Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching Writing For English (Grade 7)

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Aklan State University

College of Teacher Education

Banga, Aklan

Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching Writing for English

(Grade 7)

Submitted by:
Francis Joy Z. Cortez
Lordylyn R. Fernandez
Christina Jane R. Rentino
(BSEd 2 English)

2nd Semester A.Y. 2014-2015




the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

define social letter;
identify the parts of a letter by arranging a jumbled sample letter;
distinguish the styles of letter writing through the use of sample letters;

d. develop cooperation through group activities

Subject Matter
Topic: Writing Social Letters
Lapid M.G., Serrano, J.B. (2013). English Communication Arts and Skills
Filipino Literature. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House
Letter Writing Guide. Retrieved from
Materials: Colored Papers, Markers, Paper Tapes, Envelopes
Skill focus: Writing skill
Value Focus: Cooperation
NCBTS: Domain 4: Curriculum
Strand 4: Selects teaching method, learning activities and instructional
materials or resources appropriate to learners and aligned to the objectives of
the lesson.
Teaching Strategy: Discuss, Encourage, Give Feedback, Ask Questions and
Give Directions


Learning Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
Checking of Attendance
Checking of Assignments

Teachers Activity
B. Motivation

Students Activity

Today, we are going to have an activity.

Are you excited?

Yes, Maam!

I will group you into seven groups. Count

off from 1 to 7.


Familiarize your group mates. Group 1,

please all stand. Group 2, please all
I want you to sit with your group. Group
1, please sit at my left side, group 2 at
the back of group 1, group 3 in the
Okay class, move quietly in ten counts.


Yes, Maam!

Are you now with your group, class?

Very good! So now, I will give each group
an envelope, but you are not allowed to
open it yet. Understood?
Each envelope contains jumbled parts of
a specific writing. I will give you 1
minute to take a look unto them. Then,
your group will send 1 representative to
arrange them here on the board using
the paper tapes on the table. The first
group to finish the activity CORRECTLY
will have a prize. Do you understand

Yes, Maam!

Yes, Maam!

(Students open the envelopes)

Very well! Your 1 minute starts now.

(after 1 minute)

(The students perform the activity)

Representatives, kindly proceed here in

front. When I say go start arranging
the parts using these paper tapes GO!
Okay! Group ___ finished first. But later,
we will find out if their answer is correct.

Yes, Maam!
Letters, Maam.

Did you enjoy the activity class?

Good! So based on the activity, what
kind of writing did you arrange?

They are courteous responses, Maam

Yes, letters! What have you observed

with those letters on the board? Yes, ___.

The letters talk about gratefulness,

invitation, acceptance, regret, etc

Okay, any other answers? Yes, ___.

Social letters, Maam.

Okay. So what do we call this type of

Very well! Now, we are going to talk
about how to write social letters.

C. Lesson Proper
Based on our activity earlier, how can
you define a social letter? Yes, ___.

From the word social itself, they are

letters written to communicate with a
friend or a relative, Maam.
Social letters are usually written to say
thank you, sorry and congratulations to
other people.

Okay! Other thoughts? Yes, ___.

Okay. So when we say social letters,

these are courteous announcements or
responses concerning a particular event.
For example, you want to congratulate
your friend for graduating as class
valedictorian. The letter that you will
write is considered a social letter
What have you observed in the sample
letters that you have arranged earlier?
Yes, ___.

They have addresses and dates.

They start with dear or to whom it may
They have a message and ends with
either lovingly, yours, yours truly, etc

Okay. What else have you observed? Yes,

(Student goes to the board)
Yes! What else?

Very well! Those things that you have

mentioned are called parts of a social
letter. The first one is the heading. Who
can volunteer to go to the board and
point out the heading of the letter? Yes,
Very good! So what can you observe
with the heading of the letter, class?
Precisely! Basically, the heading of a
letter contains the address and the date
the sender wrote the letter.
The next part of the letter is the
salutation. Who can volunteer to go to
the board and point out the salutation of
the letter? Yes, ___.
Very good! What is the other term for
salutation? Yes, ___.

The heading contains the address and

the date, Maam.

(Student goes to the board)

Greeting, Maam!
The salutation begins with the word dear
followed by the name of a person.

In some letters, just like in the excuse

letter, they use the phrase, to whom it
may concern.

