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Aviation Law

Atlantic Flight Training

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ATPL Air Law


24 October 2003

Abbreviations and Definitions
Section 1 - Common abbreviations to be used for the European Central Question Bank ..................1-2
Section 2 - ICAO Definitions ..............................................................................................................1-7
Section 3 - ICAO Abbreviations .......................................................................................................1-35

The History of Aviation Law and the Chicago Convention 1944
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................2-1
1919 Aeronautical Commission of the Paris Peace Conference........................................................2-1
1926 Ibero-American Congress, Madrid ............................................................................................2-1
1928 Pan-American Convention of Commercial Aviation, Havana ....................................................2-1
1929 Warsaw Convention of the Unification of Certain Rules to International Carriage by Air ..........2-1
1944 Convention in International Aviation (the Chicago Convention) ................................................2-2
Part I Air Navigation ........................................................................................................................2-2
Chapter I - General Principles and Application Of The Convention ...................................................2-2
Chapter II - Flight Over Territory of Contracting States ......................................................................2-2
Chapter III - Nationality of Aircraft ......................................................................................................2-4
Chapter IV - Measures to Facilitate Air Navigation ............................................................................2-5
Chapter V - Conditions to be Fulfilled With Respect to Aircraft ..........................................................2-6
Chapter VI - International Standards and Recommended Practices ..................................................2-8
Part II The International Civil Aviation Organisation ........................................................................2-9
Chapter VII - The Organisation ..........................................................................................................2-9
Chapter VIII - The Assembly ............................................................................................................2-11
Chapter IX - The Council..................................................................................................................2-12
Chapter X - The Air Navigation Commission....................................................................................2-14
ICAO Annexes .................................................................................................................................2-14
ICAO Technical Publications............................................................................................................2-16
International Agreements .................................................................................................................2-17
The International Air Transport Agreement ......................................................................................2-17
Supplementary Freedoms................................................................................................................2-17
The Convention of Tokyo 1963 ........................................................................................................2-17

Multilateral, Bilateral Agreements, the Warsaw Convention 1929 and the Treaty of Rome
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................3-1
The Bermuda Agreement on Scheduled Air Traffic Rights.................................................................3-2
The International Air Transport Association (IATA)............................................................................3-2
The Warsaw Convention 1929...........................................................................................................3-2
The Treaty of Rome - Transport Policy ..............................................................................................3-5
The Convention of Rome 1933/1952 .................................................................................................3-5
Commercial Practices and Associated Rules (Leasing).....................................................................3-5
Leasing of Aeroplanes between JAA Operators ................................................................................3-6
Leasing of Aeroplanes Between a JAA Operator and Any Body Other Than a JAA Operator ...........3-6
Leasing of Aeroplanes at Short Notice...............................................................................................3-7
Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2407/92..............................................................................................3-7

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) and Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA)
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................4-1
ECAC .................................................................................................................................................4-1
JAA Organization ...............................................................................................................................4-2
Functions of JAA................................................................................................................................4-2
Organization and Procedures ............................................................................................................4-3
Joint Aviation Authorities....................................................................................................................4-3
Membership .......................................................................................................................................4-4
The Role of the National Aviation Authorities.....................................................................................4-4
The Role of the Main Committees......................................................................................................4-5
JAA Licensing Policy and Organization..............................................................................................4-6
JAA FCL Committee ..........................................................................................................................4-7
JAA FCL Examination Sub-Committee ..............................................................................................4-7
JAR FCL ............................................................................................................................................4-8
Objectives ..........................................................................................................................................4-9

Annex 15 Aeronautical Information Service
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................5-1
Responsibilities and Function ............................................................................................................5-1
Exchange of Aeronautical Information ...............................................................................................5-2
General Specifications .......................................................................................................................5-2
World Geodetic System .....................................................................................................................5-2
Use of ICAO Abbreviations ................................................................................................................5-2
Identification and Delineation of Prohibited, Restricted and Danger Areas ........................................5-2
Integrated Aeronautical Information Package ....................................................................................5-3
Aeronautical Information Publication (AlP).........................................................................................5-3
NOTAM ..............................................................................................................................................5-4
SNOWTAM ........................................................................................................................................5-7
ASHTAM ............................................................................................................................................5-9
Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control (AIRAC) ................................................................5-9
Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC)..........................................................................................5-10
Pre-Flight and Post Flight Information..............................................................................................5-11
Contents of Aeronautical Information Publication ............................................................................5-12
Charts Related to an Aerodrome .....................................................................................................5-15

Annex 1- Personnel Licensing and JAR-FCL 1- Flight Crew Licensing (Aeroplanes)
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................6-1
Authority to Act as a Flight Crewmember...........................................................................................6-1
Medical Fitness ..................................................................................................................................6-1
Validity of Licence ..............................................................................................................................6-1
JAR-FCL 1 Flight Crew Licensing (Aeroplanes)..............................................................................6-2
Basic Authority to Act as a Flight Crew Member ................................................................................6-2
Licence and Rating ............................................................................................................................6-2
Exercise of Privileges.........................................................................................................................6-2
Acceptance of Licences, Ratings, Authorizations, Approvals or Certificates......................................6-2
Licences, Ratings, Authorizations, Approvals or Certificates Issued by JAA Member States ............6-2
Licences Issued by Non-JAA States ..................................................................................................6-2
Validity of Licences and Ratings ........................................................................................................6-2
Recent Experience.............................................................................................................................6-3
Medical Fitness ..................................................................................................................................6-3
Crediting of Flight Time ......................................................................................................................6-4

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24 October 2003

Curtailment of Privileges of Licence Holders Aged 60 Years or More................................................6-5

State of Licence Issue........................................................................................................................6-5
Normal Residency..............................................................................................................................6-5
Format and Specifications for Flight Crew Licences ..........................................................................6-6
Logging of Flight Time........................................................................................................................6-7
Precis of Licence Privileges ...............................................................................................................6-7
Class and Type Ratings ...................................................................................................................6-11
Single Pilot Multi Engine Type and Class Rating .............................................................................6-11
Proficiency Checks...........................................................................................................................6-12
Operator Proficiency Check .............................................................................................................6-12
Line Check .......................................................................................................................................6-12
Emergency and Safety Equipment Training and Checking ..............................................................6-12
Ground and Refresher Training .......................................................................................................6-12
Aeroplane/Flight Simulator Training .................................................................................................6-13

Rules of the Air
Applicability of the Rules of the Air.....................................................................................................7-1
Responsibility for Compliance with the Rules of the Air .....................................................................7-1
Use of Intoxicating Liquor, Narcotics or Drugs ...................................................................................7-2
General Rules ....................................................................................................................................7-2
Negligent or Reckless Operation of Aircraft .......................................................................................7-2
Minimum Heights ...............................................................................................................................7-2
Cruising Levels ..................................................................................................................................7-2
Aircraft Restrictions ............................................................................................................................7-3
Formation Flights ...............................................................................................................................7-3
Unmanned Free Balloons ..................................................................................................................7-3
Prohibited and Restricted Areas ........................................................................................................7-3
Avoidance of Collisions ......................................................................................................................7-3
Proximity ............................................................................................................................................7-4
Right of Way ......................................................................................................................................7-4
Surface Movement of Aircraft.............................................................................................................7-6
Lights to be Displayed by Aircraft.......................................................................................................7-7
Simulated Instrument Flight (SIF) ......................................................................................................7-8
Operation on and In the Vicinity of an Aerodrome .............................................................................7-8

Airspace Rules and Procedures
Objective of the Air Traffic Services ...................................................................................................8-1
Divisions of the Air Traffic Services....................................................................................................8-1
Determination of the Need for Air Traffic Services .............................................................................8-1
Determination of the Portions of the Airspace and Controlled Aerodromes where Air Traffic Services
will be Provided..................................................................................................................................8-2
Flight Information Regions .................................................................................................................8-2
Control Areas and Control Zones.......................................................................................................8-2
Controlled Aerodrome ........................................................................................................................8-2
Classification of Airspace ...................................................................................................................8-3
Required Navigation Performance (RNP) ..........................................................................................8-9
Establishment and Designation of the Units Providing Air Traffic Services........................................8-9
Specifications for Flight Information Regions, Control Areas and Control Zones.............................8-10
Flight Information Regions ...............................................................................................................8-10
Control Areas ...................................................................................................................................8-10
Flight Information Regions or Control Areas in the Upper Airspace.................................................8-11
Control Zones ..................................................................................................................................8-11
Minimum Flight Altitudes ..................................................................................................................8-11

ATPL Air Law

Atlantic Flight Training

Service to Aircraft in the Event of Emergency..................................................................................8-12

Time in Air Traffic Services ..............................................................................................................8-12

Flight Rules
Visual Flight Rules (VFR)...................................................................................................................9-1
Instrument Flight Rules ......................................................................................................................9-3
Change from IFR Flight to VFR Flight ................................................................................................9-3
Rules Applicable to IFR Flights within Controlled Airspace................................................................9-3
Rules Applicable to IFR Flights Outside Controlled Airspace.............................................................9-3
Communication ..................................................................................................................................9-4
Position Reports.................................................................................................................................9-4
Table of Cruising Levels.....................................................................................................................9-5

Aerodrome Control Service
Functions of Aerodrome Control Towers..........................................................................................10-1
Traffic and Taxi Circuits ...................................................................................................................10-2
Information to Aircraft by Aerodrome Control Towers ......................................................................10-4
Control of Aerodrome Traffic............................................................................................................10-6
Wake Turbulence Categorization of Aircraft and Increased Longitudinal Separation Minima ........10-10
Authorization of Special VFR Flights..............................................................................................10-11

Approach Control Service
Departing Aircraft .............................................................................................................................11-1
Arriving Aircraft ................................................................................................................................11-3
Approach Sequence ........................................................................................................................11-5
Information for Arriving Aircraft ........................................................................................................11-6

Air Traffic Control Services, Flight Information Service and ATS Routes
Air Traffic Control Service ................................................................................................................12-1
Application .......................................................................................................................................12-1
Provision of Air Traffic Control Service.............................................................................................12-1
Area Control Service ........................................................................................................................12-1
Approach Control Service ................................................................................................................12-1
Aerodrome Control Service..............................................................................................................12-1
Operation of Air Traffic Control Service............................................................................................12-2
Separation Minima ...........................................................................................................................12-3
Responsibility for Control .................................................................................................................12-3
Transfer of Responsibility for Control ...............................................................................................12-4
Air Traffic Control Clearances ..........................................................................................................12-5
Co-Ordination of Clearances............................................................................................................12-5
Control of Air Traffic Flow.................................................................................................................12-6
Control of Persons and Vehicles at Aerodromes .............................................................................12-6
Flight Information Service ................................................................................................................12-7
Application .......................................................................................................................................12-7
Scope of Flight Information Service .................................................................................................12-7
Operational Flight Information Service Broadcasts ..........................................................................12-8

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Principles Governing the Identification of RNP Types and the Identification of ATS Routes Other Than
Standard Departure and Arrival Routes ...........................................................................................12-9

Altimeter Setting Procedures
Expression of Vertical Position.........................................................................................................13-1
Determination of the Transition Level...............................................................................................13-1
Provision of Information ...................................................................................................................13-2
Flight Levels.....................................................................................................................................13-4
Transition Altitude ............................................................................................................................13-4
Transition Level................................................................................................................................13-5
Transition from Flight Levels to Altitudes and Vice Versa ................................................................13-5
Procedures Applicable to Operators and Pilots................................................................................13-6
QNH Setting/ QFE Setting ...............................................................................................................13-7

Secondary Surveillance Radar
Operation of Transponders ..............................................................................................................14-1
Use of Mode C .................................................................................................................................14-2
Use of Mode S .................................................................................................................................14-2
Emergency Procedures....................................................................................................................14-2
Communication Failure Procedures .................................................................................................14-2
Unlawful Interference with Aircraft in Flight ......................................................................................14-2
Transponder Failure Procedures When the Carriage of a Functioning Transponder is Mandatory .14-3
Operation of ACAS Equipment ........................................................................................................14-3
Use of ACAS Indications..................................................................................................................14-3
Phraseology .....................................................................................................................................14-4

Introduction ......................................................................................................................................15-1
Distress and Urgency Signals ..........................................................................................................15-1
Signals for Aerodrome Traffic ..........................................................................................................15-2
Acknowledgement by an Aircraft......................................................................................................15-2
Visual Ground Signals......................................................................................................................15-3
Marshalling Signals ..........................................................................................................................15-5
Signals from the Pilot of an Aircraft to a Signalman .......................................................................15-10

Air Traffic Control Clearances
Departing Aircraft .............................................................................................................................16-1
Contents of ATC Clearances ...........................................................................................................16-1
Description of ATC Clearances........................................................................................................16-1
Route of Flight..................................................................................................................................16-2
Clearances to Fly Maintaining own Separation While in VMC .........................................................16-2
ATC Clearance Expiry......................................................................................................................16-3
Essential Traffic Information.............................................................................................................16-3
Clearance of a Requested Change in Flight Plan ............................................................................16-3
Emergency and Communication Failure ..........................................................................................16-4

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Flight Plans
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................17-1
Submission of Flight Plans...............................................................................................................17-1
Prior to Departure ............................................................................................................................17-2
During Flight.....................................................................................................................................17-2
Acceptance of a Flight Plan .............................................................................................................17-2
Contents of a Flight Plan..................................................................................................................17-3
Completion of a Flight Plan ..............................................................................................................17-3
Changes to a Flight Plan..................................................................................................................17-3
Closing a Flight Plan ........................................................................................................................17-4
Use of Repetitive Flight Plans (RPLs) ..............................................................................................17-4
Change from IFR to VFR Flight........................................................................................................17-5
Scope of Clearances and Information ..............................................................................................17-5
Control of Air Traffic Flow.................................................................................................................17-6
Air Traffic Control Clearances ..........................................................................................................17-6
Potential Reclearance in Flight ........................................................................................................17-6
Adherence to Flight Plan..................................................................................................................17-7
Inadvertent Changes........................................................................................................................17-7
Intended Changes............................................................................................................................17-8
Weather Deterioration Below the VMC ............................................................................................17-9
Position Reports...............................................................................................................................17-9
Termination of Control......................................................................................................................17-9
Communication ................................................................................................................................17-9
Communication Failure ..................................................................................................................17-10

Flight Procedures Introduction & Departures
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................18-1
Departure Procedures......................................................................................................................18-2
The Instrument Departure Procedure ..............................................................................................18-3
Establishment of a Departure Procedure .........................................................................................18-3
Obstacle Clearance..........................................................................................................................18-4
Standard Instrument Departures ......................................................................................................18-5
Contingency Procedures..................................................................................................................18-8
Omni-directional Departures ............................................................................................................18-8
Published Information ....................................................................................................................18-11

Approach Procedures
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................19-1
The Instrument Approach Procedure ...............................................................................................19-1
Categories of Aircraft .......................................................................................................................19-2
Obstacle Clearance..........................................................................................................................19-3
Precision Approach Procedure ........................................................................................................19-4
Non-Precision Approach Procedure.................................................................................................19-5
Approach Procedure Design ............................................................................................................19-8
Accuracy of Fixes.............................................................................................................................19-9
Descent Gradient ...........................................................................................................................19-12
Standard Instrument Arrivals..........................................................................................................19-13
Initial Approach Segment ...............................................................................................................19-13
Intermediate Approach Segment ...................................................................................................19-13
Final Approach Segment................................................................................................................19-14
Final Approach - Non-Precision Approach With FAF .....................................................................19-14

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Final Approach - Non-Precision Approach With No FAF................................................................19-15

Final Approach Segment - Precision Approach ILS ....................................................................19-16
Determination of DA or DH ILS ...................................................................................................19-16
Determination of Landing Minima ..................................................................................................19-17
Determination of DA/DH or MDA/MDH ..........................................................................................19-18
Missed Approach ...........................................................................................................................19-18
Turning Missed Approach ..............................................................................................................19-21
Turning Points ................................................................................................................................19-22
Visual Manoeuvring (Circling) in the Vicinity of the Aerodrome......................................................19-22
Area Navigation (RNAV) Approach Procedures Based On VOR/DME ..........................................19-23
Use of FMS/RNAV Equipment to Follow Conventional Non-Precision Approach Procedures .......19-25
Simultaneous Operations on Parallel or Near Parallel Instrument Runways..................................19-25

Holding Procedures
In-flight Procedures ..........................................................................................................................20-1
Shape and Terminology Associated With Holding Pattern...............................................................20-1
Speeds, Rates of Turn, Timing, Distance and Limiting Radial .........................................................20-2
Track Reversal.................................................................................................................................20-4
DME Arc Entry .................................................................................................................................20-7
Construction of Entry Areas .............................................................................................................20-7
Method of Arrival at a VOR/DME Holding and the Corresponding Entry Procedures ......................20-8
Time/Distance Outbound .................................................................................................................20-9
RNAV Holding Entries....................................................................................................................20-10
Departing the Pattern .....................................................................................................................20-11
Obstacle Clearance........................................................................................................................20-11

Area Control Service
Position Reporting............................................................................................................................21-1
Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) .......................................................................................21-1
Air Traffic Incident Report (ATIR) .....................................................................................................21-2
Provision in Regard to Aircraft Equipped With Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems (ACAS).......21-2
General Provisions for Separation ...................................................................................................21-2
Vertical Separation...........................................................................................................................21-3
Lateral Separation............................................................................................................................21-4
Longitudinal Separation ...................................................................................................................21-7
Reduction in Separation Minima ....................................................................................................21-19

Aerodrome Aeronautical Data and Markings
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................22-1
Aerodrome Reference Code ............................................................................................................22-1
Aeronautical Data ............................................................................................................................22-2
Geographical Co-ordinates ..............................................................................................................22-2
Aerodrome Reference Point.............................................................................................................22-2
Aerodrome and Runway Elevations .................................................................................................22-2
Aerodrome Reference Temperature ................................................................................................22-2
Aerodrome Dimensions and Related Information ............................................................................22-2
Pre-Flight Altimeter Check Location.................................................................................................22-4
Declared Distances ..........................................................................................................................22-4
Condition of the Movement Area and Related Facilities...................................................................22-4

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Water on a Runway..........................................................................................................................22-5
Determination of Friction Characteristics of Wet Paved Runways ...................................................22-5
Snow, Slush or Ice on a Runway .....................................................................................................22-6
Physical Characteristics ...................................................................................................................22-7
Runway Width..................................................................................................................................22-7
Minimum Distance Between Parallel Runways ................................................................................22-7
Runway Strips ..................................................................................................................................22-8
Runway End Safety Areas ...............................................................................................................22-8
Clearway ..........................................................................................................................................22-9
Stopways .........................................................................................................................................22-9
Radio Altimeter Operating Area .....................................................................................................22-10
Width of Taxiway............................................................................................................................22-10
Taxiway Curves .............................................................................................................................22-11
Holding Bays, Taxi Holding Positions and Road Holding Positions ...............................................22-11
Visual Aids for Navigation ..............................................................................................................22-12
Indicators and Signalling Devices ..................................................................................................22-12
Markings ........................................................................................................................................22-13
Interruption of Runway Markings ...................................................................................................22-13
Colour of markings .........................................................................................................................22-13
Unpaved Taxiways.........................................................................................................................22-13
Runway Designation Marking ........................................................................................................22-14
Runway Centre Line Marking.........................................................................................................22-14
Threshold Markings........................................................................................................................22-15
Displaced Threshold Marking.........................................................................................................22-15
Aiming Point Marking .....................................................................................................................22-16
Touchdown Zone Marking..............................................................................................................22-17
Runway Side Stripe........................................................................................................................22-18
Taxiway Centre Line Marking.........................................................................................................22-19
Taxiway Holding Position Marking .................................................................................................22-20
Taxiway Intersection Marking.........................................................................................................22-20
VOR Aerodrome Check-Point Marking ..........................................................................................22-20
Aircraft Stand Markings..................................................................................................................22-21
Apron Safety Lines.........................................................................................................................22-22
Road Holding Position Marking......................................................................................................22-22
Information Marking .......................................................................................................................22-22

Runway Lights and Visual Approach Systems
Lights Which May Endanger the Safety of Aircraft...........................................................................23-1
Lights Which May Cause Confusion ................................................................................................23-1
Elevated Approach Lights ................................................................................................................23-2
Elevated Lights ................................................................................................................................23-2
Surface Lights ..................................................................................................................................23-2
Light Intensity and Control ...............................................................................................................23-2
Emergency Lighting .........................................................................................................................23-3
Aeronautical Beacons ......................................................................................................................23-3
Aerodrome Beacon ..........................................................................................................................23-3
Identification Beacon........................................................................................................................23-3
Approach Lighting Systems .............................................................................................................23-4
Visual Approach Slope Indicator Systems .....................................................................................23-10
PAPI and APAPI ............................................................................................................................23-12
Obstacle Protection Surface ..........................................................................................................23-14
Wheel Clearance over Threshold for PAPI and APAPI ..................................................................23-15
Circling Guidance Lights ................................................................................................................23-15
Runway Lead-In Lighting Systems.................................................................................................23-16

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24 October 2003

Runway, Taxiway and Apron Lighting
Runway Threshold Identification Lights............................................................................................24-1
Runway Edge Lights ........................................................................................................................24-1
Runway Threshold and Wing Bar Lights ..........................................................................................24-2
Wing Bar Lights................................................................................................................................24-3
Runway End Lights ..........................................................................................................................24-4
Runway Centre Line Lights ..............................................................................................................24-5
Runway Touchdown Zone Lights .....................................................................................................24-6
Stopway Lights.................................................................................................................................24-6
Taxiway Centre Line Lights..............................................................................................................24-6
Taxiway Centre Line Lights On Rapid Exit Taxiways .......................................................................24-7
Taxiway Centre Line Lights on Other Exit Taxiways ........................................................................24-7
Taxiway Centre Line Lights on Runways .........................................................................................24-8
Taxiway Edge Lights ........................................................................................................................24-8
Stop Bars .........................................................................................................................................24-8
Taxiway Intersection Lights..............................................................................................................24-9
Runway Guard Lights.......................................................................................................................24-9
Apron Floodlighting ........................................................................................................................24-10
Visual Docking Systems.................................................................................................................24-10
Azimuth Guidance Unit ..................................................................................................................24-11
Stopping Position Indicator ............................................................................................................24-11
Aircraft Stand Manoeuvring Guidance Lights.................................................................................24-11
Road Holding Position Light...........................................................................................................24-12

Aerodrome Signs and Markers
General ............................................................................................................................................25-1
Mandatory Instruction Signs.............................................................................................................25-1
Information Signs .............................................................................................................................25-3
Road Holding Position Sign .............................................................................................................25-6
Markers ............................................................................................................................................25-7
Unpaved Runway Edge Markers .....................................................................................................25-7
Stopway Edge Markers ....................................................................................................................25-7
Taxiway Edge Markers.....................................................................................................................25-7
Taxiway Centre Line Markers ..........................................................................................................25-7
Boundary Markers............................................................................................................................25-7
Visual Aids for Denoting Obstacles ..................................................................................................25-8
Objects to be Marked and/or Lighted ...............................................................................................25-8
Marking Of Objects ..........................................................................................................................25-9
Lighting of Objects .........................................................................................................................25-10
Location of Obstacle Lights............................................................................................................25-11
Low Intensity Obstacle Lights ........................................................................................................25-12
Medium Intensity Obstacle Light ....................................................................................................25-12
High Intensity Obstacle Light .........................................................................................................25-12
Visual Aids for Denoting Restricted Use Areas ..............................................................................25-12
Closed Runways and Taxiways or Parts Thereof ..........................................................................25-12
Non-Load Bearing Surfaces...........................................................................................................25-13
Pre-Threshold Area........................................................................................................................25-13
Unserviceable Areas ......................................................................................................................25-14
Introduction to Emergency and Other Services..............................................................................25-14
Rescue and Fire Fighting ...............................................................................................................25-14
Response Time..............................................................................................................................25-15
Number of Rescue and Fire Fighting Vehicles...............................................................................25-15
Apron Management Service...........................................................................................................25-15
Ground Servicing of Aircraft ...........................................................................................................25-16

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

General Radar Procedures
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................26-1
Presentation of Radar Information ...................................................................................................26-1
Identification of Aircraft.....................................................................................................................26-2
Establishment of Radar Identification...............................................................................................26-2
SSR Identification Procedures .........................................................................................................26-2
PSR Identification Procedures .........................................................................................................26-2
Position Information .........................................................................................................................26-3
Radar Vectoring ...............................................................................................................................26-4
Information Regarding Adverse Weather .........................................................................................26-5
Use of Radar in the Air Traffic Control Service ................................................................................26-5
Functions .........................................................................................................................................26-5
Co-ordination of Traffic under Radar and Non-Radar Control..........................................................26-6
Radar Separation Minima ................................................................................................................26-6
Emergencies, Hazards and Equipment Failures ..............................................................................26-7
Radar Equipment Failure .................................................................................................................26-8
Ground Radio Failure.......................................................................................................................26-8
Use of Radar in the Approach Control Service ................................................................................26-9
Surveillance Radar Approach ..........................................................................................................26-9
Speed Control ................................................................................................................................26-10

Interception of Civil Aircraft
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................27-1
General ............................................................................................................................................27-1
In-Flight Contingencies ....................................................................................................................27-2
Principles to be Observed by States ................................................................................................27-3
Interception Manoeuvres..................................................................................................................27-4
Manoeuvres for Visual Identification ................................................................................................27-4
Manoeuvres for Navigational Guidance ...........................................................................................27-5
Guidance of an intercepted Aircraft..................................................................................................27-5
Interception of Civil Aircraft ..............................................................................................................27-6
Action by Intercepted Aircraft ...........................................................................................................27-6
Signals for use in the Event of Interception......................................................................................27-7
Radio Communication Between the Intercept Control Unit or the Intercepting Aircraft and the
Intercepted Aircraft...........................................................................................................................27-9

Doc 7030/4 Regional Supplementary Procedures
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................28-1
EUR Regional Supplementary Procedures ......................................................................................28-3
Part I - Rules of the Air, Air Traffic Services and Search and Rescue .............................................28-3
Flight Rules ......................................................................................................................................28-3
Flight Plans ......................................................................................................................................28-3
Air-Ground Communications and In-Flight Reporting ......................................................................28-4
Contents of Position Reports ...........................................................................................................28-5
Action in the Event of Air-Ground Communication Failure ...............................................................28-5
Air Traffic Control Clearances ..........................................................................................................28-6
Separation of Aircraft .......................................................................................................................28-6
Use of SSR ......................................................................................................................................28-6

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Annex 7 Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks
Nationality, Common and Registration Marks to be Used................................................................29-1
Location of Nationality Common and Registration Marks.................................................................29-1
Certificate of Registration.................................................................................................................29-2
Identification Plate............................................................................................................................29-3

Annex 8 Airworthiness of Aircraft
Certificate of Airworthiness ..............................................................................................................30-1
Proof of Compliance with Appropriate Airworthiness Requirements ................................................30-1
Continuing Airworthiness of Aircraft .................................................................................................30-2
Validity of Certificate of Airworthiness ..............................................................................................30-2
Method of Rendering a Certificate of Airworthiness Valid ................................................................30-2
Temporary Loss of Airworthiness.....................................................................................................30-2
Instruments and Equipment .............................................................................................................30-3
Operating Limitations and Information .............................................................................................30-4

Annex 6 Operation of Aircraft
Applicability ......................................................................................................................................31-1
General ............................................................................................................................................31-1
Flight Operations..............................................................................................................................31-2
Aeroplane Performance Operating Limitations ................................................................................31-4

Annex 9 - Facilitation
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................32-1
Entry and Departure of Aircraft ........................................................................................................32-1
Entry and Departure of Persons and their Baggage ........................................................................32-2
Particular Provisions ........................................................................................................................32-5

Air Traffic Advisory Service and Alerting Service
Air Traffic Advisory Service ..............................................................................................................33-1
Air Traffic Services Units..................................................................................................................33-2
Alerting Service................................................................................................................................33-2

Alerting Service and Search and Rescue
Alerting Service................................................................................................................................34-1
Co-operation ....................................................................................................................................34-5
Operating Procedures ......................................................................................................................34-6
Search and Rescue Signals.............................................................................................................34-9
Medical Supplies ............................................................................................................................34-10

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Ground-Air Visual Signal Code ......................................................................................................34-11

Air-To-Ground Signals ...................................................................................................................34-11

Annex 13 Aircraft Accident Investigation
Applicability ......................................................................................................................................35-2
Objective of the Investigation ...........................................................................................................35-2
Protection of Evidence, Custody and Removal of Aircraft................................................................35-2
Notification for Accidents or Serious Incidents in the Territory of a Contracting State to Aircraft of
Another Contracting State................................................................................................................35-3
Investigation of Accidents or Serious Incidents in the Territory of a Contracting State to Aircraft of
Another Contracting State................................................................................................................35-4
Final Report .....................................................................................................................................35-4

Annex 17 - Security
General ............................................................................................................................................36-1
Preventative Security Measures ......................................................................................................36-2
Management of Response to Acts of Unlawful Interference ............................................................36-3

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24 October 2003

Chapter 1.
Abbreviations and Definitions
This insert to the Aviation Law Notes contains three sections and is intended for use with all
the course material provided:
Page Number
Common abbreviations to be used for the
European Central Question Bank


Section 2

ICAO Definitions


Section 3

ICAO Abbreviations


Section 1

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Section 1 - Common abbreviations to be used for the European Central Question Bank









Aerodrome beacon




Alternating current


Auxiliary power unit


Alto cumulus






Alto stratus




Accelerate stop distance available




Above mean sea level


Air data computer


Actual time of arrival




Air traffic control


Automatic direction finding


Automatic terminal information service


Attitude director indicator


Actual time overhead


All engines operating


Air traffic services


Aerodrome flight information service




Aircraft flight manual




Above ground level




Aeronautical Information Publication









Degrees Celsius




Calibrated air speed


Lift coefficient


Clear air turbulence










Critical point


Drag coefficient


Crew resource management


Course direction indicator




Control display unit


Control zone


Centre of gravity






Decision altitude


Directional gyroscope


Direct current


Decision height








Distance measuring equipment








Dead reckoning




Doppler VOR


Direction finding

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Engine indicator and crew alerting



Equivalent airspeed


Engine pressure ratio


Expected approach time




Engine condition aircraft monitoring


Estimated time of arrival


Electronic flight instrument system


Estimated time overhead


Exhaust gas temperature


Degrees Fahrenheit


Flight level


Final approach fix






Flight management system


Flight director




Flight indicator system


Feet per minute



Glide path




Ground proximity warning system




Ground speed




Horizontal situation indicator


High frequency










Indicated airspeed




Instrument landing system


International standard atmosphere


Instrument meteorological conditions




Imperial gallons


Inter-tropical convergence zone


Inertial navigation systems


Integrated vertical speed indicator












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Local mean time








Local time


Landing decision point












Last minute change



Microwave landing system



Middle marker

Mach Number




Mean aerodynamic chord


Minimum navigation performance



Manifold pressure


Missed approach point


Minimum obstruction clearance altitude




Minimum off route altitude


Minimum descent height


Miles per hour


Minimum descent height/altitude

MPS, mps

Metres per second


Minimum en-route altitude


Minimum sector altitude




Mean sea level




Mode selector unit



Non-directional beacon




Nautical miles



Notice to airmen


North Atlantic track






Outside air temperature


Operating mass


Omni bearing selector


Outer marker


Obstacle clearance altitude (height)




Obstacle clearance limit


On request


One engine inoperative



Point of no return









Point of equal time


Pounds per square inch


Pilot in command


Polar track structure


Flight plan



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Area Navigation


Rules of the air and air traffic services


Rate of climb


Rectified airspeed


Rate of descent


Reporting point


Runway visual range


Radio magnetic indicator









Search and rescue






Secondary surveillance radar








Standard arrival route














Standard instrument departure








Sky clear



Transition level


Transition altitude




True airspeed


Top of climb


Total air temperature


Take of run available


Tropical cyclone




Take-off decision point






Co-ordinated universal time




US gallons

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Landing gear extended speed


Magnetic variation


Maximum landing gear operating



VHF direction finding station


Lift off speed


Vertical gyro


Maximum tyre speed


Very high frequency


Maximum break energy speed




Minimum control speed


Very low frequency


Air minimum control speed


Visual meteorological conditions


Ground minimum control speed


Meteorological information for aircraft in



Maximum operating limit speed / mach



VHF omnidirectional range


Minimum unstick speed




Never exceed speed


Vertical speed indicator


Normal operating speed


Vertical visibility


Rotating speed



Landing reference speed


Design manoeuvring speed


Stalling speed or minimum steady flight

speed at which the aeroplane is


Design speed for max gust intensity


Stalling speed or minimum steady flight

speed in landing configuration


Design cruise speed / mach number


Stalling speed or minimum steady flight

speed obtained in best configuration


Design dive speed


Speed for best angle of climb


Design flap speed


Speed for best rate of climb


Flap extended speed


Critical engine failure speed


Flap operating speed


Take-off safety speed for piston engine





Wind velocity



Way point


Wind component


Wind shear


Wind correction angle







Cross track


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24 October 2003

Section 2 - ICAO Definitions

The following definitions are from the ICAO Annexes
Accepting Unit

ATCU next to take control of an aircraft

An occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which takes place
between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight until such time as
all such persons have disembarked, in which:
A person is fatally or seriously injured as a result of:

Being in the aircraft, or

Direct contact with any part of the aircraft, including parts which have
become detached from the aircraft, or

Direct exposure to jet blast

except when the injuries are from natural causes, self-inflicted or inflicted by other
persons, or when the injuries are to stowaways hiding outside the areas normally
available to the passengers and crew, or
The aircraft sustains damage or structural failure which:

Adversely affects the structural

characteristics of the aircraft, and





Would normally require major repair or replacement of the affected


except for engine failure or damage, when the damage is limited to the engine, its
cowlings or accessories; or for damage limited to propellers, wing tips, antennas,
tyres, brakes, fairings, small dents or puncture holes in the aircraft skin, or
The aircraft is missing or is completely inaccessible:
Note: An injury resulting in death within 30 days of the date of the accident
is classified as a fatal injury by ICAO
Note: An aircraft is considered to be missing when the official search has
been terminated and the wreckage has not been located
Advisory Airspace
An airspace of defined dimensions, or designated route, within which
air traffic advisory service is available.

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Advisory Route

A designated route along which air traffic advisory service is

A defined area of land or water (including any buildings, installations and
equipment) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface
movement of aircraft.
Aerodrome Beacon
from the air

Aeronautical beacon used to indicate the location of an aerodrome

Aerodrome Control Service

Air traffic control service for aerodrome traffic

Aerodrome Control Tower

A unit established to provide air traffic control service

Aerodrome Elevation The elevation of the highest point of the landing area
Aerodrome Identification Sign
the aerodrome from the air

A sign placed on an aerodrome to aid in identifying

Aerodrome Operating Minima

The limits of usability of an aerodrome for:

Take-off, expressed in terms of RVR and/or visibility and, if necessary, cloud


Landing in precision approach and landing operations, expressed in terms of

visibility and/or RVR and DA/DH as appropriate to the category of the operation,

Landing in non-precision approach and landing operations, expressed in terms of

visibility and/or RVR, MDA/MDH and, if necessary, cloud conditions

Aerodrome Reference Field Length The minimum field length required for take-off at
maximum certificated take-off mass, sea level, standard atmospheric conditions, still air and
zero runway slope, as shown in the appropriate aeroplane flight manual prescribed by the
certificating authority or equivalent data from the aeroplane manufacturer. Field length means
balanced field length for aeroplanes, if applicable, or take-off distance in other cases
Aerodrome Reference Point

The designated geographical location of the aerodrome

Aerodrome Taxi Circuit

specific wind conditions

The specified path of aircraft on the manoeuvring area during

Aerodrome Traffic
All traffic on the manoeuvring area of an aerodrome and all traffic
flying in the vicinity of an aerodrome.
Note: An aircraft is in the vicinity of an aerodrome when it is in, entering or leaving
an aerodrome traffic circuit.

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Aerodrome Traffic Zone

An airspace of defined dimensions established around an
aerodrome for the protection of aerodrome traffic.
Aeronautical Beacon
An aeronautical ground light visible at all azimuths, either
continuously or intermittently, to designate a particular point on the surface of the earth
Aeronautical Ground Light
Any light specifically provided as an aid to air navigation,
other than a light displayed on an aircraft
Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC)
A notice containing information that does not
qualify for the origination of a NOTAM or for inclusion in the AlP, but which relates to flight
safety, air navigation, technical, administrative or legislative matters
Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) A publication issued by or with the authority
of a state and containing aeronautical information of a lasting character essential to air
Aeronautical Mobile Service A mobile service between aeronautical stations and aircraft
stations, or between aircraft stations, in which survival craft stations may participate;
emergency position-indicating radio beacon stations may also participate in this service on
designated distress and emergency frequencies
Aeronautical Station A land station in the aeronautical mobile service. In certain instances,
an aeronautical station may be located, for example, on board ship or on a platform at sea.
Aeronautical Telecommunication Station
telecommunication service





A power-driven heavier than air aircraft, deriving its lift in flight chiefly from
aerodynamic reactions on surfaces which remain fixed under given conditions of flight.
AIP Amendment

Permanent changes to the information contained in the AIP

AIP Supplement
Temporary changes to the information contained in the AIP which are
published by means of special pages
An acronym (Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control) signifying a
system aimed at advance notification based on common dates, of circumstances that
necessitate significant changes in operating practices
Air-Ground Communication Two-way communication between aircraft and stations or
locations on the surface of the earth
Air Report
A report from an aircraft in flight prepared in conformity with requirements for
position, and operational and/or meteorological reporting

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Atlantic Flight Training

Air Traffic

All aircraft in flight or operating on the manoeuvring area of an aerodrome.

Air Traffic Advisory Service A service provided within advisory airspace to ensure
separation, in so far as practical between aircraft which are operating on IFR flight plans.
Air Traffic Control Clearance Authorization for an aircraft to proceed under conditions
specified by an air traffic control unit.
Note: For convenience the term Air Traffic Control Clearance is frequently
abbreviated to Clearance when used in appropriate contexts.
Note: The abbreviated term Clearance may be prefixed by the words Taxi,
Take-off, Departure, En-route, Approach or Landing to indicate the particular
portion of flight to which the Air Traffic Control Clearance relates.
Air Traffic Control Instruction Directives issued by ATC for the purpose of requiring a pilot
to take a specific action
Air Traffic Control Service

A service provided for the purpose of:

Preventing collisions between aircraft, and,

On the manoeuvring area between aircraft and obstructions.

Expediting and maintaining an orderly flow of air traffic.

Air Traffic Control Unit

A generic term meaning variously, area control centre,
approach control office or aerodrome control tower.
Air Traffic Service
A generic term meaning variously, flight information service, alerting
service, air traffic advisory service or air traffic control service (area control service, approach
control service or aerodrome control service).
Air Traffic Services Airspaces
Airspaces of defined dimensions, alphabetically
designated, within which specific types of flights may operate and for which air traffic services
and rules of operation are specified.

ATS airspaces are classified as Class A to G

Air Traffic Services Reporting Office A unit established for the purpose of receiving
reports concerning air traffic services and flight plans submitted before departure.
Note: An Air Traffic Services reporting office may be established as a separate unit
or combined with an existing unit, such as another Air Traffic Services Unit, or a unit
of the Aeronautical Information Service.

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24 October 2003

Air Traffic Services Unit

A generic term meaning variously, air traffic control unit, flight
information centre or air traffic services reporting office.
Any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of
the air other than the reactions of the air against the earths surface.
Aircraft Category
Classification of aircraft according to specified basic characteristics
eg aeroplane, helicopter, glider, free balloon
Aircraft Certified For Single-Pilot Operation A type of aircraft which the State of Registry
has determined, during the certification process, can be operated safely with a minimum crew
of one pilot
Aircraft Equipment
Articles, other than stores and spare parts of a removable nature, for
use on board an aircraft during flight, including first aid and survival equipment
Aircraft Identification A group of letters, figures or a combination thereof which is either
identical to, or the coded equivalent of, the aircraft callsign to be used in air-ground
communications, and which is used to identify the aircraft in ground-ground ATS
Aircraft Observation
an aircraft in flight

The evaluation of one or more meteorological elements made from

Aircraft Proximity
A situation in which, in the opinion of a pilot or ATS personnel, the
distance between aircraft as well as their relative positions and speed have been such that
the safety of the aircraft involved may have been compromised. An aircraft proximity is
classified as follows:
Risk Of Collision
The risk classification of an aircraft proximity in which serious
risk of collision has existed
Safety Not Assured
The risk classification of an aircraft proximity in which the
safety of the aircraft may have been compromised
No Risk Of Collision The risk classification of an aircraft proximity in which no risk
of collision has existed
Risk Not Determined The risk classification of an aircraft proximity in which
insufficient information was available to determine the risk involved, or inconclusive or
conflicting evidence precluded such determination
Aircraft Stand A designated area on an apron intended to be used for parking aircraft
Aircraft Type of
All aircraft of the same basic design including all modifications
thereto except those modifications which result in a change in handling or flight characteristics

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Atlantic Flight Training

AIRMET Information Information issued by a meteorological watch office concerning the

occurrence or expected occurrence of specified en-route weather phenomena which may
affect the safety of low-level aircraft operations and which was not already included in the
forecast issued for low-level flights in the FIR concerned or sub-area thereof
Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS)
An aircraft system based on SSR
transponder signals which operates independently of ground based equipment to provide
advice to the pilot on potential conflicting aircraft that are equipped with SSR transponders.
As provided in Article 96 of the Convention, any air transport enterprise
offering or operating a scheduled international air service

The code word used in an air traffic incident report to designate aircraft

A control area or portion thereof established in the form of a corridor
equipped with radio navigation aids.

The code word used to designate an alert phase

Alert Phase

A situation wherein apprehension exists as to the safety of an aircraft and its

Alerting Service
A service provided to notify appropriate organisations regarding
aircraft in need of search and rescue aid, and assist such organisations as required.
Alternate Aerodrome An aerodrome to which an aircraft may proceed when it becomes
either impossible or inadvisable to proceed to or land at the aerodrome of intended landing.
Alternate aerodromes include the following:
Take-off Alternate
An alternate aerodrome at which an aircraft can land should
this become necessary shortly after take-off and it is not possible to use the
aerodrome of departure.
En-route Alternate
An aerodrome at which an aircraft would be able to land after
experiencing an abnormal or emergency condition while en-route.
Destination Alternate An aerodrome to which an aircraft may proceed should it
become impossible or inadvisable to land at the aerodrome of intended landing.
Note: The aerodrome from which a flight departs may also be an en-route
or a destination alternate aerodrome for that flight.
The vertical distance of a level, a point or an object considered as a point
measured from mean sea level (MSL).

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24 October 2003

Approach Control Office

A unit established to provide ATC service to controlled flights
arriving at, or departing from, one or more aerodromes
Approach Control Service

ATC service for arriving or departing controlled flights

Appropriate ATS Authority

The relevant authority designated by the state responsible for
providing air traffic services in the airspace concerned.
Appropriate Authority

Regarding flight over the high seas - the relevant authority of the state of registry.

Regarding flight other than over the high seas - the relevant authority of the state
having sovereignty over the territory being over flown.

A defined area, on a land aerodrome, intended to accommodate aircraft for
the purposes of loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, parking or
Apron Management Service A service provided to regulate the activities and the
movement of aircraft and vehicles on an apron
Area Control Centre A unit established to provide Air Traffic Control Service to controlled
flights in control areas under its jurisdiction.
Area Control Service Air Traffic Control Service for controlled flight in Control Areas.
Area Navigation (RNAV)
A method of navigation which permits aircraft operation on
any desired flight path within the coverage of the station referenced navigation aids or within
the limits of the capability of self contained aids, or a combination of these.
Area Navigation Route
employing area navigation

An ATS route established for the use of aircraft capable of

The symbol used to designate automatic terminal information service

ATS Route
A specified route designed for channeling the flow of traffic as necessary for
the provision of air traffic services.
Note: The term ATS route is used to mean variously, airway, advisory route,
controlled or uncontrolled route, arrival or departure route, etc.
Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS)
A surveillance technique in which aircraft
automatically provide, via a data link, data derived from on board navigation and position

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fixing systems, including aircraft identification, four dimensional position and additional data
as appropriate
Automatic Terminal Information Service
The provision of current, routine information
to arriving and departing aircraft by means of a continuous and repetitive broadcast
throughout the day or a specified portion of the day
Personal property of passengers or crew carried on an aircraft by agreement
with the operator
Three or more aeronautical ground lights closely spaced in a traverse line so
that from a distance they appear as a short bar of light
Base Turn
A turn executed by the aircraft during the initial approach between the end of
the outbound track and the beginning of the intermediate or final approach track. The tracks
are not reciprocal.
Note: Base turns may be designated as being made either in level flight or while
descending, according to the circumstances of each individual procedure
Blind Transmission
A transmission from one station to another station in circumstances
where two-way communication cannot be established but where it is believed the called
station is able to receive the transmission
A transmission of information relating to air navigation that is not addressed
to a specific station or stations
Cargo Any property carried on an aircraft other than mail, stores and accompanied or
mishandled baggage
The height above the ground or water of the base of the lowest layer of cloud
below 6000 metres (20 000 ft) covering more than half the sky.
Certify as Airworthy (to)
To certify that an aircraft or parts thereof comply with current
airworthiness requirements after maintenance has been performed on the aircraft or parts
Change-over Point
The point at which an aircraft navigating over an ATS route segment
defined by reference to very high frequency omnidirectional radio ranges is expected to
transfer its primary navigational reference from the facility behind the aircraft to the next
facility ahead of the aircraft.
Note: Change-over points are established to provide the optimum balance in
respect of signal strength and quality between facilities at all levels to be used and to
ensure a common source of azimuth guidance for all aircraft operating along the
same portion of a route segment.

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24 October 2003

Circling Approach
An extension of an instrument approach procedure which provides
for visual circling of the aerodrome prior to landing
Clearance Limit

The point to which an aircraft is granted an Air Traffic Control

Note: The term ATS route is used to mean variously, airway, advisory route,
controlled or uncontrolled route, arrival or departure route, etc.
A defined rectangular area on the ground or water under the control of the
appropriate authority, selected or prepared as a suitable area over which an aeroplane may
make a portion of its initial climb to a specified height
Code (SSR)
The number assigned to a particular multiple pulse reply signal transmitted by
a transponder in Mode A or Mode C
Commercial Air Transport Operation
An aircraft operation involving the transport of
passengers, cargo or mail for remuneration or hire
Configuration (as applied to the aeroplane) A particular combination of the positions of
the moveable elements, such as wing flaps, landing gear etc, which affect the aerodynamic
characteristics of the aeroplane
Control Area

A controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above the

Controlled Aerodrome
to aerodrome traffic.

An aerodrome at which Air Traffic Control Service is provided

Note: The term Controlled Aerodrome indicates that Air Traffic Control Service is
provided to Aerodrome Traffic but does not necessarily imply that a Control Zone
Controlled Airspace An airspace of defined dimensions within which air traffic control
service is provided to IFR flights and to VFR flights in accordance with the airspace
Note: Controlled airspace is a generic term which covers ATS airspace Class A, B,
C, D and E.
Controlled Flight

Any flight which is subject to an Air Traffic Control Clearance

Control Zone A controlled airspace extending upwards from the surface of the earth to a
specified upper limit.

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Atlantic Flight Training

A licensed pilot serving in any piloting capacity other than as PIC but
excluding a pilot who is on board the aircraft for the sole purpose of receiving flight instruction
Crew Member A person assigned by an operator to duty on an aircraft during flight time
Critical Power Unit(s) The power unit(s) failure of which gives the most adverse effect on
the aircraft characteristics relative to the case under consideration
Cruise Climb An aeroplane cruising technique resulting in a net increase in altitude as the
aeroplane mass decreases.
Cruising Level A level maintained during a significant portion of a flight.
Current Flight Plan
The flight plan, including changes, if any, brought about by
subsequent clearances.
Danger Area An airspace of defined dimensions within which activities dangerous to the
flight of aircraft may exist at specified times.
Dead Reckoning (DR) Navigation
The estimating or determining of position by
advancing an earlier known position by the application of direction, time and speed data
Decision Altitude (DA) or Decision Height (DH)
A specified altitude or height in the
precision approach at which a missed approach must be initiated if the required visual
reference to continue the approach has not been established

DA is referenced to mean sea level, DH is referenced to threshold elevation

Note: The required visual reference means that section of the visual aids or of the
approach area which should have been in view for sufficient time for the pilot to have
made an assessment of the aircraft position and rate of change of position, in relation
to the desired flight path. In Category III operations with a DH the required visual
reference is that specified for the particular procedure and operation
Declared Distances
Take-Off Run Available (TORA) The length of runway declared available and
suitable for the ground run of an aircraft
Take-Off Distance Available (TODA) The length of the take-off run available
plus the length of the clearway, if provided
Accelerate-Stop Distance Available (ASDA) The length of the take-off run
available plus the length of the stopway, if provided

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24 October 2003

Landing Distance Available (LDA) The length of the runway which is declared
available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing
Dependent Parallel Approaches
Simultaneous approaches to parallel or near parallel
instrument runways where radar separation minima between aircraft on adjacent extended
runway centre lines are prescribed
Design Landing Mass The maximum mass of the aircraft at which, for structural design
purposes, it is assumed that it will be planned to land
Design Take-off Mass The maximum mass at which the aircraft, for structural design
purposes, is assumed to be planned to be at the start of the take-off run
Design Taxiing Mass The maximum mass of the aircraft at which structural provision is
made for load liable to occur during use of the aircraft on the ground prior to the start of takeoff

The code word used to designate a distress phase

Displaced Threshold A threshold not located at the extremity of the runway

Distress Phase
A situation wherein there is a reasonable certainty that an aircraft and
its occupants are threatened by grave and imminent danger or require immediate assistance
DME Distance The line of sight distance (slant range) from the source of a DME signal to the
receiving antenna
Dual Instruction Time Flight time during which a person is receiving flight instruction from a
properly authorized pilot on board the aircraft
The vertical distance of a point on or affixed to the surface of the earth,
measured from mean sea level
Emergency Phase
A generic term meaning, as the case may be, uncertainty phase,
alert phase or distress phase
Estimated Elapsed Time
point to another

The estimated time required to proceed from one significant

Estimated Off-block Time

The estimated time at which the aircraft will commence
movement associated with departure.
Estimated Time of Arrival
For IFR flights, the time at which it is estimated that the
aircraft will arrive over the designated point, defined by reference to navigation aids, from
which it is intended that an instrument approach procedure will be commenced, or, if no

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navigation aid is associated with the aerodrome, the time at which the aircraft will arrive over
the aerodrome. For VFR flights, the time at which it is estimated that the aircraft will arrive
over the aerodrome.
Expected Approach Time
The time at which ATC expects that an arriving aircraft,
following a delay, will leave the holding point to complete its approach for a landing.
Note: The actual time of leaving the holding point will depend upon the approach
Filed Flight Plan
The flight plan as filed with an ATS unit by the pilot or a designated
representative, without any subsequent changes.
Final Approach
That part of an instrument approach procedure which commences at
the specified final approach fix or point, or where such a fix or point is not specified:

At the end of the last procedure turn, base turn or inbound turn of a racetrack
procedure, if specified, or

At the point of interception of the last track specified in the approach procedure,

ends at a point in the vicinity of an aerodrome from which:

A landing can be made, or

A missed approach procedure is initiated

Final Approach and Take-Off Area (FATO)

A defined area over which the final phase of
the approach manoeuvre to landing is completed and from which the take-off manoeuvre is
Final Approach Segment
The segment of an instrument runway procedure in which
alignment and descent for landing are accomplished
Fixed Light

A light having constant luminous intensity when observed from a fixed point

Flight Crew Member A licensed crew member charged with duties essential to the
operation of an aircraft during flight time.
Flight Information Centre
alerting service.

A unit established to provide flight information service and

Flight Information Region

An airspace of defined dimensions within which flight
information service and alerting service are provided.

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Flight Information Service

A service provided for the purpose of giving advice and
information useful to the safe and effective conduct of flights.
Flight Level
A surface of constant atmospheric pressure which is related to a specific
pressure datum, 1013.2 hectopascals (hPa) and is separated from other surfaces by specific
pressure intervals.
Note: A pressure type altimeter calibrated in accordance with the Standard

When set to a QNH altimeter setting, will indicate altitude

When set to a QFE altimeter setting, will indicate height, above the QFE
reference datum

When set to a pressure of 1013.2 hPa may be used to indicate flight levels.

Note: The terms height and altitude used in the above note, indicate altimetric
rather than geometric heights and altitudes.
Flight Plan
Specified information provided to Air Traffic Services Units, relative to an
intended flight or portion of a flight of an aircraft.
Flight Procedures Trainer

See Synthetic Flight Trainer

Flight Recorder
Any type of recorder installed in the aircraft for the purpose of
complementing accident/incident investigation
Flight Simulator

See Synthetic Flight Trainer

Flight Time
The total time from the moment an aircraft first moves under its own power
for the purpose of taking-off until the moment it comes to rest at the end of the flight
Note: Flight time as here defined is synonymous with the term block to block time
or chock to chock time in general usage which is measured from the time an aircraft
moves from the loading point until it stops at the unloading point
Flight Manual A manual associated with the certificate of airworthiness, containing
limitations within which the aircraft is to be considered airworthy, and instructions and
information necessary to the flight crew members for the safe operation of the aircraft
Flight Visibility The visibility forward from the cockpit of an aircraft in flight.
Flow Control Measures designed to adjust the flow of traffic into a given airspace, along a
given route, or bound for a given aerodrome, so as to ensure the most effective utilization of
the airspace

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Atlantic Flight Training

A statement of expected meteorological conditions for a specified time or
period, and for a specified area or portion of airspace
Frangible Object
An object of low mass designed to break distort or yield on impact so
as to present the minimum hazard to aircraft
Glide Path

A descent profile determined for vertical guidance during a final approach

Ground Equipment
Articles of a specialized nature for use in the maintenance, repair
and servicing of an aircraft on the ground, including testing equipment and cargo/passengerhandling equipment
Ground Visibility

The visibility at an aerodrome, as reported by an accredited observer.

Hazard Beacon

An aeronautical beacon used to designate a danger to air navigation

The direction in which the longitudinal axis of an aircraft is pointed, usually
expressed in degrees from North (true, magnetic, compass or grid)
Heavier-Than-Air Aircraft

Any aircraft deriving its lift in flight chiefly from aerodynamic

The vertical distance of a level, a point or an object considered as a point,
measured from a specified datum (NOT msl).
An aerodrome or a defined area on a structure intended to be used wholly or
in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of helicopters
Holding Bay A defined area where aircraft can be held, or bypassed, to facilitate efficient
surface movement of aircraft
Holding Point A specified location, identified by visual or other means, in the vicinity of
which the position of an aircraft in flight is maintained in accordance with ATC clearances
Holding Procedure
A pre-determined manoeuvre which keeps an aircraft within a
specified airspace while awaiting further clearance
Identification Beacon An aeronautical beacon emitting a coded signal by means of which a
particular point of reference can be identified

The symbol used to designate the instrument flight rules.

IFR Flight

A flight conducted in accordance with instrument flight rules.

The symbol used to designate instrument meteorological conditions.

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24 October 2003


The code word used to designate an uncertainty phase

An occurrence, other than an accident associated with the operation of an
aircraft which affects or could affect the safety of operation
Initial Approach Segment That segment of an instrument approach procedure between the
initial approach fix and the intermediate approach fix or, where applicable, the final approach
fix or point
Instrument Approach Procedure
A series of pre-determined manoeuvres by reference
to flight instruments with specified protection from obstacles from the initial approach fix, or
where applicable, from the beginning of a defined arrival route to a point from which a landing
can be completed and thereafter, if a landing is not completed to a position at which holding
or en-route obstacle clearance criteria apply.
Instrument Flight Time
Time during which a pilot is piloting an aircraft solely by
reference to instruments and without external reference points
Instrument Ground Time
Time during which a pilot is practising, on the ground,
simulated instrument flight in a synthetic flight trainer approved by the licensing authority
Instrument Meteorological Conditions
Meteorological conditions expressed in
terms of visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling, less than the minima specified for visual
meteorological conditions.

The specified minima for VMC are contained within the Aviation Law notes.

Instrument Runway

One of the following types of runways intended for the operation of

aircraft using instrument approach procedures:

Non-Precision Approach Runway
An instrument runway served by visual aids
and a non-visual aid providing at least directional guidance adequate for a straight-in
Precision Approach Runway, Category I
An instrument runway served by ILS
and/or MLS and visual aids intended for operations with a decision height not lower
than 60 m (200 ft) and either a visibility not less than 800 m or a runway visual range
not less than 550 m
Precision Approach Runway, Category II
An instrument runway served by ILS
and/or MLS and visual aids intended for operations with a decision height lower than
60 m (200 ft) but not lower than 30 m (100 ft) and a runway visual range not less than
350 m

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Atlantic Flight Training

Precision Approach Runway, Category III

An instrument runway served by ILS
and/or MLS to and along the surface of the runway and:
Intended for operations with a decision height lower than 30 m (100
ft), or no decision height and a runway visual range not less than 200 m
Intended for operations with a decision height lower than 15 m (50 ft),
or no decision height and a runway visual range less than 200 m but not less
than 50 m

Intended for operations with no decision height and no runway visual

Range limitations
Instrument Time Instrument flight time or instrument ground time
Integrated Aeronautical Information Package A package which consists of the following

AIP, including the AIP Amendment service

Supplements to the AIP

NOTAM and pre-flight information bulletins (PIB)


Checklists and summaries

Intermediate Approach Segment

between either:

That segment of an instrument approach procedure

The intermediate approach fix and the final approach fix or point, or

Between the end of a reversal, racetrack or DR track procedure and the final
approach fix or point

as appropriate
International Airport Any airport designated by the Contracting State in whose territory it
is situated as an airport of entry and departure for international air traffic, where the formalities
incident to customs, immigration, public health, animal and plant quarantine and similar
procedures are carried out
International NOTAM Office

An office designated by a State for the exchange of NOTAM

Investigation A process conducted for the purpose of accident prevention which includes
the gathering and analysis of information for the drawing of conclusions, including the
determination of causes and, when appropriate, the making of safety recommendations

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24 October 2003

Landing Area That part of a movement area intended for the landing or take-off of aircraft.
Landing Direction Indicator A device to indicate visually the direction currently
designated for landing and for take-off
Landing Surface
That part of the surface of an aerodrome which the aerodrome
authority has declared available for the normal ground or water run of aircraft landing in a
particular direction
Level A generic term relating to the vertical position of an aircraft in flight and meaning
variously, height, altitude or flight level.
Location Indicator
A four letter code group formulated in accordance with rules
prescribed by ICAO and assigned to the location of an aeronautical fixed station
Maintenance Tasks required to ensure the continued airworthiness of an aircraft including
any one or combination of overhaul, repair, inspection, replacement, modification or defect
Manoeuvring Area
That part of an aerodrome to be used for the take-off landing and
taxiing of aircraft, excluding aprons.
An object displayed above ground level in order to indicate an obstacle or
delineate a boundary
A symbol or group of symbols displayed on the surface of the movement area
in order to convey aeronautical information
Maximum Mass

Maximum certificated, take-off mass

Medical Assessment The evidence issued by a Contracting State that the licence holder
meets specific requirements of medical fitness. It is issued following an evaluation by the
licensing authority of the report submitted by the designated medical examiner who
conducted the examination of the applicant for the licence
Meteorological Office An office designated to provide a meteorological service for
international air navigation
Meteorological Information
Meteorological report, analysis, forecast, and any other
statement relating to existing or expected meteorological conditions
Meteorological Report A statement of observed meteorological conditions related to a
specified time and location

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Atlantic Flight Training

Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) or Minimum Descent Height (MDH)

A specified
altitude or height in a non-precision approach or circling approach below which descent must
not be made without the required visual reference
Note: MDA is referenced to mean sea level and MDH is referenced to the
aerodrome elevation or to the threshold elevation if that is more than 2 m (7ft,) below
the aerodrome elevation. A MDH for a circling approach is referenced to the
aerodrome elevation
Note: The required visual reference means that section of the visual aids or of the
approach area which should have been in view for sufficient time for the pilot to have
made an assessment of the aircraft position and rate of change of position, in relation
to the desired flight path. In the case of a circling approach the required visual
reference is the runway environment
Minimum Sector Altitude
The lowest altitude which may be used which will provide a
minimum clearance of 300 m (1000 ft) above all objects located in an area contained within a
sector of a circle of 46 km (25 nm) radius centred on a radio aid to navigation
Missed Approach Point (MAPt)
That point in an instrument approach procedure at or
before which the prescribed missed approach procedure must be initiated in order to ensure
that the minimum obstacle clearance is not infringed
Missed Approach Procedure The procedure to be followed if the approach cannot be
Mode (SSR)
The conventional identifier related to specific functions of the interrogation
signals transmitted by an SSR interrogator
Movement Area
That part of an aerodrome to be used for the take-off landing and
taxiing of aircraft, consisting of the manoeuvring area and the aprons.
Non-Instrument Runway
approach procedures

A runway intended for the operation of aircraft using visual

Normal Operating Zone (NOZ) Airspace of defined dimensions extending either side of an
ILS localizer course and/or MLS final approach track. Only the inner half of the normal
operating zone is taken into account in independent parallel approaches
A notice distributed by means of telecommunication containing information
concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service,
procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with
flight operations
No-transgression Zone (NTZ) In the context of independent parallel approaches, a corridor
of airspace of defined dimensions located centrally between the two extended runway centre
lines, where a penetration by an aircraft requires a controller intervention to manoeuvre any
threatened aircraft on the adjacent approach

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24 October 2003

All fixed (whether temporary or permanent) and mobile objects, or parts
thereof that are located on an area intended for the surface movement of aircraft or that
extend above a defined surface intended to protect aircraft in flight
Obstacle Assessment Surface (OAS) A defined surface intended for the purpose of
determining those obstacles to be considered for the calculation of obstacle clearance
altitude/height for a specific ILS facility and procedure
Obstacle Clearance Altitude (OCA) or Obstacle Clearance Height (OCH) The lowest
altitude or the lowest height above the elevation of the relevant runway threshold or the
aerodrome elevation as applicable, used in establishing compliance with appropriate obstacle
clearance criteria
Note: OCA is referenced to mean sea level and OCH is referenced to the
aerodrome elevation or to the threshold elevation if that is more than 2 m (7ft,) below
the aerodrome elevation. An OCH for a circling approach is referenced to the
aerodrome elevation

Obstacle Free Zone (OFZ)

The airspace above the inner approach surface, inner
transitional surfaces, and balked landing surface and that portion of the strip bounded by
these surfaces, which is not penetrated by any fixed obstacle other than a low-mass and
frangible mounted one required for air navigation purposes
Operational Control The exercise of authority over the initiation, continuation, diversion or
termination of a flight in the interest of the safety of the aircraft and the regularity and
efficiency of the flight
A person, organization or enterprise engaged in or offering to engage in
aircraft operation
Pavement Classification Number (PCN) A number expressing the bearing strength of a
pavement for unrestricted operation
Pilot (to)

To manipulate the flight controls of an aircraft during flight time

Pilot in Command
during flight.

The pilot responsible for the operation and safety of the aircraft

Power Unit
A system of one or more engines and ancillary parts which are together
necessary to provide thrust, independently of the continued operation of any other powerunit(s), but not including short period thrust producing devices
Precision Approach Procedure
An instrument approach procedure utilizing azimuth
and glide path information provided by ILS, MLS or PAR

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Precision Approach Runway See Instrument Runway

Pre-flight Information Bulletin (PIB) A presentation of current NOTAM information of
operational significance prepared prior to flight
Pressure Altitude
An atmospheric pressure expressed in terms of altitude which
corresponds to that pressure in the standard atmosphere.
Primary Area
A defined area symmetrically disposed about the nominal flight track
in which full obstacle clearance is provided
Primary Radar

A radar system which uses reflected radio signals

Primary Runway(s) Runway(s) used in preference to others whenever conditions permit

Procedure Turn
A manoeuvre in which a turn is made away from a designated track
followed by a turn in the opposite direction to permit the aircraft to intercept and proceed
along the reciprocal of the designated track
Note: Procedure turns are designated left or right according to the direction of
the initial turn
Note: Procedure turns may be designated as being made either in level flight or
while descending, according to the circumstances of each individual procedure
Prohibited Area
An airspace of defined dimensions, above the land areas or territorial
waters of a state, within which the flight of aircraft is prohibited.
Racetrack Procedure A procedure designed to enable the aircraft to reduce altitude during
the initial approach segment and/or establish the aircraft inbound when the entry into a
reversal procedure is not practical
Radar Approach
An approach in which the final approach phase is executed under the
direction of a radar controller
Radar Clutter The visual indication on a radar display of unwanted signals
Radar Contact The situation which exists when the radar position of a particular aircraft is
seen and identified on a radar display
Radar Control Term used to indicate that radar derived information is employed directly in
the provision of ATC service

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24 October 2003

Radio Direction Finding Station

A radio station intended to determine only the
direction of other stations by means of transmissions from the latter
Radar Identification
The situation which exists when the radar position of a particular
aircraft is seen on a radar display and positively identified by the ATC controller
Radar Monitoring
The use of radar for the purpose of providing aircraft with information
and advice relative to significant deviations from nominal flight path, including deviations from
the terms of their ATC clearances
Radar Position Indication (RPI)
The visual indication, in non symbolic and/or
symbolic form, on a radar display, of the position of an aircraft obtained after automatic
processing of positional data derived from primary and/or SSR
Radar Position Symbol (RIPS)
The visual indication, in symbolic form, on a radar
display, of the position of an aircraft obtained after automatic processing of positional data
derived from primary and/or SSR
Radar Separation
from radar sources

The separation used when aircraft position information is derived

Radar Service Term used to indicate a service provided directly by means of radar
Radar Vectoring
Provision of navigational guidance to aircraft in the form of specific
headings, based on the use of radar
An authorization entered on or associated with a licence and forming part
thereof stating special conditions, privileges or limitations pertaining to such licence
Receiving Unit/Controller

ATS unit/ATC controller to which a message is sent

Rendering (a Licence) Valid

The action taken by a Contracting State, as an alternative to
issuing its own licence, in accepting a licence issued by any other Contracting State as the
equivalent of its own licence
Repetitive Flight Plan A flight plan related to a series of frequently recurring, regularly
operated individual flights with identical basic features, submitted by an operator for retention
and repetitive use by ATS units.
Reporting Point
A specified geographical location in relation to which the position of
an aircraft can be reported.
Required Navigation Performance (RNP)
A statement of the navigation performance
accuracy necessary for operation within a defined airspace

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Atlantic Flight Training

Rescue Co-ordination Centre A unit responsible for promoting efficient organization of

search and rescue services and for coordinating the conduct of search and rescue operations
within a search and rescue region
Restricted Area
An airspace of defined dimensions, above the land areas or territorial
waters of a state, within which the flight of aircraft is restricted in accordance with certain
specified conditions.
Reversal Procedure
A procedure designed to enable aircraft to reverse direction during
the initial approach segment of an instrument approach procedure. The sequence may
include procedure turns or base turns
A defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome prepared for the landing
and take-off of aircraft.
Runway End Safety Area (RESA)
An area symmetrical about the extended runway
centre line and adjacent to the end of the strip primarily intended to reduce the risk of damage
to an aeroplane undershooting or overrunning the aerodrome
Runway Guard Lights A light system intended to caution pilots or vehicle drivers that they
are about to enter an active runway
Runway Strip A defined area including the runway and stopway, if provided, intended:

To reduce the risk of damage to aircraft running off the runway, and

To protect aircraft flying over it during take-off and landing operations

Runway Visual Range (RVR) The range over which the pilot of an aircraft on the centre
line of a runway can see the runway surface markings or the lights delineating the runway or
identifying its centre line
Secondary Area
A defined area on each side of the primary area located along the
nominal flight track in which decreasing obstacle clearance is provided
Secondary Radar
A radar system wherein a radio signal transmitted from the radar
station initiates the transmission of a radio signal from another station
Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) A
transmitters/receivers (interrogators) and transponders
Serious Incident

ATPL Air Law





An incident involving circumstances indicating that an accident nearly

The difference between an accident and a serious incident lies only in the


24 October 2003

Serious Injury An injury which is sustained by a person in an accident and which:

Requires hospitalization for more than 48 hours, commencing within 7 days from
the date the injury was received, or

Results in a fracture of any bone (Not simple fractures of fingers, toes or nose), or

Involves lacerations which cause severe haemorrhage, nerve, muscle or tendon

damage, or

Involves injury to any internal organ, or

Involves second or third degree burns, or any burns affecting more than 5% of
the body surface, or

Involves verified exposure to infectious substances or injurious radiation

An area adjacent to the edge of a pavement so prepared as to provide a
transition between the pavement and the adjacent surface
SIGMET Information Information issued by a meteorological watch office concerning the
occurrence or expected occurrence of specified en-route weather phenomena which may
affect the safety of aircraft operations
Signal Area

An area of an aerodrome used for the display of ground signals.

