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AUS WHB-3 CHa2 x Ml 0784265 OSObb82 826 Mm eae PREPARED BY A, ‘COMMITTEE CONSISTING OF: |, DrAnnessa, Chairman Consultant PLB, Dickerson Consultant E, Willner Technical Consultant, Lockheed Missiles & Space Company WELDING HANDBOOK COMMITTEE MEMBER ALLOYS Introduction 122 Brazing 154 Alloys 123 Soldering 155 Surface Preparation 129 Plasma Are Cuting 156 ‘Arc Welding 130 Safe Practices 157 Resistance Welding 145 Applications 158 Oxyfuel Gas Welding 152 SopplemertaryReadin ist 162 Other Welding Processes 152 oprah by the can Welng Society le Satu 05 Tee 37 AUS WHB-3 CHx2 #x MM 0784265 OSObbS2 762 Mm 122 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS SA MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS INTRODUCTION MAGNESIUM ALLOYS ARE used in a wide variety of applications where light weight is important. Structural applications include industrial, materials-handling, commercial, and aerospace equipment. In industrial machinery, such as textile and printing machines, mag- nesium alloys are used for parts that operate at high speeds and must be lightweight to minimize inertial forces. Materials-handling equipment examples are dockboards, grain shovels, and gravity conveyors. Commercial applications include luggage and ladders. Good strength and stiffness at both room and elevated temperatures, combined with light weight, make mag- nesium alloys useful for some aerospace applications. Unlike most other metals and alloy syscems, the application of welded magnesium alloy structures has been declining. This trend is the result of increased use of mechanical assembly along with declining use of wrought material in aerospace applications. Advances in casting and forging technologies producing near net- shape parts has also reduced the need for welding to produce complex shapes. Also, new applications for thorium-bearing alloys will diminish significantly due to environmental emphases to eliminate radioactive substances, oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Sot 05 fo: 1997 GENERAL PROPERTIES Chemical Properties MAGNESIUM AND ITS alloys have a_ hexagonal close-packed crystal structure, The amount of defor- mation they can sustain at room temperature is lim ited when compared to aluminum alloys. However, their formability increases rapidly with temperature, and the metals can be severely worked between 400 and 600 °F (204 and 316 °C). Forming and straighten- ing operations and weld peening are generally done at clevated temperatures. When heated in air, magnesium oxidizes rapidly forming an oxide that inhibits wetting and flow during welding, brazing, or soldering. For this reason, a protec: tive shield of inert gas or flux must be used during expo- sure to elevated temperatures to prevent oxidation. ‘The oxide layer formed on magnesium surfaces recrystallizes at high temperatures and becomes flaky. It tends t0 break up more readily during welding than does the oxide layer on aluminum. Magnesium oxide (MgO) is highly refractory and insoluble in both liquid and solid magnesium, Magnesium nitride (MgNo) is AUS WHB-3 CHe2 xx MM O784265 O50bb83 &T9 i telaively unstable and realy decomposes inthe pres: ence of moisture. Under normal operating conditions, the corrosion resistance of many magnesium alloys in nonindustrial atmospheres is better than that of ordinary iron and equal to some aluminum alloys. Formation of a gray oxide film on the surface is usually the extent of attack. For maximum corrosion resistance, chemical surface treatments, paint finishes, and plating can be used. Gal- vanic corrosion can be serious when magnesium is in dizect contact with other metals in the presence of an clectrolyte. This can be avoided by the following: (1) Proper design (2) Careful selection of metals in contact with the magnesium (3) Insulation from dissimilar metals Like other metals, some magnesium alloys are sus ceptible to stress-corrosion cracking if residual stresses from welding or fabrication are not reduced to a safe level by heat treatment. Physical Properties MAGNESIUM IS WELL known for its extreme light ness, machinability, weldability, and the high strengch- to-weight ratio of is alloys. It has a density of about 0.06 Ibvin.? (1660 kg/m), On an equal-volume basis, it weighs about one-fourth as much as steel and ewo- thicds as much as aluminum. Pure magnesium melts at 1200 °F (649 °C), about the same temperature as aluminum. However, magne- sium boils at about 2025 °F (1107 °C), which is low compared to other structural metals. The average coef ficient of thermal expansion for magnesium alloys at temperatures from 65 to 750 °F (18 to 399°C) is about 15 x 10° per °F (27 x 10° per °C), which is about the same as that of aluminum and twice that of steel. The thermal conductivity of magnesium is about MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS 123, 89 Bru/{ftshe°F) (154 Wi(meKi], and for magnesium alloys canges from 40 to 64 Bru/ftehs*F) [70 to 110 ‘WilmeK)]. Magnesium’s electrical resistivity is about 1.7 times thar of aluminum. Magnesium requires a relatively low heat input for melting because of its comparatively low latent heat of fusion and specific heat per unit volume. On an equal volume basis, the total heat of fusion is approximately two-thirds that for aluminum and one-fith that for secl. The high coefficient of thermal expansion tends to cause considerable distortion during welding, In this respect, the fixturing required for the welding of magne- sium is very similar to that needed for aluminum, How- ever, it must be more substantial than the fixturing for the welding of steel. Mechanical Properties MAGNESIUM HAS A modulus of elasticity of about 6500 ksi (44 800 MPa) compared to 10 000 ksi (68 950 MPa} for aluminum and 30 000 ksi (206 800 MPa) for steel. This means that magnesium exhibits greater dis- placement than aluminum and steel under similar loads. Cast magnesium has a yield strength of about 3 ksi (21 MPa) and a tensile strength of about 13 ksi (90 MPa}. Wrought magnesium products have tensile strengths in the range of 24 co 32 ksi (165 t0 221 MPa) Their yield strengths in compression will be lower than those in tension. The reason for this is that itis easier for deformation to occur within a magnesium grain under compression, Alloying significantly increases the mechanical properties of magnesium. Magnesium has low ductility when compared to alu- minum. Tensile elongations range from 2 to 15 percent at room temperature. However, ductility increases rap- idly at elevated temperatures ‘Magnesium and its alloys are notch-sensitive, partic- ularly in fatigue, because of the low ductility. ‘Tensile properties increase and ductility decreases with decreas- ing testing temperature. ALLOYS ALLOY SYSTEMS MOST MAGNESIUM ALLOYS are temary types. ‘They may be considered in four groups based on the oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 major alloying element: aluminum, zine, thorium, or rare earths.! There also are two binary systems employ- ng. manganese and zirconi 1, A group of 15 simile metals with atomic numbers 57 through 71 AUS WHB-3 CHe2 xx MM 0784265 OSObLS4 535 Ml 124 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS Magnesium alloys may also be grouped according to service temperature. The magnesium-aluminum and magnesium-zine alloy groups are suitable only for room-temperature service. ‘heir tensile and creep properties degrade rapidly when the service tempera- ture is above about 300 °F (149 °C):The magnesium- thorium and magnesium-rare earth alloys are designed for elevated-temperature service. They have good ten: sile and creep properties up to 700 °F (371 °C). DESIGNATION METHOD MAGNESIUM ALLOYS ARE designated by a combi- nation letter-number system composed of four patts Part 1 indicates the two principal alloying elements by ccode letters arranged in order of decreasing percentage. ‘The code letters are listed in Table 2.1. Part 2 indicates the percentages of the two principal alloying elements in the same order as the code letters. ‘The percentages are rounded to the nearest whole num- ber. Part 3 is an assigned letter to distinguish different alloys with the same percentages of the two principal alloying elements. Part 4 indicates the condition of rem- per of the product. Ie consists of a letter and number similar to those used for aluminum, as shown in Table 2.2, They are separated from Part 3 by a hyphen. An example is alloy AZ63A-T6. The AZ. indicates that aluminum and zine are the ewo principal alloying clements. The 63 indicates that the alloy contains nomi- nally 6 percent aluminum and 3 percent zine. The fol- lowing A shows that this was the first standardized alloy of this composition. The fourth part, T6, shows that the product has been solution heat-treated and arti ficially aged. COMMERCIAL ALLOYS MAGNESIUM ALLOYS ARE produced in the form of castings and wrought products. including forgings, sheet, plate, and extrusions. A majority of the alloys produced in these forms can be welded. Commercial magnesium alloys designed for either room-temperature or elevated-temperature service ate listed in Tables 2.3 and 2.4, respectively, with their nominal compositions. Wrought Alloys WELDED CONSTRUCTION FOR room-temperature secvice frequently is designed with AZ31B alloy. It offers a good combination of strength, ductility, tough- ness, formability, and weldability in all wrought prod. uct forms. The alloy is strengthened by work hardening. AZ80A and ZK60A alloys can be artificially aged to oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 Table 2.1 Code Letters for Magnesium ‘Alloy Designation System Aloying Element ‘Alurinu Rare earths Thorium gconn langanese ‘Siver Zine negnam>|E Table 2.2 ‘Temper Designations for Magnesium Alloys Astabricated Annealed reerystalied (wrought products ony) Svair-hardened ‘Thermaly treated to produce stable tempers otherthan 0, or Solitionheatsreated (unstable temper) S407 ‘Subdivisions of “Hil plus one ormore digits Stain-hardoned only H2|plus one ormore digits Sar hardened and hen paialy amedled HG, plus one ormoredigts Svaim-hardened and then stbiized Subcsors of old and naturly aged ‘Annealed cast products ony) Solution heatreated and then cold-workod Te Soluton heattreatod TS Coded and anfcialy aged Te Soluion heatreated and articialy aged Tr Sobeontesresedandsabized B saat ‘Soision heat‘rested coid-worked, and aifcaly aged ‘Soliton heat reated,articialy aged, and cold-nerked THO. Coole aricially aged, and cold worked develop good strength properties for room temperature applications. AZIDA, MIA, and ZK21A alloy weldments are not sensitive "to stress-corrosion cracking. Therefore, postweld stress relieving is not required for weldments made of these alloys. The alloys are strengthened by work hardening for room-temperature service. HK31A, HM21A, and HM3IA alloys are designed for clevated-temperature service. They are strengehened by a combination of work hardening followed by arf cial aging. AWS WHB-3 CHx2 x Ml 0784265 OSOLLSS 473 Ml ey = Fablo23 mmercial Magnesium Alloys for Room-Temperature Service EO rmnan am ‘Nominal Composition, (Remainder Mig) Designation Ain Mo RE a Th ‘Sheot and Plate sz3IB 10 05 MIA, Seg oss Extruded Shapes and Structural Sections azn Rude Shanes ged Suc Sectons az 200 AZBIA 65 19 02 — — — Aza 8 05 02 — — = MIA =-- bolt 2a —- 2B - = 06 = 2x04, — 5 — — o6 — ‘Sand, Permanent Mold or investment Castings AMiona wo — 02 ‘ADA ws Ss = ABBA 16 07 02 — — = ‘zac 87 a7 02 — — ADA 80 20 02 — — — KIA =~ 5 = = Zena = 4a — ao HBA = 57 — = 07 18 sia = % — = 7 = 261A — 6 — = o * Asmisctmeta (approximately 52% Ce, 26% La, 19% Nd 3% Pr), 24 Commercial Alloys for Elovated- Temperature am Nominal Composition %s(Remainder Mg) Designation Ty Zn RY Mn g Sheot and Plate HKGIA 30 gee HIMZIA 2 = = oo T Extruded Shapes and Structural Sections HVA Seer eee 1 Sond, Permanent Mold or Investment Castines EKaIA, = — v8 40 EZRA = 2 08 32 HSI 2 OD Azza, 32021 07 ania nn * As rischmetal approximately 52% Co, 25% Le, SN, 3% Pe oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 Macnesium Cast Alloys THE MOST WIDELY ased casting alloys for room- temperature service are AZ9IC and AZ92A. These alloys “are more crack-sensitive than the wrought Mg-Al-Zin alloys with lower aluminum content. Conse- quently, they require preheating prior to fusion welding, EZ3A alloy has good strength stability for elevated temperature service and excellent pressure tightness. HK31A and HZ32A alloys are designed ro operate at higher temperatures than is EZ33A. QH21A alloy has excellent strength properties up to 500°F (260 °C). Allof these alloys require heat treatment to develop optimum properties. They have good welding characteristics. AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS 125 Mechanical Properties