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Pastor Hernando Ico and Family

Target Area: San Antonio, Quezon Province

San Antonio, Quezon is about 4 hours ride from Manila.

The target area of Pastor Hernando is very much rural
and dependent on

Pastor Ico led us to his

church and area by his motorcycle. We went through good roads at first
but the interior roads are rough and bumpy.

Pastor Ico has two churches that he and his family minister. One is an
established church while the other one is a new church plant. We first
visited the outreach.

When we reached the area, believers were

there waiting for the start of the worship

Elijah Ico, Pastor’s son is the music leader. Elijah is a big
help in the ministry. Pastor Ico is planning to get him in a

good Bible school.

Children’s ministry

There seems to be a need for more chairs when

many of the members arrived.

Time to encourage the new church in the Word of


Bananas and fresh

coconuts are the treats after church.

The main church where the family of Pastor
Hernando Ico resides.

The Pulpit of the church looks interesting with the design made
by one of their members.

The lady on the left

approached us and
asked for prayers.
Her feet suffer from
skin disease that has
been with her for
years. We prayed for
her and hopefully
she can also go to a
doctor who
specializes in this

The family of Pastor Ico is such an asset in the ministry. They are loved by their members. They are so
persistent in the ministry.

Prayer request: For God to sustain their new church needs and that it will eventually be self sustaining.

Reported by Pastor Leo Ordiales

January 2010

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