Significant Point
A specified geographical location used in defining an ATS route or
the flight path of an aircraft and for other navigation and ATS purposes
Slush Water-saturated snow which with a heel-and-toe slap down motion against the
ground will be displaced with a splatter; Specific Gravity: 0.5 up to 0.8
Snow (On the ground)
Dry Snow Snow which can be blown if loose or, if compacted by hand, will fall apart
again upon release
Specific Gravity - Up to but not including 0.35
Wet Snow Snow which, if compacted by hand, will stick together and tend to form a
Specific Gravity - 0.35 up to but not including 0.45
Compacted Snow Snow which has been compressed into a solid mass that resists
further compression and will hold together or break up into lumps if picked up
Specific Gravity - 0.5 and over
A special series NOTAM notifying the presence or removal of hazardous
conditions due to snow, slush and ice on the movement area, by means of a special format

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Special VFR Flight

A VFR flight cleared by air traffic control to operate within a control
zone in meteorological conditions below VMC.
Standard Instrument Arrival (STAR) A designated IFR arrival route linking a significant
point, normally on an ATS route, with a point from which a published instrument approach
procedure can be commenced
Standard Instrument Departure (SID) A designated IFR departure route linking the
aerodrome or a specified runway of the aerodrome with a specified significant point, normally
on a designated ATS route, at which the en-route phase of a flight commences
State of Design
type design

The State having jurisdiction over the organization responsible for the

State of Manufacture The State having jurisdiction over the organization responsible for
the final assembly of the aircraft
State of Occurrence

The State in the territory of which an accident or incident occurs

State of the Operator The State in which the operators principal place of business is
located or, if there is no such place of business, the operators permanent residence
State of Registry

The state on whose register the aircraft is entered

A defined rectangular area on the ground at the end of TORA prepared as a
suitable area in which an aircraft can be stopped in the case of an abandoned take-off
Synthetic Flight Trainer
Any one of the following three types of apparatus in which
flight conditions are simulated on the ground:
Flight Simulator
A flight simulator, which provides an accurate representation
of the flight deck of a particular aircraft type to the extent that the mechanical,
electrical, electronic, etc aircraft systems control functions, the normal environment of
flight crew members, and the performance and flight characteristics of that type of
aircraft are realistically simulated
Flight Procedures Trainer
A flight procedures trainer, which provides a realistic
flight deck environment and which simulates instrument responses, simple control
functions of mechanical, electrical, electronic, etc aircraft systems, and the
performance and flight characteristics of aircraft of a particular class
Basic Instrument Flight Trainer A basic instrument flight trainer, which is equipped
with appropriate instruments, and which simulates the flight deck environment of an
aircraft in flight in instrument flight conditions
Take-off Runway

ATPL Air Law

A runway intended for take-off only


24 October 2003

Take-off Surface
That part of the surface of an aerodrome which the aerodrome
authority has declared available for the normal ground or water run of aircraft taking off in a
particular direction
Taxi-Holding Position A designated position at which taxiing aircraft and vehicles shall stop
and hold position, unless otherwise authorised by the aerodrome control tower
Movement of an aircraft on the surface of an aerodrome under its own power,
excluding take-off and landing, but including, in the case of helicopters, operation over the
surface of an aerodrome within a height band associated with ground effect and at speeds
associated with taxiing eg air-taxiing.
Taxiway A defined path on a land aerodrome established for the taxiing of aircraft and
intended to provide a link between one part of the aerodrome and another, including:
Aircraft Stand Taxilane
A portion of an apron designated as a taxiway and
intended to provide access to aircraft stands only.
Apron Taxiway
A portion of a taxiway system located on an apron and
intended to provide a through taxi route across the apron.
Rapid Exit Taxiway
A taxiway connected to a runway at an acute angle and
designated to allow landing aeroplanes to turn off at higher speeds than are achieved
on other exit taxiways and thereby minimizing runway occupancy times.
Taxiway Intersection A junction of two or more taxiways
Taxiway Strip An area including taxiway intended to protect an aircraft operating on the
taxiway and to reduce the risk of damage to an aircraft accidentally running off the taxiway
Terminal Control Area A control area normally established at the confluence of ATS routes
in the vicinity of one or more major aerodromes.
Threshold (THR)

The beginning of that portion of the runway usable for landing

Total Estimated Elapsed Time For IFR flights, the estimated time required from take-off to
arrive over that designated point, defined by reference to navigation aids, from which it is
intended that an instrument approach procedure will be commenced, or, if no navigation aid is
associated with the destination aerodrome, to arrive over the destination aerodrome. For VFR
flights, the estimated time required from take-off to arrive over the destination aerodrome.

The point where the nominal glide path intercepts the runway

Touchdown Zone The portion of a runway, beyond the threshold, where it is intended
landing aeroplanes first contact the runway

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Track The projection on the earths surface of the path of an aircraft, the direction of which
path at any point is usually expressed in degrees from North (true, magnetic or grid)
Traffic Avoidance Advice Advice provided by Air Traffic Services Unit specifying
manoeuvres to assist a pilot to avoid a collision.
Traffic Information
Information issued by an air traffic services unit to alert a pilot to
other known or observed air traffic which may be in proximity to the position or intended route
of flight and to help the pilot avoid a collision.
Transfer of Control Point
A defined point located along the flight path of an aircraft, at
which the responsibility for providing ATC service to the aircraft is transferred from one control
unit or control position to the next
Transferring Unit
ATCU in the process of transferring the responsibility for providing
ATC service to an aircraft to the next ATCU along the route of flight
Transition Altitude
The altitude at or below which the vertical position of an aircraft is
controlled by reference to altitudes.
Transition Layer

The airspace between the transition altitude and the transition level

Transition Level

The lowest flight level available for use above the transition altitude

Uncertainty Phase
and its occupants

A situation wherein uncertainty exists as to the safety of an aircraft


The symbol used to designate the visual flight rules.

VFR Flight

A flight conducted in accordance with the visual flight rules.

The ability, as determined by atmospheric conditions and expressed in units
of distance, to see and identify prominent unlighted objects by day and prominent objects by
Visual Approach
An approach by an IFR aircraft when either part or all of an
instrument approach procedure is not completed and the approach is executed in visual
reference to terrain.
Visual Manoeuvring (Circling) Area The area in which obstacle clearance should be taken
into consideration for aircraft carrying out a circling approach

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24 October 2003

Visual Meteorological Conditions Meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility,

distance from cloud, and ceiling equal to or better than the specified minima.

The specified minima are contained within these notes.

The symbol used to designate visual meteorological conditions.

A specified geographical location used to define an area navigation route or
the flight path of an aircraft employing area navigation

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Atlantic Flight Training

Intentionally Left Blank

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24 October 2003

Section 3 - ICAO Abbreviations




Alternate or alternating




Area minimum altitude


Above aerodrome level


Amend or amended






Aerodrome beacon


Aeronautical mobile service




Above mean sea level




Aeronautical mobile satellite service


Airborne collision avoidance system




Area control centre or area control


Aerodrome obstacle chart


Notification of an aircraft accident










Approach control office or approach control

or approach control service


Altimeter check location




Aircraft classification number


Approximately or approximate




After passing


Accept or accepted


Approve or approved or approval


Active or activated or activity


Area forecast






Advisory area


Air traffic services reporting office


Additional or addition


Aerodrome reference point or air report


Automatic direction finding equipment


Automatic error correction


Air defence identification zone


Arrive or arrival




Special air report






Automatic dependent surveillance


Ascend or ascending


Automatic dependent surveillance unit


Accelerate stop distance available


Advisory service






Actual time or arrival


Aircraft earth station


Air traffic control


Flight plan filed in the air


Actual time of departure


Aerodrome information service


Air traffic flow management


Yes or affirm or that is correct


Automatic terminal information system


Aeronautical fixed service


Air traffic management




Aeronautical telecommunication network


Aeronautical fixed telecommunication



Air traffic services


Air to ground




Aerodromes, air routes and ground aids


Aerodrome traffic zone


Above ground level






Authorized or authorization


Aeronautical information circular


All up weight


Aeronautical information publication




Aeronautical information regulation and



Abbreviated visual approach slope indicator



Air report


Available or availability

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training


Aeronautical information service



Alighting area


Aviation gasoline


Alert phase


Advise at what time able






Alerting service









Braking action


Below clouds


Cloud base




Fog patches






















Commercial broadcast station




Between layers






Communications, navigation and



Centre or degrees Celsius


Category or clear air turbulence




Visibility, cloud and present weather better

than prescribed values












Change frequency to


Construct or constructed


Circling guidance lights


Continue or continued




Co-ordinate or co-ordination




Change over point


Common ICAO data interchange


Correct or correction or corrected


Near or over large towns


At the coast




Cover or covered or covering




Current flight plan


Centre line




Clear type of ice formation


Control area




Climb to and maintain










Clear or cleared to or clearance




Close or closed or closing


Control zone






Climb to or climbing to


Continuous wave


Completion or completed or complete




Cancel or cancelled

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24 October 2003


Danger area or downward


Divert or diverting


Decision altitude


Delay or delayed


Double channel duplex


Distance measuring equipment




Danger or dangerous


Double channel simplex






Dewpoint temperature








Dead reckoning


Fog dispersal operations




Depart or departure


Double side band


Descend or descending to


Descend to and maintain




Date time group


Distress phase




Deviating or deviation


Dual tandem wheels


Distance from touchdown indicator


Dense upper cloud


Decision height






Doppler VOR




Dual wheels


East or eastern longitude




Expected approach time


Estimated off bloke time






Estimated elapsed time


Here or herewith


Expect further clearance


East south east


Extremely high frequency


Estimate or estimated


Emergency locator beacon aircraft


Estimated time of arrival or estimating





Estimated time of departure or estimating



Extra long range


Estimated time over significant point






Embedded in a layer






Exercises or exercising or to exercise




Expect or expected or expecting


East north east


Extend or extending





Flight deck




Fluctuating or fluctuation or fluctuated


Final Approach Fix


Follow or following




Fly or flying


Final approach point




Final approach and take-off area


Flow management


Facsimile transmission


Final approach




Filed flight plan

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Atlantic Flight Training


Funnel cloud





Feet per minute

Flight plan route


Friction coefficient


Fuel remaining






Flight information centre




Flight information region




Flight information service




Automated flight information service




Flight level


Full stop landing




Flight service centre


















Ground to air


Ground check


Ground to air to ground


Global navigation satellite system


Ground controlled approach system or

ground controlled approach


Glide path




Grass landing area


Geographic or true


Grid point values


Ground earth station






Ground speed


Continuous night and day service




Helicopter approach path indicator


Hospital aircraft


Hazard beacon




High frequency direction finding station






Service available during hours of scheduled







High frequency


High and very high frequency direction

finding stations


Height or height above




Sunrise to sunset


No specific working hours






Sunset to sunrise




Service available to meet operational




Instrument approach chart



Initial approach fix


In cloud


In and out of clouds


Uncertainty phase


Intersection of air routes




Indicated air speed



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24 October 2003


Identification beacon


If not possible




In progress




Inertial navigation system




Install or installed or installation






Identification friend or foe




Instrument flight rules




International general aviation




Instrument landing system


Interrupt or interruption or interrupted


Inner marker


Intensify or intensifying


Instrument meteorological conditions






Ice on runway


Improve or improving


International standard atmosphere


Immediate or immediately


Independent sideband


Initial approach








Jet stream
















Kilometres per hour


Left or locator


Locator middle


Logical acknowledgement


Local mean time








Locator outer


Landing distance available


Local or locally or location or located


Landing distance available, helicopter






Long range air navigation system


Landing direction indicator


Long range




Line squall


Low frequency




Light or lighting


Landline teletypewriter




Light and variable


Light intensity high


Leave or leaving


Light intensity low




Light intensity medium


Layered or layer




Microwave landing system


ATPL Air Law

Mach number or metres


Atlantic Flight Training


Maximum authorized altitude





Middle marker




Minimum navigation performance



Aeronautical maps and charts


Monitor or monitoring


Missed approach point




At sea or march


Military operating area


Manual A1 simplex


Minimum obstacle clearance








Above mountains or Monday


Minimum crossing altitude


Meteorological Operational
Telecommunications Network Europe


Modulated continuous wave


Move or moving or movement


Minimum descent altitude


Metres per second


Medium frequency direction finding station


Minimum reception altitude


Minimum descent height


Medium range


Minimum en-route altitude


ATS/MET reporting point


Minimum eye height over threshold




Meteorological or meteorology


Minimum sector altitude


Aviation routine weather report




Medium frequency


Mean sea level


Medium and high frequency direction finding





Medium, high and very high frequency

direction finding station


Metric units




Mountain waves




Medium and very high frequency direction

finding station




Meteorological watch office




Mixed type of ice formation


Marker radio beacon

North or northern latitude or no distinct



North north west


International NOTAM office


North Atlantic


No significant change







Not before

A notice containing information concerning

the establishment, condition or change in
any aeronautical facility, service procedure
or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is
essential to personnel concerned with flight



No change


Non-directional beacon


North east



North eastbound




No or negative or permission not granted or

that is not correct


No reply heard


Nil significant cloud




Nil significant weather


None or I have nothing to send you


North west


Nautical miles


North westbound





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North north east



Oceanic area control


The control indicated is operational control


Obstacle assessment surface


Operational meteorological


Observe or observed or observation


Open or opening or opened




Operator or operate or operative or

operating or operational






Obstacle clearance altitude


On request




Indication of an order


Obstacle clearance height


Ocean station vessel


Occasional or occasionally




Obstacle clearance surface


On top




Organised track system






Outer marker




Opaque, white type of ice formation


Persons on board


Prohibited area


Precision approach lighting system




Procedures for air navigation services


Plan position indicator


Precision approach path indicator


Prior permission required


Precision approach radar


Present position










Proceed or proceeding




Pavement classification number












Parachute jumping exercise




Practice low approach




Flight plan


Pierced steel plate


Present level


Procedure turn


Prior notice required


Polar track structure


Point of no return




Compulsory IFR flight


Magnetic orientation of runway


Magnetic heading


Altimeter sub-scale setting to obtain

elevation when on the ground


Magnetic bearing


True bearing


Atmospheric pressure at aerodrome





Red or restricted area or right


Area navigation


Rules of the air and air traffic services


Radio range

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Regional area forecast centre



Ragged or runway arresting gear


Required navigation performance

Regional OPMET bulletin exchange


Runway alignment


Rate of climb


Rescue boat


Rate of descent


Reach cruising altitude


Route forecast


Rescue co-ordination


Receiving only


Radio communication failure


Repetitive flight plan


Reach or reaching


Replace or replaced


Runway centre line


Radar position symbol


Runway centre line light(s)






Request flight plan


Reference datum height


Request supplementary flight plan




Report reaching




Rescue sub-centre




Runway surface condition


Receive or receiver


Responder beacon


Runway edge light(s)


En-route surveillance radar










Runway end light(s)




Report or reporting or reporting point




Request or requested


Runway threshold light(s)




Return or returned or returning




Rejected take-off distance available,



Reclearance in flight


Return to service




Rescue vessel


Report leaving


Runway visual range


Relay to




Request level change en-route




Runway lead in lighting system


Runway touchdown zone light(s)


Request level not available


Standard regional route transmitting




South or southern latitude


Aviation selected special weather report


Simple approach lighting system


Special meteorological report




Supplementary flight plan


As soon as possible


Spot wind


Search and rescue




Standards and recommended practices






Surveillance radar approach


Satellite communication


Surveillance radar element of precision

approach radar system




Short range




Search and rescue region


Stand by




South east



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South eastbound


Single sideband




South south east




Secondary surveillance radar


Selective calling system


Supersonic transport




South south west


Service or servicing or served


Straight in approach




Standard instrument arrival










Super high frequency




Standard instrument departure




Information concerning en-route weather

which may affect the safety or aircraft


Short take-off and landing


Significant weather




Simultaneous or simultaneously


Stopway lights


Single isolated wheel load


Subject to


Sky clear




Schedule or schedule




Speed limiting point


Regional supplementary procedures




Service message


Surface movement control




Surface movement radar


South west


A special series NOTAM notifying the

presence or removal of hazardous conditions
due to snow, ice, slush or standing water,
associated with snow, slush or ice on the
movement area, by means of a special


South west bound



Touchdown and lift-off area





Transition altitude


Terminal control area


UHF tactical air navigation aid


Turn altitude


Aerodrome forecast




Tail wind


Top of climb


Terminal area surveillance radar


Take-off distance available


True airspeed


Take-off distance available, helicopter


Taxiing or taxi


Cloud top


Tropical cyclone


Take-off run available




Turning point


Touchdown zone




Technical reason


Temporary reserved airspace




Transmits or transmitter


Temporary or temporarily


Transition level


Trend forecast








Touch and go landing




Taxiing guidance system






Terminal VOR

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Aerodrome control tower or aerodrome









Taxiway link


Until past


Type of aircraft









Upper flight information region


Until advised by


Ultra long range


Upper area control




Upper air route


Unable to approve


Ultra high frequency direction finding station




Until further notice




Unable higher due traffic




Ultra high frequency


Upper control area


Upper information centre


Co-ordinated universal time




Volcanic ash


Visual approach chart


Very low frequency


In valleys


Very long range


Runway control van


Visual meteorological conditions


Magnetic variation or visual-aural radio



Meteorological information for aircraft in



Visual approach slope indicator system


Vhf omnidirectional range






Very high frequency direction finding station


VOR airborne equipment test facility






Visual flight rules


By visual reference to the ground


Very high frequency


Vertical speed


Very important person


Vertical take-off and landing


West or western or white


Forecast upper wind and temperature for



World aeronautical chart ICAO 1:1 000 000


Work in progress


World area forecast centre


Weaken or weakening




West north west


Wing bar lights




Wind direction indicator


Way point








Wind shear


With effect from or effective from


West south west










With immediate effect or effective



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Will comply













Yellow caution zone


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Co-ordinated universal time (in

meteorological messages)


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Intentionally Left Blank

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Chapter 2.
The History of Aviation Law and the Chicago Convention 1944
Today, decisions concerning international civil aviation are taken by the member states of the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The JAR Aviation Law exam follows the
Annexes and other documents of ICAO. These notes are designed to follow the JAR syllabus
and are a precis of all of the reference material. The language may be difficult to follow
because of the use made of the words SHALL and SHOULD. SHALL refers to Standards;
SHOULD refers to recommended practices. These terms are explained in greater detail later.
1919 Aeronautical Commission of the Paris Peace Conference
This commission drafted legislation concerning International Air Navigation. The convention
recognized that every state has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above
its territory, and provided for the innocent passage of civil aircraft of other contracting states
over that states territory. It was the recommendations made by this conference that
established the need for an international body to regulate civil aviation and led to the
formation of the International Commission for Air Navigation (ICAN).
1926 Ibero-American Congress, Madrid
Essentially identical to the Paris convention the aim of this congress was to link Spain and the
Latin American states into an organization similar to ICAN.
1928 Pan-American Convention of Commercial Aviation, Havana
Specifically tailored for the needs of the states of the Western Hemisphere. The drafting of the
Havana convention envisaged the western and eastern hemispheres as separate distinct
entities with no need for commonality. Lindbergh completed the first non-stop solo Atlantic
flight on 20 May 1927. The day that the Havana Convention was ratified. This convention
weakened the status of ICAN which was eventually superseded by ICAO.
1929 Warsaw Convention of the Unification of Certain Rules to International Carriage
by Air
A convention to which 108 are parties, it is one of the most widely accepted unification of
private law. It unifies legislation on:

Documentation on the carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo.

The financial liability of airlines.

The question of jurisdiction, by defining the courts before which any action may
be brought.

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This convention was amended and simplified by the 1955 Hague Protocol. The Montreal
Agreement of 1966 further amended the liability of airlines.
1944 Convention in International Aviation (the Chicago Convention)
(The text used to explain the Articles of the Chicago Convention is little changed from the
original, as the meaning may be lost if simplified)
Part I Air Navigation
Chapter I - General Principles and Application Of The Convention
Article 1 - Sovereignty The Contracting States recognize that every State has complete and
exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its territory.
Article 2 Territory
For the purposes of this convention the territory of a State shall be
deemed to be the land areas and territorial waters adjacent thereto under the sovereignty,
suzerainty, protection or mandate of such a State.
Article 3 - Civil and State Aircraft
This convention shall be applicable only to civil
aircraft, and shall not be applicable to State aircraft:

Aircraft used in military, customs and police services shall be deemed to be State

No State aircraft of a Contracting State shall fly over the territory of another State
or land without authorization by special agreement or otherwise.

The Contracting States undertake, when issuing regulations for their State
aircraft, that they will have due regard for the safety of navigation of civil aircraft

Article 4 - Misuse of Civil AircraftEach Contracting State agrees not to use civil aviation for
any purpose inconsistent with the aims of this convention.
Chapter II - Flight Over Territory of Contracting States
Article 5 - Right of Non-Scheduled Aircraft
Each Contracting State agrees that all
aircraft of other Contracting States, not engaged in scheduled international air services shall
have the right to make flights into or transit non-stop across its territory and to make stops for
non-traffic purposes without the necessity of obtaining prior permission. This is subject to the
right of the state flown over which may require the aircraft to land. Each Contracting State
reserves the right, for reasons of safety of flight, to require aircraft desiring to proceed over
regions which are inaccessible or without adequate air navigation facilities to follow
prescribed routes, or to obtain special permission for such flights.
Such aircraft, if engaged on the carriage of passengers, cargo or mail for remuneration or hire
on other than scheduled international air services, shall also subject to the provisions of
Article 7, have the right to take on or discharge passengers, cargo or mail. This is subject to
the right of any State, where such embarkation or discharge takes place, to impose such
regulations, conditions, or limitations as it may consider desirable.

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Article 6 - Scheduled Air Services

No scheduled international air service may be
operated over or into the territory of a Contracting State, except with the special permission or
other authorization of that State, and in accordance with the terms of such permission or
Article 7 Cabotage Each Contracting State shall have the right to refuse permission to
the aircraft of other Contracting States to take on in its territory passengers, mail and cargo
carried for remuneration or hire and destined for another point within its territory. Each
Contracting State undertakes not to enter into any arrangements that specifically grant any
such privilege on an exclusive basis to any other State or an airline of any other State, and
not to obtain any such exclusive privilege from any other State.
Cabotage is the carrying of passengers, mail or cargo by an aircraft from State A within State
B eg An Atlantic Aviation aircraft picking passengers up in Berlin and disembarking them in
Munich. Each Contracting State has the right to refuse cabotage within its own state.
Article 8 - Pilotless Aircraft
No aircraft capable of being flown without a pilot shall be
flown without a pilot over the territory of a Contracting State without special authorization by
that State and in accordance with the terms of such authorization. Each Contracting State
undertakes to ensure that the flight of such aircraft without a pilot in regions open to civil
aircraft shall be controlled as to obviate danger to civil aircraft.
Article 9 - Prohibited Areas

Each Contracting State may, for reasons of military necessity or public safety,
restrict or prohibit the aircraft of other States from flying over certain areas of its
territory. This is provided that no distinction in this respect is made between the
aircraft of the State whose territory is involved. Prohibited areas shall be of
reasonable extent and location so as not to interfere unnecessarily with air
navigation. Descriptions of prohibited areas in the territory of a Contracting State,
as well as any subsequent alterations, shall be communicated as soon as
possible to other Contracting States and to the ICAO

Each Contracting State reserves the right, in exceptional circumstances or during

a period of emergency, or in the interests of public safety, and with immediate
effect, to restrict or prohibit flying over the whole or any part of its territory
temporarily. Such a restriction or prohibition shall be applicable without distinction
of nationality to aircraft of all other States.

Each Contracting State, under any regulations as it may prescribe may require
any aircraft entering the areas in the paragraphs above to effect a landing as
soon as practicable thereafter at a designated airport within its territory.

Article 10 - Landing At Customs Airport

Except in a case where, under the terms of
this Convention or a special authorization, aircraft are permitted to cross the territory of a
Contracting State without landing, every aircraft which enters the territory of a Contracting
State shall, if the regulations of that State so require, land at an airport for the purpose of
customs and other examination. On departure from the territory of a Contracting State, aircraft

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shall also depart from a designated customs airport. Particulars of all designated customs
airports shall be published by the State and transmitted to the ICAO established under Part II
of this Convention for communication to all other Contracting States.
Article 11 - Applicability of Air Regulations Subject to the provisions of this Convention,
the laws and regulations of a Contracting State relating to the admission to or departure from
its territory of aircraft engaged in international air navigation, or to the operation and
navigation of such aircraft while within its territory, shall be applied to the aircraft of all
Contracting States without distinction as to nationality, and shall be complied with by aircraft
upon entering or departing from or while within the territory of that State.
Article 12 - Rules of the Air
Each Contracting State undertakes to adopt measures to
ensure that all aircraft flying over or manoeuvring within its territory and that every aircraft
carrying its nationality mark, wherever that aircraft may be, shall comply with the rules and
regulations relating to the flight and manoeuvre of aircraft there in force. Each Contracting
State undertakes to keep its own regulations uniform, to the greatest possible extent, with
those rules established under the Convention. Over the high seas, the rules in force shall be
those established under the Convention. Each Contracting State undertakes to ensure the
protection of all persons violating the regulations applicable.
Article 13 - Entry and Clearance Regulations The laws and regulations of a Contracting
State as to the admission to or departure from its territory of passengers, crew, or cargo of
aircraft such as entry clearance, immigration, passports, customs, and quarantine shall be
complied with by or on behalf of passengers, crew or cargo upon entrance into or departure
from, or while within the territory of that State.
Article 14 - Prevention of Spread of Disease Each Contracting State agrees to take
effective measures to prevent the spread by means of air navigation of cholera, typhus
(epidemic), smallpox, yellow fever, plague, and such other communicable disease as the
Contracting States shall from time to time decide to designate. To that end Contracting States
will keep in close consultation with the agencies concerned with international regulations
relating to sanitary measures applicable to aircraft. Consultation shall be without prejudice to
the application of any existing international convention on this subject to which the
Contracting States may be parties.
Article 16 - Search of Aircraft The appropriate authorities of each of the Contracting States
shall have the right without unreasonable delay, to search aircraft of the other Contracting
States on landing or departure, and to inspect the certificates and other documents
prescribed by this Convention.
Chapter III - Nationality of Aircraft
Article 17 - Nationality of Aircraft
are registered

Aircraft have the nationality of the State in which they

Article 18 - Dual Registration An aircraft cannot be validly registered in more than one
State, but its registration may be changed from one State to another

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Article 19 - National Laws Governing Registration

The registration or transfer of
registration of aircraft in any Contracting State shall be made in accordance with its laws and
Article 20 - Display of Marks Every aircraft engaged in international air navigation shall
bear its appropriate nationality and registration marks.
Article 21 - Report of Registrations Each Contracting State undertakes to supply to any
other Contracting State or to the ICAO, on demand, information concerning the registration
and ownership of any particular aircraft registered in that State. Each Contracting State shall
furnish reports to the ICAO, under any regulations as the latter may decide upon, pertinent
data concerning the ownership and control of aircraft registered in that State and engaged in
international air navigation. The data obtained by the ICAO shall be made available to the
other Contracting States.
Chapter IV - Measures to Facilitate Air Navigation
Article 22 - Facilitation of Formalities Each Contracting State agrees to adopt all
practicable measures to facilitate and expedite navigation by aircraft between the territories of
Contracting States. This includes the prevention of unnecessary delays to aircraft, crews,
passengers and cargo, especially in the administration of the laws relating to immigration,
quarantine, customs and clearance.
Article 23 - Customs and Immigration Procedures
Each Contracting State undertakes,
so far as practicable, to establish customs and immigration procedures affecting international
air navigation in accordance with the practices which may be established or recommended
from by the Convention. Nothing in this Convention shall be construed as preventing the
establishment of customs free airports.
Article 24 - Customs Duty

Aircraft on a flight to, from, or across the territory of another Contracting State
shall be admitted temporarily free of duty, subject to the customs regulations of
the State. Fuel, lubricating oils, spare parts, regular equipment and aircraft spares
on board an aircraft of a Contracting State, on arrival in the territory of another
Contracting State and retained on board on leaving the territory of that State shall
be exempt from customs duty, inspection fees or similar national or local duties
and charges. This exemption shall not apply to any quantities or articles
unloaded, except in accordance with the customs regulations of the State, which
may require that they shall be kept under customs supervision.

Spare parts and equipment imported into the territory of a Contracting State for
incorporation in or use on an aircraft of another Contracting State engaged in
international air navigation shall be admitted free of customs duty, subject to
compliance with the regulations of the State concerned, which may provide that
the articles shall be kept under customs supervision and control.

Article 25 - Aircraft In Distress

Each Contracting State undertakes to provide such
measures of assistance to aircraft in distress in its territory as is practicable, and to permit,

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subject to control by its own authorities, the owners of the aircraft or authorities of the State in
which the aircraft is registered to provide assistance as may be necessitated by the
circumstances. Each Contracting State, when undertaking a search for missing aircraft, will
collaborate in co-ordinated measures which may be recommended from time to time by the
Article 26 - Investigation of Accidents
In the event of an accident to an aircraft of a
Contracting State occurring in the territory of another Contracting State, and involving death
or serious injury, or indicating serious technical defect in the aircraft or air navigation facilities,
the State in which the incident occurs will institute an inquiry into the circumstances of the
accident, in accordance, so far as its laws permit, with the procedure which may be
recommended by the ICAO. The State holding the inquiry shall communicate the report and
findings in the matter to the other State.
Article 28 - Air Navigation Facilities and Standard Systems
undertakes, so far as it may be practicable, to:




Provide, in its territory, airports, radio services, meteorological services and other
air navigation facilities to facilitate international air navigation, in accordance with
the standards and practices recommended or established by the Convention.

Adopt and put into operation the appropriate standard systems of

communications procedures, codes, markings, signals, lighting and other
operational practices and rules which may be recommended or established by
the Convention.

Collaborate in international measures to secure the publication of aeronautical

maps and charts in accordance with standards that may be recommended or
established by the Convention.

Chapter V - Conditions to be Fulfilled With Respect to Aircraft

Article 29 - Documents Carried in Aircraft
An aircraft of a Contracting State, engaged
in international air navigation, shall carry the following documents in order to conform with the

A certificate of registration

A certificate of airworthiness

The appropriate licenses for each member of the crew

A journey log book

If equipped with radio apparatus, the aircraft radio station license

If passengers are carried, a list of their names and places of embarkation and

If cargo is carried, a manifest and detailed declarations of the cargo

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Article 30 - Aircraft Radio Equipment

Aircraft of a Contracting State may, in or over the territory of other Contracting

States, carry radio-transmitting apparatus if a license to install and operate the
radio has been issued by the appropriate authorities of the State in which the
aircraft is registered. The use of radio transmitting apparatus in the territory of the
Contracting State whose territory is flown over shall be in accordance with the
regulations prescribed by that State.

Radio transmitting apparatus can only be used by members of the flight crew who
are provided with a radio license issued by the appropriate authorities of the State
in which the aircraft is registered.

Article 31 - Certificates of Airworthiness

All aircraft engaged in international air
navigation shall be provided with a certificate of airworthiness issued or rendered valid by the
State in which it is registered.
Article 32 - Licenses of Personnel
The pilot of every aircraft and the other members of the operating crew of all aircraft engaged
in international navigation shall be provided with:

Certificates of competency, and

Licenses issued or rendered valid

by the State in which the aircraft is registered.

Each Contracting State reserves the right to refuse to recognize, for the purposes of flight
above its own territory, certificates of competency and licenses granted to any of its nationals
by other Contracting States
Article 33 - Recognition of Certificates And Licenses Certificates of airworthiness and
certificates of competency and licenses issued or rendered valid by the Contracting State in
which the aircraft is registered, shall be recognized as valid by other Contracting States,
provided that the requirements under which certificates or licences were issued or rendered
valid are equal to or above the minimum standards established by the Convention.
Article 34 - Journey Log Books
All aircraft engaged in international navigation shall
have a journey log book in which shall be entered particulars of the aircraft, its crew and of
each journey.
Article 35 - Cargo Restrictions
No munitions of war or implements of war may be carried in or above the territory of a State
by aircraft engaged in international navigation, except by permission of that State. Each State
shall determine what constitutes munitions of war for the purposes of this article, giving due
consideration, for the purposes of uniformity, to the recommendations made by ICAO.

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Each Contracting State reserves the right, for reasons of public order and safety, to regulate
or prohibit the carriage in or above its territory of articles other than those listed in the
paragraph above, provided that:

No distinction is made in this respect between its national aircraft engaged in

international navigation and the aircraft of the other States, and

No restriction shall be imposed which may interfere with the carriage and use on
aircraft of apparatus necessary for the operation or navigation of the aircraft or
the safety of the personnel or passengers

Article 36 - Photographic Apparatus Each Contracting State may prohibit or regulate the
use of photographic apparatus in aircraft over its territory.
Chapter VI - International Standards and Recommended Practices
Article 37 - Adoption of International Standards And Procedures
State undertakes to collaborate in securing the highest practicable degree of uniformity in
regulations, standards, procedures and organization in relation to aircraft, personnel, airways
and auxiliary services in all matters in which such uniformity will facilitate and improve air
To this end the ICAO shall adopt and amend, as may be necessary, international standards
and recommended practices and procedures dealing with:

Communications systems and air navigation aids, including ground marking

Characteristics of airports and landing areas

Rules of the air and air traffic control practices

Licensing of operating and mechanical personnel

Airworthiness of aircraft

Registration and identification of aircraft

Collection and exchange of meteorological information

Log books

Aeronautical maps and charts

Customs and immigration procedures

Aircraft in distress and investigation of accidents

and other such matters concerned with the safety, regularity, and efficiency of air navigation
as may from time to time appear appropriate.
Article 38 - Departures From International Standards and Procedures
Any State
which finds it impracticable to comply in all respects with any such international standards or
procedures, or to bring its own regulations or practices into full accord with any international
standard or procedure after amendment of the latter, or which deems it necessary to adopt
regulations or practices differing in any respect from those established by an international
standard, shall give immediate notification to the ICAO of the differences between its own

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practice and that established by the international standard. In the case of amendments to
international standards, any State which does not make the appropriate amendments to its
own regulations or practices shall give notice to the Council within 60 days of the adoption of
the amendment to the international standard, or indicate the action which it proposes to take.
In any such case, the Council shall make immediate notification to all other States of the
difference that exists between one or more features of an international standard and the
corresponding national practice of that State.
Article 39 - Endorsement of Certificates and Licenses

Any aircraft or part thereof with respect to which there exists an international
standard of airworthiness or performance, and which failed in any respect to
satisfy the standard at the time of its certification, shall have endorsed on or
attached to its airworthiness certificate a complete list of the details in respect of
which it failed.

Any person holding a license who does not satisfy in full the conditions laid down
in the international standard relating to the class of license or certificate which he
holds shall have endorsed on or attached to his license the details of the
particulars in which he does not satisfy such conditions.

Article 40 - Validity of Endorsed Certificates and Licenses No aircraft or personnel

having certificates or licenses so endorsed shall participate in international navigation, except
with the permission of the State or States whose territory is entered. The registration or use of
any such aircraft, or of any certificated aircraft part, in any State other than that in which it was
originally certificated shall be at the discretion of the State into which the aircraft or part is
Part II The International Civil Aviation Organisation
Chapter VII - The Organisation
All Contracting States one member one vote
33 Contracting States elected by the Assembly
(President of the Council is elected by the Council
Air Navigation

Air Transport

Legal Committee

Committee on Joint
Support of Air Navigation Services

Air Navigation Commission

15 members appointed by the Council

Air Transport Committee

Appointed by the Council

Finance Committee

Committee on
Unlawful Interference

Legal Committee

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Committee on Joint Support of Air Navigation Services

with not less than 9 members appointed by the Council
Finance Committee
by the Council

Not more than 11 members,

Not more than 13 members, with not less than 9 members appointed

Committee on Unlawful Interference 15 members appointed by the Council

Article 43 - Name and Composition An organization to be named the International Civil
Aviation Organization is formed by the Convention. It is made up of an Assembly, a Council,
and such other bodies as may be necessary.
Article 44 Objectives
The aims and objectives of the organization are to develop
the principles and techniques of international air navigation and to foster the planning and
development of international air transport so as to:

Ensure the safe and orderly growth of international civil aviation throughout the

Encourage the arts of aircraft design and operation for peaceful purposes

Encourage the development of airways, airports and air navigation facilities for
international civil aviation

Meet the needs of the peoples of the world for safe, regular, efficient and
economical air transport

Prevent economic waste caused by unreasonable competition

Insure that the rights of Contracting States are fully respected and that every
Contracting State has a fair opportunity to operate international airlines

Avoid discrimination between Contracting States

Promote safety of flight in international air navigation

Promote generally the development of all aspects of international civil aeronautics

Article 47 - Legal Capacity

The organization shall enjoy in the territory of each
Contracting State such legal capacity as may be necessary for the performance of its

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Chapter VIII - The Assembly

Article 48 - Meetings of Assembly and Voting

The Assembly shall meet not less than once every three years and shall be
convened by the Council at a suitable time and place. An extraordinary meeting
of the Assembly may be held at any time upon the call of the Council or at the
request of not less than 1/5 th of the total number of Contracting States.

All Contracting States shall have an equal right to be represented at the meetings
of the Assembly and each Contracting State shall be entitled to one vote.
Delegates representing Contracting States may be assisted by technical advisers
who may participate in the meetings but shall have no vote

A majority of the Contracting States is required to constitute a quorum for the

meetings of the Assembly. Unless otherwise provided in this Convention,
decisions of the Assembly shall be taken by a majority of the votes cast

Article 49 - Powers and Duties of the Assembly

Assembly shall be to:

The powers and duties of the

Elect at each meeting its president and other officers

Elect the Contracting States to be represented on the Council, in accordance with

the provisions of Chapter IX

Examine and take appropriate action on the reports of the Council and decide on
any matter referred to it by the Council

Determine its own rules of procedure and establish such subsidiary commissions
as it may consider to be necessary or desirable

Vote annual budgets and determine the financial arrangements of the

organization, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter XII

Review expenditures and approve the accounts of the organization

Refer, at its discretion, to the Council, to subsidiary commissions, or to any other

body any matter within its sphere of action

Delegate to the Council the powers and authority necessary or desirable for the
discharge of the duties of the organization and revoke or modify the delegations
of authority at any time

Carry out the appropriate provisions of Chapter XIII

Consider proposals for the modification or amendment of the provisions of this

Convention and, if it approves of the proposals, recommend them to the
Contracting States in accordance with the provisions of Chapter XXI

Deal with any matter within the sphere of action of the Organization not
specifically assigned to the Council

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Chapter IX - The Council

Article 50 - Composition and Election of the Council

The Council shall be a permanent body responsible to the Assembly. It is

composed of 33 Contracting States elected by the Assembly. An election shall be
held at the first meeting of the Assembly and thereafter every 3 years. Elected
members of the Council hold office until the following election

In electing the members of the Council, the Assembly shall give adequate
representation to:

The States of chief importance in air transport

The States not otherwise included which make the largest contribution to the
provision of facilities for international civil air navigation, and

The States not otherwise included whose designation will insure that all the major
geographic areas of the world are represented

The Assembly shall fill any vacancy on the Council as soon as possible; any
Contracting State so elected to the Council shall hold office for the unexpired
portion of its predecessors office

No representative of a Contracting State on the Council shall be actively

associated with the operation of an international air service or financially
interested in such a service

Article 51 - President of Council

The Council shall elect its president for a term of 3
years. He may be re-elected. He shall have no vote. The Council shall elect from its members
one or more vice presidents who shall retain their right to vote when serving as acting
president. The president need not be selected from among the representatives of the
members of the Council but, if a representative is elected, his seat shall be deemed vacant
and it shall be filled by the State that he represented. The duties of the president shall be to:

Convene meetings of

The Council

The Air Transport Committee

The Air Navigation Commission

Serve as representative of the Council

Carry out on behalf of the Council the functions which the Council assigns to him

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Article 54 - Mandatory Functions of the Council

The Council shall:

Submit annual reports to the Assembly

Carry out the directions of the Assembly and discharge the duties and obligations
which are laid on it by this Convention

Determine its organization and rules of procedure

Appoint and define the duties of an Air Transport Committee, which shall be
chosen from among the representatives of the members of the Council, and
which shall be responsible to it

Establish an Air Navigation Commission, in accordance with the provisions of

Chapter X

Administer the finances of the Organization in accordance with the provisions of

Chapter XII and XV

Determine the emoluments of the president of the Council

Appoint a chief executive officer who shall be called the secretary-general, and
make provision for the appointment of such other personnel as may be
necessary, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter XI

Request, collect, examine and publish information relating to the advancement of

air navigation and the operation of international air services including information
about the costs of operation and particulars of subsidies paid to airlines from
public funds

Report to Contracting States any infraction of this Convention, as well as any

failure to carry out recommendations or determinations of the Council

Report to the Assembly any infraction of this Convention where a Contracting

State has failed to take appropriate action within a reasonable time after notice of
the infraction

Adopt, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VI of this Convention,

international standards and recommended practices; for convenience designate
them as Annexes to this Convention; and notify all Contracting States of the
action taken

Consider recommendations of the Air Navigation Commission for amendment of

the Annexes and take action in accordance with the provisions of Chapter XX

Consider any matter relating to the Convention which any Contracting State
refers to it

Article 55 - Permissive Function of the Council

The Council may:

Where appropriate and as experience may show to be desirable, create

subordinate air transport commissions on a regional or other basis and define
groups of States or airlines with or through which it may deal to facilitate the
carrying out of the aims of this Convention

Delegate to the Air Navigation Commission duties additional to those in the

Convention and revoke or modify such delegations of authority at any time

Conduct research into all aspects of air transport and air navigation which are of
international importance, communicate the results of its research to the
Contracting States, and facilitate the exchange of information between
Contracting States on air transport and air navigation matters

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Study any matters affecting the organization and operation of international air
transport, including the international ownership and operation of international air
services on trunk routes, and submit to the Assembly plans in relation thereto

Investigate, at the request of any Contracting State, any situation which may
appear to present avoidable obstacles to the development of international air
navigation; and after such investigation, issue such reports as may appear to be

Chapter X - The Air Navigation Commission

Article 56 - Nomination and Appointment of the Commission
The Air Navigation
Commission is composed of 15 members appointed by the Council from among the persons
nominated by Contracting States, These persons shall have suitable qualifications and
experience in the science and practice of aeronautics. The Council shall request all
Contracting States to submit nominations. The Council shall appoint the president of the Air
Navigation Commission.
Article 57 - Duties of the Commission The Air Navigation Commission shall:

Consider and recommend to the Council for adoption, modifications of the

Annexes to this Convention

Establish technical sub-commissions on which any Contracting State may be

represented, if it so desires

Advise the Council concerning the collection and communication to the

Contracting States of all information which it considers necessary and useful for
the advancement of air navigation

ICAO Annexes
The annexes are the basis of the ICAO procedures and practices:
Annex 1 - Personnel Licensing.
Annex 2 - Rules of the Air.
Annex 3 - Meteorological Services.
Annex 4 - Aeronautical Charts.
Annex 5 - Dimension units.
Annex 6 - Operations of Aircraft.
Annex 7 - Aircraft nationality and registration marks.
Annex 8 - Airworthiness of aircraft.
Annex 9 - Facilitation.
Annex 10 - Aeronautical telecommunications.
Annex 11 - Air traffic services.
Annex 12 - Search and rescue.
Annex 13 - Aircraft accident investigation.
Annex 14 - Aerodromes.

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Annex 15 - Aeronautical information service.

Annex 16 - Environmental protection.
Annex 17 - Security.
Annex 18 - Transport of dangerous goods.
ICAO regulations are not automatically the law of a contracting state. All regulations have to
be enacted as part of the law of that state.
Status of Annex Components All Annexes are made up of the following components, not all
of which are necessarily found in every Annex.
Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs)
Recommended Practices are adopted by the ICAO Council under the provisions of
the Chicago Convention. They are defined as follows:
Any specification for physical characteristics, configuration,
material, performance, personnel or procedure, the uniform application of
which is recognized as necessary for the safety or regularity of International
Navigation and to which Contracting States will conform in accordance with
the convention. In the event of non-compliance then notification to the council
is compulsory. The word SHALL defines a standard.
Recommended Practice
Any specification for physical characteristics,
configuration, material, performance, personnel or procedure, the uniform
application of which is recognized as desirable for the safety or regularity of
International Navigation and to which Contracting States will endeavour to
conform in accordance with the convention. In the event of non-compliance
then notification to the council is not compulsory. The word SHOULD defines
a recommended practice.
Material grouped separately for convenience but forming
part of the SARPs as adopted by the ICAO Council.
Definitions are of terms used in the SARPs which are not
self-explanatory. These terms do not have dictionary explanations. A definition does
not have independent status but is an essential part of each SARPs.
Tables and Figures
Tables and figures that add to or illustrate a SARP form part
of that SARP and as such have the same status.
Material Approved by the Council for Publication with the Standards and
Recommended Practices
The forewords contain historical and explanatory material based on the
action of the ICAO Council.

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Introduction The introduction contains explanatory material introduced at the beginning of

Parts, Chapters or Sections of the Annex to help in the understanding of the application of the
Notes Notes are included in the text to give factual information or references bearing on the
SARPs in question. These notes do not constitute part of that SARP.
Attachments Attachments are supplementary information to the SARPs, or information
included as a guide to their application.
ICAO Technical Publications
International Standards and Recommended Practices
The uniform application by
contracting states of the specifications contained in the international standards is recognized
as necessary for the safety or regularity of international air navigation. The uniform application
of the specifications in the recommended practices is regarded as desirable in the interest of
safety, regularity or efficiency of international air navigation. The international standards that
have been adopted by ICAO are mandatory unless the state concerned notifies ICAO of any
differences. Recommended practices are not mandatory; states are asked to notify ICAO of
any differences.
Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS)
These are procedures that have
been adopted by the council for worldwide use. They can contain:

New procedures, or those which are too complicated or detailed for inclusion in
an Annex.

Operating procedures that have not attained a status for adoption as International
Standards and Recommended Practices.

Regional Supplementary Procedures (SUPPS)

These procedures are similar in
status to the PANS but are for application in their respective regions.
Technical Manuals
These documents amplify the SARPs and PANS. They are designed
to assist in the use of the relevant document.
Air Navigation Plans Air Navigation Plans detail the requirements for facilities and services
for international air navigation in the respective ICAO Air Navigation Regions.
ICAO Circulars
Any information that is of specific interest to contracting states is
transmitted by these documents.

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International Agreements
The International Air Transport Agreement
Also known as The Five Freedoms and adopted at the same time as the Chicago
Convention. These freedoms are:
The freedom of innocent passage. The right to fly across the territories of a
state without landing.
Freedom of Facilities. The right to use foreign territory to refuel or carry out
maintenance. This does not give any traffic rights.
Three The right to carry revenue traffic from the carriers base nation (A) to treaty
partners territory (B)
Four The right to carry revenue traffic from treaty partners territory (B) to carriers
base nation (A)
The right to carry revenue traffic between any points of landing on flights
between 3 or more treaty partner nations (B to C to D)
(Do not get this freedom mixed up with Cabotage)
1 & 2 are known as technical rights, 3, 4 & 5 are the traffic rights.
Supplementary Freedoms
A combination of Freedoms 3 and 4. Revenue traffic flown between two
treaty partner nations (C to A) through carriers base nation (B)
Seven Revenue traffic flown between two nations (C to A) by carrier of a third nation
Eight - Cabotage
The right to carry revenue traffic between two points within a
treaty nation (B) by the carrier of another nation (A)
Nine Code Sharing The carrying of passengers by an airline other than the one
booked. Most apparent at airports where two to three airlines are listed for the one
The Convention of Tokyo 1963
The agreements made at this convention cover offences and certain other acts committed on
board aircraft mainly unlawful interference. The convention covers the jurisdiction of the pilot
in command and national jurisdiction.
National Jurisdiction
Article 3
The state that an aircraft is registered in is responsible for exercising
jurisdiction over offences and acts committed on board. The state should take all legal means
necessary to ensure this.

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Article 4
A contracting state, which is not the state of registration, may not interfere
with an aircraft in flight in order to exercise legal control over any offence committed on board,

The offence has an effect on the territory of the state.

The offence has been committed against a national, or permanent resident, of

that state.

The offence is against the security of that state.

The offence consists of a breach of the rules or regulations relating to the flight of
aircraft in that state.

The exercise of jurisdiction is necessary to ensure the observance of any multinational agreements between states.

Pilot in Command
If a person commits or is about to commit an unlawful act on board
an aircraft, the aircraft commander may impose reasonable measures, including restraint,
which he considers necessary:

To protect the safety of the aircraft, persons or property on board.

To maintain good order and discipline.

To enable him to hand over a person to the competent authorities. This can
include removal of a passenger from an aircraft, or, refusal of permission for a
person to board an aircraft.

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To carry out his task the aircraft commander may require the assistance of
other crewmembers; he may also ask passengers to assist as necessary.


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Chapter 3.
Multilateral, Bilateral Agreements, the Warsaw Convention 1929 and the
Treaty of Rome
For commercial aviation to operate it is necessary for states to afford the airlines of other
states the right to fly into and across their territory for both traffic and non-traffic purposes.
The principal sources of International Air Law are treaties, which are international agreements
entered into between states. Such treaties or conventions may be multilateral or bilateral.

Multilateral Agreements The multilateral agreement or convention is entered

into by a number of different states. The most obvious one to the aviator is The
Chicago Convention.

Bilateral Agreements
As the name implies, a bilateral agreement is an
agreement between two states eg The Bermuda agreement between the USA
and UK.

Such agreements provide for every state the basis on which it enjoys the right to operate air
services to any foreign state.
The failure of The Chicago Conference to reach multilateral agreement on the three key
economic aspects of air transport regulation:

Traffic rights



forced the industry to develop alternative ways of regulating these aspects. Fairly quickly a
three sided regulatory structure developed:

Bilateral service agreements have been used to regulate the exchange of traffic
rights between countries and, in some cases, they also involve capacity

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) was developed by the airlines,
with government approval, into a forum for establishing fares and rates

Inter-airline agreements have increasingly been introduced by many airlines,

usually but not exclusively on a bilateral basis, as a way of trying to control
capacity on particular routes. This is done through revenue pooling agreements.

This regulatory structure has effectively controlled the development of scheduled air services
since World War II. Non-scheduled or charter operations have been relatively unaffected by

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international regulation. However, charter operations have been affected by arbitrary and adhoc decisions by individual nations.
The Bermuda Agreement on Scheduled Air Traffic Rights
This agreement between the UK and USA is an example of a bilateral agreement between
two states where the countries by virtue of their geographic position are finely balanced. It
was broadly based on the following principles:

Air transport facilities available to the travelling public should bear a close
relationship to the requirement of the public for such transport

Fair and equal opportunity to operate on any international route

For trunk services, the interests of the air carriers of the other governments shall
be taken into consideration

The International Air Transport Association (IATA)

IATA is a body whose members are composed of airlines. The functions of IATA include the
establishment of uniform fares, uniform ticketing arrangements and other procedures.
The Warsaw Convention 1929
Uniform rules governing the air carriers liabilities in respect of passengers and goods were
agreed in Warsaw in October 1929, when the Treaty for Unification of Certain Rules relating
to the International Carriage by Air was made. This treaty is now known as the Warsaw
Convention 1929. Since the original convention amendments have been made, the most
significant being:

The Hague Protocol 1955

The Montreal Agreement 1966

The Warsaw Convention deals only with rights and obligations of contracting carriers. The
Important Articles from the Warsaw Convention are:
Article 1
This convention applies to the international carriage of persons,
baggage or cargo performed by aircraft for reward. Carriage performed by several
successive air carriers is deemed to be one undivided carriage if it has been regarded
as a single operation.
Article 2
The convention applies to carriage performed by the state or by the
legally constituted public bodies provided it falls within the conditions laid down in
Article 1
The convention does not apply to carriage performed under the terms of any international
postal convention.

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Passenger Ticket
Article 3

A passenger ticket shall be issued for each flight containing:

The place and date of issue

An indication of the place of departure and destination

The agreed stopping places, provided that the carrier may reserve the right to
alter the stopping places, and that if he exercises that right, the alteration shall
not have the effect of depriving the carriage of its international character

The name and address of the carrier or carriers

A statement that the carriage is subject to the rules relating to the liability
established by this convention

The absence, irregularity or loss of the passenger ticket does not affect the validity of the
contract of carriage, which shall be subject to the rules of the convention. If a carrier accepts
a passenger without a ticket then he will not be able to fall back on the provisions of the
convention that limit his liability.
Baggage Check
Article 4
For the carriage of luggage, other than the small personal objects
that the passenger takes himself, the carrier must issue a luggage ticket. The luggage
ticket is made out in duplicate, one for the passenger and the other for the carrier.
The luggage ticket shall contain the following:

The place and date of issue

The place of departure and destination

The name and address of the carrier

The number of the passenger ticket

A statement that delivery of the luggage will be made to the bearer of the luggage

The number and weight of the packages

A statement that the carriage is subject to the rules relating to liability established
by the convention

Air Waybill
Article 5
Every carrier has the right to require the consignor to make out and
hand over to him a document called an Air Waybill; every consignor has the right to
require the carrier to accept this document.
The absence, irregularity or loss of this document does not affect the existence or the
validity of the contract of carriage.

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Article 6
The air waybill shall be made out by the consignor in three original
parts and be handed over with the cargo.

The first part shall be marked for the carrier and signed by the consignor

The second for the consignee; this part shall be signed by the consignor and by
the carrier and shall accompany the cargo

The third part shall be signed by the carrier and handed by him to the consignor
after the cargo has been accepted

The carrier shall sign prior to the loading of the cargo on board the aircraft. The
signature of the carrier may be stamped; the signature of the consignor may be
printed or stamped.
Article 7
The carrier of cargo has the right to require the consignor to make
out separate waybills when there is more than one package.
Liability of the Carrier
Article 17
The carrier is liable for damage sustained in the event of the death or
wounding of a passenger or any other bodily injury suffered by a passenger, if the accident
that caused the damage took place on board the aircraft or in the course of any of the
operations of embarking or disembarking
Article 18
The carrier is liable for damage sustained to any registered baggage or cargo
if the damage took place during the carriage by air.
By definition, carriage by air covers the time that the baggage or cargo is in the charge of the
carrier whether in an aerodrome or on board an aircraft
Article 19
The carrier is liable for damage occasioned by delay in the carriage by air of
passengers, baggage or cargo
Article 20
The carrier is not liable if he proves that he, his company or agents have
taken all necessary measures to avoid the damage or that it was impossible for him or them
to take such a measure
Article 29

The right to damages are lost if an action is not brought within two years

The date of arrival at the destination, or

From the date on which the aircraft ought to have arrived, or

From the date on which the carriage ceased

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The Treaty of Rome - Transport Policy

Article 3

The activities of the community shall include:

The elimination of customs duties and of quantitative restrictions on the import

and export of goods

The abolition of obstacles to freedom of movement for persons, services and


The adoption of a common policy in the sphere of transport

The institution of a system ensuring that competition in the EU is not distorted

The Convention of Rome 1933/1952

This convention produced uniformity in place of the differing national laws covering the liability
of the owner or operator of an aircraft which causes damage to persons or property on the
surface of the earth.
In simple terms the operator is liable for any damage but the liability is limited to a sum that is
proportionate to the weight of the aircraft. The Convention makes it compulsory to insure
against this liability. Only the minimum number of signatories have signed this convention.
A later Rome Convention looked at the problems of damage caused by foreign aircraft to third
parties on the surface of the earth. The Air Transport Committee and the Council prior to
acceptance considered these economic aspects. The amount of compensation is limited but
carriers are liable for damage caused to third parties. Interestingly, the convention does
accept compulsory recognition and execution of any foreign judgement on damage to third
parties. The Montreal Conference 1978 (the Montreal Protocol) modified the Rome
Convention by adjusting the limits of liability.
Arrest of Aircraft Rome Convention 1933 This convention also regulated the right of
arrest where an aircraft is seized in the case of debt.
Commercial Practices and Associated Rules (Leasing)

Terms used in JAR-OPS 1.165 have the following meaning:


Air Operators Certificate, allowing public transport flights to be


Dry lease

Is when the aeroplane is operated under the AOC of the lessee.

Wet lease

Is when the aeroplane is operated under the AOC of the lessor

(company who let the aircraft out)

JAA operator An operator certificated under JAR-OPS Part 1 by one of the JAA
Member States.

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Leasing of Aeroplanes between JAA Operators

Wet lease-out A JAA operator providing an aeroplane and complete crew to another JAA
Operator, and retaining all functions and responsibilities prescribed in Subpart C, JAR-OPS 1
shall remain the operator of the aeroplane.
All leases except wet lease-out

Except as provided above, a JAA operator utilising an aeroplane from, or

providing it to, another JAA operator, must obtain prior approval for the operator
from his respective Authority (the Authority). Any conditions that are part of this
approval must be included in the lease agreement.

Those elements of lease agreements which are approved by the Authority, other
than lease agreements in which an aeroplane and complete crew are involved
and no transfer of functions and responsibilities is intended, are all to be
regarded, with respect to the leased aeroplane, as variations of the AOC under
which the flights will be operated.

Leasing of Aeroplanes Between a JAA Operator and Any Body Other Than a JAA
Dry lease-in

A JAA operator shall not dry lease-in an aeroplane from any entity other than a
JAA operator, unless approved by the Authority. Any conditions that are part of
this approval must be included in the lease agreement.

A JAA operator shall ensure that, with regard to aeroplanes that are dry leasedin, any differences from the prescribed instrument, navigation, communication
and safety equipment are notified to, and are acceptable to, the Authority.

Wet lease-in

A JAA operator shall not wet lease-in an aeroplane from a body other than a JAA
operator without the approval of the Authority.

A JAA operator shall ensure that, with regard to aeroplanes that are wet leasedin:

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The safety standards of the lessor with respect to maintenance and operation
are equivalent to the JAR regulations

The lessor is an operator holding an AOC issued by a State which is a

signatory to the Chicago Convention

The aeroplane has a standard Certificate of Airworthiness issued in

accordance with ICAO Annex 8. Standard Certificates of Airworthiness
issued by a JAA Member State other than the State responsible for issue the
AOC will be accepted without further showing when issued in accordance
with JAR, and

Any JAA requirement made applicable by the lessee's Authority is complied



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Dry lease-out A JAA operator may dry lease-out an aeroplane for the purpose of
commercial air transportation to any operator of a State which is signatory to the Chicago
Convention provided that the following conditions are met:

The Authority has exempted the JAA operator from the relevant provisions of
JAR-OPS Part 1 and, after the foreign regulatory authority has accepted
responsibility in writing for surveillance of the maintenance and operation of the
aeroplane(s) has removed the aeroplane from its AOC, and

The aeroplane is maintained according to an approved maintenance programme.

Wet lease-out A JAA operator providing an aeroplane and complete crew to another entity
and retaining all the prescribed functions and responsibilities shall remain the operator of the
Leasing of Aeroplanes at Short Notice
In circumstances where a JAA operator is faced with an immediate, urgent and unforeseen
need for a replacement aeroplane, the required approval may be deemed to have been given,
provided that:

The lessor is an operator holding an AOC issued by a State which is a signatory

to the Chicago Convention; and

The lease-in period does not exceed 5 consecutive days; and

The Authority is immediately notified of the use of this provision.

Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2407/92

The introduction of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2407/92 places additional responsibilities
on member states and licensing authorities and the EU has recommended that the
registration of leased aircraft remains unchanged.
Article 75
Taking into account the distinctive features of transport, the council
shall lay down:

Common rules applicable to international transport from the territory of a member

state or passing across the territory of one or more member states

The conditions under which non-resident carriers may operate transport services
within a member state

Any other provisions

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Intentionally Left Blank

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Chapter 4.
European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) and Joint Aviation
Authorities (JAA)
In 1953 the Council of Europe decided that ICAO, as the appropriate body, should convene a
European conference to discuss:

Methods of improving commercial and technical co-operation between the airlines

of the countries participating in the conference

The possibility of securing closer co-operation by the exchange of commercial

rights between the European countries

ICAO formally constituted the Conference on Co-ordination of Air Transport in Europe

(CATE). In order to follow up on the recommendations being adopted at the meeting, CATE
proposed the establishment of a permanent organization of the European aeronautical
ECAC held its inaugural session in 1955.
ECACs objectives include:

Continuing the work of the CATE conference

Reviewing the development of intra-european air transport with the object of


Considering any special problem that might arise from the above

ECAC membership, which includes all EC countries, needed to institute procedures

consistent with those resulting from the EC treaty and the Single European Act. The
recommendations made by the European Parliament and the Council of Europe needed a coordinated approach to ensure air safety within Europe.
In 1970 some European civil aviation authorities started to co-operate with a view to
producing common Joint Airworthiness Requirements so as to facilitate certification of
products built jointly in Europe. This led to the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) Board
becoming an associated body to ECAC in 1989. The JAA Board oversees arrangements
between a number of ECAC states providing for co-operation in developing and implementing
common safety standards and procedures.