TYPICAL STRENGTH PROPERTIES for magnesium alloys at room temperature are given in Table 2.5. For castings, the compressive and tensile yield strengths are about the same. For wrought products, however, the yield strength in compression is often lower than in tension Tensile and creep properties of representative magne- sium alloys at three elevated temperatures are given in Table 2.6. The alloys containing thorium (Hk, HM, and HZ) have greater resistance to ereep at 400 and 600 °F (204 and 316 °C) than do the Mg-Al-Zn alloys. MAJOR ALLOYING ELEMENTS WITH MOST MAGNESIUM alloy systems, the solidi- fication range increases as the alloy addition increases. This contributes to a greater tendency for cracking dur- ing welding, At the same time, the melting temperature 2 well as the thermal and’ electrical conductivities decrease. Consequently, less heat input is required for fasion welding as the alloy content increases, Aluminum and zine show decreasing solubility in solid magnesium with decreasing temperature, These clements will form compounds with magnesium. Con- sequently, alloys containing sufficient amounts of these clements can be strengthened by a precipitation-harde ing heat treatment, Other alloying elements also behave similarly in ternary alloy systems. Aluminum WHEN ADDED TO magnesium, aluminutn gives the ‘most favorable results of the major alloying elements. It increases both strength and hardness. Alloys containing more than about 6% aluminum are heat treatable. The aluminum content of an alloy has no adverse effect on weldability. Weldments of alloys containing more than about 1.5% aluminum require a postweld stress-relief heat treatment to prevent susceptibility to stress- corrosion cracking, AUS WHB-3 CHe2 x Ml 0784265 O50bb8b 305 Wl 325 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS TT Table 2.5 Roomn-Temperature Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Alloys Tensile Strength Tensile VeldSeagh” Compressive Yield Stengt” ——ongaion, isi MPa si MPa MPa in2in- (51mm % Sheet and Plate 7 255 z by 6 110 a 2 290 32 2 6 173 5 B 28 9 207 2 152 3 34 234 % 7m 9 131 10 4 2A 19 131 = — 18 33 269 2 20 = - 10 Extruded Shapes and Structural Sections 35 en % 0 38 262 23 200 4 9 5 5 310 3 228 13 131 16 48 338 % 248 2 182 "1 4 303 3 262 7 186 8 4 303 38 262 2 186 8 37 255 B 79 2 8 " @ 20 33 28 B 12 0 ‘ 3 38 37 255 2B 183 “ 2K6OA-15 82 358 4 303 3 28 " Sand, Permenent Mold, or Investment Castings ‘AMIO0A-T6 0 by mama mara gc 182 1 ALBA 2 200 ia 7 = = 5 AZ63A-T4 ‘0 26 3 90 — 2 AZIA-TE 40 26 19 131 19 131 5 AZBIA-TA 0 26 12 3 2 8 6 Aza a 185 4 97 = = 2 AzanC-14 0 6 2 ® = = 4 ALNC-T6 40 76 a 45 Fy 45 5 AZINE 2 165 4 7 = 2 AZATS 0 26 4 97 = = g ‘AZIA-TE 0 26 a 45 a 145 2 EKSIATS a m 13 90 = = 3 EZ33A-T5 2 159 5 103 8 103 3 HIGIA-TS 2 22 5 103 5 103, a HZ32A-TS 2 186 4 9 a 7 4 KIA % 1m 7 8 = = 13 au2iATs 0 7% 0 207 = = 4 ZEMATS 20 201 2 438 2 138 4 ZHBZA-TS 3 zat % m 2 m2 4 ZKS1A-T5 30 206 a4 165 Fa 165, 4 ZKBIAT6 5 310 B 183 2B 193, 10 * aZtpoffsotyodstongth Beryllium ‘THE TENDENCY FOR magnesium alloys to burn dur- ing melting and casting is reduced by adding beryllium up to about 0.001%. Beryllium is added ro magnesinm filler metals to reduce oxidation and the danger of igni- tion at elevated temperatures during joining operations. ‘THIS ELEMENT HAS little effect upon tensile strength, but increases yield strength slightly. Its most important oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 function is to improve the saltwater corrosion resistance of magnesium-aluminum and magnesium-aluminum: zinc alloys. Magnesium-manganese alloys have rela- tively high melting temperatures and thermal conductiv- ities. Therefore, they require somewhat more welding heat inpur than do che magnesium-aluminum-zine alloys. Joint efficiency is low in magnesium-manganese alloys Because of grain growth in the heat-affected zone. AUS WHB-3 CHx2 ex MM 0784265 O50bb87 244 mm oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 Table 2.6 Elevated: Temporature Properties of Some Representative Magnesium Alloys m0F (18°C) 00°F (16°C) Tensile Yield oreo) esl Vi Seong ‘MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa isi MPa MPa si ‘MPa isi Alloy 118 MAGNESIUM AND i181 11888) 112) 118881 tag| SsReR8 ang); eeenep s82 | BRESRS ere | senees Alloys MAGNESIUM * Groep strength based on 1.2% ttl extension in 10h. ALLOYS a AWS WHB-3 CHe2 x MM 0784265 O50bb86 180 Mm 128 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS Rare Earths RARE EARTHS ARF. added cither as mischmetal_or didymium., These additions are beneficial in reducing weld cracking and porosity in castings because they narrow the freezing range ofthe alloy. Silver SILVER IMPROVES THE mechanical properties of magnesium alloys. The QH21A alloy in the 6 condi- tion has the highest room-temperature strengch of the commercial magnesium casting alloys, This alloy has good weldability. Thorium THORIUM ADDITIONS GREATLY increase the strengths of magnesium alloys at temperatures up (0 700 °F (371°C). The most common alloys contain 2 to 3% thorium in combination with zinc, zirconium, ot manganese. Thorium improves the weldability of alloys containing zinc. Zinc ZINC IS OFTEN used in combination with aluminum to improve the room temperature strengch of magne- sium. It increases hot shortness when added in amounts ‘over 1% to magnesium alloys containing 7 to 10% aluminum. In amounts greater than 2% in these alloys, ine is likely to cause weld cracking. Zine also is used in combination with zirconium, thorium, or rare earths to produce precipitation’ hhardenable magnesium alloys with good strength properties. Zirconium ZIRCONIUM IS A powerful grain-refining agent in magnesium alloys. It is added to alloys containing zinc, thorium, rare earths, or combinations of these. Zirco- nium is believed to confer a slightly beneficial effect on the weldability of Mg-Zn alloys by increasing the sol dus temperature. HEAT TREATMENT MAGNESIUM ALLOYS ARE heat-treated to improve mechanical properties. The type of heat treatment Aepends upon the ally compost on, progr form and ‘A. solution heat treatment improves strength, toughness, and impact resistance, & precpicavon heat twcatment following solution heat treatment increases the yield strength and hardness at some sacifce in toughness. A precipitation hea teeatmene alone. will oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 simultaneously increase the tensile properties and stress relieve as-cast components. Combinations of solution heat treating, strain hard ‘ening, and precipitation hardening are often used with ‘wrought products. Use of intermediate strain hardening with thermal heat treatment produces some of the high cst strength properties. WELDABILITY THE RELATIVE WELDABILITY of magnesium alloys by gas shielded arc and resistance spot welding processes are shown in ‘Table 2.7. Castings are not normally resis- tance welded. The Mg-Al-Zn alloys and alloys that con- tain rare earths or thorium as the major alloying element have the best weldability. Alloys with zinc as the major alloying element are more difficult to weld. They have a rather wide melting range, which makes them sensitive to hot cracking. With proper joint design and welding conditions, joint efficiencies will range from 60 to 100 percent, depending upon the alloy and temper, Most wrought alloys can be readily resistance spot welded. Due to short weld eycles and heat transfer char acteristics, fasion zones are fine-grained and heat- affected zones experience only slight degradation from grain coarsening. een] Table 2.7 Relative Weldability of Magnesium Alloys GasShielded Arc Resistance Spat Alloy Weng ‘Welding Wrought Alloys azo Excellent Excellent ‘AZBIB, AZBIC Excellent Exeallent ‘ADBIA ‘Good Exeallent AZBA Good Excellent HRSIA Excellent Excellent HMA Excellent Good HMBIA Excellent Good MIA, Excellent Good 2A Good Excallent 2Ke0A Poor Excellent ast Alloys Antena fate = AIBA Fair = ABI Good = ‘Aza Goad = ADA Fair = EKA Good = IZBA Excellent = HiIA Good = HERA Good = KIA Excellent = anata Good = za Good = 2H Poor = sin Poor = 2xBIA, Poor = AUS WHB-3 CHx2 x MM 0784265 O50bb89 017 am SURFACE PREPARATION MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS 129 AS WITH OTHER metals, the cleanliness of magne- sium alloy components and filler metals is important for obtaining sound joints of acceptable quality. Any sur face contamination will inhibit wetting and fusion. ‘Magnesium alloys are supplied with an oil coating, an acid-pickled suriace, or a chromate conversion coating for protection during shipping and storage. The sur faces and edges to be joined must be cleaned just before joining to remove the surface protection as well as any dirt or oxide present” Chemical cleancrs commonly used for magnesium alloys are given in Table 2.8. Oil, grease, and wax are best removed by either washing with organic solvents or vapor degreasing in a chlorinated hydrocarbon solvent.> Subsequent cleaning in alkaline or emulsion-type cleaners is recommended to be sure that the surfaces are absolutely free of oil or 2. For aditional informarion on cleaning refer to “Surlsee Clean ing, Finishing, and. Costing” Metals’ Handbook, Vol. 5. 3th Bd Metals Patk, Ohio: American Society or Metals, 1982 3. Vapors of these solvents are toxic. For addons information, tefer to ANSUASC 249.1 Safety bv Welder, Cutting and Allied Pro ‘esses, Miami: American Welding Socery (test editon SS Table 2.8 Chemical Cleaning of Magnesium Alloys Tipe of Treatmont Composition of Solution ‘Method of Application Uses Alkaline ceerer Sodium carbonate 30x (8am) to 10minimmersionfol- __Usedtoremmove olan Sodium nydroxide 202157 gm) lowed by cold waterrinse greases, es well es old Waterto make igel(@8l) andairdy. chrome picker dichromate Temperature 190-212 °F (87-100°C), coatings. Salton i or greater Brghtpickie Chromic acid 1.51b(680. 9m) 62510 3minimmersionfol- Used ater degreasing to Ferric nfvate 5307150 qm) lowed by cold and hatweter prepare surfaces for welding Potassium flusde 0502(142 9m} rnsoand ardry. and brazing. Ges bight Waterto make 1 gal. (8.8L) clean surfaces resisartto Temperature 60-100 °F (16-38 °C), ‘amish, Spotwoldcleaners No. 1 Bath Immerse025-1minin No.1 Used after degreasing to Conc. suture acid 134102138 mL} bath. Rinsoin coldwaterFol- remove axe ayer and pre- Waterto mako gel(G8U) low byimmersinginether pare surface for spot wal Temperature 70-90°F(21-32°C)_No.2orNo.Shath ForNo.2 mg. Gveslaw consistant No. 2 Bath bath immerse 3minandfol- surfaceresistance. CChroric acid 1.51b(680.qm) ow by cold water rinse and Cone. sufi acid DO7f,o2(21 mL) airdry. ForNo. beth, Waterta make Tgel(28L) immerse 05min folawedby Temperature 70-90°F (21-32°C) cold water rinse and airy No. 3 Bath Chromic acid 03302 (84 om! Waterto make Tg! G81), Temperaure ‘70-90°F (21-32 °C) Fuxremover clean Sodium dichromate 0.51b (23am) 2hourinmersioninboiing _Usedaterhotwater cleaning Water to make 1 gal(33L) —bath,folowed bycodand and chrome peng to Temperature 180-212 $F (@2-100°C)hotweter nse ard airy. remaveorinbiteny thx par tidlestemsiing ramwaldng orbraing, ‘Chrome pickle Sodium dichromate 1.51b(680.qm) _Q5to2minimmersion holdin Used es paintbese andfor MILV-3171 Type Cone. ritic acid 24f1. ca (710ml) sirSs,folowedty cold and surface protection. Second AMS 2675, Watertomaie gal (38U) ”—hatwetercnse and ai‘or —_stapinfluxremeovel Applied Temporature 7090°F (21-32 °C) forced ry ax Z50°F with brush for touch-up of (121°C) When brshed on, ‘alow min before rinse. Welds and veatment olarge stuctues. EEE oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 AWS WHB-3 CHe2 *x MM 0784265 OSObbS0 839 Mm 130 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS ‘grease. Alkaline (caustic) cleaner will also remove previ usly applied chemical surface treatments. Cleaners of this type that are suitable for steel are generally satisfac- tory for magnesium, Cleaning may be by either the immersion of the electrolytic method. Thorough water rinsing, preferably by spray, is necessary after alkaline cleaning to avoid degradation of subsequent acid chem- ical baths used to treat the parts. After all oil ot other organic material has been removed, the part or joint is ready for chemical or ‘mechanical cleaning. A bright pickle will produce suit- able clean surfaces for welding. A final mechanical cleaning is preferred for most critical production appli- cations to ensure uniform surface cleanliness. Stainless steel wool or a wire brush is recommended. Wire brushing should not gouge the surface. For resistance spot welding, chemical cleaning is preferred to provide a uniformly low surface resistance (see Table 2.8) If neutralization is desired after chemical cleaning and prior to rinsing, a water solution of 6.5 oz/gal (49 gm/L} of sodium’ metasilicate, operating at 180 °F (82 °C), may be used. After cleaning, special care must be taken to protect the components from contamina- tion during all subsequent handling operations. Any oxide film or smut deposited on the surface of weldments may be removed by wire brushing or by chemical treatment in a water solution of 16 oz/gal (120 ‘gm/L) of tetrasodium pyrophosphate and 12 ozlgal (90 grw/L) of sodium metaborate operating, at 180 °F (82°C), ARC WELDING APPLICABLE PROCESSES "THE GAS TUNGSTEN are and gas metal are welding processes are commonly used for joining magnesium alloy components. Inert gas shielding is required with these processes to avoid excessive oxidation and entrap- ‘ment of oxide in the weld metal. Processes that use a flax covering do nor provide adequate oxidation protection for the molten weld pool and the adjacent base metal. JOINT DESIGN JOINT DESIGNS SUITABLE for gas shielded are weld ing are shown in Figure 2.1. The thickness limitations for welding these joint designs are given in Table 2.9. Because of the high deposition rate of the gas metal arc welding process, @ root opening, a beveled joint, or both, should be used to provide space for the deposited metal, Increasing the travel speed to maintain a conven- tional bead size is not acceptable because undercutting, incomplete fusion, oF inadequate penetration may result. ‘A backing strip is employed when welding sheet ‘metal components to help control joint penetration, root surface contour, and heat removal. Magnesium, aluminum, copper, mild steel, or stainless steel is employed ‘as a backing material. When a temporary backing strip is used, the root side of the joint should be shielded with inert gas to prevent oxidation of the root surface. The gas is supplied through holes in the back- ing strip. In those instances where a backing strip can- not be used because of space limitations, a chemical flux of the type used in oxyfuel gas welding is some- times painted on the root side of the joint ro smooth the oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 root surface and to control joint penetration, Chemical fluxes must be completely removed after welding to avoid corrosion problems. FILLER METALS THE WELDABILITY OF most magnesium alloys is good when the proper filler metal is employed. A filler metal with a lower melting point and a wider freezing range than the base metal will provide good weldability and minimize weld cracking. The recommended filler ‘metals for various magnesium alloys are given in Table 2.10. ER AZ61A or ER AZ92A (Mg-AL-Zn) filler metal may be used to weld alloys of similar composition and also ZK21A (Mg-Zn-Zr) alloy. ER AZ61A filler metal is preferred for welding wrought products of those alloys because of its low cracking tendencies. On the other hand, ER AZ92A filler metal shows less crack sensitivity for welding the cast Mg-Al-Zn and AM00A (Mg-Al) alloys. The deposited metal will respond to the precipitation heat treatments applied to the repaired casting. ER AZI01A filler metal may also be used to weld those casting alloys. ER EZ33A (RE-Zn-Zs) filler metal is used to weld wrought and cast alloys designed for high-temperature service, either to themselves or each other. The welded joints will have good mechanical properties at elevated temperatures, ER AZ92A filler metal is recommended for welding the room-temperature service wrought and cast alloys together or to one of the wrought or cast elevated- temperature service alloys. It will minimize weld crack- ing tendencies. ER EZ33A filler metal should not be AUS WHB-3 CHx2 x MM 0784265 OSOLLSL 775 mm MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS 131 \eay — -{lnee \ ee, t F 14 sooe4 \ 4 | t Btoc (A) Square-Groove (€) Double-v-Groove ‘ae Some Bune eine | J--Atoc ™ i \ 7 I fr a Bene (D) Filet Comer Joint ——_—E)Single-Bovel-Groove Crmet le Taint Single Wola we FioH oe Tf | \ EY \ rr j t rc ease : t t t (6) Squore-sroave (H Double-Bevet Groove (0 Lap Joint 1 Saiee Boubte Wold i he Creare Gra iin. 2 mn), oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 AUS WHB-3 CHx2 x MM 0784265 OSOLL92 Ol Ml MAGNESIUM ALLOYS 182 MAGNESIUM AND ‘om sig popam aq sowasn xaeUUDOUeURRUISO;NL “2 uBsep ol umdondde oun, ZamniyeLoay nod 42000 Ver A pamate UI S6 Se Jams oMOd 400 0 VSL HH 0 Janos N39Q.20 2 0 YE Yam Pom ae UmsEury SEB Avge sig pu sacn2e Bu poo uo paseg © emer sequeW.2uNg so'ssauyoun sown ay sjenba de usym paeago '1sjuol papas 2}gnop uo osu URS uruneyy Spetiagyyazs uodnspuedep — (0) (wor) (WO) (UO) —_ >) (uuygD) (9) ug) (ww tnbuans welce|pepeM-aqrepo-apus SION ZOE EEO. ION “UNSC BION OHO owo or vuovenavet woop] Sunder (a) (uu 6) (wu ze) fa) (ung) mug) Teurewrennuopesn oly pnnrianog SION UAE papuowwod9s30N ah aN ug wale oH -ungensued;uolon| un peseq sou (wurgl) (INS) (ww y2) ( uw (wa 91) ssaupm passbing ely popmmagneg yf ZEhS Zele wo oneaeed vol iy uopeseg (wus) (uwO'r) (uWwOY) (USL) (GD) (we) (ML LZL) go) (UN) (WH Fg) SUH SsenRMpARsEINS wor pepEMeGUS BE ES eS Lee wSOD MA USED“ “Sey. 4 ‘vawioo yuo ents s20np -a1g Supamaauuuioseuaeuyounuopesy — (2) (ws ¥'9) 2) (wwey (>) (wus) 9) (ug) Rietuoneaoued eu ssedqruio aus SiON U/L pepuowwionds IN ION "UISLIE SION USK © GION ‘wei 3 mba sizauoo arene AeroadsaBupjorn 589] saunbasy 3 weo|sawooanood 25n tununeew parsebBns UeIg (wu czy (wwey) (wwe) —(uys) wo) (ww ys) (wg) 204 yon vorenaved aun ss wzik wove Sie oo. a uossags obeys KAA EUW ORR —_ (0) (2) ww se) o) (ug) (9) (wang) Wo pesy Pann vonenaved asduo>sseduny) —sION PopuowwosesIoN SION YE = SON UB ON ule. 9 owes amu on'9 aol 3g pam anoasB-p-ajgnop aig osn NEL paiseCOns ve oxo eUaIEWUD FeUELeW YONG. (LL (wu ge) (uwey) (uwgg) (wwys) (wus) (ues ya) uo pesn pam vocenauod adunossedgriy| “U PepuswwoossioN URE USE «URE UN MBE UBL SessaupMeuaew smy6 (wu gg) {uwgy) juwgy) (MW yg0) (wu y}0) (ww ¢21) (wi yoo) (us yg) (ww ¥9'0) LOpESN Pamuonemauadamrduoa sedoiuS “ule "SLE "uStle “ULGZO ‘uso wzh wsz00 UR “use. y sweue ews (omy Gown wy brew fey iso Zpueiyfeads jose upper vos = ‘wor ‘wen Buena ay eM 5eD ‘oer Benny waRbiny sep ———$——. —__— iin strony wamisouseii SOT BopIeNN HY 20} SHORT eA Z Oe) SS oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 AUS WHB-3 CHx2 x MM 0784265 O50bb93 S48 mm ——— Table 2.10 Recommended Filler Metals for Arc Welding Magnesium Alloys Recommended Filer Metal* Alloys ERAZSIA ERAZS0A EREZSA ERAZIDIA Base Metal owt los 8 5 HVGIA MIA AMIONA ADA AaB Aas aDaA EKata, mA HSI ay KIA GHIA Zan Zag 210, ZBI * Refert ANSVAWS A518, Specticaton for Magnesixm Aloy Welding lecrodes and Rod x adtoalinfomation used for welding aluminum-bearing magnesium alloys because of severe weld cracking problems. Casting repairs should be made with a filler mezal of the same composition as the base metal when good color match, minimum galvanic effects, or good response to heat treatment is required. For these and other unusual service requirements, the material sup- plier should be consulted for additional information. ‘Typical base metal and_weld interface microstruc- tures of AZ31B-H24, HK31A-H24, HM21A-T8, and HIM3IA-TS alloys are shown in Figures 2.2 through 2.5. Three of these alloys, excepting HM21A, which had been recrystallized prior to welding, showed a sig- nificant amount of reerystallization and grain growth in the heat-affected zones. Radiographs of welds in alloys containing rare earths and thorium will often show segregation along the edges of the weld metal. This segregation is caused by incipient melting, in the base metal. A white line will show along the weld interface because of the x-ray oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS 133 Figure 2.2—4A) Microstructure of 1/8 in. (3.18 mm) ‘Thick AZ31B-H24 Magnesium Sheet (x250), {B) Microstructure of Weld Interface between the AZ31B Hoat-Affectod Zone and AZ61A Weld Metal (:100) [Base Metal to Right, Weld to Left} absorption characteristics of the rare earths and tho- rium segregated there. This type of microstructure is shown in Figure 2.6. PREHEATING ‘THE NEED TO preheat the components prior to weld- ing is largely devermined by the product form, section thickness, and the degree of restraint on the joint. Thick sections may not require preheating unless the joint restraint is high. Thin sections and highly restrained joints require preheat to avoid weld cracking. This is particularly true of alloys high in zine. AUS WHB-3 CHx2 ** MM 0784265 OSORES4 484 Ml 134 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLovS Figure 2.3_{A) Microstructure of 1/8 in. (3.18 mm) ‘Thick HK31A-H24 Magnesium Sheet (x250), (8) Microstructure of Weld Interface Between the HKS1A Heat-Affected Zone and E233A Weld Metal {x100) [Base Metal to Right, Weld to Loft] Figure 241A) Microstructure of 18 in. (3.18 mm) Thick HM21A-T8 Magnesium Sheet (x250), (B) Microstructure of Weld Interface Between the HIM21A Heat-Affected Zone and EZ33A Weld Metal (6100) [Base Metal to Right, Weld to Left] Recommended preheat temperature ranges for cast ‘magnesium alloys are given in Table 2.11. The maxi- mum preheat temperature should not exceed the solu tion heat-treating temperature for the alloy. Otherwise, the mechanical properties of the weldment may be altered significantly. ‘The method of preheating will depend upon the com: ponent size. Furnace heating is preferred, but large components may have to be preheated locally. The welding fixture also may have to be heated when join- ing thin sections to maintain an acceptable interpass temperature. An air circulating furnace with a temperature control of £10 °F (45.6 °C) is recommended for preheating oF castings. The furnace temperature should not cycle above the maximum temperature indicated in Table oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 2.11, A temperature-limit control set at 10°F above (5.6°C above) the maximum acceptable temperature should be provided to override the automatic controls. Solution heat-treated castings, or solution heat-treated and aged castings, can be charged into a furnace operat- ing at the preheat temperature without damage. They should remain in the furnace until they are uniformly heated throughout. Welding should proceed immediately after the cast- ings are removed from the furnace. It should be discon- tinued if the temperature of the castings drops below the acceptable minimum preheat. In that case, the cast- ings should be reheated in the furnace before proceed- ing with the welding operation. Castingscan be cooled in stil, ambient ar after welding without danger ofcracking, However,castingsof intricate AWS WHB-3 CHe2 xx MM O784265 OS0bb95 310 mm Figure 2.5{A) Microstructure of 1/8 in. (3.18 mm) ‘Thick HM31A-T5 Magnesium Extrusion (x500), (8) Microstructure of Weld Interface Between the HIMI31A Heat-Affected Zone and EZ33A Weld Metal design should be cooled more slowly to room temperature to avoid distortion from nonuniform cooling, GAS TUNGSTEN ARC WELDING 3AS TUNGSTEN ARC welding is used for joining magnesium components and repair of magnesium cast- ings. It is well suited for welding thin sections. Control of heat input and the molten weld pool is better than with gas metal are welding, Welding Current MAGNESIUM ALLOYS ARE welded by this process using techniques and equipment similar to those used oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS 135 Figure 2.6—Microstructure of the Weld Interface in an EZ33A Magnesium Alloy Casting Showing Pools ‘of a Eutectic (x100) [Base Metal is on the Right] for aluminum. They may be welded with alternating current or direct cu nt, Alternating current is pre= ferred because of the good arc-cleaning action. Conven- tional ac power of 60 Hz with arc stabilization or square-wave alternating current may be used. With square-wave alternating current, the electrode positive and negative periods are adjustable within limits. This type of power can provide adequate cleaning action as well as good joint penetration and ace stability. A sec- tion through a weld made with 60 Hz ac power is shown in Figure 2.7A). Direct current power with the electrode positive (DCEP) provides an arc with excellent cleaning action. However, it can only be used to weld thin sections because the welding current is limited by heating of the tungsten electrode. Joint penetration tends to be wide and shallow, as shown in Figure 2.7(B). Welds in rela tively thick sections are typified by low welding speeds, wide bead faces, and wide heat-affected zones with large grain size, Direct current electrode negative (DCEN) power is not commonly used for welding magnesium alloys because of the absence of arc-cleaning action. However, this type of power is sometimes used for mechanized welding of square-groove butt joints in sections up to 0.25 in. (6.4 mm) thickness. Careful preweld cleaning and good fit-up are needed to produce sound welds. DCEN power with helium shielding can produce nar- row, deep joint penetration, as shown in Figure 2.7(C) AWS WHB-3 CHx2 xx Ml 0784265 OSObLSb 257 Ml 136 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS ey Table 2.11 Recommended Weld Preheat and Postwold Heat Treatments for Cast Magnesium Alloys [Metal Temper Desired Temper ‘Alley Before Welding Aor Welding Weld Preheat™ Postwold Heat Treatment ‘AZGA Te Ta Heavy and unrestrained secions;rone orlocal. 