Exactly! So what have you observed with

the salutation or the greeting of the
letter? Yes, ___.

Yes, Maam!

Definitely! What else have you

observed? Yes, ___.

(Student goes to the board)

Okay! So when we say salutation, they

It expresses the message of the sender.

serve as the greeting of a letter, right?

Now, lets move on to another part of
the letter which is the body. Who can
volunteer to go to the board and point
out the body of the letter? Yes, ___.

It contains the information the sender

wants to tell the receiver.

Okay! So what have you observed with

the body of the letter? Yes, ___.

Yes, Maam!

Very well! Other thoughts? Yes, ___.

(Student goes to the board)

Very good! Basically, the body of the

letter is where we share whatever
information we want to say in our letter.
Right, class?

Unlike the salutation, the closing closes

the letter.
They end the letter, Maam!

Very well! The next part of the letter is

the closing. Who can volunteer to go to
the board and point out the closing of
the letter? Yes, ___.

Sincerely yours, truly, yours, etc

Good! So what have you observed on

the closing of the letter? Yes, ___.
(Student goes to the board)
Okay. You have a point. Any other
answers? Yes, ___.
Yes! They end the letter. What are the
words used to end the letter? Yes, ___.
Very good! Now, lets move on to the
last part which is the signature. Who can
volunteer to go to the board and point
out the signature of the letter? Yes, ___.

It gives the name of the sender, Maam.

None, Maam!

Very good! So what have you observed

in this part? Yes, ___.
Exactly! The signature tells us who the
sender is.

Some are indented and some are not,


Okay class, do you have any questions

about the parts of a personal letter?

Yes, Maam.

Okay. So we are thru with the parts of a

letter. Lets move on to the different
writing styles. What have you observed
in the indentions of the sample letters on
the board? Yes, ___.

No, Maam.

Very well! Are those indented letters

Those letters without indentions should

put all parts of the letter on the left side
of the page, Maam.

arranged correctly?
Yes, Maam.
How about those which dont have
indentions? Are they arranged correctly?

Block format aligns all the parts of the

letter on the left side of the page.

Why do you think so? Yes, ___.

Yes, Maam.
Very good! It is because we have
different styles of writing a letter. Am I
The first style is the block format. The
block format. Kindly read the definition
of block format.

(Students go to the board)

Yes, Maam.

Do you understand, class?

The modified block format puts the

heading, closing and signature on the
right side of the page.

Okay. So I need representatives to

arrange the sample letters with block
format correctly. Yes, ___, ___ and ___.

Yes, Maam!

Very good! Do you now understand the

block format, class?
So the second style of writing is the
modified block format. Kindly read the
definition of modified block format.
Do you understand?
Very well! So who can go to the board
and point out the sample letters with
modified block format? Yes, ___.

(Student goes to the board)

None, Maam!

They differ based on the content of their

body, Maam.

They differ in the senders purpose of

writing the letter.

Very good! Do you have any questions

regarding the styles of letter writing?
So no lets move on to the different
types of social letters. What have you
observed? What are their differences of
the sample letters? Yes, ___.

The letter is about thanking the receiver

of the letter.

Yes! You have your point. Any other

answers? Yes, ___.

A thank-you letter, Maam.

Exactly! The sample letters are all

examples of social letters and they differ
on the senders purpose of writing the
letter. Now, we are going to know the
types of a personal letter.

The letter is about inviting someone.

In the first sample letter, what can you

observe? Yes, ___.

Invitation letter, Maam.

Exactly! So what do you call this type of

letter? Yes, ___.
Yes! Basically, the second example is a
thank-you letter because it expresses

The letter is about accepting an

invitation, Maam.

What can you observe in the second

sample letter? Yes, ___.

Acceptance letter, Maam.

Okay. So what do you call a letter which

invites the receiver? Yes, ___.
Correct! The second example is an
invitation letter.

It is a letter about rejecting an invitation.

What can you observe in the third

sample letter? Yes, ___.

It is about regretting for not being able

to attend in an event.

Very well. So what do you call a letter

which accepts an invitation? Yes, ___.

Regret letter, Maam.

Definitely! So the third example is an

acceptance letter.
What can you observe in the fourth
sample letter? Yes, ___.

Yes, Maam!

Okay. You have a point. Other thoughts?

Yes, ___.

