Design, Implementation, and Sustainability of Physical Therapy in A Comprehensive Oncology Survivorship Program

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Online Educational Session

Spring 2015

Design, Implementation, and Sustainability of Physical Therapy in a

Comprehensive Oncology Survivorship Program

Presenter: Reyna Colombo PT, MA

Date: Thursday, May 21, 2015

Time: 12:00-13:00 (EST)

Password: SPRING2015

Recorded Session Link:
The session will be recorded so if you are not able to view it at the scheduled time, a link will be posted
on the WCPT website two days following this presentation so that you may view the video recording.

Session Information:
Purpose: The purpose of this presentation is to describe the development and implementation of a
physical therapy program within Hospital-based Comprehensive Oncology Program using the
Administration, Education & Communication model, and to evaluate its financial sustainability.

Upon completion of this presentation, the audience will be able to:
Describe the key behaviors to assist in integrating their practice into an oncology program
Expand the focus of physical therapy intervention into screenings and survivorship
Learn about organization's mission and goals regarding population management
Monitor success Collect metrics, develop dashboard/graph
Leverage existing expertise, involve staff in research
Support your professional association and partner with universities
Lobby to your government and regulators for PT to be an active participant within strategic
population management programs within oncology
Evaluate opportunities and limitations within your current environment or practice area

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