15h at 70°F 168°C) Thin and restrained sections: 350-720°F(177-322°C) ThorT6 Te SameasforTaatove 15h at 70°F (988°C) pls Bh 405° (219°C) % TS Heavyandunrestained sectns:none arlocal 425° (219°C) Thin and restained sections: None 0 500°F (260°C) [Shmaxat300°F 250 C)) AZBIA ™ Tt Heavy andunresrained sections: none orlocal. Sat 70°F (416°C) ‘Thinand stained sections: 60-750 °F 177-398°C) azaic ™! Té —SameasforAZBIAT#above 5h at 70°F (16°C) Teor T6 TS Sameasfor AZBIAT4above 15hat7@0°F (416°C pusether 4h at 40°F 216°C} or 6h at °F (168°C) AZS2A ™ TA Same asfor AZBIA-T6 above O5hat7I0°F 410°C) ThorTs TS Sameas for AZBIA-T4 above OShat70-F (810°C) pus ether 4h at 500°F (260°) or 5h at 25°F (219°C), AMI00A, 6 6 —Sameastor AZBIA-T4 above 5h 70 F (6 -Chlus shat C5 F 219°C) EKHIA Thor T6 TS None 500°F(260°0)[L 5h maxatS00°F (260°C) 18h at 400° (204°C) % TS Naneto 80°F (260°C)|1-ShmaxcatS00°F (250°C)] 16h at4O0-F 04°C), £2338 Fors TS None $00°F(260°C) hmax at500°F (260°C}] Sh at 20°F 26 °C or2h at 65°F (829°C) pls hat 20°F (216°C) HKSIA —T4or T6 Te Nonet0500°F °C) 16h 2t400°F (204°C): or thateen sr (816°C) pus 6h at 40°F 204°C) W238 For TS TS None 00°F (260°C), ‘6h ateO0F (316°C) KIA F F None None ZENA ForT5 TS Nonetog00° (316°C), 2h at625 (29°C or 2h at 25°F (G23°C) ps 16h at 80°F (177°C) zHe2A ForTs TS None 600°F(316°C) Bh et 40°F (249°C); or 2h at 15 F (223°C) plus 16h at 80°F (177°C), 2KSIA For T5 TS Noneto800°F(316°C) 16h at 60°F (177°C or hat 625F (828°C) plus 16h at 80°F (177°C) zkeIA ForTS 15 None 600°F(316°C) Bh at30°F(U9°C) Thor Ts TS None to san °F (316°C) 2toS st 60°F 498°C) pls Bhat ‘5°F{128°O) _————————— ee * Tamporatures shonm are meximum alowabi,umace contol shoul be sts tempers das not cyte above maximum, oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 AWS WHB-3 CHx2 ex MM 0784265 OSObL9? 193 ml (A) AC Power (C) DCEN Power Figure 2.7—Cross Sections through Gas Tungsten ‘Arc Welds Made with Different Types of Power __in 3/6 in, (4.8 mm) AZ31B Magnesium Alloy Shielding Gases ARGON, HELIUM, AND mixtures of these gases can be used. The factors governing the selection of the shielding gas for magnesium alloys are che same as those for other metals, particularly aluminum, Electrodes PURE TUNGSTEN (EWP), tungsten-thoria (EWTh-1 oF -2), and tuagsten-zieconia (EWZr) clectrodes can be used with magnesium alloys. The selection depends pri- marily upon the eype of welding power and the welding oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Sot 05 fo: 1997 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS 137 amperage to be used. The tungsten-thoria electrodes should be restricted ro use with de power. Welding Conditions TYPICAL CONDITIONS FOR manual gas cungsten are welding of butt joints in magnesium alloys are given in Table 2.12. Conditions for automatic gas tungsten arc welding butt joints in two thicknesses of AZ31B magnesium alloy are shown in Table 2.13. The welding machine should produce balanced ac power for good operating characteristics. These data may be used as ‘guides for establishing joine welding procedures for a specific application, Welding of Castings GAS TUNGSTEN ARC welding is recommended for magnesium alloy castings. Welding is limited to the repair of defects in clean metal including broken sec- tions, sand or blow holes, cracks, and cold shuts. Repair welding is not recommended in areas containing .8t055 porosity or inclusions of oxide or flux. Castings that have been organically impregnated for pressure tightness or that may contain oil in pores should not be welded, Many castings are parts of aircraft structures that are heat treated to meet strength requirements These castings must be heat treated again if they are welded. Factors that need to be considered when welding castings include the type of alloy, previous thermal treatment, size and intricacies of sections, and degree of restraint. Alloy composition can be identified by desig nation markings on the castings. If not, a chemical or spectrographic analysis should be made. Castings can be welded in the as-cast, solution heat treated, or solution heat-treated and aged condition. However, the welding of some alloys in the as-cast con: dition is not recommended because of the greater risk of cracking and the possibility of grain growth in the weld zone during the long solution heat treating times required. The heat-treated condition of the casting before welding may influence the preheat temperature selection, Castings should be stripped of paint and degreased before welding. Conversion coatings should be removed from around defective areas with stainless steel wool o a wire brush. A rotary deburring tool is recommended for removing defects and preparing the area for weld: ing. Broken pieces should be clamped in position for welding. The appropriate joint preparation should be determined from Table 2.12. Where large holes or defective areas are to be filled with weld metal, a back- ing strip can be used to prevent excessive melt-through. The casting should be preheated if the section to be repaired is relatively thick or highly restrained by sur. rounding structure, Welding of broken pieces should AUS WHB-3 CHx2 ** MM O7842b5 OSObLS8 O27 Ml 138 WAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS el ‘Table 2.12 ‘Typical Conditions for Manual Gas Tungston Are Welding of Magnesium Alloys Thickness oit_ ool Curent (cn, —_Electode Diameter ‘Argon Fow* ‘Welding Rod Diameter in ‘mm Design’ Passes A in mm 1h Umin in om 0.040 0 at % vie 16 Tay 382 24 0.063 6 A 4 50 3a 24 2 87 332 24 0.080 20 At ® 382 24 2 BT 32 24 0.100 5 At 100 32 24 eal 3m 24 0.125 32 At 1B 32 24 iy w 32 190, a A 4 10 8 32 % OU 18 32 50 64 B 2 5 932 40 m 8a 18 32 15 a5 Bias) 15 932 40 m 84 5a 40 1378 95 Chae m0 316 48 a4 18 32 00 0? He A 5 52 40 84 52 40 500 127 c 2 % a6 48 2 84 8B 32 Square-groove butt, Oroat opening Snge-V groove btn, 15. (15m rotface 0 root oparing 6° miriam included V-bovel Doubie-Vgroove but cin, 33 in (24 rm rotface,Oroct opening, minimum ickaed V-bevel 2. Helum tiling wi reduce the welding curentabout 201030 Torum-baaring alloys wilrequie about 20% higher current. Table 2.13 Conditions for Automatic Gas Tungsten Arc Welding of Square-Groove Butt Joints in AZ3iB Magnesium Alloy WeldogSpeod Woking’ FlerMetlFeedRata? Encode Diane” —__—_—ArcLongth Toot reed Caen Power iain mvs A infin mms hme THiektess = 008i. (1.6mm) Acioaanced gg) gp NCH MEINE mms wave) a 102 Co) 9 a2 382 24 0.025 06 Ss b & 23 cys ete pe ty es m 5S & ae ie a acs mo om] ee ol rn eae nem eon Se me ea aes an ee Tiskness = 01900 48m cen em pS we 32 mss oter ob om om is wo ef ns AC (bal. wave) ue 144 xm 139, 73 V4 64 0.020 Os BoEN mw ts i Dae ie 83am beer 3 mea ie ee amt a. Wehhelumshiing 1b AZEWAor 232A ler metl of 18 (16m) meta exc where neta (sn Noe €. Pureoraicoi-tungstenfor ac orietunstenford poner 4 Maximum speed ora ably and reedom fom undarcuting , Fler metal dametris 4a2in. (24mm, oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 AUS WHB-3 CHx2 «x MM 0784265 0506699 Tob mm commence at the center of the joint and progress toward the ends. Medium-size weld beads are pre- ferred. Low welding current may cause cold laps, oxide contamination, or porous welds. High welding current may cause weld cracking or incipient melting in the heateaffected zone. The filling of holes is the most critical type of repair from the standpoint of cracking. The arc should be struck at the bottom of the hole and welding should progress upward. The arc should not be held too long in one area to avoid the possibility of weld cracking or incipient melting in the heataffected zone. The arc should be extinguished by gradually reducing the weld- ing current to zero with appropriate current controls. This will permit the molten weld pool to solidify slowly and avoid crater cracking. GAS METAL ARC WELDING ‘THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES for gas metal are welding (GMAW) of magnesium alloys are the same as for other metals. Welding can be done with this process at speeds that are two to three times faster than those with gas tungsten arc welding, Higher welding speeds reduce the heat input which, in turn, results in less dis- tortion and some improvement in the tensile yield strength of the joint. The higher filler-metal deposition rates reduce welding time and fabrication costs. Shielding Gases ARGON SHIELDING IS used for GMAW, Occasion- ally, mixtures of argon and helium are used to aid filler ‘metal flow and alter the arc characteristics for deeper joint penetration. Pure helium is undesirable for shield- ing because it raises the current required for spray arc transfer and increases weld spatter. Metal Transfer TYPICAL MELTING RATES for standard sizes of mag- nesium alloy electrodes using DCEP power are given in Figure 2.8, This figure shows the relationship between electrode feed rate and welding current for each size. It also illustrates the respective operating ranges for the three types of metal transfer used for GMAW. These are the short circuiting, pulsed spray, and spray transfer modes. The pulsed-spray operating region lies between the spray and short circuiting transfer regions. Without pulsing, the welding amperages between the shore cir- cuiting and spray transfer ranges would produce highly unstable globular transfer, which is nor suitable for ‘welding magnesium alloys. Like short circuiting transfer, spray transfer is only stable over a limited welding current range. Excessive oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS 139 welding current causes arc turbulence, which must be avoided. The approximate arc voltage ranges corre- sponding to each type of metal transfer are 13 to 16 V for short circuiting transfer, 17 to 25 V for pulsed spray transfer, and 24 10 30 V for spray transfer. Equipment THE EQUIPMENT USED for GMAW of magnesium alloys is similar to chat used for other nonferrous alloys. ‘An appropriate power source is used to produce the desired method of filler metal transfer. A constant cur- rent power source may be prefersed for spray transfer ar the lower end of the recommended current range for the applicable cletrode size. It will minimize weld spat- ter. A wire feeder with a “touch-start” or “slow run: feature is normally used with the constant current power. The power source for pulsed spray welding must be designed ro produce two current levels, Spray trans- fer takes place during the periods of high current and cceases between them when the current is low. Welding Conditions TYPICAL CONDITIONS FOR gas metal are welding various thicknesses of magnesium alloys are given in Table 2.14. These may be used as a guide when estab- lishing welding conditions for a specific application. The short circuiting transfer mode is used for thin sections, and the spray transfer mode for thick sections. Pulsed spray transfer is recommended for the intermediate thicknesses because there is less heat input than with continuous spray transfer. Recommended clectrode sizes for welding various thicknesses of magnesium alloys are given in Table 2.15) With both spray and pulsed spray transfer, the lowest welding cost is achieved with the largest applicable elec- trode. With short circuiting transfer, only one or two electrode sizes can be used to produce welds with good fusion and joint penetration Spot Welding ARC SPOT WELDING can be used to join magnesium sheet and extrusions ina variety of thicknesses. Welding schedules for suitable thickness combinations of AZ31B alloy are given in Table 2.16. These may be used as guides with other alloys. Commercially available gas metal arc spot welding equipment is suitable for magnesium alloys. A constant potential power source, DCEP power, and argon shielding are recommended. The strength of gas metal are spot welds may meet or exceed the strength of AUS WHB-3 CHx2 #x* MM 0784265 OSOb700 508 mm Mo WAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLovS ELECTRODE FEED RATE, mis eoop——2 1020000500 nto T T T T T T T & &/ 0=0128in. 3.2mm) 700 F— gsy D = 0.094 in. (2.4 mm) s3 © = 0.069n. 11.8 mm) 00 a & 500}- 4 5 47. (1.2mm) 2 sof 8 § g wl 8% z aor £F, age vo og | &/ . i ae [aoe eed Pewee me See ee | oa00 0600 ~~ Yoo 1200 ~~ 1400~—«1600~«800~—«=—«2000 ELECTRODE FEED RATE, in min Figure 2.8—Mielting Rates for Bare Magnesium Alloy Electrodes with Argon Shielding resistance spot welds. Postweld stress relief of gas metal are spot welds is required on all alloys sensitive to