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JAA Organization
The JAA has developed since the 1970s and the members are bound by the Arrangements
signed in Cyprus by the then member states in 1990. Although a formal convention is being
drafted the main JAA objectives are:

To ensure through co-operation common high levels of safety within the member

Through the application of uniform safety standards, to contribute to fair and

equal competition within the member states

To aim for cost effective safety and minimum regulatory burden so as to

contribute to the European industries international competitiveness

JAA intends to develop such that it will operate in a manner that is as close as possible to a
single authority, without yet formally or legally becoming a single international body where
each individual state has given up its ultimate responsibilities.
Functions of JAA
The authorities will use the JAA to perform the following functions:

To develop, and publish Joint Aviation Requirements (JARs) for the use of the
Authorities in the field of design, manufacture, maintenance and operations; the
JAA will also develop special conditions where applicable

To define as soon as possible the general structure of the whole set of JARs and
the scope of each JAR so that each authority can adopt this structure. To work as
rapidly as possible to remove any national variants or national regulatory
differences with the aim that each individual existing JAR becomes a uniform
code for all JAA countries and no further national regulatory differences are

To establish procedures based on the use of the Authorities resources, that:

Allow the use of only one set of technical findings in the field of design,
manufacture, maintenance and operations for the benefit of and in a manner
acceptable to all Authorities

Include practical measures for making the technical findings only once to the
benefit of all Authorities. These measures may include acceptance of
technical findings made by industry, where industry conforms to agreed
approval standards

Cover the initial certification as well as the continuation of safety standards in


To establish administrative and technical procedures which would require a single

administrative action from the applicant for each application and which would
replace the currently existing national administrative documents by a single one,
valid under the national laws and procedures of each Authority

To make the technical findings needed to show compliance with JARs

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To perform for the benefit of the non-JAA importing country, in the case of
products, services, persons or organizations certificated by one of the Authorities
and requiring certification from a non-JAA country, the technical tasks which
come under the duties of the Authority of the exporting country

To form a European JAA to cover the fields of design and manufacture of

products, their maintenance and their occupation

Organization and Procedures

The JAA is controlled by a JAA Committee that works under the authority of the Plenary
Conference of the ECAC and reports to the JAA Board of Directors General (better known as
the JAA Board).
Joint Aviation Authorities
JAA Board
JAA Committee
Executive Board
Foundation Board
JAA/FAA Harmonisation

Joint Steering Committee

Secretary General






The JAA Board will consider and review the general policies and long term objectives of the
JAA. Its specific functions include in particular:

Deciding upon questions concerning the relationship between the JAA and
States, the EC, or international organizations

Deciding upon any amendments to these Arrangements

Deciding upon the acceptance of new members of the JAA

Deciding upon measures to be taken in case a member would not fulfil the duties
and commitments implied by the signing of these Arrangements

If any of the above cases arise the following procedure applies:

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A warning or statement of intent will be notified in writing to the member



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The procedure will allow the member concerned to put his case in writing or
during a meeting

The decision will not be made sooner than 8 weeks after the initial notification in

Any measure which would be taken directly against a member or which would
revoke the privilege of each exchange or recognition of a whole range of products
or services or persons or organizations of the country of this member should be
agreed by 2/3 of the JAA Board

The decision on the measures taken will also specify the date of effect

The JAA Committee is composed of one member from each Authority. The JAA
Committee will be responsible for the administrative and technical implementation
of these Arrangements

The relationship between the JAA and ECAC will be in accordance with the
ECAC constitution with regards to associated bodies of ECAC

The JAA is staffed by experts of the Authorities seconded full time or part time
and is served by the JAA Secretariat

For the purposes of these Arrangements, the part of JAA consisting of people
seconded full time is called Central JAA

The organization and structure of the JAA is defined and agreed by the JAA

The organization and structure can be amended by the JAA Committee on a 2/3
majority agreement

The JAA Committees powers do not extend to the organization and structure of
the JAA Board and Committee itself

JAA membership is open to the civil aviation Authorities of the ECAC member States. The
system for non-members to enter the JAA is a two-stage process. Initially Candidate
Membership is given; this is subject to certain conditions:

JAA Board decides on admission (2/3 majority)

JAA Arrangements are signed

Full access is given to JAA Committee documents and bodies

No voting rights

No automatic recognition of approvals

Full member national contribution to be paid

The Role of the National Aviation Authorities

In the present JAA system, the National Aviation Authorities (NAA) retain the responsibility

Aviation safety

The implementation of JARs in their respective countries

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The issue, modification, revocation or suspension of approvals, certifications and


The staff of the NAA will carry out the work related to the standardization within the JAA. The
JAA Committee will have the final decision on new safety requirements and the related
procedures. Where joint decisions by the NAA are needed these are made in the JAA
Committee (JAAC), though the JAAC may delegate this to the Executive Board or to the Main
Committees on which they are represented. Standardization visits are a vital part of the JAA
system; they observe the approval processes of the NAAs and raise any points of doubt.
Where the recommendations are not agreed by the NAA, or any actions taken by the NAA are
not considered fully to meet the needs of the case, the matter is normally referred to the Main
Committee, acting on behalf of the JAAC. The agreed decisions are written up, and should
include any proposals for amendment of JAA publications, if relevant.
The NAA meet with industry and interested parties through the High Level meetings on the:

Future of the JAA

Annual Joint Steering Assembly

Three Joint Boards (Manufacturers, Operators and Crew)

Working groups, study groups and other Committees

The Role of the Main Committees

The Main Committees comprise of four Committees whose work is related to the specific
functions of:





The NAA members of these Committees act either as independent experts or ultimately as
representatives of their national authorities.
The Main Committees have two main functions:

Firstly, to act as advisers to the Directors and their staff

Secondly, as a forum for the members from the NAAs to express the opinions of
their authorities

The detailed roles of the Main Committees are summarized as follows:

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To develop and draft the requirements, in consultation with industry, of new JAA
codes and amendments

To approve procedures on behalf of the JAA Committee, when requested

To make recommendations to the JAA Committee in relation to the approval of

procedures, through the Secretary-General

To advise on policy and any actions proposed to an NAA resulting from a


To review major or long term exemptions granted by NAA to identify needs for
regulatory change

To advise and assist the relevant director on any issue

To make decisions on behalf of the JAA Committee when asked by the JAA
Committee to do so

To report to the JAA Committee through the Secretary-General

JAA Licensing Policy and Organization

The Flight Crew Licensing policy is to provide JARs for the training and testing of pilots and
the issue of licences, ratings, authorization, approvals or certificates and ensure the
consistent interpretation and implementation of these harmonized requirements. The
objectives of harmonization of flight crew licenses within Europe are to:

Improve safety by enabling operators of aircraft to check easily the validity of a

license and rating

Improve safety by having common and high standards derived from the
experience of many States

Improve safety, effectiveness and efficiency as a result of a detailed review and

consequently strengthen ICAO standards in a European context

Enable flight crew to find employment without further licensing conditions in any
of the participating States

Reduce costs to flight crew by eliminating the need for validation of licenses by
other participating States

Reduce costs to the industry by permitting freer exchange of flight crew

Reduce costs to national authorities by eliminating validation procedures for

participating States

Reduce costs to national authorities by the use of centralized theoretical

examination procedures

JAA is staffed by experts from NAAs, seconded full time or part time. The Licensing Division,
under the Licensing Director, is staffed full time. The functions of the Licensing Division

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Taking the lead in the development of implementation procedures and related

policy for JAA Committee adoption

To co-ordinate and manage the standardization team activity

To work with JAA, NAAs, other authorities, industry, international organizations,

the JAA FCL Committee etc as necessary

To oversee and monitor, supported by the Main Committee, exemptions so as to

ensure a consistent policy

JAA FCL Committee

The functions of the JAA FCL Committee are:

To develop new requirement codes and associated material

To develop new requirements or amendments for adopted codes in co-ordination

with the Regulation and Technical Director

To assist the Director in the development of Joint Implementation Procedures

To advise and assist the Director on other matters, as necessary

To have as a priority harmonization with other Authorities

To review exemptions/variations and denials given by NAAs to ensure

consistency and to identify any need for regulatory amendments

When requested by the appropriate Director to advise on the standardization

recommendations proposed for a NAA resulting from a standardization visit,
when these have not been resolved between the associated headquarters
division and the relevant NAA

To undertake any task requested by the JAA Committee

To report to the JAA Committee through the secretary-general

JAA FCL Examination Sub-Committee

The JAA FCL Examination Sub-Committee:

Co-ordinate, supervise and review the work of the Subject Expert Teams (SET) in
the following tasks:

Construction and validation of computer compatible questions in the subjects

for which they are responsible

The continuous review of the syllabi and related questions and the need for
any changes

Examinations procedures eg frequency of examinations, contents, pass

standards etc

Review the reports by the SETs on the syllabi for professional pilots and the
instrument rating and propose any amendments to the JAA FCL Committee

Advise on request of NAAs on examination procedures

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Maintain an adequate number of questions in the Central Question Bank (CQB)

Monitor the rules and procedures for theoretical examinations and report its
findings to the JAA FCL Committee

Note: The SET are responsible to the JAA FCL Examination Sub-committee and
are required to:

Construct computer compatible questions in the subjects for which they

are responsible and present them to the JAA FCL Examination Subcommittee

Review the syllabi and related questions continually and advise the JAA
FCL Examination Sub-committee on the need for any changes

Make proposals to the JAA FCL Examination Sub-committee on matters

affecting the conduct of examinations

Advise the JAA FCL Examination Sub-committee on matters of fact in

any dispute

JAR-FCL provides harmonized requirements for:

The training and testing of pilots

The issue of licences, ratings, approvals, authorizations and certificates

The safeguard of consistent interpretation and implementation of JAR-FCL

ICAO Annex 1 provides the basic structure of the JAR-FCL, the JAR for licensing. The
content of Annex 1 has been used and added to where necessary by making use of existing
European regulations.
JAR-FCL has been issued with no national variants. It has been accepted that JAR-FCL
should be applied in practice and the lessons learned embodied in future amendments.
Future development of the requirements of JAR-FCL will be in accordance with the JAAs
Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) procedures. These procedures allow for the
amendment of JAR-FCL to be proposed by the NAA of any of the participating countries and
by any organization represented on the Joint Steering Assembly.
The CAAs have agreed they should not unilaterally initiate amendment of their national codes
without having made a proposal for amendment of JAR-FCL in accordance with the agreed
There are 4 JAR-FCL documents that apply to the ATPL:

JAR-FCL 1 (Aeroplane)

JAR-FCL 2 (Helicopter)

JAR-FCL 3 (Medical)

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JAR-FCL 4 (Flight Engineers)

Each document has 2 sections:

Section 1

Requirements and appendices

Section 2

AMC Acceptable means of compliance

IEM Interpretative and explanatory material

Formed in 1965, Eurocontrol consists of most of the EU states plus 5 other states. Other
European states co-operate or are associated with the system. The stated objectives of
Eurocontrol are:

To plan European air traffic management to meet future needs

To optimize the use of airspace by matching capacity to demand to carry out the

Eurocontrol offers a variety of services that include:

Managing European harmonization and integration activities

Providing central flow management

Providing regional air traffic services

Collecting air navigation charges

Conducting research and development

Providing training and advice for air navigation services

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Chapter 5.
Annex 15 Aeronautical Information Service
The object of the aeronautical information service is to ensure the flow of information
necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of international air navigation. Corrupt or
erroneous aeronautical information can potentially affect the safety of air navigation. The role
and importance of aeronautical information/data changed significantly with the implementation

Area navigation (RNAV)

Required navigation performance (RNP), and

Airborne computer-based navigation systems

To satisfy the uniformity and consistency in the provision of aeronautical information that is
required for operational use states shall, as far as possible, avoid Standards and procedures
other than those established for international use.
Responsibilities and Function
Each contracting state shall:

Provide an aeronautical information service, or

Provide a joint service with one or more Contracting States, or

Provide a service through a non-governmental agency, provided the SARPs of

the annex are adequately met.

Each State remains responsible for any information published. Aeronautical information
published on behalf of the state shall clearly indicate that it is published under the authority of
that state. Each Contracting State is responsible for ensuring that the aeronautical information
published is accurate, on time and of the required quality expected by ICAO.
Where a 24-hour service is not provided the service has to be available during the whole
period an aircraft is in flight in the area of responsibility plus a period of a least two hours
before and after such period. The service has to be available at any other time as may be
requested by an appropriate ground organization.
The aeronautical information service shall obtain information for it to provide pre-flight
information service and to meet the need for in-flight information.

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An aeronautical information service shall ensure that aeronautical information is in a form

suitable for the requirements of:

Flight operations personnel including flight crews, flight planning and flight
simulator, and

The ATS unit responsible for FIS and the services responsible for pre-flight

Exchange of Aeronautical Information

Each State shall designate the office to which all elements of the Integrated Aeronautical
Information Package originated by other States shall be addressed. Such an office shall be
qualified to deal with requests for information by other States.
An aeronautical information service shall arrange, as necessary, to satisfy operational
requirements, for the issue and receipt of NOTAM distributed by telecommunication.
States shall, wherever practicable, establish direct contact between aeronautical information
services in order to facilitate the international exchange of aeronautical information.
General Specifications
Each element of the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package for international distribution
should include an English text for those parts expressed in plain language
Place names shall be spelt in conformity with local usage, translated where necessary into
the Latin alphabet.
World Geodetic System
As of 1 January 1984, published geographical co-ordinates indicating latitude and longitude
shall be expressed in terms of the World Geodetic System - 1984 (WGS -84).
Use of ICAO Abbreviations
ICAO abbreviations shall be used by the aeronautical information services whenever they are
appropriate and their use will facilitate distribution of information
Identification and Delineation of Prohibited, Restricted and Danger Areas
Each prohibited, restricted or danger area established by a state shall, upon initial
establishment be given an identification and full details shall be promulgated.
The identification assigned is used to identify the area in all subsequent notifications
pertaining to that area. The identification is composed of a group as follows:

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Nationality letters for location indicators assigned to the state or territory, which has
established the airspace (EG is used for the UK)
A letter:

Prohibited area

Restricted area

Danger area

A number, unduplicated within the state or territory concerned

To avoid confusion, identification numbers are not re-used for a period of at least one year
after cancellation of any area to which they refer.
Integrated Aeronautical Information Package
A package which consists of the following elements:

AlP, including the AIP Amendment service

Supplements to the AlP

NOTAM and pre-flight information bulletins (PIB)


Checklists and summaries

Note: AlPs are intended primarily to satisfy international requirements for the
exchange of aeronautical information of a lasting character essential to air navigation.
When practicable, the form of presentation is designed to facilitate their use in flight
Aeronautical Information Publication (AlP)
An AIP consists of three parts relating to the following subjects:
Part 1 - General (GEN) A list of significant differences between the national regulations and
practices of the State and the related ICAO SARPs and procedures. These are given in a
form that would enable a user to differentiate readily between the requirements of the State
and the related ICAO provisions are found in this section
Part 2 - En-Route (ENR)
Part 3 Aerodromes (AD)
AlP Amendments

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Permanent changes to the AlP are published as AlP amendments.


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AlP Supplements
Temporary changes of long duration (three months) and information
of short duration which contains extensive text and/or graphics are published as AIP
supplements. AIP supplement pages are coloured in order to be conspicuous, preferably in
A NOTAM is originated and issued whenever the information to be distributed is of:

A temporary nature and of short duration

Operationally significant permanent changes

Temporary changes of long duration are made at short notice, except for
extensive text and/or graphics.

Note: Information of short duration containing extensive text and/or graphics is

published as an AIP Supplement
A NOTAM is originated and issued whenever the following information is of direct operational

Establishment, closure or significant changes in operation of aerodromes or


Establishment, withdrawal and significant changes in operation of aeronautical

services eg AGA, AIS ATS, COM, MET, SAR. etc

The establishment or withdrawal of electronics and other aids to navigation and

aerodromes. This includes:

Interruption or return to operation

Change of frequencies

Change in notified hours of service

Change of identification

Change of orientation

Change of location

Power increase or decrease amounting to 50% or more

Change in broadcast schedules or contents

Irregularity or unreliability of operation of any electronic aid to air navigation,

and air-ground communication services

Establishment, withdrawal or significant changes made to visual aids

Interruption of or return to operation of major components of aerodrome lighting


Establishment, withdrawal or significant changes made to procedures for air

navigation services

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Changes to limitations on availability of fuel, oil and oxygen

Major changes to SAR facilities and services available

Establishment, withdrawal or return to operation of hazard beacons marking

significant obstacles to air navigation

Changes in regulations requiring immediate action eg prohibited areas for SAR


Presence of hazards which affect air navigation including:


Military exercises



Major parachuting events outside promulgated sites

Erecting, removal of or changes to significant obstacles to air navigation in the:

Take-off and climb

Missed approach

Approach areas

Runway strip

Establishment or discontinuance of areas routes or portions thereof where the

possibility of interception exists and where the maintenance of guard on the VHF
emergency frequency 121.500 MHz is required

Allocation, cancellation or change of location indicators

Significant changes in the level of protection normally available at an aerodrome

for rescue and fire fighting purposes

Presence or removal of significant changes in hazardous conditions due to snow

slush, ice or water on the movement area

Outbreaks of epidemics necessitating changes in notified requirements for

inoculations and quarantine measures

Forecasts of solar cosmic radiation, where provided

An operationally significant change in volcanic activity, the location, date and time
of volcanic eruptions and/or horizontal and vertical extent of volcanic ash cloud
including direction of movement, flight levels and routes or portions of routes
which could be affected. Notification of such conditions is to be made preferably
by use of the ASHTAM format (the ASHTAM colour codes are covered later in
this chapter)

Release into the atmosphere of radioactive materials or toxic chemicals following

a nuclear or chemical incident:

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The location

Date and time of the incident

The flight levels and routes or portions thereof which could be affected


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The direction of movement

Establishment of operations of humanitarian relief missions, such as those

undertaken under the auspices of UN, together with procedures and/or limitations
which affect air navigation

When an AIP Amendment or an AlP Supplement is published in accordance with AIRAC

procedures NOTAM shall be originated giving a brief description of the contents, the effective
date and the reference number to the amendment or supplement. This NOTAM shall come
into force on the same effective date as the amendment or supplement.
The following information shall not be notified by NOTAM:

Routine maintenance work on aprons and taxiways which does not affect the safe
movement of aircraft

Runway marking work, when aircraft operations can safely be conducted on other
available runways, or the equipment used can be removed when necessary

Temporary obstructions in the vicinity of aerodromes that do not affect the safe
operation of aircraft

Partial failure of aerodrome lighting facilities where such failure does not directly
affect aircraft operations

Partial temporary failure of air-ground communications when suitable alternative

frequencies are known to be available and operative

The lack of apron marshalling services and road traffic control

The unserviceability of location, destination or other instruction signs on the

aerodrome movement area

Parachuting when in uncontrolled airspace under IFR when controlled, at

promulgated sites or within danger or prohibited areas

A NOTAM is distributed to addressees to whom the information is of direct operational
significance, and who would not otherwise have at least seven days prior notification.
NOTAM Checklist
A checklist of NOTAM in force is:

Issued over the AFTN at intervals of not more than one month

The checklist shall refer to the latest AIP Amendments, AIP Supplements and at
least the internationally distributed AICs

The checklist must have the same distribution as the actual message series to
which they refer

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A monthly printed plain language summary of the:

NOTAM in force

The latest AIP Amendments

A checklist of AIP Supplements, and

AIC issued

is prepared and forwarded to the recipients of the integrated AIP.

NOTAMs are issued in three categories:


A NOTAM containing new information


A NOTAM replacing a previous NOTAM


A NOTAM cancelling a previous NOTAM

All temporary NOTAMs must include an expiry date. If the expiry is estimated then a ten
figure group is suffixed with EST. There is no ICAO recommendation when a NOTAM
issued with an estimated expiry time should be replaced.
Information concerning snow, ice and standing water on aerodrome pavements is reported by
SNOWTAM. Information concerning an operationally significant change in volcanic activity, a
volcanic eruption and/or volcanic ash cloud is reported by means of an ASHTAM
The maximum validity of a SNOWTAM is 24 hours. However, a new SNOWTAM must be
issued when there is a significant change in conditions. These are listed below:

A change in the coefficient of friction of about 0.05

Changes in the depth of deposit:

20 mm for dry snow

10 mm for wet snow

3 mm for slush

A change in the available width of a runway by 10% or more

A change in the type of deposit or extent of coverage

When critical snowbanks exist on one or both sides of the runway or any change
in height or distance from the centre line

Any change in the conspicuity of runway lighting caused by obscuring of the lights

Any other significant changes

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The SNOWTAM Form is broken into 17 sections as shown in the form below.

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An ASHTAM provides information on the status of activity of a volcano when a change in its
activity is expected, or is, of operational significance. Information is passed using a volcano
level of alert colour code given in the table below.
Level of Alert Colour

Status of Activity of Volcano

Red Alert

Volcanic eruption in progress. Ash plume/cloud reported above

Volcano dangerous, eruption likely, with ash plume/cloud expected
to rise above FL250
Volcanic eruption in progress but ash plume/cloud not reaching nor
expected to reach FL250

Orange Alert

Volcano dangerous, eruption likely, with ash plume/cloud not
expected to rise above FL250
Volcano known to be active from time to time and volcanic activity
has recently increased significantly, volcano not currently considered
dangerous but caution should be exercised

Yellow Alert

(After an eruption eg a change in alert to yellow from red or orange)
Volcanic activity has decreased significantly, volcano not currently
considered dangerous but caution should be exercised
Volcanic activity considered to have ceased and volcano reverted to
its normal state

Green Alert

The AFTN shall, whenever practicable, be employed for NOTAM distribution.

Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control (AIRAC)
Information that is distributed under the AIRAC system are the establishment, withdrawal of
and premeditated significant changes to:

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Limits (horizontal and vertical), regulations and procedures applicable to:




Advisory areas

ATS routes

Permanent danger, prohibited and restricted areas


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Permanent areas, routes or portions of routes where the possibility of

interception exists

Positions, frequencies, call signs, known irregularities and maintenance periods,

of radio navigation aids and communication facilities

Holding and approach procedures, arrival and departure procedures, noise

abatement procedures and any other permanent ATS procedures

Meteorological facilities, including broadcasts, and procedures

Runways and aprons

Position, height and lighting of navigational obstacles

Taxiways and aprons

Hours of service


Facilities and services

Temporary danger, prohibited and restricted areas and navigational hazards,

military exercises and mass movements of aircraft

Temporary areas or routes or portions thereof where the possibility of interception


The system is based on the establishment of a series of common effective dates at intervals
of 28 days. The AIS unit distributes AIRAC information at least 42 days in advance of the
effective date with the objective of reaching recipients at least 28 days in advance of the
effective date. The information notified is not changed for at least another 28 days after the
effective date, unless the change is of a temporary nature and would not persist for the full
Whenever major changes are planned and where additional notice is desirable and
practicable, a publication date of at least 56 days in advance of the effective date should be
Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC)
An AIC is originated whenever it is necessary to promulgate aeronautical information that
does not qualify:

Under the specifications for inclusion in the AlP, or

Under the specifications for the origination of a NOTAM

An AIC shall be originated whenever it is desirable to promulgate:

A long term forecast of any major change in legislation, regulations, procedures

or facilities

Information of a purely explanatory or advisory nature liable to affect flight safety

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Information or notification of an explanatory or advisory nature concerning

technical, legislative or purely administrative matters

Pre-Flight and Post Flight Information

Pre-Flight Information
At an aerodrome used for international air operations,
aeronautical information essential for:

The safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation, and

Relative to the route stages originating at the aerodrome

shall be made available to flight operations personnel responsible for pre-flight information.
Aeronautical information provided for pre-flight planning purposes shall include relevant:

Elements of the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package

Maps and charts

Additional current information relating to the aerodrome of departure

All NOTAM information is available to pilots in the form of pre-flight information bulletins (PIB).
Post Flight Information
States shall ensure that arrangements are made for all
aerodromes to receive information concerning the state and operation of the navigation
facilities to be used by flight crew. All such information is made available to the AIS for

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Contents of Aeronautical Information Publication

GEN 1 National Regulations and Requirements
Designated authorities
Entry, transit and departure of aircraft
Entry, transit and departure of cargo
Aircraft instruments, equipment and flight documents
Summary of national regulations and international agreements/conventions
Differences from ICAO SARPs
GEN 2 Tables and Codes
Measuring system, aircraft markings, holidays
Abbreviations used in AIS publications
Chart symbols
Location indicators
List of radio navigation aids
Conversion tables
Sunrise/sunset tables
GEN 3 Services
Aeronautical information services
Aeronautical charts
Air traffic services
Meteorological services
ENR 1 General Rules and Procedures
General rules
ATS airspace classification
Holding, approach and departure procedures
Radar services and procedures

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Altimeter setting procedures

Regional supplementary procedures
Air traffic flow management
Flight planning
Addressing of flight plan messages
Interception of civil aircraft
Unlawful interference
Air traffic incidents
ENR 2 Air Traffic Services Airspace
Other regulated airspace
ENR 3 ATS Routes
Lower ATS routes
Upper ATS routes
Area navigation routes
Helicopter routes
Other routes
En-route holding
ENR 4 Radio Navigation Aids/Systems
Radio navigation aids en-route
Special navigation systems
Name code designators for specific points
Aeronautical ground lights en-route
ENR 5 Navigation Warnings
Prohibited, restricted and danger areas
Military exercise and training areas
Other activities of a dangerous nature
Air navigation obstacles en-route
Aerial sporting and recreational activities
Bird migration and areas with sensitive fauna
ENR 6 En-route Charts

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AD 1 Aerodromes/Heliports Introduction
Aerodrome/heliport availability
Rescue and fire fighting services and snow plan
Index to aerodromes and heliports
Groupings of aerodromes/heliports
AD 2 Aerodromes
Aerodrome location indicator and name
Aerodrome geographical and administrative data
Operational hours
Handling services and facilities
Passenger facilities
Rescue and fire fighting services
Seasonal availability clearing
Aprons, taxiways and check locations/positions data
Surface movement guidance and markings
Aerodrome obstacles
Meteorological information provided
Runway physical characteristics
Declared distances
Helicopter landing area
Approach and runway lighting
Other lighting, secondary power supply
ATS airspace
ATS communication facilities
Radio Navigation and landing aids
Local traffic regulations
Noise abatement procedures
Flight procedures
Additional information
AD 3 - Heliports

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Charts Related to an Aerodrome

The requirement is for charts related to an aerodrome to be included in the following order:

Aerodrome/heliport chart

Aircraft parking/docking chart

Aerodrome ground movement chart

Aerodrome obstacle chart for each runway

Precision approach terrain chart

Area chart departure and transit routes

Standard departure chart

Area chart arrival and transit routes

Standard arrival chart

Instrument approach chart

Visual approach chart

Bird concentrations in the vicinity of aerodrome

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Chapter 6.
Annex 1- Personnel Licensing and JAR-FCL 1- Flight Crew Licensing
SARPs are established for licensing the following personnel:

Private pilot (aeroplane and helicopter)

Commercial pilot (aeroplane and helicopter)

Airline transport pilot (aeroplane and helicopter)

Glider pilot

Balloon pilot

Flight navigator

Flight engineer

Authority to Act as a Flight Crewmember

A person shall not act as a flight crewmember of an aircraft unless a valid licence is held. The
licence must have been issued by the State of Registry of that aircraft or by any other
contracting state and rendered valid by the State of Registry.
Medical Fitness
An applicant for a licence must hold a Medical Assessment applicable for the type of licence
being applied for. Flight crewmembers shall not exercise the privileges of their licence unless
their Medical Assessment is in date. Each contracting state designates medical examiners
that are authorized to issue the Medical Assessment. For an Airline Transport Licence the
validity of the Medical Assessment is 12 months. This reduces to 6 months after the licence
holder passes their 40th birthday.
Validity of Licence
The licence holder must maintain competency, recent experience requirements and a valid
Medical assessment for a licence to remain valid.

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JAR-FCL 1 Flight Crew Licensing (Aeroplanes)

Basic Authority to Act as a Flight Crew Member
Licence and Rating
A person shall not act as a flight crew member of a civil aeroplane registered in a JAA
Member State unless that person holds a valid licence and rating complying with the
requirements of JAR-FCL. The licence shall have been issued by:

A JAA Member State, or

Another ICAO Contracting State and rendered valid in accordance with JAR-FCL

Exercise of Privileges
The holder of a licence or rating shall not exercise privileges other than those granted by that
licence or rating
Acceptance of Licences, Ratings, Authorizations, Approvals or Certificates
Licences, Ratings, Authorizations, Approvals or Certificates Issued by JAA Member
Where a person, an organization or a service has been licensed, issued with a rating,
authorization, approval or certificate by the authority of a JAA Member State in accordance
with the requirements of JAR-FCL and associated procedures, such licences, ratings,
authorizations, approvals or certificates shall be accepted without formality by other JAA
Member States.
Licences Issued by Non-JAA States
A licence issued by non-JAA State may be rendered valid at the discretion of the Authority of
a JAA Member State for use on aircraft registered in that JAA Member State.
Validation of a professional pilots licence shall not exceed one year from the date of
validation, provided that the basic licence remains valid. Any further validation for use on
aircraft registered in any JAA Member State is subject to agreement by the JAA Member
States and to any conditions seen fit within the JAA. The user of a licence validated by a JAA
Member State shall comply with the requirements stated in JAR-FCL.
Validity of Licences and Ratings
A licence holder shall not exercise the privileges granted by any licence or rating issued by a
JAA Member State unless the holder maintains competency by meeting the relevant
requirements of JAR-FCL.

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The validity of the licence is determined by the validity of the ratings contained therein and the
medical certificate. The licence will be issued for a maximum period of 5 years. Within this
period of 5 years the licence will be re-issued by the authority if:

After initial issue or renewal of a rating

When the licence is full

For any administrative reason

At the discretion of the authority when a rating is revalidated

Valid ratings will be transferred to a new licence document by the aurhority.

The licence holder must apply for the re-issue of the licence; this application must include all
necessary documentation.
Recent Experience
A pilot shall not operate an aeroplane carrying passengers as the pilot in command or co-pilot
unless he has carried out:

At least 3 take-offs and 3 landings as pilot flying in the same type/class or flight
simulator in the preceding 90 days, and

If the flight is at night, and the holder does not hold a valid Instrument rating one
of the take-offs and one of the landings must be carried out at night.

Medical Fitness
The holder of a medical certificate shall be mentally and physically fit to
exercise safely the privileges of the applicable licence.
Requirement for Medical Certificate In order to apply for or to exercise the privileges of a
licence, the applicant or holder shall hold a medical certificate issued in accordance with the
provisions of JAR-FCL Part 3 (Medical) and appropriate to the privileges of the licence.
Aeromedical Disposition
After completion of the examination the applicant shall be
advised whether fit, unfit or referred to the authority. The authorized medical examiner (AME)
shall inform the applicant of any condition(s) (medical, operational or otherwise) that may
restrict flying training and/or the privileges of any licence issued. In the event that a restricted
medical certificate is issued which limits the holder to exercise PIC privileges only when a
safety pilot is carried; the authority will give advisory information for use by the safety pilot in
determining their function and responsibilities.
Decrease in Medical Fitness Licence holders or student pilots shall not exercise the
privileges of their licences, related ratings or authorizations at any time when they are aware
of any decrease in their medical fitness which might render them unable to safely exercise

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those privileges and they shall without undue delay seek the advice of the authority or AME
when becoming aware of:

Hospital or clinic admission for more than 12 hours

Surgical operation or invasive procedure

The regular use of medication

The need for regular use of correcting lenses

Every holder of a medical certificate issued in accordance with JAR-FCL Part 3 (Medical) who
is aware of:

Any significant personal injury involving incapacity to function as a member of a

flight crew, or

Any illness involving incapacity to function as a member of a flight crew, or

Being pregnant

shall inform the authority in writing of such injury or pregnancy, and as soon as the period of
21 days has elapsed in the case of illness. The medical certificate shall be deemed to be
suspended upon the occurrence of such injury, or the elapse of such period of illness, or the
confirmation of the pregnancy, and

In the case of injury or illness the suspension shall be lifted upon the holder being
medically examined under arrangements made by the authority and being
pronounced fit to function as a member of the flight crew, or upon the authority
exempting, subject to such conditions as it thinks fit, the holder from the
requirement of a medical examination, and

In the case of pregnancy, the suspension may be lifted by the authority for such
period and subject to such conditions as it thinks fit and shall cease upon the
holder being medically examined under arrangements made by the authority after
the pregnancy has ended and being pronounced fit to resume her functions as a
member of the flight crew

Crediting of Flight Time

Unless otherwise specified the following apply:
Pilot in Command or Under Instruction

Credited in full with all solo, dual instruction or pilot in command (PIC) flight time
towards the total flight time required for the licence or rating

An ATPL/CPL graduate of an integrated CPL/ATPL course is entitled to be

credited with up to 50 hours student pilot in command (SPIC) instrument time
towards the pilot in command time required for the issue of the ATPL, CPL and a
multi engine type or class rating

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Credited in full with all co-pilot time towards the total flight time required for a
higher grade of pilot licence

The holder of a pilot licence when acting as co-pilot performing under the
supervision of the PIC the functions and duties of a PIC shall be entitled to be
credited in full with this flight time required for a higher grade of licence. The
method of supervision must be approved by the authority.

Curtailment of Privileges of Licence Holders Aged 60 Years or More

Age 60 64
The holder of a pilot licence who has reached the age of 60 years shall not
act as a pilot of an aeroplane engaged in commercial air transport operations except:

As a member of a multi-pilot crew and, provided that

The holder is the only pilot in the flight crew who has reached age 60

Age 65 The holder of a pilot licence who has reached the age of 65 years shall not act as a
pilot of an aeroplane engaged in commercial air transport operations
State of Licence Issue
An applicant shall demonstrate the satisfactory completion of all requirements for licence
issue to the authority of the State under whose authority the training and testing for the
licence were carried out. Following licence issue, this State shall thereafter be referred to as
the State of licence issue.
Further ratings may be obtained under JAR-FCL requirements in any JAA Member State and
will be entered into the licence by the State of Licence issue
Normal Residency
Normal residency means the place where a person usually lives for at least 185 days in each
calendar year because of personal and occupational ties or, in the case of a person with no
occupational ties, because of personal ties which show close links between that person and
the place where they are living.

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Format and Specifications for Flight Crew Licences

The flight crew licence issued by a JAR Member State in accordance with JAR-FCL will
conform to the following specifications:
Permanent Items

State of licence issue

Title of licence

Serial number

Name of holder

Holders address

Nationality of holder

Signature of holder

Authority and, where necessary, conditions imposed

Certification of validity and authorization for the privileges granted

Signature of the officer issuing the licence and the date of issue

Seal or stamp of the authority

Variable Items

Class, type, instructor, etc with dates of expiry. Radio telephony
privileges may appear on the licence form or on a separate certificate


Any other details required by the authority

Special endorsements relating to limitations and endorsements for

The paper or other material used will prevent or readily show any
alterations or erasures. Any entries or deletions to the form will be clearly authorized
by the authority

White material will be used for pilots licences in accordance with

Licences shall be written in the national language and in English and
such other languages as the authority deems appropriate

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Logging of Flight Time

PIC Flight Time

All flight time as PIC

All SPIC provided that it is countersigned by the instructor

An instructor may log all instructional time as PIC

An examiner may log all examining time as PIC

A Co-pilot acting as PIC under the supervision of the PIC in an aeroplane where
the type certification requires more than one pilot may log the time as PIC as long
as the time under supervision is countersigned by the PIC

If the holder of a licence carries out a number of flights on the same day returning
to the same place of departure, and the interval between the flights does not
exceed 30 minutes, this series of flights can be counted as one flight

Co-Pilot Flight Time

All flight time as co-pilot on an aeroplane where more than one pilot is required

Cruise Relief Co-Pilot Flight Time

All flight time as co-pilot when occupying a pilots seat

Instruction Time

A summary of all time logged by an applicant for a licence or rating as flight

instruction, instrument flight instruction, instrument ground time has to be certified
by the appropriate instructor

Pilot in Command Under Supervision (PICUS)

Where the method of supervision is approved by the authority a co-pilot may log
all PICUS time as long as the PIC did not intervene in the interest of safety

Precis of Licence Privileges

Minimum Age


Medical Fitness

Class 1 or Class 2

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Privileges and Conditions

non-revenue flights.

To act as PIC or co-pilot of an aeroplane engaged in

Experience and Crediting

An applicant must have completed 45 hours flight
time as a pilot of aeroplanes. Five hours may have been completed in an FNPT or a
flight simulator. Where an applicant is the holder of one of the following licences then
10% of their total flight time up to a maximum of 10 hours may be credited towards
the issue of the PPL(A):


Microlight helicopters


Microlights with fixed wings and moveable aerodynamic control surfaces

Flight Instruction

The applicant for a PPL(A) must have completed:

25 hours dual instruction, and

10 hours supervised solo, to include

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5 hours of cross country flight time, with

one cross country flight of at least 150 nm during which full stop landings at
two aerodromes different from the aerodrome of departure shall be made

Where credit has been given for previous PIC time the dual instruction may be
reduced to not less than 20 hours


24 October 2003

(Aeroplane) CPL(A)


Aeroplane (ATPL)


Minimum Age




Class 1 medical certificate

Class 1 medical certificate


Subject to any other conditions

specified in JARs, the privileges of
the holder of a CPL(A) are to:

Subject to any other conditions

specified in JARs, the privileges of
the holder of a ATPL(A) are to:

Exercise all the privileges of

the holder of a PPL(A)

Exercise all the privileges of

the holder of a PPL(A), CPL(A)
and an IR(A)

Act as PIC or co-pilot of any

aeroplane engaged in operations
other than commercial aviation
Act as PIC in commercial air
transportation of any single pilot
Act as co-pilot in commercial
air transportation
An applicant for a CPL(A) shall have
fulfilled the requirements for the
issue of at least a CPL(A) containing
the class/type rating for the
aeroplane type used on the skill test
and, if an instrument rating course
and test are included, the instrument
and Crediting

See CPL Experience below

Act as PIC or co-pilot in

aeroplanes engaged in air
An applicant for an ATPL(A) shall
have fulfilled the requirements for
the issue of an ATPL(A) containing
a type rating for the aeroplane type
used on the skill test

See ATPL experience below

ATPL(A) Experience An applicant for an ATPL (A) shall have completed as a pilot of
aeroplanes at least 1500 hours of flight time. A maximum of 100 hours flight simulator time
may be included in this figure. Specific qualifications required within the 1500 hours flight time

500 hours in multi-pilot operations on aeroplanes type certificated in accordance

with JAR/FAR 25 (Transport Category) or JAR/FAR 23 (Commuter Category) or
equivalent codes

250 hours as PIC or at least 100 hours PIC and 150 hours as co-pilot performing
under the supervision of the PIC the duties and functions of a PIC ( the method of
supervision must be acceptable to the authority)

200 hours cross country flight of which at least 100 hours shall be as PIC or as
co-pilot performing under the supervision of the PIC the duties and functions of a
PIC ( the method of supervision must be acceptable to the authority)

75 hours instrument flight time not more than 30 hours may be instrument ground

100 hours of night flight as PIC or co-pilot

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Helicopter flight time will be credited up to 50% of the flight time requirements

Flight engineers will be credited with up to 50% of the flight time to a maximum of
250 hours flight engineer time

CPL(A) Experience
Integrated Course

150 hours of flight time

Modular Course

200 hours of flight time

The applicant must have completed:

100 hours as PIC, 70 hours if completed during a course of integrated training

20 hours of cross country flight time as PIC. This must include a cross country of
at least 300 nm during which two full stop landings at two aerodromes different
from the aerodrome of departure shall be made

10 hours of instrument instruction time of which not more than 5 hours is to be

instrument ground time

5 hours of night flight time

IR (A)
Medical Fitness

An applicant shall be medically fit

To pilot a multi- or single-engined aeroplane under IFR to a
minimum decision height of 200 ft
The pilot must hold a PPL(A) with a night qualification or a
CPL(A) and have completed at least 50 hours of cross country flight time as
aeroplanes or helicopters of which at least 10 hours shall be in aeroplanes.
Instructor Ratings
An instructor rating is valid for 3 years. To be allowed to begin an
FI(A) course the pilot must have 200 hours of flight time of which 100 hours must be PIC if
the pilot is the holder of an ATPL(A) or CPL(A). 150 hours PIC if the holder of a PPL(A) and
be the holder of the knowledge requirements for CPL(A).
The following must also have been carried out:

Completed at least 30 hours on single engine piston aeroplanes of which 5 hours

shall have been completed during the 6 months preceding the pre-flight entry
flight test

Received at least 10 hours instrument instruction of which not more than 5 hours
may be instrument ground time in an FNPT or flight simulator

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Completed at least 20 hours of cross country as PIC including a flight totaling not
less than 300 nm in the course of which full stop landings at two different
aerodromes must have been made

Passed a pre-flight entry test

The minimum applicant age is 18 years old.

Instructor Ratings Privileges and Requirements
Issue of a PPL
Completion of 15 hours on the relevant type in the preceding 12 months
Issue of a CPL
500 hours of flight time including at least 200 hours of flight instruction
Issue of an IR
200 hours flight time in accordance with IFR, 50 hours of which may be instrument
ground time
Completed an approved course of at least 5 hours of flight instruction in an
aeroplane, flight simulator or FNPT II
Class and Type Ratings
Class Ratings Class ratings are established for single pilot aeroplanes not requiring a type
rating as follows:

All single engine piston aeroplanes (land and sea)

All touring motor gliders

Each manufacturer of single engined turbo-prop aeroplanes (land and sea)

All multi engined piston aeroplanes (land and sea)

Type Ratings Other than those aeroplanes included in the class ratings above the following
aeroplanes require type ratings:

Each type of multi-pilot aeroplane

Each type of single pilot multi engine aeroplane fitted with turbo prop or turbojet

Each type of single pilot single engine aeroplane fitted with a turbojet engine

Any other type of aeroplane if considered necessary

Single Pilot Multi Engine Type and Class Rating

The pilot shall have completed at least 70 hours as PIC of aeroplanes.

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Proficiency Checks
The operator must ensure that each flight crewmember undergoes the following checks and
recurrent training:
Operator Proficiency Check
Each flight crew member must undergo an Operator Proficiency Check to demonstrate their
competence in carrying out normal, abnormal and emergency procedures. The check is
carried out under IFR conditions as part of a normal flight crew complement.
The validity of an Operator Proficiency Check is 6 calendar months. If the check is issued
within the final 3 calendar months of validity of a previous Operator Proficiency Check then
the period of validity extends from the date of issue until 6 calendar months from the expiry
date of that previous Operator Proficiency Check.
Line Check
Each flight crewmember must undergo a Line Check to demonstrate their competence in
carrying out normal line operations.
The period of validity is 12 calendar months. If the check is issued within the final 3 calendar
months of validity of a previous Line Check then the period of validity extends from the date of
issue until 12 calendar months from the expiry date of that previous Line Check.
Emergency and Safety Equipment Training and Checking
Each flight crew member must undergo training and checking on the location and use of all
emergency and safety equipment carried.
The period of validity is 12 calendar months. If the check is issued within the final 3 calendar
months of validity of a previous Emergency and Safety Check then the period of validity
extends from the date of issue until 12 calendar months from the expiry date of that previous
Emergency and Safety Check
Each flight crewmember has to undergo recurrent CRM training. JAA OPS covers validity and
recurrent training periods required.
Ground and Refresher Training
Each flight crewmember must undergo Ground and Refresher Training.

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The period of validity is 12 calendar months. If the training is conducted within 3 calendar
months prior to the expiry of the 12 calendar months period, the next Ground and Refresher
Training must be completed within 12 calendar months of the expiry date of the previous
ground and refresher training.
Aeroplane/Flight Simulator Training
Each flight crewmember must undergo Aeroplane/Flight Simulator Training at least every 12
calendar months.
If the check is issued within the final 3 calendar months of validity of previous
Aeroplane/Flight Simulator Training then the period of validity extends from the date of issue
until 12 calendar months from the expiry date of that previous Aeroplane/Flight Simulator

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Intentionally Left Blank

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Chapter 7.
Rules of the Air

Annex 2 - Rules of the Air

Applicability of the Rules of the Air

Territorial Application of the Rules of the Air
The rules of the air shall apply to aircraft bearing the nationality and registration marks of a
Contracting State, wherever they may be. An aircraft must follow the rules of the air of the
state being overflown. These rules also apply to Oceanic Regions that are covered by
Regional Air Navigation Agreements.
Compliance with the Rules of the Air
The operation of an aircraft in flight or on the movement area shall be in accordance with the
General Rules, which are listed later. In flight operation must also be flown under:

Instrument flight rules (IFR), or

Visual flight rules (VFR)

Responsibility for Compliance with the Rules of the Air

Responsibility of the Pilot in Command (PlC)
The PIC, whether at the controls or not, shall be responsible for the operation of the aircraft in
accordance with the rules of the air. The PIC may depart from the rules of the air in the
interests of safety.
Pre-Flight Action
The PIC of an aircraft must pre-brief himself with all available information appropriate to the
flight. Flights away from the vicinity of an aerodrome, and all IFR flights shall include:

A meteorological brief

A consideration of the fuel requirements

Alternative actions if the flight cannot be completed as planned

Authority of the Pilot in Command of an Aircraft

The PIC of an aircraft shall have final authority over the aircraft while in command.

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Use of Intoxicating Liquor, Narcotics or Drugs

No person shall pilot an aircraft, or act as flight crew while under the influence of intoxicating
liquor, or any narcotic or drug, by reason of which that persons capacity to act is impaired.
General Rules
Negligent or Reckless Operation of Aircraft
An aircraft shall not be operated in a negligent or reckless manner so as to endanger life or
property of others.
Minimum Heights
No aircraft is to be flown over the congested areas of cities, towns or settlements or over an
open air assembly of persons, unless at a height that will permit, in the event of an
emergency, a landing to be made without undue hazard to persons or property on the
surface. Exceptions to this rule are:

Take-off and landing

Permission from the appropriate authority

Minimum heights for VFR and IFR flights will be discussed in the later sections.
Cruising Levels
Cruising levels of a flight shall be conducted in terms of:
Flight Level
For flights above the lowest useable flight level or where applicable,
above the Transition Altitude.
For flights below the lowest usable flight level or where applicable, at
or below the Transition Altitude.

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Aircraft Restrictions
None of the following can be carried out from an aircraft in flight except when prescribed by
the appropriate authority, and as indicated by relevant information, advice and/or clearance
from the appropriate ATSU.

Dropping or Spraying


Parachute Descents

Acrobatic Flight

Formation Flights
Aircraft shall not be flown in formation except:

By pre-arrangement among the PICs taking part in the flight, and

For formation flight in CAS, in accordance with the conditions prescribed by the
appropriate ATS authority

The above conditions assume that the following rules are observed:

The formation operates as a single aircraft with regard to navigation and position

Separation between aircraft in flight shall be the responsibility of the flight leader
and the PICs of the other aircraft

A distance not exceeding 1 km laterally and longitudinally and 30 m vertically

from the flight leader shall be maintained

Unmanned Free Balloons

Unmanned free balloons must be operated in a manner so as to minimise hazards to
persons, property or other aircraft.
Prohibited and Restricted Areas
Aircraft shall not be flown in Prohibited or Restricted Areas except in accordance with the
conditions of the restrictions, or by the permission of the state, over whose territories the
areas are established.
Avoidance of Collisions
It is important that vigilance for the purpose of detecting potential collisions is not relaxed on
board an aircraft in flight, regardless of the type of flight or the class of airspace in which the
aircraft is operating, and while operating on the movement area of an aerodrome.

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An aircraft shall not be operated in close proximity to other aircraft so as to create a collision
Right of Way
The aircraft that has the right of way shall maintain its heading and speed. Nothing in these
rules shall relieve the PIC of an aircraft from the responsibility of taking such action, including
collision avoidance manoeuvres based on resolution advisories provided by ACAS
Any aircraft that is obliged to keep out of the way of another aircraft shall avoid passing over,
under or in front of that aircraft, unless it is well clear and takes into account the effect of wake
Approaching Head-on
When two aircraft approach head on, or
approximately so, and there is a danger of collision, then both shall alter heading to
the right.

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When two aircraft are converging at approximately the same level,
the aircraft that has the other on its right shall give way.

The following exceptions apply:

Power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft shall give way to airships, gliders and


Airships shall give way to gliders and balloons

Gliders shall give way to balloons

Power-driven aircraft shall give way to aircraft which are seen to be towing other
aircraft or objects

An overtaking aircraft is an aircraft that approaches from the rear on
a line forming an angle of less than 70.

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Note: The overtaking aircraft is in a position that it is unable to see either the
aircrafts left (red light) or right (green light) navigation lights.
An aircraft that is being overtaken has the right of way and the overtaking aircraft,
whether climbing, descending or in horizontal flight, shall keep out of the way by
altering its heading to the right. No change in the relative positions of the two aircraft
absolves the overtaking aircraft from this obligation until it is entirely past and clear.
An aircraft in flight, or operating on the ground, shall give way to
aircraft landing or in the final stages of an approach to land.
When two or more heavier-than-air aircraft are approaching an aerodrome to land,
aircraft at the higher level shall give way to aircraft at the lower level. No aircraft shall
take advantage of this rule by cutting in front of another aircraft that is on its final
Power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft shall give way to gliders.
Emergency Landing
An aircraft that is aware that another aircraft is
compelled to land shall give way to that aircraft.
An aircraft taxiing on the manoeuvring area of an aerodrome
shall give way to aircraft taking-off or about to take-off
Surface Movement of Aircraft
When there is a danger of collision between two aircraft taxiing on the movement area of an
aerodrome the following rules apply:

Where two aircraft are approaching head-on, or approximately so, each shall stop
or where practicable alter its course to the right so as to keep well clear

When two aircraft are on a converging course, the one that has the other on its
right shall give way

An aircraft which is being overtaken by another aircraft shall have the right of
way. The overtaking aircraft shall keep well clear of the other aircraft.

An aircraft taxiing on the manoeuvring area shall stop and hold at all taxi-holding positions
unless authorized by the aerodrome control tower. This includes lighted stop bars; when the
lights are switched off then an aircraft may proceed.

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Lights to be Displayed by Aircraft

From sunset to sunrise, or during any other period prescribed by the appropriate authority, all
aircraft in flight shall display:

Anti collision lights intended to attract the attention of other aircraft, and

Navigation lights intended to indicate the relative path of the aircraft to an

observer. No other lights shall be displayed if they are likely to be mistaken for
the navigation lights

Lights such as landing lights and airframe floodlights may be used in addition to the anti
collision light to enhance aircraft conspicuity.
From sunset to sunrise, or during any other period prescribed by the appropriate authority:

All aircraft on the movement area of an aerodrome shall display navigation lights
intended to indicate the relative path of the aircraft to an observer. Other lights
shall not be displayed if they are likely to be mistaken for these lights

Unless stationary, and otherwise adequately illuminated, all aircraft on the

movement area of an aerodrome shall display lights intended to indicate the
extremities of their structure
Note: If suitably located on the aircraft the navigation lights may meet these

All aircraft operating on the movement area of an aerodrome shall display lights
intended to attract attention to the aircraft, and

All aircraft operating on the movement area of an aerodrome whose engines are
running shall display lights which indicate that fact
Note: Red anti collision lights may meet the requirements of the two
paragraphs above provided that they do not subject observers to harmful

All aircraft operating on the movement area of an aerodrome that are fitted with anti collision
lights, or lights that show that the engines are running, shall display these lights at all times on
the movement area.
Pilots shall be permitted to switch off, or reduce the intensity of, any flashing lights if they do,
or are likely to:

Adversely affect the satisfactory performance of duties, or

Subject an outside observer to harmful dazzle

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Simulated Instrument Flight (SIF)

An aircraft shall not be flown under SIF conditions unless:

Fully functioning dual controls are fitted in the aircraft, and

A qualified pilot occupies a control seat to act as safety pilot for the person who is
flying under simulated instrument flying conditions. The safety pilot shall have an
adequate vision forward and to each side of the aircraft, or

A competent observer, in communication with, the safety pilot shall occupy a

position in the aircraft from which the field of vision adequately supplements that
of the safety pilot.

Operation on and In the Vicinity of an Aerodrome

An aircraft operated on, or in the vicinity of, an aerodrome shall whether or not within an ATZ:

Observe other aerodrome traffic for the purpose of avoiding collision

Conform with or avoid the pattern of traffic formed by other aircraft in operation

Make all turns to the left, when approaching for landing or taking-off unless
otherwise instructed

Land and take-off into the wind unless safety, the runway configuration, or an air
traffic consideration determines that a different direction should be used

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Chapter 8.
Airspace Rules and Procedures

Annex 11 - Air Traffic Services

Objective of the Air Traffic Services

The objectives of the ATS are to:

Prevent collisions between aircraft

Prevent collisions between aircraft and obstructions on the manoeuvring area

Expedite and maintain an orderly flow of air traffic

Provide advice and information necessary for the safe and efficient conduct of

Notify appropriate organizations regarding aircraft in need of SAR aid, and assist
such organizations as required

Divisions of the Air Traffic Services

The ATS comprise of three services identified as follows:
The Air Traffic Control Service This service is further sub-divided into three parts:
Area Control Service The provision of ATC service for controlled flights,
except those parts of such flights as described below
Approach Control Service The provision of ATC service for those parts of
controlled flights associated with arrival and departure
Aerodrome Control Service The provision of ATC service for aerodrome
traffic, except for those parts of flights described above
Flight Information Service To provide advice and information useful for the safe and
efficient conduct of flight
Alerting Service Notify appropriate organizations regarding aircraft in need of SAR
aid, and assist such organizations as required
Determination of the Need for Air Traffic Services
The need for the provision of ATS is determined by considering the following:

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The types of traffic involved

The density of air traffic

The meteorological conditions

Such other factors as may be relevant

Determination of the Portions of the Airspace and Controlled Aerodromes where Air
Traffic Services will be Provided
When it has been determined that ATS will be provided in a particular portion of airspace or at
a particular aerodrome, then the airspace is designated according to the services to be
The designation of the particular portions of the airspace or the particular aerodromes are as
Flight Information Regions
Those portions of the airspace where it is determined that FIS and alerting service will be
provided shall be designated as FIRs.
Control Areas and Control Zones
Those portions of the airspace where it is determined that ATC service will be provided to IFR
flights only are designated as Class A airspace; Control Areas or Control Zones. The
difference between a CTR and a CTA will be discussed later.
Those portions of controlled airspace where it is determined that ATC service will also be
provided to VFR flights shall be designated as Class B, C or D airspace.
Where designated within a FIR, CTAs and CTRs shall form part of that FIR.
Controlled Aerodrome
Those aerodromes where it is determined that ATC service will be provided to aerodrome
traffic are designated as controlled aerodromes.

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Classification of Airspace
ATS airspace is classified and designated in accordance with the following:
Class A Airspace
IFR flights only are permitted, all flights are subject to ATC service and are separated from
each other
Type of Flight

IFR only

Separation Provided

All aircraft

Service Provided

Air traffic control service

VMC Visibility and Distance from Cloud


Not applicable

Speed Limitation

Not applicable

Radio Communication Requirement

Continuous two-way

Subject to an Air Traffic Clearance

Class B Airspace

IFR and VFR flights are permitted, all flights are subject to ATC service and are separated
from each other
IFR Flight
Separation Provided

All aircraft

Service Provided

Air traffic control service

VMC Visibility and Distance from Cloud


Not applicable

Speed limitation

Not applicable

Radio Communication Requirement

Continuous two-way

Subject to an Air Traffic Clearance

VFR Flight

Separation Provided

All aircraft

Service Provided

Air traffic control service

VMC Visibility and Distance from Cloud


8 km at and above 3050 m (10 000 ft) amsl

5km below 3050 m (10 000ft) msl
Clear of clouds

Speed Limitation

Not applicable

Radio Communication Requirement

Continuous two-way

Subject to an Air Traffic Clearance


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Class C Airspace
IFR and VFR flights are permitted, all flights are subject to ATC service and IFR flights are
separated from other IFR flights and from VFR flights. VFR flights are separated from IFR
flights and receive traffic information in respect of other VFR flights
IFR Flight
IFR from IFR

Separation Provided

IFR from VFR

Service Provided

Air traffic control service

VMC Visibility and Distance from Cloud


Not applicable

Speed limitation

Not applicable

Radio Communication Requirement

Continuous two-way

Subject to an Air Traffic Clearance

VFR Flight

Separation Provided

VFR from IFR

Service Provided

Air traffic control service for separation from

VFR/VFR traffic information
avoidance advice on request)

VMC Visibility and Distance from Cloud




8 km at and above 3050 m (10 000 ft) amsl

5 km below 3050 m (10 000 ft) msl
1500 m horizontal; 300 m vertical distance
from cloud

Speed Limitation

250 kt IAS below 3050 m (10 000 ft)

Radio Communication Requirement

Continuous two-way

Subject to an Air Traffic Clearance


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Class D Airspace
IFR and VFR flights are permitted, and all flights are subject to ATC service, IFR flights are
separated from other IFR flights and receive traffic information in respect of VFR flights. VFR
flights receive traffic information in respect of other VFR flights
IFR Flight
Separation Provided

IFR from IFR

Service Provided

Air traffic control service including traffic

information about VFR flights (and traffic
avoidance advice on request)

VMC Visibility and Distance from Cloud


Not applicable

Speed limitation

250 kt lAS below 3050 m (10 000 ft)

Radio Communication Requirement

Continuous two-way

Subject to an Air Traffic Clearance

VFR Flight

Separation Provided


Service Provided

Traffic information between IFR and VFR

flights (and traffic avoidance advice on

VMC Visibility and Distance from Cloud


8 km at and above 3050 m (10 000 ft) amsl

5 km below 3050 m (10 000 ft) msl
1500 m horizontal; 300 m vertical distance
from cloud

Speed Limitation

250 kt IAS below 3050 m (10 000 ft)

Radio Communication Requirement

Continuous two-way

Subject to an Air Traffic Clearance


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Class E Airspace
IFR and VFR flights are permitted, IFR flights are subject to ATC service and are separated
from other IFR flights. All flights receive traffic information as far as is practical
IFR Flight
Separation Provided

IFR from IFR

Service Provided

Air traffic control service and traffic

information about VFR flights as far as

VMC Visibility and Distance from Cloud


Not applicable

Speed limitation

250 kt lAS below 3050 m (10 000 ft)

Radio Communication Requirement

Continuous two-way

Subject to an Air Traffic Clearance

VFR Flight

Separation Provided


Service Provided

Traffic information as far as practical

VMC Visibility and Distance from Cloud


8 km at and above 3050 m (10 000 ft) amsl

5 km below 3050 m (10 000 ft) msl
1500 m horizontal; 300 m vertical distance
from cloud

Speed Limitation

250 kt IAS below 3050 m (10 000 ft)

Radio Communication Requirement


Subject to an Air Traffic Clearance


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24 October 2003

Class F Airspace
IFR and VFR flights are permitted, all participating IFR flights receive an air traffic advisory
service and all flights receive FIS if requested
IFR Flight
Separation Provided

IFR from IFR as far as practical

Service Provided

Air traffic advisory service, FIS

VMC Visibility and Distance from Cloud


Not applicable

Speed limitation

250 kt lAS below 3050 m (10 000 ft)

Radio Communication Requirement

Continuous two-way

Subject to an Air Traffic Clearance

VFR Flight

Separation Provided


Service Provided


VMC Visibility and Distance from Cloud


8 km at and above 3050 m (10 000 ft) amsl

5 km below 3050 m (10 000 ft) msl
1500 m horizontal; 300 m vertical distance
from cloud
At and below 900 m or 300 m above
terrain whichever is higher
5 km visibility, clear of cloud and insight of
ground or water

Speed Limitation

250 kt IAS below 3050 m (10 000 ft)

Radio Communication Requirement


Subject to an Air Traffic Clearance


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Atlantic Flight Training

Class G Airspace
IFR and VFR flights are permitted and receive FIS if requested
IFR Flight
Separation Provided


Service Provided


VMC Visibility and Distance from Cloud


Not applicable

Speed limitation

250 kt lAS below 3050 m (10 000 ft)

Radio Communication Requirement

Continuous two-way

Subject to an Air Traffic Clearance

VFR Flight

Separation Provided


Service Provided


VMC Visibility and Distance from Cloud


8 km at and above 3050 m (10 000 ft) amsl

5 km below 3050 m (10 000 ft) msl
1500 m horizontal; 300 m vertical distance
from cloud
At and below 900 m or 300 m above
terrain whichever is higher
5 km visibility, clear of cloud and insight of
ground or water

Speed Limitation

250 kt IAS below 3050 m (10 000 ft)

Radio Communication Requirement


Subject to an Air Traffic Clearance


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24 October 2003

When the height of the transition altitude is lower than 3050 m (10 000 ft) amsl, FL 100 should
be used in lieu of 10 000 ft. For Class F and G airspace if the appropriate ATS authority is

Lower flight visibilities to 1500 m may be permitted for flights operating:

At speeds that will give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic or any
obstacles in time to avoid collision, or

In circumstances in which the probability of encounters with other traffic

would normally be low eg in areas of low traffic volume and for aerial work at
low levels

Helicopters may be permitted to operate in less than 1500 m flight visibility, if

manoeuvred at a speed that will give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic
or any obstacles in time to avoid collision

States need only select those airspace classes appropriate to their needs.
Required Navigation Performance (RNP)
RNP Type
A containment value expressed as a distance in nautical miles from
the intended position within which flights would be for at least 95% of the total flying
RNP 4 would be an aircraft staying within a distance from the intended
position of 4 nm for at least 95% of the total flying time
States authorize RNP types and, when applicable, RNP types are also prescribed on the
basis of regional air navigation agreements.
Establishment and Designation of the Units Providing Air Traffic Services
The ATS is provided by units established and designated as follows:
Flight Information Centre
A Flight Information Centre shall be established to
provide FIS and alerting service within FIRs, unless the responsibility of providing
such services within a FIR is assigned to an ATCU having adequate facilities for the
discharge of such responsibility
Air Traffic Control Unit
ATCUs are established to provide ATC service, FIS
and alerting service within CTAs, CTRs and at controlled aerodromes

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Atlantic Flight Training

Specifications for Flight Information Regions, Control Areas and Control Zones
Flight Information Regions
FIRs are designated to cover the whole of the air route structure to be served by such
regions. A FIR includes all airspace within its lateral limits, except that covered by an UIR.



Where a FIR is limited by an UIR, the lower limit specified for the UIR is also the upper
vertical limit of the FIR.
Control Areas
CTAs, including airways and TMAs, are designated so as to encompass enough airspace to
contain the flight paths of IFR flights in which it is desired to provide protection. Taking into
account the capabilities of the navigation aids within the area.





A lower limit of a CTA is established at a height above the ground or water at not less than
200 m (700 ft). The lower limit of a CTA should, when practicable, in order to allow freedom of
movement for VFR flights below the CTA, is established above those minima specified above.

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24 October 2003

When the lower limit of a CTA is above 900 m (3000 ft) msl it should coincide with a VFR
cruising level.
An upper limit of a CTA is established when either:

An ATC service will not be provided above that upper limit, or

The CTA is situated below an upper CTA in which the upper limit coincides with
the lower limit of the upper CTA

Flight Information Regions or Control Areas in the Upper Airspace

Where it is desirable to limit the number of FIRs or CTAs through which high flying aircraft
would otherwise have to operate, a FIR or CTA, as appropriate, should be designated to
include the upper airspace within the lateral limits of a number of lower FIRs or CTAs
Control Zones
The lateral limits of CTRs encompass at least those portions of the airspace, which are not
within CTAs, containing the paths of IFR flights arriving at and departing from aerodromes to
be used under IMC.
The lateral limits of a CTR extend to at least 9.3 km (5 nm) from the centre of the aerodrome
or aerodromes concerned in the directions from which approaches may be made. If a CTR is
located within the lateral limits of a CTA, it extends upwards from the surface of the earth to at
least the lower limit of the CTA. A CTR may include two or more aerodromes situated close
Note: An upper limit higher than the lower limit of the overlying CTA may be
established when necessary
If a CTR is located outside of the lateral limits of a CTA, an upper limit is established. If it is
necessary to establish the upper limit of a CTR at a level higher than the lower limit of the
CTA established above it, or if the CTR is outside of the lateral limits of a CTA, its upper limit
should be established at a level which pilots can easily identify. When this limit is above 900
m (3000 ft) msl it should coincide with a VFR cruising level.
Minimum Flight Altitudes
Minimum flight altitudes are determined and promulgated by each Contracting State for each
ATS route over its territory. The minimum flight altitudes determined will provide a minimum
clearance above the controlling obstacle located within the area concerned.

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Atlantic Flight Training

Service to Aircraft in the Event of Emergency

An aircraft known or believed to be in a state of emergency, including being subjected to
unlawful interference, shall be given maximum assistance and priority over other aircraft as
may be necessitated by the circumstances.
When an occurrence of unlawful interference with an aircraft takes place or is suspected, ATS
units shall attend promptly to requests by the aircraft. Information pertinent to the safe
conduct of the flight shall continue to be transmitted and necessary action shall be taken to
expedite the conduct of all phases of the flight, especially the safe landing of the aircraft.
Note: To indicate that it is in a state of emergency, an aircraft equipped with an SSR
transponder might operate the equipment as follows:

On Mode A, Code 7700, or

On Mode A, Code 7500, to indicate specifically that it is being

subjected to unlawful interference
Time in Air Traffic Services
ATS units use Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC) and express the time in hours and minutes
of the 24 hour day beginning at midnight.
ATS unit clocks and other time recording devices are checked as necessary to ensure the
correct time to within 30 seconds of UTC at all times.
Aerodrome control towers shall, prior to an aircraft taxiing for take-off, provide the pilot with
the correct time, unless arrangements have been made for the pilot to obtain it from other
sources. ATS units provide aircraft with the correct time on request, these time checks are
given to the nearest minute.

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24 October 2003

Chapter 9.
Flight Rules

Annex 2 Rules of the Air

Visual Flight Rules (VFR)

Except when an aircraft is being flown under Special VFR, a VFR flight must follow the rules
below. The rules specify the minimum in-flight conditions for visibility and distance from
clouds for all classes of airspace. Class A does not appear in the table below as VFR is not
permitted in that class of airspace.
Airspace Class

C, D & E

Above 900 m
(3000 ft) AMSL or
above 300 m
(1000 ft) above
terrain whichever
is higher

Distance From

Clear of cloud

1500 m horizontally

Flight Visibility

8 km at and above 3050 m (10 000 ft) AMSLA

300 m (1000 ft) vertically

At and below 900

m (3000 ft) AMSL
or 300 m (1000 ft)
Clear of cloud and
in sight of the
5 kmB

5 km below 3050 m (10 000 ft) AMSLA

When the height of the transition altitude is lower than 3050 m (10 000 ft) AMSL, FL
100 should be used in lieu of 10 000 ft

When the ATS authority prescribe:

Lower flight visibilities to 1500 m may be permitted for flights operating:

At speeds that, in the prevailing visibility, will give adequate opportunity to
observe other traffic or any obstacles in time to avoid collision, or
In circumstances in which the probability of encounters with other traffic
would normally be low eg in areas of low volume traffic and for aerial work at
low levels

Helicopters may be permitted to operate in less than 1500 m flight visibility, if

manoeuvred at a speed that will give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic
or any obstacles in time to avoid collision

Except when a clearance is given from an ATCU, VFR flights cannot take-off or land at an
aerodrome in a CTR, or enter an aerodrome traffic zone or traffic pattern when:

The ceiling is less than 1500 ft

The visibility is less than 5 km

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Atlantic Flight Training

VFR flights between sunset and sunrise, or such other periods between sunset and sunrise
as are prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority, can operated in accordance with the
conditions set out by that authority.
Unless authorized by the appropriate ATS authority, VFR flights are not operated:

Above FL 200

At transonic and supersonic speeds

Except when necessary for take-off and landing, or where permission has been granted from
the appropriate authority, a VFR flight shall not be flown:

Over the congested areas of cities, towns or settlements or over an open air
assembly of persons at a height less than 300 m (1000 ft) above the highest
obstacle within a radius of 600 m from the aircraft

Elsewhere, other than specified in the paragraph above, at a height less than 150
m (500 ft) above the ground or water

Except where indicated in ATC clearances or specified by the appropriate ATS authority:

VFR flights in level cruising flight when operated above 900 m (3000 ft) from the
ground or water, or

A higher datum as specified by the appropriate ATS authority

are conducted at a flight level appropriate to track as specified in the table of cruising levels to
be found after the notes on IFR.
VFR flights shall comply with the provisions laid out in ATC clearances:

When operated in Class B, C and D airspace

When forming part of aerodrome traffic at a controlled aerodrome, or

When operated as special VFR flights

A VFR flight operating within ATS routes, or areas specified by the appropriate ATS authority,
shall maintain a continuous listening watch on the appropriate radio frequency. The aircraft
must report its position as necessary to, the ATS unit providing the FIS.
An aircraft operated in accordance with VFR which wishes to change its flight to IFR, shall:

If a flight plan was submitted, communicate the necessary changes to be effected

to its current flight plan, or

When so required submit a flight plan to the appropriate ATS unit and obtain a
clearance prior to proceeding IFR when in controlled airspace

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24 October 2003

Instrument Flight Rules

Rules Applicable to All IFR Flights
Aircraft Equipment
All aircraft have to be equipped with suitable instruments and
navigation equipment appropriate to the route to be flown.
Minimum Levels
Except when necessary for take-off and landing, or except when
specifically authorized by the appropriate authority, an IFR flight is flown at a level which is
not below the minimum flight altitude established by the state whose territory is being
overflown. If no minimum altitude has been established IFR flight shall be flown:

Over high terrain or in mountainous areas, at a level which is at least 600 m

(2000 ft) above the highest obstacle located within 8 km of the estimated position
of the aircraft, or

At a level which is at least 300 m (1000 ft) above the highest obstacle located
within 8 km of the estimated position of the aircraft
The estimated position of the aircraft will take account of the
navigational accuracy which can be achieved on the relevant route segment,
having regard to the navigational facilities available on the ground and in the

Change from IFR Flight to VFR Flight

An aircraft wishing to change from IFR to VFR flight shall, if a flight plan was submitted, notify
the appropriate ATS unit that the IFR flight is cancelled and communicate the changes to be
made to the current flight plan.
When an aircraft operating under IFR is flown in, or encounters, VMC it shall not cancel its
IFR flight unless it is anticipated, and intended, that the flight will be continued for a
reasonable period of time in uninterrupted VMC.
Rules Applicable to IFR Flights within Controlled Airspace
IFR flights shall comply with the provisions of the rules laid out in ATC clearances.
An IFR flight operating in cruising flight shall be flown at a cruising level, or if authorized to
employ cruise climb techniques, between two levels or above a level, selected from the table
of cruising levels found after this section. The correlation to track does not apply when
indicated in ATC clearances or specified in the appropriate ATS authority AIP.
Rules Applicable to IFR Flights Outside Controlled Airspace
An IFR flight operating in level cruising flight outside controlled airspace is flown at a cruising
level appropriate to track as specified in the table of cruising levels found after this section.

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Atlantic Flight Training

Note: The provision does not preclude the use of cruise climbing techniques by
aircraft in supersonic flight
All IFR flights operating outside controlled airspace but within or into areas, or along routes
designated by the appropriate ATS authority shall maintain a listening watch on the
appropriate radio frequency. Two-way communications must be established with the ATS unit
providing the FIS.
Position Reports
All IFR flights operating outside controlled airspace and required by the appropriate ATS
authority to:

Submit a flight plan

Maintain a listening watch on the appropriate frequency

Establish two way communication with the appropriate ATS authority

shall report their position as for controlled flight.


