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Fariha Kazi

Dr. Acord
IB History of Americas
15 May 2015
Annotated Works Cited
Current Events:
Blumberg, Antonia. "Reza Aslan Blasts Bill Maher, Media For 'Unsophisticated' Reporting
On Islam." The Huffington Post., 9 Sept. 2014. Web. 15
May 2015. <>.
This is a current article of an Expert talking about Islam and violence on CNN where he
slams another host of a talk show saying his arguments against Islam are purely
ignorant. This is important because it shows a perfect example of how people in
the U.S think Islam is all about.
Katz, Jonathan M. "In Chapel Hill, Suspects Rage Went Beyond a Parking Dispute." The
New York Times. The New York Times, 03 Mar. 2015. Web. 1 May 2015.
This current event of three students killed in an alleged parking dispute is very important
because Muslims across the United States were alarmed over this situation and are

heartbroken of what has happened in North Carolina. This was in february and
many people have been asking why the man has not been marked as a terrorist.
Robinson, Belinda. "Driver, 43, 'shot Dead Muslim in Random Road-rage Attack'" Daily
Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 01 Mar. 2015. Web. 1 May 2015.
This is another current event of a killing of a Muslim man in Kentucky, apparently the
killer had road rage, but yet this is another example of the media saying the man
had a problem mentally instead of calling him a terrorist.
Primary Sources:
G. "George W. Bush - Address to the Nation on 9-11-01." George W. Bush Address to the Nation on 9-11-01 - The Rhetoric of 9/11. American Rhetoric, n.d.
Web. 15 May 2015.
This source is important because after the tragedy of 9/11, the President George
Bush made a speech immediately of what had happened and how everyone needs
to keep calm and be together.
"Surat At-Tawbah (The Repentance) - ." Surat At-Tawbah [9:71]. The Noble
Qur'an, n.d. Web. 1 May 2015. <>.
This is a direct source from the Holy Quran. This ayyah is about how men and women are
equal, as people in society do think that women in Islamic society are looked
down upon, they are actually given full rights.
X, Malcolm, and Alex Haley. The Autobiography of Malcolm X. New York: Ballantine,
1992. Print.

This autobiography by Malcolm X is very valuable to me because it gives me a perspective

of Islam before the 9/11 tragedy and also it is during the Civil Rights movement
which says a lot. Black Muslims was a huge movement and advocated peace into
their society.

Interview with Expert:

Filiz Arslan who is the head of the Noorans Islamic School in Honolulu HI. She moved
from Turkey to the United States over twenty years ago and has been to different
states. She is familiar with American society and can be beneficial when it comes
to the people we interact with. She wears the hijab.
Q: How do you think 9/11 changed the image on Muslims in American society?
A: We Muslims were a minority group in the USA that no one payed any attention to who
we are, no one cared about what we do or how we practice our religion before
9/11. After 9/11 though it was as if someone put a spot light over us and every bad
action was blamed on all of the Muslims as a result. Neighbors started to raise
eyebrows, became suspicious all of a sudden. Muslims were stamped by the few
bad people's action that called themselves Muslims.
Q: Have any prejudice or discrimination statements been directed towards you?
A: Yes, unfortunately I have been called a terrorist by white Americans a few time. One
incident was in California, San Jose and the other one was in Hawaii, Honolulu
Q: How do you handle false accusations about your religion based on violence or terror
A: People who are ignorant can not process any information you give them in that state of
mind, no matter how true your statements are. First they have to be open to what

you have to say. If they are not willing to listen to what you have to say, just
ignore them, pretend that you did not heard them. If they are willing to listen to
you then you can explain in your words that you don't agree with them and tell
them why. This is how I handle false accusations.
Q: What kind of advice would you give to a Muslim to react to ignorance in a day-to-day
A: I would say there are more positive ways to address ignorance and reacting is not one of
them. This is a matter that one can not handle or resolve by himself. The smartest thing to
do is to find well know organizations that fights against Islamophobia and support them and
follow their advise on how to deal with this matter in a day to day life.
Q: What do you think about the recent hate crimes against Muslims that are swept under the
rug by the media?
A: It is sad to see the media who is selective on their news. It's a deliberate act which is to
use media to control minds. I wish one day we will have our own media sources to
overcome this dilemma and start spread our voices of truth.

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