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Robert Renehan


Cherry Blossom

A strong wind blew throughout the land of the red sun. The powerful wind seemed to touch
everything in the land. But even after all that it touched, it seemed to focus on a particular cherry
blossom tree. The wind had blown all of the leafs off of this beautiful tree except one. This leave
resisted the wind with all its might. It didnt want to fall.

I heard my named from one of the samurai and I instantly awoke from my daze. I looked
around the castle with my one right eye unsure of where I was. But after seeing the ten samurai
surrounding me and the man sitting far away I knew. I also remembered why I was here.
Takashi! Get up now!
I looked at the samurai who was yelling orders to me. I weakly obeyed his demands. This
samurais name was Hiro-matsu. He was a tall and very strong man for his age. His age
however remained visible throughout his face. Wrinkles and other age marks scattered across
his face. He was the leader of these samurai. Our families had once been great allies for many
years. I knew that this was no longer the case. The reason why I was here, what I had done,
ruined that. Hiro-matsu looked at me fiercely and barked Our Lord Toranaga wishes to see you
He and the nine other samurai started to escort me to where Toranaga was sitting. As I
started to walk fear struck me like a bolt of lightning. I started panicking. This isnt fair I
screamed within my mind. I did nothing wrong! The fear started to transform into dread and
regret as I got closer to Toranaga. My karma is catching up with me. I should have obeyed Hiro-

matsus commands that night. I couldnt think straight. A thousand voices were screaming in my
head, all of which were trying to demand my attention.
Takashi bow to our master! yelled Hiro-matsu.
I stood there for a moment contemplating my options. My hand unconsciously went to my
katana. Could I take out these ten samurai who stood before me and escape?.. No I cant. Its
useless to resist, I would be killed instantly. My resistance would only bring more shame to my
clan. As if I hadnt already brought them enough. More importantly I would shame father...Father
if only you were still alive. Surely you could save me from this predicament. Hiro-matsu and
Toranaga loved you; they would do anything for you. You could talk to them, explain my action,
you could save me. Its useless. I took my hand off my sword and bowed to my lord Toranaga. I
thought to myself in despair. Im sorry Midori. I began to return to my daze again. Trying to relive
the actions I took that brought me here.

Takashi! I gave you an order!

I said no Hiro-matsu!
Everything around us was on fire, houses, people, horses, but most importantly my house.
Midori was in there! I had to save her!
Let me save my wife shes still in there, I beg of you Hiro-matsu! Once I save her Ill chase
down the people responsible for this terrible fire, you have my word.
I said no, you coward! We must chase these men down now.Toranaga may be in danger.
I pulled my katana out in frantic desperation.
If you dont let me save her ill have to hurt you.
You filthy ronin! How could you dishonor your father like that? He was a great man. Hiro-matsu
I dont care about honor. I have to save my wife!

I made a slash for Hiro-matsus head. He swiftly dodged the blow, took out his blade and
slashed my left eye. The pain was excruciating. I fell to the ground. I felt blood pour down my
face. I could no longer see out of my left eye. Then Hiro-matsu stood over me and shouted
I would finish you now if I wasnt so fond of your father. Your father was a samurai. You are
nothing. Just a filthy ronin. You disgust me! He spat into where my left eye had formerly resided
and ran off to hunt down those responsible for the fire.

I woke up to the smell of burning flesh and screams from inside houses that were on fire. I
quickly remembered my mission, save Midori. I ran to our house as fast as I could, trying to
withstand the pain of my left eye. After what felt like an eternity I reached the house. I bust the
door and entered the flames. I looked around trying to see through the smoke. I saw no one. I
felt an incredible wave of relief wash over me. Maybe she escaped. Then I heard
I saw Midori in the corner of a room buried under debris. She looked up at me and her face was
almost unrecognizable. All of her hair had burnt off and most of the skin on her face had melted
off. But I saw her beautiful eyes. They were one of the only parts of her body that were
untouched by the flames. Her eyes were darker than usual. Its almost as if she knew what
transpired between Hiro-matsu and I. She spoke softly again
I held her in my arms and then after a while she died.

Toranaga stood up and began to speak calmly.

Ill let you commit seppuku like a samurai, only because your father was a great ally and a very
close friend. However I will not allow anyone to second you. You behaved like a ronin and
dishonored your family. That is your punishment Takashi.

After hearing his words I was starting to accept my fate. It was karma. I disobeyed so I deserved
punishment. But I dont regret it. Even if I couldnt save Midori it was at least worth it to be with
her in her final moments. She didnt die alone. Maybe Ill see you in my next life Midori. I stood
up calmly. I took out my katana and took a deep breath. I felt my heart slow and all I could hear
was a great wind. I sliced open my stomach. My innards hit the stone floor and I fell to my
knees. After a while I didnt feel the pain. Everything became bright and I saw her, my wife
Midori, and all of her beauty before that terrible fire.

The wind grew stronger. That one leaf could no longer fight. It gave in and let the wind take it.
The wind took it many places, beaches, deserts, forests, even unknown planets. Then it
reached its final resting place, in the pool of blood of a brave noble samurai. He was no ronin.
The leaf was forever stained.

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