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London students demonstration sees arrests and scuffles

Police have made 11 arrests after thousands of students marched through

London protesting against tuition fees and student debt. The Free Education
march was called to oppose tuition fees of up to 9,000. The march was not
endorsed by the National Union of Students, but was backed by groups
including the National Campaign against Fees.
The largely peaceful demonstration ended with a rally in Parliament Square
after protesters broke through barriers to gain entry. Some of them broke of
to other parts of central London where there were clashes with police. The
other arrests included two for assaults on police officers, one for criminal
damage and possession of an ofensive weapon and another for violent
'Making us pay' demonstration organizer, Aaron Kiely said the protest was
the beginning of a "major wave of action" running up to next year's general
election. "We want to end the lifetime of debt which is a massive burden for
students," he said. "Students are really angry because we go to university and
then at the end of it we get an average of 40,000-worth of debt. That puts
you in a hell of a difficult position when you start to think about a mortgage
and a family. "We need an alternative."
A spokesman for the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills said:
"We recognize the right of all students to free speech. However, the worldrenowned caliber of the UK's higher education system would not be
sustainable if tuition fees were removed. The reforms were necessary to
further strengthen the quality of our system and this summer the OECD
described the UK as one of the few countries that has developed a sustainable
funding system for its universities."

Studenii londonezi au parte de arestri i ncierri

Poliia a fcut 11 de arestri, dup ce mii de studeni au mrluit prin
Londra protestnd mpotriva taxele de colarizare i a datoriilor elevilor.
Marul pentru Educaie gratuit a fost efectuat pentru a se opune taxelor de
colarizare de pn la 9.000 de lire sterline. Marul nu a fost aprobat de
Uniunea Naional a Studenilor, dar a fost susinut de grupuri, inclusiv
Campania Naional mpotriva Taxelor.
Demonstraia n mare msur panic, s-a ncheiat cu un miting n Piaa
Parlamentului, dup ce protestatarii au rzbtut prin bariere pentru a obine
intrarea. Unii dintre ei au rzbtut n alte pri din centrul Londrei, unde
existau conflicte cu politia. Alte arestri, inclusiv dou pentru atacurile asupra
ofierilor de poliie, unul pentru daune penale i posesia unei arme ofensive i
altul pentru tulburare violenta.
Organizator demonstraiei NE fac sa platim, Aaron Kiely a declarat ca
protestul a fost nceputul unei "val mare de aciune" ce va tine pn la
alegerile generale de anul viitor. "Vrem s punem capt datoriei pe viaa,

care este o povar masiv pentru studeni", a spus el. "Elevii sunt foarte
furiosi pentru c merg la universitate i apoi, cnd o termina acetia obin o
medie, in forma de datorii de 40,000. Asta te pune ntr-o poziie dracului
dificil, atunci cnd ncepi s te gndeti la un credit ipotecar i o familie .
"Avem nevoie de o alternativ."
Un purttor de cuvnt al Departamentului de Afaceri, Inovare i
Competene a declarat ca recunosc dreptul tuturor studenilor la libertatea de
exprimare. Cu toate acestea, calibrul de renume mondial a sistemului de
nvmnt superior din Marea Britanie nu ar fi durabil dac s-ar fi ndeprtat
taxele de colarizare. Reformele au fost necesare pentru a consolida n
continuare calitatea sistemului nostru i n aceast var OCDE descris Marea
Britanie ca fiind unul dintre puinele ri care a dezvoltat un sistem de
finanare durabil al universitilor sale. "

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