ATPL Air Law

Aircraft electing to use the air traffic advisory service while operating IFR are:

Expected to comply with the provisions for ATC clearances, except

That the flight plan and changes thereto are not subject to clearances

Two way communication will be maintained with the unit providing the air
traffic advisory service


24 October 2003

Table of Cruising Levels

The cruising levels to be observed when required by Annex 2 are listed in the two tables

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

In Areas Where, On the basis of Regional Air Navigation Agreement and in Accordance
with the Conditions Specified Therein, A Vertical Separation Minimum (VSM) of 300 m
(1000 ft) is applied between FL 290 and FL 410 Inclusive*
From 000 to 179 ***
IFR Flights

From 180 to 359 ***

VFR Flights


IFR Flights











VFR Flights



























































10 000



10 500

11 000



11 500



12 000



12 500


13 000



15 000



13 500



14 000



14 500


15 500



16 000





17 000

16 500



17 500



18 000



18 500



19 000



19 500



20 000



20 500



21 000



21 500



22 000



22 500


23 000



23 500



24 000



24 500



25 000



25 500



26 000



26 500



27 000



27 500



28 000



28 500



19 000



30 000



31 000



32 000


10 050

33 000


10 350

34 000


10 650

35 000


10 950

36 000


11 300

37 000


11 600

38 000


11 900

39 000


12 200

40 000


12 500

41 000


13 100

43 000


13 700

45 000


14 350

47 000


14 950

49 000


15 550

51 000







Except when, on the basis of regional air navigation agreements, a modified table of
cruising levels based on a nominal vertical separation minimum of 300 m (1000 ft) is
prescribed for use, under specified conditions, by aircraft operating above FL 410 within
designated portions of the airspace
Magnetic track, or Polar areas at a latitude higher than 70 and within such
extensions to those areas as may be prescribed by the appropriate ATS authorities, grid
tracks as determined by a network of lines parallel to the Greenwich Meridian superimposed

ATPL Air Law


24 October 2003

as a Polar Stereographic chart in which the direction towards the North Pole is employed as
Grid North
Except where, on the basis of regional air navigation agreements, from 090 to 269
and from 270 to 089 is prescribed to accommodate predominant traffic directions and
appropriate transition procedures to be associated therewith are specified

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

In Other Areas
From 000 to 179 **
IFR Flights

From 180 to 359 **

VFR Flights


IFR Flights











VFR Flights























11 000



13 000







































10 000



10 500



11 500



13 500



12 000



12 500



14 000



15 000



14 500

15 500



16 000



16 500


17 000



19 000



17 500



18 000



18 500


19 500



20 000



20 500



21 000



21 500



22 000



22 500





23 000



23 500



24 000



24 500

25 000



25 500



26 000




26 500


27 000



27 500



28 000



28 500



19 000



30 000



31 000



32 000


10 050

33 000


10 350

34 000


10 650

35 000


10 950

36 000


11 300

37 000


11 600

38 000


11 900

39 000


12 200

40 000


12 500

41 000


12 800

42 000


13 100

43 000


13 400

44 000


13 700

45 000


14 000

46 000


14 350

47 000


14 650

48 000


14 950

49 000


15 250

50 000


15 550

51 000


15 850

52 000













Magnetic track, or Polar areas at a latitude higher than 70 and within such
extensions to those areas as may be prescribed by the appropriate ATS authorities, grid
tracks as determined by a network of lines parallel to the Greenwich Meridian superimposed
as a Polar Stereographic chart in which the direction towards the North Pole is employed as
Grid North
Except where, on the basis of regional air navigation agreements, from 090 to 269
and from 270 to 089 is prescribed to accommodate predominant traffic directions and
appropriate transition procedures to be associated therewith are specified

ATPL Air Law


24 October 2003

Chapter 10.
Aerodrome Control Service
Procedures for Air Navigation Services, Rules of the Air and Air Traffic
Services, Doc 4444 - RAC/501
Functions of Aerodrome Control Towers
Aerodrome control towers issue information and clearances to aircraft under their control in
order to achieve a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic on and in the vicinity of an
aerodrome with the object of preventing collisions between:

Aircraft flying in the aerodrome traffic circuits around an aerodrome

Aircraft operating on the manoeuvring area

Aircraft landing and taking off

Aircraft and vehicles operating on the manoeuvring area

Aircraft on the manoeuvring area and obstructions on that area

Alerting Service Provided By Aerodrome Control Towers

Aerodrome control towers are also responsible for alerting the safety services and will
immediately report any failure or irregularity of operation in any apparatus, light or other
device established at an aerodrome for the guidance of aerodrome traffic and PICs of aircraft
Aircraft which:

Fail to report after having been handed over to an aerodrome control tower, or

Having once reported, cease radio contact and

In either case fail to land 5 minutes after the expected landing time

are reported to the area control centre or flight information centre.

Suspension of VFR Operations by Aerodrome Control Towers
Any or all VFR operations on and in the vicinity of an aerodrome may be suspended by any of
the following units, persons or authorities whenever safety requires such action:

The area control centre within whose CTA the aerodrome is located

The aerodrome controller on duty

The appropriate ATS authority

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

All such suspensions of VFR operations are accomplished through or notified to the
aerodrome control tower.
The following procedures are observed by the aerodrome control tower whenever VFR
operations are suspended:

The holding of all departures other than those which file an IFR flight plan and
obtain approval from the area control centre

The recall of all local flights operating under VFR or obtain approval for special
VFR operations

The notification of the area control centre of the action taken

The notification of all operators, or their designated representatives, of the reason

for taking such action if necessary or requested

Traffic and Taxi Circuits

Critical Positions of Aircraft in the Aerodrome Traffic and Taxi Circuits
Aerodrome controllers maintain a continuous watch on all visible flight operations on and in
the vicinity of an aerodrome, including aircraft, vehicles and personnel on the manoeuvring
area, and control this traffic in accordance with the procedures and traffic rules. If there are
other aerodromes within a CTR, traffic at all aerodromes within such a zone are co-ordinated
so that traffic circuits do not conflict.
The following positions of aircraft in the traffic and taxi circuits are the positions where the
aircraft normally receive aerodrome control tower clearances, whether these are given by light
signals or radio. Aircraft should be watched closely as they approach these positions so that
proper clearances may be issued without delay.

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24 October 2003

Where practicable, all clearances are issued without waiting for the aircraft to initiate the call.

Position 1 Aircraft initiates call to taxi for departing flight, runway in use
information and taxi clearances given.

Position 2 If there is conflicting traffic, the departing aircraft will be held at this
point. Motors of the aircraft will normally be run-up here

Position 3 Take-off clearance is issued here if not practicable at position 2

Position 4 Clearance to land is issued here

Position 5 Clearance to taxi to hangar line or parking area is issued here

Position 6 Parking information issued here if necessary


Base Leg

Downwind Leg

Selection of Runway in Use

The term runway in use is used to indicate the runway that at a particular time is considered
by a unit providing aerodrome control service to be the most suitable for use by the types of
aircraft expected to land or take-off at the aerodrome.

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Atlantic Flight Training

Normally, an aircraft will land and take-off into wind unless safety, the runway configuration,
or air traffic conditions determine that a different direction is preferable. In selecting the
runway in use the unit providing aerodrome control service takes into consideration, besides
surface wind speed and direction, other relevant factors such as:

The aerodrome traffic circuits

The length of runways, and

The approach and landing aids available

If the runway in use is not considered suitable for the operation involved the PIC may request
permission to use another runway.
Information to Aircraft by Aerodrome Control Towers
Information Related to the Operation of Aircraft
When so requested by the pilot prior to engine start, an expected take-off time will be given,
unless engine start time procedures are employed.
Prior to taxiing for take-off, aircraft are advised of the following information, in the order listed,
with the exception of those elements that it is known the aircraft has already received:

The runway to be used

The current surface wind direction and speed, including significant variations

The QNH and, either on a regular basis in accordance with local arrangements or
if so requested by the aircraft, the QFE

The air temperature for the runway to be used, in the case of turbine engine

The current visibility representative of the direction of take-off and initial climb, if
less than 10 km, or, when provided, the current RVR value(s) for the runway to
be used

The correct time

Prior to take-off aircraft are advised of:

Any significant changes in the surface wind direction and speed, the air
temperature, and the visibility or RVR value(s) given

Significant meteorological conditions in the take-off and climb out area, except
when it is known that the information has already been received by the aircraft.

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24 October 2003

Prior to entering the traffic circuit an aircraft is provided with the following elements of
information, in the order listed, with the exception of those elements that it is known the
aircraft has already received:

The runway to be used

The mean surface wind direction and speed and significant variations

The QNH and, either on a regular basis in accordance with local arrangements
or, if so requested by aircraft, the QFE

When operating under VMC, it is the responsibility of the PIC of an aircraft to avoid collision
with other aircraft. However, due to the restricted space on and around manoeuvring areas, it
is often essential that traffic information be issued to aid the PIC of an aircraft to avoid
collision. Essential local traffic is considered to consist of any aircraft, vehicle or personnel on
or near the manoeuvring area or traffic operating in the vicinity of the aerodrome, which may
constitute a hazard to the aircraft concerned. Information on essential local traffic is issued
either directly or through the unit providing approach control service when, in the judgement
of the aerodrome controller the information is necessary in the interests of safety, or when
requested by aircraft.
Aerodrome controllers shall, whenever practicable, advise aircraft of the expected occurrence
of hazards caused by wake turbulence.
In issuing clearances or instructions, air traffic controllers should take into account the
hazards caused by jet blast and propeller slipstream to taxiing aircraft, to aircraft taking-off or
landing, particularly when intersecting runways are being used, and to vehicles and personnel
operating on the aerodrome.
Information on Aerodrome Conditions
Essential information on aerodrome conditions is information necessary to the safety of the
operation of aircraft that pertains to the movement area or any facilities associated with the
movement area.
The essential information on aerodrome conditions includes information relating to the

Construction or maintenance work on, or immediately adjacent to the movement


Rough or broken surfaces on a runway, a taxiway or an apron, whether marked

or not

Snow, slush or ice on a runway, a taxiway or an apron

Water on a runway, a taxiway or an apron

Snow banks or drifts adjacent to a runway, a taxiway or an apron

Other temporary hazards, including parked aircraft and birds on the ground and in
the air

Failure or irregular operation of part or all of the aerodrome lighting system

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Atlantic Flight Training

Any other pertinent information

Control of Aerodrome Traffic

Order of Priority for Arriving and Departing Aircraft
An aircraft landing or in the final stages of an approach to land normally has priority over an
aircraft intending to depart. Departures are normally cleared in the order in which they are
ready for take-off, except that deviations may be made from this order of priority to facilitate
the maximum number of departures with the least average delay.
Control of Taxiing Aircraft
When taxiing, a pilots vision is limited. It is important therefore for aerodrome control units to
issue concise instructions and adequate information to the pilot to assist him in determining
the correct taxi routes and to avoid collision with other aircraft or objects
For the purpose of expediting air traffic, aircraft may be permitted to taxi on the runway in use,
provided no delay or risk to other aircraft will result. Aircraft will not be held closer than at a
taxi holding position for the runway in use. Aircraft are not permitted to hold on the approach
end of the runway in use whenever another aircraft is landing or, until the landing aircraft has
passed the point of intended holding.
An aircraft known or believed to be the subject of unlawful interference or which for other
reasons needs isolation from normal aerodrome activities shall be cleared to the designated
isolated parking position. Where such an isolated parking position has not been designated,
or if the designated position is not available, the aircraft shall be cleared to a position within
the area or areas selected by prior agreement with the aerodrome authority. The taxi
clearance shall specify the taxi route to be followed to the parking position. This route shall be
selected with a view to minimizing any security risks to the public, other aircraft and
installations at the aerodrome.
Control of Other than Aircraft Traffic on the Manoeuvring Area
The movement of pedestrians or vehicles on the manoeuvring area are subject to
authorization by the aerodrome control tower. Persons, including drivers of all vehicles, are
required to obtain authorization from the aerodrome control tower before entry to the
manoeuvring area. Entry to a runway or runway strip or change in the operation authorized
are subject to a further specific authorization by the aerodrome control tower.
At controlled aerodromes all vehicles employed on the manoeuvring area must be capable of
maintaining two-way radio communication with the aerodrome control tower, except when the
vehicle is only occasionally used on the aerodrome and is:

Accompanied by a vehicle with the required communications facility, or

Employed in accordance with a pre-arranged plan established with the

aerodrome control tower

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24 October 2003

When communications by a system of visual signals is deemed to be adequate, or in the case

of radio communications failure, the signals given below shall have the following meanings:
Light signal from aerodrome control


Green flashes

Permission to cross landing area or to move

onto taxiway

Steady red


Red flashes

Move off the landing area or taxiway and

watch out for aircraft

White flashes

Vacate manoeuvring area in accordance with

local instructions

In emergency conditions, or if the signals are not observed, the signals given underneath are
used for runways or taxiways equipped with a lighting system and have the meaning
Light signal


Flashing runway or taxi lights

Vacate the runway and observe the tower for

light signal

When employed in accordance with a plan pre-arranged with the aerodrome control tower,
construction and maintenance personnel should not normally be required to be capable of
maintaining two-way radio communication with the aerodrome control tower.
When an aircraft is landing or taking-off, vehicles are not be permitted to hold closer to the
runway in use than:

At a taxiway/runway intersection - at a taxi holding point, and

At a location other than a taxiway/runway intersection - at a distance equal to

the separation distance of the taxi holding position

Control of Traffic in the Traffic Circuit

Aircraft in the traffic circuit are controlled to provide the separation minima outlined later,
except that:

Aircraft in formation are exempted from the separation minima with respect to
separation from other aircraft of the same flight

Aircraft operating in different areas or lanes on aerodromes equipped with

runways or mat facilities suitable for simultaneous landings or take-offs are
exempted from the separation minima

Separation minima does not apply to aircraft operating under military necessity

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Sufficient separation is effected between aircraft in flight in the traffic circuit to allow the
spacing of arriving and departing aircraft.
The clearance to enter the traffic circuit is issued to an aircraft whenever it is desired that the
aircraft approach the landing area in accordance with current traffic circuits and traffic
conditions are such that a clearance authorizing the actual landing is not feasible. In
connection with the clearance to enter the traffic circuit, information is given concerning the
landing direction or runway in use so that the PlC of an aircraft may intelligently plan his entry
into the traffic circuit. If an aircraft enters an aerodrome traffic circuit without proper
authorization, it shall be permitted to land if its actions indicate that it so desires. If
circumstances warrant, a controller may ask aircraft, with which he is in contact, to give way
so as to remove, as soon as possible, any hazard introduced by the unauthorized operation.
In no case shall permission to land be withheld indefinitely.
Special authorization for use of the manoeuvring area may be given to:

An aircraft which anticipates being compelled to land because of factors affecting

the safe operation of the aircraft

Hospital aircraft or aircraft carrying any sick or seriously injured persons requiring
urgent medical attention

Control of Departing Aircraft

A departing aircraft will not normally be permitted to commence take-off until the preceding
departing aircraft:

Has crossed the end of the runway in use, or

Has started a turn, or

Until all preceding landing aircraft are clear of the runway in use

The appropriate ATS authority may prescribe lower minima, after consultation with the
operators, and taking into account such factors as:

Runway length

Aerodrome layout, and

The types of aircraft involved

Such lower minima shall not apply:

Between a departing aircraft and a preceding landing aircraft

Between sunset and sunrise, or such other period between sunset and sunrise as
may be prescribed

When braking action may be adversely affected by runway contaminants

In weather conditions preventing the pilot from making an early assessment of

traffic conditions on the runway

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Take-off clearance may be issued to an aircraft when there is reasonable assurance that the
separation prescribed will exist when the aircraft commences its take-off. When an air traffic
control clearance from an area control centre is required prior to take-off, the take-off
clearance is not issued until the area control centre clearance has been transmitted to and
acknowledged by the aircraft concerned. The area control centre shall forward clearance to
the aerodrome control tower with the least possible delay after receipt of a request made by
the tower, or prior to such a request if practicable. The take-off clearance is issued when the
aircraft is ready for take-off and at or approaching the runway in use, and the traffic situation
In the interest of expediting traffic, a clearance for immediate take-off may be issued to an
aircraft before it enters the runway. On acceptance of such a clearance the aircraft shall taxi
onto the runway and take-off in one continuous movement.
Control of Arriving Aircraft
A landing aircraft will not normally be permitted to cross the beginning of the runway on its
final approach until the preceding departing aircraft has:

Crossed the end of the runway in use, or

Started a turn, or

Until all preceding landing aircraft are clear of the runway in use

Lower minima than those prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority, after consultation with
the operators, may be used after considering such factors as:

Runway length

Aerodrome layout, and

Type of aircraft involved

Such lower minima shall not apply:

Between sunset and sunrise, or such other period between sunset and sunrise as
may be prescribed

When braking action may be adversely affected by runway contaminants

In weather conditions preventing the pilot from making an early assessment of

traffic conditions on the runway

An aircraft may be cleared to land when there is reasonable assurance that the separation will
exist when the aircraft crosses the runway threshold, providing that a clearance to land is not
issued until a preceding landing aircraft has crossed the runway threshold.

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Wake Turbulence Categorization of Aircraft and Increased Longitudinal Separation

Wake Turbulence Categorization of Aircraft
Wake turbulence separation minima is based on the grouping of aircraft types into three
categories according to the maximum certificated take-off mass as follows:

All aircraft types of 136 000 kg or more


Aircraft types less than 136 000 kg but more than 7000 kg


Aircraft types of 7000 kg or less

Wake Turbulence Separation Minima

The following non-radar separation minima are applied
Arriving Aircraft
For timed approaches, the following minima are applied to aircraft landing:

MEDIUM aircraft behind a HEAVY aircraft

- 2 minutes

LIGHT aircraft behind a HEAVY or MEDIUM aircraft

- 3 minutes

The following minima are applied for take-off:

LIGHT or MEDIUM aircraft taking off behind a HEAVY aircraft

- 2 minutes

LIGHT aircraft taking off behind a MEDIUM aircraft

- 2 minutes

The minimum is increased to 3 minutes when the aircraft takes-off from:

An intermediate part of the same runway, or

An intermediate part of a parallel runway separated by less than 760 m

Displaced Landing Threshold

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A separation minimum of 2 minutes is applied between a LIGHT or MEDIUM aircraft and a

HEAVY aircraft and between a LIGHT aircraft and MEDIUM aircraft when operating on a
runway with a displaced landing threshold when:

A departing LIGHT or MEDIUM aircraft follows a HEAVY aircraft arrival and a

departing LIGHT aircraft follows a MEDIUM aircraft arrival, or

An arriving LIGHT or MEDIUM aircraft follows a HEAVY aircraft departure and an

arriving LIGHT aircraft follows a MEDIUM aircraft departure if the projected flight
paths are expected to cross

Opposite Direction
A separation of 2 minutes shall be applied between a LIGHT or MEDIUM aircraft and a
HEAVY aircraft and between a LIGHT aircraft and a MEDIUM aircraft when the heavier
aircraft is making a low missed approach and the lighter aircraft is:

Utilizing an opposite direction runway for take-off, or

Landing on the same runway in the opposite direction, or

On a parallel opposite direction runway separated by less than 760 m

Authorization of Special VFR Flights

When traffic conditions permit, special VFR may be authorized subject to the approval of the
unit providing approach control service. Requests for such authorization are handled
individually. SVFR is a grant by ATC not a right.
Separation shall be effected between all IFR and special VFR flights in accordance with the
separation minima and, when so prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority, between all
special VFR flights in accordance with separation minima prescribed by that authority.
When the ground visibility is not less than 1500 m special VFR flights may be authorized to
enter a CTR for the purpose of landing or to take-off and depart directly from the CTR. Within
Class E airspace, special VFR flights may take place whether or not the aircraft is equipped
with a functioning radio receiver. Special VFR flights may be authorized to operate locally
within a CTR when the ground visibility is not less than 1500 m, provided that:

The aircraft is equipped with a functioning radio receiver and the pilot has agreed
to guard the appropriate communication frequency, or

Within Class E airspace, if the aircraft is not equipped with a functioning radio
receiver, adequate arrangements have been made for the termination of the flight

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Chapter 11.
Approach Control Service
Procedures for Air Navigation Services, Rules of the Air and Air Traffic
Services, Doc 4444 -RAC/501
Departing Aircraft
General Procedures for Departing Aircraft
ATC clearances specify:

Direction of take-off and turn after take-off

Track to be made good before proceeding on desired heading

Level to maintain before continuing climb to assigned cruising level

Time, point and/or rate at which level change shall be made, and

Any other necessary manoeuvre consistent with safe operation of the aircraft

To ensure an orderly flow of air traffic, ATCUs should attempt to
permit aircraft departing on long distance flights to proceed on heading with as few
turns or other manoeuvres as possible, and to climb to cruising level without
Departing aircraft may be expedited by suggesting a take-off direction that is not into wind. It
is the responsibility of the PIC of an aircraft to decide between making such a take-off or
waiting for normal take-off in a preferred direction. If departures are delayed to avoid
excessive holding at destination, delayed flights shall normally be cleared in an order based
on their ETD, except that deviations from this may be made to facilitate the maximum number
of departures with the least average delay. ATCUs should advise aircraft operators or their
designated representatives when anticipated delays due to traffic conditions are likely to be
substantial and in any event when they are expected to exceed 30 minutes.
Minimum Separation Between Departing Aircraft
The following minimum separations are used:

One minute if the departing tracks diverge by at least 45 immediately after takeoff. This may be reduced for parallel runway or diverging runway operations. The
latter need specific ATS approval.

Two minutes where the first aircraft is 40 knots faster and both aircraft intend to
follow the same track

Five minutes while vertical separation does not exist.

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Clearances for Departing Aircraft to Climb Maintaining Own Separation While in VMC
When requested by the aircraft and if prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority a departing
aircraft may be cleared to climb, subject to maintaining own separation and remaining in VMC
until a specified time or to a specified location if reports indicate that this is possible.
Information for Departing Aircraft
Information regarding significant changes in the meteorological conditions in the take-off or
climb out area, obtained by the unit providing approach control service after a departing
aircraft has established communication with that unit, are transmitted to the aircraft without
delay, except when it is known that the aircraft has already received the information.

Significant changes in this context include those relating to:

Surface wind direction or speed


RVR, or air temperature for turbine aircraft

Occurrence of thunderstorms or cumulonimbus

Wind shear


Moderate or severe icing

Severe squall line

Freezing precipitation

Severe mountain waves

Sand storm

Dust storm

Blowing snow



Information regarding changes in the operational status of visual and non-visual aids essential
for take-off and climb are transmitted without delay to a departing aircraft, except when it is
known that the aircraft has already received the information. Information regarding essential
local traffic known to the controller is transmitted to departing aircraft without delay.
Note: Essential local traffic in this context consists of any aircraft vehicle or
personnel on or near the runway to be used or traffic in the take-off and climb-out
area, which may constitute a collision hazard to the departing aircraft

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Arriving Aircraft
General Procedures for Arriving Aircraft
When it becomes evident that delays in holding will be encountered by arriving aircraft, the
operator or a designated representative is notified and kept informed of any changes in the
expected delays, in order that diversionary action can be planned as far in advance as
possible. Arriving aircraft may be required to report when:

Leaving or passing a reporting point, or

When starting a procedure turn or base turn, or

To provide other information required by the controller to expedite departing


An IFR flight is not to be cleared for an initial approach below the appropriate minimum
altitude as specified by the State concerned nor to descend below that altitude unless:

The pilot has reported passing an appropriate point defined by a radio aid, or

The pilot reports that the aerodrome is and can be maintained in sight, or

The aircraft is conducting a visual approach, or

The aircrafts position has been positively determined by the use of radar

Clearance to Descend Subject to Maintaining Own Separation while in VMC

When requested by the aircraft and if so prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority an
arriving aircraft may be cleared to descend subject to maintaining its own separation and
remaining in VMC if reports indicate that this is possible.
Visual Approach
An IFR flight may be cleared to execute a visual approach provided that the pilot can maintain
visual reference to the terrain and:

The reported ceiling is at or above the approved initial approach level for the
aircraft so cleared, or

The pilot reports at the initial approach level or at any time during the approach
that the meteorological conditions are such that a visual approach and landing
can be completed

Separation is to be provided between an aircraft cleared to execute a visual approach and

other arriving and departing aircraft.
For successive visual approaches, radar or non-radar separation is to be maintained until the
pilot of a following aircraft reports having the preceding aircraft in sight. The aircraft is
instructed to follow and maintain separation from the preceding aircraft. Transfer of

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communications are made at a point or time that clearance to land or alternative instructions
can be issued to the aircraft in a timely manner.
Instrument Approach
If a PIC reports or it is clearly apparent to the ATC unit that they are not familiar with an
instrument approach procedure then they will be given the following details:

The initial approach level

The point (in minutes from the appropriate reporting point) at which a procedure
turn shall be carried out, and

The final approach track

If the aircraft is to be cleared for a straight-in approach then only the last item need be
specified. The missed approach procedure will be specified when deemed necessary. If visual
reference to terrain is established before completion of the approach procedure, the entire
procedure must be continued unless the pilot requests and is cleared for a visual approach. A
particular approach procedure may be specified to expedite traffic. The omission of a
specified approach procedure will indicate that any authorized approach may be used at the
discretion of the pilot.
Holding and holding pattern entry has to be accomplished in accordance with procedures
established by the appropriate ATS authority and published in Aeronautical Information
Publications. If entry and holding procedures have not been published or if the procedures are
not known to the PIC of an aircraft, the appropriate ATCU will describe the procedures to be
Aircraft must be held at a designated holding point. The required minimum vertical, lateral or
longitudinal separation from other aircraft, according to the system in use at that holding point,
will be provided. When aircraft are being held in flight, the appropriate vertical separation
minima shall continue to be provided between holding aircraft and en-route aircraft while such
aircraft are within 5 minutes flying time of the holding area, unless the correct lateral
separation exists.
Levels at holding points are assigned in a manner that facilitates the clearance of each
aircraft to approach in its proper priority. Normally, the first aircraft to arrive over a holding
point should be at the lowest level, with following aircraft at successively higher levels. Aircraft
particularly sensitive to high fuel consumption at low levels, such as supersonic aircraft, are
permitted to hold at higher levels than their order in the approach sequence indicates, without
losing their order in the sequence. This is allowed whenever the availability of discrete
descent paths and/or radar makes it possible to clear the aircraft for descent through the
levels occupied by other aircraft.
If a PIC of an aircraft advises of an inability to comply with the approach control holding or
communication procedures, the alternative procedure(s) requested by the PIC should be
approved if known traffic conditions permit.

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Approach Sequence
General Approach Procedures
The following procedures are applied whenever approaches are in progress.
The approach sequence is established in a manner that will facilitate arrival of the maximum
number of aircraft with the least average delay. A special priority may be given to:

An aircraft which anticipates being compelled to land because of factors affecting

the safe operation of the aircraft

Hospital aircraft or aircraft carrying any sick or seriously injured person requiring
urgent medical attention

Succeeding aircraft are cleared for approach when the preceding aircraft:

Has reported that it is able to complete its approach without encountering IMC, or

Is in communication with and sighted by the aerodrome control tower and

reasonable assurance exists that a normal landing can be accomplished

If the pilot of an aircraft in an approach sequence has indicated an intention to hold for
weather improvement, or for other reasons, such action shall be approved. When other
holding aircraft indicate their intention to continue the approach to land and if alternative
procedures involving, for instance, the use of radar are not available, the pilot desiring to hold
will be cleared to an adjacent fix for holding awaiting weather change or re-routing.
Alternatively, the aircraft should be given a clearance to place it at the top of the approach
sequence so that other holding aircraft may be permitted to land. Co-ordination is effected
with the area control centre, when required, to avoid conflict with the traffic under the
jurisdiction of this centre. The aircraft operator, or a designated representative, shall be
advised of the action taken immediately after the clearance is issued, if practicable.
When establishing the approach sequence an aircraft which has been authorized to absorb a
specified period of notified terminal delay, by cruising at a reduced speed en-route, should be
credited with the time absorbed en route.
Timed Approach Procedures
Subject to approval by the appropriate ATS authority, the following procedure should be
utilized when necessary to expedite the approaches of a number of arriving aircraft:

A suitable point on the approach path, which shall be capable of being accurately
determined by the pilot, shall be specified, to serve as a check point in timing
successive approaches

Aircraft shall be given a time at which to pass the specified point inbound, this
time shall be determined with the aim of achieving the desired interval between

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successive landings on the runway while respecting the applicable separation

minima at all times, including the periods of runway occupancy
The time at which aircraft should pass the specified point is determined by the unit providing
approach control service and notified to the aircraft sufficiently in advance to permit the pilot
to arrange the flight path accordingly. Each aircraft in the approach sequence is cleared to
pass the specified point inbound at the notified time after the preceding aircraft has reported
passing the point inbound.
Parallel Runway Operations
Parallel runways may be used for simultaneous instrument operations for:

Independent parallel approaches

Dependent parallel approaches

Segregated parallel operations

For independent and dependent approaches the missed approach track for one approach
must diverge by at least 30 from the missed approach track of the adjacent approach.
With segregated operations the nominal departure track diverges immediately after take-off
by at least 30 from the missed approach track of the adjacent approach.
Expected Approach Time
An EAT is determined for an arriving aircraft that will be subjected to a delay, and is
transmitted to the aircraft as soon as practicable and preferably not later than at the
commencement of its initial descent from cruising level. In the case of aircraft particularly
sensitive to high fuel consumption at low levels, an EAT should, whenever possible, be
transmitted to the aircraft early enough before its intended descent time to enable the pilot to
choose the method of absorbing the delay and to request a change in the flight plan if the
choice is to reduce speed en-route. A revised EAT is transmitted to the aircraft without delay
whenever it differs from that previously transmitted by 5 minutes or more, or any lesser period
of time as has been established by the appropriate ATS authority, or agreed between the ATS
units concerned.
An EAT is transmitted to the aircraft by the most expeditious means whenever it is anticipated
that the aircraft will be required to hold for 30 minutes or more.
The holding point to which an EAT relates, together with the EAT, are given to a pilot
whenever circumstances are such that the reasons are not clear.
Information for Arriving Aircraft
As early as practicable after an aircraft has established communication with the unit providing
approach control service, the following elements of information, in the order listed, is

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transmitted to the aircraft, with the exception of the elements which it is known the aircraft has
already received:

Runway in use

Current meteorological information

Current runway surface conditions, in case of precipitants or other temporary


Changes in the operational status of visual and non-visual aids essential for
approach and landing

It should be recognized that the aircraft prior to departure or during en-route flight may not
have received information published by NOTAM or disseminated by other means.
At the commencement of final approach, the following information is transmitted to aircraft

Significant changes in the mean surface wind direction and speed

Significant changes are specified in Annex 3. If the controller
possesses wind information in the form of components, the significant changes

Mean head wind component 19 km/h (10 kt)

Mean tail wind component 4 km/h (2 kt,)

Mean crosswind component 9 km/h (5 kt)

The latest information, if any, on wind shear and/or turbulence in the final
approach area

The current visibility representative of the direction of approach and landing or,
when provided, the current RVR value(s) and the trend, if practicable,
supplemented by slant visual range value(s) if provided.

During final approach, the following information is transmitted without delay:

The sudden occurrence of hazards

Significant variations in the current surface wind, expressed in terms of minimum

and maximum values

Significant changes in runway surface conditions

Changes in the operational status of required visual or non-visual aids

Changes in observed RVR value(s), in accordance with the reported scale in use, or changes
in the visibility representative of the direction of approach and landing.

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Chapter 12.
Air Traffic Control Services, Flight Information Service and ATS Routes

Annex 11 - Air Traffic Services

Air Traffic Control Service

Air traffic control service is provided to:

All IFR flights in Class A, B, C, D and E airspace

All VFR flights in Class B, C and D airspace

To all special VFR flights

To all aerodrome traffic at controlled aerodromes

Provision of Air Traffic Control Service

Air traffic control service is provided by the various units as follows:
Area Control Service

By an area control centre, or

By the unit providing approach control service in a CTR or in a CTA of limited

extent which is designated for the provision of approach control service and
where no area control centre is available

Approach Control Service

By an aerodrome control tower or area control centre when it is necessary or

desirable to combine under the responsibility of one unit the functions of the
approach control service with those of the aerodrome control service or the area
control service

By an approach control when it is necessary or desirable to establish a separate


Aerodrome Control Service

By an aerodrome control tower

Note: The task of providing specified services on the apron may be assigned to an
aerodrome control tower or to a separate unit

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Operation of Air Traffic Control Service

In order to provide ATC service, an ATCU shall:

Be provided with information on the intended movement of each aircraft and with
current information on the actual progress of each aircraft

Determine from the information received, the relative positions of known aircraft
to each other

Issue clearances and information for the purpose of preventing collision between
aircraft under its control and of expediting and maintaining an orderly flow of

Co-ordinate clearances as necessary with other units:

Whenever an aircraft might otherwise conflict with traffic operated under the
control of such other units

Before transferring control of an aircraft to such other units

Information on aircraft movements, together with a record of ATC clearances issued to aircraft
is displayed so as to permit an efficient flow of air traffic with adequate separation between
Clearances issued by ATCUs provide separation between:

All flights in Class A and B airspace

Between IFR flights in Class C, D and E airspace

Between IFR flights and VFR flights in Class C airspace

Between IFR flights and special VFR flights

Between special VFR flights when so prescribed by the appropriate authority

Except that, when requested and if detailed by the appropriate ATS authority for the first three
cases above, a flight may be cleared without separation being provided for a specific portion
of the flight conducted in VMC.
Separation by an ATCU can be obtained by at least one of the following:

Vertical separation, obtained by assigning different levels selected from an

appropriate table of cruising levels (See Chapter on VFR & IFR) except that the
correlation of levels to track as prescribed shall not apply whenever otherwise
indicated in appropriate aeronautical information publications or air traffic control

Horizontal separation, obtained by providing:

Longitudinal separation by maintaining an interval between aircraft operating
along the same converging or reciprocal tracks, expressed in time or distance, or

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Lateral separation by maintaining aircraft on different routes or in different

geographical areas
Composite separation
consisting of a combination of vertical and one of the
other forms of separation. The minima used for each of these may be lower than,
but not less than of, those used for each of the combined elements when
applied individually. Composite separation shall only be applied on the basis of
regional air navigation agreements
Separation Minima
The selection of separation minima for application within a given portion of airspace is as

The separation minima are selected from those prescribed by the provisions of
the PANS-RAC and regional supplementary procedures as applicable under the
prevailing circumstances except that, where types of aids are used or
circumstances prevail which are not covered by current ICAO provisions, other
separation minima shall be established as necessary by:

The appropriate ATS authority, following consultation with operators, for

routes or portions of routes contained within the sovereign airspace of a State

Regional air navigation agreement for routes or portions of routes contained

within airspace over the high seas or over areas of undetermined sovereignty

The selection of separation minima are made in consultation between the

appropriate ATS authorities responsible for the provision of ATS in neighbouring
airspace when:

Traffic will pass from one FIR into another FIR of neighbouring airspace

Routes are closer to the common boundary of the neighbouring airspace than
the separation minima applicable in the circumstances

Details of the selected separation minima and their areas of application shall be notified:

To the ATS units concerned, and

To pilots and operators through aeronautical information publications where

separation is based on the use by aircraft of specified navigation aids or specified
navigation techniques

Responsibility for Control

A controlled flight is operated under the control of only one ATC unit at any given time.
Responsibility for the control of all aircraft operating within a given block of airspace is vested
in a single ATCU.

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Transfer of Responsibility for Control

The responsibility for the control of an aircraft is transferred between ATCUs as follows:
Between Two Units Providing Area Control Service The responsibility for the control of
an aircraft is transferred from a unit providing area control service in a CTA to the unit
providing area control service in an adjacent CTA at the time of crossing the common CTA
boundary. This is estimated by the area control service having control of the aircraft or at
another point or time that has been agreed between the two units
Between a Unit Providing Area Control Service and a Unit Providing Approach Control
The responsibility for the control of an aircraft shall be transferred from a unit
providing area control service to a unit providing approach control service, and vice versa, at
a point or time agreed between the two units
Between a Unit Providing Approach Control Service and a Unit Providing Aerodrome
Control Service
Arriving Aircraft
The responsibility for the control of an aircraft approaching
to land is transferred from the unit providing approach control service to the unit
providing aerodrome control service, when the aircraft:

Is in the vicinity of the aerodrome and:

It is considered that it will be able to complete its approach and landing with
visual reference to the ground, or

It has reached uninterrupted VMC, or

Has landed

Whichever is the earliest.

Departing Aircraft
The responsibility for control of a departing aircraft is
transferred from the unit providing aerodrome control service to the unit providing
Approach Control service:
When VMC Prevail in the Vicinity of the Aerodrome

Prior to the time the aircraft leaves the vicinity of the aerodrome, or

Prior to the aircraft entering IMC

Whichever is earlier.
When IMC Prevail at the Aerodrome

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Immediately before the aircraft enters the runway in use for take-off,
Immediately after the aircraft is airborne, if local procedures render
such action preferable
Air Traffic Control Clearances
An ATC clearance indicates:

Aircraft identification as shown in the flight plan

Clearance limit

Route of flight

Level(s) of flight for the entire route or part route and changes of level if required

Any necessary instructions or information on other matters such as approach or

departure manoeuvres, communications and the time of expiry of the clearance

Co-Ordination of Clearances
An ATC clearance is to be co-ordinated between ATC units to cover the entire route of an
aircraft or a specified portion of a route as follows. An aircraft is normally cleared for the entire
route to the aerodrome of first intended landing:

When it has been possible, prior to departure, to co-ordinate the clearance

between all the units under whose control the aircraft will come, or

When there is reasonable assurance that prior co-ordination will be effected

between those units under whose control the aircraft will subsequently come

When co-ordination has not been achieved or is not anticipated, the aircraft is cleared only to
a point where co-ordination is reasonably certain. Prior to reaching such a point, or at that
point, the aircraft receives a further clearance, with holding instructions being issued as
When an aircraft intends to depart from an aerodrome within a CTA to enter another CTA
within a period of 30 minutes, or another specific period of time as has been agreed between
the area control centres concerned, co-ordination with the subsequent area control centre is
obtained prior to the issue of the departure clearance. When an aircraft intends to leave a
CTA for a flight outside CAS, and will subsequently re-enter the same or another CTA, a
clearance from the point of departure to the aerodrome of first intended landing may be
issued. This clearance or revision applies to those portions of the flight conducted within
controlled airspace.

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Control of Air Traffic Flow

When it becomes apparent to an ATCU that traffic additional to that already accepted cannot
be accommodated within a given period of time at a particular location or in a particular area,
or can only be accommodated at a given rate, that unit will advise other ATCUs and operators
known or believed to be concerned and PICs of aircraft destined to that location or area that
additional flights are likely to be subjected to excessive delay, or, if applicable, that specified
restrictions are to be applied to any additional traffic for a specified period of time for the
purpose of avoiding excessive delay to aircraft in flight.
Control of Persons and Vehicles at Aerodromes
The movement of persons or vehicles including towed aircraft on the manoeuvring area of an
aerodrome shall be controlled by the aerodrome control tower as necessary to avoid hazard
to them or to aircraft landing, taxiing or taking-off
In conditions where low visibility procedures are in operation:

Persons and vehicles operating on the manoeuvring area of an aerodrome shall

be restricted to the essential minimum and particular regard shall be given to the
requirements to protect the ILS/MLS sensitive areas when Category II or III
precision instrument operations are in progress

The minimum separation between vehicles and taxiing aircraft shall be as

prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority taking into account the aids available

When mixed ILS and MLS Category II and III precision instrument operations are
taking place to the same runway continuously, the more restrictive ILS or MLS
critical sensitive areas shall be protected

Emergency vehicles proceeding to the assistance of an aircraft in distress are afforded priority
over all other surface movement traffic.
Vehicles on the manoeuvring area are required to comply with the following rules:

Vehicles and vehicles towing aircraft shall give way to aircraft which are landing,
taking-off or taxiing

Vehicles shall give way to other vehicles towing aircraft

Vehicles shall give way to other vehicles in accordance with local instructions

Notwithstanding the above, vehicles and vehicles towing aircraft shall comply with
instructions issued by the aerodrome control tower

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Flight Information Service

FIS is provided to all aircraft which are likely to be affected by the information and which are:

Provided with air traffic control service, or

Otherwise known to the relevant ATS units

Where ATS units provide both FIS and air traffic control service, the provision of air traffic
control service has precedence over the provision of FIS whenever the provision of air traffic
control service so requires.
Scope of Flight Information Service
FIS includes the provision of the following:

SIGMET and AIRMET information

Information concerning pre-eruption volcanic activity, volcanic eruptions and

volcanic ash cloud

Information concerning the release into the atmosphere of radioactive materials

or toxic chemicals

Information on change in the serviceability of navigation aids

Information on changes in condition of aerodromes and associated facilities,

including information on the state of the aerodrome movement areas when they
are affected by snow, ice or significant depth of water

Information on unmanned free balloons, and

Any other information likely to affect safety

FIS provided to flights includes, in addition to the information already outlined, the provision of
information concerning:

Weather conditions reported or forecast at departure, destination and alternate


Collision hazards to aircraft operating in airspace Classes C, D, E, F and G

For flight over water areas, in so far as practicable and when requested by a pilot,
any available information such as radio call sign, position, true track, speed etc,
of vessels in the area

FIS provided to VFR flights includes all the information in the paragraph starting with SIGMET
plus the provision of available information concerning traffic and weather conditions along the
route that are likely to make operation under VFR impracticable

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Operational Flight Information Service Broadcasts

The meteorological and operational information concerning navigation aids and aerodromes
included in the FIS is provided in an operationally integrated form.
Information Broadcasts
When a Regional Air Navigation Agreement determines that a requirement for a broadcast
exists then the following formats are followed:

HF Operational Flight Information Service (OFIS) broadcast

VHF OFIS broadcast

Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS)

ATIS broadcasts are provided at aerodromes where there is a requirement to reduce the
communication load on the ATS VHF air-ground communication channels. When provided
they comprise of:

One broadcast serving arriving aircraft, or

One broadcast serving departing aircraft, or

One broadcast serving both arriving and departing aircraft, or

Two broadcasts serving arriving and departing aircraft respectively at those

aerodromes where the length of a broadcast serving both arriving and departing
aircraft would be excessively long

A discrete VHF frequency is used for ATIS broadcasts. If a discrete frequency is not available,
the transmission may be made on the voice channel of the most appropriate terminal
navigation aid, preferably a VOR, provided the range and readability are adequate and the
identification of the navigation aid is sequenced with the broadcast so that the latter is not
ATIS broadcasts are not to be transmitted on the voice channel of ILS.
Whenever ATIS is provided:

The broadcast information shall relate to a single aerodrome

The broadcast shall be continuous and repetitive

The broadcast information shall be updated immediately a significant change


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The preparation and dissemination of the ATIS message shall be the

responsibility of the ATS

The information contained in the current broadcast shall immediately be made

known to the ATS unit concerned with the provision of information relating to:


Landing and take-off

whenever those units have not prepared the message

Individual ATIS messages shall be identified by a designator in the
form of a letter of the ICAO spelling alphabet. Designators assigned to
consecutive ATIS messages shall be in alphabetical order
Aircraft shall acknowledge receipt of the broadcast information upon
establishing communication with the ATS unit providing approach control
service as appropriate
The appropriate ATS unit shall, when replying to the message above
or, in the case of arriving aircraft, at such other time as may be
prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority, provide the aircraft with the
current altimeter setting
When rapidly changing meteorological conditions make it inadvisable to include a weather
report in the ATIS broadcast, the ATIS message indicates that the relevant weather
information will be given on initial contact with the appropriate ATS unit
Information contained in a current ATIS broadcast, the receipt of which has been
acknowledged by the aircraft concerned, need not be included in a transmission to the
aircraft, with the exception of the altimeter setting. If an aircraft acknowledges receipt of an
ATIS broadcast that is no longer current, any element of information that needs updating shall
be transmitted to the aircraft without delay.
Principles Governing the Identification of RNP Types and the Identification of ATS
Routes Other Than Standard Departure and Arrival Routes
Designators for ATS Routes and RNP Types
The purpose of a system of route designators and required navigation performance (RNP)
types applicable to specified ATS route segments, routes or area is to allow both pilot and
ATS, taking into account automation requirements:

To make unambiguous reference to any ATS route without the need to resort to
the use of geographical co-ordinates or other means in order to describe it

To relate an ATS route to a specific vertical structure of the airspace, as


To indicate a required level of navigation performance accuracy, when operating

along an ATS route or within a specified area

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To indicate that a route is used primarily or exclusively by certain types of aircraft

Note: Prior to the global introduction of RNP, all references to RNP also apply to
RNAV routes where navigation performance accuracy requirements have been
Note: For flight planning purposes, a prescribed RNP type is not considered an
integral part of the ATS route designator
In order to meet this purpose, the designation system shall:

Permit the identification of any ATS route in a simple and unique manner

Avoid redundancy

Be usable by both ground and airborne automation systems

Permit brevity in operational use, and

Provide sufficient possibility of extension to cater for any future requirements

without the need for fundamental changes

Controlled, advisory and uncontrolled ATS routes, with the exception of standard arrival and
departure routes, shall be identified as follows.
Composition of Designation
The ATS route designator consists of a basic designator supplemented, if necessary, by:

One prefix, and

One additional letter

The number of characters required to compose the designator:

Shall not exceed 6 characters, but

Should be kept to a maximum of 5 characters

The basic designator consists of one letter followed by a number from 1 to 999.
Selection of the letter shall be made from:

A, B, G, R for routes which form part of the regional networks of ATS routes and
are not area navigation routes

L, M, N, P for area navigation routes which form part of the regional networks of
ATS routes

H, J, V, W for routes which do not form part of the regional networks of ATS
routes and are not area navigation routes

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Q, I, Y, Z for area navigation routes which do not form part of the regional
networks of ATS routes

Where applicable, one supplementary letter is added as a prefix to the basic designator to
designate the following:

K to indicate a low level route established for use primarily by helicopters

U to indicate that a route or portion of that route is established in the upper


S to indicate a route established exclusively for use by supersonic aircraft during

acceleration, deceleration and while in supersonic flight

When prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority or on the basis of regional air navigation
agreement, a supplementary letter may be added after the basic designator of the ATS route
in question in order to indicate the type of service provided or the turn performance required
on the route in question in accordance with the following:

For RNP 1 routes at and above FL 200, the letter Y to indicate that all turns on
the route between 30 and 90 shall be made within the allowable RNP tolerance
of a tangential arc between the straight leg segments defined with a radius of
22.5 nm
eg A123Y

For RNP 1 routes at or below FL 190, the letter Z to indicate that all turns on the
route between 30 and 90 shall be made within the allowable RNP tolerance of a
tangential arc between the straight leg segments defined with a radius of 15 nm
eg G246Z

The letter D to indicate that on the route an advisory service only is provided

The letter F to indicate that on the route an FIS is provided

Assignment of Basic Designators

Basic ATS route designators are assigned in accordance with the following principles.

The same basic designator shall be assigned to a main trunk route throughout its
entire length, irrespective of TMAs, States or regions traversed

Where two or more trunk routes have a common segment, the segment in
question shall be assigned each of the designators of the routes concerned,
except where this would present difficulties in the provision of ATS, in which case,
by common agreement, one designator only shall be assigned

A basic designator assigned to one route shall not be assigned to any other route

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States requirements for designators shall be notified to the regional offices of

ICAO for co-ordination

Use of Designators in Communications

In printed communications, the designator is expressed as not less than two and not more
than six characters.
In voice communications, the basic letter of a designator shall be spoken in accordance with
the ICAO spelling alphabet.
Where the prefixes K, U or S are used, they are, in voice communications, spoken as follows:






The word Kopter is pronounced as in the word helicopter and the words upper and supersonic
as normal in the English language.
Where the letters D, F, Y or Z are used, then the flight crew are not required to use them in
voice communications.

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24 October 2003

Chapter 13.
Altimeter Setting Procedures

Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aircraft Operations (Document

8168-Ops/611, Volume 1), Volume I - Flight Procedures
Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Rules of the Air and Air Traffic
Services (Document 4444 RAC/501))

Expression of Vertical Position

For flights in the vicinity of aerodromes the vertical position of aircraft shall be expressed in
terms of altitudes at or below the transition altitude and in terms of flight levels at or above the
transition level. While passing through the transition layer, vertical position shall be expressed
in terms of flight levels when ascending and in terms of altitudes when descending.
After approach clearance has been issued and the descent to land is commenced, the vertical
position of an aircraft above the transition level may be expressed by reference to altitudes
provided that level flight above the transition level is not indicated or anticipated.
When an aircraft which has been given a clearance as number one to land is completing its
approach using QFE, the vertical position of the aircraft shall be expressed in terms of height
above aerodrome elevation during that portion of its flight for which QFE may be used, except
that it shall be expressed in terms of height above runway threshold elevation:

For instrument runways, if the threshold is 2 m (7 ft) or more below the

aerodrome elevation, and

For precision approach runways

For flights en-route the vertical position of aircraft is expressed in terms of:

Flight levels at or above the lowest usable flight level

Altitudes below the lowest usable flight level

Except where, on the basis of regional air navigation agreements, a transition altitude has
been established for a specified area.
Determination of the Transition Level
Approach control offices or aerodrome control towers shall establish the transition level to be
used in the vicinity of the relevant aerodrome(s) for the appropriate period of time on the basis
of QNH reports and forecast msl pressure if required.

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The transition level is the lowest flight level available for use above the transition altitude
established for the aerodrome(s) concerned. Where a common transition altitude has been
established for two or more aerodromes which are so closely located as to require coordinated procedures, the appropriate ATS units establish a common transition level to be
used at any given time in the vicinity of the aerodrome concerned.
Provision of Information
Appropriate ATS units have available for transmission to aircraft in flight, on request, the
information required to determine the lowest flight level which will ensure adequate terrain
clearance on routes or segments of routes for which this information is required. Flight
information centres and area control centres have available for transmission to aircraft on
request an appropriate number of QNH reports or forecast pressures for the FIRs and CTAs
for which they are responsible.
The transition level is included in approach clearance when requested by the pilot or when the
appropriate authority deems it necessary.
A QNH altimeter setting is included in approach clearances or clearances to enter the traffic
circuit and in taxi clearances for departing aircraft, except when it is known that the aircraft
has received the information. A QFE altimeter setting is provided to aircraft on request or on a
regular basis in accordance with local arrangements. It shall be the QFE for the threshold
elevation for:

Non-precision approach runways, if the threshold is 2 m (7 ft) or more below the

aerodrome elevation, and

Precision approach runways

In other cases the QFE for the relevant aerodrome elevation is provided.
Altimeter settings provided to aircraft are rounded down to the nearest lower whole
The procedures listed below describe the method intended for use in providing adequate
vertical separation between aircraft and adequate terrain clearance during all phases of flight.
The method is based on the following principles:

During flight, when at or below a fixed altitude called the transition altitude, an
aircraft is flown at altitudes determined from an altimeter set to sea level pressure
(QNH) and its vertical position is expressed in terms of altitude

During flight above the transition altitude an aircraft is flown along surfaces of
constant atmospheric pressure based on an altimeter setting of 1013.2 hPa and
throughout this phase of a flight the vertical position of an aircraft is expressed in
terms of flight levels. Where no transition altitude has been established for the
area, aircraft in the en-route phase shall be flown at a flight level

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The change in reference from altitude to flight levels, and vice versa, is made:

When climbing

At transition altitude, and

When descending

At the transition level

The adequacy of terrain clearance during any phase of flight may be maintained
in any of several ways, depending upon the facilities available in a particular area,
the recommended methods in order of preference being:

The use of current QNH reports from an adequate network of QNH reporting

The use of such QNH reports as are available combined with other
meteorological information such as forecast lowest mean sea level pressure
for the route or portions of route, and

Where relevant current information is not available, the use of values of the
lowest altitudes of flight levels, derived from climatological data

During the approach to land, terrain clearance may be determined by using the
QNH altimeter setting (giving altitude) or, under specified circumstances, a QFE
setting (giving height above the QFE datum)

The method provides sufficient flexibility to permit variation in detailed procedures that may be
required to account for local conditions without deviating from the basic procedures.

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Flight Levels
System of Flight Levels Flight level zero is located at the atmospheric pressure level of
1013.2 hPa. A pressure interval corresponding to at least 500 ft (152.4 m) in the standard
atmosphere shall separate consecutive flight levels.
Flight Level Numbers
Height in standard atmosphere

Height in standard atmosphere





















10 000









15 000









20 000




15 250

50 000

Transition Altitude
A transition altitude is normally specified for each aerodrome by the State in which the
aerodrome is located.
Where two or more closely spaced aerodromes are located so as to require co-ordinated
procedures, a common transition altitude is to be established. This common transition altitude
is the highest of the transition altitudes that would result for the aerodromes if separately
As far as possible a common transition altitude should be established:

For groups of aerodromes of a State or all aerodromes of that State

On the basis of an agreement, for aerodromes of adjacent States, States of the

same FIR, or two or more adjacent FIRs or one ICAO region, and

For aerodromes of two or more ICAO regions when agreement can be obtained
between these regions

The height above the aerodrome of the transition altitude is as low as possible but normally
not less than 900 m (3000 ft). The calculated height of the transition altitude is rounded up to
the next full 300 m (1000 ft). A transition altitude may be established for a specified area
when determined on the basis of regional air agreements. Transition altitudes are published in
aeronautical information publications and shown on the appropriate charts.

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Transition Level
States shall make provision for the determination of the transition level to be used at any one
time at each of their aerodromes.
Where two or more closely spaced aerodromes use co-ordinated procedures, a common
transition altitude and a common transition level are used.
Note: The transition level is normally passed to aircraft in the approach and landing
Transition from Flight Levels to Altitudes and Vice Versa
The vertical position of an aircraft when at or below the transition altitude shall be expressed
in terms of altitude. Whereas such position at or above the transition level shall be expressed
in terms of flight levels. While passing through the transition layer, vertical position shall be
expressed in terms of:

Flight levels when ascending, and

Altitude when descending.

Take-Off and Climb

A QNH altimeter setting shall be made available to aircraft in taxi clearances prior to take-off.
The vertical positioning of aircraft during climb shall be by reference to altitudes until reaching
the transition altitude above which vertical positioning shall be by reference to flight levels.
En Route
Vertical Separation
Vertical separation of aircraft during en-route flight:

At and below transition altitude shall be assessed in terms of altitude

Above the transition altitude shall be assessed in terms of flight levels

In air-ground communications the vertical position of an aircraft during en-route flight is

expressed in terms of altitude when the aircraft is operating at or below the transition altitude
and flight levels when the aircraft is operating above the transition altitude.
Terrain Clearance

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QNH altimeter setting reports should be provided from sufficient locations to permit
determination of terrain clearance with an acceptable degree of accuracy. For those areas in
which adequate QNH altimeter setting reports cannot be provided, the appropriate authorities
shall make available in the most usable form the information required to determine the lowest
flight level which will ensure adequate terrain clearance. Appropriate services have available
for flight planning purposes and for transmission to aircraft in flight, on request, the
information required to determine the lowest flight level which will ensure adequate terrain
clearance for routes or segments of routes on which this information is required
Approach and Landing
The QNH altimeter setting is made available to aircraft in approach clearances and in
clearances to enter the traffic circuit. A QFE altimeter setting, clearly identified as such,
should be made available in approach and landing clearances, on request or on a regular
basis in accordance with local arrangements.
The vertical positioning of aircraft during approach is controlled by reference to flight levels
until reaching the transition level below which vertical positioning shall be by reference to
Note: This does not preclude a pilot using a QFE setting for terrain clearance
purposes during the final approach to the runway
After approach clearance has been issued and the descent to land is commenced the vertical
positioning of an aircraft above the transition level may be by reference to altitude (QNH)
provided that level flight above the transition altitude is not indicated or anticipated.
Procedures Applicable to Operators and Pilots
Flight Planning
The levels at which a flight is to be conducted are specified in a flight plan:

In terms of flight levels if the flight is to be conducted at or above the transition

level or the lowest usable flight level, whichever is applicable, and

In terms of altitudes, if the flight is to be conducted at or below the transition


The altitudes or flight levels selected for flight:

Should ensure adequate terrain clearance at all points along the route to be flown

Should satisfy ATC requirements, and

Should be compatible with the application of the cruising levels in Annex 2

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Pre-Flight Altimeter Operational Test

The following test should be carried out in an aircraft by flight crew members prior to
commencement of a flight. Flight crew should be advised of the purpose of the test and the
manner in which it should be carried out and should be given specific instructions on the
action to be taken in accordance with the results of the test.
QNH Setting/ QFE Setting
With the aircraft at a known elevation on the aerodrome:

Set the altimeter pressure scale on the current QNH/QFE setting

Vibrate the instrument by tapping unless mechanical vibration is provided

A serviceable altimeter will indicate the elevation of the point selected, plus the
height of the altimeter above this point, within a tolerance of:
20 m or 60 ft for altimeters with a test range of 0 to 9000 m (0 to
000 ft)


25 m or 80 ft for altimeters with a test range of 0 to 15 000 m (0 to

000 ft)


Take-Off and Climb

Prior to taking-off one altimeter shall be set to the latest QNH for the aerodrome. During
climb to and while at the transition altitude, references to the vertical position of the aircraft
shall be expressed in terms of altitudes.
When passing the transition altitude the reference for vertical position of the aircraft is
changed from altitude (QNH) to flight level.
Vertical Separation
During en-route flight:

At or below the transition altitude, an aircraft shall be flown at altitudes and

references to the vertical position of the aircraft shall be expressed in terms of

At or above transition level, or the lowest usable flight level, whichever is

applicable, an aircraft shall be flown at flight levels and references to the vertical
position of the aircraft shall be expressed in terms of flight levels

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Terrain Clearance
Where adequate QNH altimeter setting reports are available, the latest and most appropriate
reports are used for assessing terrain clearance. Where the adequacy of terrain clearance
cannot be assessed with an adequate degree of accuracy by means of the QNH reports
available or forecast lowest msl pressure, other information must be obtained for checking the
adequacy of terrain clearance
Approach and Landing
Prior to commencing the initial approach to an aerodrome, the transition level shall be
obtained. Prior to descending below the transition level, the latest QNH altimeter setting for
the aerodrome shall be obtained.
On descending below the transition level the reference for vertical position is changed from
flight level to altitude and thereafter the vertical position of the aircraft is expressed in terms of
The reference for vertical position may be changed from flight level to altitude above the
transition level, when cleared to do so by the appropriate ATS unit after approach clearance
has been issued and the descent to land is commenced provided that level flight above the
transition altitude is not indicated or anticipated.
When an aircraft which has been given a clearance as number one to land is completing its
approach using QFE, the vertical position of the aircraft shall be expressed in terms of height
above the aerodrome datum used in establishing obstacle clearance height (OCH) during that
portion of its flight for which the QFE may be used.

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24 October 2003

Chapter 14.
Secondary Surveillance Radar
Procedures for Air Navigation Services, Aircraft Operations (Document 8168OPS/611, Volume 1), Volume I - Flight Procedures
Operation of Transponders
When an aircraft carries a serviceable transponder, the pilot shall operate the transponder at
all times during flight, regardless of whether the aircraft is inside or outside airspace where
SSR is used for ATS purposes.
Except as specified in respect of emergency, communication failure or unlawful interference,
the pilot shall:

Operate the transponder and select Mode A codes as individually directed by the
ATC unit with which contact is being made, or

Operate the transponder on Mode A codes as prescribed on the basis of regional

air navigation agreements, or

In the absence of any ATC directions or regional air navigation agreements,

operate the transponder on Mode A Code 2000

When the aircraft carries serviceable Mode C equipment, the pilot shall continuously operate
this mode unless otherwise directed by ATC. When requested by ATC to specify the
capability of the transponder carried aboard the aircraft pilots indicates this by using the
characters used in item 10 of the flight plan
When requested by ATC to Confirm Squawk the pilot shall:

Verify the Mode A code setting on the transponder

Reselect the assigned code if necessary, and

Confirm to ATC the setting displayed on the controls of the transponder

Pilots shall not Squawk IDENT unless requested by ATC.

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Use of Mode C
Whenever Mode C is operated pilots shall, state their level to the nearest full 30 m or 100 ft as
indicated on the pilots altimeter. The tolerance value used to determine that Mode C derived
level information displayed to the controller is accurate is 300 ft.
Level Occupancy
An aircraft is considered to be maintaining its
assigned level as long as the Mode C indicates that it is within 300 ft of the
assigned level
Climbing or Descending
An aircraft is deemed to have crossed a level when
the Mode C indicates it has passed this level by more than 300 ft in the required
Use of Mode S
Pilots of aircraft equipped with Mode S having an aircraft identification feature shall set the
aircraft identification in the transponder. This setting shall correspond to the aircraft
identification specified in item 7 of the ICAO flight plan, or, if no flight plan has been filed, the
aircraft registration.
Emergency Procedures
The pilot of an aircraft encountering a state of emergency shall set the transponder to Mode A
Code 7700 except when directed by ATC to operate the transponder on a specified code. In
the latter case the pilot maintains the specified code unless otherwise advised by ATC. A pilot
may select Mode A Code 7700 whenever there is a specific reason to believe that this would
be the best course of action
Communication Failure Procedures
The pilot of an aircraft losing two-way communications shall set the transponder to Mode A
Code 7600.
Note: A controller observing a response on the communications failure code will
ascertain the extent of the failure by instructing the pilot to Squawk IDENT to
change code. Where it is determined that the aircraft receiver is functioning, further
control of the aircraft will be continued using code changes or IDENT transmissions to
acknowledge receipt of clearances issued. Different procedures may be applied to
Mode S equipped aircraft in areas of Mode S coverage.
Unlawful Interference with Aircraft in Flight
Should an aircraft in flight be subjected to unlawful interference, the PIC shall endeavour to
set the transponder to Mode A Code 7500 unless circumstances warrant the use of Mode A
7700. A pilot having selected Mode A Code 7500 and subsequently requested to confirm this
code by ATC shall, according to circumstances, either confirm this or not reply at all.

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Transponder Failure Procedures When the Carriage of a Functioning Transponder is

In case of a transponder failure which occurs after departure, ATC units endeavour to provide
for the continuation of the flight to the destination aerodrome in accordance with the flight
plan. Pilots may expect to comply with specific restrictions.
In the case of a transponder that has failed and cannot be restored before departure, pilots

Inform ATS as soon as possible, preferably before submission of a flight plan

Insert in item 10 of the ICAO flight plan form under SSR the character N for
complete unserviceability of the transponder or, in the case of partial transponder
failure, the character corresponding to the remaining transponder capability

Comply with any published procedures for seeking exemption from the
requirements for carriage of a functioning SSR transponder, and

If so required by the appropriate ATS authority, plan to proceed, as directly as

possible, to the nearest suitable aerodrome where repair can be effected.

Operation of ACAS Equipment

The information provided by ACAS is intended to assist pilots in the safe operation of aircraft.
Nothing prevents PICs from exercising their best judgement and full authority in the choice of
the best course of action to resolve a traffic conflict.
Use of ACAS Indications
ACAS indications are intended to assist the pilots in;

The active search for, and

Visual acquisition of conflicting traffic, and

The avoidance of potential collisions

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Pilots use the indications generated by ACAS remembering that due regard to safety must be

Pilots shall not manoeuvre their aircraft in response to Traffic Advisories only

In the event of a Resolution Advisory to alter the flight path, the search for the
conflicting traffic shall include a visual scan of the airspace into which other ACAS
aircraft might manoeuvre

The alteration of the flight path shall be limited to the minimum extent necessary
to comply with the Resolution Advisories

Pilots who deviate from ATC instruction or clearance in response to a Resolution

Advisory shall promptly return to the terms of that instruction or clearance when
the conflict is resolved and shall notify the appropriate ATC unit as soon as
practicable, of the deviation, including its direction and when the deviation has

When acknowledging mode/code setting instructions, pilots shall read back the mode and
code to be set.

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Chapter 15.

Annex 2 Rules of the Air

When observing or receiving any of the signals shown, aircraft shall take the actions required
by the signal. The signals are used for the purposes indicated. No other signals that are likely
to be confused with the authorised signals shall be used.
Distress and Urgency Signals
None of the provisions in this section shall prevent the use, by an aircraft in distress, of any
means at its disposal to attract attention, make known its position and obtain help.
Distress Signals
The following signals used separately, or together, mean that grave and imminent danger
threatens and immediate assistance is required:

Use of the Morse code group SOS

The spoken word MAYDAY

Rockets or shells throwing red lights, fired one at a time or at intervals

A parachute flare showing a red light

Urgency Signals
When used separately, or together, the following signals mean that an aircraft wishes to give
notice of difficulties that compel it to land without requiring immediate assistance:

The repeated switching on and off of the landing lights, or

The repeated switching on and off of the navigation lights in such a manner as to
be distinct from flashing navigation lights

The following signals, used either together or separately, mean that an aircraft has a very
urgent message to transmit concerning safety:

Use of the Morse code group XXX

The spoken words PAN PAN

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Signals for Aerodrome Traffic

Lights and pyrotechnics - Instructions






Steady Green

Cleared to land

Cleared for take-off

Steady Red

Give way to other aircraft and

continue circling


Series of Green flashes

Return for landing*

Cleared to taxi

Series of Red flashes

Aerodrome unsafe, do not


Taxi clear of landing area in


Series of White flashes

Land at this aerodrome and

proceed to apron

Return to starting point on

the aerodrome

Red Pyrotechnic

Notwithstanding any previous

instructions, do not land for
the time being
* Clearances to land and taxi
will be given in due course

Acknowledgement by an Aircraft
When in Flight

During the hours of daylight by rocking the aircrafts wings

During the hours of darkness by flashing on and off twice the aircrafts landing
lights or, if not so equipped, by switching on and off its navigation lights twice

When on the Ground

During the hours of daylight by moving the aircrafts ailerons or rudder

During the hours of darkness by flashing on and off twice the aircrafts landing
lights or, if not so equipped, by switching on and off its navigation lights twice

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Visual Ground Signals

Prohibition of Landing
A horizontal red square with yellow diagonals when displayed in a signal area indicates that
landings are prohibited and that prohibition is likely to be prolonged.

A horizontal red square with one yellow diagonal when displayed in a signal area:

Indicates that owing to the bad state of the manoeuvring area, or

For any other reason, special precautions must be observed in approaching to

land or in landing

Use of Runways and Taxiways

A horizontal white dumbbell when displayed in a signal area indicates that aircraft are
required to land, take-off and taxi on runways and taxiways only.

The same dumbbell but with a black bar indicates that aircraft are required to land and takeoff on runways only, but other manoeuvres need not be confined to runways and taxiways.

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Closed Runways or Taxiways

A cross of a single contrasting colour, yellow or white, displayed horizontally on runways or
taxiways indicate an area unfit for the movement of aircraft
Direction for Take-off or Landing
A horizontal white or orange landing T indicates the direction to be used by aircraft for landing
and take-off.



Two digits displayed vertically at or near to the aerodrome control tower indicate the direction
for take-off. These units are expressed in units of 10 to the nearest 10 of the magnetic

Right Hand Traffic
A right hand arrow of conspicuous colour (usually red and yellow) indicates that turns are to
be made to the right before landing and after take-off.

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Air Traffic Services Reporting Office

The letter C vertically in black against a yellow background indicates the location of the ATS
reporting office.

Glider Flights in Operation
A double white cross displayed horizontally in the signal area indicates that gliders are using
the aerodrome.

