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Summary of Child Protection Policy

All schools are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of

all pupils.All staff and visitors have an important unique role to play in
child protection.
school can contribute to the prevention of abuse;
all children have the right to be protected from harm;
children need support which matches their individual
needs,including those who may have experienced abuse.
All policies which address issues of power and potential harm,e.g
Bullying,Equal opportunities,Handling,Positive Behaviour need to
linked,to ensure a whole school approach.
Child protection policy cannot be separated from the general ethos of
the school,which should ensure that children are treated with respect
and dignity,feel safe,and listen to!!!
clarifying standards of behaviour for staff and pupils;
introducing appropriate work within the curriculum;
developing staff awareness of causes of abuse;
encouraging pupils and parental participation in practice;
addressing concerns at the earliest possible stage.
be familiar with the school child protection policy inc. issues
of confidentiality;
be alert to signs and indicators of possible abuse;
record concerns ``Cause of Concern``form;
deal with a disclosure of abuse from a child,these must be
passed to one of the Designated Staff immediately;
be involved in ongoing, monitoring and recording to support
the implementation of individual education programmes,and
interagency child protection,and child support plans;
safe recruitment process
Working with other agencies to protect children.The curriculum - relevant
issues addressed through - self esteem,emotional literacy,bullying,circle
support to individual children who have experienced abuse
or who have abused others;

school works in partneship with parents/carers and other

agencies as appropriate.

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