It is a letter about being happy for the

accomplishment of the receiver.

Very well. So what do you call a letter

which lets someone know that you will
not be able to attend? Yes, ___.

Congratulatory letter, Maam.

Very good! Let us always bear in mind

that if we receive an invitation letter, we
should answer it with either a letter of
acceptance or a letter of regret. Do you
follow, class?

It is a letter to help lighten someones


Okay! So what can you observe in the

fifth sample letter? Yes, ___.
It is a cheer-up letter, Maam.
Okay! So what do you call the type of
letter where you congratulate someone
about his/her accomplishment? Yes, ___.
Definitely! Basically, the fifth sample
letter is a congratulatory letter.

It is an excuse letter, Maam.

What can you observe in the sixth

sample letter? Yes, ___?

Because it explains why a student is

absent from her class.

Very good! SO what do you call the type

of letter where the sender lightens up
the mood of the receiver?
Very well! The sixth sample letter is a
cheer up letter.
Group ___, Maam.
Now, what can you observe in the
seventh sample letter? Yes, ___.
Why is it an excuse letter? Yes, ___.
None, Maam.
Precisely! So when a letter explains
about the absence of someone in class,
it is an excuse letter.

Yes, Maam.

So based on your learning, who won our

activity earlier? What group finished
arranging the sample letters correctly
Group __, kindly get your prize here in
front. Congratulations.

Yes, Maam.

Do you have any questions, class?

Very well. That implies that you have
understood our lesson for today. Am I

Yes, Maam.

Very good!
D. Application
For now, we are going to have an
activity. I will divide you into two groups.
From ___ until ___ will be group 1 and
from ___ to ___ will be group 2.
Understand, class?
Arrange your group into a circle in ten
counts. Do not drag your chairs. 12
Are you with your group now?
Very well! I have here two envelopes;
inside them are directions on what you

Using the manila paper and the marker,

write a simple congratulatory paper to a
friend who graduated as Magna Cum
Laude. Use the block format. Choose 1
representative to present your letter.
Using the manila paper and the marker,
write a simple invitation letter. Use the
modified block format. Choose 1
representative to present your letter.

are going to do. Representatives, please

get your envelope here.
Okay, group 1, what is your task?
Yes, Maam.

Okay, group 2, what is your task?

I will give you 5 minutes to write your

letters. Here are the criteria:

(Representative presents the work)

Accuracy 50 %
Grammar 30%
Neatness 20 %

Yes, Maam.

Are you contented with the criteria


(Representative presents the work)

No, Maam.

Yes, Maam.
So you are expected to meet these
criteria. The judges will be Mrs.
Ricamonte and I. So start doing the

No, Maam.

(after 5 minutes)
Okay, time is up. Representatives,
please post your letters on the board.
Group 1, please present your work.
Did group include all the parts of the
Did they commit a mistake?
Very good. Group 2, please present your
Did group include all the parts of the
Did they commit a mistake?
Very good!
E. Generalization
Now class, we will have an activity. I

Yes, Maam.

have here two balls. A red one and a

blue one. You are going to pass these
balls around. Whenever I say stop, you
stop passing. The one holding the red
ball will ask a question about our lesson,
and the one holding the blue ball will
answer the question. Do you understand
(The students start doing the activity)
F. Evaluation
Direction: Answer the following
questions. Place your answers on the
space provided. Use the sample letter
below in answering questions 1-6.
Cattleya Street
Banga, Aklan
February 20, 2015
To Whom It May Concern:
Please excuse my daughter, Nikka Guidotti
Lastimosa, for being absent from your class
yesterday, February 19, 2015. She was absent
because she participated in the Search for Ms.
Cupang 2015.
Thank you for your consideration regarding this
Sincerely Yours,

1. What type of personal letter is

shown above?
2. What is the format of the letter?
3. What part of the letter has an error?
4. What is the greeting of the letter?
5. What is the salutation of the letter?
6. What is the closing of the letter?
7. In 1 sentence, differentiate block
format from modified block format.
8. What style of writing puts all the
letter parts on the left side of the
9. What do you call the letters of
courteous announcements or
responses concerning a particular
10.Give an example of a heading of a


In a short bond paper, write a thank you letter to your parents. You may use
any format but make sure to use all the parts of a social letter. Submit your
assignment next meeting.

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