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World History Review for World War I, the Russian Revolution, and the Rise of

1. What were the background causes (long term causes) of World War I?
Militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism, assassination of Archduze
Franz Ferdinad
2. What alliance systems existed before World War I? Who was allied with who?
Britain, France, and Russia allied together and
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman Empire allied together
3. What was the event that sparked World War I?
Assassination of Archduze Franz Ferdinad
4. What is no mans land?
The land between the two trenches
5. What does it mean when someone was going over the top?
They were going to go over to the other side to fire
6. What was some new technology used during World War I?
Tanks, flamethrowers, airplanes, poison-gas, machine guns, artillery,
7. What were some common objectives of wartime propaganda?
Patriotic appeal, name calling, demonization,
8. Who were the Central Powers during World War I?
Central powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire
9. Who were the Allies during World War I?
Allies: Britain, France, Russia,
10.Why was 1917 a critical year for World War I?
Russia drops out of the war due to problems (revolution), Germans could
concentrate on western fronts,
11.What caused the United States to enter World War I?
The sinking of the Lusitania
12.What is total war?
A war that is unrestricted in terms of the weapons
13.How was World War I total war?
They used all they wanted like poison gas and submarines
14.What was Woodrow Wilsons peace plan called?
Treaty of Versailles
15.Who were the Big Four?
Woodrow Wilson, David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau, Vittorio
Emanuele Orlando
16.What did Germany lose as a result of the Treaty of Versailles?
They lost territorial, military, and money
17.Why is it often said that the Treaty of Versailles helped cause World War II?
Because it was the cause that caused Germans to get enraged with anger
and made Germans take all the blame
18.What is communism?
is a socioeconomic system structured upon the common ownership of the
means of production and characterized by the absence of social classes,
money, and the state; as well as a social, political and economic ideology
19.Who was Vladimir Lenin?
Lenin was a Russian communist revolutionary

20.Who was Josef Stalin?

Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union
21.What was the name of an emperor in Russia?
Tsar Nicholas II
22.What is an autocrat?
A ruler who has absolute power
23.What problems did the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-05 expose in Russa?
Corrupt, inefficiency, and oppressive
24.What was Bloody Sunday in Russia?
1905 October General strikes sweeps Russia
25.What changes were made in government as a result of Bloody Sunday?
A constitution was created
26.Why did World War I go badly for Russia?
Because they lacked war supplies
27.Who was Rasputin?
Mystic healer
28.Why was Nicholas II a bad tsar?
Did not know how to support his people and send them to war with no
29.What was the Bolsheviks slogan?
Peace, Bread, and Land
30.What were the results of the civil war in Russia in 1919?
The death of the Tsar family execution, mistrust on the west, and communist
31.What name was Russia known as after the Communist government took
32.What is totalitarianism?
A political system in which the state holds total authority over the society and
seeks to control
33.What factors allowed for the rise of dictators in Europe after World War I?
34.Who was Benito Mussolini?
Was an Italian and leader of the National Fascism
35.Who was Adolf Hitler?
The leader of the Nazi Party
36.What is fascism?
A dictatorship
37.How did Mussolini and Hitler appeal to the people?
With speeches, and rallies
38.How do dictators control the people?
With terror and secret police

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