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Edgewater 1

Tamia Edgewater
Craft period 5
Radiation essay
18 May 2015
Discoveries of Radiation

Radiation comes unexpectedly, you can't see it, feel it, or know when it will come and
once something is exposed, the radiation slowly kills it.. Radiation can be located almost
everywhere but we just dont know, unless someone has a device that could detect radiation.
Radiation is located in every electronic device we use today and there are a lot of companies
producing radiation, and there is no way to get rid of it. Radiation can be caused in an atomic or
nuclear explosion, which can lead to serious damage to people and the land.
Radiation can be caused by explosion containing elements that dont mix well together,
radiation is made from reactive elements in the periodic table. For instants, on March 11 2011
there was a tsunami that hit Fukushima and destroyed the power plant, releasing high doses of
radiation throughout the entire northern hemisphere (featherstone). The powerplant had a lot of
radiation and when it was destroyed, there was a high amount of people who died from that
radiation. There are still people being affected by radiation today and there getting very sick.
Scientist say that radiation takes a long time to clear out and it could take years for the radiation
to disappear. If this situation doesn't get under control then more and more people will die and
all of Fukushima's resources could be gone and there would be nothing left.

There are high amounts of effects radiation has on people, and other things that could
make them sick and possibly harm them. People who have been exposed to the radiation in

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Fukushima ended up having bad health (Itonaga). When the Fukushima disaster happened on
March 2011, people who were living close to the power plant had to be evacuated and transferred
to a safe zone, people lost their homes and almost all their belongings were left behind (Itonaga).
There were so many things that the radiation destroyed but ever since the power plant exploded,
almost all the people that were exposed to radiation ended up getting cancer or their genetic
mutations were messes up (Featherstone). Radiation can destroy many lives and it would take a
long time for Fukushima to recover.
Radiation can be caused by atomic and nuclear explosions and isn't safe for anyone. This
disaster in Fukushima put a Greg impact on everyone who lived there and destroyed almost
everything. Many people, animals, and nature in general have had many effects from radiation
and will continue to have effects because radiation takes awhile to disappear but it lives forever.
There are other things out there that cause disasters like tornadoes, fire, earthquakes, tsunami's,
etc. They all destroy the land an effect many lives and there is no way to get rid of those disaster

Work Cited
Featherstone, Steven. "The Swallows Of Fukushima." Scientific American 312.2 (2015): 74.
Science Reference Center. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.

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Koji, Itonaga. "Contamination And Community Support In The Aftermath Of The Fukushima
Disaster." Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists 70.4 (2014): 49. Science Reference Center. Web. 14
May 2015.
"Watch Now: PBS NewsHour | Return to Fukushima with Miles O'Brien | PBS Video." PBS
Video. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2015. <>.
Nasso, Christine. Fueling the Future Nuclear Power. New York: Christine Nasso. 2007. print
Lerner, K.Lee and Wilmoth, Brenda. World of Earth Science. United States: Gale. 2003. Print.

"Watch Now: PBS NewsHour | Japan's Radiation Leak: What Are Health Risks Locally,... | PBS
Video." PBS Video. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 May 2015. <>.

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