stress corrosion cracking, STRESS RELIEVING HIGH RESIDUAL STRESSES from welding or forming will promote stress-corrosion cracking in magnesium alloys that contain more than about 1.5% aluminum, Thermal treatments are used with these alloys to reduce residual stresses to safe levels to avoid this problem. Other magnesium alloys do not appear to be sensitive to this type of cracking. oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 Stress-corrosion cracking in welded structures usually occurs in the area adjacent to the weld bead. I is almost always a transcrystalline type of crack. Cracking may be delayed somewhat by painting, However, this will not ensure crack-free service for long periods and should not be substituted for stress relieving of the ‘weldment. Stress relieving can be accomplished either in a fur nace or with a torch, Furnace stress relieving is pre- ferred. The time and temperature necessary to stress relieve weldments of the various alloys and product forms are shown in Table 2.17. When a furnace is used, a fixture should be used to support the weldment during heating to prevent distortion and correct any warpage. ‘The temperature of large weldments should be moni- tored with thermocouples to make certain that all AUS WHB-3 CHx2 xx Mm O78 42bS OSOb70) 444 mm MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS 141 SS Table 2.14 ‘Typical Conditions for Gas Metal Arc Welding of Magi Alloys loctrode Welding? Nat Diarat Current Thickness pees ate Diemeter——__FeedRiato_Wohage_—uent ia mm Design Passes in mm infin ——muvs_——Pulso AeA Shon Circuitng Transfer 0.025 05 a 1 oD 0 593 - B B 0.040 19 A 1 poo 1p 230 m5 bk 0.063 18 a 1 006s 18 185 783 - un 0.080 2a IN 1 006318 25 10h ee aa 0125, 2 8 1 003824 135 572 nc) 0.160 4a 8 1 003824 185 639 ne] 0.190 4B B 1 ose 24 25 868 ee bea Pulsed Spray Transfer 063 6 A 1 DoT. wo 5 2 015 32 A 1 os 1B 20 119 5 io 0390 48 A 1 0083 1B 15 Mh 2 OS 0250 64 c 1 Dose 24 m iB 5 nO Spray Tansfor 0250 64 ¢ 1 ao 1 530 2H 2 wo 0375 95 € 1 008824285310 a2-191 2430 320-350 0500 2 ¢ 2 003 24 320-30 135-152 2430 360-400 0.625 169 5 2 goss = 24 30-370 140-157 2430 370-420 1.000 aa 0 4 00324 80-370 140157 2430 370-420 $$ Argon shielding flow rat's 0100 fh (18907831 Lin) for short circuiting and pulsed spray 80-80 fh (236 to 37.8 L/min) for spray transfor. Are travel speeds 21036 n nin (2880387 mrs These condtons may also be used fr filet weésiniekresses of 25to in. tn 25.4) 2. A-Square groove ra rootopering 'B-Square groove, Q08in (23mm roc opening C- Single-V.groov, O06 (15mm eatopenine. 6 included.V 1 -Double--goove,013in {33mm rootopening, included V Average amperage with used spray transfer sections reach the proper temperature. In torch stress relieving, a temperature-indicating device should be used to avoid overheating, POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT WELDED CASTINGS ARE heat created to obtain desired properties. The appropriate postweld heat treat= ment depends upon the temper of the casting before welding and the desired temper after welding, as shown in Table 2.11. Because of the fine grain size and exten: sive dispersion of the precipitates in the weld zone, alu- rinum-bearing castings in the T4 or Té condition may be solution heat treated for relatively short heating times after welding, In the case of AMIOOA, AZSLA, AZ9IC, and AZ92A alloy castings, the” solution heat-treating time must not exceed 30 minutes. at oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 temperature to avoid excessive grain growth in the weld zone. A protective atmosphere must be used when the solution treating temperature is above 750 °F (399 °C) to prevent oxidation and active hurning of the weldment. The postweld heat treatments specified for the vari- ‘ous alloys will produce the best weldment properties and also stress relieve castings to prevent cracking, Ifa postweld solution or temper heat treatment is. not required, aluminum-bearing castings should be stress relieved, WELD PROPERTIES TYPICAL TENSILE STRENGTH properties at room and elevated temperatures are given in Tables 2.18 and 2.19, respectively, for gas tungsten arc welds. in AUS WHB-3 CHx2 xx Ml 0784265 OSOL702 380 142 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS Table 2.15 Recommended Electrode Sizes for Gas Metal Arc Welding of Magnesium Alloys ‘Applicable Base Metal Thickness Range Electrode Diameter ‘Short Circuitng ansfor Pulsed Spray Transter* ‘Spray Tansfer™ in om in ‘om _ 0080 19 008-006 1523 016-025 41-84 0.085 ul 004-007 1830 018-025 «48-84 0.053 18 06-008 2564 020-030 I-78 0098 24 003-0:19 5-79 2030 278 * Pulsed pray and spray transfor tickness schedules shoud provide good weking chractoss at minimum llr metal cost. Table 2. ‘Typical Conditions for Gas Metal Are Spot Welding of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy Sheet Beorode Welding Shear Curent = Ar Weld Diameter” _ CEP], Voage, Time, ___Stength__ == inom v Cycles! That NS pot oo 10 000 23° 000 +10 + 226 9070 40-1085 78-4826 mmo 24287601190 3405-5295 om 32 0010 38 DSI TaT9.BI3B mo 8 228M) H6O-ITI0 2045-7806 10 48m 8D 80-1288 222-5627 mo 2 HD 8O-1725——BDI-7672 0063-18 = 0068 18m] % sos) a-sg 1548-3054 oo 23 ootd 1 a TIO. THIS m5 4245 380-850©——1001-3781 01 32 200 2H HN] IS-T1BS 7281-5182 25 278 NM aO-1M0——1023-5880 0760 64 «= 0omd40 200 28S MONOD 0B] 112 3014 me Im 30200028 BH 0 23 00m «23M Hmmm SI-T129 aaa sare Os 1828 28-28) STH-IO7 1387-4795 ar 32 (008318 HOST xO RIS-ATIS 0 8] OHDOT 010 4800s HOD a0-1700 1280-7562 soo 278 mM 200-1700 890-7582 ars 320532285 Tom aators ©2580-7450 3024250801387) Sze saK7 ane 40 oo 2k O22 HIM] BIE. 40 426 a) 40-1600 28HT-7116 oro 48 002k OH I] 01800 ABT m5 428 SH 270-1640 1200-7285, 0158 4008640028375 Ba 57-1837 300-6992 O10 48 ©0190 4B 0H Th 8 wD 82-137. 5RS 00 24-25 so as-1194 3794-5311 8 ABIAclecrode b cone oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 AUS WHB-3 CHx2 ** MM O784265 0506703 217 ml AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS 143 Castings pai oan) Tenpernre Tine, Tine, Aloy Fin Alloy +t min boy Fin ‘AMMioos” “500—760—=—S«GSCAIB COSC SCION SCSCRO SCS AA 500260 AIB HA 50049) SOD 28D AA 500 80M S00 2501S D801 azic 500 260M 400 0h) AMMA SOO 28] AOA 500260 G)HAGTAHA 60031630 AMMA TS © ODD = = = = HMeAT 750 33 30 HMGATS «= mot = — = = = Mae 5006015 =o = = = ae mw = = = = = = = = Were 500 5 SS Table 2.18 ‘Typical Tensile Properties of Gas Tungsten Arc Wolds in Magnesium Alloys at Room Temperature ‘iloy and Filer Yield Strengt™ Elongation in Joint ficiency, Temper Metal 2in (BY, % Sheet AIG AZBIAAZIIA 35-98 241-248, 17-19 7131 0.1 5.97 AZIGHO — AZBINAZIA 36-37 248.255, 19.22 131182 5 85-38 HSIA Hoe EZE3A 3132 Baza 022 138-182 M4 82.84 Htana-TE EZ33A 3113-214 19.20 131138 24 20.89 ZENATS ZESIA 30 207 2 138 4 109 2H62ATS ZH62A 38 262 % m 5 3 Extrusions AZIOAF = AZBIA,AZWA 92-98 N-208 15-18 103-128 63 91-34 ABIBF = AZBIA,AZSZA SEAT 248-285, 18:22 131-182 57 95-37 ADIAF = AZBIAAZSZA 38-40 (262-276, 21-24 45-165, 67 84-39 AOA ‘AZBIA 3640 248-278 2.2 182.179 35 7432 ava 5 ‘AZBIA BHO 4278 24.28 165183 2 8273 HMGIACTS E2334, B31 183.210 19-24 131-165 12 6470 AA ADSI AZAD I DH 7 Ww 45 7831 Castings AZA,AZINNA 31 24 = = 2 7 AZIOIA 4 24 8 0 8 & AZIIA 5 21 8 110 2 a ‘AZS2A 3 2 a M5 2 @ £2334 2 45 6 M0 2 100 HASTA 2 200 16 10 3 ca HZ32A 2 200 0 WT 5 a E2330, B 158 8 5 10 00 ass * a2tbaftsetn Zin (1 mm) gaugelength oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 AUS UHB-3 CH¥2 xx MM 0784265 0506704 153 mm 144 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS Table 2.19 ‘Typical Elevatec Temperature Tensile Properties of Gas Tungsten Arc Welds in Magnesi Filer —_TesTemporaure__TensileSuongth __Yekt Sent’ ongatonin Alloy’ Metal + c si MPa MPa 2in.1mm)% ‘Sheet HKSIA-H28 —FZ3A 400208 a 145 8 0 8 8 so 316 8 % 10 8 m4 100 HM2IAT8 EZ33A 400208 wt 2 8 18 100 600 318 “4 9 10 8 4 93-100 Extrusions HMSIATS —Z33A 400208 a 14 2 ® 2 a 0316 13 90 a 62 a 2 Castings EZRATS —EZSA 400208 13 BT n 6 8 » 0316 " 76 7 8 50 2 HKGIA-TS HKSIA® = 400208 1B Tm " 6 2 @ 00316 1 103 4 & B B HZS2A-TSHza2A® 400208 331 8 % 2B 100 60318 2 8 10 8 % 2 1. Weldrenforcement removed 1. loys desianed fr elevated tempereue sence. © EZZGAfiler meta ill give ouivalentjoint sents. 14. 02% osetia Zin. (1 mn gauge lent wrought and cast magnesium alloys. Properties of joints and base metal combinations. The strengths of welds in made by gas metal arc welding are similar to or slightly most magnesium alloys are near those of the base higher than these strengths because of the reduced heat metals. This may be shown by comparing the tensile input, Table 2.20 gives che tensile properties of magne- strength data in Tables 2.18 and 2.20 for welded joints sium alloy weld metals produced hy several filler metal with similar data for the base metals in Table 2.5. el Table 2.20 Tensile Properties of Magnesium Alloy Weld Metals Produced From Various Filler Motal and Base Metal Combinations Unimate Tensile Strength “Tensile Yield Strength™ Utne Tensile Strength _TensleVil¢Stergt”__ongationn FilerMeal Base Metal 16 Ma isi MPa____Zin mk AZBIA AZ3IB HS 26 145 100 100 AZA AZ3IB 368 258 183 130 a EZ32A HKGIA 20 2 8 1% 60 EZ334 HMIA 268 185 188 137 35 E2338 HMDA 500 2 212 16 a3 HASTA HMBIA 260 173 138 % 105 HRSA HMA 210 188 138 8 133 * (02% ffotn Zin (51 men) qaugelongth oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 AUS WHB-3 CHx2 x MM 078425 0506705 097 mm When the base metal is in the strain-hardened condi tion, recrystallization and some grain growth will take place in the hear-affected zone during welding. The heat-affected zone will then be weaker than the base MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS 148 metal, and sometimes have lower strength than the weld metal. The later is due to the fine grain size of the weld metal. The grain sizes of AZ6IA, AZ92A, and EZ33A weld metals are shown in Figure 2.9 (€) E233 Figure 2.9—Typical Weld Metal Microstructures of Three Magnesium Alloys [:250, Phospho-Pleral Etch] RESISTANCE WELDING SPOT WELDING MAGNESIUM ALLOY SHEET and extrusions can be joined by resistance spor welding in thicknesses ranging from about 0.02 t0 0.13 in. (0.5 to 3.3 mm). Alloys rec: ommended for spot welding are MIA, AZ3iB, A761A, HK31A, HM21A, HM31A, and ZK60A. Spot welding is used for low-stress applications where vibration ts ow or nonexistent. Magnesium alloys are spot welded using procedures similar to those for aluminum alloys. Preweld Cleaning CAREFUL PREWELD CLEANING js essential for the Production of spot welds of consistent size and sound- ness. A uniform electrical surface resistance of about 50 microhms or less is necessary to obtain consistency, Chemical cleaning procedures for spot welding are Biven in Table 2.8, Chemically cleaned parts will main tain a low, consistent surface resistance for about 100 hours when stored in a clean, dry environment. How- ever, the rime between cleaning and welding for critical Copy bythe Artan Weng Sock he Sas aia 57 applications should be limited to 24 hours, Mechani- cally cleaned surfaces will develop progressively higher, inconsistent surface resistance after 8 t0 10 hours. For best results, mechanically cleaned material should be spot welded within this tie. Equipment BECAUSE OF THE relatively high thermal and clectrie conductivities of magnesium alloys, high welding cur. rents and short weld times are required for spot weld ing. Spot welding machines designed for aluminum alloys are suitable for magnesium. As with aluminum, very rapid electrode follow-up is required to maintain Pressure on the weld nugget as the metal softens and deforms rapidly. For this reason, low-inertia welding machines should be used. A dual force system is not required for spot welding magnesium alloys. However, dual electrode force is sometimes used to reduce inter. nal discontinuities by applying a higher forging force on the nugget during solidification. Timing of this forging force application is important for it to be beneficial. AWS WHB-3 CHx2 4 MM 0784265 OSOL70b T2b i 146 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS Electrodes SPOT WELDING ELECTRODES for magnesium alloys should be made of RWMA Group A, Class 1 or Class 2 alloy. The faces of the electrodes must be kept clean and smooth t© minimize the contact resistance berween the electrode and the adjacent part, Cleaning should be done with an electrode dressing tool with the proper face contour covered with a very fine polishing cloth of 280-grit abrasive coarseness. Electrode life between cleanings is limited by the transfer of copper to the adjacent part and subsequent sticking. The number of welds that can be produced between cleanings depends upon the electrode alloy and cooling efficiency, the method of base meral_ cleaning, the magnesium alloy composition, and the welding con- ditions. Table 2.21 shows the relative