Lesson Plan 1

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Lesson Plan #1- Piet Mondrian

Teacher Candidate: Michaela Katz

Date of Scheduled Visit : November 5th 2015
Name/Address of School: Creative Playgroup: 5 east 62nd street
Age Group : Two Years Old
Cooperating Teacher : 2
Room Number : 102
Title of the Lesson : Creating Your Own Piet Mondrian
Brief Description of the lesson : Students will review their
newly obtained information of Piet Mondrian, from that they
will create their own replica of one of his paintings. Through
this activity, they will be able to identify and recognize the
primary colors as well as the shapes, rectangle and squares.
Developmental Focus
Domain 1: Physical Well Being- Fine/Gross Motor: Students will
practice their fine motor skills as they glue the different
construction pieces onto the white piece of paper
Domain 3: Approaches to learning- Persistence and
Attentiveness: Students will remain focused on their artwork
long enough to complete the activity and have all their shapes
glued on
Domain 4: Properties of Ordering: Identify and label shapes/
Classify and Sort objects: Students will be able to identify and
describe the shapes (squares and rectangles) and be able to
create their own patterns with a variety of materials.
Objective(s) After learning about the artist, Piet Mondrian, the
children will be able to
Identify his artwork
Recognize and identify the two shapes: squares and
Recognize and identify the primary colors
Create their own artwork similar to Piet Mondrians
Connection to Standards (if applicable)
P.K. G.1. Students will be able to identify and describe shapes
(squares and triangles)
ARTS. VA E.1. Students will actively engage in the process
that constitutes creation
ARTS VA S 2 Students will know and use a variety of visual arts
materials, techniques and processes.
ARTS V.A. S4 Students will explore art and artifacts from
various historical periods and world cultures to discover the
roles that art plays in the lives of people of a given time and
place and to understand how the time and place influences the

Lesson Plan #1- Piet Mondrian

visual characteristics of art work.
Relevance/Rationale: Through this lesson plan, students will
practice their fine/gross motor skills as they glue and place the
pieces on the paper. They will also be utilizing their cognitive
abilities to recognize and identify the different shapes and
colors in the artwork, as well as the information obtained
about Piet Mondrian.
Time Needed: 10 minutes for discussion, 15-20 minutes for
Instructional Context: The lesson plan will commence with a
reading by the teacher in front of the whole class. Then the
teacher will call a child one by one to work on the project
individually while the rest of the class has free play.
The lesson plan will begin after morning meeting, when
the teacher will introduce and read a book about Piet
Mondrian titled, Coppernickel Goes Mondrian by
Wouter Van Reek
During the reading, the teacher will elaborate on
historical facts and crucial information about Mondrian
and his artwork
The teacher will inform the children that Mondrian paints
merely with shapes and primary colors and uses pieces of
paper tapes to create small rectangles of color.
The teacher will show an example of his work such as the
Composition No. II, with Red and Blue
The teacher will then inform the children that they will be
creating their own paintings similar to Mondrians work
The teacher will have a display of the materials already
on the table, which consists of numerous already cut out
rectangles and squares, long stripes of black construction
paper, a white piece of paper and glue
The teacher will inform the children that she will call over
each child one by one for them to do the activity while
the rest will play in the classroom until its their turn
The teacher then dismisses the students to play and calls
upon the first student
During the activity, the teacher will allow the students to
choose the shapes they want to paste and can begin
constructing their own Mondrian painting
Once all the students have finished the project, the

Lesson Plan #1- Piet Mondrian

teacher will create a title for the artwork and display it on
the wall
The teacher will reflect back to it throughout the week,
refreshing their students minds about Piet Mondrian and
his famous geometric shape paintings.
Resources/Materials Needed
Coppernickel Goes Mondrian by Wouter Van Reek
Pictures of Mondrians Artwork
Cut up black strips of construction paper
Cut up Red, Blue and Yellow construction Paper of
squares and rectangles
White Paper
Room modifications N/A
Plan for differentiated instruction/Instructional modifications:
Students with under developed motor skills will be assisted by
the teacher when using the glue and gluing the pieces onto
the white paper.
Method of assessing childrens growth and learning :
During the lesson, I will question the children about Mondrian
and create a checklists on how much information they have
obtained. I will also provide them with a follow up extension
activity in order to assess their understanding as well as their
ability to sort and classify shapes and colors.
Follow-up/Extension Activities
The next day, I will provide the children with a lego matching
game in order to assess their comprehension on the topic.
After morning meeting, the teacher will instruct their
students to find a seat at the table, where there will
already be laminated paper with an image of one of
Mondrians paintings but displayed with lego pieces
Each table will have legos in the center of the table
The children will be instructed by the teacher to match
the corresponding lego pieces to the legos indicated in
the Mondrian painting
This follow up activity will further expand the childs
knowledge of Piat Mondrians geometric paintings, as
well as their ability to recognize and identify shapes and
Any additional information that would be helpful for the
observer to know:
Observer feedback on the lesson plan, including

Lesson Plan #1- Piet Mondrian

commendations and recommendations for improving aspects
of the learning activity :
Lego Matching Game derived from:

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