Marshalling Signals
These signals are designed for use by the signalman or marshaller (you may see both terms
used in the book, signalman is used in accordance with ICAO), with hands illuminated as
necessary to facilitate observation by the pilot, and facing the aircraft in a position:

For Fixed Wing Aircraft

Forward of the left wing tip within view of the pilot

For Helicopters

Where the signalman can best be seen by the pilot

The aircraft engines are numbered for the signalman facing the aircraft, from right to left (The
port outer is Number 1 engine).
Prior to using the following signals, the signalman shall ascertain that the area within which an
aircraft is to be guided is clear of objects which the aircraft, if complying with the signalman,
might otherwise strike.
To Proceed Under Further Guidance by Signalman
Signalman directs pilot if traffic conditions on aerodrome require
this action.
Right or left arm down, the other arm moved across the body
and extended to indicate position of the other marshaller.

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This Bay
Arms above head in vertical position with palms facing forward.

Proceed to Next Signalman

Right or left arm down, other arm moved across the body
and extended to indicate direction of next signalman

Move Ahead
Arms a little aside, palms facing backward and
repeatedly moved upward-backward from shoulder

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Turn to Your Left
Right arm downward, left arm repeatedly moved
upward-backward. Speed of arm movement indicating
rate of turn.

Turn to Your Right

Left arm downward, right arm repeatedly moved
upward-backward. Speed of arm movement indicating
rate of turn.

Arms repeatedly crossed above the head (the
rapidity of the arm movement should be related
to the urgency of the stop ie the faster the
movement the quicker the stop).

Engage Brakes
Raise arm, and hand with fingers extended, horizontally in front of the
body, then clench the fingers.

Release Brakes
Raise arm, with fist clenched, horizontally in front of body, then extend

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Chocks Inserted
Arms down, palms facing inwards, move arms
from extended position inwards.

Chocks Removed
Arms down, palms facing outwards, move arms

Start Engine(s)
Left hand overhead with appropriate number of fingers extended, to
indicate the number of the engine to be started, and circular motion of
right hand at head level.

Cut Engines
Either arm and hand level with shoulder, hand
across the throat, palm downward. The hand is
moved sideways with the arm remaining bent.

Slow Down
Arms down with palms toward ground

Slow Down Engine(s) on Indicated Side

Arms down with palms towards ground, then either
right or left hand waved up and down indicating
the left or right side engine(s) respectively should
be slowed down.

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Move Back
Arms by sides, palms facing forward, swept
forward and upward repeatedly to shoulder

Turns While Backing

Turn Tail to Starboard
Point left arm down, and right arm brought from
overhead, vertical position to horizontal forward
position, repeating right arm movement.

Turn Tail to Port

Point right arm down, and left arm brought from
overhead, vertical position to horizontal forward
position, repeating left arm movement.

All Clear
Right arm raised at elbow with thumb erect.

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Signals from the Pilot of an Aircraft to a Signalman

These signals are designed for use by a pilot in the cockpit with hands plainly visible to the
signalman, and illuminated as necessary to facilitate observation by the signalman.

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Chapter 16.
Air Traffic Control Clearances
Procedures for Air Navigation Services, Rules of the Air and Air Traffic
Services (Document 4444 RAC/501)
Departing Aircraft
Area control centres forward clearances to approach control offices or aerodrome control
towers with the least possible delay after the receipt of a request made by these units, or prior
to such a request if practicable.
Contents of ATC Clearances
Clearances contain positive and concise data and shall, as far as practicable, be phrased in a
standard manner. Clearances contain the items specified below:

Aircraft identification

Clearance limit

Route of flight

Level(s) of flight for the entire route or part thereof and changes of levels if
If the clearance for the levels covers only part of the route, it is
important for the ATCU to specify a point to which the part of the clearance
regarding levels applies

Any necessary instructions or information on other matters such as SSR

transponder operation, approach or departure manoeuvres, communications and
the time of expiry of the clearance
The time of expiry of the clearance indicates the time after which the
clearance will be automatically cancelled if the flight has not been started

Description of ATC Clearances

A clearance limit is specified by using the name of the appropriate reporting point, or
aerodrome, or CAS boundary. When prior co-ordination has been effected with units under
whose control the aircraft will subsequently come under or if there is reasonable time prior to
the assumption of control, the clearance limit is the destination aerodrome or, if not
practicable, an appropriate intermediate point, and co-ordination shall be expedited so that a
clearance to the destination may be issued as soon as possible.

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If an aircraft has been cleared to an intermediate point in an adjacent CTA, the appropriate
area control centre will then be responsible for issuing, as soon as practicable, an amended
clearance for flight to the limit of that CTA.
When the destination aerodrome is outside a CTA, the area control centre responsible for the
last CTA through which an aircraft passed will issue the appropriate clearance for the flight to
the limit of that CTA.
Route of Flight
The route of flight is detailed in each clearance when deemed necessary. The phrases used
and meanings are:
Cleared via flight plan route May be used to describe any route or portion of a
route, provided the route or portion of route is identical to that filed in the flight plan
and sufficient routing details are given to definitely establish the aircraft on its route
Cleared via (designation) departure or Cleared via (designation) arrival May be
used when standard departure or arrival routes have been established by the
appropriate ATS authority and published in Aeronautical Information Publication
Clearances to Fly Maintaining own Separation While in VMC
Note: The provision of vertical or horizontal separation by an ATCU is not
applicable in respect of any specified portion of a flight cleared subject to maintaining
own separation and remaining in VMC. It is for the flight so cleared to ensure, for the
duration of the clearance, that it is not operated in such proximity to other flights as to
create a collision hazard
Note: A VFR flight must remain in VMC at all times. Accordingly, the issuance of a
clearance to a VFR flight to fly subject to maintaining own separation and remaining
in VMC has no other object than to signify that, for the duration of the clearance, the
provision of separation by ATC is not entailed
When requested by an aircraft and provided it is authorized by the appropriate ATS authority,
an area control centre may clear a controlled flight to operate in VMC during the hours of
daylight. The aircraft may fly the route subject to maintaining its own separation and
remaining in VMC. When the above applies:

The clearance shall be for a specified portion of the flight during climb or descent
and subject to further restrictions as and when prescribed on the basis of regional
air navigation agreements

If there is a possibility that flight under VMC may become impracticable an IFR
flight shall be provided with alternative instructions to be complied with in the
event that flight in VMC cannot be maintained for the term of the clearance

The pilot of an IFR flight, on observing that conditions are deteriorating and
considering that operation in VMC will become impossible, shall inform ATC

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before entering IMC and shall proceed in accordance with the alternative
instructions given
ATC Clearance Expiry
One of the following phrases may be included in the initial clearance when the Air Traffic
situation necessitates:

Clearance expires (time)

This indicates that if the aircraft is not
airborne by the time stated a fresh clearance will be required

Take-off not before (time)

time to start the aircrafts engines

Unable to clear (level planned) ATC is unable to clear the flight at the
planned level, an alternative is usually offered at this stage

This is given so that a pilot can calculate the

Essential Traffic Information

Essential traffic is that controlled traffic to which the provision of separation by ATC is
applicable, but which in relation to a particular controlled flight, is not separated therefrom by
the minima stated.
Note: This information will inevitably relate to controlled flights cleared subject to
maintaining own separation and remaining in VMC
Essential traffic information includes:

Direction of flight of aircraft involved

Type of aircraft concerned

Cruising level of aircraft concerned and estimated time over the reporting point
nearest to where the level will be crossed

Clearance of a Requested Change in Flight Plan

When issuing a clearance covering a requested change in flight plan (route or cruising level)
the exact nature of the change is included in the clearance. If a level change is involved and
more than one level is contained in the flight plan, all such levels shall be included in the
When traffic conditions do not permit clearance of a requested change in a flight plan, the
words unable to clear are used. In these circumstances, an alternative flight plan should be
offered. When an alternative flight plan is offered, the complete clearance, as amended, or
that part of the clearance containing the alternative has to be included.

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Emergency and Communication Failure

Emergency Procedures
The various circumstances surrounding each emergency situation preclude the establishment
of exact detailed procedures to be followed. The procedures outlined are intended as a
general guide to ATS personnel. ATCUs shall maintain full and complete co-ordination, and
personnel use their best judgement in handling emergency situations
An aircraft known or believed to be in a state of emergency, including being subjected to
unlawful interference, is given priority over other aircraft.
Emergency Descent
Upon receipt of advice that an aircraft is making an emergency descent through other traffic,
all possible action is taken to immediately safeguard all aircraft concerned. When deemed
necessary, ATCUs immediately broadcast by means of the appropriate radio aids. If this is
not possible the appropriate communications stations immediately broadcast an emergency
Action by the Pilot in Command
It is expected that aircraft receiving such a broadcast will clear the specified areas and stand
by on the appropriate radio frequency for further clearances from the ATCU
Air-Ground Communication Failure
Action by ATCUs when unable to maintain two-way communication with an aircraft operating
in a CTA or CTR are as follows.
As soon as it is known that two-way communications has failed, action is taken to ascertain
whether the aircraft is able to receive transmissions from the ATCU by requesting it to
execute a specified manoeuvre which can be observed by radar or to transmit, if possible a
specified signal in order to indicate acknowledgement.

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If the aircraft fails to indicate that it is able to receive and acknowledge transmissions,
separation shall be maintained between the aircraft having the communication failure and
other aircraft, based on the assumption that the aircraft will:

If in VMC

Continue to fly in VMC

Land at the nearest suitable aerodrome, and

Report its arrival by the most expeditious means to the appropriate ATCU

If in IMC or when weather conditions are such that it does not appear feasible to
complete the flight in accordance with the above:

Proceed according to the current flight plan to the appropriate designated

navigation aid serving the destination aerodrome and, when required to
ensure compliance with the paragraph below, hold over this aid until
commencement of descent

Commence descent from the navigation aid specified above as close as

possible to, the EAT last received and acknowledged. If no EAT has been
received and acknowledged, at, or as close as possible to the ETA resulting
from the current flight plan

Complete a normal instrument approach procedure as specified for the

designated navigation aid, and

Land, if possible, within 30 minutes after the ETA specified above or the last
acknowledged EAT, whichever is later

Action taken to ensure suitable separation ceases to be based on the above when:

It is determined that the aircraft is following a procedure differing from that


Through the use of electronic or other aids, ATCUs determine that action differing
from that required may be taken without impairing safety, or

Positive information is received that the aircraft has landed

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Chapter 17.
Flight Plans

Annex 2 - Rules of the Air

Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Rules of the Air and Air Traffic
Services (Doc 4444 -RAC/501)

A flight plan form based on the ICAO model is provided for use by operators and ATS units.
The flight plan form is printed and includes an English text in addition to the language of the
State concerned.
Submission of Flight Plans
Information about a flight, or portion of flight, to any air traffic unit is submitted in the form of a
flight plan
A flight plan shall be submitted prior to operating:

Any flight, or portion of flight, to be provided with an ATC service

Any IFR flight in advisory airspace

Any flight, or within designated areas, or along designated routes, when required
by the appropriate ATS authority. This being to facilitate the provision of:

Flight information, or

Alerting search and rescue services

Any flight across an international boundary


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The term Flight Plan is used to mean.

Full information on all items comprised in the flight plan description, covering
the whole of the route of a flight, or

Limited information required when the purpose is to obtain a clearance for a

minor portion of a flight such as:

Crossing an airway

Taking off from, or to land at, a controlled aerodrome


Atlantic Flight Training

A flight plan is submitted before departure to an ATS reporting office. During flight it is
transmitted to the appropriate ATS unit or air-ground control radio station. This does not apply
where arrangements have been made to use repetitive flight plans.
Unless otherwise stated, a flight plan for a flight to be provided with an Air Traffic Control
Service or an air traffic advisory service is submitted (See Regional Supplementary
Procedures for AFTM procedures):

60 minutes before departure, or

If submitted in flight, at a time that will ensure its receipt by the appropriate air
traffic services unit at least ten minutes before the aircraft is estimated to reach:

The intended point of entry into a CTA or advisory area, or

The point of crossing an airway or advisory route

Prior to Departure
Except when other arrangements have been made for the submission of repetitive flight
plans, a flight plan submitted prior to departure is submitted in person or by telephone to the
ATS reporting office at the departure aerodrome. If there is no unit at the departure
aerodrome to accept the flight plan then it is submitted by telephone or teletypewriter. If these
means are not available then submission is by radio to the unit serving or designated to serve
the departure aerodrome.
In the event of a delay of 30 minutes in excess of the estimated off-block time for a controlled
flight or a delay of one hour for an uncontrolled flight for which a flight plan has been
submitted, the flight plan should be amended or a new flight plan submitted and the old flight
plan cancelled.
During Flight
A flight plan to be submitted during flight is normally transmitted to the ATS unit in charge of
the FIR, CTA, advisory area or advisory route in or on which the aircraft is flying, or in or
through which the aircraft wishes to fly. When this is not practicable, it should be transmitted
to another aeronautical telecommunication station for retransmission as required to the
appropriate ATS unit.
Acceptance of a Flight Plan
The first ATS unit receiving a flight plan, or change thereto, shall:

Check it for compliance with the format and data conventions

Check it for completeness and, to the extent possible for accuracy

Take action, if necessary, to make it acceptable to the ATS, and

Indicate acceptance of the flight plan or change thereto, to the originator

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Contents of a Flight Plan

A flight plan comprises of information that is considered relevant by the appropriate ATS

Aircraft identification

Flight rules and type of flight

Number and types of aircraft and wake turbulence category


Departure aerodrome

Estimated off-block time

Cruising speed(s)

Cruising level(s)

Route to be followed

Destination aerodrome and total elapsed time

Alternate aerodrome(s)

Fuel endurance

Total number of persons on board

Emergency and survival equipment

Other information

Completion of a Flight Plan

All flight plans contain information on the relevant items up to and including Alternate
aerodromes. In addition, information that is deemed necessary is also included:

By the appropriate ATS authority, or

The person submitting the flight plan

Changes to a Flight Plan

All changes to a flight plan submitted for an IFR flight, or a VFR flight operated as a controlled
flight, are reported to the appropriate ATS unit. For other VFR flights significant changes are
Note: Information submitted before departure regarding fuel endurance, persons on
board, if incorrect at the ATD, constitute a significant change and as such must be

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Closing a Flight Plan

A report of arrival is made either in person or by radio at the earliest possible moment after
landing, to the appropriate ATS unit. This must be done by any flight for which a flight plan
has been submitted.
When a flight plan has been submitted for a portion of a flight it is closed by the appropriate
report to the relevant ATS unit.
When no ATS unit exists at an arrival aerodrome, the arrival report is made as soon as
practicable after landing and by the quickest means available to the nearest ATS unit.
When communication facilities are inadequate and alternative arrangements for the handling
of arrival reports on the ground are not available; the following action is taken:

Immediately prior to landing the aircraft transmits by radio to an appropriate ATS

unit, a message comparable to an arrival report. This is where a report is

This transmission is made to the aeronautical station serving the ATS unit in
charge of the FIR in which the aircraft is operating

Arrival reports made by aircraft contain the following elements:

Aircraft identification

Departure aerodrome

Destination aerodrome (only in the case of a diversionary landing)

Arrival aerodrome

Time of arrival

Note: Whenever an arrival report is required, failure to comply with these provisions
may cause serious disruption in the ATS and incur great expense in carrying out
unnecessary search and rescue operations.
Use of Repetitive Flight Plans (RPLs)
RPLs are not be used for flights other than:

IFR flights operated regularly on:

The same day(s) of consecutive weeks, and

On at least ten occasions, or

Every day over a period of at least 10 consecutive days.

The elements of each flight plan shall have a high degree of stability.

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RPLs cover the entire flight from the departure aerodrome to the destination aerodrome. RPL
procedures are only applied when all ATS authorities concerned with the flights have agreed
to accept RPLs.
The use by States of RPLs for international flight are subject to the provision that the affected
adjacent States either already use RPLs or will use them at the same time. The procedures
for use between States are subject to bilateral, multilateral or regional air navigation
agreement as appropriate.
Change from IFR to VFR Flight
Change from IFR fight to VFR flight is only acceptable when a message initiated by the PlC
containing the specific expression Canceling my IFR flight. No invitation to change from
IFR flight to VFR flight is to be made either directly or by inference.
No reply, other than the acknowledgement IFR flight cancelled at (time), should be
normally be made by an ATS unit.
When an ATS unit is in possession of information that IMC are likely to be encountered along
the route of flight, a pilot changing from IFR flight to VFR flight should, if practicable, be so
An ATS unit receiving notification of an aircrafts intention to change from IFR flight to VFR
flight shall as soon as practicable inform all other ATS units to whom the IFR flight plan was
addressed, except those units the flight has already passed.
Scope of Clearances and Information
The issue of ATC clearances by ATCUs is the authority for an aircraft to proceed only in so
far as known traffic is concerned.
Clearances are based:

Solely on expediting and separating air traffic and do not constitute authority to
violate any applicable regulations for promoting the safety of flight operations or
for any other purpose

On known traffic conditions which affect safety in aircraft operation

These traffic conditions include aircraft in the air, on the manoeuvring area over which control
is being exercised and any vehicular traffic or other obstructions not permanently installed on
the manoeuvring area in use.
If an ATC clearance is not suitable to the PlC of an aircraft, he may request an amended
clearance. Clearances issued by controllers relate to traffic and aerodrome conditions only

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and do not relieve a pilot of any responsibility whatsoever in connection with a violation of
applicable rules and regulations.
ATCUs issue ATC clearances that are necessary to meet the objectives of collision
prevention and the expedition and maintenance of an orderly flow of traffic.
Aircraft flying through a TMA are, where possible, cleared by the most direct route from the
entry to the exit point of the TMA. Aircraft arriving or departing within a TMA are, where
possible, cleared by the most direct route from the point of entry to the aerodrome of landing
or from the aerodrome of departure to the point of exit.
Aircraft intending supersonic flight are where practicable, cleared for the transonic
acceleration phase prior to departure.
Control of Air Traffic Flow
When it becomes apparent to an ATCU that traffic additional to that already accepted cannot
be accommodated within a given period of time at a particular location or in a particular area,
or can only be accommodated at a given rate, that unit advises the other ATCUs known or
believed to be concerned. PICs of aircraft destined to the location or area in question and
operators known or believed to be concerned are also advised of the delays expected or the
restrictions that will be applied.
Air Traffic Control Clearances
An ATC clearance has to be obtained prior to operating a controlled flight, or a portion of a
flight as a controlled flight. The clearance is requested through the submission of a flight plan
to an ATC unit.
Note: A flight plan may cover only part of a flight necessary to describe that portion
of flight or those manoeuvres which are subject to ATC. A clearance may cover only
part of a current flight plan, as indicated by a clearance limit or by reference to
specific rnanoeuvres such as taxiing, landing or take-off
Note: If an ATC clearance is not satisfactory to the PIC of an aircraft, the PIC may
request and, practicable, will be issued an amended clearance.
Whenever an aircraft has requested a clearance involving priority, a report explaining the
necessity for this priority is submitted, if requested by the appropriate ATC unit.
Potential Reclearance in Flight
If prior to departure it is anticipated that depending on fuel, endurance and subject to
reclearance in flight, a decision may be taken to proceed to a revised destination aerodrome.

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The appropriate ATC units are notified by the insertion in the flight plan of information
concerning the revised route (where known) and the revised destination.
Note: The intent of this provision is to facilitate a reclearance to a revised
destination, normally beyond the filed destination aerodrome.
An aircraft operated on a controlled aerodrome shall not taxi on the manoeuvring area without
clearance from the aerodrome tower and shall comply with any instructions given by that unit.
Adherence to Flight Plan
Except where stated, an aircraft adheres to the current flight plan or the applicable portion of
a current flight plan submitted for a controlled flight, unless:

Requests for a change to a flight plan have be made to the appropriate ATC unit;
clearance must be obtained before any changes can be made, or

If an emergency situation arises which necessitates immediate action by the

aircraft, in which event as soon as circumstances permit, after such emergency
authority is exercised, the appropriate ATS unit shall be notified of the action

Unless otherwise authorized or directed by the appropriate ATC unit, controlled flights:

When on an established ATS route, operate along the defined centre line of that
route, or

When on any other route, operate directly between the navigational facilities
and/or points defining that route

Aircraft operating along an ATS route segment defined by reference to VOR change over
navigation guidance from the facility behind the aircraft to that ahead of it at, or as close as
operationally feasible to, the change over point.
Any deviation from the above requirements is notified to the appropriate ATS unit.
Inadvertent Changes
In the event that a controlled flight inadvertently deviates from its current flight plan; the
following action is taken:
Deviation From Track
If the aircraft is off track, action shall be taken
immediately to adjust the heading of the aircraft to regain track as soon as practicable
Variation in TAS
If the average TAS at cruising level between reporting points
varies, or is expected to vary, by 5% of the true airspeed from that given in the flight
plan, the appropriate ATS unit shall be informed.

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Change in Estimate Time

If the time estimate for the next applicable reporting
point, FIR boundary or destination aerodrome, whichever comes first, is found to be
in error in excess of 3 minutes from that notified to ATS, or such other period of
time as is prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority or on the basis of air
navigational regional agreements, a revised estimate time shall be notified as soon as
possible to the appropriate ATS unit.
Intended Changes
Requests for flight plan changes include the following:
Change of Cruising Level

Aircraft identification

Requested new cruising level and cruising speed at this level

Revised time estimates (when applicable) at subsequent FIR boundaries

Change of Route
Destination Unchanged

Aircraft identification

Flight rules

Description of new route of flight including related flight plan data beginning with
the position from which requested change of route is to commence

Revised time estimates

Any other pertinent information

Destination Changed

Aircraft identification

Flight rules

Description of revised route of flight to revised destination aerodrome including

related flight plan data, beginning with the position from which the requested
change of route is to commence

Revised time estimates

Alternate aerodrome(s)

Any other pertinent information

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Weather Deterioration Below the VMC

When it becomes evident that flight in VMC in accordance with the current flight plan is not
practicable, a VFR flight operated as a controlled flight will:

Request an amended clearance enabling the aircraft to continue in VMC to

destination or to an alternate aerodrome, or to leave the airspace within which an
ATC clearance is required, or

If no clearance can be obtained, continue to operate in VMC and notify the

appropriate ATC unit of the action being taken either to leave the airspace
concerned or to land at the nearest suitable aerodrome, or

If operated within a CTR, request authorization to operate as a Special VFR flight,


Request clearance to operate in accordance with the IFR.

Position Reports
Unless exempted by the appropriate ATS authority or unit, a controlled flight reports to the
appropriate ATS unit, as soon as possible, the time and level of passing each designated
compulsory reporting point, together with any other required information. Position reports are
made in relation to additional points when requested by the appropriate ATS unit. In the
absence of designated reporting points, position reports are made at intervals as detailed by
the appropriate ATS authority or unit.
Note: The conditions and circumstances where SSR Mode C satisfies the
requirements for level information in position reports are indicated in PANS-RAC, Part
II (Doc 4444,).
Termination of Control
A controlled flight, except when it is landing at a controlled aerodrome, advises the
appropriate ATC unit as soon as it ceases to be subject to an ATC service.
An aircraft operated as a controlled flight shall establish two way communications with the
appropriate ATC unit. It must also maintain a continuous listening watch on the appropriate
radio frequency. The appropriate ATS authority may exempt aircraft when they form part of
the aerodrome traffic at a controlled aerodrome.
Note: SELCAL or similar automatic signaling devices satisfy the requirement to
maintain a listening watch.

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Communication Failure
If a communication failure precludes an aircraft from complying with the above then the
communication failure procedures from Annex 10 must be followed and with any of the
following procedures that may be appropriate. In addition, the aircraft, when forming part of
the aerodrome traffic at a controlled aerodrome, shall keep a watch for instructions issued by
visual signals.
If in VMC, the aircraft shall:

Continue to fly in VMC

Land at the nearest suitable aerodrome, and

Report its arrival by the most expeditious means to the appropriate ATC unit


The above relates to all controlled flights

If in IMC or conditions are such that it is not feasible to complete the flight in accordance with
VMC, the aircraft shall:

Unless otherwise prescribed on the basis of a regional navigation agreement:

Maintain the last assigned speed and level, or minimum flight altitude if
higher, for a period of 20 minutes following the aircrafts failure to report its
position over a compulsory reporting point, and

Thereafter, adjust level and speed in accordance with the filed flight plan

Proceed in accordance with the flight planned route to the appropriate designated
navigation aid serving the destination aerodrome

Hold over the above navigation aid until commencement of descent or until
required to comply with the paragraph below

Commence descent from the navigation aid at, or as close as possible to:

The EAT last received and acknowledged, or

If no EAT has been received and acknowledged at, or as close as possible

to, the ETA resulting from the current flight plan

Complete a normal instrument approach procedure as specified for the

designated navigation aid

Land, if possible, within 30 minutes after the ETA or the last acknowledged EAT,
whichever is later


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The above relates to IFR flights only


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Note: The provision of ATC service to other flights operating in the airspace
concerned will be based on the premise that an aircraft experiencing communications
failure will comply with the rules for IFR traffic

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Chapter 18.
Flight Procedures Introduction & Departures
References: Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aircraft Operations (Document
8168-OPS/611, Volume 1), Volume I - Flight Procedures
The Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aircraft Operations (PANS-OPS) consists of two
Volume I Flight Procedures
This volume describes the operational procedures
recommended for the guidance of flight operations personnel. It also outlines the various
parameters on which the criteria in Volume II are based so as to illustrate the need for
operational personnel including flight crew to adhere strictly to the published procedures in
order to achieve and maintain an acceptable level of safety in operations
Volume II Construction of Visual and Instrument Procedures This
intended for the guidance of procedure specialists and describes the essential areas and
obstacle clearance requirements for the achievement of safe, regular instrument flight
operations. It provides the basic guidelines to States, and those operators and organizations
producing instrument flight charts that will result in uniform practices at all aerodromes where
instrument flight procedures are carried out.
The division of the PANS-OPS into the two volumes was the result of extensive amendments
to the obstacle clearance criteria and the construction of approach to land procedures. Both
volumes present coverage of operational practices that are beyond the scope of SARPs but
with respect to which a measure of international uniformity is desirable.

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Abbreviations Used

Automatic terminal information service


Normal operating zone


Centre line


No transgression zone


Decision altitude/height


Obstacle clearance altitude/height


Departure end of the runway


Obstacle identification surface


Dead reckoning


Outer marker


Electronic flight instrument system


Precision approach radar


Final approach fix


Procedure design gradient


Final approach point


Area navigation


Flight management system


En-route surveillance radar


Horizontal situation indicator


Root sum square


Initial approach fix


Standard instrument departure


Intermediate fix


Start of climb


Missed approach point


Special position indicator


Minimum descent altitude/height


Standard instrument arrival


Minimum obstacle clearance


Terminal area surveillance radar


Turning point

Departure Procedures
The criteria in this part are designed to provide flight crews and other flight operations
personnel with an appreciation, from the operational point of view, of the parameters and
criteria used in the design of instrument departure procedures which include but are not
limited to standard instrument departure routes and associated procedures.
These procedures assume that all engines are operating. In order to ensure acceptable
clearance above obstacles during the departure phase, instrument departure procedures
maybe published as:

Specific routes to be followed, or

As omni-directional departures, together with PDGs and details of significant


Omni-directional departures may specify vectors to be avoided.

The PDG is not intended as an operational limitation for those operators who assess
departure obstacles in relation to aircraft performance, taking into account the availability of
appropriate ground/airborne equipment.

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The Instrument Departure Procedure

The design of an instrument departure procedure is dictated by factors such as:

The terrain surrounding the aerodrome

Catering for ATC requirements in the case of SID Airspace restrictions affecting

All these factors in turn influence the type and siting of navigation aids.
At many aerodromes, a prescribed departure route is not required for ATC purposes.
However, there may be obstacles in the vicinity of the aerodrome that will have to be
considered in determining whether restrictions to departures are to be prescribed. In these
cases, departure procedures may be:

Restricted to a given sector(s), or

Published with a PDG in the sector containing the obstacle

The use of automatic take-off thrust control systems (ATTCS) and noise abatement
procedures will need to be taken into consideration by the pilot and the operator.
Where no suitable navigation aid is available the criteria for omni-directional departures is
Where obstacles cannot be cleared by the appropriate margin when the aeroplane is flown on
instruments, aerodrome operating minima are established to permit visual flight clear of
Wherever possible a straight departure will be specified which is aligned with the runway
centre line.
When a departure route requires a turn of more than 15 to avoid an obstacle, a turning
departure is constructed. Wherever limiting speeds or flight speeds are promulgated, they
must be complied with to remain within the appropriate areas. If an aeroplane operation
requires a higher speed, then an alternative departure procedure must be requested.
Establishment of a Departure Procedure
A departure procedure will be established for each runway where instrument departures are
expected to be used. This will define a departure procedure for the various categories of
aircraft based on all-engines PDG of 3.3% or an increased PDG if required to achieve
minimum obstacle clearance (see below).

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The procedures will assume that:

Pilots will not compensate for wind effects when being radar vectored, and

Pilots will compensate for known or estimated wind effect when flying departure
routes which are expressed as track to be made good

Obstacle Clearance
Obstacle clearance is a primary safety consideration in the development of instrument
departure procedures. The criteria used and the detailed method of calculation are covered in
the PANS-OPS Volume II. The protected areas and obstacle clearance applicable to
individual types of departure are specified later in this document.
Unless otherwise promulgated a PDG of 3.3% is assumed. The PDG is made up of:

2.5% gradient of obstacle identification surfaces or the gradient based on the

most critical obstacle penetrating these surfaces, whichever is the higher
gradient, and

0.8% increasing obstacle clearance



THAN 60 m (200 ft)


4.5% 3.7%


5 m (16 ft)



Gradients published will be specified to an altitude/height after which the minimum gradient of
3.3% is used. The final PDG continues until obstacle clearance is ensured for the next phase
of flight. At this point the departure procedure ends and is marked by a significant point.
The minimum obstacle clearance equals zero at the DER and increases by 0.8% of the
horizontal distance in the direction of flight assuming a maximum turn of 15.
In the turn initiation area and turn area a minimum obstacle clearance of 90 m (295 ft) is
provided. Where mountainous terrain exists, consideration is given by the procedure designer
to increasing the minimum obstacle clearance.

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24 October 2003

Whenever a suitably located DME exists, additional specific height/distance information

intended for obstacle avoidance may be published. RNAV way-point or other suitable fixes
may be used to provide a means of monitoring climb performance.
Standard Instrument Departures
A SID is normally developed to accommodate as many aircraft categories (See Approach
Procedures for Aircraft Categories) as possible. Departures that are limited to specific aircraft
categories are clearly annotated. The SID terminates at the first fix/facility/way-point of the enroute phase following the departure procedure.
There are two basic types of departure route, straight and turning. Departure routes are
based on track guidance acquired within:

20 km (10.8 nm) from the DER on straight departures, and

10 km (5.4 nm) after completion of turns on departures requiring turns

The design of instrument departure routes and the associated obstacle clearance criteria are
based on the definition of tracks to be followed by the aeroplane. When flying the published
track, the pilot is expected to correct for known wind to remain within the protected airspace.
Straight Departures
A straight departure is one in which the initial departure track is within 15 of the runway
centre line. Track guidance may be provided by a suitably located facility (VOR or NDB) or by
VOR 7.8/NDB 10.3


150 m

(1.9 NM)

VOR NDB 3.7 km (2 NM)/VOR


4.6 km (2.5 NM)/NDB


3.5 km

VOR 7.8/NDB 10.3



VOR 7.8/NDB 10.3

VOR 7.8/NDB 10.3

Where obstacles exist affecting the departure route, PDGs greater than 3.3% are
promulgated to an altitude/height after which the 3.3% gradient is considered to prevail.
Gradients to a height of 60 m (200 ft) or less, caused by close-in obstacles, are not specified.
In these cases the procedures to be used are discussed later

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Turning Departures
When a turning departure requires a turn of more than 15, a turning area is constructed.


SPLAY 7.8/VOR; 10.3 NDB





3.7 km (2.0 NM)/VOR

4.6 km (2.5 NM)/NDB




150 m

Turns may be specified at:

An altitude/height

At a fix

At a facility

Straight flight is assumed until reaching an altitude/height of at least 120 m (394 ft) above the
elevation of the DER. Where the location and/or height of obstacles precludes the
construction of turning departures which satisfy the minimum turn height criteria, departure
procedures should be developed on a local basis in consultation with the operators
A turn is prescribed upon reaching a specified altitude/height to accommodate the situation
where there is:

An obstacle located in the direction of the straight departure which must be

avoided, and/or

Another obstacle located abeam the straight departure track which must be
overflown after the turn with the appropriate margin

In the above case, the procedure will require a climb to a specified altitude/height before
initiating the turn as specified.

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24 October 2003

Turns at a facility or DME distance are constructed in the same manner and using the same
parameters as for the missed approach, except that the speeds employed are the final
missed approach speeds increased by 10% to account for increased aeroplane weight on
Maximum Speeds For Turning Departures
Aeroplane Category

Maximum Speed (kts)






In exceptional cases where acceptable terrain clearances cannot otherwise be provided,

turning departure routes are constructed with maximum speeds as low as the intermediate
missed approach speed increased by 10%; in such cases the procedure is annotated with a
cautionary note.
Parameters of construction of the turning areas are based on the following conditions:

Aerodrome elevation plus 300 m (1000 ft)

ISA + 15C corresponding to the altitude

Indicated Air Speed The speed tabulated for final missed approach for the speed
category for which the departure is designed, increased by 10% to account for the
increased aircraft mass at departure.
Where operationally required, reduced speeds as slow as the lAS tabulated for
intermediate missed approach increased by 10% may be used, provided the
procedure is annotated:
Departure turn limited to . kt lAS maximum
True Air Speed

The lAS above adjusted for altitude and temperature

Wind Maximum 95% probability wind on an omni-directional basis, where statistical

wind data are available. Where no wind data are available, an omni-directional 56
km/h (30 kt) is used
Bank Angle

15 average achieved

Fix Tolerance As appropriate to the type of fix

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Flight Technical Tolerances Pilot reaction time 3 seconds; Bank establishment

time 3 seconds. Total 6 seconds.
Turn Boundary

Calculated in PANS-OPS Volume II

Secondary Areas

Secondary areas are specified when track guidance is

When obstacles exist prohibiting the turn before DER or prior to reaching an altitude/height,
an earliest turn point or a minimum turning altitude/height will be specified.
Contingency Procedures
Development of contingency procedures required to cover the case of engine failure or an
emergency in flight that occurs after V1 is the responsibility of the operator. When it is
necessary to develop turning procedures to avoid an obstacle which would have become
limiting, then the procedure should be detailed in the appropriate operators manual. The point
for a start of a turn in this procedure must be readily identifiable by the pilot when flying under
instrument conditions.
Omni-directional Departures
Where no track guidance is provided in the design, the departure criteria are developed by
using the omni-directional method.
The departure procedure commences at the DER, which is the end of the area declared
suitable for take-off. The end of the runway or clearway as appropriate. Since the point of liftoff will vary, the departure is constructed on the assumption that a turn at 120 m (394 ft)
above the elevation of the aerodrome will not be initiated sooner than 600 m from the
beginning of the runway.
Unless otherwise specified, departure procedures are developed on the assumption of a 3.3%
PDG and a straight climb on the extended runway centre line until reaching 120 m (394 ft)
above the aerodrome elevation.
The basic procedure ensures:

The aircraft will climb on the extended runway centre line to 120 m (394 ft) before
turns can be specified, and

At least 90 m (295 ft) of obstacle clearance will be provided before turns greater
than 15 can be specified

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The omni-directional departure procedure is designed using any one of a combination of the
Standard Case
Where no obstacles penetrate the 2.5% OIS and 90 m (295
ft) of obstacle prevails, a 3.3% climb to 120 m (394 ft) will satisfy the obstacle
clearance requirements











3.5 KM

(1.9 NM)




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150 m

150 m


600 m


Atlantic Flight Training

Specified Turn Altitude/Height

Where obstacle(s) preclude omni-directional
turns at 120 m (394 ft), the procedure will specify a 3.3% climb to an
altitude/height where omni-directional turns can be made (Area 2)











600 m




Specified Procedure Design Gradient

procedure may define a minimum gradient of more than 3.3% to a specified
altitude/height before turns are permitted (Area 3)

Sector Departures Where obstacle(s) exist, the procedure may identify sector(s)
for which either a minimum gradient or a minimum turn altitude/height is specified
Climb straight ahead to ... altitude/height ... before commencing a turn to ...
west/the sector 180 - 360

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24 October 2003

Where obstacles do not permit the development of omni-directional procedures, it is

necessary to:

Fly a departure route, or

Ensure that the ceiling and visibility will permit obstacles to be avoided by visual

Published Information
The information listed will be published for operational reasons.
For departure routes, the following information is promulgated:

Significant obstacles which penetrate the OIS

The position and height of close-in obstacles penetrating the OIS. A note is
included on the SID chart whenever close-in obstacles exist which were not
considered for the published PDG

The highest obstacle in the departure area, and any significant obstacle outside
the area which dictates the design of the procedure

The altitude/height at which a gradient in excess of 3.3% is no longer used. A

note is included whenever the published PDG is based only on airspace

All navigation facilities, fixes or way points, radials and DME distances depicting
route segments are clearly indicated on the SID chart

Departure routes are labeled as RNAV only when that is the primary means of navigation
For omni-directional departures, the restrictions will be expressed as sectors in which
minimum gradients and/or minimum altitudes are specified to enable an aeroplane to safely
overfly obstacles.
The published minimum gradient will be the highest in any sector that may be expected to be
overflown. The altitude to which the minimum gradient is specified will permit the aircraft to
continue at the 3.3% minimum gradient through:

That sector

A succeeding sector, or

To an altitude authorized for another phase of flight eg en-route, holding or


A fix may also be designated to mark the point at which a gradient in excess of 3.3% is no
longer required.

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Intentionally Left Blank

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24 October 2003

Chapter 19.
Approach Procedures
Procedures For Air Navigation Services, Aircraft Operations (Doc 8168OPS/611, Volume 1), Volume I - Flight Procedures
The specifications in this volume are designed to provide flight crew and other flight
operations personnel with:

An appreciation from the operational point of view, of the parameters and criteria
used in the standardized development of precision and non-precision instrument
approach procedures, and

The procedures to be followed and the limitations to be observed in order to

achieve an acceptable level of safety in the conduct of instrument approach

The Instrument Approach Procedure

The design of an instrument approach procedure is, in general, dictated by:

The terrain surrounding an aerodrome

The type of operations contemplated, and

The aircraft to be accommodated

An instrument approach procedure may have 5 segments. They are:

The arrival

The initial approach

The intermediate approach

The final approach, and

The missed approach

The approach segments begin and end at designated fixes. Under certain circumstances
certain of the segments may begin at specified points where no fixes are available.
The final approach segment of a precision approach may originate at the
point of intersection of the designated intermediate flight altitude with the nominal
glide path

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Wherever possible a straight-in approach will be specified which is aligned with the runway
centre line. In the case of non-precision approaches a straight-in approach is considered
acceptable if the angle between the final approach track and the runway centre line is 30 or
In those cases where terrain or other constraints cause the final approach track alignment or
descent gradient to fall outside the criteria for a straight-in approach a circling approach will
be specified. The final approach track of a circling approach procedure is in most cases
aligned to pass over a portion of the usable landing surface of the aerodrome.
Minimum sector altitudes are established for each aerodrome and provide at least 300 m (984
ft) obstacle clearance within 46 km (25 nm) of the homing facility associated with the
approach procedure for that aerodrome.
Categories of Aircraft
Aircraft performance has a direct effect on the airspace and visibility needed to perform the
various manoeuvres associated with the conduct of instrument approach procedures. The
most significant performance factor is aircraft speed. Accordingly, five categories of typical
aircraft have been established. Each category is based on 1.3 times stall speed in the landing
configuration at maximum certificated landing mass. This provides a standardized basis for
relating aircraft manoeuvrability to specific instrument approach procedures.
Category A

Less than 169 km/h (91 kt) lAS

Category B

169 km/h (91 kt) or more but less than 224 km/h (121 kt) lAS

Category C

224 km/h (121 kt) or more but less than 261 km/h (141 kt) lAS

Category D

261 km/h (141 kt) or more but less than 307 km/h (166 kt) lAS

Category E

307 km/h (166 kt) or more but less than 391 km/h (211 kt) lAS

This specified range of handling speeds for each category of aircraft is assumed for use in
calculating airspace and obstacle clearance requirements for each procedure.
The instrument approach chart will specify the individual categories of aircraft for which the
procedure is approved. Normally, procedures will be designed to provide protected airspace
and obstacle clearance for aircraft up to and including Category D. Where airspace
requirements are critical, procedures may be restricted to lower speed categories.
Alternatively, the procedure may specify a maximum lAS for a particular segment without
reference to aircraft category. It is essential that pilots comply with the procedures and
information depicted on instrument flight charts and the appropriate flight parameters if the
aircraft is to remain in the areas developed for obstacle clearance procedures.

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24 October 2003

Obstacle Clearance
Obstacle clearance is a primary safety consideration in the development of instrument
approach procedures. The criteria used and the detailed method of calculation is covered in
PANS-OPS, Volume II. The obstacle clearance applied in the development of each
instrument approach procedure is considered to be the minimum required for an acceptable
level of safety in operations. The protected areas and obstacle clearance applicable to
individual types of approaches are specified later.
Obstacle Clearance Altitude/Height (OCA/H)
For each individual approach procedure an obstacle clearance altitude/height (OCA/H) is
calculated for a procedure and published on the instrument approach chart. In the case of
precision approach and circling approach procedures an OCA/H is specified for each
category of aircraft. OCA/H is:

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Precision Approach Procedure

The lowest altitude (OCA) or alternatively the lowest height above the elevation of the
relevant runway threshold (OCH), at which a missed approach must be initiated to ensure
compliance with the appropriate obstacle clearance criteria.




- ETC.










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24 October 2003

Non-Precision Approach Procedure

The lowest altitude (OCA) or alternatively the lowest height above the aerodrome elevation or
the elevation of the relevant runway threshold, if the threshold elevation is more than 2 m (7
ft) below the aerodrome elevation (OCH), below which the aircraft cannot descend without
infringing the appropriate obstacle clearance criteria.

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90 m (295 ft) WITHOUT FAF
75 m (246 ft) WITH FAF



MORE THAN 2 m (7 ft) BELOW


Visual (Circling) Procedure

The lowest altitude (OCA) or alternatively the lowest height above the aerodrome elevation
(OCH) below which an aircraft cannot descend without infringing the appropriate obstacle
clearance criteria

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24 October 2003








(394 ft)
(492 ft)
(591 ft)
(689 ft)


CATEGORY E 240 m (787 ft)

CATEGORY A & B 90 m (295 ft)
CATEGORY C & D 120 m (394 ft)
150 m (492 ft)






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Factors Affecting Operational Minima

Minima are developed by adding the effect of a number of operational factors to OCA/H to

In the case of precision approaches a DA or DH

In the case of a non-precision approach, MDA or MDH

The general operational factors to be considered are specified in Annex 6. The relationship of
OCA/H to operating minima (landing) is shown in the preceding 3 diagrams.
Approach Procedure Design
Where track guidance is provided in the design of an instrument approach procedure each of
the five segments of the approach comprises of a specified volume of airspace. The vertical
cross section of which is an area located symmetrically about the centre line of each
segment. The vertical cross section is broken down into primary and secondary areas as
shown in the diagram below.








1/4 OF

1/2 OF

1/4 OF





At any point the width of the primary area is equal to of the total width. The width of each
secondary area is equal to of the total width.
Where no track guidance is provided during a turn specified by the procedure, the total width
of the area is considered as a primary area.

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24 October 2003

MOC is provided for the whole width of the primary area. For the secondary area, MOC is
provided at the inner edges gradually reducing to zero at the outer edge.
Accuracy of Fixes
Fixes and points used in designing approach procedures include, but are not limited to:

The initial approach fix (IAF)

The intermediate approach fix (IF)

The final approach fix (FAF)

The holding fix, and

When necessary the MAPt

Fixes are normally based on standard navigation systems.

Fixes Formed by Intersection
Because all navigational facilities have accuracy limitations, the geographic point that is
identified is not precise, but may be anywhere within an area called the fix tolerance area
which surrounds its plotted point of intersection. The diagram below illustrates the intersection
of two radials or tracks from different navigation facilities.



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Intersection Fix Tolerance Factors

The dimensions of the intersection fix are determined by the accuracy of the navigational
system that supplies the information to define the fix. The factors from which the accuracy of
a system is determined are:

Ground station tolerance

Airborne receiving system tolerance

Flight technical tolerance

Distance from the facility

Accuracy of Facility Providing Track


5.2 (this value includes a flight technical tolerance of 2.5)

ILS Localizer 2.4 (this value includes a flight technical tolerance of 2)


6.9 (this value includes a flight technical tolerance of 3)

Overall Tolerance of the Intersecting Facility

4.5 when used in an approach procedure to establish a step down
fix where less than 300 m (984 ft) of obstacle clearance prevails, accuracy is
considered to be 7.80

ILS Localizer

6.2 when used in an approach procedure to establish a step down
fix where less than 300 m (984 ft) of obstacle clearance prevails, accuracy is
considered to be 10.3


Other Fix Tolerance Factors

Surveillance Radar
Radar fix accuracy is based on:

Radar mapping accuracy

Azimuth resolution

Flight technical tolerance

Controller technical tolerances, and

The speed of the aircraft in the terminal area

Terminal Area Radar (TAR) within 37km (20 nm)

0.8 nm)

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Fix tolerance is 1.5 km (

24 October 2003

En-Route Surveillance Radar (ESR) within 74 km (40 nm)

3.1 km ( 1.7 nm)

Fix tolerance is

Fix tolerance is 0.46 km ( 0.25 nm) + 1.25% of the distance to the
75 MHz Marker Beacons
Fix tolerances for ILS and Z markers for use with
instrument approach procedures are calculated using the aerial polar diagram.
Fix Tolerance Overhead a Station
VOR Fix tolerance overhead a VOR is based upon a cone of confusion 50 from the vertical,
or less if determined by flight test. Entry into the cone is assumed to be within accuracy from
the prescribed track so as to keep the lateral deviation abeam the VOR.
For a cone angle of 50:

The accuracy of entry is 50

Tracking through the cone is assumed to be within an accuracy of 50

Station passage is assumed to be within the limits of the cone of ambiguity

Fix tolerance overhead an NDB is based upon an inverted cone of ambiguity extending at an
angle of 40 either side of the facility. Entry into the cone is assumed to be achieved within an
accuracy of 15 from the prescribed track. Tracking through the cone is assumed to be
within an accuracy of 50.









Approach Area Splays

Tolerances are used to narrow and widen instrument approach areas as the aircraft flies to
and from a facility respectively. The area is of a standard width of 3.7 km (2 nm) for VOR and
4.6 km (2.5 nm) for NDB at the facility.

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SPLAY 7.8 VOR/10.3 NDB










The diagram above shows the final approach segment (contained between FAF and MAPt).
The optimum and maximum distances for locating the FAF relative to the threshold are 9 km
(5 nm) and 19 km (10 nm) respectively.
Descent Gradient
In designing instrument approach procedures adequate space is allowed for descent from the
facility crossing altitude/height to the runway threshold for straight-in approach or to OCA/H
for circling approaches.
Establishing a maximum allowable descent gradient for each segment of the procedure
provides adequate space for descent. The optimum descent gradient in the final approach
should not exceed 5% (50 m/km, approximately 300 ft/nm) which is equivalent to a 3
glidepath. Where a steeper descent gradient is necessary, the maximum permissible is 6.5%
(65 m/km, approximately 400 ft/nm) which is equivalent to a 3.8 glidepath. In the case of a
precision approach the operationally preferred glidepath angle is 3. An ILS glidepath in
excess of 3 is used only where alternate means of satisfying obstacle clearance
requirements are impractical.

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24 October 2003

In certain cases the maximum descent gradient of 6.5% (65 m/km) results in descent rates
that exceed the recommended rates of descent for some aircraft. Pilots should consider
carefully the descent rate required for non-precision final approach segments before starting
the approach.
Standard Instrument Arrivals
When necessary or where an operational advantage is obtained, arrival routes from the enroute phase to a fix or facility used in the procedure are published. When arrival routes are
published, the width of the associated area decreases from the en-route value to the initial
approach value with a convergence angle of 30 each side of the axis. This convergence
begins at:

46km (25 nm) before the IAF if the length of the arrival route is greater than or
equal to 46 km (25 nm).

It begins at the starting point of the arrival route if the length is less than 46 km
(25 nm)

The arrival route normally ends at the initial approach fix. Omni-directional or sector arrivals
can be provided taking into account MSA.
When terminal radar is employed the aircraft is vectored to a fix, or onto the intermediate or
final approach track, at a point where the pilot may continue the approach.
Initial Approach Segment
The initial approach segment commences at the IAF and ends at the IF. In the initial
approach, the aircraft has departed the en-route structure and is manoeuvring to enter the
intermediate approach segment. Aircraft speed and configuration will depend on the distance
from the aerodrome, and descent required. The initial approach segment provides at least
300 m (984 ft) of obstacle clearance in the primary area.
Track guidance is provided along the initial approach segment to the IF, with a maximum
angle of interception of 90 for a precision approach and 120 for a non-precision approach.
Where no suitable lAF or IF is available a racetrack or holding pattern is required.
Intermediate Approach Segment
This is the segment during which the aircraft speed and configuration is adjusted to prepare
the aircraft for final approach. The descent gradient is kept as shallow as possible. During the
intermediate approach the obstacle clearance requirement reduces from 300 m (984 ft) to 150
m (492 ft) in the primary area, reducing to zero at the outer edge of the secondary area.
Where a FAF is available, the intermediate approach segment begins when the aircraft is on
the inbound track of the procedure turn, base turn or final inbound leg of the racetrack

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Where no FAF is specified, the inbound track is the final approach segment

Final Approach Segment

This is the segment in which alignment and descent for landing are made. Final approach
may be made to a runway for a straight in landing or to an aerodrome for a visual manoeuvre.
Final Approach - Non-Precision Approach With FAF
This segment begins at the FAF and ends at the MAPt. The FAF is sited on the final approach
track at a distance that permits selection of final approach configuration, and descent from
intermediate approach altitude/height to the MDA/H applicable either for a straight in
approach or for a visual circling. The optimum and maximum distances for locating the FAF
relative to the threshold are 9 km (5 nm) and 19 km (10 nm) respectively.
The FAF is crossed at, or above, the specified altitude/height and descent is then initiated.
The descent gradient is published, and where range information is available, descent profile
information is provided.
A step-down fix may be incorporated in some non-precision approach procedures, in which
case two OCA/H values will be published:

A higher value applicable to the primary procedure, and

A lower value applicable only if the step-down fix is positively identified during the

Normally only one step-down fix is specified, but in the case of a VOR/DME procedure
several DME fixes may be depicted, each with its associated minimum crossing attitude.
Where a step-down procedure using a suitably located DME is published, the pilot shall not
commence descent until established on the specified track. Once established on track, the
pilot commences descent maintaining the aeroplane on or above the published DME
distance/height requirements.

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24 October 2003





11 KM (6 NM)











11 KM (6NM)


Final Approach - Non-Precision Approach With No FAF

When an aerodrome is served by a single facility located on or near the aerodrome, and no
other facility is suitably situated to form a FAF, a procedure may be designed where the
facility is both the IAF and the MAPt.
These procedures will indicate a minimum altitude/height for a reversal procedure or
racetrack, and an OCA/H for final approach. In the absence of a FAF, descent to MDA/H is
made once the aircraft is established inbound on the final approach track.
In procedures of this type, the final approach track cannot normally be aligned on the runway
centre line. Whether OCA/H for straight in approach limits are published or not depends on
the angular difference between the track and the runway.

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Final Approach Segment - Precision Approach ILS

The final approach segment begins at the final approach point (FAP). This is a point in space
on the centre line of the localizer where the intermediate approach altitude/height intersects
the nominal glide path.
Normally, glide path interception occurs at heights from 300 m (984 ft) to 900 m (2955 ft)
above runway elevation. On a 3 glide path interception occurs between 6 km (3 nm) and 19
km (10 nm) from the threshold
The width of the ILS final approach area is much narrower than those of a non-precision
approach. Descent on the glide path must never be initiated until the aircraft is established on
the localizer. The ILS obstacle clearance surfaces assume that the pilot does not normally
deviate from the centre line more than half a scale deflection after being established on track.
Thereafter the aircraft should adhere to the on-course, on-glide path position since more than
half course sector deflection or more than half course fly up deflection combined with other
allowable system tolerances could place the aircraft in the vicinity of the edge or bottom of the
protected airspace where loss of protection from obstacles can occur.
The intermediate approach track or radar vector has been designed to place the aircraft on
the localizer at an altitude/height that is below the nominal glide path.
The final approach area contains a fix or facility that permits verification of the glide
path/altimeter relationship. The outer marker is normally used for this purpose. Prior to
crossing the fix, descent may be made on the glide path to the published fix crossing
altitude/height. Descent below the fix crossing altitude/height should not be made prior to
crossing the fix.
In the event of loss of glide path guidance during the approach, the procedure becomes a
non-precision approach. The OCA/H published for the glide path inoperative case will apply.
Determination of DA or DH ILS
As well as the physical characteristics of the ILS installation, the procedures specialists
consideration is given to obstacles in the approach areas for the calculation of the OCA/H for
a procedure. The calculated OCA/H is the height of the highest approach obstacle or
equivalent missed approach obstacle, plus an aircraft category related allowance. In
assessing these obstacles the operational variables of the:

Aircraft category

Approach coupling

Category of operation, and

Missed approach climb performance

are considered.

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24 October 2003

The OCA or OCH values are listed on the instrument approach chart for those categories of
aircraft for which the procedure is designed. The values are based on the following standard

Cat I flown with pressure altimeter

Cat II flown with radio altimeter and flight director

Aircraft wing span is not more than 60 m and the vertical distance between the
flight paths of the wheels and glide path antenna is no more than 6 m

Missed approach climb gradient is 2.5%

Additional values of OCA/H may be promulgated to cater for:

Specific aircraft dimensions

Improved missed approach performance

Use of autopilot in a Cat II approach

Additional factors are considered by the operator to arrive at the DA/H value. These additional
factors applied to the OCA/H result in the DA/H value that is calculated by the pilot:
Since the OCA/H might be based on an obstacle in the missed approach area and since
advantage may be taken of the variable missed approach climb performances, operators
must consider:



Temperature limitations

Wind velocity

when determining DA/H should a missed approach be necessary.

Unless otherwise noted on the instrument approach chart the nominal missed approach climb
gradient is 2.5%.
The allowance for vertical displacement during initiation of a missed approach takes into
account the type of altimeter used and the height loss due to aircraft characteristics. It should
be recognized that no allowance is included for any abnormal meteorological conditions eg
windshear or turbulence.
Determination of Landing Minima
The calculation of DA/DH, or MDA/MDH, is determined by firstly considering the obstacles
that help us calculate the OCA/OCH. The lowest safe height that an aircraft may descend to
may depend on the particular system of guidance, this is called system minima. The specified
minimum will vary according to the accuracy of the individual approach aid:

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Precision Approach Aids (Category 1)


200 ft


200 ft


200 ft

Non-Precision Approach Aids

ILS (no Glidepath)

250 ft


300 ft


300 ft

In addition to the above a Pressure Error Correction (PEC) for the aircraft in approach
configuration is applied. The PEC is found in the aircraft/operators manual. If no PEC is
specified then a PEC of + 50 ft should be used.
Determination of DA/DH or MDA/MDH

Determine the OCA/OCH for the aircraft category.


Determine the system minimum.


Take the higher of the two figures above.

If a precision approach add PEC, when calculating MDA/MDH for a non-precision
approach, PEC need not be considered.
Different minima have to be applied to engine out approaches.
Missed Approach
During the missed approach phase of the instrument approach procedure the pilot is faced
with the demanding task of changing the aircraft configuration, attitude and altitude. For this
reason the design of the missed approach is kept as simple as possible and consists of three




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30 m (98 ft)

50 m (164 ft)








A missed approach procedure is designed to provide protection from obstacles throughout the
missed approach manoeuvre. Established for each instrument approach procedure, it
specifies a point where the missed approach begins and a point or an altitude/height where it
ends. The missed approach is assumed to be initiated not lower than DA/H in the precision
approach or at a specified point in non-precision approach procedures not lower than the
The MAPt in a procedure may be:

The point of intersection of an electronic glide path with the applicable DA/H, or

A navigational facility, or

A fix, or

A specified distance from the FAF

When a navigational facility or a fix defines the MAPt, the distance from the FAF to the MAPt
is normally published, and may be used for timing to the MAPt. In all cases where timing is
not authorised the procedure is annotated timing not authorized for defining the MAPt
When reaching the MAPt, if the required visual reference is not established, then a missed
approach is initiated immediately to ensure obstacle clearance. Only one missed approach
procedure is published for each approach procedure.
Pilots are expected to fly the missed approach procedure as published. In the event that a
missed approach is initiated prior to arriving at the MAPt, the pilot will normally proceed to the
MAPt and then follow the missed approach procedure in order to remain within the protected
Procedures are based on a nominal missed approach climb gradient of 2.5%.

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A gradient of 2% may be used in the procedure construction if the necessary

survey and safeguarding can be provided with the approval of the appropriate


Atlantic Flight Training

Gradients of 3, 4 or 5% may be used for aircraft whose climb performance

permits an operational advantage to be thus obtained

If a gradient other than a 2.5% gradient is used this is indicated on the instrument approach
chart. In addition to the OCA/H for the specific gradient used the OCA/H applicable to the
nominal gradient will also be shown.
A missed approach procedure which is based on the nominal climb gradient of 2.5% cannot
be used by all aeroplanes when operating at or near maximum certificated gross mass and
engine out conditions. The operation of these aeroplanes needs special consideration at
aerodromes where there are critical obstacles on the missed approach area. These obstacles
may result in a special procedure being established with a possible increase in the DA/H or
Initial Phase
The initial phase begins at the MAPt and ends at the point where the climb is established. The
pilot establishes the climb and changes in aircraft configuration. Guidance equipment is not
normally fully utilized during these manoeuvres and therefore no turns are specified in this
Intermediate Phase
The intermediate phase is the phase within which the climb is continued, normally straight
ahead. It extends to the first point where 50 m (164 ft) obstacle clearance is obtained and can
be maintained. The intermediate missed approach track may be changed by a maximum of
15 from that of the initial missed approach phase. During this phase, it is assumed that the
aircraft will begin track corrections.
Final Phase
The final phase begins at the point where 50 m (164 ft) obstacle clearance is first obtained
and can be maintained. It extends to the point where:

A new approach is initiated

Holding occurs, or

En-route flight is initiated

Turns may be prescribed during this phase.

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Turning Missed Approach

Turns in a missed approach procedure are only prescribed where terrain and other factors
make a turn necessary. When turns greater than 15 are required in a missed approach
procedure, they are not allowed until at least 50 m (164 ft) of vertical clearance above
obstacles has been ensured. If a turn from the final approach track is made, a specially
constructed turning missed approach area is specified. The turning point is specified in one of
two ways:
At a designated facility or fix The turn is made upon arrival overhead the facility or
fix, or
At a designated altitude
The turn is made upon reaching the designated
altitude unless an additional fix or distance is specified to limit early turns
The protected airspace for turns is based upon aeroplane speed. Where operationally
required to avoid obstacles, the lAS as slow as for the intermediate missed approach may be
used provided the approach chart is annotated.

Missed approach turn limited to .... kt lAS maximum

In addition, where an obstacle is located early in the missed approach procedure, the
instrument approach chart will be annotated

Missed approach turn as soon as operationally practicable to heading

The dimensions of the turning missed approach area will be affected by the following:

Width of missed approach area at the turning point

Aircraft speed

Number of degrees of track change

Wind velocity, and

Time to establish average achieved bank angle

The turning missed approach area is based on the following assumed conditions:
Bank Angle

15 average achieved


Different for each category


Where statistical data are available, a maximum 95%

probability on omni-directional basis is used. Where
no data are available, omni-directional wind of 56
km/h (30 kt) is used

Pilot Reaction Time

0 to 3 seconds

Bank Establishment Time

0 to + 3 seconds

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As with any turning manoeuvre, speed is a controlling factor in determining the aircraft track
during the turn. The outer boundary of the turning area is based on the highest speed of
category for which the procedure is authorized. The inner boundary caters for the slowest
aircraft, which is expected to have an lAS of at least 185 km/h (100 kt) prior to reaching the
turning point
Turning Points
All turning points are buffered by fix tolerance areas.
Visual Manoeuvring (Circling) in the Vicinity of the Aerodrome
Visual manoeuvring (circling) is the term used to describe the visual phase of flight after
completing an instrument approach, to bring an aircraft into position for landing on a runway
which is not suitably located for a straight in approach.
The Visual Manoeuvring (Circling) Area
The visual manoeuvring area for a circling approach is determined by drawing arcs centred
on each runway threshold and joining those arcs with tangent lines.
The radius of the arcs is related to:

Aircraft category

Speed for each category

Wind speed, 46 km/h (25 kt) throughout the turn, and

Bank angle, 20 average or 3 per second, whichever requires less bank

Visual Manoeuvring (Circling) Area Not Considered for Obstacle Clearance

It is permissible to eliminate from consideration a particular sector where a prominent
obstacle exists in the visual manoeuvring (circling) area outside the final approach and
missed approach area. The dimensions of the instrument approach surfaces bound this
sector, within the circling area. When this option is exercised, the published procedure
prohibits circling within the total sector in which the obstacle exists.
Obstacle Clearance
When the visual manoeuvring (circling) area has been established the OCA/H is determined
for each category of aircraft.

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Minimum Descent Altitude/Height

When additional margin is added to the OCA/H for operational considerations a MDA/H is
specified. Descent below MDA/H should not be made until:

Visual reference has been established and can be maintained

The pilot has the landing threshold in sight, and

The required obstacle clearance can be maintained and the aircraft is in a

position to carry out a landing

Visual Flight Manoeuvre

A circling approach is a visual flight manoeuvre. Each circling situation is different because of
variables such as:

Runway layout

Final approach track

Wind velocity, and

Meteorological conditions

There is no single procedure that caters for conducting a circling approach in every situation.
After initial visual contact, the basic assumption is that the runway environment:

The runway threshold, or

Approach lighting aids, or

Other markings identifiable with the runway

should be kept in sight while at MDA/H for circling.

Missed Approach While Circling
If visual reference is lost while circling to land from an instrument approach, the missed
approach must be followed. It is expected that the pilot will make an initial climbing turn
toward the landing runway and overhead the aerodrome. Then, the pilot will establish the
aircraft climbing on the missed approach track. Because the circling manoeuvre may be
accomplished in more than one direction, different patterns will be required to establish the
aircraft on the prescribed missed approach course depending on its position at the time visual
reference is lost.
Area Navigation (RNAV) Approach Procedures Based On VOR/DME
RNAV approach procedures based on VOR/DME are assumed to be based on one reference
facility composed of a VOR and co-located DME.

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Aircraft equipped with RNAV systems which have been approved by the State of the Operator
for an appropriate level of RNAV operations may use these systems to carry out VOR/DME
RNAV approaches may be carried out, providing that before conducting any flight it is
ensured that:

The RNAV equipment is serviceable

The pilot has a current knowledge of how to operate the equipment so as to

achieve the optimum level of navigation accuracy

The published VOR/DME facility upon which the procedure is based is


The accuracy and limitations of RNAV systems are those of a computer employed to convert
navigational data inputs into:

Aircraft position

To calculate track and distance, and

To provide steering guidance to the next waypoint

A disadvantage of this system is that the waypoint and, in some cases, data contained in the
navigational database, have been calculated and promulgated by States and inserted by the
operator or crew. However, the computer cannot identify data input errors. Furthermore, while
the computer is designed so that the calculation errors are minimal and do not affect the
accuracy of the output significantly, the actual computed position will contain any errors
introduced into the navigational data base.
The aid used in the construction of the procedure is the reference VOR/DME indicated on the
approach plate. The passage of the stipulated fixes shall be verified by means of the
reference facility.
The pilot shall not commence a VOR/DME RNAV approach if either the VOR or DME
component of the reference facility is unserviceable.
The factors on which the navigational accuracy of the VOR/DME RNAV depends are:

Ground station tolerance

Airborne receiving system tolerance

Flying technical tolerance

System computation tolerance

Distance from reference facility

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Fixes used in the procedure are indicated as waypoints. These waypoints are referred to by
alpha-numeric indicators and their positions are specified in latitude and longitude (degrees,
minutes and seconds with an accuracy to the nearest second of arc or equivalent) A radial
and DME distance (to an accuracy of 0.18 km (0.1 nm)) from the reference facility are also

The final approach segment is generally aligned with the runway.

When the procedure requires a track reversal, a racetrack pattern may be


A runway threshold waypoint is provided.

The VOR/DME RNAV approach procedure is a non-precision approach.

The minimum obstacle clearance in the primary area of the final approach
segment is 75 m (246 ft).

Use of FMS/RNAV Equipment to Follow Conventional Non-Precision Approach

When FMS/RNAV equipment is available, it may be used when flying a conventional nonprecision approach procedure defined by the PANS-OPS, provided:

The procedure is monitored using the basic display normally associated with the
procedure, and

The tolerances for flight using raw data on the basic display are complied with

Lead radials are for use by non-RNAV equipped aircraft and are not intended to restrict the
use of turn anticipation by the FMS.
Simultaneous Operations on Parallel or Near Parallel Instrument Runways
Simultaneous operations on parallel or near parallel instrument runways in IMC are essential
in order to increase capacity at busy aerodromes. An aerodrome already having dual parallel
precision approach (ILS and/or MLS) runways can increase capacity if these runways are
safely operated simultaneously and independently under IMC. However various factors, such

Surface movement guidance and control

Environmental considerations

Land side/air side infrastructure

may negate the advantages to be gained from simultaneous operations.

There can be a variety of modes of operation associated with the use of parallel or near
parallel instrument runways.

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Simultaneous Parallel Instrument Approaches

Two basic modes of operation are possible:
Mode 1, Independent Parallel Approaches
Approaches which are made to
parallel runways where radar separation minima between aircraft using adjacent ILS
and/or MLS are not prescribed, and
Mode 2, Independent Parallel Approaches
Approaches which are made to
parallel runways where radar separation minima between aircraft using adjacent ILS
and/or MLS are prescribed
Simultaneous Instrument Departures
Mode 3, Independent Parallel Departures
Simultaneous departures for aircraft
departing in the same direction from parallel runways
Note: When the minimum distance between two parallel runway centre lines is
lower than the specified value dictated by wake turbulence considerations, the
parallel runways are considered as a single runway in regard to separation between
departing aircraft. A simultaneous dependent parallel departure mode of operation is
therefore not used.
Segregated Parallel Approaches/Departures
Mode 4, Segregated Parallel Operations
one runway is used for departures.

