi. 4, Chang téi dé phai nhap vién dé gidi ph4u khan cap va sé khéng thé du cudc hop. a. Ching t6i lay lam tiée biét tin budn vé me eda ban b. Téi chuyén léi chic mting tét dep nhat tdi ban. c. Xin vui long cho chung t6i giti 1di chic tét dep nhat dé viéce binh phue mau chéng cho chéng ba. d. Tat cd 163i chic mig va cdu chtic tét dep nhat cho thanh vién mdi cua gia dinh. 136 Cam on we nhiutag 14 thw THU CAM GN BAN Vi DA TIEP DON Dear Mac, Just a few lines to let you know much | enjoyed my stay in your defightful country house. it was marvellous to dis- cover a new part of your country and get to know your fam- ily better. Yours sincerely, Mac than mén, Chi vai dong dé cho ban biét rdng téi dé tan huéng niém vui trong ngéi nha mién qué thu vi cua ban. Kham pha mét mién qué méi cia ban va cé dip biét gia dinh ban nhiéu hon that la Ip thi. Than ai, 137 THU CAM GN SAU BUA COM T6I Dear Mr Thuld, This is to thank you most sincerely for inviting me to dinner last Tuesday. It was a most pleasant evening and | particularly enjoyed meeting your friends. { hope to be able to return the invitation when next you visit my country. Ong Thuld thén mén, - T6i viét thu nay dé cdm on chan thanh toi éng vi da moi t6i ding com téi thit 3 tudn réi. Dé la budi téi iuyét vii nhdét. Téi dac biét thich gép nhang ngudi ban cua Gng. T6i hy vong cé thé mai lei 6ng khi Gng viéng tham qué téi ~lan toi. THU CAM GN VE MOT MON QUA. Dear Mr and Mrs Gort, It really was kind of you to send a present for our wed- ding. We found the colour suited our room perfectly. tn years to come it will remind us of your kindness. Ong ba Gort than mén, Ong ba da tit té giti mét mén qua cho dém cudi chung téi. Ching téi nhén thédy mau sdc rét thich hop véi phong ching toi. Nhiing ndm toi né sé nhde nhé ching té6i vé su til té ctia 6ng ba. 138 THU CAM ON Vi SY GIUP DG. This is just to express my thanks for your help in arrang- ing a meeting with Mr Schulz. | found his ideas very stimu- lating and am confident that we shall collaborate in the near future. Toi chi muén thé hién sy cdm on etia t6i déi vdi vige giup dé ctla dng khi éng sdp xép cudc hop véi éng Schulz. Téi nhan théy nhitng § kién cia éng dy rat thit vi va téi tin rdng chung ta sé cng tdc trong tuong lai gan. THU GAM ON DOI TAc LAM AN Vi LONG HIEU KHACH Dear Mr Griffith, | really am extremely grateful to you for putting me up during my visit to your plant. Your kind hospitality turned a routine business trip ifito a pleasurable and enjoyable visit. Please. extend my thanks to your wife. Yours sincerely, Ong Griffith than mén, Toi that su biét on dng vi gitip dé tdi trong suét chuyén viéng tham nha may cia 6ng. Su hiéu khach ctia ng dé bién déi chuyén céng tac thuong lé thanh chuyén viéng tham ly thi va vui vé. Xin vui long chuyén loi cdm on cvia ti tdi vg 6ng. Than di, 139 canon wn - e 2 11. enjoyed: Duge huéng This is to thank you: La thu nay dé cam on 6ng enjoyed, to enjoy: Duge hudng, huéng suited: Phi hop . to remind someone of something: Nh&c nhé ai nhé diéu gi memories; Ky tte to be confidents: Tin rang plant: Nha may turned ... into, to turn: Da bién déi..thanh routine business trip: Chuyén di cing tae thutng 18 extend: Chuyén (1di cam on) MOT VAI MAU GAU TRONG CACH VIET THU: 1. SBnanPpan 10. 11. 12. 13. We just had to write and say how much we enjoyed the dinner / party. 1 simply had to write and thank you for the lovely evening Mary and | thank you so much for the gift. Just a line to let you know... This is to say how much we appreciated... Just a few words to express our thanks for... This is just a short note to say... It was extremely pleasant to stay in your house in..., it was an idea! opportunity to exchange ideas on our project. A (present) was just what we needed, We hope to see you again in the not-too-distant future. We hope to be able to return your hospitality soon. Again, many thanks. Once again thank you very much. Ss ae o Ao 10. 11. 12. 13. 140 Ching t6i phai viét vA néi chang téi thich bita com chiéu/ bifa tiéc dé nhiéu nhu thé nao Téi chi don gidn viét thu dé cdm on vé budi téi tha vi. Marry va tai cam on éng r&t nhiéu vé mén qua do. Chi mét déng dé ban biét... La thu nay chi dé néi ching téi da cém kich nhiéu nhu thé nao vé... Chi 6 vai dong dé cdm an vé... Day chi 1a 14 thu ng&n dé néi.. Rat hai long dé luu lai nha-cda ban tai..; dé 1a mét co hdi ly tudng dé trao d6i y kién vé du 4n cua ching téi Mét (mon qua) chinh 1a cdi ching tdi can. Ching téi hy vong gap lai 6ng trong mét thdi gian khéng xa. Chang ti hy vong dp lai long hiéu khach cha éng sém. M6ét lan nita, cam on nhiéu Mét l4n n@a cdm on éng rat nhiéu THU CAM ON VE VIEc 6 V6I BAN Dear Mary and Paul, How can we thank you enough for the lovely week we have just spent at your house ? It was a revelation to discover how picturesque and wild your part of Scotland is. We will always treasure happy memories of our stay. We were very touched by your warm welcome and hos- pitality. | sincerely hope that we didn’t put you out too much and that the children weren’t too noisy. Thanking you again for your hospitality... 