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24, February (Monday)

Day 75
Attire: Gala Uniform
Time-In: AM
Time-Out: 12:00 PM
Time-In: 1:00 PM
What I have learned: I have learned that action expresses priorities.
Thoughts of Pounder: All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward. Ellen Glasgow
Total Hours: 8 hours
Total Accumulated Hours: hours/ 600 hours

25, February (Tuesday)

Day 76
Attire: Formal
Time-In: AM
Time-Out: 12:00 PM
Time-In: 1:00 PM
What I have learned: I have learned that high expectations are the key to
everything. - Sam Walton
Thoughts of Pounder: Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there
is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Total Hours: 8 hours
Total Accumulated Hours: hours/ 600 hours

26, February (Wednesday)

Day 77
Attire: Formal
Time-In: AM
Time-Out: 12:00 PM
Time-In: 1:00 PM
What I have learned:
Thoughts of Pounder: Concision in style, precision in thought, decision in life. Victor Hugo

Total Hours: 8 hours

Total Accumulated Hours: hours/ 600 hours

27, February (Thursday)

Day 78
Attire: Gala Uniform
Time-In: AM
Time-Out: 12:00 PM
Time-In: 1:00 PM
What I have learned:
Thoughts of Pounder: It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that
moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through. - Zig Ziglar
Total Hours: 8 hours
Total Accumulated Hours: hours/ 600 hours

28, February (Friday)

Day 79
Time-In: AM
Time-Out: 12:00 PM
Time-In: 1:00 PM
What I have learned:
Thoughts of Pounder: In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a
positive vision. - Dalai Lama
Total Hours: 8 hours
Total Accumulated Hours: hours/ 600 hours

1, March (Saturday)
Day 80
Attire: Departmental Uniform
Time-In: AM

Time-Out: 12:00 PM
Time-In: 1:00 PM
What I have learned:
Thoughts of Pounder: I never worry about action, but only inaction. - Winston
Total Hours: 8 hours
Total Accumulated Hours: hours/ 600 hours

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