One runway is used for approaches;

Semi-Mixed and Mixed Operations

In the case of parallel approaches and departures there may be semi-mixed operations:
Scenario 1
One runway is used exclusively for departures, while
The other runway accepts a mixture of approaches and departures, or
Scenario 2
One runway is used exclusively for approaches, while
The other runway accepts a mixture of approaches and departures
There may also be mixed operations

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Scenario 3
Simultaneous parallel approaches, with
Departures interspersed on both runways.
Semi-mixed or mixed operations may be related to the four basic modes as follows:
Semi-mixed operations


One runway is used exclusively for

approaches while:
Approaches are being made to the other
runway, or

1 or 2

Departures are in progress on the other


One runway is used exclusively for

departures while:
Approaches are being made to the other
runway, or

Departures are in progress on the other


Mixed operations


All modes of operation are possible

1, 2, 3 or 4

Normal Operating Zone (NOZ)

Airspace of defined dimensions extending to either side of an ILS localizer course and/or MLS
final approach track centre line. Only the inner half of the NOZ is taken into account in
independent parallel approaches
No-Transgression Zone (NTZ)
In the context of independent parallel approaches, a corridor of air space of defined
dimensions located centrally between the two extended runway centre lines, where a
penetration by an aircraft requires a controller intervention to manoeuvre any threatened
aircraft on the adjacent approach

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Equipment Requirements
Normal IFR avionics including full ILS or MLS capability are required for conducting parallel
Vectoring to the ILS Localizer Course or MLS Final Approach Track
When simultaneous independent parallel approaches are in progress, the following apply:

All approaches regardless of weather conditions are radar monitored. Control

instructions and information necessary to ensure separation between aircraft and
to ensure aircraft do not enter the NTZ are issued. The ATC procedure will be to
vector arriving aircraft to one or the other of the parallel ILS localizer courses
and/or the MLS final approach tracks. When cleared for an ILS or MLS approach,
a procedure turn is not permitted

When vectoring to intercept the ILS localizer course or MLS final approach track,
the final vector is such as to enable the aircraft to intercept the ILS localizer
course or MLS final approach track at an angle not greater than 30 and to
provide at least 2 km (1 nm) straight and level flight prior to ILS localizer course
or MLS final approach track intercept. This vector enables the aircraft to be
established on the ILS localizer course or MLS final approach track in level flight
for at least 3.7 km (2.0 nm) prior to intercepting the ILS glide path or specified
MLS elevation angle

Each pair of parallel approaches will have a high side and a low side for
vectoring, to provide vertical separation until aircraft are established inbound on

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their respective parallel ILS localizer course and/or MLS final approach track. The
low side altitude will normally be such that the aircraft will be established on the
ILS localizer course or MLS final approach track well before ILS glidepath or
specified MLS elevation angle interception. The high side altitude will be 300 m
(1000 ft) above the low side

When assigning the final heading to intercept the ILS localizer course or MLS
final approach track, the aircraft shall be advised of:

Its position relative to a fix on the ILS localizer course or MLS final approach

The altitude to be maintained until established on the ILS localizer course or

MLS final approach track to the ILS glide path or specified MLS elevation
angle intercept point, and

If required, clearance for the appropriate ILS or MLS approach

The main objective is that both aircraft be established on the ILS localizer course
or MLS final approach track before the 300 m (1000 ft) vertical separation is

If an aircraft is observed to overshoot the ILS localizer course or MLS final

approach track during turn to final, the aircraft will be instructed to return
immediately to the correct track. Pilots are not required to acknowledge these
transmissions or subsequent instructions while on final approach unless
requested to do so

Once the 300 m (1000 ft) vertical separation is reduced, the radar controller
monitoring the approach will issue control instructions if the aircraft deviates
substantially from the ILS localizer course or MLS final approach track. If the
aircraft fails to take corrective action and penetrates the NTZ, the aircraft on the
adjacent ILS localizer course or MLS final approach track will be issued
appropriate control instructions

Track Divergence
Simultaneous parallel operations require diverging tracks for missed approach procedures
and departures. When turns are prescribed to establish divergence, pilots shall commence
the turns as soon as practicable.

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Intentionally Left Blank

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Chapter 20.
Holding Procedures
Procedures For Air Navigation Services, Aircraft Operations (Doc 8168OPS/611, Volume 1), Volume I - Flight Procedures
In-flight Procedures
Note: Deviations from the in-flight procedures incur the risk of excursions beyond
the perimeters of holding areas established in accordance with the procedures
detailed below
Note: The procedures described in this chapter are related to right turn holding
patterns, for left turn holding patterns the corresponding entry and holding procedures
are symmetrical with respect to the inbound holding track
Shape and Terminology Associated With Holding Pattern
The shape and terminology associated with the holding pattern are shown below.

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Speeds, Rates of Turn, Timing, Distance and Limiting Radial

Holding patterns are entered and flown at or below the following indicated airspeeds given in
the table below:
Holding Speeds

Normal Conditions

Turbulence Conditions

Up to 4250 m (14 000 ft)


425 km/h (230 kt)2

520 km/h (280 kt)3

315 km/h (170 kt)4

315 km/h (170 kt)4

Above 4250 m (14 000 ft) to

6100m (20 000 ft) inclusive

445 km/h (240 kt)5

520 km/h (280 kt)

Above 6100 m (20 000 ft) to

10 350 m (34 000 ft) inclusive

490 km/h (265 kt)5

or 0.8 M whichever is less3

520 km/h (280 kt)
or 0.8 M whichever is less3

Above 10350m (34000ft)

0.83 M

0.83 M

The levels tabulated represent altitudes or corresponding flight levels depending upon
the altimeter setting in use
When the holding procedure is followed by the initial segment of an instrument
approach procedure promulgated at a speed higher than 425 km/h, (230 kt), the holding
should also be promulgated at this higher speed wherever possible
The speed of 520 km/h, (280 kt) (0.8M) reserved for turbulence conditions shall be
used for holding only after prior clearance with ATC, unless the relevant publications indicate
that the holding area can accommodate aircraft flight at these high holding speeds

For holdings limited to CAT A and B aircraft only

Wherever possible, 520 Km/h (280 kt) should be used for holding procedures
associated with airway route structures

All turns are to be made at a bank angle of 25 or at a rate of 3 (rate 1) per second, which
ever is the lesser.
All procedures depict tracks and pilots should attempt to maintain the track by making
allowance for known wind by applying corrections both to heading and timing during entry and
while flying in the holding pattern.
Outbound timing begins over or abeam the fix whichever occurs later. If the abeam position
cannot be determined, the timing is started when the turn into the outbound leg is completed.

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If the outbound leg length is based upon a DME distance the outbound leg terminates as
soon as the limiting DME distance is attained.
In the case of holding away from the station where the distance from the holding fix to the
VOR/DME station is short a limiting radial may be specified. If the limiting radial is
encountered first, this radial should be followed until a turn inbound is initiated or at latest
where the limiting DME distance is reached.
If for any reason a pilot is unable to conform to the procedures for normal conditions laid
down for any particular holding pattern, ATC should be advised as early as possible.
Aircraft equipped with RNAV systems which have been approved by the State of the Operator
for the appropriate level of RNAV operations may use these systems to carry out VOR/DME
RNAV holding, provided that before conducting any flight:

The aircraft is fitted with serviceable RNAV equipment

The pilot has current knowledge of how to operate the equipment so as to

achieve the optimum level of navigational accuracy, and

The published VOR/DME facility upon which the procedure is based is


Conventional holding patterns may be flown with the assistance of a RNAV system. In this
case the RNAV system has no other function than to provide guidance for the autopilot or
flight director. The pilot remains responsible for ensuring that the aircraft complies with the
speed, bank angle, timing and distance assumptions.
Some RNAV systems can fly non-RNAV holding patterns without strict compliance with the
PANS-OPS, Volume H assumptions. Before these systems are used operationally, they must
have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the appropriate authority, that their commands will
contain the aircraft within the basic holding area defined by PANS-OPS. The pilot shall verify
overflight of the stipulated fixes by means of the reference facility.
RNAV holding may be conducted in a specifically designed holding pattern. These patterns
utilize the criteria and flight procedures assumptions of conventional holding with orientations
that may be referenced either by an overhead position or by radial and distance from a
VOR/DME facility. These holding patterns assume:

That automatic radio navigation updating is utilized so that all authorized aircraft
during the entry manoeuvre achieve the navigation tolerance assumed by the
procedure designer and while in the holding pattern.

That the pilot is provided with tracking information in a suitable form such as HSI
and/or EFIS presentation or cross track data, and

That the pilot confirms the holding way-points by cross-reference to the published
VOR/DME fixes

RNAV holding procedures may be constructed using one or two waypoints. Area holding may
also be provided. Area holding is specified by an area holding waypoint and an associated
radius. The value of this radius is always such that the pilot may select any inbound track to

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the fix and join and follow a standard left or right holding pattern based on the fix and selected
track. Alternatively any other pattern may be flown which will remain within the specified area.
The waypoints for VOR/DME RNAV holding are defined by radio navigation fixes that
determine the maximum accuracy required to fly the procedure.

Track Reversal
Track reversals are a procedural method of turning from the outbound to the inbound. The
reversals are either carried out by:

A procedure turn, or

A base turn

1. Procedure Turns
Procedure turns start at a facility. Two turns are recognised:

Initially a straight leg using track guidance is flown. This can be

timed or DME limited. The aircraft then makes a 45 turn. A
straight leg with no track guidance is then flown. This leg is timed
as below:
Category A and B Aircraft

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1 minutes

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Category C, D and E Aircraft

75 seconds

A 180 turn is then made in the opposite direction to intercept the

inbound track at a converging angle.

Initially a straight leg using track guidance as for the 45/180

procedure is flown. The aircraft then makes an 80 turn. A 260
turn in the opposite direction is then made to align the aircraft on
the inbound track.

2. Base Turn
A specific outbound track is used with track guidance given:


By using timing, or

Using DME range.

This is then followed by a turn to intercept the inbound track.

The entry into the holding pattern is according to heading in relation to the three entry sectors
shown below recognizing a zone of flexibility of 5 either side of the sector boundaries.




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For holding on a VOR intersection, the entry track is limited to the radials forming the
intersection. For holding on a VOR/DME fix, the entry track is limited to either the VOR radial,
DME arc, or alternatively along the entry radial to a VOR/DME fix at the end of the outbound
leg as published.
Sector 1 Procedure (Parallel Entry)

Having reached the fix, the aircraft is turned left onto an outbound heading,
reciprocal to the inbound track for the appropriate period of time

The aircraft is then turned left onto the holding side to intercept the inbound track
or to return to the fix.

On second arrival over the holding fix, the aircraft is turned right to follow the
holding pattern

Sector 2 Procedure (Offset Entry)

Having reached the fix, the aircraft is turned onto a heading to make good a track
making an angle of 30 from the reciprocal of the inbound track on the holding

The aircraft will fly outbound

For the appropriate period of time, where timing is specified, or

Until the appropriate limiting DME distance is attained, where distance is

specified, or

Where a limiting radial is also specified, either until the limiting DME distance is
attained or until the limiting radial is encountered, whichever occurs first

The aircraft is turned right to intercept the inbound holding track, then

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On second arrival over the holding fix, the aircraft is turned right to follow the
holding pattern

Sector 3 Procedures (Direct Entry)

Having reached the fix, the aircraft is turned right to follow the holding pattern
DME Arc Entry
Having reached the fix the aircraft enters the holding pattern in accordance with either Sector
1, or Sector 3, entry procedures.
Construction of Entry Areas
Arrival to a VOR/DME holding pattern may be:

Along the axis of the inbound track

Along a published track

By radar vectoring, when aircraft must be established on prescribed protected

flight paths

The entry point may be either:

The holding fix, or

The fix at the end of the outbound leg

In the first case, arrival at the entry point is generally effected using:

The VOR radial for the inbound leg

The DME arc defining the holding fix

In the second case, arrival at the entry point is generally effected using:

The VOR radial passing through the fix at the end of the outbound leg

It is also possible to make use of guidance from another radio facility eg NDB, in which case,
protection of the entry should be the subject of a special study based on general criteria
The radius of a DME arc used as guidance for arrival at a VOR/DME holding should not be
less than 18.5 km (10 nm)

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Method of Arrival at a VOR/DME Holding and the Corresponding Entry Procedures

Where the entry point is a holding fix:
Arrival on the VOR radial for the inbound leg, on the same heading as the
inbound track (See A) The arrival path (or last segment) is aligned with the inbound
track and follows the same heading. The entry consists of the holding pattern A.
Arrival on the VOR radial for the inbound leg, on a heading reciprocal to the
inbound track (See B) On arrival over the holding fix, the aircraft turns onto the
holding side on a track making an angle of 30 with the reciprocal of the inbound
track, until reaching the DME outbound limiting distance, at which point it turns to
intercept the inbound track. In the case of a VOR/DME holding entry away from the
facility with a limiting radial, if the aircraft encounters the radial ahead of the DME
distance, it must turn and follow it until reaching the DME outbound limiting distance,
at which point it turns to join the inbound track.
Arrival on the DME arc defining the holding fix, from the non-holding side (See
On arrival over the holding fix, the aircraft turns and follows a track parallel to
and on the same heading as the outbound track, until reaching the DME outbound
limiting distance, at which point it turns to intercept the inbound track.
Arrival on the DME arc defining the holding fix, from the holding side (See D)An
arrival track leading to this type of entry should not be specified if possible,
particularly in the case of a VOR/DME holding procedure away from the facility. If an
appropriate DME distance is chosen, this type of arrival can actually be replaced by
one on a DME arc terminating in the extension of the inbound track.
However, space problems may preclude this solution. Criteria are therefore provided for an
arrival on the DME arc defining the holding fix, coming from the holding side:
(See E) On arrival over the holding fix, the aircraft turns and follows a track parallel
and reciprocal to the inbound track, until reaching the DME limiting outbound
distance, at which point it turns to intercept the inbound track.
(See F and G) Where the entry point is the fix at the end of the outbound leg, arrival
(or last segment) is effected along the VOR radial passing through the outbound fix.
On arrival over the fix at the end of the outbound leg, the aircraft turns and follows the
holding pattern.

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24 October 2003

Time/Distance Outbound
The still air time for outbound entry heading should not exceed:

1 minute if at or below 4250 m (14 000 ft), or

1 minutes if above 4250 m (14 000 ft)

Where DME is available, the length of the outbound leg may be specified in terms
of distance instead of time

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RNAV Holding Entries

Except where it is published that specific entries are required, entries into a one way-point
RNAV holding are the same as for conventional holding.
Note: Future RNAV systems able to enter into a one way-point RNAV holding
without overflying the holding point may use specific holding patterns based on this
assumption. They may also use conventional or RNAV holding described above
Sectors for entry into an RNAV two way-point holding procedure are separated by the line
which passes through the two way points. Entries from either sector shall be made through
the associated waypoint. After passing the waypoint, the aircraft shall turn to follow the
For area holding, any entry procedure that is contained within the given area is permissible.
Still Air Condition
Having entered the holding pattern, on the second and subsequent arrivals over the fix the
aircraft is turned to fly an outbound track which will most appropriately position the aircraft for
the turn onto the inbound track.
Continue outbound:

For 1 minute if at or below 4250 m (14 000 ft), or

1 minutes if above 4250 m (14 000 ft), where timing is specified, or

Until the appropriate limiting DME distance is attained, where the distance is
specified, then

Turn so to realign the aircraft on the inbound track.

Corrections for Wind Effect

Allowance should be made in both heading and timing to compensate for the effects of wind
to ensure the inbound track is regained before passing the holding fix inbound. In making
these corrections full use should be made of the indications available from the aid and
estimated or known wind. The limiting DME distance always terminates the outbound leg.
Where a limiting radial is also published and this radial is encountered first, this radial shall be
followed until a turn inbound is initiated, at latest where the limiting DME distance is attained.

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Departing the Pattern

When clearance is received specifying the time of departure from the holding point, the pilot
should adjust the pattern within the limits of the established holding procedure in order to
leave the holding point at the time specified.
When RNAV equipment is used for non-RNAV holding procedures, the pilot shall verify
positional accuracy at the holding fix on each passage of the fix.
To ensure that aircraft remain in the protected holding areas, pilots use established error
check procedures to reduce operating errors, data errors or equipment malfunction.
Pilots ensure that speeds used to fly the RNAV holding procedures comply with those in the
table shown earlier.
Obstacle Clearance
Holding Area
The holding area includes:
The Basic Holding Area
The basic holding area at any particular level is the
airspace required at that level to encompass a holding pattern based on the
allowances for aircraft speed, wind effect, timing errors, holding fix characteristics etc
The Entry Area
The entry area includes the airspace required to
accommodate the specified entry procedures
Buffer Area
The Buffer Area is the area extending 9.3 km (5 nm) beyond the boundary of the holding area
where the height and nature of obstacles are taken into consideration when determining the
minimum holding level usable in the holding pattern associated with the holding area.
Minimum Holding Level
The minimum permissible holding level provides a clearance of at least:

300 m (984 ft) above obstacles in the holding area

A value above obstacles in the buffer area

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The minimum holding altitude to be published shall be rounded up to the nearest 50 m or 100
ft as appropriate.
Over high terrain or in mountainous areas obstacle clearance up to a total of 600 m (1969 ft)
is provided to negate the possible effects of turbulence, down draughts and other
meteorological phenomena on the performance of altimeters.

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24 October 2003

Chapter 21.
Area Control Service
Procedures For Air Navigation Services, Aircraft Operations (Doc 8168OPS/611, Volume 1), Volume I - Flight Procedures
Position Reporting
Transmission of Position Reports
On routes defined by a designated point, a position report is made when over, or as soon as
possible after passing, a compulsory reporting point. Additional reports over any other points
may be requested by the appropriate ATS unit or requested for ATS purposes.
On routes not defined by designated significant points, position reports are made as soon as
possible after the first 30 minutes of flight and at 60 minute intervals thereafter. Additional
reports at shorter intervals of time can be requested by the appropriate ATS. Flights may be
exempted from the requirement to make position reports at a designated compulsory
reporting point or interval. Any position reports required are made to the ATS unit serving the
airspace in which the aircraft is operating.
Contents of Position Reports
The position report contains the following elements:

Aircraft identification



Flight level or altitude

Next position and time over

Ensuing significant point

The last three elements may be omitted when regional air navigation agreements are in force.
Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS)
Position reports are made automatically to the ATSU serving the airspace in which the aircraft
is operating. The requirements for the transmission and contents of ADS reports are
established by the controlling ATC unit on the basis of current operational conditions, and
communicated to the aircraft and acknowledged through an ADS agreement.

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Air Traffic Incident Report (ATIR)

An ATIR should be submitted for incidents specifically related to the provision of ATS
involving such occurrences as aircraft proximity (AIRPROX) or other serious difficulty
resulting in a hazard to aircraft. Procedures are established for the reporting of AIRPROX
incidents and their investigation to promote the safety of aircraft. The degree of risk involved
in an AIRPROX should be determined in the incident investigation and classified as:

Risk of collision

Safety not assured

No risk of collision

Risk not determined

When an accident/incident investigative authority conducts an investigation of an AIRPROX

incident, ATS aspects should be included.
Provision in Regard to Aircraft Equipped With Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems
The procedures to be applied for the provision of ATS to aircraft equipped with ACAS are
identical to those applicable to non-ACAS equipped aircraft. In particular:

The prevention of collisions

The establishment of appropriate separation and the information which might be

provided in relation to conflicting traffic, and

That possible avoiding action shall conform with the normal ATS procedures and
shall exclude consideration of aircraft capabilities dependent on ACAS

When a pilot reports a manoeuvre because of an ACAS resolution advisory, the controller will
not attempt to modify the aircraft flight path until the pilot reports that the aircraft is returning to
the current ATC instruction or clearance. Traffic information is provided during the
General Provisions for Separation
Vertical or horizontal separation is provided between:

All flights in Class A and B airspace

IFR flights in Class C, D and E airspace

IFR flights and VFR flights in Class C airspace

IFR flights and SVFR flights

SVFR flights, when so prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority

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For the first 3 cases above, during the hours of daylight, flights can be cleared to climb or
descend subject to maintaining their own separation and remaining in VMC. No clearance is
given that would reduce the spacing between two aircraft to less than the separation minimum
applicable in the circumstances.
Greater separations than the specified minima are applied whenever wake turbulence or
other exceptional circumstances such as unlawful interference call for extra provisions.
Where the separation or minimum used to separate two aircraft cannot be maintained, action
is taken to ensure that another minimum exists or is established prior to the time when the
previously used separation would be insufficient.
Vertical Separation
Vertical Separation Application
Vertical separation is obtained by requiring aircraft to use prescribed altimeter setting
procedures to operate at different levels expressed in terms of flight levels or altitudes.
Vertical Separation Minimum
The vertical separation minimum shall be:

Within designated airspace, subject to regional air navigation agreement, a

nominal 300 m (1000 ft) below FL 410 or a higher level where so prescribed for
use under special conditions, and a nominal 600 m (2000 ft) at or above this
level, and

Within other airspace, a nominal 300 m (1000 ft) below FL 290 and a nominal
600 m (2000 ft) at or above this level.

Minimum Cruising Level

Except where authorized by the appropriate authority, cruising levels below a minimum flight
altitude established by a State shall not be assigned. Area control centres shall determine the
lowest usable flight level or levels for the whole or parts of the CTA for which they are
Assignment of Cruising Levels
Except when traffic conditions and co-ordination procedures permit authorization of cruise
climb, an area control centre normally authorizes only one cruising level for an aircraft beyond
its CTA. Normally the cruising level at which the aircraft will enter the next CTA. Aircraft are
advised to request changes en-route to any subsequent cruising level desired.
If it is necessary to adjust the cruising level of an aircraft operating along an established ATS
route extending partly within and partly outside CAS and where cruising levels are not

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identical, adjustment shall, whenever possible, be effected within CAS and over a radio
navigation aid.
When an aircraft has been cleared into a CTA at a cruising level which is below the
established minimum cruising level for a subsequent portion of a route, action is initiated by
the area control centre to ensure a revised clearance to the aircraft is given even though the
pilot has not requested the change.
Where necessary, an aircraft may be cleared to change cruising level at a specified time,
place or rate.
Cruising levels of aircraft flying to the same destination are assigned so that they are correct
for the approach sequence at the destination.
An aircraft at a cruising level normally has priority over other aircraft that request that cruising
level. When two or more aircraft are at the same cruising level, the lead aircraft shall normally
have priority.
An aircraft may be assigned a level previously occupied by another aircraft once the latter has
reported that it is vacating. However, if severe turbulence is known to exist the clearance is
delayed until the aircraft vacating the level has reported at another level separated by the
required minimum.
The cruising levels, or, in the case of a cruise climb, the range of levels, assigned to a
controlled flight is selected from those allocated to IFR flights. Except where published by the
appropriate authority.
Vertical Separation During Ascent or Descent
Pilots in direct communication with each other may be cleared to maintain a specified vertical
separation between their aircraft during ascent or descent.
Lateral Separation
Lateral separation is applied so that the distance between aircraft that are to be laterally
separated is never less than an established distance taking into account navigational
inaccuracies plus a specified buffer. This buffer is determined by the appropriate authority and
is included in the lateral separation minima.
Lateral separation of aircraft at the same level is obtained by:

Requiring operation on different routes, or

In different geographical locations as determined by visual observation, or

By use of navigation aids or by use of area navigation equipment.

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Lateral Separation Criteria and Minima

The means by which lateral separation may be achieved include the following
Geographical Separation
The aircraft reports over different a geographical location determined visually or by reference
to a navigation aid.

Track Separation Between Aircraft Using the Same Navigation Aid or Method
Aircraft fly on specified tracks which are separated by a minimum amount appropriate to the
navigation aid or method employed:
At least 15 and at a distance of 28 km (15 nm) or more from the facility
28 km (15 NM)

28 km (15 NM)

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At least 30 and at a distance of 28 km (15 nm) or more from the facility.

28 km(15 NM)


28 km(15 NM)

Dead Reckoning (DR)

Tracks diverging by at least 45 and at a distance of 28 km (15 nm) or more from the point of
intersection of the tracks, this point being determined either visually or by reference to a
navigation aid.

28 km (15 NM)


When aircraft are operating on tracks which are separated by considerably more than these
minima, States may reduce the distance at which the lateral separation is achieved.

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Track Separation Between Aircraft Transitioning Into Airspace Over the High Seas
Aircraft fly on specific tracks which are separated by at least 15 and at a distance of 28 km
(15 nm) or more from the same VOR providing that:

The aircraft tracks continue to diverge by at least 15 until the appropriate lateral
separation minimum is established in airspace over the high seas, and

It is possible to ensure, by means approved by the appropriate ATS authority,

that the aircraft have the navigation capability necessary to ensure accurate track

Track Separation Between Aircraft Using Different Navigation Aids or Methods

Track separation between aircraft using different navigation aids and RNAV equipment may
be achieved by requiring aircraft to fly on a specified track which is determined by taking into
account the navigational accuracy of the navigation aid and RNAV equipment:

Used by each aircraft

Where the protection areas established for each track do not overlap

The navigational accuracy for the various navigation aids and RNAV equipment are
established by the appropriate ATS authority.
Longitudinal Separation
Longitudinal separation is applied so that the spacing between the estimated positions of the
aircraft being separated is never less than the prescribed minimum. Longitudinal separation
between aircraft following the same or diverging tracks may be maintained by the application
of the Mach No technique.
Longitudinal separation shall be established by requiring aircraft:

To depart at a specified time

To lose time

To arrive over a geographical location at a specified time, or

To hold over a geographic location until a specified time

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Longitudinal Separation Minima Based on Time

Aircraft at the Same Cruising Level
Aircraft Flying on the Same Track
15 minutes

15 MIN

10 minutes, if navigation aids permit frequent determination of position and speed


10 MIN

5 minutes in the following cases, providing that in each case the lead aircraft is
maintaining a TAS of 37 km/h (20 kt) or more faster than the aircraft following

Between aircraft that have departed from the same aerodrome

Between en-route aircraft that have reported over the same exact
reporting point
Between departing aircraft and en-route aircraft after the en-route
aircraft has reported over a fix that is so located in relation to the
departure point as to ensure that 5 minute separation can be established
at the point the departing aircraft will join the air route


37 KM/H (20 KT)



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3 minutes in the cases listed below provided that in each case the lead aircraft is
maintaining a TAS of 74 km/h (40 kt) or more faster than the aircraft following.


74 KM/H (40

Aircraft Flying on Crossing Tracks

15 minutes

15 MIN

10 minutes if navigation aids permit frequent determination of position and speed

10 MIN

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Aircraft Climbing or Descending

Traffic on the Same Track
When an aircraft will pass through the level of another aircraft on the same track, the following
minimum longitudinal separation shall be provided:
15 minutes at the time the level is crossed
15 M IN
FL 260

FL 250
15 MIN

FL 240
15 MIN

or when descending,
1 5 M IN
FL 260

FL 250
1 5 M IN

FL 240
1 5 M IN

10 minutes at the time the level is crossed, provided that separation is authorized
only where navigation aids permit frequent determination of position and speed
10 M IN
FL 260

FL 250
10 M IN

FL 240
10 M IN


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or when descending,
10 MIN
FL 260

FL 250
10 MIN

FL 240
10 MIN


5 minutes at the time the level is crossed, provided that the level change is
commenced within 10 minutes of the time the second aircraft has reported over an
exact reporting point
5 M IN
FL 260

FL 250

5 M IN
1 0 M IN

F L 2 40
5 M IN


or when descending,
FL 260

10 MIN

FL 250



FL 240


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Traffic on Crossing Tracks

15 minutes at the time the levels are crossed
15 M IN
FL 260

FL 250
15 M IN

FL 240
15 M IN

or when descending,
15 M IN
FL 260

FL 250
15 M IN

15 M IN

FL 240

10 minutes, if navigation aids permit frequent determination of position and speed

10 MIN
FL 260

FL 250
10 MIN

FL 240

10 MIN

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or when descending,
10 MIN
FL 260

FL 250
10 MIN

FL 240
10 MIN

Traffic on Reciprocal Tracks

Where lateral separation is not provided, vertical separation is provided for at least 10
minutes prior to and after the time the aircraft are estimated to pass, or are estimated to have
passed. If it has been determined that the aircraft have passed each other, this minimum
need not apply.

10 MIN
10 MIN

Longitudinal Separation Minima Based on Distance Using DME

Separation shall be established by maintaining not less than the specified distance(s)
between aircraft positions as reported by reference to DME in conjunction with other
appropriate navigation aids. Direct controller-pilot communications shall be maintained while
such separation is used.

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Aircraft at the Same Cruising Level

Aircraft on the Same Track
37 km (20 nm) provided:

Each aircraft utilizes "on-track" DME stations, and

Separation is checked by obtaining simultaneous DME readings from

the aircraft at frequent intervals to ensure that the minimum will not be

37 KM (20 NM)

19 km (10 nm) provided:

The lead aircraft maintains a TAS of 37 km/h (20 kt) or more faster
than the aircraft following

Each aircraft utilizes "on-track" DME stations, and

Separation is checked by obtaining simultaneous DME readings from

the aircraft at intervals as necessary to ensure that the minimum
established and will not be infringed

37 KM/H (20 KT)

19 KM
(10 NM)

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Aircraft on Crossing Tracks

The separation for aircraft on the same track applies provided that each aircraft reports
distance from the station located at the crossing point of the tracks.


37 0 N

37 KM/H (20 KT)


KM )
19 0 NM

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Aircraft Climbing or Descending on the Same Track

19 km (10 nm) at the time the level is crossed provided:

Each aircraft utilizes "on-track" DME stations

One aircraft maintains a level while vertical separation does not exist, and

Separation is established by obtaining simultaneous DME readings from the

19 KM
1 0 NM

FL 260

FL 250

19 KM
1 0 NM

FL 240

1 9 KM
1 0 NM

or when descending,
19 KM
10 NM

FL 260

19 KM
10 NM

19 KM
10 NM

FL 250

FL 240


Aircraft on Reciprocal Tracks

Aircraft utilizing on-track DME may be cleared to climb or descend to or through the levels
occupied by other aircraft utilizing on-track DME provided that it is positively established that
the aircraft have passed each other and are at least 10 nm apart or any other value as
prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority.

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Longitudinal Separation Minima Based on Distance Using RNAV

Separation is established by maintaining not less than the specified distance between aircraft
positions as reported by reference to RNAV equipment. Direct controller-pilot communication
should be maintained, while such separation is used. To assist pilots providing the required
RNAV distance information, position reports should be referenced to a common way-point
ahead of both aircraft.
RNAV distance based separation may be applied between RNAV equipped aircraft when
operating on designated RNAV routes or on ATS routes defined by VOR.
150 km (80 nm) RNAV distance based separation minimum may be used on same direction
tracks in lieu of a 10 minute longitudinal separation minimum. When applying this separation
minimum between aircraft on same direction track, the Mach number technique (MNT) shall
be applied. Lead aircraft maintain a Mach number equal to or greater than that maintained by
the following aircraft.
Turbo-jet aircraft adhere to the Mach number approved by ATC and request ATC approval
before making any changes. If it is essential to make an immediate temporary change in the
Mach number eg due to turbulence, ATC have to be notified as soon as possible that a
change has been made.
If it is not feasible, due to aircraft performance to maintain the last assigned Mach number
during en-route climbs and descents, pilots of the aircraft concerned advise ATC at the time
of the climb or descent request.
RNAV distance based separation minima shall not be applied after ATC has received pilot
advice indicating navigation equipment deterioration or failure.
Aircraft at the Same Cruising Level
Aircraft on the Same Track

1 50 k m

80 N M

A 150 km (80 nm) RNAV distance based separation minimum may be used provided:

Each aircraft reports its distance to or from the same "on-track" way point, and

Separation is checked by obtaining simultaneous RNAV distance readings from

the aircraft at frequent intervals to ensure that the minimum will not be infringed.

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Aircraft Climbing or Descending on the Same Track

A 150 km (80 nm) RNAV distance based separation minimum may be used at the time the
level is crossed, provided:

Each aircraft reports its distance to or from the same "on-track" way point

One aircraft maintains a level while vertical separation does not exist, and

Separation is established by obtaining simultaneous RNAV distance readings

from the aircraft

150 KM
80 NM

FL 260

FL 250

150 KM
80 NM

FL 240

150 KM
80 NM

or when descending,
150 K M

F L 2 60

8 0 NM

FL 25 0
1 50 KM
8 0 NM

150 K M

F L 24 0

8 0 NM

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Aircraft on Reciprocal Tracks

Aircraft utilizing RNAV may be cleared to climb or descend to or through the levels occupied
by other aircraft utilizing RNAV provided that it has been positively established by
simultaneous RNAV distance readings to or from the same "on-track" way-point that the
aircraft have passed each other by at least 150 km (80 nm)


150 km

80 NM


Reduction in Separation Minima

Separation minima detailed may be reduced in the following circumstances.
As determined by the appropriate ATS authority and after prior consultation with the aircraft
operators, as appropriate:

When special electronic or other aids enable the PIC of an aircraft to determine
accurately the aircraft's position and when adequate communication facilities
exists for that position to be transmitted without delay to the appropriate ATCU, or

When, in association with rapid and reliable communication facilities, radar

derived information of an aircraft's position is available to the appropriate ATCU,

When special electronic or other aids enable the air traffic controller to predict
rapidly and accurately the flight paths of aircraft and adequate facilities exist to
verify frequently the actual aircraft positions with the predicted positions, or

When RNAV equipped aircraft operate within the coverage of electronic aids that
provide the necessary updates to maintain navigation accuracy

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Intentionally Left Blank

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24 October 2003

Chapter 22.
Aerodrome Aeronautical Data and Markings

Annex 14 - Aerodromes

This Annex contains SARPs that detail:

The physical characteristics and obstacle limitation surfaces to be provided for at

aerodromes, and

Certain facilities and technical services normally provided at an aerodrome.

It is not intended that these specifications limit or regulate the operation of an aircraft.
Aerodrome Reference Code
An aerodrome reference code - code number and letter - which is selected for aerodrome
planning purposes shall be determined in accordance with the characteristics of the
aeroplane for which an aerodrome facility is intended.

The code number for element 1 shall be determined by selecting the code
number corresponding to the highest value for the aeroplane reference field
lengths of the aeroplanes for which the runway is intended

The code letter for element 2 shall be determined by selecting the code letter
which corresponds to the greatest wing span, or the greatest outer main gear
wheel span whichever gives the more demanding code letter of the aeroplanes
for which the facility is intended

Aerodrome Reference Code

Code Element 1

Code Element 2


Aeroplane Reference Field



Wing Span

Wheel Span

Less than 800 m

Up to but not including 15 m

Up to but not including

4.5 m

800 m up to but not including

1200 m

15 m up to but not including

24 m

4.5 m up to but not

including 6 m

1200 m up to but not including

1800 m

24 m up to but not including

36 m

6 m up to but not
including 9 m

1800 m and over

36 m up to but not including

52 m

9 m up to but not
including 14 m

52 m up to but not including

65 m

9 m up to but not
including 14 m


Distance between the outside edges of the main gear wheels

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For convenience the code letters and numbers are not used in the text of these notes. The
data within the table is given instead. However, the table is examined in the JAR Air Law
Aeronautical Data
Geographical Co-ordinates
Geographical co-ordinates indicating latitude and longitude shall be determined and reported
in terms of the World Geodetic System - 1984 (WGS-84)
Aerodrome Reference Point
An aerodrome reference point is established for an aerodrome. The aerodrome reference
point shall be located near the initial or planned centre of the aerodrome. The position is
measured and reported to the aeronautical information services in degrees, minutes and
Aerodrome and Runway Elevations
The aerodrome elevation is measured to the accuracy of m or foot. For an aerodrome used
by international civil aviation:

For non-precision approaches the accuracy shall be measured to m or foot

For precision approach runways the accuracy is measured to m or foot

Aerodrome Reference Temperature

An aerodrome reference temperature shall be determined for an aerodrome in degrees
Note: The aerodrome reference temperature should be the monthly mean of the
daily maximum temperatures/or the hottest month of the year (the hottest month
being that which has the highest monthly mean temperature). This temperature
should be averaged over a period of years
Aerodrome Dimensions and Related Information
The following data shall be measured or described as appropriate, for each facility provided at
an aerodrome:
True bearing to one-hundredth of a degree, designation number,
length, width, displaced threshold location to the nearest metre or foot, slope, surface
type, type of runway and, for a precision approach runway Category I, the existence
of an obstacle free zone when provided.

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Strip, Runway End Safety Area, Stopway

metre, surface type.

Length, width to the nearest foot or


Designation, width, surface type.


Surface type, aircraft stands


The boundaries of the Air Traffic Control Service


Length to the nearest metre or foot, ground profile

Visual Aids and Lighting

Visual aids for approach procedures, marking and
lighting of runways, taxiways and aprons, other visual guidance and control aids on
taxiways and aprons, including taxi-holding positions and stop bars, and location and
type of visual docking guidance systems.
Check Points The location and radio frequency of any VOR aerodrome check point.
Taxi Routes

The location and designation of standard taxi routes

Distances to the nearest metre or foot of localizer and glidepath
elements comprising an ILS or azimuth and elevation antenna of MLS in relation to
the associated runway extremities
The geographical co-ordinates of the following are measured and reported to the aeronautical
information services authority in degrees, minute, seconds and hundredths of seconds:

Each threshold and aircraft stand

Significant obstacles in the approach and take-off areas, in the circling area and
in the vicinity of an aerodrome

In addition, the top elevation rounded up to the nearest metre or foot, type, marking and
lighting (if any) of the significant obstacles is reported to the aeronautical information services
Note: This information may be best shown in the form of charts such as those
required for the preparation of aeronautical publications

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Pre-Flight Altimeter Check Location

One or more pre-flight altimeter check locations shall be established for an aerodrome. A preflight check location should be located on an apron
Note: Locating a pre-flight altimeter check location on an apron enables an
altimeter check to be made prior to obtaining taxi clearance and eliminates the need
for stopping for that purpose after leaving the apron

Normally an entire apron can serve as a satisfactory altimeter check location

The elevation of a pre-flight altimeter check location is given as the average elevation,
rounded to the nearest metre or foot, of the area on which it is located. The elevation of any
portion of a pre-flight altimeter check location shall be within 3 m (10 ft) of the average for that
Declared Distances
The following distances shall be calculated to the nearest metre or foot for a runway intended
for use by international commercial air transport



Accelerate-stop distance available

Landing distance available

Condition of the Movement Area and Related Facilities

Information on the condition of:

The movement area and the operational status of related facilities shall be
provided to the appropriate aeronautical information service units, and

Similar information of operational significance to the ATS units

shall be provided to the appropriate aeronautical information service units. This is to enable
the above units to provide the necessary information required by arriving and departing
aircraft. The information shall be kept up to date and changes in conditions reported without

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The condition of the movement area and operational status of related facilities shall be
monitored and reports on matters of operational significance or affecting aircraft performance
in respect of:

Construction or maintenance work

Rough or broken surfaces on a runway, a taxiway or an apron

Snow, slush or ice on a runway, a taxiway or an apron

Water on a runway, a taxiway or an apron

Snow banks or drifts adjacent to a runway, a taxiway or an apron

Anti-icing or de-icing liquid chemicals on a runway or taxiway

Other temporary hazards, including parked aircraft

Failure or irregular operation of part or all of the aerodrome visual aids

Failure of the normal or secondary power supply

Water on a Runway
Whenever water is present on a runway, a description of the runway surface conditions on the
centre half of the width of the runway, including the possible assessment of water depth
where applicable should be made using the following terms:

The surface is not affected by water, slush, snow or ice


The surface shows a change of colour due to moisture


The surface is soaked but there is no standing water


Significant patches of standing water are visible


Extensive standing water is visible

Information that a runway may be slippery when wet shall be made available. A runway shall
be determined as being slippery when wet when the measurements specified by a continuous
friction measuring device are below the minimum friction level specified by the State.
Determination of Friction Characteristics of Wet Paved Runways
The friction of a wet paved runway should be measured to:

Verify the friction characteristics of new or re-surfaced paved runways when wet

Assess periodically the slipperiness of paved runways when wet

Determine the effect on friction when drainage characteristics are poor

Determine the friction of paved runways that become slippery under unusual

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Snow, Slush or Ice on a Runway

Whenever a runway is affected by snow, slush or ice and it has not been possible to clear the
precipitant fully, the condition of the runway should be assessed, and the friction coefficient
The table below, with associated descriptive terms, was developed from friction data collected
in compacted snow and ice and should not be taken as absolute values applicable in all
conditions. If the surface is affected by snow or ice and the braking action is reported as
good, pilots should not expect to find conditions as good as on a clean dry runway (where
the available friction may well be greater than that needed in any case). The value good is a
comparative value and is intended to mean that aeroplanes should not experience directional
control or braking difficulties especially when landing,
Measured Coefficient

Estimated Braking Action


0.40 and above


0.39 to 0.36

Medium to good

0.35 to 0.30


0.29 to 0.26

Medium to poor

0.25 and below


Surface friction information should be provided for each 1/3 of the runway, These
measurements are made along two lines parallel to the runway. Each line being
approximately 3 m from the centre line or at a distance at which most operations take place.
Whenever dry snow, wet snow or slush is present on a runway, an assessment of mean
depth over each 1/3 of the runway should be made to an accuracy of:

2 cm for dry snow

1 cm for wet snow

0.3 cm for slush

ATPL Air Law


24 October 2003

Physical Characteristics
Runway Width
The width of a runway should be:

Code Letter

18 m

18 m

23 m

23 m

23 m

30 m

30 m

30 m

30 m

45 m

45 m

45 m

45 m

For a precision approach runway the width should not be less than 30 m when the Aerodrome
Code Number is 1 or 2.
Minimum Distance Between Parallel Runways
Non-Instrument Runways

210 m where the higher code number is 3 or 4

150 m where the higher code number is 2

120 m where the higher code is 1

Parallel Instrument Runways

The minimum distance between the runway centre lines should be:

1035 m for independent parallel approaches

915 m for dependent parallel approaches

760 m for independent parallel departures

760 m for segregated parallel operations

Where segregated parallel operations are flown the specified minimum distance:

May be increased by 30 m for each 150 m that the arrival runway is staggered
toward the arriving aircraft, to a minimum of 300 m, and

Should be increased by 30 m for each 150 m that the arrival runway is staggered
away from the arriving aircraft

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Runway Strips
A Runway Strip is a defined area including the runway and stopway, if provided, intended:

To reduce the risk of damage to aircraft running off the runway, and

To protect aircraft flying over it during take-off and landing operations

A runway and any associated stopways shall be included in a strip.

Length of Runway Strip
A strip should extend before the threshold and beyond the end of the runway or stopway for a
distance of at least:

60m where the aeroplane reference field length is greater than 800 m

60m where the aeroplane reference field length is less than 800 m and the
runway is an instrument one, and

30 m where the aeroplane reference field length is less than 800 m and the
runway is a non-instrument one

Width of Runway Strips

A strip including a precision approach runway shall, wherever practicable, extend laterally to a
distance of at least:

150 m where the aeroplane reference field length is greater than 1200 m, and

75 m where the aeroplane reference field length is less than 1200 m

Grading of Runway Strips

That portion of a strip of an instrument runway within a distance of at least:

75 m where the aeroplane reference field length is greater than 1200 m

40 m where the aeroplane reference field length is less than 1200 m

Runway End Safety Areas

Runway End Safety Area (RESA)
An area symmetrical about the extended runway centre line and adjacent to the end of the
strip primarily intended to reduce the risk of damage to an aeroplane undershooting or
overrunning the aerodrome

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24 October 2003

A RESA should be provided at each end of a runway strip where.

The aeroplane reference field length is greater than 1200 m

The aeroplane reference field lengths less than 1200 m and the runway is an
instrument one

Dimensions of RESA
A RESA should extend from the end of a runway strip for as great a distance as practicable,
but at least 90 m
The width of a runway and safety area should he at least twice that of the associated runway
A defined rectangular area on the ground or water under the control of the appropriate
authority, selected or prepared as a suitable area over which an aeroplane may make a
portion of its initial climb to a specified height
Length of Clearways
The length of a clearway should not exceed half the length of the TORA
Width of Clearways
A clearway should extend laterally to a distance of at least 75 m on each side of the extended
centre line of the runway
A defined rectangular area on the ground at the end of TORA prepared as a suitable area in
which an aircraft can be stopped in the case of an abandoned take-off
Width of a Stopway
A stopway shall have the same width as the runway with which it is associated.

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Radio Altimeter Operating Area

A radio altimeter operating area should be established in the pre-threshold area of a precision
approach runway
Length of the Area
A radio altimeter operating area should extend before the threshold for a distance of at least
300 m
Width of the Area
A radio altimeter operating area should extend laterally, on each side of the extended centre
line of the runway, to a distance of 60 m, except that when special circumstances so warrant,
the distance may be reduced to no less than 30 m an aeronautical study indicates that such
reduction would not affect the safety of operations of aircraft
Width of Taxiway
The width of taxiway should follow the rules below:
Code Letter

Taxiway Width

7.5 m

10.5 m

15 m if the taxiway is intended to be used by aeroplanes with a wheel base

less than 18 m
18 m if the taxiway is intended to be used by aeroplanes with a wheel base
equal or greater than 18 m

18 m if the taxiway is intended to be used by aeroplanes with an outer main

gear wheel span of less than 9 m
23 m if the taxiway is intended to be used by aeroplanes with an outer main
gear wheel span equal to or greater than 9 m

ATPL Air Law

23 m


24 October 2003

Taxiway Curves
The design of a taxiway should be such that, when the cockpit of the aeroplane for which the
taxiway is intended remains over the taxiway centre line markings, the clearance distance
between the outer main wheel of the aeroplane and the edge of the taxiway should be not
less than that given in the table below.
Aerodrome Reference



2.25 m

3 m if the taxiway is intended to be used by aeroplanes with a

wheel base less than 18 m
4.5 m if the taxiway is intended to be used by aeroplanes with a
wheel base equal to or greater than 18 m
4.5 m

4.5 m

Holding Bays, Taxi Holding Positions and Road Holding Positions

Holding bays should be provided when the traffic volume is high
A taxi holding position or positions shall be established:

At an intersection of a taxiway with a runway, and

At an intersection of a runway with another runway when the former runway is

part of a standard taxi route

A taxi holding position shall be established on a taxiway if its location or alignment is such that
a taxiing aircraft or vehicle can infringe an obstacle limitation surface or interfere with the
operation of radio navigation aids. A road holding position shall be established at an
intersection of a road with a runway.

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Visual Aids for Navigation

Indicators and Signalling Devices
Wind Direction Indicators
An aerodrome shall be equipped with at least one wind direction indicator. It shall be located:

So as to be visible from aircraft in flight

So as to be visible from aircraft on the movement area, and

In such a way as to be free from the effects of air disturbance from nearby objects

The wind direction indicator should be in the form of a truncated cone made of fabric. It
should be constructed so that it gives a clear direction of the surface wind and a general
indication of wind speed The colour should be selected so as to make the wind direction
indicator clearly visible and understandable from a height of at least 300 m. Where
practicable, a single colour, preferably white or orange should be used Where two colours are
used they should be arranged in five alternative bands, the first and last bands being the
darker colour
Provision should be made for illuminating at least one wind indicator at an aerodrome
intended for use at night
Landing Direction Indicator
Where provided, a landing direction indicator shall be located in a conspicuous place on the
aerodrome. The landing direction indicator should be in the form of a T
The colour of the landing T is either white or orange. Where required for use at night, the
landing T is illuminated or outlined by white lights.
Signalling Lamp
A signalling lamp shall be provided at a controlled aerodrome in the aerodrome control tower
and should be capable of producing red, green and white signals. it should also be capable

Being aimed at any target as required

Giving a signal in any one colour followed by a signal in either of the two other
colours and

Transmitting a message in Morse code up to a speed of at least 4 words per


ATPL Air Law


24 October 2003

Signal Panels and Signal Areas

The signal area should be located so as to be visible from all angles of azimuth above an
angle of 10 above the horizontal when viewed from a height of 300 m.
The signal area shall be an even horizontal surface at least 9 m square. It should be
surrounded by a white border not less than 0.3 m wide.
Interruption of Runway Markings
At an intersection of two (or more) runways the markings of the more important runway,
except for the runway side stripe marking, shall be displayed. The markings of the other
runway(s) shall be interrupted. The runway side stripe marking of the more important runway
may be either continued across the intersection or interrupted.
The order of importance of runways for the display of runway markings should be as follows:

Precision approach runway

Non-precision approach runway, and

Non-instrument runway

At an intersection of a runway and taxiway the markings of the runway shall be displayed and
the markings of the taxiway interrupted, except that runway side stripe markings may be
Colour of markings
Runway markings shall be white. Taxiway markings and aircraft stand markings shall be
yellow. Apron safety lines shall be of a conspicuous colour that contrasts with that used for
aircraft stand markings.
Unpaved Taxiways
An unpaved taxiway should be provided with the markings prescribed for paved taxiways.

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Atlantic Flight Training

Runway Designation Marking

A runway designation marking shall be provided at the thresholds of a paved runway. The
runway designation marking shall be located at the threshold as shown in the diagram below.

A runway designation marking shall consist of a two-digit number and on parallel runways
shall be supplemented with a letter. The two-digit number shall be the whole number nearest
the one-tenth of the magnetic north when viewed from the direction of approach. Where there
are four or more parallel runways:

One set of adjacent runways shall be numbered to the nearest 1/10 magnetic
azimuth, and

The other set of adjacent runways numbered to the next nearest 1/10 of the
magnetic azimuth.

When the above rule gives a single digit number, then it shall be lead by a zero.

9 would become 09

Runway Centre Line Marking

A runway centre line marking shall be provided on a paved runway. The marking shall be
located along the centre line between the runway designation markings as shown below.

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24 October 2003

Centre line markings shall consist of a line of uniformly spaced stripes and gaps. The length
of a stripe plus a gap shall not be less than 50 m or more than 75 m. The length of each stripe
shall be at least equal to the length of the gap or 30m, whichever is greater.
Threshold Markings
A threshold marking shall be provided at the threshold of:

A paved instrument runway, and

A paved non-instrument runway that is intended for use by international

commercial air transport

A threshold marking should be provided at the thresholds of an unpaved runway. The stripes
of the threshold marking shall commence 6 m from the runway edge.
A runway threshold marking shall consist of a pattern of longitudinal stripes of uniform
dimensions disposed symmetrically about the centre line. The number of stripes shall be in
accordance with the runway width as follows:
Runway Width

Number of Stripes








Displaced Threshold Marking

Where a threshold is displaced from the end of a runway or where the end of a runway is not
square with the runway centre line, a transverse stripe should be added to the threshold

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Where a runway is permanently displaced, arrows shall be provided on the portion of runway
before the displaced threshold as shown below.

When a runway threshold is temporarily displaced from the normal position it shall be marked
as shown in the diagram above. All markings before the displaced threshold shall be
obscured except the runway centre line marking, which shall be converted to arrows.
Aiming Point Marking
An aiming point marking shall be provided at the approach end of a paved instrument runway
of greater than 800 m in length. An aiming point marking should be provided at each
approach end of

A paved non-instrument runway greater than 1200 m in length

A paved instrument runway where the runway length is less than 800 m

when additional conspicuity of the aiming point is desirable

The aiming point marking shall commence no closer to the threshold than the distance
indicated in the table below. Except that on a runway equipped with a visual approach slope
indicator system, the beginning of the marking shall be coincident with the visual approach
slope origin.

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24 October 2003

Landing Distance Available

Location and

Less than 800 m

800 m up to
1200 m

1200 m up to but
2400 m

2400 m and


150 m

250 m

300 m

400 m

Length of stripe

30 45 m

30 - 45 m

45 60 m

45 60 m

Width of stripe



6 10 m

6 10 m

Lateral spacing
between inner
sides of stripes



18 22.5 m

18 22.5 m


Where a touchdown zone marking is provided, the lateral spacing shall be the same as that of
the aiming point marking.
Touchdown Zone Marking
A touchdown zone marking shall be provided in the touchdown zone of a paved precision
approach runway of greater than 800 m length.
A touchdown zone marking should be provided in the touchdown zone of a paved nonprecision approach or non-instrument runway where the runway is greater than 1200 m length
A touchdown zone marking shall consist of pairs of rectangular markings as shown in the
diagram below. These markings shall be symmetrically disposed about the runway centre line
with the number of such pairs related to the landing distance available.
Where the marking is to be displayed at both the approach directions of a runway, the
distance between the thresholds as follows:
Landing distance available or the
distance between thresholds


Less than 900 m

900 m up to but not including 1200 m

1200 m up to but not including 1500 m

1500 m up to but not including 2400 m

2400 m or more


The pairs of markings shall be provided at longitudinal spacing of 150 m beginning from the
threshold except that pairs of touchdown zone markings coincident with, or located within 50
m, of an aiming point marking shall be deleted from the pattern.

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Runway Side Stripe

A runway side stripe marking shall be provided between the runway edges and the shoulders
of the surrounding terrain.

A runway side stripe marking should be provided on a precision approach runway irrespective
of the contrast between the runway edges and the shoulders of the surrounding terrain

ATPL Air Law


24 October 2003

Taxiway Centre Line Marking

Taxiway centre line markings shall be provided where the runway length is 1200 m or greater.
These markings provide guidance from the runway centre line to the point on the apron where
aircraft stand markings commence.
























ATPL Air Law



Atlantic Flight Training

Taxiway centre line markings shall be provided on a paved runway when the runway is part of
a standard taxi route and:

There is no runway centre line marking

Where the taxiway centre line is not co-incident with the runway centre line

At the intersection of a taxiway with a runway where the taxiway serves as an exit from the
runway, the taxiway centre line marking should be curved into the runway centre line marking
as shown in the previous diagram.
Taxiway Holding Position Marking
The taxi holding position marking for the intersection of a taxiway and non-instrument, nonprecision approach or take-off runway is shown as circle 1 on the previous diagram
Where a single taxi holding position is provided at the intersection of a taxiway and a
precision approach Category II or III runway the taxi holding position marking is shown as
circle 1. Where two or three taxi holding positions are provided:

The closest holding position to the runway is shown by circle 1

Any markings further from the runway shall use the pattern shown in circle 2

Circle 4 shows taxiway edge marking.

Taxiway Intersection Marking
A taxiway intersection marking should be displayed at an intersection of two paved taxiways
where it is desired to designate a specific holding position
A taxiway intersection marking shall consist of a single broken line as shown in circle 3.
VOR Aerodrome Check-Point Marking
When a VOR aerodrome check-point is established it shall be indicated by a check-point
marking and sign. The check-point sign shall be located as near as possible to the checkpoint so that the sign is clearly visible from the cockpit of an aircraft properly positioned on the
VOR aerodrome check-point marking. The marking shall be centred on the spot at which an
aircraft is to be parked to receive the correct signal.
The check-point sign shall consist of black letters and numerals on a yellow background.
A VOR aerodrome check-point marking should preferably be white in colour but should differ
from the colour used for taxiway markings

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24 October 2003

The inscriptions on a VOR check-point sign should be in accordance with one of the following
Where No DME is Co-Located With the VOR




Where a DME is Co-Located




4.3 NM


An abbreviation identifying this as a VOR check-point


The frequency of the VOR concerned


The VOR bearing accurate to the nearest degree

4.3NM The distance in nautical miles to a DME co-located with the VOR concerned
Note: A check-point can only be used operationally when checks show it to
be consistently within 2 of the stated bearing
Aircraft Stand Markings
Aircraft stand markings should be provided/or designated parking positions on a paved apron
Aircraft stand markings should be located so as to give safe clearance when the nose wheel
follows the stand markings
Aircraft stand markings should include such elements as stand identification, lead in line, turn
bar, turning line, alignment bar, stop line and lead out line, as are required by the parking
configuration and to complement other parking aids
Aircraft stand identification (letter and/or number) should be included in the lead in line a short
distance after the beginning of the lead in line. The height of the identification should be
adequate to be readable from the cockpit of aircraft using the stand
Where it is intended that an aircraft proceed in one direction only, arrows pointing in the
direction to be followed should be added as part of the lead in and lead out lines

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Apron Safety Lines

Apron safety lines shall be located so as to define the areas intended for use by ground
vehicles and other aircraft servicing equipment. This is to ensure safe separation from aircraft.
Apron safety lines should include elements such as wing tip clearance and service road
boundary lines
Road Holding Position Marking
A road holding position marking shall be located at all road entrances to a runway.
Information Marking
Where an information sign would normally be installed and it is physically impossible to install
a sign, an information marking shall be displayed on the paved surface.
Where operationally required an information sign should be supplemented by an information
An information marking shall consist of:

An inscription in yellow, when it supplements or replaces a location sign, and

An inscription in black, when it replaces or supplements a direction or destination


Where there is insufficient contrast between the marking and the pavement surface, the
marking shall include:

A black background where the inscriptions are in yellow, and

A yellow background where the inscriptions are in black

ATPL Air Law


24 October 2003

Chapter 23.
Runway Lights and Visual Approach Systems

Annex 14 - Aerodromes

Lights Which May Endanger the Safety of Aircraft

A non-aeronautical ground light near an aerodrome which might endanger the safety of
aircraft shall be extinguished or screened to eliminate the source of danger.
Lights Which May Cause Confusion
A non-aeronautical ground light which might prevent, or cause confusion in, the clear
interpretation of aeronautical ground lights should be extinguished or screened. Attention
should be directed to a non-aeronautical ground light visible from the air within the following
Instrument Runway

1800 m or greater in length

Within the areas before the threshold and beyond the end of the runway extending at
least 4500 m in length from the threshold and runway end and 750 m either side of
the extended run way centre line in width
Instrument Runway

800 m up to but not including 1800 m

Within the areas before the threshold and beyond the end of the runway extending at
least 3000 m in length from the threshold and runway end and 750 m either side of
the extended runway centre line in width
Instrument Runway

Less than 800 m

Within the approach area

Non-Instrument Runway
Within the approach area

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Elevated Approach Lights

Elevated approach lights and their supporting structures shall be frangible except that in the
approach lighting system beyond 300 m from the threshold:

Where the height of the supporting structure exceeds 12 m, the frangibility

requirement shall apply to the top 12 m only, and

Where a supporting structure is surrounded by non-frangible objects, only that

part of the structure that extends above the surrounding objects

shall be frangible
When an approach light fixture or supporting structure is not sufficiently conspicuous, it shall
be suitably marked.
Elevated Lights
Elevated runway, stopway and taxiway lights shall be frangible. Their height shall be
sufficiently low to ensure clearance for propellers and for the engine pods of jet aircraft.
Surface Lights
Light fixtures inset in the surface of runways, stopways, taxiways and aprons shall be so
designed and lifted as to withstand being run over by the wheels of an aircraft without
damage either to the aircraft or to the lights themselves.
Light Intensity and Control
The intensity of runway lights shall be adequate for the minimum conditions of visibility and
ambient light in which the runway is intended, and compatible with that of the nearest section
of the approach lighting system provided.
Where a high intensity lighting system is provided, a suitable intensity control shall be
incorporated to allow for adjustment of the light. Separate intensity controls or other suitable
methods shall be provided to ensure that the following systems, when installed, can be
operated at compatible intensities:

Approach lighting systems

Runway edge lights

Runway threshold lights

Runway end lights

Runway centre line lights

Runway touchdown zone lights

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24 October 2003

Emergency Lighting
At an aerodrome provided with runway lighting and without a secondary power supply,
sufficient emergency lights should be conveniently available for installation on at least the
primary runway in the event of failure of the normal lighting system.
Aeronautical Beacons
Where operationally necessary an aerodrome beacon or an identification beacon shall be
provided at each aerodrome intended for use at night. The operational requirement shall be
determined having regard to:

The air traffic using the aerodrome

The conspicuity of the aerodrome features in relation to its surroundings

The installation of other visual and non-visual aids useful in locating the

Aerodrome Beacon
An aerodrome beacon shall be provided at an aerodrome intended for use at night if one or
more of the following conditions exist:

Aircraft navigate predominantly by visual means

Reduced visibilities are frequent, or

It is difficult to locate the aerodrome from the air due to surrounding lights or

The aerodrome beacon is either:

A flashing light alternating coloured flashes with white flashes, or

White flashing light only

Where used, the coloured flashes emitted by a land aerodrome are green.
Identification Beacon
An identification beacon shall be provided at an aerodrome that is intended for use at night
and cannot be easily identified from the air by other means. At a land aerodrome the
identification beacon shall show flashing green characters. The identification characters shall
be transmitted in the International Morse Code.

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Approach Lighting Systems

Attachment A to Annex 14 provides for the basic characteristics for simple and precision
approach lighting systems. The approach lighting configuration is to be provided irrespective
of the location of the threshold for example whether the threshold is at the extremity of the
runway or displaced from the runway extremity. In both cases, the approach lighting system
should extend up to the threshold. However, in the case of a displaced threshold, inset lights
are used from the runway extremity up to the threshold to obtain the specified configuration.
Non-Instrument Runway
Where physically practicable a simple approach lighting system as shown below should be



Approach and Runway lighting

Where practicable a simple approach lighting system shall be provided to serve a nonprecision approach runway, except when the runway is used only in conditions of good
visibility or sufficient guidance is given by other aids.

ATPL Air Law


24 October 2003

Precision Approach Runway Category I

Where possible a precision approach category I lighting system shall be provided to serve a
precision approach runway category I.
Precision Approach Runway Categories II and Ill
A precision category II and III lighting system as shown shall be provided to serve a precision
approach runway category II or Ill.
Simple Approach Lighting System
A simple approach lighting system shall consist of:

A row of lights on the extended centre line of the runway extending over a
distance of not less than 420 m from the threshold, with

A row of lights forming a crossbar 18 m or 30m in length at a distance of 300m

from the threshold

The system shall lie as near as practicable in the horizontal plane passing through the
threshold, provided that:

No object other than an ILS or MLS azimuth antenna shall protrude through the
plane of the approach lights within a distance of 60 m from the centre line of the

No light other than a light located within the central part of a crossbar or a centre
line barrette shall be screened from an approaching aircraft

Any ILS or MLS azimuth antenna protruding through the plane of the lights shall be treated as
an obstacle and marked and lighted accordingly.
The lights of a simple approach system shall be fixed lights and the colour of the lights shall
be such as to ensure that the system is readily distinguishable from other aeronautical ground
lights. Each centre line light shall consist of:

A single source, or

A barrette at least 3 m in length

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Precision Approach Category I Lighting System

A precision approach category I lighting system shall consist of:

A row of lights on the extended centre line of the runway extending over a
distance of 900 m from the runway threshold, with

A row of lights forming a crossbar 30 m in length at a distance of 300 m from the

runway threshold

Approach & Runway Lighting

Typical Cat 1 System

Yellow Caution Zone

Yellow Caution Zone

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24 October 2003

The system shall lie as near as practicable in the horizontal plane passing through the
threshold, provided that:

No object other than an ILS or MLS azimuth antenna shall protrude through the
plane of the approach lights within a distance of 60 m from the centre line of the

No light other than a light located within the central part of a crossbar or a centre
line barrette (not their extremities) shall be screened from an approaching aircraft

Any ILS or MLS azimuth antenna protruding through the plane of the lights shall be treated as
an obstacle and marked and lighted accordingly.
The centre line and crossbar lights of a precision approach category I lighting system shall be
fixed lights showing variable white. Each centre line light shall consist of either:

A single light source in the innermost 300 m of the centre line, two light sources in
the central 300 m of the centre line and three light sources in the outer 300 m of
the centre line to provide distance information, or

A barrette at least 4 m in length

If the centre line consists of single, double and triple lights, additional crossbars of light shall
be provided at 150 m, 300 m, 450 m, 600 m, and 750 m from the threshold.
Precision Approach Category II and III Lighting System
The approach lighting system consists of:

A row of lights on the extended centre line of the runway extending over a
distance of 900 m from the runway threshold

In addition the system shall have two side rows of lights extending 270 m from
the threshold

Two crossbars, one at 150 m and one at 300 m from the threshold

The system shall lie as near as practicable in the horizontal plane passing through the
threshold, provided that:

No object other than an ILS or MLS azimuth antenna shall protrude through the
plane of the approach lights within a distance of 60 m from the centre line of the

No light other than a light located within the central part of a crossbar or a centre
line barrette (not their extremities) shall be screened from an approaching aircraft

Any ILS or MLS azimuth antenna protruding through the plane of the lights shall be treated as
an obstacle and marked and lighted accordingly.

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

The centre line of a precision approach category II and III lighting system:

For the first 300 m from the threshold shall consist of barrettes showing
variable white (if the threshold is displaced 300 in or more, the centre line
may consist of single light sources showing variable white). The barrettes
shall be at least 4 m in length

Beyond 300 m from the threshold each centre line shall consist of either:

A barrette as used on the inner 300 m, or

Two light sources in the central 300 m of the centre line and three light
sources in the outer 300 m of the centre line (If this lighting system is used
then additional crossbars of light shall be provided at 450 m, 600 m and 750

All the above lights shall show variable white.

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24 October 2003







ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Visual Approach Slope Indicator Systems

A visual approach slope indicator system (VASI) shall be provided to serve the approach to a
runway whether or not the runway is served by other visual approach aids or by non-visual
aids, where one or more of the following conditions are met:

The runway is used by turbojet or other aeroplanes with similar approach

guidance requirements

The pilot of any type of aeroplane may have difficulty in judging the approach due

Inadequate visual guidance such as is experienced during an approach over

water or featureless terrain by day or in the absence of sufficient extraneous
lights in the approach area by night, or

Misleading information such as is produced by deceptive surrounding terrain

or runway slopes

The presence of objects in the approach area may involve serious hazard if an
aeroplane descends below the normal approach path, particularly if there are no
non-visual or other visual aids to give warning of such objects

Physical conditions at either end of the runway present a serious hazard in the
event of an aeroplane undershooting or overrunning the runway, and

Terrain or prevalent meteorological conditions are such that the aeroplane may
be subjected to unusual turbulence during approach

The standard visual approach slope indicator systems shall consist of the following:



PAPI, T-VASIS or AT-VASIS shall be provided where the runway is 1200 m or greater. PAPI
or APAPI shall be provided when:

The runway length is up to 1200 m, or

When any of the restricting conditions apply

Where a runway threshold is temporarily displaced from the normal position a PAPI should be
provided where the runway length is greater than 1200 m, otherwise APAPI may be fitted
T-VASIS shall consist of twenty light units symmetrically disposed about the runway centre
line in the form of two wing bars of four units each, with bisecting lines of six units as shown

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24 October 2003





p ro




S lo

















The AT-VASIS shall consist of ten light units arranged on one side of the runway in the form
of a single wing bar of four units with a bisecting line of six lights.
The light units shall be constructed and arranged in such a manner that the pilot of an
aeroplane during an approach will:
Above the approach slope See the wing bars white and one, two or three fly-down
lights, the more fly down lights being visible the higher the pilot is above the approach
On the approach slope

See the wing bars white

When below the approach slope See the wing bars and one, two or three fly-up
lights white, the more fly-up lights being visible the lower the pilot is,
Well below the approach See the wing bars and the three fly-up lights red
When on or above the approach slope, no light shall be visible from the fly-up light units;
when on or below the approach slope, no light shall be visible from the fly-down lights.
Note: The siting of the T-VASIS will provide for a 3 slope at a nominal eye height
over the threshold of 15 m.
The systems shall be suitable for both day and night operations.
Approach Slope and Elevation Setting of Light Beams
When the runway on which a T-VASIS is provided is equipped with an ILS or MLS the siting
and elevation of the lights shall be such that the visual approach slope conforms as closely as
possible with the glide path of the lLS and the minimum glidepath of the MLS, as appropriate.
The elevation setting of the top of the red light beams of the wing bar and fly-up lights shall be
such that during an approach, the pilot of an aeroplane to whom the wing bar and three fly-up

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

lights are visible would clear all objects in the approach area by a safe margin if any such
lights did not appear red.
The PAPI system shall consist of a wing bar of 4 sharp transition multi-lamp (or paired single
lamp) units equally spaced. The APAPI system shall consist of a wing bar of 2 sharp
transition multi-lamp (or paired single lamp) units. Both systems shall be located on the left
side of the runway unless it is physically impracticable to do so.
The wing bar of a PAPI shall be constructed and arranged in such a manner that a pilot
making an approach will:
When on or close to the approach slope
See the two units nearest the
runway as red and the two units farthest from the runway as white
When above the approach slope
See the one unit nearest the runway as red and the three units farthest from the
runway as white, and
When further above the approach slope see all units as white
When below the approach slope
See the three units nearest the runway as red and the unit farthest from the runway
as white, and
When further below the approach slope see all units as red
The wing bar of an APAPI shall be constructed and arranged in such a manner that a pilot
making an approach will:
When on or close to the approach slope See the unit nearer the runway as red
and the unit further away as white.
When above the approach slope

See both units as white

When below the approach slope

See both units as red

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24 October 2003


31 B +
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The systems shall be suitable for both day and night operations.
When the runway is equipped with an ILS or MLS the siting and elevation of the lights shall be
such that the visual approach slope conforms as closely as possible with the glide path of the
ILS and the minimum glidepath of the MLS, as appropriate.
The angle of elevation settings of the light units:

In a PAPI wing bar shall be such that, during an approach, the pilot of an
aeroplane observing a signal of one white and three reds will clear all objects in
the approach area by a safe margin.