141 Marry va Paul thén mén, Lam sao ching téi cé thé cdm on hét vé m6t tudn thu vi ma chung toi da d nha cdc ban? Dé la cach dé kham pha mot phan Scotland cua ban hoang so va xinh xtin lam sao. Ching t6i luén lu6n ghi nhoé nhing ky niém dep vé viéc luu lai nay. Ching t6i rdt xtic déng vi due su don tiép néng dm va ling hiéu khdch cia hai ban. Té6i thanh that hy vong rdng ching téi da khéng lam phién hai ban nhiéu lém va nhitng dita tré khéng qué 6n. Cam on cde ban mot ldn nita vi su higu khéch... THU CAM ON VE THONG TIN Dear Sir, (am writing to thank you for the information you sent me. It will be very useful in helping me to complete my study of the markets in your region. Hf you had not so kindly undertaken the research for me ! would have had to make a very time-consuming journey. {f | can ever help you in any way do not hesitate to let me know, | would be only too happy to return the service. Thanking you once again... Thua 6ng, Toi viét thu cdm on 6ng vé théng tin ma éng da giti cho tai. N6 rdt hitu ich khi t6i hodn thanh viée nghién ctu thi triuéng 6 ving téi... Néu 6ng da khéng tit té nghién citu cho t6i thi t6i da phdi thuc hién mét chuyén di tén rdt nhiéu thoi gian. Néu t6i cé thé gitip 6ng, bang bat cit cach ndo ding do du cho t6i biét, t6i rdt vui mung dé dén dap cong lao do. . Cam on éng méi ldn nita... 142 CAM ON NGUGI BAN DA CHO MUON MOT KHOAN TIEN. Dear Justin, Many thanks for the kind gesture which touched me deeply. My lack of foresight certainly got me into a nasty mess again. | cannot forgive myself for having gone abroad without checking that there were sufficient funds in my bank account. | enciose an International Money Order to cover the sum you so kindly lent me. Once again my sincere thanks. Cam on rét nhiéu vé cd chi tt té d& lam t6i edm dong nhiéu. Viéc thiéu nkin xa trong réng cia toi dt nhién lam toi gdp khé khan mét ldn n@a. Téi khong thé tu tha tht cho minh vi dé ra nuée ngodi ma khéng kiém iva nguén tai chink day dui trong tai khodng ngén hang cua t6i. T6i giti kem phidu chuyén tién quée té dit trang trdi sO tién ma éng tit té dé cho t6i muon. M6t ldn nita t6i chan thanh edm on. 1. Dear ..., Than mén, kinh thua 2. Howcan me thank you enough: Lam sao ching ti c6 thé ‘cam on Ong du... . 3. have just spent: Vita trai qua 4. at your house: Tai nha 6ng 5. wild: Hoang so, hoang da 6. memories; Ky tte 7. hospitality: Long hiéu khach 8 attentions: Sy quan tam 9. sincerely hope: Chan thanh hy vong 10. put you out: Lam phién ong 143 11. complete: Hoan tat, dat duge 12. undertaken: Dam traéch, Thuc hién 13. IfI can ever help you, if at any time in the future I can ... Néu tai c6 thé gidp éng bat ct lic nado 14. many thanks; Cam on nhidu 15. my lack of foresight: Viée thiéu nhin xa trong rong cua téi 16. cover: Trang trai . 17. refund, reimburse: Tra lai TU VUNG: 1. Tai khodn nyan hang 1. bank account. 2. Chim sie 2. care 3. Kiém tra 3. to check. 4. Ty tin 4, confident. 5. Lam phién 5, to disturb. 6. Thich 6. to enjoy. 7. Th vi,Vui vé 7. enjoyabte. 8. MG ring . 8. to extend. 9. Nhiing kj ide teia mén 9. fond memories. 10. Thay trudo 10. foresight. 1. Ci chi 11. gesture. 12. Qua 42. present, gift. 13. Thing tin 13. Information 14. Thigu 14. lack. 15. Cho mugn 15. tolend. | lent, lent. 16. Hing tha, hip din 16. deilghtful, lovely. 17. On 30 17. noisy. 18. Xiah xan 18. picturesque. 19. Nh may 49. plant. 20. Mhe digu gi. 8 21. Lam si ahd dide gi 22. Dap bai, ted ai 23. Tide phi thei gian 24. Dinh gif eae 25. Hoan tai (tién) 26. Dim trich 27. Heang so 28. Phiéa chayén tidy qube té 29. Vide din tip nang am 144 20. 21. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Tai muta cam én éng ve sv gidp 30. 4 cia ing — bay th su cde ae cds tei vi sy gidp d@ cha ang to remember something, some- one, to semind someone of some- thing. to return. time-consuming. to treasure. to refund. 10 undertake. wild. International Money Order. warm welcome. ! wish to thank you for your help / to express my thanks for your help. 145 ’ Ngan hang ngoai quée THU THUGNG MAI Crédit Rouennais, National Bank of Australia, Perth, Honk Kong People’s Bank, Hang Kong, First National Bank, Kyoto, Dear Sir, letter of credit N° F 227041 Please be sp good as to provide the bearer, Mr Alexis PORTER, with such funds as he may need within the limit of 25,000 FF (twenty five thousand French Francs). Please note the amounts drawn by Mr Porter on the back of this letter. This letter of credit comes into force on jet September 19.. until 7th October 19... ° A specimen signature is provided below. Yours faithfully, Manager.

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