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Spelling Year 6/7 2015

Each week you will get a list of words that you will need to learn over the week.

You need to write your words into your book and complete the following activities.

1. Write a dictionary definition for each word

2. Put each word into a sentence to show you understand the meaning of the word.

You then need to complete three activities from the list below.


Alphabetize the words


Write the words in REVERSE alphabetical order.


Write a letter to a friend/relative, in proper letter format, using at least 10 of the spelling
words. Underline each word.


Write a short story using all your words.


Write your words adding or subtracting one letter at a time. The result will be a pyramid shape
of words.
Example: home h


Write your word and then write at least 2 words made from each.


Write two words having one common letter so they criss-cross


Divide each word into syllables.


Backwards Words- Write your words forwards, then backwards.

10. Words without Vowels - Write your words replacing all vowels with a line.


Scrambled words -Write your words, then write them again with the letters mixed up.

12. Surround words - Write your words and outline in colors.

13. You are going to write your spelling words two times. First write in regular letters. Then write
the words again in squiggly letters!
14. Write one of your spelling words. Write an acrostic poem for that word. You must also
ILLUSTRATE your poem.

*Example: Fun in the sky.

fly Laps around clouds.
Yes! Im free!
15. Each letter has a value.
*Consonants are worth 10. *Vowels are worth 5.
Write your spelling words. Then add up the value of each spelling word.
said- 10 + 5 + 5 + 10 = 30
16. Draw one shape for each word. Then write your spelling words inside each of the shapes.
17. Write a poem using several of your spelling words. Underline the words that you use. Illustrate
your poem. You can write any type of poem that you like. Enjoy!
18. Write each of your spelling words. Next to each word, write a rhyming word. If necessary,
your rhyming word can be a nonsense word (as long as it follows the same spelling pattern).
*Example: cries tries
19. Write each of your spelling words using fancy letters. Your letters can have curly-qs or dots,
for example. Have fun!
20. Write your spelling words two times each. First, write each word in UPPERCASE letters.
Second, write each word in lowercase letters.
SLIDE slide
21. Write each of your spelling words. Write each letter using a different colored pencil!
22. Draw a picture of a great big flower. Write each of your spelling words on one of the flower
petals or on a leaf. Draw extra flowers if you run out of room.

23. Connect the Dots- Write your spelling words in dots. Then connect the dots by tracing
over them with a colored pencil.

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