effectiveness of mechanical and chemical surface preparations on elec- trode life for some magnesium alloys. Chemical clean ing will give better electrode life than cleaning by wise brushing, The proper cleaning solution must be used for the magnesium alloy to be welded. In any case, the longest elecrrode life will be obtained when the welding conditions produce a weld nugget no larger than that necessary to meet design strength requirements. Copper pickup on the spot weld surfaces increases the corrosion susceptibility of magnesium. Therefore, the copper should be completely removed from the surfaces bya suitable mechanical cleaning method. The presence ‘of copper on spot welds ean be determined by applying 110% acetic acid solution. A dark spot will form if copper is present on the surface. Joint Design THE JOINT DESIGNS for spot welding magnesium alloys are much the same as those for aluminum alloys. ‘Minimum recommended spot spacing and edge distance for the location of spot welds are given in Table 2.22. ‘Where two unequal thicknesses are to be spot welded, the thickness ratio should not exceed 2.5 0 1 With three thicknesses, the thickness variation should not exceed about 25 percent, and the thickest section should be in the center Welding Schedules ‘THE FOLLOWING ARE important factors that must be considered when developing a welding schedule: (1) Dimensions, properties, and characteristics of the alloys to be welded (2) Type of welding equipment to be employed (3) Joint design ‘A welding schedule can be established for any partic- ular combination of these. Typical schedules for spot ‘welding magnesium alloys with four types of equipment are given in Tables 2.23 through 2.26. These data are intended only as guides in establishing schedules for specific applications. The welding and postheat currents are approximate values. The magnitude of the welding current is adjusted, by transformer taps, phase shift heat control, or both. To obtain the required current, simply start with a low value of weld heat and a corresponding percentage of postheat. The current is gradually increased until the Gesired shear strength, nugget diameter, and penetration are obtained. In some cases, it may be necessary to re- adjust the weld time to achieve the desired properties. ‘With single-phase ac equipment, welding current may be determined by primary or secondary measurement methods. The nugget diameter and the minimum indi- cated shear strength given in Table 2.24 should be LS ‘Table 2.21 Effect of Surface Preparation on Spot Welding Electrode Life with Magnesium Alloys ‘of Spot Wels? _______Spot Weld Gleaner? ___ Alloy Bloctrade Classification” Wire Brushing Noz Nos ABB Class 1 30 over 200, ‘over 880 AZ Glass 2 15 50 my HSI Class 2 0 400 195 NDIA Class 2 5 80 5 —_—— see 2 WMAG pA ‘Between decode cleanings «6. RefertoTeble28fr soliton sompostions. Cony by he Arron lla Soc he ‘Sat dul 05 10.41:49 1997 a See AUS WHB-3 CHx2 x Ml 0784265 0506707 962 mm MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS 147 SS Table 2.22 ‘Suggested Spot Spacing and Edge Distance for Spot Welds in Magnesium Alloys ———_Spotspacing eee Els Diet aaa Thickness Minima Nominal Minimum Nominal in mn in tm in mm inom in om m0 «Os 05 ea 050 127 022 58 031 73 000508 05 64 050, 127 022 58 031 73 002 8 031 73 082 157 025 84 036 a1 0.080 10 038 37 075 190 028 n 038 a7 0.050 13 o4e n2 030-203, 031 73 oat 104 0.063 16 050 127 100 54 038 97 048 122 ooo 20 063, 160 12 037 aa n2 oo 137 0 25 088 223 15038 oar 1g 056 42 015 32 094 238 15 MS 056 142 087 170 "“Thinersecicnfthckrasses are unequal ‘obtained when the measured welding current is within 5 percent of the listed value. ‘When dual electrode force is used, timing of applica- tion of the forging force is very important. Ifthe forging force is applied too late, the temperature of the nugget will be too low for this higher force to consolidate the ‘nugget. Ifthe forging force is applied too soon, the nug- Bet size may be t00 small or the electrode indentation excessive. Insufficient electrode force may cause weld metal expulsion, internal discontinuities in the nugget, surface burning, or excessive electrode sticking. Exces- sive electrode force is evidenced by deep electrode indentation, large sheet separation and distortion, or unsymmetrical weld nuggets. Weld nugget diameter and penetration can be deter mined by sectioning through the center of the nugget. ‘The exposed edge is polished, and then etched with a 10% acetic or tartaric acid solution. Penetration should be uniform in equal sheet thicknesses. If not, subsequent welds may require the use of a smaller electrode radius against the side with the lesser penetration. It also may be necessary to clean the electrodes more frequently or the part surfaces more thoroughly. When spot welding dissimilar alloys, differences in thermal and electrical conductivities can be compen: sated for by using an electrode with a smaller radius in contact with the alloy that requires the higher heat input, For example, to center the weld nugget in a joint between equal thicknesses of MIA and AZ31B sheets, a smaller radius face should be used against the MiA alloy. Joint Sealing SPOT WELDED ASSEMBLIES can be given either a chrome pickle or a dichromate treatment, followed by painting and finishing as desired, Where sealed joints oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 are required or the weldment is to be exposed to a cor rosive atmosphere, a suitable sealing compound should be placed between the faying surfaces of the joint before welding. Several proprietary compounds are available for this purpose. Sealers should not be so viscous as 10 prevent metal-to-metal contact when the electrode force is applied, Welding should be done soon after applying the compounds, and frequent tests should be made to monitor weld quality. Joint Strength TYPICAL SHEAR STRENGTHS for spot welds in sev- eral thicknesses of three magnesium alloys are given in Table 2.27. Although higher shear strengths are readily obtainable, chese values represent the average strengths for welds of maximum soundness and consistency. SEAM WELDING SEAM WELDS CAN be made in magnesium alloys under conditions similar to those requieed for spot weld- ing, Shear strengths of about 750 to 1500 Ibfin. of seam (130 t0 265 Nimm of scam) can be obtained in MIA alloy in thicknesses. of (0.040 to 0.128 in. (1.0 t0 3.3 mm). Strengths of seam welds in AZ31B alloy sheet material are approximately 50 percent highe: FLASH WELDING FLASH WELDING EQUIPMENT and techniques simi lar to those used for aluminum alloys can be used for ragnesium alloys, High current densities and extremely rapid flashing and upsetting rates are required. Upset- ting current should continue for about 3 to 10 cycles (60 Hz) after upset. Special shielding atmospheres are AWS WHB-3 CHx2 x MM 0784265 0506708 879 ml 148 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS Table 2.23 ‘Schedules for Spot Welding Magnesium Alloys with Three Phase Frequency Converter Machines oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 Wii SneRse Witt Hig ‘2 Twooualtioinasses 1. Spherical radis-2cedalactodes on bo sides , Oyclesof OH AWS WHB-3 CHx2 #* MM 0784265 O50L709 735 mm MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS 149) Table 2.24 ‘Schedules for Spot Welding Magnesium Alloys with Single Phase AC Machines 6. OyslesotsaHe oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 AWS WHB-3 CH*2 xx Ml 0784265 OSO6710 457 Ml 160 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS nines > sopsgoq uo sopans2j poe} sniper jeouauds. 9 sissenjnnyenboom, ‘ou, fog PM Gy ‘oy epasz0q, Sn SouNyDeW 29Un2ey OC RIM AolTy wnIseUBEYY BLEZY OUIPIORA IOds 205 seINPOOS 92°7 11 TT sepsgoquo sopanaa peoeysnpeleauouds -P ah “poor Broa pass wBimesGsoNTedeD wal Fon wnBOUBOW BLEZY SUIPEM 0d 205 FOIE NNT py bythe rricon Weg Sock he Sat ul 05 ICis9 197 AUS UHB-3 CHe2 xx MM 0784265 0506713 393 mm MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS 151 SS Table 2.27 ingle Spot Welds in Wrought Magnesium Alloys ee ABB Cron MIA in mm in om b N b N ® N ‘0.020 05 O14 35 20 = = = 0.925 06 O16 41 2 © 1200 = = 032 08 018. 46 3301465 300135 = 0.080 10 020 51 401825 3751610 1600 9.050, 13 023 58 50 2355 50 M5 - 0.063, 18 027 69 70 35 7m 3200 2935 0.080, 20 031 13 20 ©3850 = as - i 0.100 25 034 86 neo 5250 — — — — 0125 32 038 97 10605 14906625 1m 55 Flash welds in AZ31B, AZ61A, and HM31A microstructures of various zones in a flash welded joint magnesium alloys have typical tensile strengths of 36, in an HM31A-TS magnesium alloy extrusion are shown, 42, and 38 ksi (248, 290, and 262 MPa), respectively, in Figure 2.10. with elongations of about 4 to 8 percent. The typical 7 f Renee Becca FSS. {C) Upset Metal [x2001 (0) Unaffected Figure 2.10—Flash Weld and Microstructures in HT ‘Magnesium Alloy Rod oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Sot 05 fo: 1997 AWS WHB-3 CHx2 x MM 0784265 0506722 227 mm 182 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS OXYFUEL GAS WELDING OXYFUEL GAS WELDING should only be used for emergency field repaic work when suitable are welding equipment is not available. Its use is restricted almost exclusively to simple groove welds where residual flux can be effectively removed. The repair welds should be considered only temporary until they can be replaced with aze welds or a new part can be putin service. FUEL GASES THE FUEL GASES most commonly used are acetylene or a mixture of about 80% hydrogen and 20% meth- ane. The latter fuel gas is well-suited for welding shects up to 0.064 in, (1.6 mm) thick because of its soft flame, For welding thicker gauges, acetylene is desirable because of its higher heat of combustion. The oxyacety lene flame may cause slight pitting of the weld sucface, but itis rarely serious enough to impair the strength of the weld. FLUXES: FLUXES SPECIFICALLY RECOMMENDED for oxy- fucl gas welding of magnesium should be used. These fluxes are prepared by mixing them with water or alco- hol to form heavy slurry or paste. They should be used soon after mixing, Prior to fluxing, the area to be welded should be cleaned to remove any ditt, oil, grease, oxide, or conversion coating. One flux composition suitable for welding with vari- cous fuel gases is a mixture of $3% KCI, 29% CaCl, 12% NaCl, and 6% NaF, by weight. Another mixture suitable only for oxyacetylene welding consists of 45% KCI, 26% NaCl, 23% LiCl, and 6% NaF. The sodium compounds in these welding fluxes will give an intense yellow color to the flame. Welders should use suitable eye protection and ventilation when using these fluxes. WELDING TECHNIQUE A LIBERAL COATING of flux should be applied to both sides of the joint and to the welding rod. If needed, the joint should be tack welded at 1 to 3 in. (25 to 76 mm) intervals depending upon the metal thickness. Al tack welds and overlapping weld beads should be remelted to float out any flux inclusions. Parts of rela- tively large mass should be preheated All teaces of flux must be removed from the weld- ment in hot water. Then, the weldment is given a chrome pickle, followed by immersion for 2 hours in boiling flax remover (see Table 2.8) OTHER WELDING PROCESSES — ELECTRON BEAM WELDING IN GENERAL, MAGNESIUM alloys that can_be are welded can also be electron beam welded. The same preweld and postweld operations apply to both processes. Close control of electron beam operating variables is required to prevent overheating and porosity at the root of the weld. The high vapor pressures in vacuum of magnesium and zinc in alloys contribute to this prob: lem. It is very difficule to produce sound welds in mag. nesium alloys containing more than 1% zinc. Beam manipulation may be helpful in overcoming porosity. ‘A photomicrograph of an electron beam weld in 0.25 in, (6.4 mm) thick HM31A-T5 magnesium alloy is shown in Figure 2.11 oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 STUD WELDING ‘THE GAS SHIELDED are stud welding process used for aluminum is also applicable to magnesium alloys. A ceramic ferrule is not needed. Helium shielding and DCEP power are used. The stud welding gun should be equipped with controlled plunge to avoid excessive spat- ter and undercutting of the base metal. ‘Typical conditions for welding 0.25 and 0.5 in. (6.4 and 12.7 mm) diameter AZ31B magnesium alloy studs to plate and the average breaking loads of the welded studs are given in Table 2.28. Figure 2.12 shows cross section through a stud weld. The soundness of magne- sium stud welds is, in general, very similar to that of aluminum stud welds. AWS WHB-3 CHx2 ex MM 0784265 0506723 1bb MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS 183 Figure 2.11—Electron Beam Weld in 1/4 in. (6.4mm) Figure 2.12—Typical Aro Stud Weld in AZS1B HIM31A-TS Magnesium Alloy Extrusion 10) Magnesium