4-21-15 Meeting Minutes

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Clairemont High School Foundation Meeting

April 21, 2015

CHS #105 , 7:30pm
Board: Nevin Kleege (President), Colleen Kleege (Vice President), Paula Cunningham (Treasurer), Jim Fletcher
(Staff Liason)
Guests: Lori Bale, Lynne Bonenberger, Mark Colombo, Deanne Currigan, Manny Diaz, Tina Dimalanta, Heidi
Fulton, Chris Herndon, Alex Kunkel, Patty Moreau, Taletha Suitts
Call to order: Colleen Kleege called meeting to order at 7:31
Introductions were made by all those present
Foundation Business:
Treasurers Report: Paula Cunningham gave the treasurers report. $300 had been collected for Mr.
Knights Scholarship Fund (SEE ATTACHED).
Scholarships to seniors: PTSA would prefer to wait until next year to combine scholarship efforts since
eligibility to apply was contingent upon membership and the Foundation wanted to make the scholarship
available to all graduating seniors. It was suggested that the Foundation donate money to Mr. Knights
Memorial Scholarship.
Spring Fling Debrief: Event was a success from an organizational standpoint. Will repeat event with a
more comprehensive plan of securing attendance.
Upcoming Events:.
Star Party 4/24: Taletha Suitts has volunteered the cheer squad to provide food and beverages as a
fundraiser. The possibility of rain may prohibit the set-up of telescopes. Plans will go forward. Deanne
Currigan wanted to know who was sponsoring/organizing the Star Party. Lynne Bonnenberger explained
that it was being sponsored by several organizations, with considerable support from Mesa College the
Kiwanis, and CHS Foundation.
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Luncheon: Theme: We have an ALL-STAR team of teachers and
staff May 13 at Kleege residence. Dr. Roberson has made it a mandatory professional development day
for all CHS Faculty and Staff. PTSA will partner with Foundation in the organization of the event.
New Business:
Mr. Knight Memorial Scholarship Patty Moreau wanted to know the specifics of how students were
being informed about the scholarship, how they were nominatedFletch explained that he was going
personally to all seniors and letting them know that the nominees were chosen by other seniors based on
their kindness to others and the recipient would receive $1000, to use towards furthering their education in
any field. Mark Colombo and Fletch volunteered to sit on the evaluation board. A motion was made by
Fletch that the foundation would supplement any monies short of the $1000 goal to be collected by
teachers and the CHS community, Paula seconded. Research will be done about tax ramifications of
gifting money to students.
Board Elections: All Board positions are open for nomination. Colleen Kleege would like to run for
president. Other positions, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Working with Student Store Class Mr. Walter approached the Foundation about being a fiduciary agent
for his students so that they could take a product from design to sale on the internet. More research must be
done about district policy and financial responsibility

Next Meeting Date: May 19, 2015 at 7:30pm room 105

Meeting adjourned at 8:32
Minutes recorded by Colleen Kleege, Vice President CHS Foundation

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