In an APAPI wing bar shall be such that, during an approach, the pilot of an
aeroplane observing the lowest onslope signal (one white, one red) will clear all
objects in the approach area by a safe margin.

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Obstacle Protection Surface

The following applies to T-VASIS, AT-VASIS, PAPI and APAPI.









An obstacle protection surface shall be established when it is intended to provide a visual

approach slope indicator system. Existing objects above an obstacle protection surface shall
be removed except when:

The object is shielded by an existing immovable object, or

The object would not adversely affect the safety of operations of aeroplanes

New objects or extensions of existing objects shall not be permitted above an obstacle
protection surface except when the new object or extension would be shielded by an existing
immovable object.

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24 October 2003

Wheel Clearance over Threshold for PAPI and APAPI

Where an existing object extending above an obstacle protection surface could adversely
affect the safety of operations of aeroplanes one or more of the following measures shall be

Suitably raise the approach slope of the system

Reduce the azimuth spread of the system so that the object is outside the
confines of the beam

Displace the axis of the system and its associated obstacle protection surface by
no more than 5

Suitably displace the threshold

Where displacing the threshold is impracticable, suitably displace the system

upwind of the threshold to provide an increase in threshold crossing height equal
to the height of the object penetration

Circling Guidance Lights

Circling guidance lights should be provided when existing approach and runway lighting
systems do not satisfactorily permit identification of the runway and/or approach area to a
circling aircraft in the conditions for which it is intended
The number and location of circling guidance lights should be adequate to enable a pilot as
appropriate to:

Join the downwind leg or align and adjust the aircrafts track to the runway at a
required distance from it and to distinguish the threshold in passing, and

Keep in sight the runway threshold and/or other features which will make it
possible to judge the turn on to base leg and final approach, taking into account
the guidance provided by other visual aids

Circling guidance lights should consist of

Lights indicating the extended centre line of the runway and/or parts of any
approach lighting system, or

Lights indicating the position of the runway threshold, or

Lights indicating the direction or location of the runway

or a combination of such lights as is appropriate to the runway under consideration

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Circling guidance lights should be fixed or flashing lights of an intensity and beam spread
adequate for the conditions of visibility and ambient light in which it is intended to make visual

Flashing lights should be white lights

Steady lights either white or gaseous discharge lights

Runway Lead-In Lighting Systems

A runway lead-in lighting system should be provided where it is desired to provide visual
guidance along a specific approach path.
A runway lead-in lighting system should consist of groups of lights positioned so as to define
the desired approach path and so that one group may be sighted from the preceding group.
The interval between adjacent groups should not exceed approximately 1600 in.
Where practicable, the flashing lights in each group should flash in sequence towards the

ATPL Air Law


24 October 2003

Chapter 24.
Runway, Taxiway and Apron Lighting

Annex 14 - Aerodromes

Runway Threshold Identification Lights

Runway threshold identification lights should be installed

At the threshold of a non-precision approach runway when additional threshold

conspicuity is necessary or where it is not practicable to provide other approach
lighting aids

Where a runway threshold is permanently displaced from the runway extremity or

temporarily displaced from the normal position and additional threshold
conspicuity is necessary

Runway threshold identification lights shall be located symmetrically about the runway centre

In line with the runway, and

Approximately 10 m outside each line of the runway edge lights. The lights shall
be visible only in the direction of approach to the runway.

Runway threshold identification lights should be flashing white lights

Runway Edge Lights
Runway edge lights shall be provided for:

A runway intended for use at night, or

A precision approach runway intended for use by day or night

Runway edge lights should be provided on a runway intended for take-off with an operating
minimum below an RVR of the order of 800 m.
Runway edge lights shall be placed along the full length of the runway and shall be in two
parallel rows equidistant from the centre line. The lights shall be placed along:

The edges of the runway, or

Outside the edges of the area at a distance of not more than 3 m

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

The lights shall be spaced in rows at intervals:

Of not more than 60 m for an instrument runway

Of not more than 100 m for a non-instrument runway

At intersections of runways, lights may be spaced irregularly or omitted, provided that

adequate guidance remains available to the pilot.
Runway edge lights shall be fixed lights showing variable white, except that:

In the case of a displaced threshold, the lights between the beginning of the
runway and the displaced threshold shall show red in the approach direction, and

A section of the lights 600 m or 1/3 of the runway length, whichever is less, at the
remote end of the runway from the end at which the take-off run is started may
show yellow

The lights are omni-directional which is:

Necessary to provide guidance to a pilot landing or taking-off in either direction,


Where circling guidance is provided they shall show in all angles of azimuth

Runway Threshold and Wing Bar Lights

Runway threshold lights shall be provided for:

A runway equipped with runway edge lights, except

On a non-instrument or non-precision approach runway where the threshold is

displaced and wing bar lights are provided

When a threshold is at the end of a runway, the threshold lights shall be placed in a row at
right angles to the runway axis as shown in the next diagram.
When a threshold is displaced from the extremity of a runway, threshold lights shall be placed
in a row at right angles to the runway axis at the displaced threshold.
Threshold lighting shall consist of:
On a non-instrument or non-precision approach runway

At least six lights

On a precision approach runway category I At least the number of lights that

would be required if the lights were uniformly spaced at intervals of 3 m between the
rows of runway edge lights

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24 October 2003

On a precision approach runway category II or III Lights uniformly spaced

between the rows of runway edge lights at intervals of not more than 3m
Wing Bar Lights
Wing bar lights should be provided on a precision approach runway when additional
conspicuity is considered desirable
Wing bar lights shall be provided on a non-instrument or non-precision approach runway
where the threshold is displaced and runway threshold lights are required, but not provided.
The lights shall be symmetrically disposed about the runway centre line in two groups. Five
lights extending at least 10 m outward from the line of the runway edge lights shall form each
wing bar.
Runway threshold and wing bar lights shall be fixed uni-directional lights showing green in the
direction of approach to the runway.

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Runway End Lights

Runway end lights shall be provided for a runway equipped with runway edge lights. The
lights shall be placed on a line at right angles to the runway axis as near to the end of the
runway as possible.

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24 October 2003

Runway end lighting should consist of at least six lights and should be:

Equally spaced between the rows of runway edge lights, or

Symmetrically disposed about the runway centre line in two groups

For a precision approach runway category III, the spacing between runway end lights, except
the two innermost lights if a gap is used: should not exceed 6 m
Runway end lights shall be fixed unidirectional lights showing red in the direction of the
Runway Centre Line Lights
Runway centre line lights shall be provided on a precision approach runway category II and
IlI. Runway centre line lights should be provided on a precision approach runway category I

The runway is used by aircraft with high landing speeds, or

Where the width between the runway edge lights is greater than 50m

Runway centre line lights shall be provided on a runway intended to be used for take-off with
an operating minimum below an RVR of the order of 400 m.
Runway centre line lights should be provided on a runway intended to be used for take -off
with an operating minimum of an RVR in the order of 400 m or higher when:

The runway is used by aircraft with high landing speeds or

Where the width between the runway edge lights is greater than 50 m

Runway centre line lights shall be located along the centre line of the runway, an offset of 60
cm is allowed where necessary. The lights shall be located from the threshold to the end of
the runway at a longitudinal spacing of approximately:

7.5 m or 15 m on a precision approach runway category III

7.5 m, 15 m or 30 m on a precision approach runway category II or other runway

on which the lights are provided

Runway centre line lights shall be fixed lights showing:

Variable white from the threshold to the point 900 m from the runway end, then

Alternate red and variable white from 900 m to 300 m from the runway end, then

Red from 300 m to the runway end

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Except that:

Where the runway centre line lights are spaced at 7.5 m intervals, alternate pairs
of red and variable white lights shall be used on the section from 900 m to 300 in
from the runway end, and

For runways less than 1800 m in length, the alternate and variable white lights
shall extend from the mid-point of the runway usable for landing to 300 m from
the runway end

Runway Touchdown Zone Lights

Touchdown zone lights shall be provided in the touchdown zone of a precision approach
runway category II or III, Touchdown zone lights shall extend from the threshold for a
longitudinal distance of 900 m. For runways less than 1800 m in length, the system shall be
shortened so that it does not extend beyond the midpoint of the runway. The pattern shall be
formed by pairs of barrettes symmetrically located about the runway centreline. The lateral
spacing between the innermost lights of a pair of barrettes shall be equal to the lateral
spacing selected for the touchdown zone marking. The longitudinal spacing between pairs of
barrettes shall be either 30 m or 60 m.
A barrette shall be composed of at least three lights with a spacing between the lights of not
more than 1.5 m.
Touchdown zone lights shall be fixed uni-directional lights showing variable white.
Stopway Lights
Stopway lights shall be provided for a stopway intended for use at night. The lights shall be
placed along the full length of the stopway and shall be in two parallel rows that are
equidistant from the centre line and coincident with the rows of the runway edge lights.
Stopway lights shall also be provided across the end of a stopway. Stopway lights shall be
fixed red uni-directional lights in the direction of the runway.
Taxiway Centre Line Lights
Taxiway centre line lights shall be provided for:

An exit taxiway

A taxiway

An apron

intended for use in RVR conditions less than 350 m. Lights shall be provided on a runway
forming part of a standard taxi-route and intended for taxiing in RVR conditions less than 350
m. Taxiway centre line lights on a taxiway other than an exit taxiway and on a runway forming
part of a standard taxi route shall be fixed lights showing green. The light shall only be visible
from aeroplanes on or in the vicinity of the taxiway.

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24 October 2003

Exit taxiway lights shall be fixed alternate green and yellow lights from their beginning near
the runway centre line to the perimeter of the ILS/MLS critical/sensitive area. The light nearest
to the perimeter shall show yellow. Where aircraft follow the same centre line in the opposite
directions, all the centre line lights shall show green to aircraft approaching the runway.
Taxiway centre line lights on a straight section of a taxi way should be spaced at intervals of
not more than 30 m, except that:

Larger intervals not exceeding 60 m may be used where because of the

prevailing meteorological conditions adequate guidance is provided by such

Intervals less than 30 m should be provided on short straight sections

On a taxi way intended for use in RVR conditions of less than a value of 350 m,
the longitudinal spacing should not exceed 1.5 m

On a taxi way intended for use in RVR conditions of less than 350 m, the lights on a curve
should not exceed a spacing of 15 m and on a curve of less than 400 m the lights should be
spaced at intervals of not greater than 7.5 m. This spacing should extend for 60 m before and
after the curve.
Spacing on curves that have been found suitable for a taxiway intended for use in RVR
conditions of 350 m or greater are:
Light spacing

Curve radius
up to 400

7.5 m

401 m to 899 m

15 m

900 m or greater

30 m

Taxiway Centre Line Lights On Rapid Exit Taxiways

Taxiway centre line lights on a rapid exit taxi way should commence at a point at least 60 m
before the beginning of the taxi way centre line curve and continue beyond the end of the
curve to a point on the centre line of the taxi way where an aeroplane can be expected to
reach normal taxiing speed
Taxiway Centre Line Lights on Other Exit Taxiways
Centre line markings begin to curve from the runway centre line. Taxiway centre line lights on
other exit taxiways should commence at a point where the taxiway begins.

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Taxiway Centre Line Lights on Runways

Taxiway centre line lights on a runway forming part of a standard taxi-route and intended for
taxiing in RVR conditions less than a value of 350 m should be spaced at longitudinal
intervals not exceeding 15 m.
Taxiway Edge Lights
Taxiway edge lights shall be provided on a holding bay, apron, etc, intended for use at night
and on a taxiway not provided with taxiway centre line lights and intended for use at night.
Taxiway edge lights need not be provided where, considering the nature of the operations,
adequate guidance can be achieved by surface illumination or other means.
Taxiway edge lights shall be provided on a runway forming part of a standard taxi-route and
intended for taxiing at night where the runway is not provided with taxiway centreline lights.
The lights should be located as near as practicable to the edges of the taxiway, holding bay,
apron or runway, etc or outside the edges at a distance of not more than 3 m.
Taxiway edge lights shall be fixed lights showing blue,
Stop Bars
A stop bar shall be provided at every taxi holding position serving a runway when it is
intended that the runway will be used in RVR conditions less than a value of 350 m, except

appropriate aids and procedures are available to assist in preventing inadvertent

incursions of aircraft and vehicles onto the runway, or

operational procedures exist to limit, in RVR conditions less than a value of

550 m, the number of:

ATPL Air Law

aircraft on the manoeuvring area to one at a time; and

vehicles on the manoeuvring area to the essential minimum


24 October 2003

A stop bar should be provided at every taxi holding position served by a runway when it is
intended that the runway will be used in RVR conditions between 350 m and 550 m, except

appropriate aids and procedures are available to assist in preventing inadvertent

incursions of aircraft and vehicles onto the runway, or

operational procedures exist to limit, in RVR conditions less than a value of

550 m, the number of

aircraft on the manoeuvring area to one at a time; and

vehicles on the manoeuvring area to the essential minimum

Stop bars shall be located across the taxiway at the point where it is desired that traffic stop.
The stop bar shall consist of lights spaced at intervals of 3 m across the taxiway showing red
in the intended direction of approach. At a taxi holding position the stop bar lights shall be unidirectional and show in the direction of the runway.
Selective stop bars shall be installed in conjunction with at least 3 taxiway centre line lights,
extending for a distance of at least 90 m from the stop bar, in the direction that it is intended
for an aircraft to proceed from the stop bar.
The lighting circuit shall be designed that:

Stop bars located across entrance taxiways are selectively switchable

Stop bars located across taxiways intended to be used only as exit taxiways are
switchable selectively or in groups

When a stop bar is illuminated, any taxiway centre line lights installed beyond the
stop bar shall be extinguished for a distance of 90 m

Stop bars shall be interlocked with the taxiway centre line lights so that when the
centre line lights beyond the stop bar are illuminated the stop bar is extinguished
and vice versa

Taxiway Intersection Lights

Taxiway intersection lights shall be located at a point between 30 m to 60 m from the near
edge of the intersecting taxiway. Taxiway intersection lights shall consist of at least three fixed
unidirectional lights showing yellow in the direction of approach to the intersection.
Runway Guard Lights
There are two standard configurations of runway guard lights.

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Runway guard lights, Configuration A, shall be provided at each taxiway/runway intersection

associated with a runway intended for use in:

RVR conditions less than a value of 550 m where a stop bar is not installed, and

RVR conditions between 550 and 1200 m where the traffic density is high

Runway guard lights shall be located:

Configuration A
At each side of the taxiway at a distance from the runway
centre line not less than that specified for a take-off runway
Configuration B
Across the taxiway at a distance from the runway centreline
not less than that specified for a take-off runway
Runway guard lights shall consist of:
Configuration A

Two pairs of yellow lights

Configuration B

Yellow lights spaced at intervals of 3 m across the taxiway.

Adjacent lights shall be alternately illuminated at between 30 and 60 cycles per second,
Apron Floodlighting
Apron floodlights should be located so as to provide adequate illumination on all apron
service areas with a minimum of glare.
Visual Docking Systems
A visual docking system shall be provided when it is intended to indicate, by a visual aid, the
precise positioning of an aircraft on an aircraft stand and other alternative means, such as
marshallers, are not practicable. The system shall provide both azimuth and stopping
The azimuth guidance unit and the stopping position indicator shall be adequate for use in all
weather, visibility, background lighting and pavement conditions. The azimuth guidance unit
and the stopping position indicator shall be of a design such that:

A clear indication of malfunction of either or both is available to the pilot, and

They can be turned off

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24 October 2003

Azimuth Guidance Unit

The azimuth guidance unit shall be located on or close to the extension of the stand centre
line ahead of the aircraft so that its signals are visible from the cockpit of an aircraft
throughout the docking manoeuvre and aligned for use at least by the pilot in the left seat.
The azimuth guidance unit shall provide unambiguous left/right guidance. When guidance is
indicated by colour change:

Green shall be used to identify the centre line

Red for deviations from the centre line

Stopping Position Indicator

The stopping position indicator shall be located in conjunction with, or sufficiently close to, the
azimuth guidance unit so the pilot can observe both without turning his head, The stopping
position indicator shall be usable at least by the pilot occupying the left seat,
The stopping position information provided for by the indicator for a particular type of aircraft
shall account for the anticipated range of variations in pilot eye height and/or viewing angle.
The indicator shall show:

The stopping position for the aircraft, and

Closing rate information

This information is given to enable the pilot to gradually decelerate the aircraft to a full stop at
the stopping position. When stopping guidance is indicated by a colour change:

Green shall be used to show that the aircraft can proceed

Red to show that the stop point has been reached, and

For a short distance prior to the stop point a third colour may be used to warn that
the stopping point is close

Aircraft Stand Manoeuvring Guidance Lights

Aircraft stand manoeuvring lights should be provided to facilitate the positioning of an aircraft
on an aircraft stand intended for use in poor visibility conditions, unless adequate guidance is
provided by other meas.
Aircraft stand manoeuvring lights shall be co-located with the aircraft stand markings. The
lights other than those indicating a stop position, shall be fixed yellow lights, visible throughout
the segments within which they are intended to provide guidance. The lights indicating a stop
position shall be fixed unidirectional lights, showing red.

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Road Holding Position Light

A road holding position light shall be provided at each road holding position serving a runway
when it is intended that the runway will be used in RVR conditions less than a value of 350 m.
A road holding position light shall be adjacent to the holding position marking 1.5 m (0.5 m)
from one edge of the road.
The road holding position shall comprise of

A controllable red (stop)/green (go) traffic light, or

A flashing red light

The light shall be unidirectional and aligned so as to be visible to the driver of a vehicle
approaching the holding position

ATPL Air Law


24 October 2003

Chapter 25.
Aerodrome Signs and Markers

Annex 14- Aerodromes Signs

Signs shall be provided to convey:

A mandatory instruction

Information on a specific location, or

To provide other information on surface movement guidance

Signs shall be:

Frangible, and

Near a runway or taxiway they must be sufficiently low to preserve clearance for
engines and propellers

Signs shall be illuminated for use:

In RVR conditions less than a value of 800 m, or

At night in association with instrument runways, or

At night in association with non-instrument runways where the runway is 1200 m

or greater

Mandatory Instruction Signs

A mandatory instruction sign shall be provided to identify a location beyond which an aircraft
taxiing or vehicle shall not proceed unless authorized by the aerodrome control tower.
Mandatory signs shall include:

Runway designation signs

Category I, II or III holding position signs

Taxi-holding position signs

Road holding position signs

NO ENTRY signs

A runway designation sign at a taxiway/runway intersection shall be located at least on the left
side of a taxiway facing the direction of approach to the runway. Where practicable a runway
designation sign shall be located on each side of the taxiway.

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

A NO ENTRY sign shall be located at the beginning of the area to which entrance is
prohibited on the left side of the taxiway. Where practicable, a NO ENTRY sign shall be
located on each side of the taxiway.
A Category I, II or III holding position sign shall be located on either side of the holding
position marking facing the direction of the approach to the critical area.


B 25-07




25-07 B

25 CAT










A taxi-holding position sign shall be located at least on the left side of the taxi holding position
facing the approach to the obstacle limitation surface or ILS/MLS critical/sensitive area, as
appropriate. Where practicable, a holding position sign shall be located on each side of the
taxi-holding position.
Mandatory instruction signs shall consist of an inscription in white on a red background. The
inscription of signs shall be in accordance with the diagram below.

ATPL Air Law


24 October 2003

B 25- 07

Indicates a taxi holding position located at other than a taxiway/runway,

runway/runway or taxiway/taxiway intersection


Indicates a taxi-holding position located at other than a taxi-way/runway,

runway/runway or taxiway/taxiway intersection

A 25

To indicate a taxi-holding position at a runway extremity


Indicates a category II taxi-holding position at the threshold of runway 25.

CAT II can be replaced by either CAT I or CAT III respectively.

Information Signs
An information sign shall be provided where there is an operational need to identify by a sign,
a specific location, or routing (direction or destination) information. Information signs shall

Direction signs

Location signs

Destination signs

Runway exit signs

Runway vacated signs

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G G2

G G2







A runway exit sign shall be provided where there is an operational need to identify a runway
A runway vacated sign shall be provided where the exit taxiway is not provided with taxiway
centre line lights and there is a need to indicate to a pilot leaving a runway;

The perimeter of the ILS/MLS critical/sensitive area, or

The lower edge of the inner transitional surface whichever is farther from the
runway centre line.

A combined location and direction sign shall be provided when it is intended to indicate
routing information prior to a taxiway intersection.

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24 October 2003

A direction sign shall be provided in conjunction with a runway designation sign except at a
runway/runway intersection. Location signs shall be provided in conjunction with a direction
sign. Where study shows that the location sign is not needed then they may be omitted.
An information sign other than a location sign shall consist of an inscription in black on a
yellow background. A location sign shall consist of an inscription in yellow on a black
background. If the sign is stand alone then it shall have a yellow border.
The inscription on a runway vacated sign shall depict the pattern of a taxi
holding position marking as shown
The inscription on a runway exit sign shall consist of the designator of the exit
taxiway and an arrow indicating the direction to follow
APRON The inscription on a destination sign shall comprise of a message identifying
the destination plus an arrow indicating the direction to proceed as shown
The inscription on a direction sign shall comprise of a message
identifying the taxi-way plus an arrow or arrows appropriately orientated
The inscription on a location sign shall comprise the designation of the
location taxiway, runway or other pavement the aircraft is on or is entering and shall
not contain arrows
Where a location sign and direction sign are used in combination:

All direction signs related to left turns shall be placed on the left side of the
location sign and all turns to the right on the right side. Where the junction
consists of one intersecting taxiway, the location sign may be alternatively placed
on the left side

The direction signs shall be placed such that the direction of the arrows departs
increasingly from the vertical with increasing deviation from the corresponding

An appropriate direction sign shall be placed next to the location sign where the
direction of the location taxiway changes significantly beyond the intersection,

Adjacent direction signs shall be delineated by a vertical black line as shown

When designating a taxiway, the use of the letters I, O or X and the use of words such as
inner and outer should be avoided wherever possible to avoid confusion with the numeral 1, 0
and closed markings.
A taxiway shall be identified by a designator comprising of a letter, letters or a combination of
a letter, letters followed by a number. The use of numbers alone on the manoeuvring area
shall be reserved for the designation of runways.

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A 27

27 A





A 27

A 27

27 A


27 A



A 27


A 27

27 A


27 A



A 27


A 27

27 A


27 A



Road Holding Position Sign

A road holding position sign shall be located 1.5 m from the edge of the road at the holding
position. A road holding position sign shall consist of an inscription in white on a red
background. The inscription shall be in the national language, be in conformity with the local
traffic regulations and include the following:

A requirement to stop, and

Where appropriate:

ATPL Air Law

A requirement to obtain ATC clearance, and

A location designator


24 October 2003

Markers shall be frangible. Those located near a runway or taxiway shall be sufficiently low to
preserve clearance for propellers and engines.
Unpaved Runway Edge Markers
Markers should be provided when the extent of an unpaved runway is not clearly indicated
Where runway lights are provided the markers should be incorporated in the light fixtures.
Where there are no lights, markers of flat rectangular or conical shape should be placed so as
to identify the runway clearly.
Stopway Edge Markers
The stopway edge markers shall be sufficiently different from any runway edge markers used
to ensure that the two types of markers cannot be confused.
Taxiway Edge Markers
A taxiway edge marker shall be reflective blue and be frangible. Their height shall be
sufficiently low to ensure clearance for propellers and engines.
Taxiway Centre Line Markers
A taxiway centre line marker shall be reflective green. The markers shall be so designed and
fitted as to withstand being run over by the wheels of an aircraft without damage either to the
aircraft or to the markers themselves.
Boundary Markers
Boundary markers shall be provided at an aerodrome where the landing area has no runway.
The markers should be coloured to contrast with the background against which they will be
seen. A single colour, orange or red or two contrasting colours, orange and white or red and
white should be used

ATPL Air Law


Atlantic Flight Training

Visual Aids for Denoting Obstacles

Objects to be Marked and/or Lighted
The marking and/or lighting of obstacles is intended to reduce hazards to aircraft by indicating
the presence of obstacles. It does not necessarily reduce operating limitations that may be
imposed by an obstacle
A fixed obstacle that extends above an approach or transitional surface within 3000 m of the
inner edge of the approach surface shall be marked and, if the runway is used at night, lit,
except that:

Such marking and lighting may be omitted when the obstacle is shielded by
another fixed obstacle

The marking may be omitted when the obstacle is lit by high intensity obstacle
lights by day, and

The lighting may be omitted where the obstacle is a lighthouse and an

aeronautical study indicates the lighthouse light to be sufficient

A fixed obstacle that extends above a take-off climb surface within 3000 m of the inner edge
should be marked and if the runway is used at night, lit, except that:

Such marking and lighting may be omitted when the obstacle is shielded by
another fixed obstacle

The marking may be omitted when the obstacle is lit by high intensity obstacle
lights by day, and

The lighting may be omitted where the obstacle is a lighthouse and an

aeronautical study indicates the lighthouse light to be sufficient

A fixed obstacle above a horizontal surface should be marked and, if the aerodrome is used
at night, lit except that:

The marking and lighting may be omitted when:

The obstacle is shielded by another fixed obstacle, or

For a circuit extensively obstructed by immovable objects or terrain,

procedures have been established to ensure safe vertical clearance below
prescribed flight paths, or

An aeronautical study shows the obstacle not to be of operational


The markings may be omitted when the obstacle is lit by high intensity obstacle
lights by day

The lighting may be omitted where the obstacle is a lighthouse and an

aeronautical study indicates the lighthouse light to be sufficient

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A fixed obstacle that extends above an obstacle protection surface shall be marked, and if the
runway is used at night, lit. Vehicles and other mobile objects, excluding aircraft, on the
movement area of an aerodrome are obstacles and shall be marked and, if the vehicles and
aerodrome are used at night or in conditions of low visibility, lit. Aircraft servicing equipment
and vehicles used only on aprons may be exempt.
Elevated aeronautical ground lights within the movement area shall be marked so as to be
conspicuous by day.
Overhead wires, cables etc, crossing a river, valley or highway should be marked and their
supporting towers marked and lit if an aeronautical study indicates that the wires or cables
could constitute a hazard to aircraft, except that the marking of the supporting towers may be
omitted when they are lit by high intensity obstacle lights by day
Marking Of Objects
All fixed objects to be marked shall:

Whenever practicable be coloured

If colouring is not practicable then markers or flags shall be displayed on or above

them, except that

Objects that are sufficiently conspicuous by their shape, size or colour need not
otherwise be marked

All mobile objects to be marked shall be coloured or display flags.

An object should be coloured:

To show a chequered pattern if it has essentially unbroken surfaces and its

projection equals or exceeds 45 m in both directions

The pattern should be rectangles for objects which has one dimension greater
than 1.5 m and the other dimension less than 4.5 m

The colours of the pattern should contrast each other and with the background against which
they will be seen.
When mobile objects are marked by a colour:
Emergency Vehicles

Red or yellowish green

Service Vehicles


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Markers displayed on or adjacent to objects shall be located in conspicuous positions so as to

retain the general definition of the object and shall be recognizable:

In clear weather from a distance of at least 1000 m for an object viewed from the
air, and

300 m for an object to be viewed from the ground

in all directions in which an aircraft is likely to approach the object. The shape of markers shall
be distinctive to the extent necessary to ensure that:

They are not mistaken for markers employed to convey other information, and

They shall be such that the hazard presented by the object they mark is not

A marker displayed on an overhead wire, cable etc should be spherical.

Flags used to mark objects shall be displayed around, on top or around the highest edge of,
the object. When flags are used to mark extensive objects or groups of closely spaced
objects, they shall be displayed at least every 15 m. Flags shall not increase the hazard
presented by the object they mark.
Flags should be orange in colour or a combination of two triangular sections, one orange or
red the other white, except that where such colours merge with the background, other
conspicuous colours should be used.
Flags used to mark mobile objects shall consist of a chequered pattern of orange or red and
white squares.
Lighting of Objects
The presence of objects that must be lit shall be indicated by low, medium or high intensity
obstacle lights, or a combination of such lights.
High intensity obstacle lights are intended for day and night use. Care is needed to ensure
that these lights do not create excessive dazzle.
Medium intensity obstacle lights should be used, either alone or in combination with low
intensity obstacle lights, where the object is an extensive one or its height above the
surrounding round is greater than 45 m
High intensity obstacle lights should be used to indicate an obstacle if its height above the
level of the surrounding ground exceeds 150 m and an aeronautical study indicates such
lights to be essential for the recognition of the object by day
High intensity obstacle lights should be used to indicate the presence of a tower supporting
overhead wires, cables etc

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Location of Obstacle Lights

One or more obstacle lights shall be located as close as practicable to the top of the object.
The top lights shall be arranged to indicate the points or edges of the object highest in relation
to the obstacle limitation surface.
In the case of a guyed tower or antenna where it is not possible to locate a high intensity
obstacle light on the top, such a light shall be located at the highest practicable point and a
medium intensity obstacle light, showing white, mounted at the top.
In the case of an extensive object or of a group of closely spaced objects, top lights shall be
displayed at least on the points or edges of the objects highest in relation to the obstacle
limitation surface. This is to indicate the general definition and the extent of the objects. If two
or more edges are the same height, the edge nearest the landing area shall be marked.
Where low intensity lights are used, they shall be spaced at longitudinal intervals not
exceeding 45 m. Where medium intensity lights are used, they shall be spaced at longitudinal
intervals not less exceeding 90 m.
Where an object is indicated by low or medium intensity obstacle lights, and the top of the
object is more than 45 m above the level of the surrounding ground or the elevation of tops of
nearby buildings, additional lights shall be provided at intermediate levels. These additional
lights shall be spaced as equally as practicable, between the top lights and ground level or
the level of tops of nearby buildings as appropriate, with the spacing not exceeding 45 m.
Where high intensity obstacle lights are used on a tower they shall be spaced at uniform
intervals not exceeding 105 m between the ground level and the top lights.
Where high intensity obstacle lights indicate the presence of a tower supporting overhead
wires, cables etc they shall be located at three levels:

At the top of the tower

At the lowest level of the catenary (lowest point) of the wires or cables, and

At approximately midway between these two levels

High intensity obstacle lights located on a tower should flash sequentially.

First the middle light

Second the top light, and

Last the bottom light

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The number and arrangements of obstacle lights is such that they can be seen from any
Low Intensity Obstacle Lights
Low intensity obstacle lights:

On fixed objects shall be steady red lights

On vehicles associated with emergency or security vehicles shall be flashing blue

On other vehicles shall be flashing yellow

Medium Intensity Obstacle Light

Medium intensity obstacle lights shall be flashing red lights, except that when used in
conjunction with high intensity obstacle lights they shall be flashing white lights
High Intensity Obstacle Light
High intensity obstacle lights shall be flashing white lights.
Visual Aids for Denoting Restricted Use Areas
Closed Runways and Taxiways or Parts Thereof
A closed marking shall be displayed on a runway or taxiway which is permanently closed.

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On a runway:

A closed marking shall be placed at each end of the runway, or portion, declared

Additional markings shall be placed at intervals of no more than 300 m. On a

taxiway a closed marking shall be placed at least at each end of the taxiway

The marking shall be white when displayed on a runway and yellow when displayed on a
taxiway. All normal runway and taxiway markings shall be obliterated, Lighting on a closed
runway or taxiway shall not be operated, except as required for maintenance purposes.
In addition to closed markings, when the runway or taxiway closed is intercepted by a usable
runway or taxiway which is used at night, unserviceability lights shall be placed across the
entrance to the closed area,
Non-Load Bearing Surfaces
Shoulders for taxiways, holding bays and aprons and other non-load bearing surfaces which
cannot be readily distinguished from load bearing surfaces and which, if used by aircraft,
might result in damage to the aircraft, shall have the boundary between such areas and the
load bearing surface marked by a taxi side stripe marking.
Pre-Threshold Area
When the surface before a threshold is paved and exceeds 60 m in length and is not suitable
for normal use by aircraft the entire length before the threshold should be marked with a
chevron marking.


A chevron marking should be of a conspicuous colour and contrast with the colour used for
runway markings; preferably yellow.

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Unserviceable Areas
Unserviceability markers shall be displayed wherever any portion of a taxiway, apron or
holding bay is unfit for the movement of aircraft but it is still possible for aircraft to bypass the
area safely. On a movement area used at night, unserviceability lights shall be used.
The markers shall consist of conspicuous standing devices such as flags, cones or marker
boards. Lights are red.
Introduction to Emergency and Other Services
The principal objective of a rescue and fire fighting service is to save lives, For this reason,
the provision of means of dealing with an aircraft accident or incident occurring at, or in the
immediate vicinity of, an aerodrome assumes primary importance because it is within this
area that there are the greatest opportunities of saving lives. This must assume at all times
the possibility of, and the need for, extinguishing a fire which may occur either immediately
following an aircraft accident or incident or at any time during rescue operations.
The most important factors bearing on effective rescue in a survivable aircraft accident are:

The training received

The effectiveness of the equipment, and

The speed with which the personnel and equipment designated for rescue and
fire fighting purposes can be put to use

Rescue and Fire Fighting

Rescue and fire fighting equipment and services shall be provided at an aerodrome. The level
of protection provided at an aerodrome for rescue and fire fighting shall be based on:

The longest aeroplanes normally using the aerodrome, and

Their fuselage width.

If after selecting the category appropriate to the aeroplanes overall length, the aeroplanes
fuselage width is greater than the maximum given in the Aerodrome Category table within this
annex, then the category is increased by one.
There are 10 aerodrome categories. The level of protection shall be appropriate to the
aerodrome category, except that, where the number of movements of the aeroplanes in the
highest category normally using the aerodrome is less than 700 in the busiest consecutive 3
months, the level of protection provided shall be:
Up to 31 December 1999 not less than 2 categories below the determined category, and
From 1 January 2000 not less than one category below the determined category

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A take -off or a landing constitutes a movement

Response Time
The operational objective of the rescue and fire fighting service should be to achieve
response times of 2 minutes, and not exceeding 3 minutes, to the end of each runway. This
includes any other part of the movement area, in optimum conditions of visibility and surface
Response time is considered to be the time between the initial call to the rescue and fire
fighting service and the time the first responding vehicle is in a position to apply foam at a rate
of at least 50% of the discharge rate specified.
Emergency access roads should be provided on an aerodrome where terrain conditions
permit their construction, so as to facilitate achieving minimum response times. Particular
attention should be given to the provision of ready access to approach areas up to 1000 m
from the threshold or at least within the aerodrome boundary. Where a fence is provided, the
need for convenient access to outside areas should be taken into account
All rescue and fire fighting vehicles should normally be housed in a fire station. Satellite fire
stations should be provided whenever the response time cannot be achieved from a single
fire station
Number of Rescue and Fire Fighting Vehicles
The minimum number of rescue and fire fighting vehicles provided at an aerodrome is as

Rescue and Fire

Fighting Vehicles

1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

6 and 7

8, 9 and 10

Apron Management Service

When warranted by the volume of traffic and operating conditions an appropriate apron
management service should be provided on an apron by an aerodrome ATS unit, by another
aerodrome operating authority or by a co-operative combination of these in order to:

Regulate movement with the objective of preventing collisions between aircraft

and obstacles

Regulate entry of aircraft into, and co-ordinate exit of aircraft from, the apron with
the aerodrome tower, and

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Ensure safe and expeditious movement of vehicles and appropriate regulation of

other activities

An apron management service shall be provided with R/T facilities. Where low visibility
procedures are in effect, persons and vehicles operating on an apron shall be restricted to the
essential minimum.
An emergency vehicle responding to an emergency shall be given priority over all other
surface movement traffic,
A vehicle operating on an apron shall give way to:

An emergency vehicle

An aircraft taxiing, about to taxi or being pushed or towed, and

Other vehicles in accordance with local regulations

An aircraft stand shall be visually monitored to ensure that the recommended clearances are
provided to an aircraft using the stand.
Ground Servicing of Aircraft
Fire extinguishing equipment suitable for at least initial intervention in the event of a fuel fire
and personnel trained in its use shall be readily available during the ground servicing of an
aircraft, There shall be a means of quickly summoning the rescue and fire fighting service in
the event of a fire or major fuel spill,
When aircraft refuelling operations take place while passengers are embarking, on board or
disembarking, ground equipment shall be positioned so as to allow:

The use of a sufficient number of exits for easy and quick evacuation, and

A ready escape route from each of the exits to be used in an emergency

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Chapter 26.
General Radar Procedures
Procedures For Air Navigation Services, Rules of the Air and Air Traffic
Services, Document 4444-RAC/501
The use of radar in ATS shall be limited to specified areas of radar cover and shall be subject
to such other limitations as specified by the appropriate ATS authority. Adequate information
on the operating methods used shall be published in AlPs, as well as operating practices
and/or equipment limitations having direct effects on the operation of ATS.
Primary surveillance radar (PSR) and secondary surveillance radar (SSR) may be used either
alone or in combination provided:

Reliable coverage exists in the area, and

The probability of detection, the accuracy and the integrity of the radar system
are satisfactory

PSR systems alone should be used in circumstances where SSR alone would not meet the
ATS requirements.
SSR systems, especially those with monopulse technique or Mode S capability, may be used
alone, including in the provision of separation between aircraft, provided.

The carriage of SSR transponders is mandatory within the area, and

Aircraft identification is established and maintained by use of assigned discrete

SSR codes

Presentation of Radar Information

The minimum radar derived information available for display to the controller shall include:

Radar position indications

Radar map information and,

When available information from SSR Mode A, Mode C and Mode S

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Identification of Aircraft
Establishment of Radar Identification
Before providing a radar service to an aircraft, radar identification shall be established and the
pilot informed. Thereafter, radar identification shall be maintained until termination of the radar
service. If radar identification is subsequently lost, the pilot shall be informed accordingly and,
when applicable appropriate instructions issued.
Radar identification shall be established by at least one of the following methods.
SSR Identification Procedures
Where SSR is used, aircraft may be identified by one or more of the following procedures:

Recognition of the aircraft identification in a radar label

Recognition of an assigned discrete code, the setting of which has been verified,
in a radar label

Direct recognition of the aircraft identification of a Mode S equipped aircraft in a

radar label

By transfer of radar identification

Observance of compliance with an instruction to set a specific code

Observation of compliance with an instruction to squawk IDENT

When a discrete code has been assigned to an aircraft, a check shall be made at the earliest
opportunity to ensure that the code set by the pilot is identical to that assigned for the flight.
Only after this check has been made shall the discrete code be used as a basis for
PSR Identification Procedures
Where SSR is not used or available, radar identification shall be established by at least one of
the following methods:

By correlating a particular radar position indication with an aircraft reporting its

position over, or as bearing and distance from a point displayed on the radar
map, and by confirming that the track of the particular radar position is consistent
with the aircraft path or reported heading

By correlating an observed radar position indication with an aircraft which is

known to have just departed, provided that the identification is established within
2 km (1 nm) from the end of the runway used. Particular care should be taken to
avoid confusion with aircraft holding over or overflying the aerodrome, or with
aircraft departing from or making a missed approach over adjacent runways

By transfer of radar identification

By ascertaining aircraft heading, if circumstances require, and following a period

of track observation:

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Instructing the pilot to execute one or more changes of heading of 30 or

more and correlating the movements of one particular radar position
indication with the aircrafts acknowledged execution of the instructions given,

Correlating the movements of a particular radar position indication with

manoeuvres currently executed by an aircraft having so reported

When using these methods, the radar controller shall:

Verify that the movements of not more than one radar position indication
corresponds with those of the aircraft, and

Ensure that the manoeuvre(s) will not carry the aircraft outside the coverage of
the radar display

Use may be made of direction finding bearings to assist in radar identification of an aircraft.
This method shall not be used as the sole means of establishing radar identification, unless
so prescribed by the ATS authority for particular cases under specified conditions
When two or more radar position indications:

Are observed in close proximity, or

Are observed to be making similar movements at the same time, or

When any doubt exists as to the identity of a radar position indication for any
other reason

changes of heading should be prescribed or repeated as many times as necessary, or

additional methods of identification should be employed, until all risk of error in identification is
Position Information
An aircraft provided with radar service should be informed of its position in the following
circumstances, when identified:

Based upon the pilots report of the aircraft position or within 1 nm of the runway
upon departure and the observation is consistent with the aircrafts time of
departure, or

By use of assigned discrete SSR codes or Mode S and the location of the
observed radar position indication is consistent with the current flight plan of the
aircraft, or

By transfer of radar identification

When the pilot requests this information

When a pilots estimate differs significantly from the radar controllers estimate
based on radar observation

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When the pilot is instructed to resume own navigation after radar vectoring if the
current instructions had diverted the aircraft from a previously assigned route

Immediately before termination of radar service, if the aircraft is observed to

deviate from its intended route

Position information shall be passed to aircraft in one of the following forms:

As a well known geographical position

Magnetic track and distance to a significant point, an en-route navigation aid, or

an approach aid

Direction and distance from a known position

Distance to touchdown, if the aircraft is on final approach, or

Distance and direction from the centre line of an ATS route

Where practicable, position information shall relate to positions or routes pertinent to the
navigation of the aircraft concerned and displayed on the radar map.
The pilot may omit position reports at compulsory reporting points when specified by the ATS
unit concerned, this includes points at which air-reports are required for meteorological
purposes. Pilots shall resume position reporting:

When instructed

When advised that radar service is terminated, or

That radar identification is lost.

Radar Vectoring

Radar vectoring shall be achieved by issuing the pilot specific headings which
enable the aircraft to maintain the desired track. When vectoring an aircraft, a
radar controller should comply with the following:

Whenever practicable, the aircraft should be vectored along routes or tracks on

which the pilot can monitor the aircraft position with reference to pilot interpreted
navigation aids

When an aircraft is given a vector diverting it from a previously assigned route,

the pilot should be informed, unless it is self-evident, what the vector is to
accomplish and, when possible, the limit of the vector should be specified

Except when transfer of radar control is to be effected aircraft shall not be


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Closer than 4.6 km (2.5 nm), or,

Where a radar separation greater than 9.3 km (5 nm) is prescribed, a

distance equivalent to of the prescribed separation minimum, from the limit
of the airspace for which the radar controller is responsible


24 October 2003

unless local arrangements have been made to ensure that separation will exist with radar
controlled aircraft operating in adjoining areas

Controlled flights should not be vectored into uncontrolled airspace except in:

The case of emergency, or

In order to circumnavigate severe weather (in which case the pilot should be
so informed), or

At the specific request of the pilot

When an aircraft has reported unreliable directional instruments, the pilot should
be requested, prior to the issuance of manoeuvring instructions, to make turns at
an agreed rate and to carry out the instruction immediately upon receipt

When vectoring an IFR flight, the radar controller shall issue clearances such that the
required obstacle clearance will exist at all times until the aircraft reaches the point where the
pilot will resume own navigation.
Whenever possible, minimum vectoring altitudes should be sufficiently high to minimize
activation of GPWS. States shall encourage operators to report incidents involving the
activation of aircraft GPWS so that their locations can be identified and altitude, routing and/or
aircraft operating procedures can be altered to prevent recurrences.
In terminating radar vectoring of an aircraft, the radar controller shall instruct the pilot to
resume own navigation, giving the pilot the aircrafts position and appropriate instructions, as
Information Regarding Adverse Weather
Information that an aircraft appears likely to penetrate an area of adverse weather should be
issued in sufficient time to permit the pilot to decide on an appropriate course of action,
including that of requesting advice on how best to circumnavigate the adverse weather, if so
In vectoring an aircraft for circumnavigating any area of adverse weather, the radar controller
should ascertain that the aircraft can be returned to its intended or assigned flight path within
the available radar coverage, and, if this does not appear possible, inform the pilot of the
Use of Radar in the Air Traffic Control Service
The information presented on a radar display may be used to perform the following functions
in the provision of air traffic control service:

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Provide radar services as necessary in order to improve airspace utilization,

reduce delays, provide for direct routings and more optimum flight profiles, as
well as to enhance safety

Provide radar vectoring to departing aircraft for the purpose of facilitating an

expeditious and efficient departure flow and expediting climb to cruising level

Provide radar vectoring to aircraft for the purpose of resolving potential conflicts

Provide radar vectoring to arriving aircraft for the purpose of establishing an

expeditious and efficient approach sequence

Provide radar vectoring to assist pilots in their navigation

Provide separation and maintain normal traffic flow when an aircraft experiences
communication failure within the area of radar coverage

Maintain monitoring of air traffic

When applicable, maintain a watch on the progress of air traffic, in order to

provide a non-radar controller with:

Improved position information regarding aircraft under control

Supplementary information regarding other traffic, and

Information regarding any significant deviations, by aircraft from the terms of

their respective ATC clearances, including their cleared routes as well as
levels when appropriate

Co-ordination of Traffic under Radar and Non-Radar Control

Appropriate arrangements shall be made in any ATCU using radar to ensure the co-ordination
of traffic under radar control with traffic under non-radar control. This includes the provision of
adequate separation between the radar controlled aircraft and all other controlled aircraft. To
this end, close liaison shall be maintained at all times between radar controllers and nonradar controllers
Radar Separation Minima
Unless otherwise stated the horizontal radar separation minimum shall be 9.3 km (5 nm).
The radar separation may, if prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority, be reduced, but not
5.6 km (3 nm) when radar capabilities at a given location so permit, and

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4.6 km (2.5 nm) between succeeding aircraft which are established on the same
final approach track within 18.5 km (10 nm) of the runway end. A reduced
separation minimum of 4.6 km (2.5 nm) may be applied provided:

The average runway occupancy time of landing aircraft is proven, by

statistical means such as data collection and statistical analysis and methods
based on a theoretical model, not to exceed 50 seconds

Braking action is reported as good and runway occupancy times are not
adversely affected by runway contaminants such as slush, snow or ice


24 October 2003

A radar system with appropriate azimuth and range resolution and an update
rate of 5 seconds or less is used in combination with suitable radar displays,

The aerodrome controller is able to observe visually or by means of surface

movement radar (SMR) or a surface movement guidance and control system
(SMCGS), the runway in use and associated exit and entry taxiways

The wake turbulence radar separation minima prescribed, or as may be

prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority do not apply

Aircraft approach speeds are closely monitored by the controller and when
necessary adjusted so as to ensure that separation is not reduced below the

Aircraft operators and pilots have been made fully aware of the need to exit
the runway in an expeditious manner whenever the reduced separation
minimum on final approach is applied, and

Procedures concerning the application of the reduced minimum are published

in Aeronautical Information Publication

The radar separation minima to be applied shall be prescribed by the appropriate ATS
authority according to the capability of the particular radar system or sensor to accurately
identify the aircraft position in relation to the centre of an RPS, PSR blip or SSR response and
taking into account factors which may affect the accuracy of the radar derived information,
such as aircraft range from the radar site.
The following wake turbulence radar separation minima shall be applied to aircraft in the
approach and departure phases of flight:

Succeeding aircraft

Wake turbulence radar

separation minima

Aircraft category
Preceding aircraft



7.4 km (4 nm)


9.3 km (5 nm)


11.1 km (6 nm)


9.3 km (5 nm)

The minima set out above shall be applied when:

An aircraft is operating directly behind another aircraft at the same altitude or less
than 300 m (1000 ft), or

Both aircraft are using the same runway, or parallel runways separated by less
than 760 m, or

An aircraft is crossing behind another aircraft, at the same altitude or less than
300 m (1000 ft)

Emergencies, Hazards and Equipment Failures

In the event of an aircraft in, or appearing to be in, any form of emergency, every assistance
shall be provided by the radar controller. The progress of an identified aircraft in emergency

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shall be monitored and plotted on the radar display until the aircraft passes out of radar
coverage. Position information shall be provided to all ATS units which may be able to give
assistance to the aircraft radar transfer to adjacent radar sectors shall also be effected when
If the pilot of an aircraft encountering a state of emergency has previously been directed by
ATC to operate the transponder on a specific code, that code will normally be maintained
unless, in special circumstances, the pilot has decided or has been advised otherwise. Where
ATC has not requested a code to be set, the pilot will set the transponder to Mode A 7700.
Radar Equipment Failure
If ATC suffer a total radar failure, but air-ground communications are still possible, the radar
controller shall:

Plot the positions of all aircraft already identified and in conjunction with the nonradar controller take the necessary action to establish non-radar separation

And when relevant

Request that the appropriate non-radar controller take control of the aircraft

Instruct aircraft to communicate with the appropriate controller

As an emergency measure if standard non-radar separation cannot be provided immediately,

the use of Flight Levels spaced by half the normal vertical separation may be used.
Ground Radio Failure
Where there is a complete failure of ground radio equipment, the radar controller reverts to
the procedures for a total radar failure unless he is unable to provide the radar service using
other appropriate communications systems.
When total radar failure procedures are not appropriate the controller shall:

Without delay inform all adjacent control positions or ATC units of the failure

Inform the control positions or ATC units of the current traffic situation

Request the assistance of the above units in establishing communications with

aircraft so that radar or non-radar separation can be achieved

Instruct all adjacent positions or ATC units to hold all controlled flights outside the
area of responsibility until normal services can be resumed

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Use of Radar in the Approach Control Service

An aircraft vectored for final approach should be given headings close to the final approach
track. The aircraft should be established in level flight prior to intercepting the glide path on a
precision approach. The intercept angle should be 45 or less.
For independent parallel approaches the intercept angle should not be greater than 30 and
provide at least 1 nm straight and level flight prior to localiser intercept. The vector must also
ensure that at least 2 nm straight and level flight occurs before glidepath intercept.
Separation should be 1000 ft vertical or 3nm horizontal provided that aircraft are established:

Inbound on the localiser

Are within the NOZ

A minimum of 3 nm separation is given to aircraft on the same localiser course.

Clearance to land should be passed to an aircraft before it reaches 2 nm from touchdown. If
no clearance to land has been received then a missed approach should be carried out.
Surveillance Radar Approach
If PAR is available then a final approach using SRA should not be carried out unless
meteorological conditions are such that there is a reasonable certainty that the SRA can be
completed successfully.
When conducting a SRA the radar controller must comply with the following:

At or before the commencement of the final approach the aircraft shall be

informed of the point at where the SRA will be terminated

The aircraft shall be informed when the aircraft is approaching the point at where
the descent should begin.

Before reaching the computed descent point the aircraft shall be informed of the
OCA/H and instructed to descend and check the appropriate minima

Distance to touchdown is normally passed at every 2 km (1 nm) with the precomputed level the aircraft should be passing

The approach shall be terminated:

At a distance of 4 km (2nm) from touchdown, or

Before the aircraft enters an area of continuous radar clutter, or

When the pilot reports that a visual approach can be completed

Whichever is the earliest.

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Where the appropriate ATS determines that the radar accuracy is good enough. The SRA can
be continued to:

The threshold, or

To a point less than 4 km from touchdown

Where the approach is continued to a point less than 4 km from touchdown:

Distance and level information is given each km ( nm)

Transmission should not be interrupted for intervals of more than 5 seconds when
the aircraft is within a distance of 8 km (4 nm) from touchdown

The radar controller should not be responsible for any other duties other than
those directly connected with a particular approach

Speed Control
Radar controllers may request aircraft to adjust their speed in order to facilitate radar control.
Aircraft may be requested to maintain:

Maximum speed

Minimum speed

Minimum clean speed

Minimum approach speed, or

A specific speed

Where a specific speed is given it is expressed in:

Multiples of 20 km/h (10 knots) IAS, or

Multiples of 0.01 Mach

Only minor speed adjustments of not more than 40 km/h (20 knots) should be requested of
aircraft established on an intermediate or final approach. No speed control should be applied
after 8 km (4 nm) from the threshold on the final approach.

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Chapter 27.
Interception of Civil Aircraft

Annex 2 - Rules of the Air

Annex 11 Air Traffic Services

The word interception in this context does not include the intercept and escort service
provided on request, to an aircraft in distress
In accordance with Article 3(d) of the Chicago Convention the Contracting States of ICAO
undertake, when issuing regulations for their state aircraft, that they will have due regard for
the safety of navigation of civil aircraft.
As interceptions of civil aircraft are potentially hazardous, the ICAO Council has formulated
special recommendations. The uniform application of these procedures is essential in the
interest of safety of civil aircraft.
To eliminate, or reduce, the need for interception:

All possible efforts must be made by intercept control units to secure identification
of any aircraft. Advice and instructions should be issued through the appropriate
ATS units. To ensure rapid and reliable exchange of communications, links
between intercept control units and ATS units must be established.

All areas where flight is prohibited, or not permitted without special authorization,
to civil aircraft must be clearly promulgated in the AlP. The risk of interception in
the event of penetration of such areas must also be stated. When areas are
promulgated close to ATS routes, states should take into account:

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The availability and accuracy of the navigation systems to be used by civil

aircraft, and

The ability of civil aircraft to remain clear of the promulgated areas, and

The establishment of additional navigational aids must be considered where

necessary to ensure that civil aircraft are able to circumnavigate prohibited,
restricted or danger areas.


Atlantic Flight Training

To eliminate, or reduce, the hazards inherent in interceptions, all possible efforts should be
made to ensure co-ordinated actions by the pilots and ground units concerned. Contracting
States must ensure that:

All pilots of civil aircraft are made fully aware of the actions to be taken by them
and the visual signals to be used, as specified later in this chapter.

Operators, or PlC, of civil aircraft implement the provisions regarding:

The capability to communicate on 121.500 MHz, and

The availability of interception procedures and visual signals on board aircraft

All ATS personnel be made fully aware of the actions to be taken in the event of
interception taking place

All PICs of intercepting aircraft be made aware of the general performance and
limitations of civil aircraft. Remembering that, intercepted civil aircraft may be in a
state of emergency due to technical difficulty or unlawful interference

Clear and unambiguous instructions be issued to intercept control units and to

PlC of intercepting aircraft. These instructions must cover:

Intercept manoeuvres

Guidance of intercepted aircraft

Action by intercepted aircraft

Air-to-air visual signals

Radio Communication with intercepted aircraft

The need to refrain from resorting to the use of weapons

Intercept control units and intercepting aircraft be provided with the means to
communicate with civil aircraft on 121.500 MHz

SSR facilities are made available so that intercept control units can identify civil
aircraft in areas where they might be otherwise intercepted. Facilities must be
able to recognise Mode A codes, including immediate recognition of Mode A
codes 7500, 7600 and 7700.

In-Flight Contingencies
Strayed Aircraft
An aircraft which has deviated significantly from its intended
track or which reports that it is lost
Unidentified Aircraft An aircraft which has been observed or reported to be
operating in a given area but whose identity has not been established

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As soon as an ATS unit becomes aware of a strayed aircraft it shall take all necessary steps
to assist the aircraft and safeguard its flight. If the aircrafts position is not known, the ATS unit

Attempt to establish two way communication with the aircraft, unless such
communication already exists

Use all available means to determine its position

Inform other ATS units into whose area the aircraft may have strayed or may
stray, taking into account all the factors which may have affected the navigation
of the aircraft in the circumstances

Inform in accordance with locally agreed procedures, appropriate military units

and provide them with pertinent flight plan and other data concerning strayed

Request from other units and from aircraft in flight every assistance in
establishing communication with the aircraft and determining its position

When the aircrafts position is established, the ATS unit shall:

Advise the aircraft of its position and corrective action to be taken, and

Provide as necessary, other ATS units and appropriate military units with relevant
information concerning the strayed aircraft and any advice given to that aircraft

As soon as an ATS unit becomes aware of an unidentified aircraft in its area, it shall
endeavour to establish the identity of the aircraft whenever this is necessary for the provision
of ATS services or required by the appropriate military authorities in accordance with locally
agreed procedures. To this end, the ATS unit shall take such of the following steps as are
appropriate in the circumstances:

Attempt to establish two way communication with the aircraft

Inquire of other ATS units within the FIR about the flight and request their
assistance in establishing two way communication with the aircraft

Inquire of ATS units serving the adjacent FIRs about the flight and request their
assistance in establishing two way communication with the aircraft

Attempt to obtain information from other aircraft in the area

The ATS unit shall, as necessary, inform the appropriate military unit as soon as the identity
of the aircraft has been established
Principles to be Observed by States
To achieve uniformity in the regulations:

Interception of civil aircraft will be undertaken as a last resort

If undertaken, an interception will be limited to determining the identity of an

aircraft, unless it is necessary to:

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Return the aircraft to its planned track

Direct it beyond the boundaries of national airspace

Guide it away from prohibited, restricted or danger areas

Instruct it to effect a landing at a designated aerodrome

Practice interception of civil aircraft will not be undertaken

Navigational guidance and related information will be given to an intercepted

aircraft by radiotelephony, whenever radio contact can be established

If the intercepted aircraft is required to land in the territory overflown, the

aerodrome designated for the landing is to be suitable for the safe landing of the
aircraft type concerned

Interception Manoeuvres
A standard method should be established for the manoeuvring of aircraft intercepting a civil
aircraft in order to avoid any hazard for the intercepted aircraft. This method must take into

Collision hazard

The need to avoid crossing an aircrafts flight path

The performance of manoeuvres in such a manner that wake turbulence may be

hazardous, especially if the intercepted aircraft is a light aircraft.

Manoeuvres for Visual Identification

The following is recommended for the manoeuvring of intercepting aircraft:
Phase I
The intercepting aircraft should approach from the stern. The element
leader, or single intercepting aircraft, should normally take up position on the left side,
slightly above and ahead of the intercepted aircraft. This position should be within the
field of view of the pilot of the intercepted aircraft; the intercepting aircraft should not
be closer than 300 m. All other participating aircraft should remain well clear. Once
speed and position have been established, the aircraft can then proceed with Phase
Phase II
The intercepting aircraft should gently close with the intercepted
aircraft. This must be no closer than absolutely necessary. Caution should be used to
avoid startling the flight crew or passengers. Upon completion of identification, the
intercepting aircraft should withdraw using the procedures outlined in Phase III.
Phase III
The element leader, or the single intercepting aircraft, should break
gently away from the intercepted aircraft in a shallow dive. Other aircraft must remain
well clear and rejoin their leader.

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Manoeuvres for Navigational Guidance

If, following the visual identification manoeuvres in Phases I and II, it is considered necessary
to intervene in the navigation of the intercepted aircraft the element leader, or single
intercepting aircraft, should take up position on the left side, slightly above and ahead of the
intercepted aircraft. This is to enable the pilot of the intercepted aircraft to see the visual
The pilot of the intercepting aircraft must be satisfied that the PlC of the intercepted aircraft is
aware of the interception and acknowledges the signals given. If repeated attempts to attract
the attention of the PlC of the intercepted aircraft are unsuccessful, then as a last resort other
methods such as using reheat/afterburner may be used, provided that no hazard is created.
Meteorological conditions may make it necessary for the intercepting aircraft to position on
the right of the intercepted aircraft. In this case the pilot of the intercepting aircraft must
ensure that he is in the view of the PIC of the intercepted aircraft at all times.
Guidance of an intercepted Aircraft
Navigational guidance, and related information, should be given to an intercepted aircraft by
radio, whenever radio contact can be established. Where navigational guidance is given, care
must be taken that the aircraft is not led into conditions where the visibility is below that
required to maintain VMC. The manoeuvres demanded of the intercepted aircraft must not
add to already existing hazards in the event that the operating efficiency of the aircraft is
Where an intercepted aircraft is required to land in the territory overflown, care must also be
taken that:

The designated aerodrome is suitable for the safe landing of the aircraft type
concerned. Especially if the aerodrome is not normally used for civil operations.

The surrounding terrain is suitable for circling, approach and missed approach

The intercepted aircraft has sufficient fuel remaining to reach the aerodrome

If the intercepted aircraft is a civil transport aircraft, the designated runway has a
length of at least 2500 m and a bearing strength sufficient to support the aircraft,

The designated aerodrome, if possible, is described in detail in the relevant AIP

Where a civil aircraft is landing at an unfamiliar aerodrome, sufficient time must be allowed for
landing. The PlC of the civil aircraft is the only person who can judge whether the landing can
be made safety. All information necessary to facilitate a safe approach and landing should be
given by R/T.

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Interception of Civil Aircraft

If an ATS unit learns that an aircraft is being intercepted in its area of responsibility, it shall
take any of the following steps as are appropriate in the circumstances:

Attempt to establish two way communication with the intercepted aircraft on any
available frequency, including the emergency frequency 121.500 MHz, unless
such communication already exists

Inform the pilot of the intercepted aircraft of the interception

Establish contact with the intercept control unit maintaining two way
communication with the intercepting aircraft and provide it with available
information concerning the aircraft

Relay messages between the intercepting aircraft or the intercept control unit and
the intercepted aircraft, as necessary

In close co-ordination with the intercept control unit take all necessary steps to
ensure the safety of the intercepted aircraft

Inform ATS units and adjacent FIRs if it appears that the aircraft has strayed

As soon as an ATS unit learns that an aircraft is being intercepted outside its area of
responsibility, it shall take such of the following steps as are appropriate in the circumstances:

Inform the ATS unit serving the airspace in which the interception is taking place,
providing this unit with available information that will assist in identifying the
aircraft and requesting it to take action

Relay messages between the intercepted aircraft and the appropriate ATS unit,
the intercept control or the intercepting aircraft

Action by Intercepted Aircraft

An aircraft that is intercepted by another aircraft shall immediately:

Follow the instructions given by the intercepting aircraft, interpreting and

responding to visual signals.

Notify, if possible, the appropriate ATS unit

Attempt to establish communications with the intercepting aircraft, or with the

appropriate intercept control unit on, 121.500 MHz giving the identity of the
intercepting aircraft and the nature of the flight. If no contact has been
established, and if practicable, repeat this call on 243.00 MHz.

If equipped with SSR transponder, select Mode A 7700, unless otherwise

instructed by the appropriate ATS unit

If any instructions received by radio conflict with those given by visual signal, the intercepted
aircraft shall request immediate clarification. Whilst clarification is sought, the intercepted
aircraft must continue to comply with the visual signals given by the intercepting aircraft.

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If any instructions received by radio from any source conflicts with those given by the
intercepting aircraft by radio, the intercepted aircraft shall request immediate clarification.
Whilst clarification is sought, the intercepted aircraft must continue to comply with the radio
signals given by the intercepting aircraft.
Signals for use in the Event of Interception
Air-to-Air Visual Signals
Both intercepting and intercepted aircraft must adhere strictly to the following signals. All
signals must be given as per the tables below. The intercepting aircraft must pay particular
attention to any signals given by the intercepted aircraft that indicate it is in a state of distress.
Signals Initiated by Intercepting Aircraft and Responses by Intercepted Aircraft
Intercepting Aircraft


Rocking aircraft and flashing
navigational lights at irregular
intervals (and landing lights
in the case of a helicopter)
from a position slightly above
and ahead of, and normally
to the left of, the intercepted
aircraft (or to the right if the
intercepted aircraft is a
acknowledgement, a slow
level turn, normally to the left,
(or to the right in the case of
a helicopter) on the desired

Intercepted Aircraft


You have been
follow me

Rocking aircraft, flashing

navigational lights at irregular
intervals and following

will comply

Meteorological conditions or
terrain may require the
reverse the positions and
directions of the turn above.
If the intercepted aircraft is
not able to keep pace with
the intercepting aircraft, the
latter is expected to fly a
series of racetrack patterns
and to rock the aircraft each
time it passes the intercepted

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Intercepting Aircraft





intercepted aircraft consisting
of a climbing turn of 90 or
more without crossing the
line of flight of the intercepted

Intercepted Aircraft




Rocking the aircraft

will comply


Lowering landing gear (if

landing lights and overflying
the runway in use or, if the
aircraft is a helicopter,
landing area. In the case of
helicopters, the intercepting
helicopter makes a landing
approach coming to hover
near the landing area

Land at this

Lowering landing gear (if

landing lights and following
the intercepting aircraft and,
if, after overflying the runway
in use or helicopter landing
area, landing is considered
safe, proceeding to land

will comply

Signals Initiated by Intercepted Aircraft and Responses by Intercepting Aircraft

Intercepted Aircraft Signals

Aerodrome you
designated is

If it is desired that the

intercepted aircraft follow the
intercepting aircraft to an
alternate aerodrome, the
intercepting aircraft raises its
landing gear (if fitted) and
prescribed for intercepting

Cannot comply


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follow me

If it is decided to release the

intercepting aircraft uses the
Series 2 signals prescribed
for intercepting aircraft


Irregular flashing
available lights



Regular switching on and off

of all available lights but in
such a manner as to be
distinct from flashing lights

Intercepting Aircraft

Raising landing gear (if fitted)
and flashing landing lights
while passing over runway in
use or helicopter landing
area at a height exceeding
1000 ft but not exceeding
2000 ft (in the case of a
helicopter, at a height
exceeding 170 ft but not
exceeding 330 ft) above the
continue to circle runway in
use or helicopter landing
area. If unable to flash
landing lights, flash any other
lights available


prescribed for intercepting




In distress


prescribed for intercepting


24 October 2003

Radio Communication Between the Intercept Control Unit or the Intercepting Aircraft
and the Intercepted Aircraft
When an intercept is being made the intercept control unit or the intercepting aircraft should
attempt to establish communications with the intercepted aircraft on 121.500 MHz. Failing
this, an attempt to establish communications with the intercepted aircraft on other frequencies
that may have been used with an ATS unit should be tried. If radio contact is made during
interception but communication in a common language is not possible. Instructions can be
issued and acknowledgements made using the table below:
Phrases for use by INTERCEPTING Aircraft

Phrases for use by INTERCEPTED Aircraft









What is your
call sign?