Alloy SS Table 228 ‘Typical Welding Conditions and Breaking Loads for AZ31B-F Magnesium Alloy Studs Joined to 0.25 in. (6.4 mm) AZ31B-0 Alloy Plate eres mS SEES ——_SuiDiameter Welding? Weld Time? —_tit_—_ Aig. Breaking Load _ im i CuremA cycles” in WN v4 64 15 6 W832 1530 68 ma 27 m5 0 We 32 $100 1825 ——— ees «8. OCEP poner and helium shilling Soe oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Sot 05 fo: 1997 AWS WHB-3 CHx2 x MM 0784265 0506724 OT2 mm 154 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS BRAZING BRAZING TECHNIQUES FOR magnesium alloys are similar to those used for aluminum alloys. However, the brazing of magnesium is not widely practiced. Furnace, torch, and dip brazing can be employed, but furnace and torch brazing experience is limited to M1A magne- sium alloy. FILLER METAL ONLY ONE MAGNESIUM brazing filler metal is cov- ered by specifications. It is BMg-1 filler metal having a nominal composition of 92% magnesium, 9% alumi- num, and 2% zine. Although it is similar to AZ92A magnesium alloy, the filler metal contains a small amount of beryllium to prevent excessive oxidation while it is molten. The brazing temperature range for this filler meral is 1120 to. 1160 °F (604 to 626 °C). Tris suitable for brazing only AZ10A, K1A, and MLA mag- nesium alloys. These alloys will be annealed when exposed to brazing temperature. PREBRAZE CLEANING AS WITH OTHER metals, all parts to be brazed should be thoroughly clean and free of burrs. All dirt, oil, or grease should be removed by vapor or solvent degreas- ing, Surface films, such as chromates or oxides, should be removed by mechanical or chemical cleaning, Abra sive cloth or steel wool is satisfactory for mechanical cleaning. Chemical cleaning should consist of immer- sion in hot alkaline cleaner and then in a suitable chem ical cleaner (see Table 2.8). FLUXES FLUXES USED FOR brazing magnesium alloys are chioride-based, similar to those used for oxyfuel gas welding, The composition and melting point of :wo suitable brazing fluxes are given in Table 2.29. BRAZING PROCEDURES Furnace Brazing ELECTRIC OR GAS furnaces with automatic tempera ture controls capable of holding che temperature within £5 °F (42.8 °C) should be used for brazing, A special atmosphere is not required. Sulfur dioxide (SO) or products of combustion in gas-fired furnaces. will inhibit brazing filer metal flow and must be avoided. oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 Table 2.29 ‘Composition and Metting Point ‘of Mognesium Brazing Fluxes Aplicable Brazing Approximate Processes Flux Composition, % ___‘Meting Point Torch XC 1000°F Natl B (638°C) uci B NaF 6 Torch, dip, KCL 425 730°F fumace Nacl 10 (88°C) ur a NaF 10 AF NaF 05 Parts to be brazed should be assembled with the filler ‘metal preplaced in or around the joint. Joint clearances ‘of 0.004 to 0.010 in, (0.10 to 0.25 mm) should be used for good capillary flow of the brazing filler metal. Best results are obtained when dry powdered flux is sprin- ed along the joint. Flux pastes made with water or alcohol will retard the flow of brazing filler metal. Flux pastes made with benzol, toluene, or chlorbenzol may bbe used, but they are more difficult o apply because the pastes are not smooth. Flux pastes should be dried by heating the assembly at 350 to 400 °F (175 to 205 °C) for 5 to 15 minutes in drying ovens or circulating air furnaces. Flame drying is not recommended because improper oxyacetylene flame adjustment may cause a heavy soot deposit. Brazing time will depend upon the metal thickness at the joint and the amount of fixturing necessary t0 posi- tion the parts. The time should be the minimum neces- sary to obtain complete filler metal flow with minimum diffusion between the filler and basc metals, One to two ‘minutes at the brazing temperature is sufficient Torch Brazing TORCH BRAZING IS done with a neutral oxyfuel gas or air-fuel gas flame. Natural gas is well suited for torch brazing because of its relatively low flame temperature. ‘The brazing filer metal can be placed on the joint and fluxed before heating, or it may be face-fed. Flux pastes can be made with either water or alcohol. Howeves, pastes made with alcohol give better results. Heat should be applied to the joint until the filler metal melts, AUS WHB-3 CHx2 xx Ml 0784265 OS0b715 739 mm and flows in the joint. Overheating of the base metal must be avoided. Dip Brazing DIP_BRAZING IS accomplished by immersing the assembly into a molten brazing flux held at brazing temperature, The flux serves the dual functions of both heating and fluxing. Temperature control should be accurate to within £5 °F (42.8 °C) of the desired braz~ ing temperature. Joint clearance should be from 0,004 t0.0.010 in, (0.10 t0 0.25 mm). Alter preplacing the filler metal, the parts should be assembled in a brazing fixture, preferably of stainless steel ro resist the corrosive action of the flux. The fx- tured assembly is preheated in a furnace to hetween 850 and 900 °F (454 and 482 °C). This is done to minimize distortion and the time in the lux bath, Immersion time in the flux bath should be relatively short because che MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS 155, parts are heated rapidly by the molten flux. For exam- ple, 1/16 in, (1.6 mm) thick sheet can be heated in 30 to 45 seconds. Large assemblies with fixturing may require immersion for 1 to 3 minutes. POSTBRAZE CLEANING COMPLETE REMOVAL OF all traces of flux from the brazement is required to avoid subsequent corrosion, Brazed parts should be rinsed thoroughly in flowing hot ‘water to remove the flux from the surface of the part. A stiff-bristled brush may be used to scrub the surface and speed up flux removal, The brazement is then given a one to two minute immersion in chrome-pickle, fol- lowed by 2 hours in boiling flux remover cleaner. The compositions of these solutions are given in Table 2.8. ‘The cotrosion resistance of brazed joints depends pri- marily upon complete flux removal. SOLDERING BARE MAGNESIUM ALLOYS can be soldered only by the abrasion and ultrasonic methods. These methods can dislodge the oxide film on the surfaces to be sol- dered. No suitable flax is available to semove this film and permit the solder ro wer the surfaces. Conventional heating methods, including soldering irons and gas torches, may be used. Soldering is not rec- ommended if the joint will be required to withstand moderately high stress. Soldered joints are low in strength and ductility. They also are unsatisfactory for service in the presence of an clectrolyte. The marked difference in solution potential between'a magnesium alloy and a solder can lead to severe galvanic attack. A suitable protective coating should be applied to sol- dered joints for good serviceability. SOLDERS THE SOLDERS LISTED in Table 2.30 are used for ‘magnesium, Lead-containing solders, such as the 50% tin-50% lead alloy, can be used, but severe galvanic attack may take place in the presence of moisture, The tin-zine solders have lower melting points and better wetting characteristics than the vin-zine-cadmium sol ders, but they may form joints of low ductility. The high-cadmium solders produce the strongest and most ductile joints. oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 SURFACE PREPARATION BARE MAGNESIUM SURFACES to be joined should be degreased with a suitable solvent and then mechani- cally cleaned immediately before soldering. A clean stainless steel wire brush, stainless steel wool, of alumi: num oxide abrasive cloth isa suitable cleaning tool Electroplated coatings on magnesium offer an excel- lent soldering base. A zinc-immersion (zincate) coating, the first step in plating magnesium, followed by a 0.0001 to 0.0002 in, (0.0025 to 0.0051 mm) thick cop- per plate over the zinc coating provides a solderable surface. Tin or silver plating also may be used for this purpose. Soldering of electroplated surfaces is carried ‘out using the procedures used for the deposited metal. Fusing a tin coating improves its protective value by flowing the deposited tin and sealing the pores. This technique consists of electroplating a 0.0003 to 0.0005 in, (0.0076 to 0.0127 mm) tin coating over the copper electroplate. The partis then immersed in a hot oil bath to flow the tin coating and close the pores. The process is being used on a large number of magnesium electronic parts to permit easy soldering JOINT TYPES FLUXLESS SOLDERING OF bare magnesium alloys is limited to filet joints and to the filling of surface defects AWS WHB-3 CHx2 xx MM 0784265 OSOb72b 975 186 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS Table 2.30 Solders for Magnesium Temperature Solidus liquids Composition. % * +t Use @Cd02n-1080 35 187 550 288 Lowtemperanir- below 00°F 149°C) s9Gd-10Zn 509 288 570 289 ——_‘Hightemperature- above 300°F (149°C) 802800 350 m 470 243 Mediumtemperature- below 30) (148°C) S18n92n 330 198 20 193 Highterperature above 30°F (149°C) Sna02n 330 198 a5 241 —‘Highterperature -above300°F (149°C) SnaD2n 330 198 592 311 Precoating solder S0Sna0Pb 381 188 m1 216 Fler solder an precoated surfaces @S0-202n 330 198 518 27) —__Procostng solder MSnBC6220 = = = Filer solder in noncritical areas of wrought and cast products prior the solder stick, soldering iron, or other tool on the to painting. Conventional solder joints can be used with magnesium under the molten solder to break up the solderable electroplated surfaces. ‘oxide film. The ultrasonic method of precoating utilizes a hot soldering bie vibrating at ultcasonic frequencies. ‘When in contact with the molten solder on the magne- PROCEDURES ei he aibeation : ce sium, the vibration causes an abrasive effect known as cavitation erosion. This action dislodges the surface BARE MAGNESIUM SURFACES must be precoated oxides and permits wetting, After the surfaces are pre- with a solder having good wetting characteristics, Sol- coated with solder, the joint can be soldered using a sol der coating with the friction method is done by rubbing dering iron, torch, or hot plate. PLASMA ARC CUTTING MAGNESIUM ALLOYS CAN be cut with a plasma hydrogen is recommended for automatic cutting. Typi- are cutting torch. An argon-hydrogen mixture is used cal conditions for automatic cutting are given in Table for the orifice and shielding gases. A mixture of 2.31. An exhaust system is needed because of the evor 80% argon and 20% hydrogen is recommended for iution of large amounts of fumes. ‘manual operation. A mixture of 65% argon and 35% oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 AUS WHB-3 CHx2 4 MM 0784265 0506717 40] mm MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS 157 SS Table 2.31 ‘Typical Conditions for Automatic Plasma Are Cutting of Magnesium Alloy Plates* — = Cating Speed ____Stieng Gas ow?” iam Curer(0GEPIAVologeV Wann mmf Umm —_—emars m 64 200 © 38 Mnmumfome wo ba ‘oo i} Be 8 Squarstew wo Ba ‘00 o mM om 3) 33 Mbamumspeea mar 20 ob 8 Minmum fine wie? im Bm Santee mop ‘s mt Hcp 1 Ba Fy 15 oe Mmmm 1 ee #0 a o % mw 7 Saarsew 1 Be ts Ey Bi Moree 2 a 50 1% B its i) Mime > ae 520 100 B 08 = Saaretew 2 eae 0 0 1c speed é as 50) 20 2 5 mot 6 twa 18 2s 2 i i» ‘ AZB1B magnesium aloy 1b. 65% argor-35% hydogen SAFE PRACTICES GENERAL SAFETY ISSUES are covered in Chapter 16, “Safe Practices,” in Volume 1 of the Welding Hand- book, 8th Edition, Welding fumes from commercial magnesium alloys, except those containing thorium, are not harmful when the amount of fumes remains below the welding fume limit of 5 mg/m’. Welders should avoid inhalation of fumes from the thorium-containing alloys because of the presence of alpha radiation in the airborne particles. However, the concentration of thorium in the fumes is sufficiently low so that good ventilation or local exhaust systems will provide adequate protection. This radiation concern, however, is primarily responsible for the dectine in use of the thorium containing alloys. No external radiation hazard is involved in the handling of the thorium-containing alloys. ‘The possibility of ignition when welding magnesium alloys in thicknesses greater than 0.01 in, (0.25 mm) is extremely remote. Magnesium alloy product forms will not ignite in air until they are at fusion temperature. ‘Then, sustained burning will occur only if the ignition temperature is maintained. Inert gas shielding during ‘welding prevents ignition of the molien weld pool oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 Magnesium fires occur with accumulations of grind- ing dust or machining chips. Accumulation of grinding dust on clothing should be avoided. Graphite-based (G-1) or proprietary salt-based powders recommended for extinguishing magnesium fires should be conve: niently located in the work area. If large amounts of fine particles, or fines, are produced, they should be col- lected in a waterwash-type dust