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The meaning of digital
etiquette is the
electronic standards of
conduct or procedure.

When people first use

technology they are
not taught proper
digital etiquette.

Digital etiquette is seen as one of

the most pressing problems when
dealing with Digital Citizenship.
Everyone recognizes inappropriate
behavior when they see it.
Many people feel uncomfortable
talking to others about their digital

When people think of digital

citizenship cyber bullying
comes to mind. Cyber bullying
is bad digital etiquette. It is
being rude to someone,
putting someone down,
hurting someone, and all these
are negatives and bad digital
etiquette actions.

Often rules and regulations are

created of the technology is simply
banned to stop inappropriate use. It
is not enough to create rules and
policy, we must teach everyone to
become responsible digital citizens
in this new society.
I hope whoever reads this is
informed of digital etiquette
and has learned something.
Use correct digital etiquette
when online.

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