My call sign is



Follow me



will comply



Descend for



Unable to



Land at this



Repeat your



You may






I am in



I have been



I request to
land at


(Place name)

I require

Syllables to be emphasized are underlined. Circumstances may not always permit, nor make
desirable, the use of the phrase HIJACK

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Chapter 28.
Doc 7030/4 Regional Supplementary Procedures
The ICAO Regional Supplementary Procedures (SUPPS) form the procedural part of the Air
Navigation Plan developed by Regional Air Navigation (RAN) meetings to meet those needs
of specific areas which are not covered in the world wide provisions. They complement the
statement of requirements for facilities and services contained in the Air Navigation
Publications. Procedures of worldwide applicability are either included in the Annexes to the
Convention on International Civil Aviation as SARPS, or they form part of the documents
entitled PANS. In the development of SUPPS, the following criteria must be satisfied:

SUPPS indicate a mode of implementing procedural provisions in Annexes and

PANS as distinct from a statement or description of required facilities, and
services as published in the Air Navigation Plan publications. SUPPS may also
indicate permissible additions to provisions in Annexes and PANS, subject to the
restrictions shown in the two paragraphs below

SUPPS must not be in conflict with the provisions contained in the Annexes or
PANS. They must either:

Specify detailed procedural regional options of those provisions, or

Promulgate a regional procedure of justifiable operational significance,

additional to existing provisions in Annexes or PANS

In the drafting of SUPPS, small variations in the text of procedures with similar
intent applicable to more than one area should be avoided

The SUPPS do not have the same status as SARPS. The latter are adopted by Council in
according of Article 37 (Adoption of International Standards and Procedures) of the
Convention, subject to the full procedure of Article 90 (Adoption and Amendment of Annexes).
The Council approves PANS and SUPPS:

The PANS are recommended to Contracting States for world wide use

The SUPPS are recommended to Contracting States for application in the groups
of FIRs to which they are relevant

PANS were originally developed from the common recommendations of regional meetings
and were given worldwide application by the ICAO Council after action thereon by ICAO
Divisions. There has been a gradual evolution of procedures from the regional to the
worldwide category as ICAO Divisions have been able to adapt regionally developed
procedures to worldwide requirements. Some of the worldwide procedures have been found
suitable for classification as SARPS and therefore are gradually being incorporated in the
Annexes of the Convention.

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Application of the SUPPS in certain areas of the world has been specified according to
groups of FIRs as shown below. The abbreviations identifying the groups of FIRs in which
specific sets of SUPPS apply have been chosen in reference to ICAO region designators, but
the limits of the areas of application do not necessarily coincide with the boundaries of the
ICAO regions. The SUPPS are divided into the following 8 regions:

Africa-Indian Ocean






Middle East/Asia


North America


North Atlantic




South America

Whenever there is a specific relationship between a supplementary procedure and an Annex

or PANS, such a relationship is indicated by reference to the parent document and relevant
paragraph. These paragraph numbers appear above the text, together with the abbreviation
as follows.

Annexes to the Convention

Procedures for Air Navigation Services



Refers to paragraph 3.1.13 of Annex 2 - Rules of the Air

Other abbreviations that might be seen are:
P-RAC Doc 4444/RAC/501 Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Services
P-OPS Doc 8l65-OPS/611 Aircraft Operations
National differences or the non-application of the SUPPS are notified in the relevant AIPs.

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EUR Regional Supplementary Procedures

Part I - Rules of the Air, Air Traffic Services and Search and Rescue
Flight Rules
Special Application of IFR
Flights shall be conducted in accordance with IFR (even when not operating in IMC) when
operated above FL 150 within the following FIRs:






Tel Aviv

Air Traffic Advisory Service

The PANS-RAC leave it to the discretion of the pilot whether or not to obtain air traffic
advisory service when available. The following procedures make it compulsory to obtain such
service under certain circumstances. All IFR flights shall comply with the procedure for air
traffic advisory service when operating within the following FIRs:






Tel Aviv

Flight Plans
Submission of a Flight Plan
For flights subject to ATFM measures, the following procedures apply:

Flight plans shall be submitted at least 3 hours before the estimated off block time

Any changes to the EOBT of more than 15 minutes shall be the subject of a
modification message

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When a repetitive flight plan (RPL) or an individual flight plan (FPL) has been filed
but it is decided, within 4 hours of EOBT, to use an alternative routing between
the same aerodromes of departure and destination:

A cancellation message (CNL) shall be transmitted immediately to all

addressees of the previous flight plan

A replacement flight plan (RFP) in the form of a FPL with identical call sign
shall be transmitted after the CNL message and with a delay of not less than
5 minutes

The last RFP shall be filed at least 30 minutes before EOBT

The submission of a RFP should be accepted as fulfilling a states requirement for advance
notification of flight.
Date of Flight in a Flight Plan
PANS-RAC states that if a flight plan is filed more than 24 hours in advance of the EOBT of
the flight to which it refers, that flight plan shall be held in abeyance until at most 24 hours
before the flight begins so as to avoid the need for the insertion of a date group into that flight
plan. The following removes this restriction and specifies details regarding the optional
insertion of a date group into the flight plan.
If a flight plan for a flight conducted wholly in the EUR Region is filed more than 24 hours in
advance of the estimated EOBT, it is mandatory to provide the date of the flight. If the flight
plan is filed less than 24 hours in advance of the EOBT, the date of the flight may be
optionally indicated. This information will be inserted in Item 18 of the flight plan in the form of
a 3-letter indicator followed by an oblique stroke and date of flight in a 6-figure format.


Date of flight







These flight plans shall be processed and transmitted without being held in abeyance.
Air-Ground Communications and In-Flight Reporting
Annex 2 and PANS-RAC require controlled flights and certain IFR flights outside controlled
airspace to maintain a continuous listening watch on the appropriate radio frequency and to
report positions in specified circumstances. The following expands such requirements and
specifies additional details regarding the transmission and contents of in-flight reports.

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Contents of Position Reports

Abbreviated Reports
Position reports should only contain:

The aircraft identification



Flight level

unless otherwise specified in defined portions of the airspace, designated by the appropriate
ATS authority, where:

Though SSR individual identity and verified Mode C information are permanently
available in the form of labels associated with the radar position of the aircraft
concerned, and

Reliable air-ground communications coverage, and direct pilot to controller

communications exist,

The initial call after changing a radio frequency may only contain:

The aircraft identification


Subsequently any position report may only contain:

The aircraft identification



Action in the Event of Air-Ground Communication Failure

A departing controlled IFR flight operating in IMC, having acknowledged an initial intermediate
clearance to climb to a level other than the one specified in the current flight plan for the enroute phase of the flight, and experiencing two-way radio communication failure should, if no
time limit or geographical limit was included in the climb clearance, maintain for a period of 3
minutes the level to which it was cleared and then continue its flight in accordance with the
current flight plan.
A departing controlled IFR flight being vectored by radar away from the route specified in its
current flight plan and experiencing two-way radio communication failure should proceed in
the most direct manner to the route specified in the current flight plan.

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Air Traffic Control Clearances

A PIC shall, if at any time in doubt, request a detailed description of the route from ATS.
Separation of Aircraft
Longitudinal Separation Minimum Based on Time and Radar Observed Distance
A minimum longitudinal separation of 3 minutes may be applied between aircraft on the same
track or crossing tracks, whether at the same level, climbing or descending, provided that:

Their flight progress is continuously monitored by radar forming an integral part of

the ATCU concerned, and

The distance between the aircraft, as observed by radar, is never less than 20 nm

Use of SSR
Operation of SSR Equipment and Displays
SSR derived information shall be checked by use of special monitoring devices, or by
correlation of an identified primary radar blip with the appropriate SSR response.
The all codes setting shall be used when it is necessary to display all aircraft in a specified
area that are equipped with SSR or IFF/SSR transponders. The all aircraft setting shall be
used when it is desired to display aircraft equipped with basic IFF transponders.
Use of SSR Derived Information for the Provision of Separation Between Aircraft
Except when the positional element of an SSR response cannot be resolved, SSR derived
information may be used alone for the provision of horizontal separation between aircraft in
the circumstances and under the conditions specified below:

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Within the coverage area of the associated primary radar, in order to overcome
known deficiencies of that radar eg the fact that primary radar echoes of certain
aircraft are not, or not continuously, presented on the radar display due to the
reflecting characteristics of such aircraft, clutter etc. In this case, SSR responses
may be used for the separation of transponder equipped aircraft from other
known aircraft not using SSR but displayed clearly on the primary radar display,
provided that the SSR response from any aircraft (not necessarily the one being
provided separation) coincide with the primary radar echo of the same aircraft


24 October 2003

Outside the coverage area of the associated primary radar, or in certain areas
(which shall be defined horizontally as well as vertically) and under circumstances
specified by the appropriate authority in consultation with the operators, provided:

Reliable SSR coverage exists within the area

The area is designated as controlled airspace

The control of air traffic in the area is vested in one ATC unit unless adequate
means of co-ordination exist between all ATC units concerned

Actual operating experience has shown that loss of SSR responses is not
occurring at a rate affecting the safety of operations and adequate measures
for earliest possible detection of such losses have been developed

Density and/or complexity of air traffic in the area and provision of

navigational guidance allow to revert safely to other forms of separation in
case of SSR failure

The aircraft concerned have previously been identified and identification has
been maintained

Procedural separation is applied

transponders and other aircraft





In defined areas where advanced ATS systems are in operation and SSR is the
main source for the provision to ATS of continuous information on the position of
aircraft, and where the carriage of SSR transponders is mandatory, the
appropriate ATS authority, after consultation with operators, may authorize the
systematic provision of horizontal and/or vertical separation based on SSR
derived information, between aircraft which are equipped with correctly
functioning transponders, provided that:

Adequate SSR coverage exists throughout the area wherein this procedure is
used, and reliable operation of this service is assured

Identification of individual aircraft so separated is maintained by means of

discrete codes

Adequate primary radar or SSR ground based equipment back-up is provided

or, alternatively, in case of SSR failure density and/or complexity of air traffic
in the area and availability of navigational guidance allow to revert safely to
other forms of separation (based on either the use of primary radar or
procedural control)
Note: Other appropriate forms of separation should be applied between
aircraft with functioning transponders and other controlled aircraft

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When primary radar fails and until procedural separation is established, provided

The positional accuracy of the SSR responses has been verified

The pilots of the aircraft concerned have been advised


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In the case of aircraft in emergency

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The separation minima used should not be less than those applied when
using the associated primary radar, if any, on the understanding that the
resolution of the SSR is not better than that normally associated with primary


24 October 2003

Chapter 29.
Annex 7 Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks
Annex 7 contains Standards adopted by the ICAO as the minimum Standards for the display
of marks to indicate appropriate nationality and registration which have been determined to
comply with Article 20 of the Convention.
Nationality, Common and Registration Marks to be Used
The nationality mark or common mark and registration mark shall consist of a group of
characters. The nationality or common mark shall precede the registration mark. When the
first character of the registration mark is a letter it shall be preceded by a hyphen. The
nationality mark and common mark shall be selected from the series of nationality symbols
included in the radio call signs allocated to the state of registry by the International
Telecommunication Union. The nationality mark shall be notified to the ICAO. The common
mark is assigned by ICAO.


The registration mark shall be letters, numbers, or a combination of letters and numbers and
shall be assigned by the state of registry. When letters are used for the registration mark,
combination shall not be used which might be confused with:

The five letter combinations used in the International Code of Signals

The three letter combinations beginning with Q used in the Q code

The distress signal SOS or other similar urgent signals, eg XXX, PAN and TTT

Location of Nationality Common and Registration Marks

The nationality or common mark and registration mark shall be painted on the
aircraft or shall be affixed by any other means ensuring a similar degree of permanence. The
marks must be kept clean and visible at all times.
Heavier-Than-Air Aircraft
Wings On heavier-than-air aircraft the marks shall appear once on the lower
surface of the wing and shall be at least 50 cm.
Fuselage and Vertical Tail Surfaces On heavier-than-air aircraft the marks shall
appear on each side of the fuselage between the wings and the tail surface. When
located on a single vertical tail surface they shall appear on both sides and shall be at
least 30 cm.

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Special Cases If a heavier-than-air aircraft cannot comply with the above then the
marks shall appear in a manner such that the aircraft can be identified readily
Type of Characters for Nationality, Common and Registration Marks The letters shall be
in capital letters in Roman characters without ornamentation. Numbers shall be Arabic
numbers without ornamentation.
Certificate of Registration
The certificate of registration shall be carried in the aircraft at all times,
Supplement 2 to Annex 7 lists the States that:

Have notified ICAO of differences to the Standards

Have notified ICAO that no differences exist

No information has been received from

The certificate of registration, in wording and arrangement, shall be a replica of the form
shown below.

State or
Common Mark Registering Authority
Department or Service
Nationality or Common
Mark and Registration Mark

Manufacture and
Manufacturers Designation
of Aircraft

3. Aircraft Serial No

4. Name of Owner .
5. Address of Owner ..
6. It is hereby certified that the above described aircraft has been duly entered on the (Name
of Register) in accordance with the Convention on International Civil Aviation dated 7th
December 1944 and with the .
Date of Issue ..
* For use by the State of Registry or common mark registering authority

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Identification Plate
All aircraft carry an identification plate inscribed with:

Nationality or common mark

Registration mark

The plate is made of:

Fireproof metal, or

Fireproof material.

It is secured to the aircraft in a prominent position near the main entrance.

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Chapter 30.
Annex 8 Airworthiness of Aircraft
Annex 6 deals with aeroplane performance operating limitations and contains Standards that
are complimentary to the airworthiness Standards of Annex 8. The Council has urged
Contracting States not to impose on visiting aeroplanes operational requirements other than
those established by the State of Registry, provided those requirements are not lower than
the Standards of Annex 6.
Certificate of Airworthiness
The Certificate of Airworthiness as detailed in these standards, is the Certificate of
Airworthiness referred to in Article 31 of the Convention.
Proof of Compliance with Appropriate Airworthiness Requirements
The Certificate of Airworthiness shall be issued by the Contracting State that approves the
aircraft or by its authorized representatives on the basis of evidence that the aircraft complies
with the appropriate airworthiness requirements.
There shall be:

An approved design to show that the aircraft complies with the airworthiness

Records kept to establish the identification of the aircraft with its approved design

An inspection of the aircraft during the course of construction to determine that it

conforms to the approved design.

An inspection of the aircraft to establish that its construction and assembly are

Flight tests as deemed necessary to show compliance with the airworthiness


When an aircraft possessing a valid Certificate of Airworthiness (C of A) issued by a

Contracting State is entered on the register of another Contracting State, the new State of
Registry may accept the Certificate of Airworthiness as satisfactory evidence that the aircraft
is airworthy.
Contracting States can withhold a C of A if the aircraft is known, or suspected, to have
dangerous features not specifically covered by the airworthiness requirements.

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Continuing Airworthiness of Aircraft

The continuing airworthiness of an aircraft shall be determined by the State of Registry in
relation to the requirements in force for that aircraft. The State of Registry shall also develop
or adopt requirements to ensure the continuing airworthiness of an aircraft throughout its life.
Validity of Certificate of Airworthiness
A Certificate of Airworthiness shall be renewed, or shall remain valid, subject to the laws of
the State of Registry. The State of Registry shall require that the continuing airworthiness of
the aircraft shall be determined by periodical inspections at appropriate intervals.
Method of Rendering a Certificate of Airworthiness Valid
A State of Registry can validate the Certificate of Airworthiness issued by another state, as an
alternative to issuing its own certificate. This validation shall not extend beyond the period of
validation of the original Certificate of Airworthiness.
Temporary Loss of Airworthiness
Any failure to maintain an aircraft in an airworthy condition, as defined by the appropriate
airworthiness requirements, shall render the aircraft ineligible for operation until the aircraft is
restored to an airworthy condition.
Damage To Aircraft
When an aircraft has sustained damage the State of Registry shall judge whether the damage
is such that the aircraft is no longer airworthy. If the damage is sustained or ascertained when
the aircraft is in another Contracting State, the authorities of that State have the right to
prevent the aircraft from flying on the condition that they inform the State of Registry
Aircraft Limitations and Information
Each aircraft shall be provided with a flight manual, or other documents, stating the approved
limitations within which the aircraft is considered airworthy.

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State of Registry
Issuing Authority
Nationality or Common
Mark and Registration Mark

Manufacturers Designation
of Aircraft

3. Aircraft Serial No

4. Categories .
This Certificate of Airworthiness is issued pursuant to the Convention on International Civil
Aviation dated 7th December 1944 and .. in respect of the abovementioned aircraft which is considered to be airworthy when maintained and operated in
accordance with the foregoing and the pertinent operating limitations.
Date of Issue

Signature ..

* For use by the State of Registry or common mark registering authority

Instruments and Equipment

Required Instruments and Equipment
The aeroplane has to be provided with approved instruments and equipment necessary for
the safe operation of the. These shall include the instruments and equipment necessary to
enable the crew to operate the aeroplane within its operating limitations.
Instrument and equipment installations shall comply with the Standards of this Annex.
Safety and Survival Equipment
Prescribed safety and survival equipment which the crew or passengers are expected to use
or operate at the time of an emergency is to be reliable, readily accessible and easily
identified, and its method of operation plainly marked.

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Navigation Lights and Anti-collision Lights

The lights required must have the:



Fields of coverage and

Other characteristics

such that they are easy to interpret by other pilots and ground personnel.
In the design of such lights due account shall be taken of the conditions under which they
may reasonably be expected to perform these functions.
Lights are installed in aeroplanes so as to minimize the possibility that they will:

adversely affect the satisfactory performance of the

flight crews duties; or

subject an outside observer to harmful dazzle.

In some cases it may be necessary to provide the pilot with the means to switch off or reduce
the intensity of the flashing lights.
Operating Limitations and Information
The operating limitations are made available by provision of:

an aeroplane flight manual

markings and


and such other means as may effectively accomplish the purpose.

Operating Limitations
Where there is a risk of exceeding limitations in flight the instrument should be appropriately
marked so that the pilot can easily determine when the limitation has been reached.

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Flight Crew Limitations

The minimum number of flight crew personnel necessary to operate the aeroplane should be
listed on the C of A.
Loading Limitations
The loading limitations shall include all limiting mass, centres of gravity position, mass
distributions, and floor loading.
Airspeed Limitations
The airspeed limitations shall include all speeds which limit

structural integrity or

flying qualities of the aeroplane, or

from other considerations.

These speeds shall be identified with respect to the appropriate aeroplane configurations and
other pertinent factors.
Limitations on Equipment and Systems
The limitations on equipment and systems include all those established for the various
equipment and systems as installed in the aeroplane.
Loading Information
The loading information includes:

The empty mass of the aeroplane

A definition of the condition of the aeroplane at the time of weighing

The corresponding centre of gravity position and

The reference point(s) and datum line(s) to which the centre of gravity limits are

Usually the empty mass excludes:

The mass of the crew and payload

The usable fuel supply and

The drainable oil

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It includes:

The mass of all fixed ballast

Unusable fuel supply

Undrainable oil

Total quantity of engine coolant and

Total quantity of hydraulic fluid.

Operating Procedures
A description is given of normal and emergency operating procedures that are peculiar to the
aeroplane and necessary for safe operation.
Handling Information
Sufficient information is given on any significant or unusual features of the aeroplane
characteristics. Stalling speeds or minimum steady flight speeds are also given.
Least-risk Bomb Location
A least-risk location on the aeroplane shall be identified where a bomb or other explosive
device may be placed to minimize the effects on the aeroplane in the case of detonation.
Performance Information
Included is information regarding the various aeroplane configurations and powers involved
and the relevant speeds, together with information which would assist the flight crew in
attaining the performance as scheduled.
Aeroplane Flight Manual
An aeroplane flight manual is available with the aircraft. It identifies the specific aeroplane or
series of aeroplanes to which it is related. The aeroplane flight manual shall include at least
the limitations, information and procedures specified in this chapter.
Markings and Placards
Markings and placards on instruments, equipment, controls, etc shall include such limitations
or information as necessary for the direct attention of the flight crew during flight.
Markings and placards, or instructions, shall be provided to give any information which is
essential to the ground crew in order to preclude the possibility of mistakes in ground
servicing (e.g. towing, refuelling) which could pass unnoticed and which could jeopardize the
safety of the aeroplane in subsequent flights.

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Chapter 31.
Annex 6 Operation of Aircraft
Annex 6 contains SARPs adopted by the ICAO as the minimum Standards applicable to the
operation of aeroplanes by operators authorized to conduct international commercial air
transport operations. These international commercial air transport operations include:

Scheduled international air services

Non-scheduled international air services for remuneration or hire,

It is no longer necessary to differentiate in the SARPs between scheduled and non-scheduled

international air services.
The purpose of Annex 6 is to contribute to the safety of international air navigation by
providing criteria of safe operating practice and to contribute to the efficiency and regularity of
international air navigation by encouraging States to facilitate the passage over their
territories of aeroplanes in international commercial air transport belonging to other States
that operate in conformity with such standards.
An element of the safety of an operation is the safety of the aircraft, that is, its level of
airworthiness. The level of airworthiness is not fully defined by the application of the
airworthiness Standards of Annex 8, but also requires the application of those standards in
Annex 6 that are complementary to them.
Annex 8 includes broad Standards which defined, for application by the competent national
authorities, the complete minimum international basis for the recognition by States of the C of
A for the purpose of the flight of aircraft of other States into or over their territories.
It is recognized that the ICAO Standards of airworthiness would not replace national
regulations and that national codes of airworthiness containing the full scope and extent of
detail considered necessary by individual States are necessary as the basis for the
certification of individual aircraft. Each State would establish its own comprehensive and
detailed code of airworthiness, or would select a comprehensive and detailed code by another
Contracting State.
An operator shall ensure that all employees when abroad know that they must comply with
the laws, regulations and procedures of those States in which the operations are conducted.

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An operator shall ensure that all pilots are familiar with the laws, regulations and procedures
relevant to their duties:

Prescribed for the areas to be crossed

The aerodromes to be used, and

The air navigation facilities

The operator shall ensure that other members of the flight crew are familiar with such of these
laws, regulations and procedures as are pertinent to the performance of their respective
An operator or a designated representative shall have responsibility for operational control,
If an emergency situation, which endangers the safety of the aeroplane or persons,
necessitates the taking of action that involves a violation of local regulations or procedures,
the PlC shall notify the appropriate local authority without delay. If required by the State in
which the incident occurs, the PlC shall submit a report on any such violation to the
appropriate authority of such State. In the event, the PIC shall also submit a copy of any
report to the State of the Operator. These reports shall be submitted as soon as possible and
normally within 10 days.
Operators shall ensure that PICs have available on board the aeroplane all the essential
information concerning the SAR services in the area over which the aeroplane will be flown.
An operator shall establish and maintain an accident prevention and flight safety programme.
Flight Operations
Operating Facilities
An operator shall ensure that a flight will not be commenced unless it has been ascertained
by every means available that the ground facilities available and directly required on such
flight for the safe operation of the aeroplane and the protection of passengers, are adequate
for the type of operation under which the flight is to be conducted and are adequately
operated for this purpose.
Note: Reasonable means in this Standard is intended to denote the use, at the
point of departure, of information available to the operator either through official
information published by the aeronautical information services or readily available
from other sources
An operator shall ensure that any inadequacy of facilities observed in the course of operations
is reported to the authority responsible for them, without undue delay.

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Subject to their published conditions of use, aerodromes and their facilities shall be kept
continuously available for flight operations during their published hours of operations,
irrespective of weather conditions.
Aerodrome Operating Minima
The State of the Operator shall require that the operator establish aerodrome operating
minima for each aerodrome to be used in operations, and shall approve the method of
determination of such minima. The minima shall not be lower than any that may be
established for that aerodrome by the State, except when specifically approved by that State.
Note: This Standard does not require the State in which the aerodrome is located to
establish aerodrome operating minima
The State of the Operator shall require that in establishing the aerodrome operating minima
which will apply to any particular operation, full account shall be taken of:

The type, performance and handling characteristics of the aeroplane

The composition of the flight crew, their competence and experience

The dimensions and characteristics of the runways which may be selected for

The adequacy and performance of the available visual and non-visual ground

The equipment available on the aeroplane for the purpose of navigation and/or
control of the flight path during the approach to landing and missed approach

The obstacles in the approach and missed approach areas and the OCA/H for
the instrument approach

The means used to determine and report meteorological conditions, and

The obstacles in the climb out areas and necessary clearance margins

For aeroplane landing operations, aerodrome operating minima below 800 m visibility should
not be authorized unless RVR information is provided
Pilot In Command
For each flight, the operator shall designate one pilot to act as PIC.
Flight Time, Flight Duty Periods And Rest Periods
An operator shall formulate rules to limit flight time and flight duty periods and for the
provision of adequate rest periods for all its crew members. These rules shall be in
accordance with the regulations established by the State, and included in the Operations

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An operator shall maintain current records of the flight time, flight duty periods and rest
periods of all its crewmembers.
For each flight in an aeroplane above 15 000 m (49 000 ft), the operator shall maintain
records so that the total cosmic radiation dose received by each crew member over a period
of 12 consecutive months can be determined.
Aeroplane Performance Operating Limitations
Aeroplanes shall be operated in accordance with a comprehensive and detailed code of
performance established by the State of Registry in compliance with the applicable Standards
of Annex 6.
Single engine aeroplanes shall only be operated in conditions of weather and light, and over
such routes and diversions therefrom, that permit a safe forced landing to be executed in the
event of engine failure.
These Standards shall apply to aeroplanes of over 5700 kg maximum certificated take-off
mass intended for the carriage of passengers or cargo or mail in international air navigation.
An aeroplane shall be operated in compliance with the terms of its C of A and within the
approved operating limitations contained in its flight manual,
The State of Registry shall take such precautions as are reasonably possible to ensure that
the general level of safety contemplated by these provisions is maintained under all expected
operating conditions, including those not specifically by the provisions of this chapter
A flight shall not be commenced unless the performance information provided in the flight
manual indicates that the following Standards can be complied with for the flight to be
In applying the Standards, account shall be taken of all factors that significantly affect the
performance of the aeroplane, such as:


Elevation, or the pressure-altitude appropriate to the elevation of the aerodrome



Runway gradient, and

Condition of the runway

Such factors shall be taken into account directly as operational parameters or indirectly by
means of allowances or margins, which may be provided in the scheduling of performance
data or in the comprehensive and detailed code of performance in accordance with which the
aeroplane is being operated.

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Mass Limitations
The mass of the aeroplane at the start of take-off shall not exceed the mass at which take-off,
en-route or landing performance is calculated, allowing for reductions in mass as the flight
proceeds, and for such fuel jettisoning as is required.
In no case shall the mass at the start of take-off exceed the maximum take-off mass specified
in the flight manual for the elevation or the pressure-altitude appropriate to the elevation of the
aerodrome, and, if used as a parameter to determine the maximum take-off mass, any other
local atmospheric condition
In no case shall the estimated mass for the expected time of landing at the aerodrome of
intended landing and at any destination alternate aerodrome, exceed the maximum landing
mass specified in the flight manual for the elevation or the pressure-attitude appropriate to the
elevation of those aerodromes, and if used as a parameter to determine the maximum landing
mass, any other local atmospheric condition.
In no case shall the mass at the start of take-off, or at the expected time of landing at the
aerodrome of intended landing and at any destination alternate aerodrome, exceed the
relevant maximum masses at which the compliance has been demonstrated with the
applicable noise certification Standards in Annex 16, unless otherwise authorized in
exceptional circumstances for a certain aerodrome where there is no noise disturbance
problem, by the competent authority of the State in which the aerodrome is situated.
The aeroplane shall be able, in the event of a critical power unit failing at any point in the
take-oft either:

To discontinue the take-off and stop within the accelerate-stop distances

available, or

To continue the take-off and clear all obstacles along the flight path by an
adequate margin until the aeroplane is in a position to comply with the en-route

In determining the length of the runway available, account shall be taken of the loss, if any, of
runway length due to alignment of the aeroplane prior to take-off
En-Route - One Power Unit Inoperative
The aeroplane shall be able, in the event of the critical power-unit becoming inoperative at
any point along the route or planned diversions therefrom, to continue the flight to an
aerodrome at which the Standard for landing can be met, without flying below the minimum
flight altitude at any point.

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En-Route - Two Power Units Inoperative

In the case of aeroplanes having 3 or more power units, on any part of a route where the
location of en-route alternate aerodromes and the total duration of the flight are such that the
probability of a second power-unit becoming inoperative must be allowed for if the general
level of safety implied by the Standards of this chapter is to be maintained, the aeroplane
shall be able, in the event of any two power units becoming inoperative, to continue the flight
to an en-route alternate aerodrome and land.
The aeroplane shall, at the aerodrome of intended landing and at any alternate aerodrome,
after clearing all obstacles in the approach path by a safe margin, be able to land, with
assurance that it can come to a stop within the LDA. Allowance shall be made for expected
variations in the approach and landing techniques, if such allowance has not been made in
the scheduling of performance data.

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Chapter 32.
Annex 9 - Facilitation
The SARPs on Facilitation are the outcome of Article 37 of the Convention, which provides,
that the ICAO shall adopt and amend as necessary, international SARPS dealing with:

Customs and immigration procedures, and

Other matters concerned with the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation
as may appear appropriate.

This policy is strengthened by Article 22 of the Convention, which expresses the obligation
accepted by each Contracting State
To adopt all practicable measures, through the issuance of special regulations or
otherwise, to facilitate and expedite navigation between the territories of Contracting
States, and to prevent unnecessary delays to aircraft, crews, passengers and cargo,
especially in the laws relating to immigration, quarantine, customs and clearance.
Article 23 of the Convention further strengthens this policy, by expressing the undertaking of
each Contracting State:
So far as it may find practicable to establish customs and immigration procedures
affecting international air navigation in accordance with the practices which may be
established or recommended from time to time pursuant to this Convention
Entry and Departure of Aircraft
Contracting States shall make procedures for the clearance of aircraft, including those applied
for aviation security purposes, as well as narcotics control, so as to retain the advantage of
speed inherent in air transport.
Description, Purpose and Use of Aircraft Documents
Contracting States shall not require the presentation of the General Declaration when this
information can be readily obtained in an alternative and acceptable manner. An attestation is
A Contracting State which continues to require the presentation of the General Declaration
shall accept it when signed by either the authorized agent or the PlC. When necessary, the

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health section can be signed by a crewmember when the General Declaration itself has been
signed by a non-crew member
Where Contracting States require the presentation on entry and departure of aircraft of
information relating to crewmembers, such information shall be limited to the number of crew
on board. Where the General Declaration continues to be required, this information shall be
provided in the column headed Total number of crew.
Contracting States shall not normally require the presentation of a Passenger Manifest, but
when this type of information is required it can be provided in an alternative and acceptable
manner; such as a computer printout.
Contracting States shall not require the presentation of a written declaration of stores
remaining on board aircraft. In respect of stores laden on or unladen from an aircraft,
Contracting States which continue to require the presentation of a written declaration shall
limit the information required to an absolute minimum.
Outbound Procedures
Contracting States shall not require the authorized agent or the PlC to deliver to the public
authorities concerned, before departure of the aircraft, more than:

Two copies of the General Declaration, when used

Two copies of the Cargo Manifest, when used, listing cargo, including
unaccompanied baggage, laden according to points of unlading

Two copies of a simple stores list, when used, listing stores laden

Inbound Procedures
Contracting States shall not require the authorized agent or the PlC to deliver to the public
authorities concerned, on arrival of the aircraft, more than

Three copies of the General Declaration, when used

Three copies of the Cargo Manifest, when used, listing cargo, including
unaccompanied baggage, laden according to points of unlading

Two copies of a simple stores list, when used, listing stores laden

Entry and Departure of Persons and their Baggage

No documents other than those provided for in this Annex shall be required by Contracting
States for the entry into and departure from their territories of visitors.

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Entry Requirements and Procedures

Passenger Identity Documents
Contracting States shall not require from visitors by air any other document of identity other
than a valid passport.
In cases where a Contracting State continues to require entrance visas from visitors, it shall
adopt the practice of issuing such visas without charge through reciprocal or other acceptable
Additional Documentation
A Contracting State which continues to require supplementary information from visitors
travelling by air, shall use Embarkation/Disembarkation Cards.
Public Health Requirements
In cases where evidence of protection against yellow fever is required then Contracting States
shall accept the International Certificate of Vaccination or Revaccination issued by the World
Health Organization.
Medical examination of persons arriving by air should normally be limited to those
disembarking and coming within the incubation period of the disease concerned from an area
infected with one of three quarantinable diseases:



Yellow Fever

Clearance Procedures
Except in special circumstances, Contracting States shall not require that identity documents
be collected from passengers or crew before they arrive at the passport control points. After
individual presentation by passengers and crew of the identity documents, except in special
individual circumstances, they shall be handed back immediately.
Contracting States shall accept an oral declaration of baggage from passengers and crew.
Unaccompanied baggage shall be inspected on a sampling or selective basis.
Crew and Other Operators Personnel

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Contracting States shall ensure that when inspection of crew members and their baggage is
required on arrival or departure, such inspection shall be carried out as quickly as possible.
Contracting states shall provide facilities which will enable crew members of airlines who are
not required to be licensed to obtain a crew members certificates containing the requirements
set out in Annex 7.
In the case of an airline flight crew member who:

Retains his licence in his possession when embarking and disembarking

Remains at the airport where the aircraft has stopped or within the confines of
cities adjacent to the airport

and departs on the same aircraft or on his next regular scheduled flight, each Contracting
State shall accept such licence for temporary admission to the State and shall not require a
passport or visa, Provided that the licence contains the specifications laid out in Annex 1 and:

A certification that the holder may at all times re-enter the State of Issuance of the
licence upon production of the licence

A photograph of the holder

The place and date of birth of the holder

The licence is recognized as a satisfactory identity document even if
the holder is not a national of the State of Registry of the aircraft on which he

Each Contracting State shall extend privileges of temporary admission to those flight crew
members on aircraft not engaged in scheduled international air services, subject to the
requirement that such flight crew members must depart on the aircraft on its first flight out of
the territory of the state.
Crewmembers shall be extended the same temporary admission rights as flight
When it is necessary for an airline crew member, in the exercise of his duties, to travel to
another state as a passenger by any means of transportation in order to join an aircraft, Each
Contracting State shall accept from that crew member, in lieu of passport and visa for
temporary admission either a licence or crew members certificate. Where required, a
document from the crewmembers employer certifying the purpose of the journey may be
Non-scheduled services have the same rights as scheduled services subject to:

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The crew member concerned is in possession of a valid Crew Member

Certificate, and


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The crew member concerned must depart on the aircraft on its first flight out of
the territory of the State

Departure Requirements and Procedures

Contracting States shall not require exit visas from their own nationals or residents wishing to
tour abroad nor from visitors at the end of their stay.
Contracting States shall not require inspection of baggage of passengers departing from their
territory, except for aviation security measures, or in special circumstances.
Particular Provisions
Inadmissible Persons
Each Contracting State shall ensure that a person found inadmissible is transferred back into
the custody of the operator who shall be responsible for the prompt removal to:

The point where the person commenced his journey, or

To any other place where the person is admissible

The public authorities shall without delay inform the operator when a person is found
inadmissible and consult the operator regarding the possibilities of departure
Contracting States shall accept for examination a person being returned from his point of
disembarkation after having been found inadmissible if this person stayed in their territory
before embarkation. This does not include a person in direct transit. Contracting States shall
not return such a person to the country where he was earlier found to be inadmissible.
The obligation of a carrier to transport any person away from the territory of a Contracting
State shall terminate from the moment that person has been definitely admitted into that state.
Operators shall take precautions at the point of embarkation to ensure that passengers are in
possession of any control documents prescribed by the Contracting State.
Each Contracting State shall ensure that operators are informed when persons are obliged to
travel because they have been formally ordered by the public authorities to be removed from
that State.

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Chapter 33.
Air Traffic Advisory Service and Alerting Service
Procedures For Air Navigation Services, Rules of the Air and Air Traffic
Services, Document 4444-RAC/501
Air Traffic Advisory Service
Objective and Basic Principles
The objective of the air traffic advisory service is to make information on collision hazards
more effective than it would be in the mere provision of FIS. It may be provided to aircraft
conducting IFR flights in advisory airspace or on advisory routes (Class F airspace in the UK).
Such areas or routes will be specified by the State concerned.
Air traffic advisory service should only be implemented where the air traffic services are
inadequate for the provision of air traffic control and the limited advice on collision hazards
otherwise provided by FIS will not meet the requirement. Where air traffic advisory service is
implemented, this should be considered normally as a temporary measure only until such
time as it can be replaced by air traffic control service.
Air traffic advisory service does not afford the same degree of safety and cannot assume the
same responsibilities as air traffic control service in respect of the avoidance of collisions,
since information regarding the disposition of traffic in the area concerned available to the unit
providing air traffic advisory service may be incomplete. To make this quite clear, air traffic
advisory service does not deliver clearances but only advisory information and it uses the
words advise or suggest when a course of action is proposed to an aircraft.
Aircraft Using the Air Traffic Advisory Service
IFR flights electing to use the air traffic advisory service when operating within Class F
airspace are expected to comply with the same procedures as those applying to controlled
flights except that:

The flight plan and any changes are not subjected to a clearance, since the unit
furnishing air traffic advisory service will only provide advice on the presence of
essential traffic or suggestions as to a possible course of action

It is for the aircraft to decide whether or not it will comply with the advice or
suggestion received and to inform the unit providing air traffic advisory service
without delay, of its decision

Air-ground contacts shall be made with the ATS unit designated to provide air
traffic advisory service within the advisory airspace or portion thereof

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Aircraft Not Using the Air Traffic Advisory Service

Aircraft wishing to conduct IFR flights within advisory airspace, but not electing to use the air
traffic advisory service, shall submit a flight plan, and notify changes to the unit providing the
IFR flights planning to cross an advisory route should do so as nearly as possible at an angle
of 90 to the direction of the route and at a level, appropriate to its track, selected from the
tables of cruising levels for use by IFR flights outside controlled airspace.
Air Traffic Services Units
An ATS unit providing air traffic advisory service shall:
Advise the aircraft to depart at the time specified and to cruise at the levels indicated
in the flight plan if it does not foresee any conflict with other known traffic
Suggest to aircraft a course of action by which a potential hazard maybe avoided,
giving priority to an aircraft already in advisory airspace over other aircraft desiring to
enter such advisory airspace
Pass to aircraft traffic information comprising the same information as that prescribed
for area control service
The criteria used above should be at least those laid down for aircraft operating in CAS and
should take into account the limitations inherent in the provision of air traffic control advisory
service, navigation facilities and air-ground communications prevailing in the region.
Alerting Service
When required by the appropriate ATS authority to facilitate the provision of alerting and SAR
services, an aircraft, prior to and when operating within or into designated areas or along
designated routes, shall comply with the provisions detailed in Annex 2 concerning the
submission, completion, changing and closing of a flight plan.
In addition to the above, aircraft equipped with suitable two-way radio communications shall
report during the period 20 to 40 minutes following the time of last contact, whatever the
purpose of such contact, merely to indicate that the flight is progressing according to plan,
such report to comprise of:

The identification of the aircraft

The radio call operations normal, or

The signal QRU

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The operations normal message shall be transmitted air-ground to an appropriate ATS unit
(normally to the aeronautical telecommunication station serving the FIR in which the aircraft is
It may be advisable, in case of a SAR operation of a substantial duration, to promulgate by
NOTAM the lateral and vertical limits of the area of SAR action, and to warn aircraft not
engaged in actual SAR operations and not controlled by air traffic control to avoid such areas
unless authorized by the appropriate ATS unit
Where no report from an aircraft has been received within a reasonable period of time (which
may be a specified interval prescribed on the basis of regional air navigation agreements)
after a scheduled or expected reporting time, the ATS unit shall, within the stipulated period of
30 minutes, endeavour to obtain such report in order to be in a position to apply the
provisions relevant to the INCERFA phase should circumstances warrant such action.
When alerting service is required in respect of a flight operated through more than one FIR or
CTA, and when the position of the aircraft is in doubt, responsibility for co-ordinating such
service shall rest with the ATS unit of the FIR or CTA:

Within which the aircraft was flying at the time of last air-ground contact

That the aircraft was about to enter when last air-ground contact was established
at or close to the boundary of 2 FIRs or CTAs

Within which the aircrafts intermediate stop or final destination is located:

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If the aircraft was not equipped with suitable two-way radio communication
equipment, or

Was not under obligation to transmit reports


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Chapter 34.
Alerting Service and Search and Rescue

Annex 11 - Air Traffic Services

Annex 12 - Search and Rescue

Alerting Service
Alerting service shall be provided:

For all aircraft provided with air traffic control service

In so far as is practicable, to all aircraft having filed a flight plan or otherwise

known to the ATS, and

To any aircraft known or believed to be the subject of unlawful interference

Flight information centres or area control centres shall serve as the central point for collecting
all information relevant to a state of emergency of an aircraft operating within the FIR or CTA
concerned and for forwarding such information to the appropriate Rescue Co-ordination
Centre (RCC).
In the event of a state of emergency arising to an aircraft while it is under the control of an
aerodrome control tower or approach control office, such unit shall notify immediately the
flight information centre or area control centre responsible which shall in turn notify the RCC.
Notification of the area control centre, flight information centre or RCC shall not be required
when the nature of the emergency is one that can be dealt with by the service concerned.
Whenever the urgency of the situation so requires, the aerodrome control tower or approach
control office responsible shall first alert and take other necessary steps to set in motion all
appropriate local rescue and emergency organizations which can give the immediate
assistance required.
Notification of Rescue Co-Ordination Centres
Without prejudice to any other circumstances that may render such notification advisable,
ATS units shall notify RCCs immediately an aircraft is considered to be in a state of
emergency in accordance with the following phases:
Uncertainty Phase (INCERFA)

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No communication has been received from an aircraft within a period of thirty

minutes after the time a communication should have been received, or from the


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time an unsuccessful attempt to establish communication with such aircraft was

first made, whichever is earlier, or when

An aircraft fails to arrive within thirty minutes of the ETA last notified to or
estimated by ATS units, whichever is the later

Except when no doubt exists as to the safety of the aircraft and its occupants.
Alert Phase (ALERFA)

Following the uncertainty phase, subsequent attempts to establish

communication with the aircraft or inquiries to other relevant sources have failed
to reveal any news of the aircraft, or when

An aircraft has been cleared to land and fails to land within 5 minutes of the
established time of landing and communication has not been re-established with
the aircraft, or when

Information has been received which indicates that the operating efficiency of the
aircraft has been impaired but not to the extent that a forced landing is likely

Except when evidence exists that would allay apprehension as to the safety of the aircraft and
its occupants, or when

An aircraft is known or believed to be the subject of unlawful interference

Distress Phase (DETRESFA)

Following the alert phase further unsuccessful attempts to establish

communication with the aircraft and more widespread unsuccessful inquiries
point to the probability that the aircraft is in distress, or when

The fuel on board is considered to be exhausted, or to be insufficient to enable

the aircraft to reach safety, or when

Information is received which indicates that the operating efficiency of the aircraft
has been impaired to the extent that a forced landing is likely, or when

Information is received or it is reasonably certain that the aircraft is about to make

or has made a forced landing

Except when there is reasonable certainty that the aircraft and its occupants are not
threatened by grave and imminent danger and do not require immediate assistance
The notification shall contain such of the following information as is available in the order

INCERFA, ALERFA or DETRESFA as appropriate to the phase of emergency

Agency and person calling

Nature of the emergency

Significant information from the flight plan

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Unit which made last contact, time and frequency used

Last position report and how determined

Colour and distinctive marks of aircraft

Any action taken by reporting office

Other pertinent remarks

In addition to the above the RCC is given the following information:

Any useful additional information, especially on the development of the state of

emergency through subsequent phases, or

Information that the emergency situation no longer exists

Information to Aircraft Operating In the Vicinity of an Aircraft in a State of Emergency

When it has been established by an ATS unit that an aircraft is in a state of emergency, other
aircraft known to be in the vicinity of the aircraft involved shall be informed of the nature of the
emergency as soon as practicable
When an ATS unit knows or believes that an aircraft is being subjected to unlawful
interference, no reference shall be made in ATS air-ground communications to the nature of
the emergency unless it has been referred to in communications from the aircraft involved
and it is certain that such reference will not aggravate the situation.
Establishment and Provision of Search and Rescue Service
Contracting States shall arrange for the establishment and provision of search and rescue
(SAR) services on a 24 hour basis.
Oceans, or areas of undetermined sovereignty, where SAR services have to be established
shall be determined on the basis of regional air navigation agreements. A Contracting State
having accepted the responsibility to provide a SAR service in such areas shall arrange for
the service to be established and provided in accordance with the Annex.
Note: The phrase regional air navigation agreements refers to the agreements
approved by the Council of ICAO normally on the advice of Regional Air Navigation
In providing assistance to aircraft in distress and to survivors of aircraft accidents, Contracting
States shall do so regardless of the nationality of such aircraft or survivors

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Establishment of Search and Rescue Regions

Contracting States shall publish the SAR regions within which they will provide SAR service.
Such regions shall not overlap. Boundaries of SAR regions should be, in so far as practicable,
be coincident with the boundaries of corresponding FIR
Establishment and Designation of Search and Rescue Service Units
Contracting States shall establish a rescue co-ordination centre (RCC) in each SAR region.
Contracting States should establish rescue sub-centres whenever this would improve the
efficiency of SAR services
In areas where public telecommunications would not permit persons observing an aircraft in
emergency to notify the RCC concerned directly and promptly. Contracting States should
designate suitable units of public or private services as alerting posts.
Communications for Search and Rescue Services Units
Each RCC shall have means of immediate communication with:

The associated ATS unit

Associated rescue subentries

Appropriate direction-finding and position-fixing stations in the region

Where appropriate, coastal radio stations capable of alerting and communicating

with surface vessels in the region
Note: Means of immediate communication are considered to be direct-line
telephone or teletype, direct radiotelephone circuit, or, when these cannot be
made available, telephone or teletype via a switchboard

Each RCC shall have means of rapid and reliable communication with:

The headquarters of rescue units in the region

RCC in adjacent regions

A designated meteorological office or meteorological watch office

Rescue units when employed in SAR

Alerting posts

The COSPAS-SARSAT Mission Control Centre servicing the SAR region when
the RCC has been designated SAR point of contact
COSPAS - Space system for search of vessels in distress
SARSAT - Search and rescue satellite aided tracking

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In addition to the above, each rescue sub-centre shall have means of rapid and reliable
communication with:

Adjacent rescue sub-centres

A meteorological office or meteorological watch office

Rescue units when employed in SAR

Alerting posts

The means of communication provided should be supplemented as and where necessary, by

other means of visual or audio communication.
Equipment of Rescue Units
Rescue units shall be provided with facilities and equipment
for locating promptly, and for providing adequate assistance at, the scene of an accident.
Co-Operation Between States
Contracting States shall co-ordinate their SAR organizations with those of neighbouring
Contracting States.
Contracting States should in so far as is practicable, develop common SAR procedures to
facilitate co-ordination of SAR operations with those of neighbouring states.
Subject to conditions, a Contracting State shall permit immediate entry into its territory of
rescue units of other states for the purpose of searching for the site of aircraft accidents and
rescuing survivors of such accidents.
The authorities of a Contracting State which wishes its rescue units to enter the territory of
another Contracting State for SAR purposes shall transmit a request to the RCC of the state
concerned or to such other authority as has been designated by that state.
The authorities of Contracting States shall:

Immediately acknowledge the receipt of such a request, and

As soon as possible indicate the conditions, if any, under which the mission may
be undertaken

Each Contracting State should authorize its RCC to:

Request from other RCCs such assistance, including aircraft, vessels, personnel
or equipment, as may be needed

Grant any necessary permission for the entry of such aircraft vessels, personnel
or equipment into its territory, and

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Make the necessary arrangements with the appropriate customs, immigration or

other authorities with a view to expediting such entry

Each Contracting State should authorize its RCC to provide, when requested assistance to
other RCCs, including assistance in the form of aircraft, vessels, personnel or equipment
Co-Operation with Other Services
Contracting States shall arrange for all aircraft, vessels and local services and facilities which
do not form part of the SAR organization to co-operate fully with the latter in SAR and to
extend any possible assistance to the survivors of aircraft accidents.
Contracting States shall designate a SAR point of contact for the receipt of COSPASSARSAT distress data.
Operating Procedures
Information Concerning Emergencies
Any authority or any element of the SAR organization having reason to believe that an aircraft
is in an emergency shall give immediately all available information to the RCC concerned.
RCCs shall, immediately upon receipt of information concerning aircraft in emergency,
evaluate such information and determine the extent of operation required.
When information concerning aircraft in emergency is received from other sources than ATS
units, the RCC shall determine to which emergency phase the situation corresponds and shall
apply the procedures applicable to that phase.
Procedures for RCCs during Emergency Phases
Uncertainty Phase
During the uncertainty phase, the RCC shall co-operate to the utmost
with ATS units and other appropriate agencies and services in order that incoming reports
may be speedily evaluated.
Alert Phase
Upon the occurrence of an alert phase the RCC shall immediately alert
appropriate SAR services units and rescue units and initiate any necessary action.

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Distress Phase
When an aircraft is believed to be in distress, or when a distress
phase exists, the RCC shall:

Initiate action by appropriate SAR services units and rescue units in accordance
with the detailed plan of operation

Ascertain the position of the aircraft, estimate the degree of uncertainty of this
position, and, on the basis of this information and the circumstances, determine
the extent of the area to be searched

Notify the operator, where possible, and keep him informed of developments

Notify adjacent RCCs, the help of which seems likely to be required, or which
may be concerned in the operation

Notify the associated ATS unit, when the information on the emergency has been
received from another source

Request at an early stage such aircraft, vessels, coastal stations, or other

services not specifically included in SAR services or rescue units as are in a
position to do so to:

Maintain a listening watch for transmission from the aircraft in distress or from
an emergency locator transmitter
Note: The frequencies used by emergency locator beacons are
121.500 MHz and 406 MHz

Assist the aircraft in distress as far as practicable

Inform the RCC of any developments

From the information available, draw up a plan for the conduct of the search
and/or rescue operation requited and communicate such plan for the guidance of
the authorities immediately directing the conduct of such an operation

Amend as necessary, in the light of circumstances, the guidance already given


Notify the State of Registry of the aircraft

Notify the appropriate accident investigation authorities

The order in which the above actions are described shall be followed unless circumstances
dictate otherwise.
Procedures for Pilots-in-Command at the Scene of an Accident
When a PIC observes that an aircraft or a surface vessel is in distress, he shall, unless he is
unable, or in the circumstances of the case considers it unreasonable or unnecessary:

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Keep in sight the craft in distress until such time as his presence is no longer


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If his position is not known with certainty, take such action as will facilitate the
determination of it

Report to the RCC or ATS unit as much of the following information as possible:

Type of craft in distress, its identification and condition

Its position expressed in:

a) Geographical co-ordinates, or
b) In a distance and true bearing from a distinctive landmark, or
c) From a radio navigation aid

Time of observation expressed in hours and minutes UTC

Number of persons observed

Whether persons have been seen to abandon the craft in distress

Number of persons observed to be afloat

Apparent physical condition of survivors

Act as instructed by the RCC or the ATS unit

If the first aircraft to reach the scene of an accident is not a SAR aircraft it shall take charge of
on-scene activities of all other aircraft subsequently arriving until the first SAR aircraft reaches
the scene of the accident. If, in the meantime, such aircraft is unable to establish
communication with the appropriate RCC or ATS unit, it shall, by mutual agreement, hand
over to an aircraft capable of establishing and maintaining such communications until the
arrival of the first SAR aircraft
When it is necessary for an aircraft to direct a surface craft to the place where an aircraft or
surface craft in distress, the aircraft shall do so by transmitting its precise instructions by any
means at its disposal. If no radio communications can be established the aircraft shall use the
appropriate signal at the end of this section.
When it is necessary for an aircraft to convey information to survivors or surface rescue units,
and two-way communication is not available, it shall, if practicable, drop communication
equipment that would enable direct contact to be established, or convey the information by
dropping a message
When a ground signal has been displayed, the aircraft shall indicate whether the signal has
been understood or not by use of the appropriate signal given at the end of this section.
Procedures for Pilots-In-Command Intercepting a Distress Transmission
Whenever a distress signal and/or message or equivalent transmission is intercepted on
radiotelegraphy or radiotelephony by a PIC of an aircraft, he shall:

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Record the position of the craft in distress if given


24 October 2003

If possible take a bearing on the transmission

Inform the appropriate RCC or ATS unit of the distress transmission, giving all
available information

At his discretion, while awaiting instructions, proceed to the position given in the

Search and Rescue Signals

The signals shown below shall, when used, have the meaning indicated. They shall be used
only for the purpose indicated and no other signals likely to be confused with them shall be
Upon observing any of the signals given below, aircraft shall take such action as may be
required by the interpretation of the signal given.
Signals With Surface Craft
The following manoeuvres performed in sequence by an aircraft mean that the aircraft wishes
to direct a surface craft towards an aircraft or a surface craft in distress:

Circling the surface craft at least once

Crossing the projected course of the surface craft close ahead at low altitude and:

Rocking the wings, or

Opening and closing the throttle, or

Changing the propeller pitch

Note: Due to high noise level on board surface craft, the latter two signals
may be less effective than the visual signal and are as such regarded as an
alternative means of attracting attention

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Heading in the direction in which the surface craft is to be directed. Repetition of

the above manoeuvres has the same meaning.


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The following replies may be made by surface craft to the above signal:
For acknowledging receipt of signals:

The hoisting of the Code Pennant (vertical red and white stripes) close up
(meaning understood)

The flashing of a succession of Ts by signal lamp in Morse

The changing of heading to follow the aircraft

For indicating inability to comply:

The hoisting of the international flag N (a blue and white chequered square)

The flashing of a succession of Ns in the Morse code

The following manoeuvre by an aircraft means that the assistance of the surface craft to
which the signal is directed is no longer required
Crossing the wake of the surface craft close astern at a low altitude and:

Rocking the wings, or

Opening and closing the throttle, or

Changing the propeller pitch

Medical Supplies
The following supplies can be dropped from aircraft:
Streamer Colour



Medical supplies and first aid equipment


Food and Water


Blankets and protective clothing


Miscellaneous equipment
compasses etc





Where supplies are mixed a combination of the colour codes should be used.

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Ground-Air Visual Signal Code

Symbols shall be at least 2.5 metres long and shall be made as conspicuous as possible.






















Air-To-Ground Signals
The following signals by aircraft mean that the ground signals have been understood:
During the hours of daylight

By rocking the aircrafts wings

During the hours of darkness Flashing on and off twice the aircrafts landing lights
or, if not so equipped, by switching on and off twice its navigation lights
Lack of the above signals indicates that the ground signal is not understood.

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Intentionally Left Blank

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Chapter 35.
Annex 13 Aircraft Accident Investigation
An occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which takes place between the
time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight until such time as all such
persons have disembarked, in which:
A person is fatally or seriously injured as a result of

Being in the aircraft or

Direct contact with any part of the aircraft, including parts which have become
detached from the aircraft, or

Direct exposure to jet blast

except when the injuries are from:

Natural causes

Self-inflicted or inflicted by other persons, or

When the injuries are to stowaways hiding outside the areas normally available to
the passengers and crew, or

The aircraft sustains damage or structural failure which:

Adversely affects the structural strength, performance or flight characteristics of

the aircraft and

Would normally require major repair or replacement of the affected component

except for engine failure or damage, when the damage is limited to the engine, its cowlings or
accessories; or for damage limited to propellers, wing tips, antennas, tyres, brakes, fairings,
small dents or puncture holes in the aircraft skin, or
The aircraft is missing or is completely inaccessible
ICAO classes an injury resulting in death within 30 days of the date of the accident as a fatal
An aircraft is considered to be missing when the official search has been terminated and the
wreckage has not been located

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Serious Incident
An incident involving circumstances indicating that an accident nearly occurred
The difference between an accident and a serious incident lies only in the result
Serious Injury
An injury which is sustained by a person in an accident and which:

Requires hospitalization for more than 48 hours, commencing within 7 days from
the date the injury was received, or

Results in a fracture of any bone (Not simple fractures of fingers, toes or nose), or

Involves lacerations which cause severe haemorrhage, nerve, muscle or tendon

damage, or

Involves injury to any internal organ, or

Involves second or third degree burns, or any burns affecting more than 5% of
the body surface, or

Involves verified exposure to infectious substances or injurious radiation

Unless otherwise stated, the specifications of Annex 13 apply to activities following accidents
and incidents wherever they occurred.
Objective of the Investigation
The sole objective of the investigation of an accident or incident shall be the prevention of
accidents and incidents. It is not the purpose of an investigation to apportion blame or liability.
Protection of Evidence, Custody and Removal of Aircraft
Responsibility of the State of Occurrence
The State of Occurrence shall take all reasonable measures to protect the evidence and to
protect the aircraft and its contents for such a period as may be necessary for the period of an
investigation. Protection of evidence shall include the preservation by:

Photographic evidence, or

Other means of evidence which might be removed, effaced, lost or destroyed

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Safe custody shall include:

Protection against further damage

Access by unauthorized personnel



Protection of flight recorder evidence requires that the recovery and handling of the recorder
and its recordings be assigned only to qualified personnel
Request From State of Registry or State of Operator
If a request is received from the State of Registry, or the State of the Operator, that the
aircraft, its contents, and any other evidence remain undisturbed pending inspection by an
accredited representative of the requesting state, the State of Occurrence shall take all
necessary steps to comply with this. Providing that:

The aircraft may be moved to the extent necessary to extricate persons, animals
and valuables

To prevent destruction by fire or other causes

To eliminate any danger or obstruction to air navigation, to transport or to the


Request From the State of Design or State of Manufacturer

If a request is made that the aircraft remain undisturbed pending investigation by an
accredited representative of the requesting state then the State of Occurrence shall take all
reasonable steps to comply. This must be in accord with the proper conduct of the
investigation and does not result in undue delay in returning the aircraft into service where
this is practicable.
Notification for Accidents or Serious Incidents in the Territory of a Contracting State to
Aircraft of Another Contracting State
Responsibility of the State of Occurrence
The State of Occurrence shall forward a notification of an accident or serious incident with a
minimum of delay and by the most suitable and quickest means to:

The State of Registry

The State of the Operator

The State of Design

The State of Manufacture

The ICAO when the aircraft involved is of a maximum mass of over 2250 kg

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Telephone, facsimile or the AFTN will in most cases constitute the
most suitable and quickest means
Responsibility of the State of Registry and the State of the Operator
Upon receipt of the notification the State of Registry and the State of the Operator shall, as
soon as possible, provide the State of Occurrence with any relevant information regarding the
aircraft and flight crew involved.
Investigation of Accidents or Serious Incidents in the Territory of a Contracting State
to Aircraft of Another Contracting State
Responsibility for Instituting and Conducting the Investigation
The State of Occurrence shall institute an investigation into the circumstances of the accident.
Such State shall also be responsible for the conduct of the investigation. It may delegate the
whole or any part of the investigation to the State of Registry or the State of the Operator. In
this case the State of Occurrence shall use every means to facilitate the investigation.
Participation in the Investigation
Rights The State of Registry and the State of the Operator shall be entitled to
appoint an accredited representative to participate in the investigation. When neither
the State of Registry, nor the State of the Operator, appoint an accredited
representative, the Slate conducting the investigation should invite the operator to
participate, subject to the procedures of the State conducting the investigation
When the State conducting an investigation of an accident to an
aircraft of a maximum mass of over 2250 kg specifically requests participation by the
State of Design and the State of Manufacture, the latter shall each appoint an
accredited representative.
Final Report
The Final Report of the investigation of an accident shall be sent with a minimum of delay to:

The State which instituted the investigation

The State of Registry

The State of the Operator

The State of Design

The State of Manufacture

The State having suffered fatalities or serious injuries to its citizens

Any State which provided relevant information

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Chapter 36.
Annex 17 - Security
Each Contracting State shall specify to ICAO the appropriate authority designated to develop,
implement and maintain a national civil aviation security program
Aims and Objectives
The aim of aviation security shall be to safeguard international civil aviation operations
against acts of unlawful interference.
Safety of passengers, crew, ground personnel and the general public shall be the primary
objective of each Contracting State in all matters related to the safeguarding against acts of
unlawful interference with international civil aviation.
Each Contracting State shall establish an organization, develop plans and implement
procedures, which together provide a standardized level of security for the operation of
international flights in normal operating conditions and which are capable of rapid expansion
to meet any increased security risk,
National Organisation
Each Contracting State shall:

Establish a national civil aviation security programme

Keep under constant review the level of threat within its territory taking into
account the international situation and adjust relevant elements of its national civil
aviation security programme accordingly

Ensure the establishment of an airport security programme, adequate to the

needs of international traffic, for each airport serving international civil aviation

Require operators providing service from that state to implement a security

programme appropriate to meet the requirements of the national civil aviation
security programme of that state

International Co-Operation
Each Contracting State shall co-operate with other states in order to adapt their respective
national civil aviation security programmes as necessary.

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Each Contracting State should:

Make available to other states on request, a written version of the appropriate

parts of its national civil aviation security programme

Include in its bilateral agreements on air transport, a clause related to aviation


Shall ensure that requests from other states for special security measures in
respect of a specific flight or specified flights by operators, as far as may be
practicable, are met.

Contracting States shall, as necessary, co-operate with each other in the development and
exchange of information concerning training programmes.
Preventative Security Measures
General Objectives of the Measures
Each Contracting State shall establish measures to prevent weapons, explosives or any other
dangerous devices which may be used to commit an act of unlawful interference, the carriage
or bearing of which is not authorized, from being introduced, by any means whatsoever, on
board an aircraft engaged in international civil aviation.
Note: In applying the above Standard special attention must be paid to the threat
posed by explosive devices concealed in, or using electric, electronic or batteryoperated items carried as hand baggage and/or in checked baggage.
Contracting States should ensure that the carriage of weapons on board aircraft, by law
enforcement officers and other authorized persons acting in the performance of their duties
requires special authorization in accordance with the laws of the state involved
Contracting States should ensure that the carriage of weapons in other cases is allowed only
when an authorized and duly qualified person has determined that they are not loaded, if
applicable, and then only if stowed in a place inaccessible to any person during flight time.
Contracting States should ensure that the PIC is notified as to the number of armed persons
and their seat locations
Each Contracting State shall ensure that pre-flight checks of originating aircraft assigned to
international flights include measures to discover suspicious objects or anomalies that could
conceal weapons, explosives or any other dangerous devices.
Measures Related to Passengers and their Cabin Baggage
Each Contracting State shall ensure that adequate measures are taken to control transfer and
transit passengers and their cabin baggage to prevent unauthorized articles from being taken
on board aircraft engaged in international civil aviation operations.

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Each Contracting State shall ensure that there is no possibility of mixing or contact between
passengers subjected to security control and other persons not subjected to such control after
the security screening at airports have been passed. If mixing or contact does take place, the
passengers concerned and their cabin baggage shall be re-screened before boarding an
Each Contracting State shall establish measures to ensure that the aircraft operator and the
PIC are informed when passengers are obliged to travel because they have been the subject
of judicial or administrative proceedings, in order that appropriate security measures can be
Each Contracting State should require operators providing service from that state, to include
in their security programmes, measures and procedures to ensure safety on board their
aircraft when passengers are to he carried who are obliged to travel because they have been
the subject of judicial or administrative proceedings
Measures Relating to Checked Baggage, Cargo and Other Goods
Each Contracting State shall establish measures to ensure that operators when providing
service from that State do not transport the baggage of passengers who are not on board the
aircraft unless the baggage separated from passengers is subjected to other security control
Measures Relating to Access Control
Each Contracting State shall establish procedures and identification systems to prevent
unauthorized access by persons or vehicles to:

The air side of an airport serving international civil aviation, and

Other areas important to the security of the airport

Management of Response to Acts of Unlawful Interference

Operational Aspects of an Act of Unlawful Interference
Each Contracting State shall take adequate measures for the safety of passengers and crew
of an aircraft which is subjected to an act of unlawful interference until their journey can be
Each Contracting State responsible for providing ATS for an aircraft which is subject to
unlawful interference shall collect all pertinent information on the flight of that aircraft and
transmit that information to all other states responsible for the ATS units concerned.

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Each Contracting State shall provide such assistance to an aircraft subjected to an act of
unlawful interference, including:

The provision of navigation aids


Permission to land as may be necessitated by the circumstances

Each Contracting State shall take measures, as it may find practicable, to ensure that an
aircraft subjected to an act of unlawful seizure which has landed in its territory is detained on
the ground unless its departure is necessitated by the overriding duty to protect human life,
A Contracting State in which an aircraft subjected to an act of unlawful interference has
landed shall notify by the quickest means the State of Registry of the aircraft and the State of
the operator of the landing. Other relevant information shall be transmitted to:

The State of Registry and the State of the operator

Each state whose citizens suffered fatalities or injuries

Each state whose citizens were detained as hostages

Each Contracting State whose citizens are known to be on board the aircraft


Annexes and Documents Relating to Aviation Security

Document 4444 and Annexes 2, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, and 14 all contain further information
regarding aviation security.
Annex 2
Any aircraft that is being subjected to unlawful interference shall endeavour to:

Notify the appropriate ATS unit of this fact

Inform the ATS of any significant circumstances

Notify any deviation from the current flight plan necessitated by the above

This is to ensure that the ATS unit gives priority to the aircraft and minimizes any risk of
conflict with other aircraft.
The following procedures are intended as guidance for use by aircraft when unlawful
interference occurs and the aircraft is unable to notify an ATS unit of this fact.

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Procedures if the Aircraft is Unable to Notify an ATS Unit

Unless considerations on board dictate otherwise:

The PlC should attempt to continue flying on the assigned track and at the
assigned cruising level, until

An ATS can be notified, or, the aircraft is within radar coverage

Where the aircraft must depart from its assigned track or level without being able to make
radio contact with ATS, the PlC should, whenever possible:

Attempt to broadcast warnings on the VHF emergency frequency and any other
appropriate frequencies, unless circumstances dictate otherwise

Other equipment such as on board transponders, data links etc should also be
used, conditions permitting

Proceed in accordance with the applicable special procedures for in-flight

contingencies, where such procedures have been established and promulgated

If there is no applicable regional procedure, proceed at a level which differs from

the cruising levels normally used for IFR flight:

300 m (1000 ft) if above FL 290, or

150 m (500 ft) if below FL 290

Annex 6
In all aeroplanes the flight crew compartment door should be capable of being locked from
within the compartment
Aeroplane Search Procedure Checklist
An operator shall ensure that there is on board a checklist of the procedures to be followed in
searching for a bomb in case of suspected sabotage. The checklist shall be supported by
guidance on the course of action to be taken should a bomb or suspicious object be found,
Training Programmes
An operator shall establish and maintain a training programme that enables crew members to
act in the most appropriate manner to minimize the consequences of acts of unlawful

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An operator shall also establish and maintain a training programme to acquaint appropriate
employees with preventative measures and techniques in relation to:







Supplies intended for carriage on an aeroplane

so that they contribute to the prevention of acts of sabotage or other forms of unlawful
Reporting Acts of Unlawful Interference
The PIC should submit a report to the designated local authority.
Annex 14

Isolated Aircraft Parking Position

An isolated aircraft parking position shall be designated or the aerodrome control tower shall
be advised of an area or areas suitable for the parking of an aircraft which is known or
believed to be the subject of unlawful interference, or which for other reasons needs isolation
from normal aerodrome activities.
The isolated aircraft parking position should be located at the maximum distance practicable
and in any case never less than 100 m from other parking positions, buildings or public areas.
Care should be taken to ensure that the position is not located over underground utilities such
as gas and aviation fuel and, to the extent feasible, electrical or communication cables
Document 4444

Control of Taxiing Aircraft

An aircraft known or believed to be the subject of unlawful interference or which for other
reasons needs isolation from normal aerodrome activities shall be cleared to the designated
isolated parking position. Where such an isolated parking position has not been designated,
or if the designated position is not available, the aircraft shall be cleared to:

A position within the area or areas selected by prior agreement with the
aerodrome authority

The taxi clearance shall specify the taxi route to be followed to the parking

The route shall be selected with a view to minimizing any security risks to the
public, other aircraft and installations at the aerodrome

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