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Progress Test

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I. Here are six verbs which collocate with money. Make sentences by matching the phrases 16 to the phrases a-f and i-vi. 5 x 6 = 30 points
1. I earn
packed lunch to work.

a. a ten-pound note

i. by taking a

2. I won

b. four hundred pounds a week

3. I was left

c. ten thousand pounds

4. I found

d. thirty pounds out of my account

5. I took

e. five pounds a day

v. on the lottery.

6. I save
and Ive spent it all already!

f. a million pounds

vi. this morning

ii. when my aunt

iii. in the street.
iv. plus overtime.

II. Complete these sentences with must, mustnt, have to or dont have to. 4 x 10 = 40

1. Theres a funny noise coming from my car. I really................. take it to the mechanic.
2. You really........................ be late again. If you are, you might find yourself looking for
another job!
3. Thank goodness I.................... write in English at work! My spelling is awful.
4. The flights at ten, and we ......................... check-in at least ninety minutes before.
5. If you get the chance, you really ...................... go and see the Van Gogh museum while
youre in Amsterdam.
6. Were having a leaving party for Anne and we want it to be a surprise, so you .....................
tell her.
7. We ...................... be at the hotel by 9.30, otherwise the coach will leave without us.
8. I really.......................... make an appointment at the dentists, its over six months since I
last went.

9. You can come round whenever you like. You ...................... ring first, just turn up.
10. If you want to make sure you get a seat, youll ........................ get there really early. They
usually sell out really quickly.

III. Write about all the problems you can think of that you could have when you go to a hotel.
20 points

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