collector designed for use with magnesium. Special precautions pertaining co the handling of wet magnesium fines must be followed. The accumulation of magnesium dust in a water bath also can present a hazard, Dust of reactive metals like magnesium or aluminum can combine with the oxygen in the water molecule, leaving hydrogen gas trapped in bubbly froth on top of the water. A heat source may cause this froth to explode. Some solvents, chemical baths, and fluxes used for cleaning, welding, brazing, or finishing of magnesium alloys contain chromates, chlorides, fluorides, acids, or alkalies. Adequate ventilation, protective clothing, and eve protection mast be used when working with these materials to avoid toxic effects, bums, or other injuries that they may cause. AUS WHB-3 CHx2 #* MM 0784265 OSOL728 748 Ml 158 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS APPLICATIONS MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM alloy welded applications, welding procedures, and joint designs (in Figure 2.1) are quite similar to those of other metals, especially aluminum and its alloys. As noted elsewhere in this chapter, attention must be directed ro reactivity (primarily oxidation) during welding, cracking duc to restraint, filler metal selection, welding and_ preheat procedures, and the welding process. Another impor- tant consideration is postweld behavior relating to galvanic and stress corrosion tendencies in service or after repair welding. The selection of a welding process is dependent on a variety of factors. Welding of wrought material is pri- marily done with manual and automatic gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) and gas metal arc welding (GMAW). The commonplace repair welding of castings involves manual GTAW, which can be carefully controlled to avoid restraint cracking and distortion problems. However, the selection of a welding process ‘or procedure often is influenced by considerations other than purely technical factors. Among these might be: (1) Quantity t0 be fabricated (short-run prototype or longer production run} (2) Whether or not tack welding can be used in place of more costly fixturing (3) In-house familiarity with applicable processes and procedures (4) In-house availability of desired processes and associated equipment The following three case studies are representative of welded magnesium applications.* TACK WELDING FOR SHORT-RUN PRODUCTION ‘TACK WELDS WERE used instead of fixturing to pos tion some of the component pieces to minimize tooling costs on short production runs of electronic deck assemblies. These assemblies were essentially two rect- angular boxes 2 by 2 by 4 in. (51 x $1 x 102 mm) as shown in Figure 2.13, Formed. sheet sections of (1.27 mm) thick AZ31B-H24 were tack 0.050 in. welded 4. These casestudies are provided courtesy of ASM International and ate adapted from the Metals Handbook, Vol. 6 3h Fd 431-34. ‘Metals Patky Ohioe American Society for Metals, 1983. oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 (A) AZ31B-H24 Deck Assembly R me Bn AFTER WELDING | serone weione (8) Detail B (in welding position) Va Or aN S SS (C) Detail ¢ (in welding pos ion) Note: h=2 in. (81 mml: w= 2in, (51 mm) ‘d= in, 102 mm); t = 0.080 in (1.27 ram Figure 2.13_Manual Gas Tungsten Are Welding of Electronic Deck Assembly AUS WHB-3 CHx2 xx MM O784265 0506719 684 mm (GTAW), using 1/16 in, (1.6 mm) diameter R AZ61A filler wire, The tack welds were 1/8 in, (3.2 mm) long and were spaced on 2 in, (51 mm) centers, starting at each corner. A tool plate and toggle clamp held the pieces for tack welding. Tack welds were not used to hold angle pieces. Welding of the assembled and tack-welded compo- nents was completed by manual GTAW under the con- ditions shown in Table 2.32. The corner joines were welded with continuous beads about 2 in. (51mm) long, and the flanged bottom of the top part of the assembly was joined to the sides with 1 in, (25 mm) long fillet welds. Extruded angle sections were fillet welded to the ends of the boxes with welds about 1 in, (25 mm) long (see Figure 2.13, Detail B). The assembly was repositioned manually so that all welds could be made in either the flat or the horizontal position. A standard alternating current power supply with a high-frequency arc stabilizer was used. Helium was selected as the shielding gas because a hotter and more stable arc was produced than would have been possible with argon shielding gas. Preheating was not used, but after welding, the assemblies were stress relieved at 350 °F (177 °C] for 3 1/2 h to prevent stress corrosion cracking. Welds were inspected visually. Table 2.32 Conditions for Manual Gas Tungsten Are Welding of Electronic Deck Assembly Jointypes Lap and comer ‘Wold ypes Fletand single-V-croove ‘Welding postions Horiortal and fat Preweld clearing Wire brushing Prebeat ‘None Fitures “ool plat and gale clamps ‘Shielding gas Helium, at 25, (118 Yin) Becrode (0040-1. d-mm) ameter EWP Filer metal ‘Vi6-n.(15-mm ciameter RAZEIAP arch 350A, watercooled? Powersupply ‘0A vansfonmer® Currert filet welds BAac Current, V-groove weds Aac Postweldhoattreatment, SOFT} or3 12H 2 Shin OTH ning od Ceramic nozle ©. Continuous uy with ighrequency oscilator oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM MACHINE WELDING OF EXTRUDED DOOR FRAMES AIRTIGHT DOORS FOR an aerospace application ‘were made by welding pancls of alloy AZ31B-H24 sheet to frames extruded from alloy AZ31B. The frames, which acted as stiffeners, also contained a ‘groove for an air seal. Cross sections of similar offset burt joints in two designs of door assemblies are shown asjoints A and B in Figure 2.14. The offset lip of the extruded frames provided a sin- gle-bevel groove butt joint and supplied backing for the weld; the lap joint on the underside was not welded. ‘The welding conditions are shown in Table 2.33, Although production quantities were low, machine gas tungsten are welding was used because weld quality was good and the equipment was available, Automatic travel ‘was obtained by mounting the welding equipment on the motorized carriage of a cutting machine. Differences in welding conditions for the two joints, shown in Table 2.33, resulted from operator choice or judgment. Both Procedures produced satisfactory welds, but the differ- ence in welding speeds would have been significant had production quantities been large. ALLoys 159 a Table 2.33 Conditions for Automatic Gas Tungsten Arc Welding ‘of Extruded Door Frames ont yp2 Ofsetbut Welatype Single boel groove Prewelé clearing Chrome suite pickle Wiking poston Fat Preheat None Shona 2 ‘Argon, 18h BSL foot argon, 1675 Yin) orjnt Bectode ‘Wein (82-mm) iomater BWP For mta ‘i6in (16mm) diameter ERAZBIA Torch ‘Weter cooled Powersupply OA sc HF seized) Carrene(ae TSAtorjont A125 AforjontB Wire feed rata inhi 75mm), “eave speed infin 84m} forjoatA, ‘Sin/nin G3mms)oroenB Postweldhestwostmont OFT V2h AUS WHB-3 CH¥2 xx MB 0784265 0506720 3Tb Mm 160 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS ' 45% tL 1 Y T JOINT & DETAIL WELDED ASSEMBLY (BEFORE WELDING) (A) Curved Airframe Door Design Upelirn r JOINT DETAIL (BEFORE WELDING) PANEL, WELDED ASSEMBLY (B) Straight Airframe Door Design Notes: 1. Frames are alloy AZ31B extrusions 2. Panels are alloy AZSB sheot 3 Filler matal is magnesium alloy ER AZ61A, 4 t= 1/16in. (1.8 mms Figure 2.14—Machine Gas Tungsten Are Welding of Extruded Door Frames REPAIR WELDING OF A JET ENGINE CASTING DURING AN AIRCRAFT jet engine overhaul, fluores- cent-penetrant inspection revealed a 2 1/2 in. (63.5 mm) Jong crack near a rib in the cast AZ92A-T6 compressor housing shown in Figure 2.15. The thickness of the section containing the erack ranged from 3/16 to S/16 oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 spproximately 3 ft (0.9m) in, (4.8 t0 7.9 mm). Repair welding was permissible, The welding conditions are shown in Table 2.34. The part was vapor degreased to remove surface grease and dirt and was soaked in a commercial alkaline paint remover. The crack was then marked with a felt-tip marker, and the part was stress relieved at 400 °F (204°C) for 2b, The erack was removed by slotting the flange through to the periphery. Each side of AUS WHB-3 CHx2 x MM 0784265 0506722 232 mm \ REPAIR WELD, L (A) AZ92A-T6 Housing th Repair Weld cot Ba BEFORE WELDING WELD METAL AFTER WELDING (B) Section B-8 Detail Notes: {Housing height, h = 9.33 in. (237 mim); dlemeter, d= 23.88 in. (555 mm, 2. Repair weld length L, 1s approximately 26 in. (64 mm) 2. Thickness, t= 318 to 5/16'n.(&8t07.9 mm; root opening, ro = 3192. (2.4 mm. Figure 2.15—Repair Welding of __ Compressor Housing oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS 161 Table 2.34 Conditions for Manual Gas Tungsten Are Welding ‘of Compressor Housing sointype Butt Weld ype (60° double-V-groove reper Shielding gas gon, 20¢/h 4 Uin)® Boctode 1/6n.(16-men) ameter BWTH-2 Filer metal ‘Wi6in,(16-mm) diameter RAZIOTA Torch ‘Water cooled Powersupply Sa Arnsomer with igh reueney staring Current Under 70 ac! Postwold stress elie 400° (204°C) for 2° Inspeetion Fuorescentpenevant 1. Avoused forbacking b. Currentwas regulated byafot switch Also preweld the slot was beveled to approximately 30 degrees from vertical to form a 60-degree doutble-V-groove. The area to be welded was cleaned with a power wire brush with stainless steel bristles. Manual welding was done using fas tungsten arc welding without preheating. The welding technique maintained a low-amperage are {less than 70 A) directed onto the base metal while filer metal was deposited on the sides of the groove, ‘working from the innermost point ourward. After a mol ten weld pool formed, the arc was weaved slightly while depositing a bead on the sides of the groove. During ‘welding, heat input was adjusted by a foot-operated cur ‘ent-control rheostat to maintain a uniform weld pool, After welding was completed on one side of the slot, the casting was turned over. Excess drop-through and areas of incomplete penetration were removed by grinding. The underside was then welded by the same technique used for the fitst side. After welding, the casting was stress relieved at 400 °F (204 °C) for 2 hand inspected by the fluorescent-penetrant method. AUS WHB-3 CHx2 xx Ml 0784265 O50b722 179 mm 162 MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS SUPPLEMENTARY READING LIST American Society for Metals. “Properties and selection: Nonferrous alloys and pure metals.” Metals Hand- book, Vol. 2, 9th Ed., 525-609. Metals Park, Ohio: American Society for Metals, 1979. “Welding, Brazing, and Soldering,” Metals Handbook, Vol. 6, 9th Ed, 431-4. Metals Park, Ohio: American Society for Metals, 1983. American Welding Society. Brazing Handbook, 4th Ed. 351-8, Miami, Florida: American Welding Society, 1991 ——. Recommended Practices for Resistance Welding, C1.1-66, 45-76, Miami, Florida: American Welding Society, 1966. ——.. Specification for Magnesium Alloy Weld. ing Electrodes and Rods, ANSUAWS AS.19-92 Miami, Florida: American Welding Society, 1992. Ayner, $. H., Introduction to Physical Metallurgy, 2nd Ed,, 498-507. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1974 Busk, Robert S. Magnesium Products Design, Chapter 5, 85-122. New York: Mareel Dekker, Inc. 1987, Fenn, R. W,, Jt, and Lockwood, L. F. “Low tempera- ‘ture properties of welded magnesium alloys.” Weld- ing Journal 39(8): 352s-65, 1960. Kenyon, D. M. “Arc behavior and its effect on the tung- sten are welding of magnesium alloys.” Journal of Institute of Metals 93: 85-9, 1964-65. oprah by the Ameian Nellg Soci Satu 05 Ceti 1997 Koeplinger, R. D., and Lockwood, L. “Gas metal arc spot welding of magnesium.” Welding Journal 43 (3): 195-201, 1964, Lockwood, L. F. “Automatic gas tungsten arc welding of magnesium.” Welding Journal 44(5): 2135-205, 1965. ———... “Gas metal are welding of AZ31B magne- sium sheet.” Welding Journal 42(10): 807-18, 1963. ——... “Gas shielded stud welding of ‘magne- sium.” Welding Journal 46(4}: 168s-74s, 1967. ——... “Now you can dip braze magnesium.” Product Engineering 36: 113-16, March 15, 1965. “Pulse are welding of magnesium.” Weld- ing Journal 49(6}: 464-75, 1970. “Repair welding of thin wall magnesium sand castings.” Transactions of the American Found- rymens Society 75: 530-40, 1967. ——... “Spot welding of wrought HK31A, HM21A and ZE10A magnesium alloys.” Welding Journal 349): 3695-78s, 1960. Lockwood, L. E, and Klain, P. “The are welding of ‘wrought magnesium-thorium alloys.” Welding Jour- nal 37(6}: 2555-64, 1958. Portz, A. G., and Rothgery, G. R. “Flash welded mag- nesium rings meet space age needs.” Welding Design and Fabrication 361): 44-5, 1963. Sibley, C. R. Arc welding of magnesium: and magnesium alloys. Bulletin 83. New York: Welding Research Council, November 1962.

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