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By Bryant Bastida
Period 3

Basic information about WWI

The role of Militarism that caused the war was that the Europeans were
competing for colonies, which created imperial tensions.

The role of Alliances that caused the war was countries agreed with
each other to help out if they ever got attacked.
The role of Imperialism that caused the war was that there was a race
for remaining territories after 1880, which also created tension.
The role of Nationalism that caused the war was that Germany and Italy
had recently become independent countries.
The Triple Alliances were Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy, and the
Triple Entente were France, Russia, and great Brittan.

The Zimmerman Telegram is a document that made the United States

join the war.

The Western Front

The Western Front was a trench that was from Belgium to France.
The purpose of the trench was so that the soldiers can protect
themselves from the enemy's small arms.
The phrases he wrote about were terrifying because he had very
little space to move in that trench, and the area around him was
mostly destroyed.

The weapons they used in the war

1.Chemical gases
The Germans were the first to use gas as a warfare. The gas was
used to make the soldiers panic, but to also kill them. They used
tearing gases, poisonous gases, and blistering gas. The blistering
gas would cause you to have blisters as soon as it makes contact
with your skin, it can also cause blindness and make your lungs
They used heavy and light machine guns. The British had a gun
that couldve been broken down to two pieces so that they would
be able to transport faster. They had a variety of guns; big or

The Europeans used tanks that weight 6.5-32
tons. They were able to transport faster. Some
tanks can hold as much as 16 people and as little
as 2.
They used trenches to shelter and to protect benefit them through the small
5. Artillery
an Artillery is a large military weapon that has a
long range. This was useful because they could of
aimed far and make more damage. The range was
as far as 13 yards. The artillery's shell weighed
about 28 to 2000 pounds.

To make peace
The treaty of Versailles was designed to make peace with
The three goals they hoped to achieve was to make peace with
Germany, to prevent global conflicts, and to create the league of
The league of nations were created because to Protect the
territorial integrity of other member states, and to dispute
threatened war .

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