RR Class Lesson Plan 3-19-15

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Teacher: Umagat

Room: 2 Grade: K-2

Content: Math
Course: Time/Money
Timeline: 2 Weeks

Standard(s): Measurement and Data

Work with Time and Money
2. MD.C.7 Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes, using a.m.
and p.m.

Lesson Overview:
Telling time

Focus Question(s):
1. Why is time important?
2. What time do you wake up?
3. What time do you eat lunch?
4. What time do you go to bed?

Description of Lesson
Anticipatory Set:

Cooperative groups
Reinforcing effort and Providing recognition
Graphic organizer
Direct instruction
Students will be assigned cooperative groups and given pictures of various daily activities. The
students will need to separate pictures based on when the activity occurs (daytime or nighttime).
They will place the items on a graphic organizer and share it with the class. If the members do not
agree with where a picture should be placed then they will put it in between and discuss why it is
there. (Example: Mary eats dinner early and she says it during the day and Mark eats dinner at night
after the sun goes down).
Direct instruction Pair up students and then show the digital clock. Ask them to explain
what they think it is and its function to each other. Facilitate discussion based on responses
(My mom has one like that on her arm! Okay, what does she use it for?, etc.) Then we
will share as a class.
Provide a digital clock to each pair and ask them to examine it and generate questions
about what they want to know. Answer questions then after start breaking down the parts of
a clock and explain the various parts (hour/minutes) and what each part means.
Identify certain times to work on for the AM and the PM. 8:00AM you must be at school,
9:30AM its time for recess and 2:00PM it is time to go home and 8:00PM it is time to go to
sleep. Facilitate responses If the clock says 9:00AM what does that mean for school?, etc.
When one wakes up would it take hours or minutes?, when you eat for recess should it take
hours or minutes?,
Formative section Review the parts of the clock and ask what each symbol/section
represents (ex: 3:30, what does the 3 represent, what does 30 represent?, etc.)
Provide the student with a personalized graphic organizer (based on parent questionnaire),
time cards and their personalized pictures and have them categorize them in the correct
time slots.

Lesson steps:

Lesson Objective(s):
In this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Identify a clock (digital)
2. Identify parts of a digital clock (hour and minutes)
3. Identify events that happen in the day and at night.





Graphic organizer / Guided questions and responses


Review of vocabulary words / parts of a clock

Independent Practice:

Oral responses / Labeling / Graphic organizer


Prompts when needed




Resources (Textbook
and Supplemental):

Repeated and simplified instruction

Breaks tasks into smaller units
Model lead test
Pre-teach vocabulary
Word bank
Refer to IEP
Actual digital clocks (5)
Flash cards of the parts of the clock
Flash cards with pictures of events done and certain times.
Flash cards of the actual times for these events
Pictures of the student actually performing the tasks.
Completed questionnaire from parents regarding students routine.

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