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BJ Buenafe

A safe operation space for humanity
My discussion of Rockstroms A safe operating space for
humanity, is in fact addressing the matter that humanity has
threatened the stable state of Holocene into a new geological era,
the Anthropocene. Rockstrom first identify the Earth-system
process and associated thresholds which, if crossed, could
generate consequences that are detrimental or catastrophic for
large parts of the world. He present us evidence that the three
boundaries are exceeding its safe operating space. The idea are
well thought out, but not convincing enough. They have the
evidence that the boundaries are overstepped, but there are
boundaries that havent been quantified and there are still gaps in
their knowledge.
I do agree this is an issue that should be in mind. He
demonstrated that the three boundaries are exceeding its safe
limits. He proposed that boundary limit for climate change should
not exceed 350 parts per million by volume. This is the same

issue we have been dealing with, but with the same root and
solutions. Temperatures are indeed rising in the past decades and
we are losing major ice sheets causing sea level to rise. If we
dont stop the rise of CO2, this will result in devastation. We are
responsible for the abnormal rise of CO2 and should be
responsible of solving the problem as human being on this planet.
I didnt see any provided answer to this, but only limits. His
ideas would benefit the environment and humanity. If the limits
are set in mind, Holocene might go back to its stable state. But if
we ignore the limits, we will be welcoming the new era,

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